She waits, she watches
The poWRA(s) of the dark-side, even Darth [Dark] Vader
told you so, you must face the dark-side to get out of this
Heru is the copy of the trilogy [Star Wars]
Its not about saving the world, its about destroying the
world, we are done with the 3D world, it doesn’t benefit you no more, this is
not the world that you the 9-ether created
It’s the destructive mentality that you need to apply
-in order to build, you must first destroy
Lov9 and Hate, you need to watch those talking about
love, like the Pleiades, like Deepak sum years ago, that is their Guru, [Heru]
you have yours
You were always a loving people and makes sense to hate,
why, because you hate injustice, you hate dishonesty, you hate destruction, so
love is a contradiction in terms, so when Deepak says love, love and love, you
have to think love what, what can you love about this world that they have
created, look at the state of their world
Your nature is that of love, you don’t have to worry
about love, his nature is that of destruction, that is sum body else’s material,
he needs to look at love, not you, you’re supposed to hate because that
purifies, we are not hating on the realm and not talking about the masses or
sum one you hate because they drive a better car than you, we are dealing with
the conscious people only
Right now, if you are not feeling frustrated and mad [not
at the 6-ethers or the dumb 9-ethers] you the conscious, about this realm and
what you see in it then what is love to you, sum times you have to be cruel to
be kind and out of kindness comes love, Tina said what’s love got to do with it
If you don’t hate your life right now as far as what is
going on then you have amnesia, [God] is good, what kind of sh9t is that, [God]
is great, wtf are you talking about, that’s sum deep sh9t [yeah right]
Depends on your perspective, Einstein tried to show you
relativity, its just relative to your situation, to wake up in the mourning [morning]
is not necessarily a blessing [think deeply]
You were taught death is bad
The Alkebulan and the Native 9-ether Indians [not the $5
ones or the Mongolian mixes] said it was good to die, so they knew sum thing
The only people afraid to die are the ones in the 3D
This is not about blood sacrificing or joining sum cult
or mass suicide, its advance science and its sum thing that many have studied
before and it’s the fear, the fear of fear itself, if sum one put fear in you
then don’t go to the dark side
We are talking about energy here, no need to be dealing
with the daytime anymore because day is the aftereffects and only becomes day
after you go to the night, so in actuality you need to deal with the dark-side
and it is from the darkness do you get the night, the 6-ethers get you to deal
with the day which is light- which is already a manifested creation and means
it was created eons ago and all it can do is uphold the creation that you are
in and this creation is not your creation and in order to undo this creation we
have to go back to the universal drawing board
[No beginning of days, no ending of night]
Read Jeffrey Burton Russell the Devil, this book is a
primary source book, really good book to read he deals with the ancient meaning
of Evil and not the European meaning of that word but he does explain the
European version also
We are not talking about Evil as far as moralism, we are
talking about energy, we are not talking about Evil has sum thing that doesn’t
exist- we are more advanced than that, fundamental is for those who are
ignorant and this is much more advanced than that- but its not physical, we are
talking about a chain of thought which lines up the KAANU [Melanin] which is
the darkness, the word Satan comes back to the word KAANU [Melanin]
Satan, God and Jesus in their Bible are three different
beings when you read their Bible, even Lucifer is Femi9
The word Evil comes from the two words Eve’Lil [Lillith] main image
Typhon(s) are a bunch of 9-ethers who got killed off a
long time ago and were changed into HuMins, and today they are you
Typhonian [Babylonian] Hydrogen [Hy-dragon] dragon [dagon] dogon [Nomos]
This is why they flooded [Aswan dam] Sudan
[Ta-Nehisi] covering over 200 [Iy] ancient temples that the Arab-Muslims and
the West didn’t want you to know about in your history
Stop thinking like a HuMan, you are HuMin for you are
more than HuMans for you are above the [Gods] and the [Gods] have kept us down
here playing with you, the book of Law says there is no [Gods] where I AM, you
are above the [Gods]- your energy is in primordial chaos beings of primal
matter and that is the difference between you the [9-ether] and the [6-ether] this
is history and you’re going to have to deal with it
The darker energies are the ones like Suth [Sut] Set,
Anubu, Kali, Shakti, Shiva [triple dark energy], Sekhmet, Atheer [Hathor],
E-Shu, Legba, Obatala, Dumuzi [Dammuzi] Tammuz, even Robinhood [came out of the
Celtic material], Tehuti, Lucifer, Melchizedek, Shaytaan, there are tons of
dark energies+
When you leave the physical body, you are pure energy
