Saturday, 28 September 2019

Lit to Raw

Triangle [pyramid] and spheres [cube] are littering the skies, square, cube and triangle all hold energy in different ways, project Blue-Beam has run its course, we can see the crafts.

5 of the plagues of KMT are in what was formerly known has the USA and in the Arabs strongholds, black-holes are absorbing dead energies, soular energy is streaming in.  

Stay charged, this positioning is ring-fenced for you 9 ether, Mother Kosmos moves in the way she is supposed to.

The positive and agreeable are being seen everywhere, footage is out there and our br’others and siStars are sitting pretty in the skies, world war Z.

Continue to connecting to source.

20[20] will be savage.

Everyday is a spiritual battle, internally and externally be on guard, wear your amour, keep your physical world nice and clean, continue to work on yourself, suppressing our thoths on certain things will not help you, expressing suppressed memories, let them go, it is hard what you went through, but you must release and let go, face your darkness because it will surface at the wrong time [emit].

We all have work to do, spiritually, mentally and physically, we can only run from ourselves for so long.

People don’t really pay attention to what you know, we all should be, the more powra that you but into sumthing the muur its going to stay around, its not going anywhere because the universe [Nu] is lit to raw, she is not going nowhere, the feelings are pure, no lust and desires, what you put the most focus on is what you are going to get, so, to stop thinking about a place, location, time or thing, don’t think about whatever it is because [Nu] aka the universe thinks you like it and want muur, stave it.

The revolution will not be televised, they are in the wings and being readied, and they are not the masculine side of this change, this is the femi9 revolutionaries, we are here to enforce her throne because most men are going to tri and destroy her, even by her fellow NWN 9ether, he will tri and make her slip, the NWN wombman aka the 9ether, she is coming.

Her higher-Self [Sakhu] is merging with her-Cell.

Masculine and Feminine energies are and have merged, we will work the cause.
Ki is heating up has a direct result of the energy that is coming from her.

[Confidence is a Trigger]
Read yourself

All deities [N.TU][Neteru] are within you, are around you, are you, step inside you, recognise the deity in you.

There are no straight lines in NRG.

The NRG is re-al in this field and is Femi9 electron and she is in red [Ma'At].

There is no UFO [craft] invasion, we are already in a in-vasion, wake-up little Suzy, warships are in the form of nature, blue-ray is coming to an end. 

Everything is changing from the inside out, so within so that you are never without. 

Global Resetting.

The old world is passing you by, stay in your Sakhu states, stay on the right-side of your muscle once you reach that side, the left side hemisphere has gone.

Don't limit yoursCell-fs.  


Undisputedly The most famous Nile Valley Nubian unearthed.

The MOST HIGH is practically identical to the [KMT] Egyptians and followers of the N.TU AkhenAten, whose belief in one God overturned traditional beliefs in Ancient [kmt] Egypt.

Aten, formerly viewed in various sophisticated aspects as Amen-Ra-Heru-Khut, The Creator [n.tu] Deity of all things was either Amun, Ptah, Ra, or Khnum.

The deity Aten, represented both the god or spirit of the sun, and the solar disk itself, however, AkhenAten, formerly known as AmunHotep the father of TutAnkhAmun, formerly known as TutAnkhAten, is responsible for deifying Aten, classifying him as the Monotheist Deity to be worshiped.

However, AkhenAten's son TutAnkhAten practically said, "No, let's not exalt The Most High Aten glorifying The Sun, Let us exalt The Most High glorifying The Hidden One, "The Power behind the Sun" Amun." Which eliminates all imagery of the Most High. AmenHotep IV changed his name to AkheAten. King Tut changed his name from TutAnkhAten to TutAnkhAmun. The Tut is a variation of Thoht, a.k.a. Tehuti. As TutAnkhAten changes his title to #TutAnkhAmun, The Hebrew Religions till this very day finish their prayers with a salute to the Monotheist Deity #Amun.

Amun = Amen = Amn = Aleph Mem Nun

Aleph - Mem - Nun = Alpha Mu Nu

Alpha = Electrical [Mu = Mass] [Nu = Vibration]
Omega = Magnetic

E = mc 2 In the equation, the increased relativistic Mass [M] of a body times the speed of light squared [c 2] is equal to the kinetic Energy [E] of that body.

In antiquity we did not use vowels, only consonants, and each phonetic letter was also a glyph.
So some of the oldest words were actually acronyms.

In physics, Alpha, Mu, Nu, are code for Electrical, Mass, Vibration. In esoteric terms, this equates to Ether, Primordial Water or the Universal Ethereal Ocean, and Frequency.

Alpha also represents first, as some of us know, Mu & Nu were the first letters of the alphabet. However, Amen can be defined as Truth.

The practical scientific value of Aten and Amun resonates in the literal power of the Sun/Aten as an infinite source of clean solar energy; And Amun/Dark Matter/Energy and the knowledge of Atomic Science aka Quantum Physics/Mechanics.

Anyone concerned about the truth has to consider that KhaMeT, the people and their doctrines, had to survive through the Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, and Greek Rule.
Adepts were persecuted, Diaspora spread, and Messianic Djehuti-ism over time became Masonic Judaism, which birthed many many forms of Christianity, including shitty Islam.

Remember, this is the Lord, your God from Egypt, Amen, the original from (Amen-Ra) Aten.

So who was King Tut’s mother >> many agree that it is most likely Nefertiti or Kiya, Nefertiti was the famous queen and was often depicted with Akhenaten and logically could be Tutankhamen’s mother.

