Double spiral DNA in this galaxy seen around 2006
hovering over a black-hole and was also seen in the skies of this planet in
This double Helix spiral is registering the 9-ethers DNA
[DEA is your celestial ingredients] and is maturing, as above so below, this is
about your DNA coming online
Has the 9-ethers DNA matures this is now showing up in
the Cosmos [Starry firmament aka Sirius] and this is showing how far you are
genetically to take the new stage of evolution
The 9-ether is in the Junior high-school of evolution,
and all of creation you were at the Junior high-school stage and now you are
going to the high-school college stage, you are about to graduate
Of all your evolutionary process [all of earth’s history]
was in the Junior high-school stage and this is what the KHMT, the Vedics, the people
around the world were preparing for and that was to take the new stage in
[humanity] and that is called the Tikkun in Kabbalah [Qabalah] which is the
next stage
The Tikkun is MAAT, there are seven levels, with MA.AT we
know her for the Laws of MAAT for morals and that is the first level has in a
behavioural system in the physical realm but there are multi-levels, and one is
the genetic structure of the body and MAAT would take on sumthing else
Tikkun [MAAT] It is the completion of a process
Kom Ombo is a computer chip sitting on the motherboard
circuit in Aswan which is in KHMT [Egypt]
The Kabbalah came from the [Iy] [temple] of Kom Ombo and
from the [Iy] temple of Dendera and was taken out by Akhenaten(s) people and
the pre-dynastic people
The Tikkun is talking about a process and that is where
you are in your stage of evolution, the DNA upgrade, so that process, the
Tikkun, the MAAT is the ultimate stage of the DNA and for the Cosmos, and for the
skies to be registering the code means you are advancing into the upgrading
They found twelve more DNA double Helixes and are only
showing you one on the internet and meanwhile in order for this to go down they
have locked down this planet and contained the 9-ethers for just these reasons,
no one is upgrading accept the original lineage from the original people, but
their mindset right now is to lock everybody down regardless of ethnic
background because they have a war to contend with
The spirit said, we started that war for decoy reasons
-Many things are taking place that we don’t know who is
doing what out here, but the spirit world is working on the 9-ethers behalf,
you might not get this at this particular time on why this or that is taking
place or who or why was that done or being done but all is being done for
up-and-coming things that you may not know about
The war is a great distraction, media is a great
distraction, the list goes on and on, every week it’s a new theme to keep many
minds elsewhere and in the mist of all this confusion, the 9-ethers are coming
online, the energy is here
Many people are being taken, messengers [the real ones]
sum are famous, these are the ones who are on recall and was a part of the
energy who have to be recalled so they can be part of the energy on the other-side
As long as you are caught up in your present situation
and what you think is so important then many will not see where their DNA is
Lets say at best, you got what you wanted, whatever your
desires are, is that the best you can do- is sum form of new materialism, sum
think by having children is a desire or what they always wanted when you are
built to have children full stop
The mentality of people, what is the now- you’ve got to
have, all this ordering off of Amazon, how comes Amazon [Skynet] is looking for
investment considering it’s a billion-dollar company, what is going on there,
my point is many are stuck in materialism and you always had- all of the time
in the world, you don’t need upgrades for a cell phone, clothes and so on, why
not focus on sum-thing that is not tangible
This star-cluster [DNA Helix] is suggesting that the
9-ethers DNA is a certain way and the spirit world has a whole war going on
just to keep sum-body off of you and this is what you have to be focusing on
because the spirit world is working for you
Just think right now in your current state how you are,
what your environment is like and how you are functioning and why you are able
to function while their world falls apart
The more you disassociate yourself with the person that
you know yourself to be, the more you go towards your new-self, the more you
exit from the person who is the false self [cell], they say, thy shall not
worship false idols and is talking about you, your earth you, when it says thy
shall not worship no false idol, one mans [God] is another mans [Devil], all
[Gods] are ultimately the same [Gods] and its just your perspective on it and
is a male or HuMan fight rather than a reality, the true-self is inside of you
who has never incarnated on this planet
We never existed on this planet, think about this for a
minute, no true-self, this means you were never here, yes, your false-self was
here, your illusionary-self aka the ego that tells you that this is the real world
all around you
You’ve had many of these incarnations and that is the one
who has been asleep [snow white and the seven dwarfs], but your true-self
[soul] has yet to emerge and has never incarnated on the planet and is the only
[God] there is, that is the true [God], that to me is sum amazing sh9t, that
you have never been on the planet, ever
You are a series of events that never existed
To get to that true self is to minimise everything that
is personal, one is not to judge and things to work on is things that are not
identifying with self [cell], then you will manifest [Magi] what this DNA is
doing for you
When you stop identifying with that person and deal with
the inner-you, watch how far you take yourself [your-cells] even while you are
still in the physical [Laws of Attraction]
Don’t say, please don’t let this happen to me, that is no