Cloning is to save one race and to destroy the other, this
technology they have had since 1945, this is not futuristic, it is now, they
have their underground cloning facilities which are now above the ground and
they are talking about this black hole that is oozing out this black substance
The deal on the spiritual Ptah [path] is there are those
who view the universe as an objective reality that is only dealing with the
hologram, so what is out there is actually down here and is only a reflection
or tv screen, so this black hole and what is oozing out as sum thing to do with
your energy and what is oozing out is also oozing out of you
Everything that is happening in the cosmos [starry
firmament] is happening in you, in both [God] and Man [mind] inside both have
the Cosmos and what [God] has as potential- Man completes it and manifests it,
so [God] is a sphere of potential and is programmed to be carried out by Man
[mind] aka through the 9-ether man and wombman and can only be done by Neoplatonic
substance, Neoplatonism comes from Hermetic and Hermetic comes from Tehuti and
is basically talking about alchemy and alchemy is nothing but the study of
KAANU [Melanin] ether
The only way that change can be made through the universe
is through the KAA.NU [ether] Melanin, the smallest atom, you don’t get nothing
from the mass, the least common denominator, the smallest is the most poWRA-ful
therefore Neoplatonic [Neo = Neutron] energy in the cosmos is inside of the
9-ether, so when you hear about this black-hole oozing out this dark matter you
know that in actuality- that is only a reflection of what is happening to you
on the inside, you are illuminating, the dark matter is here now but you need
to face the sh9t
You have to reprogram your mind [Khu] because its very
lonely and what I mean by that is that you have been giving your energy away
for so long now, to sum thing higher that now you have to manifest it all, its
very lonely now because you don’t have any more excuses
Over-stand that if you have an hourglass, what is down is
now up, you were the lowest and now its shifted, the HO.PI [HA.PI] talk about
how the earth flips upside down and this has already happened [spiritually], so
although many are waiting for the poles to flip physically, its already flipped
spiritually, don’t tell the 3D people, you are the poles shifting [think deeply
about what eye just wrote] you are controlling the passage of NI.BIRU, you are
controlling the poles shifting for you are the poles, think deeply please
NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] throne, pulpit [seat of
The spiritual energy was down and is now up and now you’re
on top, on top of the [Gods] and what that means is a chain of command, now you
are sitting in Captain Kirk(s) seat writing Captains log, and these pervious
[Gods] are now your helpers or your servants only- the energies are your
servants only and that means you cannot serve them, you have to direct them,
because they are at the bottom of the hourglass, now they are like you, heavy
and dense waiting on you, its just a chain of command, it’s the same energy,
but now you are the MacDaddy
I have been testing the water with them, and they have
come through, tri it yourself, you have to come with an attitude and that you
want it, they had been playing with us for a long time, no more rituals or the
Raindance, no pleases, because you’re in command now, you’re in the driver’s
seat, they are the same family member, its your reality, they know how you
really are, just like a child knows when you’re talking in baby talk and at
school they are using words that you didn’t know they are using, the higher
beings know how you really feel and talk about sum thing, talk straight up with
them, like a cooperate take over, that person is going to bring his or her(s)
reality to the job, and the rest have to adjust to their reality, in their
Bible its says I take them first and make them last and the last I’ll make them
first, and you were the last [Aset translates, seat, throne, the pulpit of
consciousness] you are driving now, you’re in the driver’s seat, you’re on the
You went through h3ll down here and that is the respect
that you now command, in the Kabbalah it says, [God] puts affliction on the
ones [he] loves and the ones [he] doesn’t love [he] lets life go by so that
there will be nothing [portion] left for them in the next world, [he] is
talking about the 6-ethers, that is in the Zohar the esoteric Bible which is
the true sh9t
So when you hear about black stuff oozing; because if you
know about esoteric then you will know that is sum thing going on with you for
there is no such thing as space and time, there is only energy and the energy
is here and is based on your perception on whether you think its way out there
or right here, modern day science will always tell you the lesser mystery
rather than the greater mystery, they tell you its millions of miles away, but-
that is only a reflection and its right here, the reflection is millions of
miles away because we are dealing with a holographic universe, read Seeing Through