She is often seen in many portraits with Akhenaten portrayed as near status to the [pharaoh].

The other woman is known as Kiya. little is known about her origins or her life, it was believed that she was a foreign princess that became and remained Akhenaten’s second wife.

She appears to be an important figure in ancient KMT and for Akhenaten and was often referred to as, the greatly beloved wife of the King of Upper and Lower KMT [Egipt].

360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe, Universal Wisdom, Supreme Intuitive Logic9.

Appearing like Re

Kāfir [Kaffirs] Khapri
Cafri [Cafres] [Khepri]

K-P-R is a Kemetic word [KMT]
in Arabic it is rendered as K-F-R.

In Classical [Koranic Arabic] the letter P in borrowed words is rendered as F [Aramaic] porqan gives the sura [Al-Furqan] or the Persian dialect [Parsi] gives us Farsi.

The basic meaning of the word Kafir [Cafri] is to cover, as a pre-Islamic term, it described farmers burying seeds in the ground, covering them with soil while planting.

In Islam, Kafir [Cafri] was used in the sense to conceal and hence a person who hides or covers, describing the concealment of truth.

Kafir [Cafri] in India the word Kafir pronounced and spelled Khapri, when the Portuguese arrived on the East African coast, they encountered the usage of the term to describe not just non-Islamic people of the African interior but applied the term to both the civilized and non-civilized Africans, with no respect for difference, they are all the same, kind of thing.

From the Portuguese the term was passed onto the Spanish, English, Dutch and French, originally, Arab traders adopted the term to refer to non-Muslim people and it wasn't offensive.
The term acquired a distinctly derogatory meaning in the context of South African history, especially during the Apartheid era.

Now the K-word is equivalent to the N-word.

[Ulmec] Maya - Mayatl - Mayaté

In America, Spaniards still call NWN people Mayate in the same negative notion as the N-word, but there is legacy behind these words.
The Aztec word Maya(tl) was the name of the Scarab beetle, the root word in Maya(tl) was what the Mayans called themselves.

So, in the derogatory context of Spanish-Mexican history, the Mayans were the first Mayatés.

Mayan women wore Scarab beetle amulets around their neck for spiritual purposes, the ancient Sanskrit meaning of Maya is the power by which the universe becomes manifest; the illusion or appearance of the phenomenal world.

Allow me to further explain how when they call us these words, they are referring to us as Gods.

Origin = Nigir =Nigga = Negus and the O is for original, original blood before it was tainted.

K-F-R comes from Kh-P-R [Khepra] or [Chepri] a N.TU whose name translates appearing like Re and is connected with the scarab beetle.

Like farmers burying seeds in the ground, covering them with soil while planting, the Scarab rolls balls of dung across the ground, using the formula of pi and phi to roll dung into a ball as food and as a brood chamber in which to lay eggs; this way, the larvae hatch immediately surrounded by food so when they emerge they are fully formed.

This is the KMT saw as a symbol of creation, birth, and reincarnation.

The Arabic meaning of (KFR) Kaffarah, this is the equity and retribution on the scales of Ma'at where a person is either found wanting or not.

The Hebrew meaning of Yom (KPR) Kippur in Judaism is — the day of atonement, is based [copied] from the KMT on-line library, this is the day of judgement in the death, dealing with Reincarnation in the KMT the of coming forth by day.

Khepri = Kafir
Heru = Heretic

Khepri was the morning sun, Ra was the midday sun, and Atum was the sun in the evening and just like Heru, was the manifested son, even Heru became the root word of Heretic.

In KMT history the undisputed most famous Heretic was Akhen-Aten, who started a revolution by taking us back to the practice of monotheism with the worship of one true [god], that is you, the Most-High [Sakhu].

360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe, Universal Wisdom, Supreme Intuitive Logic

[Book of the Dead]
Coming Forth By Day

Mourning A Wake [Awake In Morning]

Concerning Death:
We don't die, We Multiply.
The Seed, the Apple, and the Tree.

Tree has many Apples, Apple has many Seeds, Seed has many Trees.
From the root to the fruit, wisdom come as an inheritance.
Life is Eternal.

We All, as One, finally die when the last tree, the last apple, and the last seed does not grow.

Be self-less, not selfish, life is all about creative and constructive contributions for our heirs, life is about leaving your karbon foot prints.

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet lose his soul in the process >> what's it all worth << can't take it when you under this Earth, rich men died and tried, but none of it worked, they just >> rob the grave.


360˚ Righteous Knowledge
720˚ Wisdom of Self
1080˚ Knowledge of Universe, Universal Wisdom, Supreme Intuitive Logic9.

We are residing in these end times for many, meteorites are incoming, personnel, boots on the ground, logistics., tech, equipment.   

Double spheres [London].

Red Eyes

 The [NWN] sun [conscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian].

Tic toc, tic toc. 

Nu frequencies. 
Total route frequency of this Universe is 6+6+6 = 18 >> 1+8= [9] that is the digital root frequency of the Universe.

6x6x6 = 216 >> 2+1+6 [9] the universe is made solely, entirely of dark-matter, dark-energy.
The spiritual world is 360 and the physical world is 360, NIBIRU is the Kode-breaker, order, balance is being restored, the route frequency changes in September.

Do you get >> 3 6 9 forms the triangle, the pyramid the Mer [Mir] get in your Mekaba [pyramid] and stay there.

3 x 45 right angles [angels] in which light can shine though, you are that light, you are that angel.

9 to 9 to the 9th poWRA [Ma’at].

Nu tone. 

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