good because you’re still thinking, so instead say, that’s alright it will work
out, I’ll rise above that [remember the sub-consciousness mind is listening and
watching you] reprogram your mind and change the mindset [As a man thinketh]
We have not seen the real Ska [Sky] since 1999 and the
9-ethers who didn’t make it to the conscious realm before 1995 [consciousness
is in waves of activation] is keeping them dormant through the chemtrails, it
slowed them down, so its retardant consciousness [re-tard means to slow]
All the pineal glands was to open up in 1989 [1990] [1989
= 999 = 27 = 9] they also wrote about this in the Rosicrucian Cosmos Conception
book and the Rosicrucian concept book got it from the Muurs, because a lot of
the Muurs material that was in Europe went to the libraries of the Rosicrucian
and a lot of it was drafted by Rudolf Schneider in his book, Universe- Earth
and Man- a Cosmic Memory, is all Moorish [Muur] science, and is talking about
in the 90’s there would be a world avatar called John Pineal, John is the KHMT
[Egyptian] Tahuti [Tehuti] and is the Christian John the Hebrew [Habiru] Moses
or Elijah, the one that comes before Christ or the one that comes before the
pineal gland
So, John [Tehuti] in the alchemical phase and would be the
equivalent of Melanin [KAANU] and Melanin gives way to light [pineal], so they
said there would be a world pineal [John] that would teach humanity sum-where
in the 1990’s but they thought it was a real person
You have to remember at this time they hadn’t even
discovered Melanin at Yale [1950+] and they didn’t have enough of the occult
knowledge to break this down with, before the word Melanin they were calling it
Occultum [read the Black Sun by Peter Moon] and he tells you what Hitler did
for six years, they studied these esoteric knowledge and then ring-fenced their
findings and now you find on the Discovery Channel Hitler and the Occult,
Hitler dissected black gypsies [those who had Muur DNA and where mixed people] Gypsy
is from the word E-gy-pt and are from the KHMT lineages that were raped and
throughout into slavery
John means Pineal and Melanin means illumination of
Melanin [KAANU] and was supposed to be this world teacher that was going to
Sin-akash[ Sankissa (also Sankasia, Sankassa and Sankasyais]
where you get the word Akashic [records] from and means Melanin, all this was
supposed to open up and they thought it was a real person coming and it was the
original 9-ethers coming online, and it did happen and we know it did because that
is why you are conscious now compared to 1979, but it happens in stages [waves]
started from the roaring 20’s every decade upwards, the spiritual cycles means
a few, then sum more, then more and then BOOMBABY but the chemtrails slowed
many down, many different planes hold different chemicals and this is why
different things where occurring, if they are chemtrailing where you are, get a
hat [cap] because its stays in your hair which are your antennas and you must
clean out [1000mg immune defence]
We had been on a loop until the loop expired
Concentration camps [Fema] had been on the cards for 10
years and is a decoy because they have more advanced technology to get rid of
you, they have a beam of light that can take you out, 5G cell phones is their
warfare, watch the movie the Cooler with William Macy, psychic vampire that is
negative people that come around you and you start feeding you negative or you
get drained [energy]
Psy means soul and Chi is your life force energy, read
Psychic Vampire Codex because they have learned how to come in and drain your
essence, your energy from the psychic field, for example when you are in real
lov9 people will tell you, people would say, you’re glowing and that is the
energy of Nu aka the universes energies, this is science that we are dealing
From the Japanese to the Nubians that they put into
concentration camps and called them projects, inner-cities they learnt from, on
that level
When I was in NY I met many West-Indians, Caribbean
people more than I met New-Yorkers and my brother told me that many moved down
south and in reality they were killing them off
Religion does not have your back, they say that the lord
is the law, but the lord is your soul, I-Self Lord Am MaStar [I-s-l-a-m], your
soul is the connection to all this
Chemtrails, diseases was the genocide method
Jimi Hendrix, Are you experienced
Jimi made the passage for Prince, both were sent
Camelot [Cam-e-lot] in Washington DC is their new Egypt
[Cam is from Kam = Khami = Khemet = Kammu] new lot of Egypt, a lot of rituals
were taking place over there mainly around Capitol [Capital] Hill
This was a Moorish story that was brought up into Ireland
and France and the British [Briton] got a hold of it and tried to say that King
Arthur was British, but he wasn’t, it was talking about a land in the future
and King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and the Knights of the round
table are the entire 9-ethers and that is why the 9-ethers are equal in this
Jimi Hendrix the Machine Gun [Ohio], these tracks and
more the spirit world tells me to play, sum-times songs will be playing in my
mind when I wake up, I never knew what Ohio was about and played this track for the energy that is within this music, I could feel sum-thing and never knew what it was until many years later after watching a documentary
It’s the Music [Muse] that is aiding you overcome, it’s
the music that is healing you, many of you are playing music and gaining new
music all the while, I would be writing and put YT on and music will come up
and spirit will be selecting, even the Sufi MaStars say that in the future
there won’t be a religion, it will be a music [muse] so while the governments
attack music it’s a wasted venture because you have already put down the music,
its in your classics, the greatest time we had in the world of music was 40
years ago, music from 1977 into 1980+
The Christ particle of the DNA they will never be able to
