5D[5G] the fifth generation, ascension status confirmed,
many are already in the 7D, don’t fear the unknown, just do everything out of
lov9 naturally so you can join onto the 5D thread
With every day [cycle] the veil thins for many, its in
waves and waves of consciousness [KAANU], many are going through the Mandela
effect during the enduring shift as we are shifting into places
Those who are sensitive [EMP-ath] sensitive to the
Electro-Magnetic-Pulse are feeling the emotions of the masses, you are doing
what the scriptures says, you are Coming Forth By Day, you are enlightened and
this will bridge the road to greater spirituality and inner peace
The last decade I can remember like it was yesterday, it
was yesterday, from wanting to take the exit ramp without indicating to being
able to reflect on a near impossible view to ‘know myself’ to truly grasp what
has been transpiring within my life with the tests, tri-als that one has
endured, knowing that these last years was to [free] me from the constraints
that once bounded me
These memories that you are holding, that are floating
around must be purged out and all the emotions that are attached to these old
Through this purging we have to remember to accept to
give gratitude for the experience whether good [positive] or bad [negative] and
then release the energy to Nun, to the universe so she can burn that MF out
thus more light-codes can be downloaded for these new dimensions, we are all
going to the same place but the dimensions will be different
The childhood holds the negative charges for many and its
that charge that you must give back to source by accepting, knowing why and
taking out your emotions and being left with the reason for in the reason lies
the message, the experience, the truth, the teaching, its painful but when was
the last time you didn’t feel pain, childhood man you the soul you are today,
made you resilient in areas that you needed strengthening,
The more of the [light-workers] who remember who you are
and why you came here the faster the speed of the energy, the more pressure
gets released, the more that she sends the energy to places around the planet
that then balances out the equation
You are highly sensitive right now, emotional, anything
can set you off, tearful, all and more are the right signs, watch what you are
taking in, in the form of what you are attaching your emotions to, the planet
is shaking from point A to point B to point C to point D, point taken, she is
releasing the pain of a lifetime, ride out the waves because more is incoming
Anything over 7.89hz means life, for thousands of years the planet resided in a low frequency making her a walking zombie, those who could function at 7.89hz were alive while others we deemed zombie
Watch those around you for continual frequency upgrading continues
Rebooting for a number of hours, very poWRA-ful dreams [visions] last night, reSet
take it easy...
Methane releases around the world, it will be the same
human symptoms as CV, so too will ascension symptoms, CV is not just the sun’s
rays or Ultraviolet rays or radiation sickness, CV has mutated and many different
various variations now exist as the suns-viruses have mutated
World-wide Zombie effects coming
Methane was locked [frozen] and with the planet heating
up, Methane is being released, tons around the world
Croatia [Balkans]
Over 100 sinkholes [pot-holes] are formed and will take
Croatia under along with that region, these are not craters but holes, what are
they, vents, what is going to come out of them, water, other beings, the planet
is riddled with holes, near enough a complete sphere in shape
Earthquakes and volcanoes continue
Look at this region, USA is to the right, Indonesia,
Vietnam can be reached to the left, Australia and Zealand is a going to pay a
debt to society, that is a given considering what they have done to the
original people+ and organ trafficking from them and others, Australia can be moved in 1.5hr not millions of years
Its not over, more quakes are coming up
M7 [M8] and M9+ is what we are looking at
Testing, testing, one-two
Annunaqi modified mercenaries are in Syria [Lyra]
Anything to do with oil [planets blood] immobilises them, Russia bombs them and the USA bombed them a couple weeks back
Arabs in Africa [Alkebulan], they are an invading force
and will be removed, and as a result there will be casualties of war on both
sides, the 9 ethers will be embodied in this war around the 3D world
-this is not your war to fight, fight the right r-evol-ution
[evol-ution] this time
Notice the Indians are the darker ones, since the cast
system and Churchill got involved in Nagalan there has been a direct drive to
delete them, the Hindus of today mean nothing to us, the darker ones still have
Melanin [Kaanu] in them but is useless now, on top of that these darker ones
believe in a ska [sky] daddy, they believe in Christianity, they have lost
their way and may pay with it with their life, sumone is going to take them out
in a bid to rid the planet of religion, the N.W.O wants Islam to takeover,
