Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Apron Strings

As above so below, the Universe and your Universe within you which is your intuitive abilities, your intuition and your heart, when you do internal work, you will know if you are following your heart

You will know for all the answers are within

All work needs to be done on the inside, you can no longer serve your outside

Positive thoths throws them off, stay grounded and focus

The Universe makes no mistakes, she is on point Nu [Nun]Nut >> Energy of Nu <<

You cannot blame no one else for anything especially when you put yourself in situations that was not serving you and you knew this already

Time [emit] in your life to accept things for what they are, learn more about yourself and how you are controlling your reality and literary creating your reality, don’t ignore Nun [Nu] Nut [Mu] 

Nun is going to give you Nu-mbers, signs and symbols, master [Ma’Star] numbers and from your Ka guides, from source, pay attention on how they are affecting you in the moment and how they are affecting your life

You may think you have time to get things in order, you may think you have time, no you thoth you had time, Nun does not have time to keep sending you kodes, she will cut you loose once you’ve been shown that what you are doing is not serving you, Ka guides and source will follow suit and cut you off because you are overriding the kodes, yet the kode is right in your face, really simple

Be careful how you feel when you are catching these glitches in the matrix, recognise that you are able to see it for what it is, be grateful for that

Everything is lined up for a reason, when Nun is letting you know sumthing, you better listen, don’t ignore her, if you don’t get it, dig deeper and figure it out, we all have to, there are many going through the same things that you are going through

If you are still alive this means that you purpose it still out there, we all have a purpose, wake up and bring all into alignment, let go of the matrix and let go of your ego [discipline yourself more]

If you doubt the universe then it is you that has doubt from within

Choose wisely

Aum [Owm] [OM] Sone [sound of Life] 
[Gods] language [Gods] tone, frequency, vibration 
Atum-re >> well, we have reached that time again, where all misinformation must be replaced with proper outformation, the beings shall be raised to an inner journey to the central sun of your being called the soul-ar plexus and realign yourselves through the tone of vibration rate 144, in the first octave, down in the base clef in the note of D major, which yields the sone [sound] Aum [Om].  

Fools Gold 
I’m standing alone, I’m watching you all, I’m watching you sinking, your waiting to go.

There are no mistakes with Nu, she recognises awareness, address what you know and what you deem to be wrong, but yes, make the mistake, that if you continue like this, she will turn you loose


What does the word actually mean, the root words  are Hippo and Potamus, we must over-stand that this are Greek words in origin

The word Hippo or Ippo is the Greek word for Horse and Potamus the Greek word for River, thus the word Hippopotamus would literally mean River-Horse

Potamon would be the plural variant form of Potamus and means Rivers in Greek and another variant form of this same word would be Potamia as in Mesopotamia [Meso-patamia] which means two rivers, the prefix Meson, means middle in the sense of how they are using it, another variant form of Meso would be Mesaia

Her name is Tawaret The Mighty One, Mother of the NTR [Deities] in KHMT  

Mesopotamia is Utnafishtim which is where the bible gets Ham, son of [Utnafishtim] and Naama, Ham is from Khami [Khemet][Kemet] K-ham-i.  

Ammit, the soul breaker, here we find her at the Amduat[Neitherworld-Underworld] this is where we must all go and be judged for our deeds and intention, the two-halls where you will have a duet [duat], the field is repeated twice, all the things you done and all the things you did behind closed doors [minds] are revealed and the thoths you really had and hid or supressed

Ammit is depicted in three ways, a Crocodile, a Lion and a Hippopotamus which at that time these animals would devour men

She doesn’t look like this, if they really showed her, she would only frighten you, your soul [Ba’A] says in the pit of her gut, many are down there, it does not end there, this next cycle will be for 312,000 Ki years, an awful long time, each cycle being 12,500

This duality, in order for love and hate to exist, the world must come to an end [recycle] this existence is now, many will have to give an account without the very people they will blame

A very serious time [emit] is upon us all   

Ammit translates eater of the dead, she is the soul breaker

If you make it past Ammit, the Omega and Alpha awaits you, only he-r will decide your next ptah-way outta here

Heart must be lighter than a feather [Shu] 

Digested for a thousand years

The pit of her gut, what did Hitler know about the 1000 year cycles.

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