Monday, 29 March 2021

Energy of the state

 In the beginning was the word of [God]
it was sone [sound] for he spoke and that is sone  

States of existence
A state is a particular condition that you are in a specific time

Atom are the basic unit of chemical elements and are the smallest unit of matter and form a chemical element like [1] Hydrogen on this side of the mirror, and each Atom contains electrons, protons and neutrons and the more electrons [-] and protons [+] makes element heavier creating different elements on this side of the mirror, the heavier you get the higher you go on this side of the mirror

Each Atom has a charge, protons are [+] and electrons are [-] and the neutrons is [neural] these are also beings, positive, negative and neural beings and are also classed as sub-atomical particles

Once you speed the frequency past sub-atomical you speed up to hyper-sub-atomical particles, keep in mind the smallest particle carries the most poWRA [not mass]

These hyper-sub-atomical particles are the infinite light small dot which is the divine aspect, life of light which is the secret poWRA [Femi9 Electron energy] that holds the Atom together [to gather]

Molecules [Gluons] keep in mind that energy is in constant motion, energy is always moving, these Atoms or Molecules are soular systems or universes within themselves [micro-verse] [microcosmic] that are charged with electric and magnetic poWRA and that means the average sphere around you are completely charged with positive and negative charges from the micro-verse

These are micro particles but they pack the most poWRA charge and vibrate on the zer0 point of energy and its what charges and heals your body when you go to sleep [sleep is for melanin restoration] and are also referred to as Omega Molecules for they are the most-highest unstable Molecules and the most poWRA-ful substance in existence [wombman]

Study the elements chart

Hydrogen [1]
Man is only on 117 of the element charts which they have synthesized and they know of element 125 through the star-gate which is made from element 125 [Nuqta] which is still used by the ancient KHMT [Ghouls] man today have found small deposits in Alkebulan 

There are two-sides to the mirror and you are on the negative side and is to why when they take a picture of you they keep the negative frame because what you are made up from is on the negative side which tells you that when things speed up they get lighter and move faster and when things get heavier they slow down as they come close together [to gather], so your on the negative side of the mirror which means hydrogen [1] is negative and there are 999 elements on this side of the mirror and man has only synthesized up until 117 

The Germans have reached up to 119 through synthesizing and used 115 in Hitlers Bell [Vimana] machine

There are elements that exist on the other side of the mirror like light, sone [sound] and thought, these are elements that speed faster than Hydrogen but as you slow down to this side down to this side of the mirror you deal with Hydrogen

 When you go to Helium [2] you slowdown in vibration, electrons and added and thus the frequency of this particular Atom or particle

KHMT worked with tones, sone, acoustics, vibrations, frequencies and did their works by 3  

Hydrogen [Hy-dragon] is the most abundant and simplest gas in the universe and is one of the many fuels of the stars, the light of the heaven [haven] and earth

All elements and other substances in existence came through hydrogen to this side [mirror] of matter [NWN] from antimatter [NWNT]

In stellar cores, hydrogen is converted into Helium and other heavier elements
So it is, with ether [1] you have energy darkness, into ether [2] you have sub-atomic energy, at ether [7] you have spirit, at ether [8] you have soul and at ether [9] you have [God], for 90% of Hydrogen life time, this is the main activity of a star as a HuMin to reproduce its kind

There are 3 main states of existence, solid, liquid and gas  
The vibration of the molecules plays a huge role in the dimension [think about what is taking place in the universe right now and this planet and you] 

In solid the Molecules are packed in jam tight together [to gather-remember there is sum thing special holding them and gathers them, that are not together but held] heat spaces the Molecules out, speed them up and they separate thus liquid, more heat and they eventually turn into a gas

These are your three states of existence, solid, liquid and gas 

The realm of the angelic beings would be liquid and the higher beings would be the realm of the gas [9] dragon energy, sum of the angelic can speed their vibration up to gas to become light beings

As you go up the elements chart you get heavier and all substances can exist in all states

On the 3D there is solid, liquid and gas

Learn about Chemistry [Khemistry] because the Khemet people left a stone [stone holds frequencies] online library that the data is already inside of you, when you start reading Chemistry material your sub conscious watches you and what you are doing and because the sub conscious is nosey like you [the sub conscious is you] will start to go into recall and search for the data and if you  have been reading these posts you will also 
i-magi-ne all the Chemistry material that you have been reading and connect to the astral realm, to the server and download and upload the Akashic files  