the Invisible World by author June Singer and she talks about the holographic
Do not reject the black substance, the light you’ve had
already, its an old light that is burning out
Its not what you have to do physically, its what you’re
going to have to do mentally, be in the world but not of the world, the spirit
[holographic] world is already on the planet in places
Angelic [Satanic] Demonic
Positive [realm] Negative
Its a pathway, you are at the crossroads [realm] you choose what ptah [Negative or Positive] you want
Good and Evil
This symbol is an old Alkebulan [Ethiopian] symbol, its
in every culture and is nothing more than Heru [Horus] energy, it can be used
for an against [uni = verse], Hitler was using the energy, he said he is not
the Messiah, he said the Messiah will be sum other people that come after him
that destroy Europe, he destroyed old Europe not new Europe
Don’t look at this thing has good and evil
Their Bible talks about the antichrist [anti-matter] NWNT
coming and destroying the planet, that is what they said, that Jesus was
supposed to come back and tear this place up based on your Bible, it’s a
riddle, the antichrist [antimatter] is [God]
There is a difference between Christ [Christos] and Jesus
who is a manmade name and is the enemy of the 9-ether and not the Christ
[Karast] KRST
Jesus is not a Hebrew [Habiru] word and they couldn’t say
he was Alkebulan or Roman or Greek so they said he was Hebrew, if Jesus was a
Jew why didn’t he have a Jewish name and if he was Yeshu why didn’t they call
him Yeshu, a Greek and Roman name for a Hebrew, that is like calling a man from
Ireland Jung Jin-Hyeong, come on now, they are dialectally impossible
Everywhere when they dug up the Nag Hammadi and the word
Set was present so they had to put the name Jesus in its place, they found the
Nag Hammadi [Ham = Kham] which are the Gnostic scriptures in 1945 that they
didn’t release them until 1977 hence why they couldn’t release it until then because
they were translating the data and changing the data
You can use the name Christ but when you use the name
Jesus your energy is going to another person who will come and fu9k your life
We are not dealing with positive or negative or good or
evil, we are dealing with ACDC- hot wire, cold wire, hot wire is always in red-
why do they do that and put it in red and then show you the Devil in red [red
and black] which is the root chakra and the 3rd [black dot] eye
The negative side is the 9-ethers supreme poWRA, the
light side doesn’t work for you because you created the light side a long time
ago, an example is the Ford Model T [car], can you use that car today, its
still a car but is not affective anymore, you’ve been there and done that and
means you have to go back to the primal material to create sum thing new
There were systems put together, first was the ancient
Egyptian [Khemet] mystery system, then the Albino Greeks invade and they take
sum of the ancient Egyptian [Khemet] mystery system and take all of the science
and stored it in the library of Alexandra [Aegyptian], they take off with a
certain amount of material and take it back to Greece, the Albino Greeks were
looting KHMT for a while, the Romans come in for a while and burn down the
library of Alexandra [the Romans don’t do nothing in history except take and kill
people outright] the Roman conquered Greece and when they conquered Greece they
became the custodians of all this particular science, the Gnostic scriptures,
the Hermetic scriptures, the Mesopotamia material and all what the Greeks had
so far translated
The Romans decide to put it all together and plagiarism,
change around a bit and make this all theirs, the scriptures is still the
9-ethers and reads esoterically, but its exoteric so you’re supposed to become
Christ, the Romans get a man-made preacher [remember the Christ comes from KHMT
and Christ is in Greece and in all other cultures like the Ethiopians and
called Karast and is an energy] many say that the KHMT were pagan and that is
correct they didn’t have a religion because we had a spiritual way of life and
a spiritual educational system, we learnt 360 degrees of spirituality,
religion came way later when the new people came from the caves and they
couldn’t understand the advanced planes and in Greece and Rome it was
originally Nubian [9ether] and was taken over by the modern day meaning of the
word Barbarians
Etrusia [Etruscans] was later on called Troy, the
Etruscans are 9-ether, the story of them, the Trojan Horse is them killing off
the ancient [9-ethers], there was never any wooden horse, it is symbolic, they
killed off the ancient 9-ethers of that area, when you hear the Trojan War,
that is the Albino Greeks that came in and learnt the [Nubian] language and they
learned the Mythology which was all Nubian, the Romans came in and learned
Latin which was a Nubian [9-ether] language and learned Mythology which was all
Nubian and they killed off the Etruscans that was later on called Troy [read
Odyssey out of their two books], when you hear the word Trojan that is Nubian