find because its invisible and once it comes out of the HuMin body its no
longer viable to test
The top of the Kabbalah is coming from the Kom Ombo in
Alkebulan [Africa], the supreme form from Khefera [Khafri], the three are Venus
the supreme mother, Isis [Aset] which is Saturn and Osiris [Asaru], they meet
together and merge to be Heru [Horus] or MAAT Hor-Ma-Khu [combined] MAAT is a
Christ figure also [and Seshat]
Khefera astronomically is called Pluto and is to why at one-point
western science said that Pluto didn’t exist has they were trying to get the
reality out of your mind [they didn’t want you to produce the harvest] aka Aset
[Isis] and Asaru [Osiris] meeting to produce Heru = energy aka Heru
consciousness = KAANU
You can see the cross the w-holy triad in the middle and
Isis and Osiris which are the two balancing scales, that is the MAAT, male and
There was a direct drive to make Nubian men sleep with 6-ether
women in order for the Nubian not to produce the archetype
Another problem in the USA is that you are siStar against
siStar using male standards, to be honest the lov9 only belongs to you, yes you
can connect and share that energy but the lov9 is always on the inside of you,
this figure of 144,000 [144hz] is very realistic because the higher beings
already knew many will not make the full vibration
The lov9 that you think you have is spiritual and was
never physical, out here in the 3D it’s the other way round, check it if you
disagree, the 6 ethers love is always physical
You can go inside of yourself and pull this energy out
and by this you can lov9 the one you’re with, energy recognises energy if you
look beyond the exterior
Aura called biofield by western science for the energy
that you are emitting from your body, this field holds your frequency, animals
read Auras and Aurora Borealis is the same thing for the planets frequency, you
are one in the same, as above, so below, these energies are energy chakra signatures
and are classed as radiation, the word radiate means to emit, beams
Your Aura emits your emotions which is your energy in
You are being read in energy
There is no such thing has space and time, when sum-one
dies they live in you, you feel them because they are in you, the universe that
they are living in is inside of you, this image above is an illusion, the body takes 9 months to dissolve in the ground in a sack, sum of you will spout a tree, the body is last in the physical, rest in peace is an illusion for the soul moves onwards
Heru [Horus](Jesus) in Coptic KHMT, Coptic means later
day KHMT [Egypt] is a [God] called Abraxas and this is the Gnostic from of Heru
Bird [Rooster] when you’re sick, you eat Chicken noodle
soup, you eat this because your soul knows sum-thing, the soul is Heru and the
soul might need sum-thing that is connected with the Chicken
Read ancient Christian Magic and in there the text tells
you how they took the pages from KHMT and changed it all around
Peru [Heru]
Whose head could wear that crown
One thousand is a legion and Hanuman [Hannibul] [in KHMT
he is Tehuti] has ten thousand legions and is ruler over the Monkey kingdom,
get Hanuman on your side and you can do anything, he has ten thousand soldiers
Where are these Monkey kingdoms, the Monkey never stops
moving, Monk-ey is not their name and this is nothing more than Melanin [KAANU]
and is here right now, he is Cosmic energy
Tehuti called Thoth by the Albino Greeks, they are using telepathy
You need Melanin to read Hieroglyphs and Sumerian [Persian]
Monkey Magic
The chief was called Lard, which the powers that used to be
changed and then became the word Lord, Lard means the master Monkey or Boss
This compassion by one being, NIN.TI (Ninti) led to
education and etiquette on civilization; then to indoctrination
Indoctrination called for a doctrine, for many of the new
breed of Lares (Lar, Lars) also called Simians who are a breed of monkey whose
Urat [female ruler] is Zirah and Ura [male ruler] Shitar, who had inherited
from their superior parents the gifts of intellect
These Lares were the head monkeys, from which they create
their word Monk, today there are those who call themselves Monks and have no
real meaning to the word Lard or their kind
They were chosen to breed with Lares because of their
high intelligence, they had to be maimed so that in time they wouldn’t raise up
against our heavenly fathers or mothers, and try to set themselves free and
become independent [this is an earlier prototype]
EN.QI [Osiris] chose Mother NIN.TI, the wisest scientist and
geneticist to breed the Homo Erectus, with the genes of Neteru to speed up its
evolution, this was done by what is called genetic manipulation today
NIN.TI took the blood, which carried the gene of the
Neter [Annunaqi] and mixed it with 14 females of the Erectus state of evolution
Spotted in Brazil, they have been here before you
This is Lillith [Lil-Leeth] and her original origin is
from Ethiopia [Kush] Cush [Kuwsh], she is a pre-dynastic [Goddess] and she
shows up in Sumerian text [IN.ANNA] and Hebrew [Habiru] text [Ester]
[E-Star][Ishtar], she is equivalent to Sekhmet in the ancient mother triad
IN.ANNA is Aset, Lillith, Kali, Ester, Aphrodite, Rihanna, Maat, Lakshmi and more+ using multiple avatars at sum-times the same time on the planet in different place at the same time, A.NU, EN.LIL, EN.KI all do the same
There are many different races within the Ethiopian lineage, dark-skinned to different tones in colour, there are no other species on the planet at this time, the 6-ethers come in the last 3-5,000 years, Lucy was found in Kenya, Ethiopia and she was 3.5million years old and this gives you a timeline, Lillith is not 6-ether, if you are not 9-ether then you are 6-ether
Negroid, Mongolian and Caucasian in that order, the last two came 3-5,000 years ago
Lillith didn’t want to be part of Kadmon [Adam] and
didn’t sleep with him and in so many words she didn’t want to incarnate into