There are different forms of energy, potential, kinetic, thermal, nuclear power, gravity, electricity, elastic, mechanical, magnetic and hydronic energy 

And dealing with different states of existence you have past, present and future
You have the 5 elements, fire, water, earth, air and ether, which is the 5th element

Sone [sound] is everything, the 6-ether cannot hear certain sones and cannot see certain colours, sone is the essence of life, sone is a vibration that propagates as an acoustic wave through a transmission medium such as gas, liquid or solid, sone is the reconception of such waves and the perception by the brain, what would the world be like without sone

Sone is colour, numbers, letters, shape, sone speeds up into light, light speeds up into thought and then thought slows back down into light and light slows back down into sone [your thoughts travel at light speed] you reside in a sone environment, your brain [organ] responds to sone [waves]

We only have one sone which is Om [Aum] Own [Hmm] [sone of life], in the beginning was the word of [God] it was sone [sound] because [he-r] spoke which is sone

Om is the universal sone which breaks down into 144 octaves

The Om sone is the vibration form where all things are manifested [i-magi-ne] forms and creations come from vibrations and the Om sone is the element of vibration, the higher sone of your higher-self, its Quantum Physics and is magnetism and is the [glue] that holds the universe together [to gather] its what you really are as in your vibration [you are upgrading in frequency] 

Everything as a vibration a frequency of events per second per unit

Frequency is measured in Hertz [Hz][Schuman] I Hertz is a wave of voltage [Hertz is just the name of the guy who worked it out in Western science] and expressed in multiples;
Kilohertz (103 Hz, kHz), Megahertz (106 Hz, MHz), Gigahertz (109 Hz, GHz), Terahertz (1012 Hz, THz), Petahertz (1015 Hz, PHz), Exahertz (1018 Hz, EHz), and Zettahertz (1021 Hz, ZHz

By being kept at 7.89hz [under 8hz] at the bottom says reduced consciousness, meaning your the 9-ether couldn't function with that band-wave but the 6-ether could, your not built for their matrix at all 

You can see the red in the Schuman 

We only have one sone which is Om [Aum] Own [Hmm] [sone of life], in the beginning was the word of [God] it was sone [sound] because [he-r] spoke which is sone

Om is the universal sone which breaks down into 144 octaves

The Om sone is the vibration form where all things are manifested [i-magi-ne] forms and creations come from vibrations and the Om sone is the element of vibration, the higher sone of your higher-self, its Quantum Physics and is magnetism and is the [glue] that holds the universe together [to gather] its what you really are as in your vibration

Everything as a vibration a frequency of events per second per unit

Frequency is measured in Hertz [Hz][Schuman] I Hertz is a wave of voltage [Hertz is just the name of the guy who worked it out in Western science] and expressed in multiples

Kilohertz (103 Hz, kHz), Megahertz (106 Hz, MHz), Gigahertz (109 Hz, GHz), Terahertz (1012 Hz, THz), Petahertz (1015 Hz, PHz), Exahertz (1018 Hz, EHz), and Zettahertz (1021 Hz, ZHz

In Theta you were walking around deactivated while the 6-ether could function on that wavelength, that has now changed for the base-rate from 7.89hz is now above full stop, we are never going back to 7.89hz again, anything above 7.89hz and they will go off-line [insane in the membrane]

We have 3 waves hitting the planet and you, the old 7.89hz is just 1 out of 3 waves

The base-rate today was 46hz, that is near enough 38hz higher than 7.89hz

Yocto-hertz is the 9th level and there is also a Yotta-byte in computers and computers deal with binary codes [2] and you have Yotta-watts [1 watt is 60hz]

All this and more are important when dealing with the different vibrations and frequencies of colour for you are seeing different colours in the Ska [sky] that is streaming down into both the 6-ether and 9-ether for different reasons

You can hear up to 20,00hz but your ears are not equal with your eyes, the eyes can see up to the 6D but the ears are at a certain position in this dimension [although that has changed for many]

Which is why when a plane goes supersonic you don’t hear the plane no more and the sone is delayed for a couple seconds which is the plane going into a higher dimension and your eyes can see the colours and frequencies up the 6D