people, the word Etrusia is E-Tru-sia then you get the word Tro-y and Titanium [Tiranium]
was the name of these particular people [Titan] Etrustians
So, the Romans are sitting on this particular data and
they needed a new religion because the ancient Ethiopians have migrated into
Canaan, into Israel [which is an extension of KHMT-Egypt]
-The Hebrew [Habiru] tell you that one of the tribes of
Israel is KHMT-Egypt, so how the h3ll can KHMT-Egypt be the enemy of Israel,
how does that make sense when Egypt [KHMT] is Israel, its the same people,
unless sum one is perpetuating a lie- the 6-ether is lying
Anytime they want to explain Christ or the new testament,
because they cannot find it in the old testament, they had to go to the Greek
Albino material or the Latin [Roman] material, even the Jews know the old
testament is fake
50% of Israel is blue-black people, they were there
before the Albinos got there in 1948, which is the year when they planted
themselves there has Jews, it was the Moors that taught the Jews about the 13
tribes, the Jews came from the caves, the hills of Europe who were eating human
flesh, inter-breeding, eating dogs, fu9king the dogs, they have a cheek saying
that the Chinese and Koreans eat dogs and Arab men fu9k animals when they do
the same thing, but in any case they are all the same 6-ether, they came out of
the same seeds, when the boy turned 18 he would inherit his mother has a fu9k
buddy, these were the albinos [6-ether] practices, read the Great Cosmic Mother
written by two 6-ether women, my point is the Jews said that Jesus didn’t exist
Jesus is a Greek word, if he is a Hebrew then why can’t
you go to a Hebrew bible, because his name is not Jesus in the Hebrew bible, in
their bible his name is Megatron [Miyka’el] Mee-Ka-El [Michael] Melchizedek
[Atan] Adonai
Hebrew is Habiru from the Kabbalah [Qabbalah]
It’s the Romans who are sitting on the material, they
have Paul, John, Josephus, Peter [English, Roman and Greek names] when Herald
ordered the killing of Jesus, how could Jesus [6-ether] hide out in Alkebulan
back then and not be found and he is a 6-ether in 9-ether land, be real will
Just because you have a modern mind does not make you
smarter than the ancient people from back then, the priest [Semu] back then had
the mind of a Nuclear Physician, they learned for 40 years and they learnt
everything [360 physical and 360 spiritual = 720] plus they had KAANU so they
could channel
It is sum of the 9-ethers that sold the other 9-ethers
out because the 6-ether couldn’t comprehend the data for they came from caves
The scriptures are all the 9-ethers full stop
They wrote a book [Bible the word comes from the
Ethiopian word Bila that means book] that they plagiarised and if you take the
ancient name Megatron [Miyka’el = Michael] Set, Heru [Ma’at] and put that in their book,
you would still have all that Nubian energy for its all about the words, so
they said no we can’t give him an ancient Alkebulan name
[David is Akhenaten, Hebrew was a race, the book of
Psalms are Akhenaten writings [Hymns-Om-]
The Bible is fundamentally the 9-ethers and they can take
the magic from it and still use it
There is an exoteric version where you become Christ and
an esoteric version which means you worship sum body and the Romans have the
killer-eric version where they will kill you if you don’t do what they tell you
[the Crusades, Slavery, the Holy Roman Empire that even put their own people to
the sword] Constantine said he would enforced this, he even killed his mother
and wife [he was homosexual and hated women] that is history and you must deal
with history, never take your history from religion, that is a dumb move
especially for the 9-ethers to do so
Jupiter which is also jui-peter, Peter [Pther] is Jupiter
which is their chief [God] iu-peter the [God] of Rome
[The English language makes no sense, silent words, 400
words that mean the same thing, you have to keep in mind that the 6-ether
cannot hear certain sones or see certain colours, ask people abroad and they
will tell you English is one fu9ked up language to learn, letters came from
Rome, the words came from KMHT, sum words from Germany, from French, so they
borrowed everyones words]
Jupiter is the head [God] in Rome and Zeus is the head
[God] of Greece but Zeus is also called Jupiter in Greece, in Greece Zeus is
pronounced Zuss also Zeus, and Zuss are the same thing, Jeysus [Heysus] iesous
is all hail Zeus, the Spanish [Moors] pronunciation is the correct version
because Spain was ruled by the Moors [Muurs] and makes modern English a Moorish
Now say Jesus [Hail Zeus] Heysus is the correct name
Jupiter is the tyrannical ruler who killed many of the
ancient 9-ethers
Greek 9-ether [Nubian] Zeus and 6-ether [Albino] Greeks either side of Zeus
You are divine sparks [Sekhem] trapped in matter [ether]
the body [Kha] is just the avatar to house the energy
Zeus is called the Demiurge [Gnostics data that was dug
up in 1945] – a [God] that broke away from the main universe, a renegade and a
subordinate being who broke away from the main universe [divine realm] of the