sh9t, not on the 9 ethers watch for they are the only ones taking over their
planet, these people disengaged with the ancestral energy for sumone called
Jesus, the Muslim and Jesus people will need their [Gods] in ‘their finest
hour’ the 9 ether does not have a [God] they are an extension of [God]
The USA is a 3rd world country right now
Many people in the USA are going to swap places, the only
thing stopping this is the value [consumer value] in paper money that isn’t
backed against anything but consumer confidence, that means you believing in
Banks are closing, PM’s stepping down, small business are
forcibly being closed down, Germany has a volcano right under the capital,
Canary Wharf in London has two fault lines running right underneath and France
is collapsing due to being built over mining tunnels, Europe and many more places
there and around the world are slowly, rapidly collapsing, the NHS staff get 1%
pay-rise and a clap and a pat on the back, job well done, you know what is going on, but do they
Bum Bandit
This is why the world [not planet] must be destroyed, for
those who say, they are human and have feelings, -go with them
Sodom and Gomorrah was crushed before and will be crushed again
Pinocchio(s) nose got bigger every time he lied until he poked the eye out of his master maker
Pink, Red and in places Purple
Seen mainly by the USA and South America and is not
NI.BIRU, 8 satellites also travel with NI.BIRU
There are crafts covering the multi-dimensional portal
the sun, there are crafts covering the Sah [Orion] portal and there are crafts
over the four corners of the planet and are over places of interest, whether we
see crafts days before an event or after, whether you see a craft above a
volcano just before it erupts means nothing because they were always there,
when you sleep craft crews monitor the skies and have been since they assembled
This is a 24hr operation
Just one of the 72,000+ crafts that have assembled in
this soul-ar system
From Hungary, UK and the USA, think geography where these places are
The four corners of this planet are covered
the people in the street are taking these images around the world everyday
Back headlights of a huge craft
The NASA camera goes offline with whatever is going on up there, Blue life force [Electron] energy is in space and filters down into the crown of the planet and looks like the next set of images
Look at the electron [6] running down, hitting the ley-lines [power lines] of the planet
Battle star-galactica [UK]
My favourite craft image in a long time has posted by Sir Anthony Bonnie Costello aka ABC its easy has one, two, three
Look at the shape of this craft, show this to sumone who will sh9t themselves [keeps them on their toes] huge [MF] craft, just parked up, tons of beings inside bored shit-less waiting for this monkey sh9t to kick off, in sum cases they are already on the ground in open fields camping, having a BBQ, walking around, all governments can see them on radar and there is nothing that they can do, whoever took this picture they knew you took this picture, they also know that you are conscious
They read AU.RA not verbal language
Taken over the USA, the east coast, where the Bermuda triangle is, which is online, can you see the MIR [MER] MARE (pyramid) is just below those crafts
Using the word phen-omen-on and amazing, or weird, or
strange doesn’t really answer the question, nothing is random or coincidence
Filling our minds with jargon words that will take you
nowhere, man calls these anti-crepuscular, crepuscular rays, when this is a one
off, no-one has ever seen this happen before but you have named them, when you
read the definition, this makes no sense at all
Light beams that seem to be scattered by clouds in front
of the setting sun appeared to re-converge behind the horizon
These are striking photos that are being shared of the
unusual astronomical display, a bizarre ptahway created by a combination of
sunrays casing from over the horizon
Look at them individual rays, you have never seen a
display like this, the rays are not being broken up by the clouds
Although the Sun’s rays strike the Earth almost parallel
to one another, we see them appear to come from [a point] because at a
distance, parallel lines have converged, like railway lines disappearing over
the horizon, in sum cases, they were almost covering the entire sky
These rays that appear when parallel soular beams are
redirected and appear to diverge, these beams cover on the horizon at exactly
180 degrees from the [place where the beams appear to come from]
Man can give us fancy words, label words without true
definition, all light must have a source from which it came
The key to understanding this effect is to break out of
the programming that hinders comprehension
There are thousands of pictures showing how sunlight
comes down through cloud-cover at a variance of converging angles
The area of convergence is of course the Sun, and is
clearly not millions of miles away, but rather relatively close to Earth just