the physical and left before the introduction of where you incarnate into the
physical and she is very poWRA-ful because of this, she was a threat and
because she wasn’t restricted with a physical body, she is called, in the
midnight hour period or the night demon, she would come to men and take their
energy [sexually] she was also a child killer has in when certain people didn’t
deserve children to come down to this planet, many of you don’t have a female
child, she can take them away from you for a reason
Sum children are here for a day, sum a week, sum for sum
years, there is no time limit, infant syndrome they call it, there are talisman
who are also placed to warn off others to help you
Lillith in the patriarchal world, men was using sex to
dominate women, they would get her pregnant and slow down her soul process and
in order to balance this out, Lillith is the menstrual cycle that was an
earlier birth control when the wombman didn’t want this basta9ds child, you
just forgot the process, you can read about this in a book entitled Mysteries
of the Dark Moon which is based on another book entitled the Black Goddess and
the Unseen Real by Peter Redgrove, hard to find because its about the mysteries
of the 9ether wombman
So, Lillith is Sekhmet in KHMT, she is KALI in India
[Nagalan] and her name translates the Black One, and in the Ethiopian version
she is a form of the Queen Sheba [Makeda] in the Kebra Nagast
Solomon is Asaru [Osiris] and Sheba is Aset [Isis],
Solomon is a great conqueror and he conquers demons and he goes down to see
Sheba [Bathsheba] aka Makeda and she knocks him off his throne, because when he
sees her and gets sum of her energy, he loses his mind because her energy
[s-e-x] is all that and more, this is about the Tantra aspect
But Sheba [Makeda] had one foot that when she unwrapped
it was a goat foot [Hoof] and that foot is symbolic of her foot being in
another world, the mystical world, she is outside of this dimension and is in
the quantum world
If you look at her feet, she has claws feet
Sheba is from Kush which is in Ethiopia, Lillith is
Ethiopian wombmen to this day grow their toenails and is
a form of beauty, they also do this in KHMT, this is sum erotic sh9t to the
right person
There are sum customs and cultures that you have been out
of touch with for so long that when you see it, it looks weird now, an ancient
art form from Kush, KHMT right up into India [Nagalan]
This is ancient customs from Kush
[Goddess] Uma [Parvati] and is the east-Indian form of
Uma [Parvati] translates daughter of Mountain
[Remember its the soul and the spirit energy-the double you, so Sekhemt is the spirit force, the soul is yours]
This is the [Goddess] Lalita sitting on a man [same thing
that happened to Solomon] and without her Shakti energy the man is nothing but
a corpse
See her feet [foot] leg position and Uma, the spirit of the [Goddess] is in her
soles [souls]
When you see those long toenails, this is identifying who
the royalty is, who the [Goddess] is and meant that they didn’t work out in the
fields or did manual work, this is an ecological system that came out of
Alkebulan [Africa], this is a symbol of wealth and prosperity and a symbol of
the ancient [Goddess], like Sekhmet with the Kats with the claws
In the movie Boomerang with Eddie Murphy, same thing
about the feet
We find Hanuman in Aztlan [USA+ South America-Ulmec-Olmec] Hannib-al in Italy
Hanuman is the KHMT Tehuti and is here now, and is the
equivalent to the inner Melanin [KAANU] that is on the inside of you
Hanuman is a devotee of Rama who is a form of Heru
[Horus] and Rama counterpart is Sita and Sita is a form of Aset [Isis] or MAAT
Heru translates Far away, mountain
Rama [Ra-Ma] is an incarnation of Vishnu and Vishnu is
the Hindu Heru, Sita is the incarnation of Lakshmi and Lakshmi is the Hindu
MAAT and Isis, she has all three in her [these names are nothing but energies]
Sumone gave Hanuman a statue of Rama and Hanuman looked
at the statue and sumone said, you can’t get Rama out of that statue and
Hanuman said, Rama is in all of us [Rama and Sita – Osiris and Isis] so they
said to Hanuman, you stupid Monkey- Rama is not in all of us, so Hanuman pulled
open his chest and showed his heart and in there was Rama and Sita
Ravana abducts Sita, Ravana represents the physical
matrix and Rama has to get his counterpart back so he enlists his trusted
devotee Hanuman
Hanuman is a King over a kingdom of Monkeys and they have to build a bridge over to the Kingdom of Ravana [Sri Lanka], the demon King Lanka or the physical matrix
Lions head in Sri Lanka is a Reptilian [Dragon][Serpent] head, those are claws at the base not paws, MIR in the background
They go over and retrieve Sita
What they are talking about Metaphysically, Hanuman is a
King over Monkeys and Monkeys never stop moving just like you have the Melanin
inside you that doesn’t stop moving
Hanuman is the chief Melanin particle that is a devotee
to the pineal gland or the eye of Heru [Horus] and Sita is the heart chakra
that rises up and is the doorway to get you to the pineal gland, the bridge is
your final column that the Monkeys had to build and is where the Melanin has to
travel up to your pineal gland to release, to open up the 3rd eye to
release you from the physical matrix
That is the story of Hanuman who is a living spirit that
is inside of you
Hanuman will be there wherever you are going in the next
phase of evolution, that is why he’s got a crown on his head
James Brown in the spirit world is Hanuman and came back
has a force in your classic music, Hanuman s seen lifting up sum type of
kingdom or mountain [kingdom]
Heru means Mountain, Uma means Mountain
James Brown is the most sampled artist in the world, he
changed the beat [1-2-3] he produced Papa(s) got a brand-new bag and from that
we get punk, house, dance, rap+ is all coming from one person
Hanuman is unseen and he will pass many by
Read data in energies, what is it about their energies..