higher [Gods] and came down here [earth] and made a group of planets and ruled
over them and made the earth physical by taking energy and making it physical
and his name is Adolabroth [Demiurge] which is the
subordinate being which is lower than the higher beings and he ends up thinking
he is the [God] and was a jealous [God] and I shall have no [God] before me and
even in their Bible their [God] is a jealous [God] and the Muslims say have no
[God] before me, this is a subordinate being and not the true [God] [Goddess]
This story is a repeated story in all the cultures that
matter, different names but the same beings, one breaking away and setting up
sum thing inferior
Zeus is this particular Demiurge being, and is
attributive to killing a group of ancient people
Christianity, by it being a mundane law religion as far
as telling you to pray to people, good behaviour- it only initiates you on the
lower level and you cannot think on a higher level because everything is based
on things like the 10 commandments which came from the 147 or 144 negative [Maat] confessions from the book Coming Forth By Day [KHMT] and the MIR text was
saying that your soul [Baa] hadn’t done these things, my physical body can do
all these things because its an illusion
All this is created by a lower being, so you are bound to
fail and the real soul is trapped inside and the soul hasn’t done all these
things because its dormant [asleep]
Its negative because its inside of you, your soul hasn’t
done these things because your in temporary insanity, your born into this 3D
world, in sum ways yes- your born into their sin and don’t know who the fu9k
you are, you don’t know where you came from, an android created you, you are
the Frankenstein, they took ancient material from ancient people and created a
new person [you] and gave you slavery and today your practising insanity, when
you go up before Asaru [Osiris] just pled insanity and say you didn’t know who
the fu9k you were, say you are an ancient Lemurian, you’re an ancient Atlantian,
Alkebulan, Bermudian, Sumerian and say you cannot be talking to me I’m ancient..
The [God] that we say is the Devil, Lucifer [female] and
is amber light [Lu-Cell-ifer], Shaytaan [Set], Sut, Sirius, if there was a
[God] that would be her name for they created primordial energy and another
creator the physical earth
Sirius means Osiris
Alpha and Omega [the universe is Omega]
The heaven realm [chaos] there is a sun in-between the
earth that many called the father, the heavenly realm is called Sirius, they
had a fall of one of their [Gods] that Sophia had that was half-way formed and
he took the earth with a spiritual sun on the inside, he took the physical
earth and covered the earth with a physical creation and made physical bodies
and was a jealous [God] and there was [Gods] before him, Sirius [Sut] Septet
[Set] and also known has Satan and the Sumerian word for Satan is [Shaytaan] are
all the same reference
The creator is the one who created the physical earth and
there are those who created primal energy, there is a difference, that is who
you are, primal energy
The creator, his control is between heaven and earth,
many say that [God] is in heaven yet he is in-between and he is called Zeus [Adolabroth]
These are extracts from the Nag Hammdi and it goes on,
this is the creator who created Man [you are not Man, you are Gods and became
Man when you fell [in frequency] you are Alpha [Omega]
Satan is Evil like they say he-r is, however Evil is only
relative to what you think it is, Evil is energy and just like with all
energies there is good [positive] and there is bad [Evil] negative
Evil is your new nature but its not the Evil that you
think it is or have been taught to think it is relative to the physical world,
that is the 6-ether, Evil is good, hate is good
Ask your spirit [double you], you have to deprogram
yourself from fundamentalism [a first rule] they say Allah is the knower- but
you’re a knower, the leg, the arm, the leg, the head and that means you know,
not what the Man is following and you are [Gods] now and your function is to
kill the 3D world but you cannot kill the world by praying to sum thing else,
you have to have a certain destructive energy
You have always been a humble person but for the first
time in your life you are going to have to go Pepsi Max it, we are not talking
about killing people, we are talking about utilising your destructive energy
called the dark-side, we are dealing with a transformation and its not a pretty
one either
The [God] that created this world, his place is between
heaven [haven] and earth and earth is the prison [h3ll], Sirius is the heavenly
realm, and he is also Zeus [Jesus] and is the lord over the earth and the sea
We didn’t have a word [God] we used Orisha, Neteru, Higher-Beings
Deity is a Greek word for the Roman word [God][Dog] God
is also a German word that described blue-eye blonde people
But he does not posses the nourishment for all living
modern creatures >> you are modern for we reside on a modern plane now in
a physical body << for it is at the core that bears the fruit >>