above the clouds, the Sun is under the dome, the Sun is much closer and smaller
than you have been told
Most of popular western cosmology is a lie, blatantly
Those aren’t beams, those are giant rays, sunrays, Re(s)
rays coming from a bigger Sun, all roads lead home
This image reminds of me of a city and its skyscrapers
-the spirit world is behind the sun and NI.BIRU, there is a new horizon on the horizon
The internet is full of Ashtar Command off-spring, people
calling themselves light-workers with blue-eyes and no KAANU in them but sone
realistic, you would if you were being streamed to by one of the Ashtar Command,
don’t get me wrong there are also Psy-Op’s beings in the 9 ether, the internet
is filled with them, use discernment
Tree’s vascular system exposed after a lightning strike
[Plasma hitting carbon]
Yemen [Yeman] is from Yemaya [Orisha]
If NASA or NSA really show you what is on Lahmu [Mars] many would sh9t themselves
Although we see the Neter (Annunaqi) sum times in basic
format in their depictions, there is more to the images
Seshat, her translates, to write, Sesh measures time and
space, Sesh is the counterpart to [Thoth] Tehuti, who is MaStar of divine words
and sacred writings, Te-huti is teaching her the ways, for Thoth(s) other name
is Wawawet [Wabwawit], which translates Opener of the ways
Seshat is seen in images at the Seti(s) I [Iy] (temple,
house, isle, coast, adobe) in Abydos and what she herself symbolises is sacred
Geometry, Mathematics and the overstanding of the energetic architecture and
patterning of the structural form that flows in nature, what is the core
knowledge that Te-huti possess
Its what Seshat also holds in her hands besides writing
She wears the Leopard skin that you find only worn by the
high Sem(s) [priests] during dynastic times- indicating their level of
achievement, wisdom, knowledge, strength, and here we have Seshat, the
benchmark, the standard being set by an elite female member, Supreme Being and
she is Femi9
Sem [Semu] translates, a listener, a hearer [tone
healer], Seshat illustrates a world in which the female is worth her weight in
Nub [gold], for she is placed in-front of her counterpart, the male, for it is
she that is the first teacher to the HuMin species, the KHMT regarded the
female has a primary
Now the leaf-ish that Seshat wears within her headdress,
this is the flow-ering of form within the container of the Bow, this Bow also
takes the form of the antlers or horns that are giving birth to the physical
form from above, from the stars of the primordial waters, this is the
electromagnetic umbrella
Everything alive flows in these same natural patterns– as
above and so below
In the other pictures you see her inkwell, known as the scribe’s inkwell, you will notice that the fine detail on this inkwell shows Shen symbols that represent the infinite nature of her function
Shen translates Eternity and Symmetry and perfection
She is a time keeper in a physical reality that consists of vibrating, breathing waveform, Semu doesn’t mean, forgive me father for I have sinned, listener, hearer, they deal with frequencies, tones, vibration, waveform, acoustics
We measure time from our observance of the cycling sun and stars
For time and space can only be measured when we are pulsing with electro-magnetic life-force, which is the heartbeat of all that breaths in a physical universe
Everything is connected and interconnected
'Oldest star chart'
The oldest image of a star pattern, that of the famous
constellation of Sah [SA.HU] (Orion) in Ivory, with a man who would be Asaru not sum Greek ancher, the Albino Greeks are not even here at this time, and is at least 32,000 years old, so
we have a figure of around 30,000 years old
The Venus of Brassempouy modern day French meaning la
Dame de Brassempouy, meaning Lady of Brassempouy, or Dame à la Capuche, Lady
with the Hood is a fragmentary ivory figurine, apparently broken from a larger
figure at sum time unknown
Discovered in a cave at Brassempouy, France in
Hood is her or his hair which is braided
Muurs where there after and before
One of the earliest known realistic representations of a HuMin
face given the date around 25,000 years ago, Europe was still in its ice-age
which they only came out of around 10,000 to 3,000 years ago, so this image is
that of sumone who was from Alkebulan [Africa]
Carved from a fragment of mammoth [Ivory] tusk, interpreted
as a wombman based on the feminine shape of the chin and her or his hair
alongside the craving is this fertility stone doll who Venus [you know who Venus is-see posts before]
Of course, the oldest library, date, constellation and more+ can be found on the oldest people on this planet
Symbols are barcodes
These are not just facial features or just tribal
markings- body art, sum people were marked so that others would recognise them
when they reincarnated again and sum are for those who achieved other
dimensions, realms, expanses and sum are of constellations- where they are from