How can Egyptologists tell you about Akhenaten when they
didn’t know who he was, they didn’t find is [Iy] until the 1800’s and they had
been in KHMT for 100 years already
He let go of the Semu [priesthood] and brought in the
worship of the sun-disc [Aton] Atun and did away with the original order, he
ruled for about 15 years before he was ousted, he paid homage to the sun
[triad] the Exodus story is supposed to be about, in his name
Akhenaten is the son of Neter Tiye [Ti] and Tiye comes
from the line of Ethiopia [Kush]
Two holes meaning they removed her Cobra and Bird
She also wears [not in this image] the two feathers which is double MAAT
There is a Memphis [Tennessee] in the USA and in KHMT [Tattu] for
a reason and is to why Martin King chose this place has his death-place,
everything connects, a masonic area with a pyramid is also there
Akhenaten, Robert Bloch, Cthulhu Mythos, the true story
of Akhenaten, in 1971 HP Lovecraft received these images of beings that used to
rule the world, the great old ones
Nyarlathotep is the only one who is a Nubian man among
them who is not like the other beings within that group from KHMT [Egypt]
Robert Bloch started to write about them after Lovercraft
died and as a result he tapped into the real story of Akhenaten and Robert
wrote Fane of the Black Pharaoh he had sum-one in there called Nephren-Ka [Khefe-Re][Khepe-Ra], who
in his story Robert calls a mighty sorcerer and king of the KHMT priest kings,
he made a deal with Nyarla-hotep in the sunken city, upon his return he received
the worship of this [God]
So, you have the pre-dynastic that was overthrown by the
dynastic, you have Set-typhon who is the primordial [God] of all time, the
Aswan damn covered over 200 [Iy] temples which they did on purpose to hide the
pre-dynastic kingdoms, there is ancient and there is old KMHT [Egypt] all in Nubia [Sudan] and that
was all Nubia-n stuff that the 6-ether couldn’t fake about and this would
dismantled all religions overnight had you known, and you would never be into
things like Scientology, Futurism and more+ all that stuff is their stuff not
Aten [Atun] used to be Set-typhon which is what Akhenaten
was dealing with and they were from Ethiopia, Set-typhon was pre-dynastic KHMT
which was the Kushites [read Echos of the old dark land by Charles Finch]
They took the Set-typhon and took all the attributes and
put that on Anubu, Osiris, Tehuti they are the new form of Set-typhoon
[pre-dynastic to the dynastic] and then turned Set [Sut] Seth into the Devil
under the name Shaytaan
Set-typhon is the primordial [God] of all time, him and
his mother [Aset] A-Set [Set] Tiye, Tiamat [Tiwawaat] and Kira [Ki-Ra] Ki and
the Mother Aset- the Mother Typhon aka the Ty-phonians
Out of that word Ty-phon-ian you get the word Phon [Phone]
and then you get the word Phoenicians, the Phoenicians are the pre-dynastic
KHMT [Egyptians]
They got on their ships that they built before the fictional Vikings which is VI-Kings, and took their ship to Carthage-
which is now Libya, into Sumeria, into Greece, out of them we get the word Muur
[Moors] which isn’t their name and is an European name, Greece [Minoan]
mythology is Typhonian and you get the word Titan, Zeus and his crew hide out
in Egypt because Typhon goes to slay Zeus who is the Libyan [God], all the
Greek material is all from the Typhonian who taught them all of that
Muurs are the first ship builders and is to why classing yourself a Moor only limits you
Akhenaten comes to the throne
and he is worshipping Set and his own [Gods], he re-establishes the Set
worshipping with all types of [other] practices and he brings in the Tantric
Other practices, androgynous
His body is like that of Nefertiti and they were not quite HuMin
Akhenaten comes to the throne
and he is worshipping Set and his own [Gods], he re-establishes the Set
worshipping with all types of other practices and he brings in the Tantric
When you see Akhenaten and his wombman, this is the first
time you see intimate things going on, she is in his lap at times and they were
doing what the pre-dynastic used to do with Tantra and they established a matriarchal
order, they thought that Nefertiti was from Mesopotamia, Akhenaten the
forerunner is Moses [Akhenaten], Nefertiti came from Kush [Ethiopia]
Moses’ wife is from Plut-land which is Somalia, Somalia
is next door to Ethiopia and they are really talking about Nefertiti, Moses name is
fictional and the 6-ether is trying to merge their bible story
Neter [Neter-titi] means, beauty, youth, good, gracious,
[Nefertiti] means beautiful
Nefer-titi is not European, she is full blown Alkebulan and she looks like Whoopi Goldberg
Nefertiti and Netertiti are not the same people [Rameses
had an ego][Plut-land]
Both are very misleading and incorrect
The bust of Nefertiti with a glass eye is false, all they
do is repaint and make them look European, tombs that they found since 94 they don’t
tell you, so that they have time to repaint and remodel the ancient pieces
This is what she looks like, those are Alkebulan features in stone
You cannot have this body or booty unless you had GMO
food, Nefertiti is around 40 in this image and she is proud of her body and she
is after all posing naked, vanity is the 6-ethers virtue, they said this
themselves, this is not your culture and therefore you shouldn’t take on their
ideas, Nefertiti in these images has already had six children