the core is Sirius << of these forces and is always poWRA-ful in the
sphere [circle] of the earth >< do you get that, the real poWRA, the real
nourishment that bears the fruit and the real poWRA of the 9-ether man and
wombman is not between heaven and earth- its at the core, where is that- in the
circle [sphere] of earth, where is that, the core of earth, who controls the
core, their [God]
Who we call Jupiter [Zeus] occupies the space between
heaven and the earth, in their Quran its says, our [God] is the [God] of Sirius
who created both male and female from one single ejaculation of seamen, who is Sirius = Set [EN.LIL] Osiris [EN.KI]
The Jesus you say is coming, its more like the Devil that
is coming, a dark-force
It’s all energy, positive or negative, conscious or
non-conscious, plugged in, plugged out
MSCHF x Lil Nas X have designed Satan Shoes
The soles of the shoes contain real human blood, and only
666 pairs are being sold for $1,018 each, the cost of selling your soul prices
these days
Nike is an Albino Greek [God]
Notice these rappers with Lil’ in their names
MSG tells the brain that the food tastes good and what it
does is scramble your brain, most people don’t remember things from three years
ago, its scrambles your memory
The 6-ether doesn’t have a palate [] [melanin on
The Dogon said that the year 2000 was in 1994 [7 years
difference from the Georgian date] and in 1994 the Dogon said this Monkey sh9t
was over and this is why the 6-ether are in Alkebulan, they have a city that is
bigger than Atlanta
The time is now, don’t look for a future in the 3D
because then they can give you a goal and while you’re waiting to reach that
goal, he can eliminate the time in between because you’re looking to your goal
- future, there is no such thing as future, the future is now, so he can create
time by giving you a goal
People are being given new realties; they are
reprogramming many [Total Recall] many on early release from prison and many
have been shipped out and reprogramed [cloned]
Save the children is a no go, the children follow the
adults example, its not about saving children, save the mum and the dad then
the power is already here, save the adults and the children will be fine, save
the children and the chain will start all over again
The KAANU [Melanin] is called foresight and evolves every
3-5 years, it is you that is extending the time, the thing is we don’t need the
masses, we only need the conscious, that number 144[000] is a small amount
144hz is a frequency, the masses are not going to make the grade
Diana is a Mesopotamia [Goddess] a Greek [Goddess] she
was Aset a 9-ether [Goddess] Aset [Isis] she was also in Sumeria and Etruria,
the British version her family were the biggest dope dealers [China-white] [slang
for heroin] they gave China their independence a month later [after she was so
called taken out] when they got out of China
The British empire is the same empire that strikes back
[Star Wars]
-they said we would know the end when there is
in-fighting among the ruling elite
Elevation of the Feminine [FEMI9]
We are in her realm, don’t fu9k with her for the Devil
[D-Eve’Lil] wears Prada
>> the end is in the beginning in the Matrix
Sati [Parvati] counterpart to Shiva
All are supernatural [angelic] beings are called Devas
and Asura
Astra [Asura] is a weapon
These are Naga [Buddha] Hindu [Goddess] who are all
Melanin [KAANU] 9-ether
Chinamasa [Chinnamastā] Chi-na-MaStar [Prachanda Chandi-ka]
and Jogani Maa [Maat] [Ma] [Mu] Mother
[Ma ’other]
Chi = life force energy
Namaste is Na-master [Chin-na-masta]
She is one of seven [Goddess] from the esoteric of
Tantra, and the-don’t fu9k-with-me aspect of Devi
She is a form of Lillith [Lil-Leeth]
Chinmasa is a [Goddess] of contradictions and she
symbolises both aspects of Devi >> a life-giver and a life-taker, a
symbol of sexual self-control and is the embodiment of sexual [Shakti] energy
She represents death, temporality, and destruction as
well as life, immortality, and recreation
The [Goddess] conveys spiritual self-realization and the
awakening of the Kundalini – spiritual energy
She emphasises her self-sacrifice – coupled with a
maternal element – sexual dominance, and self-destructive fury
Chhinnamasta is the Chinnamunda – the severed-headed form
of the Tibetan Buddhist goddess Vajra-yogi-ni who is Leviathan in their Bible, the
Great Mother, no head because she is not in this dimension
Chi-na [China] Shiva to India to the Hi-mala-yas [mala =
mela =melanin] to Nepal [Japan is a part of Nepal] only in Western science is
there an Asia minor and Asia major and this does not exist, we find Shiva also
in Russia [Prussia] all is Nagalan
Remember the higher beings cannot change or intervene,
they can only send you symbols and signs and inspire [in-spir-it] in-spirt you
with people, places, symbols, signs, music [muse], quotes, art+ that inspire
you, you have to make the change [charge] yoursCellsf
Be the best that you can be, that is all she wants from
you and in return she will connect with you to the higher realms, be the best
that you can be..
