Tuesday, 10 September 2019


We started with an M9

When the Nub-ians are activated they will have a Nub [Gold] halo around their head, not everyone will have this, this means they will have [Supa]natural abilities, not all, only sum, you were never created to mine for gold, not you the 9ether.

You have RNA, they have DNA which also contains 223 extra DNA strands which come from animals, wolf, monkey, mosquito+ which is the Prokaryotic Cell, Prokaryotes are unicellular organisms that lack organelles or other internal membrane-bound structures, therefore, they do not have a nucleus, but, instead have a single chromosome, a piece of circular, double-stranded DNA located in an area of the cell called the nucleoid, you have [6] electrons and [6] neutrons and [6] photons, they don't, they do not or have 9ether [hair] or  9ether shell-skin [exoskeleton] or 9ether Ba’A[Ka’A], you are Hu-Min, they are Hu-Man and do not have the alien implants, the chakra system.
You were created by EN.KI and NIN.TI out of compassion [ENKI] INKI in Fire [Ki] and Water, out of compassion, not for mining, they were created for mining the Hu-Man.

Fluid that runs in the 9ether are 375 rare crystals, [9ether] shell[skin] metallic exoskeleton 375 metals, 375 rare minerals within your muscles [3x375=1125=9].

Hu-Min translates creative fertility, the Hu-Man was created so that they could not reproduce, they were able to reproduce once the HuMin breed with them, this was forbidden, which you can see now that they are having minus zer0 birth rates, those women with mix race [melanin] will be given a choice.

They taught you to love your vessel [body] first when it was Soul, Mind and the Body [material][mater] last.  

1519[1619] March Bondage
1619 September Mental Bondage.

You, regardless of colour will not be judged for the past, you will be judged for what you did in this life-time, if your 40, not the last 40 years, this last cycle [12,500].
We are in the zone.

Sum of us will take our lives when all is revealed, but you will have to come back down here and stay on repeat if you do that for 312,000 [12 x 12,500], truth will hurt many, either race, either view. 

We are on a time-loop, many doing things that I’ve seen them do already and say already.

Protect your biofield, if they can stand beside you its because your field is low.

It will get worse before any better comes out of this cycle, as it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end [recycle].

Oxygen levels are getting ready to change, helium will start to dispense, they mentioned this a month ago, both suns are working together, less oxygen on the planet, less spraying, huge amounts of helium in the atmosphere, huge cracks in the magnetosphere, Nun energy, Karast [Christ] energy will be in the form of a Dove, a heat Kosmic energy is coming, the Christ shall open the sky, the electromagnetic [belt] field of Ki has gone and it is NIBIRU that holds her, this energy will crack it wide open.   

12 x 12 = 144 [144.000] original tribes of [Gaia] are banding together, this is not about the colour of your skin, this is about your bloodlines, your soul.

Their children are being gathered up to be taken back to their original universe the Zeta-Star-system, women and children.

PoWRA 13UP, serious events taking place in Septet.

In Nature [NTR] we trust, in Neteru [NTU] we live. 

For educational purposes, the biblical text with a creation story which figuratively meaning that its all meta[maat]phoric oppose to the literal sense, a rib is taken out of Hu-Man beings and another being is made, the word rendered for rib is Tsela which is a feminine noun expressing rib-side which is the wrong use and word, NIN.TI name translates lady of the rib or lady of life and a name like Khawah or Hawwah which means life or Eve, you can see your rib story and her name Eve as life right there, that translated the word that should have been used is cheder which express chamber-room-inside >> which is a masculine noun, but the western scholars and their translators translating mistranslating and because of them not knowing how the grammar really functioned, one that knows can always pull the real truth out of the chaos, never use E's because they don't exist in the grammatical script, Tsela is a compound word and keep in mind it is incorrect use in the particular quote that they are using it in, but צֵלָע(TSALA), צ(TS), עֲלַע(ALA) which this root means rib which is a feminine noun and what they don't tell you are words like אֱלהִים(ALAHYM), "רחם(RACHAM or RAHYM) עָלָה(ALAH) and the word עַל(AL) even the word ALYAWN goes back to the root AL, and most folks rely on a translation and think that it means god, but a translation is not a meaning of a word and the truth is that this is not a [god] concept whatsoever, HA-ADAM(human beings) came from HA-ADAM [Human beings) the book tells that ADAM(Man) came from ADAMAH(Woman) this is the best I can simplify this ADAMAH means ground [Earth]female [woman] yours was called Kadmon.