On the stela [Ren] of Akhenaten which they made into a book in
their bible called Palms or Proverbs, the last line on the stela of Akhenaten
says, Nefertiti will live forever and ever and ever
Nefertiti translates beauty, the beautiful wombman has
come, in order for the prophecy to be correct, two things had to happen, they
have been trying to find her body and the reason they couldn’t find her body was
because she is supposed to have walked off into the wilderness and they
couldn’t find her and then she shows up in their bible with the Moon under her
feet and 12 stars on her head
She is in another dimension and she went on into the 20th
century [time travelled] she came to the future has that glass eye statue, she
said she inspired them to create this image
There are no pictures of Cleopatra except for on the side
of Dendera and its flaky, you cannot make out nothing
Nefertiti wanted to be translated into the hearts of all
women and she knew that all women would do right by her if they saw this image
because that is all they know today
If you translated Metu Netu into the English language you
would get the English language
You have to see how the [Gods] think, they are watching
from up there and could see what was taking place down here, she said she is
coming back has a Femi9 poWRA that will be around forever and ever, she had to
use this image because that is the face of womanhood [Femi9] today
Seshat [Neter-titi] Nefertiti, Nephthys, Maat, Lillith,
Sekhmet, Nefertiti are all back on the planet and more+
What happened to Fannie Hamer would make me grit the back of my teeth and I'm done with that
14.3.2021 [F-A-I-T-H]
"I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired"
When he looks at his hand and sings help me sum-body, this gets to me but without the likes of Fannie, there would be nothing in this world without a wombman on earth...
Heru [Haru] Hari [Horus] the inner most concentrated part
of Melanin [KAANU]
Finger in mouth is symbolic of innocence roaming
[consciousness] wisdom
Global rising is the Kundalini [you] rising
The word Nigga is the words, Negus, Ntcher and Nagas
which is the serpent the Kundalini energy and the Kundalini is rising in the
indigenous people and is the global warming and the more you call yourself Nigga the more the Niggres [alchemical term] rises which is the Melanin [KAANU]
the more you say this world the more you are killing the 6-ethers, the snow is
not going to work
You are connected to the earth and the Aztec, Inca [the
real ones] do a ritual to unleash the planets Kundalini every-year [this is the
mystery of the Mexican pyramids] and the trigger word is Nigga that brings on
the Kundalini energy
There is a codex of words to do with the alchemical that
they used to use prior to 1950 that came from the ancient world that the Muurs
brought with them, its in China to India [Niggard] and means the blackness and
are trigger words to bring on the Kundalini all coming from the serpent people,
if you say Naga and Nigga and take the vowels out you have the same sh9t
They tried to ban the word in 1999 but its too late the
Kundalini is here
I don’t use that word and use Naga, but praise to the Hip-Hop community
and all the Ghetto people for bringing it on
Yantra [Mantra] = same thing
The cube and sphere are the only shapes that are the same
size [360] and the sphere fits inside the cube [720] these symbols are for the
flow of consciousness [KAANU]
Focus on this top symbol, memorise this symbol and this
symbol lines up the KAANU [Melanin] this symbol and more goes back as far as
Aztlan [Atlantis] and is the ultimate Femi9 symbol and the inside of a man is
all Femi9, this is what the Kundalini is
There is no point going to the modern-day Chinese or
Indians on what these symbols are for they are an invading force in these areas
and all they are doing is interpretations, and if that is the case then you can
do that, these are the 9 ethers material
Swastika [Skastika][Ska-sti-Ka] is not a German
[European] symbol but rather a Buddha and Ethiopian symbol
Be wary of books and data for many people are just reading books and then writing their own books and are in it for the money for without
Melanin [KAANU] ether, they cannot go further, all these Yoga positions that you
see many doing are just glorified circus positions, exercises and mean nothing and
without ether you cannot connect to source, they are portal openings
They cut up a mans body in 1994 and they saw that all the
organs, cells, and found that the tissue is the same has the tissue in a woman’s
vaginal walls, the male is a projection of the female, the extended half of the
Bes is the face inside the Olmec [Ulmec] Mayan device [calendar]
Bes [Besu]
This is a form of Bes who is the Magician who is the
ancient primordial Cosmic [God] and if you look at him, he has everything on
him and is a pre-dynastic [God] and is a form of Heru
The body of Heru is actually the pineal gland and you are
actually looking at the gland and the brain with Bes on top of him which is
where the energy is coming from
Bes name translates repeller of wrongdoers, he also
protects children and pregnant wombmen, he is a Tahites [Ptahites] Neter which
is wrongly called dwarf but is a Pygmy General
Haru [Heru] (Horus) Far way, Mountainous
The life of Moses is the life of esoteric Tehuti [Tahuti]
the Staff [Waas] of Moses is the Staff of Tehuti, Moses held up the Serpent in