or where they have been to, the head is a satellite, their skin is ether, a metallic exoskeleton
Check HuMins [HuMans] for scale against doorway
Fully grown Lion [Lyra] Akur on lead and fully grown Giraffe
Fully grown Ostrich and
Cheetah on a Lead
Nubia people aka Sudanese all coming under the Kush
[Cush] people
There are more MARE(s) in Sudan than KHMT
SHE.BA [Sheba] is a region that had 12 x 12 [144,000]
tribes and that Queen [Negusti] is called Makeda [Makada]
Giants once roamed the planet and giants will once again
roam this planet
[Left foot always first]
Martial arts, wrestling
Aset and Atheer [Hathor] both wear the Bull crown, a wombman not only breastfeeds her children but she nurtures the whole world with her wisdom, this is seen in the statue of Aset and Heru of ancient Tama-Re [KHMT] of the seat wombman breastfeeding her child, not only symbolizes a wombman, but wears the horn of the Bull, so she takes on the role of wombman and man or a symbol of Atheer and Re
Now being seen in the four corners of the planet [one
Dimensions are merging into one, three suns (sons) are on the horizon
Nemesis and
NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]
Starting point
Before time as you know it was logged beings existed in
and out of this dimension, worlds existed; planets were inhabited by
intelligent beings, who all lived in their own time zones, based on their
locations in this vast boundless universe(s)
Each place is in itself the place or origin of time, as
in the word then which becomes past and present simultaneously
These are agreeable and disagreeable beings
This was a system that was very similar to that presently
on Earth, called the chain of existence that existed
Whereas, stars burnt out, planets died, and beings had to
seek residence in other star systems
Often times the beings redeveloped new survival tactics,
eating habits, and even genetic alterations and manipulations to make it
possible for the beings to exist in environments unsuited for our biological
existence, the beings- often at times had to alter environments, create
climates and season
Often times, the survival of one being, meant the
extinction of another, one of these, such star systems housed Rizq, a planet in
the 19th galaxy, the 8th planet of a three sun-system, which was inhabited by
the Rizqiyians; also called Neteraat translation Supreme beings, guardians,
providers and were also referred to has the Annunaqi
The three suns of this planet Rizq, were known in time by
three different names, the most common being: Atum, Atun and Amun, referred to
as the Re-Ra (rays) the Sumerians call them Utu, Afsu and Shamash
When this planet was visited by disagreeable beings, from
a dying star they were welcomed into this great empire, those that welcomed
them were called Neter the Sumerians called them Anutu or the Anunnaki [Annunaga] Annunaqi
Neteru the U on the end is the infinite form, meaning
Supreme, the root in ancient Hieratic is Na Ta Ra, Neteru-Natara-Nature, means,
a guardian, a protector, one who looks out for others, its simply a Tama-re-an [Egiptain]
Egyptian way of saying an European word for God
The Femi-nine of which is Netert, and masculine is Neter,
plural is Netertaat and Neteraat
There is a Star Wars going on with the agreeable and the
disagreeable, this resulted in the destruction of the shield that protected
The Guardian, providers of this soular system, Draco
System prepared great crafts called NI.BIRU, many sizes-Sumerian word-Ashuric Nabara
is; to raise, to elevate, to go up, creates an orb giving the impression of a
globe or planet structure, multi-dimensional, to scout the universe in search
for a precious metal called Zawhab (Gold) [Nub] that could be changed into dust
and create a shield to protect the dying planet Rizq
One scout, mission resulted in a tremendous crash into a
planet called Maldek or Vulcan, which was inhabited by the Maldekians, or
Troglodytes, who are the reptilians, this event caused the killing of most of
the beings, leaving only the military and warriors alive
Another planet was crashed into by NI.BIRU, a distant
planet in the 18th galaxy called Tiwawaat, the Sumerians called it Tiamat, the
Egiptians called it Ta, and today we call it Earth
The reptilians originally escaped from Maldek- Vulcan and
took residence here millions of years before the crash, built great cities
beneath the waters, they are aquatic, they were sea dwellers
The planet was a void and it was dark, the waters were
deep, the half exploded again to form the asteroid belt, the Neter became
guardians of this damaged planet until such time as to repair it-only to
discover that the precious metal that they were looking for was present, they
could transport it home to Rizq
The first crash by NI.BIRU is referenced the Big Bang, no
sone although they call the Big Bang a theory, contact is a reality, as the
sperm hitting the ovum, though, the human ear can’t hear it, it is a big bang
to microscopic existing entities
The Big Bang is recorded Nuqta which translates dot
When positive and negative charges clash, though you
