Bottomless pit
Bigger picture, tri not to look at that- they just took
drugs, but rather what was their environment, what are their circumstances and
learning lessons, it doesn’t matter your background, our tolerance to life is
different, they say whatever your experience is it does not outweigh your life
Four stories with four different meanings
Attachments and desires
Have you ever been on the beach and seen children
destroy other children’s sand castles and the recipient cries
Its not so much the castle that the child is crying
about but more the achievement of building sum thing
When the waves come in, the waves will ultimately
take the sand out with it, would the child still cry, no he or she wouldn’t
because the child understands why the waves come in
The sand castle is not meant to last forever, nothing
is forever, HuMin [HuMan] beings are no different from the sand castle, one
day, you will all be swept away, you will all have to move onto the next
Sadness and attachments come from ignorance, like the
child not knowing the castle [thing] wasn’t forever
Do you cherish your family, do you have children, do
you love your son, your daughter, your nephew, your niece, your mother, your dad,
what about your dog or cat, cherish them and love them while you can because
one day you will have to let them go..
If you can over-stand this then you will inner-stand
the teachings of the Buddha
A lot of the teachings from the Buddha was about
letting go of attachments and the ego and not walking around greeting everyone
with Namaste
This image is of the Hindu Gurus, all they are doing
is replicating the higher ones from source, the white body paint is from Papa Legba, the Nazareth [Nazaroth] are one of
those tribes who wore locks, these two featured have nothing to do with source
The 6 ether and 9 ether(s) love are completely
different out here
It is very dangerous in this world to be attached to
things, there are those who are attached to material things, their employment,
cars, clothes, even their bodies
Attachments can come in many formats, there are those
that have an attachment to their children
You have to learn how to let it all go, sum of you
hold anger, sum of you hold promises, sum of you hold sh9t from 10 years ago,
you will suffer in the end, which is now
These posts are only for those who are on the
spiritual ptah, for those finalising their soul contracts and for those who
took the red pill
There is nothing wrong with desiring things, desiring
things does cause suffering too, however it is the unfulfilled desires that
causes suffering and these unfulfilled desires are very dangerous
A negative desire is a bottomless pit and causes
attachments, what are negative desires, if you are 40+ you should know by now
what they are for you, whatever it is, it is sumthing that will not bring you
life, and only brings you death, but you still desire whatever it is and you
become attached to whatever it is and this means you suffer
You have or had to learn how to control your desires
out here
Things that you desire that you know is not going to
bring you nothing but suffering, alcohol, A-class, wrong women or man, choices, food,
but you are addicted to it, in a negative way to these desires
When you don’t want to deal with life or your life is
too boring these negative desires come into play, sum things may be a trigger
from sum thing that you may not have wanted to deal with, sum times its just plain and
simple, you’re bored, curiosity killed the cat
Its when you would do anything for these negative
desires that causes the suffering, compromising yourself to obtain whatever it
is because you have no self-control over your negative desires
When you have passion and you are over 30[40] it’s a
very dangerous place to be when you don’t know what your passion is, we all
have passion inside of us
Ask sum one what their passion is and sum say
spiritualty, ask them in what, what is it you want to do in spirituality,
whatever your passion is, is your purpose and if you merge your passion with
your positive desires then BOOMBABY
Kalam in the uploads said that he loved designing
t-shirts, you could feel that in his words, that was his passion right there,
merge the two and you will become fulfilled
Desires are not a bad thing or a good thing, its your
passion that is the driving force, wanting sum thing is not a bad thing, its how
you obtain it, the 3D world that you reside in teaches you how to become
I had a desire to sleep with 6-ether women that had
black hair and brown eyes, when I was in Italy or Ireland they would be
everywhere and I would walk around with an erection, I had slept with Indian,
Arabic and Oriental, Italian black-haired women but not black-haired Irish
When I would I see an Irish black-haired woman, I
would become weak and this was the same effects has Superman and Kryptonite and
no matter how I tried I could not obtain that desire, I used to wonder if
Lillith was sending them to me, testing me, in the last 4 years I came really
close but the two I had selected were emotionally imbalanced, sum thing that
eluded me but for a reason
Its no longer a desire because of that experience and
am grateful for all the others that I had slept with, it was all sexual and
nothing more because all was based on their avatar
This 3D world teaches you how to always want, want and
want, the 3D world is constantly pushing on you to take and want, in basic
Economics it is supply and demand, now its just supply, supply
Women with butt implants and breast implants who doesn’t
think she can be loved for who she is, a man who has to drive this car or wear
this brand because he doesn’t think he can be himself, women that will say I’
am a woman and don’t know the true meaning to what it is to be a real woman or
for him to be a real man, low self-esteem and low expectations of themselves,
sum of you are too self-conscious of yourself to accept yourself for who you
When they give you the stimulus check, sum of you are
about to blow all of it, two things, one is you are being watched and two, this
will be your reparations payment, many of you have forgotten that we are in
reSet and this planet is surrounded, everyone is being watched [read]
Be smart or you will end up like a fart- in the wind,
stock-markets have crashed, there is sum virus on the planet and they are
giving you check after check, this is a test, watch yourself and check yourself