the wilderness, Tehuhi is the Staff and Caduceus, esoteric and mythology
principles that was made into historical fact for people to be made political
by making history out of modern-day meaning mythology, both the 9 and 6 ether
did this, its all 9-ether material
But if you take it back to the 9-ethers mythology, this
was another way to explain the KHMT science that was all over the world
Tanakh [Ta-Ankh] is the Jewish [Hebrew] bible but the
contents are all from the Hermetic text and the prophecies are still in there
Deuteronomy 28:59
49 The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far,
from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue
thou shalt not understand;
50 A nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard
the person of the old, nor shew favour to the young:
51 And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and the
fruit of thy land, until thou be destroyed: which also shall not leave thee
either corn, wine, or oil, or the increase of thy kine, or flocks of thy sheep,
until he have destroyed thee.
52 And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy
high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy
land: and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land, which
the Lord thy God hath given thee
53 And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the
flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, which the Lord thy God hath given thee,
in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress
54 So that the man that is tender among you, and very
delicate, his eye shall be evil toward his brother, and toward the wife of his
bosom, and toward the remnant of his children which he shall leave:
55 So that he will not give to any of them of the flesh
of his children whom he shall eat: because he hath nothing left him in the
siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee in
all thy gates.
56 The tender and delicate woman among you, which would
not adventure to set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and
tenderness, her eye shall be evil toward the husband of her bosom, and toward
her son, and toward her daughter,
57 And toward her young one that cometh out from between
her feet, and toward her children which she shall bear: for she shall eat them
for want of all things secretly in the siege and straitness, wherewith thine
enemy shall distress thee in thy gates.
58 If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this
law that are written in this law that are written in this book, that thou
mayest fear this glorious and fearful name, The Lord Thy God;
59 Then the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful, and the
plagues of thy seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and sore
sicknesses, and of long continuance.
All of that comes from the Hermetic [Heru] text and what
comes out of their bible is about a ¾ of the Hermetic text which is talking about you
The first five books of Moses [the old testament, that is
also at the front of the Muslims Quran] is the Hermetic [Tehuti] laws
The destruction of Solomon Temple [pineal gland complex]
is the destruction of slavery, the temple is the physical body and the
destruction is the dispersal of the diaspora, this is the destruction of the
kingdom of Solomon and the temple, Solomon and Sheba aka Isis [Aset] and Osiris
[Asaru] was talking about slavery in America
The Jews knows what is going on because they studied all
these things
They also talk about the upper land is Israel and the
lower land is Judah but you can take that has upper and lower KHMT [Egypt] no
matter what, all these books are coming from one source and is all about an
alchemical process, you take the scriptures from these books
Their new Egypt is in America [Washington DC]
Naga [Buddha] Hindu
The Buddha [Bodha] is nothing but you and your soul and
all needs to be transferred to your soul by transforming your states to the
highest level you can, the Buddha [you] challenges his ego
He sat under the Bodhi tree aka the Fig tree (Ficus
Your redemption in Luke 21: 29-31
29 Look at the fig tree and all the trees
30 When they
sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near
31 Even
so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is
The reason they took the Fig tree and put that in their
Bible is because the Fig is high in Melanin [KAANU] and Buddha under the Fig
tree is him meditating and what they are talking about is you meditating your
own redemption
Same with potatoes which once you cut them starts going
brown, that is Melanin, same with the Apple, turns brown, even with 6 ethers
women, if they have Melanin in them through the bloodlines then it will show
up, you notice this on her nipples and pum-pum lips, you will see the brown-black, I personally checked over 3,510 women myself, my work rate is second to none, from the Philippines, India, Irish, Scottish, the West-Indies, Columbia to Eritrea, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Turkey+ the results were astounding, I have hotel receipts, dinner date receipts, cell phone pings to place and time my locations
Project Megiddo report
Megiddo is Armageddon
Written by the FBI about potential groups or people who
could be dangerous and we need to monitor them, this report came out in 1999
before 9/11
The History channel put out the list and they made sure
that the list contained the Black Israelites on the list and those talking