don’t hear it, it is a big bang to minute energy, so in actuality the Big Bang
is a reality
Its just another ‘Big Bang’ as an incident that occurs
and re-occurs
There is more than one Big Bang, as things come into
existence, or where things become sum thing’s, the sum of a thing, a thing
would need another thing to bang into to have a Big Bang
Their problem is, comprehending matter [NWN] and
antimatter [NWNT] as the things that clash to bring about, alternate things
Many Big Bangs, there were others, this incident was not
at the very beginning of all things, but in the beginning of an on-going event
As you know, this planet Earth is just one of many in
this soular system and even less important in the universe
It is naïve to think that no other intelligent life
exists in the boundless universes, except here on the seventh planet in, third
planet from the sun
The Earth is very precious, she is not the first, she is
only one of a few water planets in the cosmos that is able to handle such complex
life, she is of strong character for she holds all of us, Plant, Animal and HuMin
[HuMan] Kingdoms
NI.BIRU 3600
The earlier collision between NI.BIRU (Neutron Star) and
Earth (Tiamat, sphere of Water) meant that the genetic compatibility between the
two was assured
They are an elite race of beings who came from the 8th
planet RIZQ in the 19th Galaxy ILLYUWN; they travelled through this galaxy by
way of a planet ship, StarStation, named NI.BIRU, the Mother ship
Nibiru was originally on a 25,920-year orbit called AAMS
which was the distance from RIZQ to the planet Earth, since the Annunaqi
relocated to (SA.HU) Orion, it would now take them 3,600 earth years to travel
to earth, this new orbit is called a SHAR [NI.BIRU came out of SAHU to get
3600 = 3600 seconds in an hour
The Annunaqi where sent out on a mission to find
different minerals; gold, plutonium, uranium+
They mined several planets (bases still active) in this
soular system including Mars (LAH.MU) and Earth (Tiamat), so sume of the
Annunaqi were involved in the gold mission, sum came to earth, and sum are the
wise elders the Dinneer, that advises through the IGIGI, stayed in and manned
The Annunaqi were acting as intermediaries between earth
and NIBIRU, they stayed in Earth’s orbit because they were to deliver the
processed gold to the spaceships that would be stored on the dark side of
SHESHQI (the moon) and LAH.MU (Mars)
This is where they constructed and loaded 30-mile-long
cylinder-shaped crafts (Shams) and transported the gold and other resources
back to their home planet RIZQ
The Sumerians were the first to record the presence of
the Annunaqi
144,000 [144hz] earth souls were guiding the StarStations
final position towards the earth, NIBIRU since they got here have been
following protocol with Re and Moonlighting at night
There are multi-dimensional beings that have been leaving
the craft has and when, the earth is being up-graded, dimensions are changing
to accommodate NIBIRU who has the 9D behind it
ANU or Rizqians gave them advanced information on the creation
of the soular system and all the planets in and out of this soular system, they
also taught them how to build great cities, farming and how to build crafts
They had information about the soular systems that
scientist today are only now beginning to figure out
The ancient Sumerians also had records of Primitive
beings the Lulu Amelu or Abd, this is one of the reasons why scientist can’t
explain the real truth about the Homo Sapiens
They spoke of conflicts between the Annunaqi about the
mining, which led to the breeding or cloning from these beings on earth who
were beings covered in fur from other galaxies, and then even the splicing of
genes of one of the Annunaqi by an elite female geneticist called NIN.TI to put
a divine intellect in the beings called Adamites/Adama
And the beat goes on, the pioneer species of beings, the
prime beings have returned, now we will adhere to a new frequency for sum, a
remembered tone for others, tune in to drop out
Only Eloheem and Nibiruans (Annunaqi), no Nephilim at
this time, were astronauts on earth, the reference to the fallen angels are
about the Nephilim and Azzel and is son Samuel, they are fallen angles of light
and are still part of the Annunaqi whose name translates, these beings and
covers over 6,000 different beings alone on NI.BIRU
Sum of the Nephilim are technicians and operators of
scanning and spacecraft equipment, but Nibiruans are all the same, saw and
began sleeping with the daughters [Dogons] of man and out of these forbidden
actions were born the Nephilim giants, it is the Ghibbore or God in flesh that Sargon
aka Nimrud (Nembroth) is first king of mankind and is the accepted linage
Dearly Beloved
HiStory does not start with slavery but will end with
slavery, this is your MyStar-y [Mystery] MyStory and you are the nu-age writers
writing the next chapter in this perpetual cycle called life, electric word
life but I’m here to tell you, there’s sumthing else..
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