Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Echo Chamber

Not everyone is experiencing the changes, there are beings who are refractory to change because there is fear because there is a misunderstanding and because there is also a certain form of heaviness of consciousness that is not yet awakened [activated] or will never awake [activate]

Stay in your lane because the first will be the last and the last will be the first

For example, where one is evolving and the other is not evolving, what can you do, nothing, you do nothing because there is nothing you can do, only observe, if you can- spend time away from them, distance yourself away from them as much as you can, we are in current changes, you can only be yourself in this vibration

You cannot be in anyway in the [personal will] to change anyone, because in that moment, you will step back into duality

This is their experience also, whether it ends in tears or you can see where it is going, let it be, let it be, speaking words of wisdom, let it, you can only have one purpose

There will be those who want the light but don’t have any light to give, as long as you have the [creative will] there will be no abandonment from the light source

Many are nervous, many refuse to see the light, its all around you now and this is obvious, be open in the field of consciousness

So, you cannot do anything for the one who isn't ready, it's impossible, otherwise you will fall back into duality yourself and you will suffer a lot, which is the case of many beings today who experienced opening phases and who at the last moment refused the light, temporarily or permanently

The only way to serve, the only way to aid others is to radiate with what you are and let them activate from your light [AU.RA] be an example in this field of light

You are not your br’others keeper

No condition is permanent 

Laoshu [505000]
Moses Monweal McCormick
[3xM] M[W] the symbol for [Electron]

Moses [Mose] to be drawn out
Muwsaa [to be drawn forth] 
Mosheh [Mowshay] Mercy
Thut-mose [Thothmose] born of Thoth [Tehuti]

I wonder who he really was if you get my drift  


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