Thursday, 5 September 2019


The eco-system is the reality checker

In 2017, it was 33 days before September 23rd in 2017, it was August 23rd 2017 and a total eclipse cuts Atlantis [USA] in half, which leads us into today >> tic toc >.

When you feed people the truth, you won’t know how they will react so just fu9k them all if they are not on your spiritual plane .

Major things are taking place, time does not wait for them or you.

Our higher-selves [Sakhu] are waiting by the portals, we are rising here [on Ki] and the frequency  is moving us into a higher state of being, they are waiting for us, to merge.

Anu-NAGA [Annunaki] are in Turkey fighting, the the longest my khu has been in anger mode, fury, i know why now.

The biggest organ on your body is your skin [9ether] it’s the same matter has what the Universe [Nun]Nut[Nu] is made from the same material.

You are the prime mindSet of the moment because the orcs do not know what we are going to do from the next day to the they watch.

Your Sa-Khu will let you know what's the Khu.

The symptoms that you may be going through to indicate that you are waiting on your Sakhu [Higher self [cells], less sleep, less food and so much NRG without the two, the Ba[Ka] can feel it >>
The soul knows that the Sakhu is arriving, other signs are your awareness, you are highly aware of place [location] thing and time and of humans[humins], you will know things, see things, you will have confirmation of these things, meditation [visions] dreams will become clearer, HD Plasma LED connection [Septet connection] you will see more in higher definition, while you are out and about you will have visions, dream-states, in and out of connection, your tones in your ears, different sone [sounds], you will become sensitive in all aspects, i have been seeing and watching through others, interesting times, you will have knowledge of the ancient ones, of supreme knowledge, knowledge is [NRG]

You will have Ka[spiritual] inclinations, like light-bodies, spirit beings, light energies, creatures around, black patches moving, you will be in magnetic dialogue with Nu, you will have spiritual growth and mature stance about yourself, you will have a rage to have balance on this planet, you hate certain things and love certain things, nature is not bipolar, once way to another, no, she is always growing, she is always flowing.

You are dark-crystal beings, we are about to be made solid to bring balance, lower self and higher self, two crystal to become one [Neo], this is the femi9 and masculine energies [crystals] become one.

Your lowerself cannot be engaged in the lower world, like money, mainstream stuff, mucus, sports + all of it, when you breathe life into that and your name, your house, your car, everything, none of this exists to me, none of it, you are feeding the system, you have to have disconnected from the matrix, this is about your soul, your inner-G, think about what you are doing.

Mental slavery is far more greater than physical slavery is, at least you knew who your enemy was, now, its anyone.

In their bible it says, that the female will lead us to the hell-fire, see the real femi9.

Do you know this is a nu phase.

Your level of consciousness and how much NRG you have gets you your day-pass into the Sakhu.

Stay focused and grounded, its so hard, isolation makes you go weak in thoths on sum day, what the hurt and pain, the hate, make up the lov9.

Mother Craft has been here since NI.BIRU got here.

 Sumthing to the right on both images

Illinois USA
La Luna >>> KUNGA >>> SIN

Shields up

Cove Beach

Nature does have helpers, our star family are in these crafts, this craft seen during a storm, these crafts are the storm breakers.

Look at all this heartache, don’t you want to end this suffering, this is not how it started but this is how it ends, we are all we got. 

They made a demon out of me

Plasma discharge in Texas from a craft, August 2019.

Hurricane Dorian leaves purple skies over the FLORIDA
Let redemption keep you warm.

Ultraviolet [UVC] is coming from Re

Veracruz Mexico
Great Apes [Orangutans, Gorillas, and Chimps] 24 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 48.

Most Orcs have 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46.
But a baby with Down syndrome has an extra chromosome [47 instead of 46] or one chromosome has an extra part.


You cannot have a DNA test without a full 48 chromosomes, there is a reason why the chromosomes are ranging from 46[47]48, one after another, is fact there is a link. 

NI.BIRU and Re


Drake aka Draco base must go down

South Chile 5.1 and Argentina 5.2 x 2 

Oregon M6
Albania M5
In less than an hour.
5.1 Atlantic
5.0 Honshu, Japan.
4.9 border Peru-Bolivia.
5.0 Islands Islands.
5.1 Sumatra, Indonesia
4.7 Puerto Rico.
5.5 North Atlantic

Its emotional for sum and anger for many, stay the fu9k out of the way of judgement and let things just be. 

The Sumerians [Africans] aka the Alkebulans are getting ready to take back, the Vatican is behind the word Xenophobia, the tribes, clans, indigenous people know the frequency [NRG] is changing this month, especially the Dogon[Hogon] Dagan, AB.ZU [South Africa] they are living in camps, many will die, Xeno = foreign and phobia = fear

Treat them like animals and you will bring out the animal in them [Fela]. 

You won't see them when they come. 


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