Attachments come from ignorance and that is simply not
knowing what is real and what is not real, thats all, what is an asset and what
is a liability [if your 30 and over you better know what the difference is]
what you need and what you want are two completely different things
What is real and what is unreal
Tri and find the beauty in everything, when you have
sum thing in your life that is of value, cherish whatever that is, be the best at
whatever you can be, make positive changes from within, even if all you did was
you changed your mindset
The universe does not recognise mistakes, she only
recognises changes [awareness], when you change, your AU.RA starts emitting
these changes and she watches, she listens to you, she answers you in karma
language because she wants you to learn
If sum one was good to you and you took that goodness and
betrayed them, apologise, the universe watches you, if you lied to sum one and this was how you repaid them for their goodness, apologise, you’re old enough to
know the difference between right and wrong now, have the balls to set things
straight, keep them or cut them loose and move on so that everybody can heal
and then start focusing on the beautiful points in your life that you missed
out on
Controlling your life and not owning your life, because
you cannot own your life, your life is not your own, sum one else created your
life [body] way back when, the soul is yours but your body belongs to sum one else, you
do have control of the life that you want and this was one of the reasons why
your down here, was to control your life
Once you place ownership on sum thing you then want to own that energy and you do not own energy for that is a wish to control energy
You don’t own nothing down here, your house is paid off
but if you do not pay your taxes, will the government take your house away from
you, yes, they would, the car that you purchased can you drive it without it
being registered, do you own your car, no you don’t
Sum of you have children that one day they will leave
your dry ass for sum one else, you don’t own your children, state departments
can come in and take your child
When you have control that is true poWRA
Be in the moment, if you’re in the park find a reason why trees are so important, why those flowers look so beautiful, why birds
sing, be in the moment, look for it, the beauty
Be mindful, practice mindfulness, be in the moment and
not just while in a meditative state
You cannot attach yourself to things in this 3D for its
all going, learn the value from such experiences, learn that what you have is
for the moment and enjoy the moment
You will always have the connection, it’s the attachment
that we struggle with, memories are what you are building, do not attach or
reminisce on negative emotions, reminisce on the positive about whatever it is
and let it go, learn from the lesson, forgive and heal
You came into this 3D world with nothing and you shall leave
with nothing
[Attachments are dangerous]
The word universe goes like this, uni means together and
verse means against, these are the two forces colliding which is what you are
One day you are going to have to let it all go…
Leave, build a legacy
Basat [Baset]
Kats [Kammu] Khami [Khemet
Bast translates Fire
Kats [Cats] protect the environment, they transmute
energy and can see all the portals
ANKH [NKH] designed has a spoon
Wood element
The Good Shepard
Four reboots so far this year
Anything over 7.89hz is life, another event is incoming
Life is returning to normal, are you out of your fu9king
mind, don‘t lose sight of what is going on
You are being changed, your molecule structure, all these
coloured ska backdrops hold energies which are classed has radiation
Your brainwaves are also being upgraded
Gamma [Purple] destroys all that is artificial
Gamma ray bursts, cosmic radiation, pulses of exotic particles,
waves of energy from space aka the galactic centre, the 6-ether must not be anywhere
near these gamma-ray bursts
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultra Violet Light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light
coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system
The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in
[cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2]
NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666]
The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being;
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]
Of all of natures resources are being pulled together,
Texas has just had a series of tornados and Brazil had an electric tornado,
ancestral energies are within the poWRA of these forces
Mongolia, Saudi Arabia and China see Orange skies [s-ka],
the sun was blocked out in Saudi and the ska went red, no wonder you guys
always say, God have mercy, you knew she was coming
All sorts of things are taking place for others, land
moving, floods, earthquakes, cracks in the land, volcanoes, your time is coming
The USA, Caribbean, also have or have had dust clouds,
this will bring on respiratory problems
Everyone is having sum form of event and those that do
not are watching from a distance, others are being made the example, no one is
immune, we are in judgement fulfilled
German landslide, landslide means land is moving
Rat plagues in Australia, insect increases around the world,
we are increasing more and more each year, this is year two of crop losses,
whatever happened last year will be doubled this year, including heat, water+
Russia [M8] where are the sister or tri strikes
The UK passes law to stop protests, are you watching closely to what is really going on
there is also a cloaked cube in this image
What are they spraying out there
Pulsating vibrations
Energies [radiation] streaming in
Healing life force
Who that
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU]
[Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed,
the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is
NI.BIRU, and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu
[Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Sixty-five years after the USA plane crash-landed on a
beach in Wales, the American P-38 fighter plane has emerged from the surf and
sand where it lay buried
Camouflaged road in Finland during WW2
The trees are hung up with rope so that the enemy watch
towers didn't see the road
June 27, 1941
We had a black-out after WW2
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