The Schuman machine cuts out, this is the 6th
cut out this year [rebooting]
40hz and 20hz spiking with the baseline around 12hz which
is over the once 7.89hz
This is different, the tectonic plates [chakras] are
going to get real spent, hurricanes and volcano eruptions and huge earthquakes,
everywhere is charged, white means ready and black means tell me when
-buckle up
Soular energy [CME] incoming
There are sum planetary alignments taking place and their
energy will be added in the mix
[we are inside Venuses transit until they say so, no
matter what other planets are in conjunction for Venus [Lahamu] is the Femi9
energy pace setter full stop
Planes were and are exploding [engines] and now their
balloon satellites are exploding in the lower orbit and means heaven [haven] is
getting closer, plasma is dense in the atmosphere, the plasma [gamma] is being
sent in and destroys everything that is artificial to this soul-ar system
Gamma is destroying many, this is your coronavirus
[radiation] today, we still have the 5g to go mainstream and many will go into
zombie mode
Corona is Spanish for Sun
Tornados let rip, tornados are jam packed with ancestral
energy, serving the community for generations to come, we never had hurricanes
and tornados until you started slavery in which these weather [craft] systems
follow the slave route where it starts and where it ends [in the USA]
Full Moon already
Dolphins seen in Saudi Arabia
No vaccination means you cannot get no food, its already
up and running in Israel, in the UK they have started with a pint [alcohol]
The bird flight display @7:47 was wow
The USA is headless because it’s a clone that is
running them
Gamma fu9ks with reptilians and clones, it jams their frequency
We will know the end when there is in-fighting amongst the elite
Ever-given and Evergreen also traffic children and women and class-A and organs
find the owner and then its Bingo
Unload the vessel
Military vessels are all lined up on the oceans, there is
much more coming up, Suez Canal is man-made and so is this event that is about
to unfold
I wonder why
What are they scared of >> why did they really
block the canal
Tick tock
What’s about to drop
All showing the same thing, Red is warrior, destructive energy [radiation] which man fears the most, remember these energies are changing your from the inside out
Same thing, hitting the electromagnetic field, dome, van allen belt, ozone layer- all the same thing
Chakra energies
Coming from beyond the horizon
Full Moon, what is behind the Moon
Asteroids [meteorites] all over the place, sum are crafts and are docking at the sun and sum are re-entering this planet atmosphere with or without sone, they are camouflaged pods, crafts, personnel, logistics, mercenaries
Meteorites do not travel horizontally [unless the planet is at an angle] and move intelligently and display different colours if they were just rocks
Cube like structure leaves the multi-dimensional portal the sun
All governments can see them on radar and there is nothing they can do about it
Fleets, armadas sitting, waiting, watching, scanning
Natures enforces
Natures [NTR] war paint
Natures language
No details
Hieroglyphs [Heru-glyphs] symbols are Matrix codes, the
universal code language
Nefer-titi [Iy] starry firmament
Soul-ar disc
The sun is the sustainer of all life, this is a soul-ar system and you need a sol[soul] to be here, use your soular panels to replenish your soul
Everyone is struggling but these simple changes go a long way in re-programing your mindset, she will work with you but you have to come to source, tri and be the best that you can be, that's all she wants
Everything that has a beginning as an end, eye see the end coming Neo
It has to end to begin