Violet [Ultra] vibrates up to 800tz and is the highest energy, vibration, frequency and you can see 880tz which equals the 6D for light begins to form at its lowest frequency at around 280tz which is Red, suns are formed in the 6D and the ultraviolet black-light is [900tz] 
You can process ultraviolet [purple crown] rays 

This is the ancient Naga Mushti Mudra symbol being deployed in 2021, the last deployed [blueprint] was in 1966
In 1966 England won the world cup and was the same year Paul McCarthy was taken out, the same years 7 of the negative and disagreeable beings came to earth in the British blue blood line and is the same year 12 children were taken from a residential school in Canada in the middle of the night and never returned by the Queen of England to which she was convicted of, they say you bury bad news on good days, England won the world cup

The Mushti Mudra is deployed to allow the user to focus, to stay grounded, the symbol allows the user to redirect negative energy like concealed anger, the symbol allows the user to burn away negative emotions
400 [512] years’ worth of negative energy will be dispensed through this conscious energy field that we are in, it has to end to begin  

Those using the Mushti are here to bring this Wendy House down, the energy is in waves on all fronts, what we are seeing was written before you were a glint in your daddies’ eye, the higher beings gave the negative and disagreeable beings 77 years [100 years] to reinstate the femi9 energy and they had even been to see the King of the North [Putin] Bear and he refused, the energy is backing those who are to change the matrix 

What does that mean, it usually means when they change sum thing in the matrix 

The cycle cannot be stopped, Robert Nesta Marley said, sum say it’s just a part of it, we’ve got to fulfil the book
Its prophecy which is foresight, its not an opinion or debatable, by knowing what is unfolding allows you to be one step ahead, this keeps you where you need to be, you’re on a mission, this is an illusion, bend your mind around the spoon
-Be of the world but not in the [3D] world 
>> sssSSh, slip in and slip out <<  


Drive by
Huge mother ship cruises over South America [Uruguay], green and blue energy signatures, you can see the outline of this advanced craft that is uncloaked, there will be scout crafts in tow

They are trapped here on earth, most of their fleets are parked up on the Himalayas and is to why there is a no fly zone over there, tons of their crafts are over there 

    No one is leaving, this planet is surrounded 

Lights on and letting you know who owns the ska, this is not the Galactic Federation of Light for they are on the earth, many of them have already bailed on out of here, the rest are here and their main group is the Ashtar Command, this is not the negative and disagreeable Pleaides, whoever they are will be with the Galactic Federation and those in alliance and allies with the Annunaqi [these beings] NI.BIRU is present endorsing their presence 

[We are with the Galactic Fedeartaion]
There are crafts over the four corners of the earth  

There is a war brewing in Aztlan [USA + South America] I saw sum footage of a warrior charge getting ready and they are armed and dangerous, the real war will be fought and won in Aztlan, we are in prophecy, red is war energy and this energy is brewing and streaming in those who will be the first line of defence, it has to be this way for the blueprint was with the 9-ether panthers in 1966

There is a young man within their ranks who is around 17 and has the mind of a Nuclear Physician and is emerging, very interesting times

The Femi9 energy is surrounding this planet [Maat universal law]
The Heru and Maat energy combined is also surrounding this planet
Ra [Re] is also sending in soular energy
NI.BIRU is holding everything together
UVC is hitting the planet [plasma]
Crafts are protecting certain parts of the plant and redirecting the waves away and in places they have said, fu9k it
Crafts are coming in and triggering volcanos and plasma [lighting strikes] and there are creating tornados and hailstones
Landslides means the land is moving
Earthquakes, flooding, adverse weather
The heavenly [haven] the holographic code [universe] is connecting with the physical world
The truth must be revealed to the 6-ether and 9-ether first, everything that you can think of is going to be revealed, gamma radiation destroyed anything that is artificial and includes this man-made matrix and the real matrix revealed, the truth is more disturbing than the lie
Around the world many places descend into chaos, more places to follow suit, eventually chaos will lead to balance, that which is straight, into order

So the Dutch did find sum thing on one of the container ships owned by code name Evergreen by the Clintons, if they unload the EverGreen cannel one they will find much

The holographic [spirit world] colludes with the physical world

These are just stills from footage, tons of crafts docking, coming and going through the multi dimensional portal, there are crafts on guard with mother ships

No sails but what is that at the top

1914 [electric train]

See the electron energy streams over parts of the USA

Red root warrior energy is streaming in and none is being wasted for NI.;BIRU is moonlighting at the rear of her pushing all the energy back into her, into you at night more so 