KUNGA is where >> we can’t see him but he’s out there the 13th will be unlucky for sum, madness will occur.  

The Global Incident Map reported a M9 earthquake off the coast of West Africa about 7 hours ago off the USGS feed, real or non-existent data M9 was due a log time ago, here we go.
Seismic movements 09.09.219
 According to official information, 16 earthquakes have been recorded in the last 24 hours, with the highest intensity reached 4.0 degrees of the 241 recorded, with the highest intensity reached 5.5 degrees in Venezuela and the south pacific.

September 19-20 [21-22]
The hold ends
Recent warnings from Uffington castle, UK, August 18th 2019.

It's 16 drops of each band of the triangle, and an empty space at the base that holds the drop 33.
33 vertebrates.
Tri-angle is the strongest shape in mathematics, you’ve read what I wrote about the triangles and containing energies.

In August 2017 a great activation took place cutting the USA [Atlantis] in half, the eclipse was on a 33-degree angle and 33 days from August 18 takes you into the 19-20 of September, do you remember. 

Ancestors weep and have disgust at the off-springs attitudes today, no-one is immune from judgement.

No more will I roam.

It will get worse before any better comes out of this cycle. 


The old guard 

Barcelona in the SPAIN.

China [USA] played a huge role in Dorian, you will have to settle your debt with Nature for killing her off-spring.

THAILAND underwater 




Northern SERBIA
Those are not mountains, clouds, waves and waves 

Ul-Mec [Olmec] found in Mesopotamia aka Utnafishtim aka Sumerians aka the Alkebulan what you call today Africa [one land mass]. 
Camazotz [Kamazota] 

The Sumerians and Anunnaqi [ANU-NAGA] are not the same, they are different but from the same source.  

Over-Coming Attachments

Don’t wait for things to be alright out there, you make things alright inside [you] first because when your intention is focused on self the attachments, the pull, gravitation will all weaken.

Whenever you are established in your own presence, everything else becomes secondary, they can be there but don’t have that commanding powra, they are just there.

Sumtimes we conceive of sumthing and it can feel like we have been living with a certain kind of condition, of fear or a tendency to be very judgemental or sumthing that is troubling us, sumthing underlining which occupies much of our attention in the [waking state].

You meet people and they appear to be talking about these things but they are simply indulging in it.

 When you inquire, sit with yourself, don’t you see how easy it just fades away when you’re not feeding it, you feed it with your belief because you believe that the thing is so real.

When you view from another angle you realise it is you that is holding this thing, sum of your thoths are ridiculous, you create a relationship with them, you make them important, you get entangled with them so that you can believe in them and that they are real, they are real to you.

You pay the price of that association because you awarded this thing with so much creditability, your mental [crown] attitude is reinforcing them because you identify so strongly with them.

You have the skills through the instrument of this body and intellect and the powra of discernment, you have the maturity to move through and above lower concepts, that is a reality, you can overcome all of the attachments that are possible to develop in this mind field.

Sumtimes we must not give too much time to our problems because they have no original strength or truth in them.

These are simply shadows and shapes, forms, patterns that are forming, appearing in the infinite space that you are in.

This mental [Crown] thoths will increase, attacks are coming, you know what is doubt is, the attacks are coming not because you are on the wrong ptah but because you are on the right ptah. 

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