5D Shifting
Time, [emit] is manmade, many are never going to
be activated, they react to time and so, even though they are lost in the
matrix, they are aligned with time.
Deprogramming, govern yourself.
Being centred, present, in the moment, in the now,
not thinking about the future, so you can make a smooth transitioning at your
own pace.
Numbers, [Nun][Nut] do not ignore the numbers,
signs, symbols, do not ignore the numbers, Nu will not hesitate to cut you
Being lonely, you have to be, if you are at this
stage you know why, you are centred and receive the Ka realm around you, if you
wanted to you can attract, but follow the heart and soul.
Kundalini NRG, many are sent to you to take your
Kundalini energy away, conserve it and reserve it.
Stay grounded, focus and out of the way.
Ki is getting ready to shut this Mother down.
The bridge between galaxies are sealing
All NRG is temporary and one day all NRG must to be given back,
that day is here now.
The first has arrived, we are in the zone, the war zone,
1619 March and 1619 September [1519 hundred years is missing from their history].
We have been disconnected for 400 years and now the connection
is rite there, they have been celebrating on July 4th, no-more will I
[09.09.19] [18.09.19] [20.09.19] [21.09.19][22.09.19]
Unfortunately, this is the middle people of the
Atlanteans and not the original, any which way, justice is going to be
They sprayed us with small-pox, we don't forget.
September starts with a powerful M7 earthquake in Fiji
Monsoon [Dorian]
Kat 5
Kat 5
On the 28.08.19 there was a Monsoon out in the desert,
how does that work that there is a Monsoon out in the desert in Phoenix, never
heard that before and they never had that last year or the year before that or
earlier this year whenever that other Monsoon was.
So, you have Monsoons now in the desert out of nowhere,
in the USA, the media love this type of live-stream that shows disasters because
that is how they feed off of the weak minded the negative energy and also fuel
the storms, these entities like to take the light, but only from you, the weak
minded with low energies without the 9ether pack or the 6 armour.
These little spots that you see in the cloud, they are
spots but are not, that is where the spirits[demons] are at, they look like
drops of water but they are not, remember Quantum entanglement means that when
you see sumthing, your connected to it, hence why many don’t show their faces
on TY or have themselves on multiple internet sites, that is not how it goes,
now many are getting zapped out here and things come to them and they wonder
why, these are the same people who say they have a gift but are all over the
internet or attracting to themselves in the matrix world, good-luck to you, they
take energy form you but we give energy out only.
This storm they predicted the storm because they created
the storm that’s how they know where its going, they have ships that take off
during the storm through the portals that they created, that Musk was out in
the desert the day before, have you see the clouds that just form right in
front of the sun that cloud is a portal opening.
Things are charging, it is the off-spring, the 144,000
that are and have been taking control, closing these portals, and shutting
manmade weather systems down, when the portal opens the demons come in and the
cloud turns into a storm and into a Monsoon and at the same time, these things
to turn into the portal and these entities come from the outside and ships that
are here from the ground can go up through the portal and leave to get to out
of space, we see this with lines on the magnetopause model will go funny in its
displays and the satellites that are inside the earth, they are magnetic and
those arrows point towards it, you can watch that yourself as they go around.
This storm was created so that a ship that is in Arizona
can leave, sum-how we are all working together.
[144,000] all this is, its energy and thoth, its that
poWRA-ful at this stage, that’s all it is.
Yes they do have a time-machine that allows them to see
5-10mins, it’s a lot, you can do a lot in that time, they can see 10mins ahead,
that is sumthing to think about, so keep random things in your head because you
can throw them off, be creative.
The ship that they are using is not their ship, but this
is how they are getting out from Arizona.
Sumthing is not rite with the people and over time
instead of giving to the most-high, most are at the intermediates level, there
where Neter(s) that are responsible for the weather, for water and for air and
so on, now they would be called angels in their bible, they are angles of light
in which to manage, they found a pit in south America with over 200 children
that had been sacrificed, who does that monkey sh9t, times have changed and
many now worship the intermediates, and even gave their kids up for that, these
people in south America are left over Spanish and Portuguese that now claim to
be Chilean or Peruvian, you are not and are not from that land, we never
They serve each-other, we are ending this, we go to
source only, our [god] will not forsake his children and the negative and
disagreeable know this, the 144,000+ are rising, this is a hostage situation
and the negative and disagreeable thinks they can hold us.
There are way more of us than there is of you, way more,
you are here and we are here and in this soular system and in this universe and
in this galaxy, in fact we are holding you up and you are holding progression
up, you listen to those who are not saying nothing, you don’t know what you are
doing and your not going nowhere, sumthing is about to happen, next week
sumthing is about to happen, all the signs are around you.
To me this is desperately important, to you, you don’t
give a fu9k, your like, we are ethereal beings and I am a divine this and light
recognises light.
No matter what suit you wear or rank or if you are a
Anu-Naga off-spring, your going to get it as well has the next one, so what if
you’re a [god] no one is immune from this phase, I know I’m not doing enough,
so if I know I’m not doing enough then h3ll yes, you are not doing fu9k all.
Perpetual motion machine a Human [Humin] is a perpetual
motion machine, we put out more energy than we take in, you are sucking up and
putting out more waste than good that you put out, so your negative, get with
it and put sum real stuff out there.
Neo beat the matrix by merging with it >> become
One with it >> its about your NRG and your Khu.
airport electric storm, August 28 2019
We will have pressure all this week
Seismic movements
According to official information, 14 earthquakes have
been recorded in the last 24 hours, with the highest intensity reached 4.0
degrees of the 253 recorded, with the highest intensity reached 5.5 degrees in
Tic toc Los Angeles and California and Mexico are running
out of options
36 uninterrupted hours of geomagnetic activity are
recorded. Solar Storm in progress
3+6 = 9 this is a universal order.
The NRG is here.
Green is Ki NRG
Ki is getting ready to shut this Mother down
Fires as up to the 31.09.19 >> Babylon is
burning down >> Ki must be purified first
New Mexico
image below, see the plasma beam that is from a nearby craft, at the top, no soular flares from Re, all remotely done.
NIBIRU transfers the NRG into the most supreme NRG that is the Femi9-NRG.
Magnetism [Magi] [Magic]
There is a planet called Supdet [SUP.TET] Septet [SEP.TET][September] also Sibtu [SIB.TU] that shares the 18th and 19th galaxies, the link between the two.
You call it Sirius, and whom the Greeks call Sothis, having two satellites [moons] and its sister [siStar] system Mirzam.
We are connecting with the Supdet Star-System, September.
The [NWN] sun [conscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian].
The [Gods] have returned, the Neteru [NTU] [Supreme Beings, Guardians, providers]
Metu Neter [Mother Nature]
Neteru [Nature]
Ki [Earth]
Feel the PoWRA within and above, s-he is here
[Beloved] ilov9 you.
To all the beautiful Star-Seeds, love, light and peace.
Djed [Sed][Zed] Jedi
Stay connected.
Mt Hood
24hr surveillance
Feel the PoWRA within and above, s-he is here
[Beloved] ilov9 you.
To all the beautiful Star-Seeds, love, light and peace.
Stay connected.
24hr surveillance
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