We are having M9+ and M8+ 

This is a waiting time-bomb and would be the biggest non- nuclear explosion is history when it goes off [1400 tons]

The field is down in this image and means radiation [energy] is streaming into the planet and means it will be bright and warm, Re is also blasting this planet, this is a lot of soular and chakra energy, drink plenty of water and stay out of other peoples way, sun gaze, keep your thoughts at a bay [bey] 

Activation is taking place for the flower, indigo, rainbow and crystal energies and if you look around the world today, they are adults now, every decade overlapping from the late 60’s with the crystals coming through in the 2000 era
The flower generation was first and was the birthing stages for the energies following, this is in the last 100 years with the run up to slavery ending, the higher beings started to unleash us through these decades

17c. spelling change of indico (1550s), blue powder obtained from certain plants and used as a dye, from Spanish Indico, Portuguese Endego, and Dutch (via Portuguese) Indigo, all from Latin indicum >> indigo, from Greek Indikon >> blue dye from India, literally >> Indian (substance), neuter of Indikos >> Indian, from India (see British India)

Replaced Middle English Ynde (from Old French Inde "indigo; blue, violet from Latin indicum)
dark blue
Indigo dye is a greenish dark blue colour

Blue beings [life force], this Indigo and Indica sones like Mandinka [Mand-Inka (Inca)] in Mali who were the Inca [Inka] and we have the English enforced name Indigo that the British called the Indians who they must have been talking to those of the Siddi and the Sentinelese who are a blue-black people, the British would be viewing them from the physical [skin colour]

Lets go with the colour of energy and match it with the Chakra [Throat] energy signature

The indigos [in and round the 70’s] are 6th dimensional Semu [priestly] energies and in their higher-self exist outside of the matrix and came into the matrix to transform it and change it

6D is where the MaStars reside and are a priestly tribe with spiritual teachers and they came down to change the 3D world for they do not like this system on this planet and were sent because of this with the higher beings knowing that they will change this system and they will aid in setting up the king-dome to come

Flower, indigo, rainbow and crystal seeds all have missions, there are different levels to the ones that were chosen, there are many indigo sleeper cells in all of the 3D systems activating, the indigo is in, education, politics, governments, financial, religion, in all industries, movies, music, arts, sum of you are here to guide in the physical matrix, collect and renew energies by way of data that you hold through different mediums that you use, to provide light [light holds data = information], sum are parents that will raise their children differently so that those children can access the spiritual systems that are being implemented, they are the rebels without a cause for the ignition of the rainbow and crystal children who are full of light, very high vibrational energy signatures and are very spiritual, they are here to push the spiritual ptah, they will be around their early 20’s, early 30’s now

The spirit world is already dealing with these children for the reintroduction of the spirituality MaStar program, but a more advanced degree, they are not really children now, they are adults

They are a Christ [Cryst-al] Karast energy, they are anointed and come straight from the holographic universe this is why modern-day devices are easy to them, they pick up on technology very easily and want to know about everything, both the rainbow [all chakra energies colours] and crystal [HD chakra-white holds all seven colours of energy]

You will also be having heightened clairvoyance, psychometry, telepathy and intuition, hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling and feelings and energies [emotions]
Flower [green] Indigo [Blue] Rainbow [seven colours] and Crystal [transparent-pure white-seven colours in HD Crystal-light beings]

Many of you have to hide or you as a parent will have to hide sum of their skills or yours because they can do things, like really do things [you will be attracted to your soul group for expansion]

If you are 18-22 and you have anxiety [depression] you are being attacked and you shouldn’t be like that, change your energy, sun-gaze, early in the morning, midday or when he is setting, the sun has codes that clarify your mind, he can reset your energy, watch the people around you, could be sum one close to you, do candle gazing, read in spiritual, go for walks, be around water if you can, talk with the spirit guides, talk with ancestors, talk with sum one who is on the other side of the mirror, read Spiritual Growth by Sanaya Roman [you can PDF] I know what depression is like, I know what anxiety is about, you’re not alone, you will overcome because there are many out there who were sent to back one another up, its different than the 70’s into the 90’s, we are in 2021 and means we are in [Gods] world now where we can speak volumes, we talk each other’s language, its y-our time now, so thrive in this field, seek and thou find, express the essence of the here and now, be in the moment, to have been sent means that you sum thing to do, isn’t that special, you are 007 and its with that bond that you have been entrusted with, go to source, she is already reading you, she just needs you to connect   