about the Apocalypse and those from Nation of Islam
There is no more races out here, we are only dealing with
the conscious and the unconscious, the plugged in and the unplugged
A NASA spokes women said when asked about the UFO(s) and alien life disclosure, she replied, we thought you knew already, its in all the movies and non fiction
Those are tuning folks and is symbolic of electron
[vibration] frequency and the sphere at the bottom like a cross means KMHT
[Khemet] Kammu [Khami], the half sphere upside down and the other sphere facing up means negative and positive charges
Called refraction [reflection]
EKUR [AKUR] complex that aligns with constellations
These MIR [MER] MARE at like fasteners on the planet and hold the plates
Its easy to say Atlantis when the whole continent on the
left is also Aztlan [Atlantis]
Mammoth tusk hut found in 1965, four mammoth bone huts
were found in Mezhirich (central Ukraine aka Tartara) by a farmer who was digging a cellar
These dwellings dated back 15,000 years ago and had a
total of 149 bones in the construction
Rare blue-coloured king crab found off the coast of
Alaska [Aztlan-ka] all marine life that reside on the seabed filter all the crap that is in the sea and you eat them
Coconut oil after being heated cools in hexagonal
structures, carbon, we see this is ancient petrified trees and Bee hives
Anything above 7.89hz is life, red is in there, the energy that man is afraid of the most
HE.RU + MA.AT combined energies
We are in the Photon-belt which is burning many beings a nu assho9e, plasma [Galactic Light] is touching this planet and you, we will be in this belt for thousands of earth years
Ethiopia is at war and this is prophecy, the volcano stirs
into motion, the 9th gate means more to the [Gods] of [Gods] King of
Kings [Goddess] of [Goddess] Queen of Queens
Queen protects King, everything that has a beginning has
an end, I see the end coming Neo
We’ve not seen the true ska since 1999
Matrix glitching
Twice in one week
Tic toc
The sea retreats [Italy] several places around the world
lose their shoreline
March the Sun is directly facing the planet [Easter]
Suddenly, the planet goes to another level after February
You enter Sirius at 9 degrees
Cloud funnel highway
Near prefect sphere, red ska-line, sum have orange UVC back-drops
Pressure is being released around the world
OVH, one of Europe's largest datacentres destroyed by
fires in France that houses two thirds of the French internet
Millions of sites are now offline sites, who is doing
what here, what is going on or going to happen to France
Churches continue to burn to the ground
Reflexion in the smoke of a burning church in Nebraska, what is that, is there sum-thing above that is causing the reflection, like a craft is there or the dome [dimension] northern part of the planet
This house is sealed and all energy is trapped here, when
we hit Sirius the energy will be recycled, heaven [haven] is Sirius and
everything that is artificial burns here
Starships made by man
Up there is the holographic code [program]
Down here is the physical
India, this light kept expanding and taking shape for
more than an hour
The higher beings can cloak themselves in light [craft]
Caught on a satellite over KHMT sum years back
[on the left]
Scotland, how so..
Few underbellies of crafts in there also and a few other objects
Near prefect twin spheres, not sure what that is being caught
Plasma discharge in Australia, intense strike, loaded
and in New Mexico [USA]
The magnetic sun [poWRA] the MaStar key
Neb Heru [Nabara] NI.BIRU
If you feel like you are going to have a heart-attack get
sum Pepsi, the acid in there is so strong that it will open up sum arteries,
Pepsi only, the can and not the bottle, the acid cleans batteries and will do the same inside of you
Dear soulful people, it is going to be very heavy, time
will get turbulent and demand a lot of sensitivity and there will be vulnerability,
especially on an emotional level, you are being challenged
Unfortunately, many will fall into depression [crown]
Most of us are aware of the extreme physical pressure on our
bodies due to lack of sleep or rare dreams or other symptoms and body adjusting
Be calm and regulate and stay in your heart space
[centre] Rama and Sita, you have everything you need, you have all the resources that will be
provided at the right time, these next weeks are crucial
It is hard at the moment to be in harmony even when all
is confusing, chaos is a positive thing
2021 [2020] is no joke, rebooting and record high
vibrations have been released into the Earth's atmosphere creating awareness
for all life
A lot of information is flowing through your DNA now, that
they wanted to prevent
Steady has she flows
I'm having the most detailed vision
[dreams] I have had in a long time, all these questions I had were answered on
sum things that I didn’t fully understand, sum are future sights
When I wake up I lay there for a
bit while the mind levels out and was thinking so that is how and why this
and that happened and then I thought I’m going to write about this and then I
thought I’m going to tell sumone and after an hour or less I lose the file
memory, it wasn’t meant for no-one but you, the spirit world works like this
Remember Luke, a Jedi flows, use the force..
Come from your Sita and Rama [Heart][Earth]
Go in peace and let peace guide you home...
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