Indigos are h3ll bent on ridding this planet of this man-made system with the truth about the past which is now the present, creating the foundation for the crystals to then come in and take the spiritual ptah higher into the 5D and lower planes of the 6D, the indigo is going to die on their feet and not on their knees, that is their attitude [energy], spiritual warriors

Metaphysically there are different [Gods] [entities] it’s a formula on one level and on another level there is consciousness and they may not look like what you may think they look like but its real in its over-soul they are real entities, you can use these [Gods] as formulas and all these formulas have an energy behind them and if it has an energy then it as consciousness [KAANU] [Ether]

This why you must do what it takes to avoid them shutting down the children and the young adults with the jab, you must protect these seeds, the jab is nothing new, ADHT and other made-up names were also to shut down these children and there is nothing wrong with them at all

The indigos came in all races and cultures, its about the energy that these vessels hold, remember they were here to dismantle the man-matrix and all have different missions, have you seen the movie The Curious Tale of Benjamin Button, what a movie, the scene when the woman, I forget her name, the Bally dancer gets hit by the car and they show you a series of combinations that led up to the ancient or what was meant to be, take the principles, you could be here just to say the right word or be in the right place or be that sum body that does this or that, we are all clogs in one hand-made watch

You will always be attracted to your soul groups, remember the smallest thing is the most poWRA-ful, so whatever your doing will have a huge impact on others

A new tribe shall arise and their actions shall make the earth green [waji] again 

Ba [Baa] soul

Your soul is not your earth age

The ba-ssline is your primordial calling, you need the bass so your soul can react [respond]
You need music for your soul, soul music, whatever resonates with your soul

The word Music comes from the word Muse, Mus-ic comes from Alkebulan and comes from the scales
Muse means to reflect, ponder, meditate; to be absorbed in thought, from Old French Muser, to ponder, dream, wonder; loiter, waste time
From Old French Muse and directly from Latin Musa, from Greek Mousa, the Muse, also Mus-ic, song, ultimately from PIE root *men- to think

Muse is the archetype
Think of all the words that begin with muse, like museum or musette or museros
In Greek Mythology Music [Muse] is talking about an inner microscopic organism or what you call Melanin [KAA.NU]

Its call Photonic by the Greeks meaning; photon; unit of electromagnetic radiation, from photo- light + -on [unit]
Photonic also means underworld and is not talking about under the earth but is talking about the deepest part of the subconscious mind

So Music does not come from the heavens, Music comes from the underworld of the unconscious mind

Any of this Music that is coming; is coming from inner, the word Muse which is coming from the Greeks that many associated the word with fairy, fairyland, its not literal at all and is talking about deep components of the alchemical body which is talking about Melanin [KAANU]

Your brain is an organ [muscle] and is expanding with sone [soundwaves] Beta [Alpha] and Delta

Djembe means talking drums
Traditionally, the drum was the heartbeat, the soul of most Alkebulan

Drums have been an intrinsic part of the Alkebulan life for thousands and thousands of centuries and for countless generations, an ancient instrument used to celebrate all the aspects of life
In Western culture drumming is, most often, about entertainment whereas inn Alkebulan, drums hold a deeper, symbolic and historical  and spiritual significance

They herald political and social events attending ceremonies of birth, death and marriage, they spark courtships, they herald home-comings and going and they accompany cults [cultures = oc-cult] rites and rituals, calling up ancestral spirits [Kaa]

They are used as an alarm or a call to arms stirring up emotions for battle and war
They can also inspire passion and excitement and even cause trances, a momentary loss of consciousness to either the drummer or the listener
They symbolize and protect royalty and are often housed in sacred dwellings
They are protected during battle

On the other side, drums are about communication and making music, two essential characteristics of lif
For centuries the ‘talking drums’ were a primary source of communication between tribes used to transmit messages sumtimes across great distances, even the animals know what you are communicating
Technically most drums are described as "membranophones” [Membrane = brain] Phones [Phon] comes from the word Phoenicians [Phonics] who gave the Albino Greeks and Romans their languages for they could only grunt to answer at that point, we are dealing with sone

Ultimately this is the sone of the universal heartbeat   

Your organ is expanding, so Muse, music can heal you along the way













Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...