Sunday, 15 September 2019

Trick or Treat

Don’t wait for sky to open up before you find love, peace and light, the star-family have been waiting and observing from day one [black knight satellite], they know more than you think.
Hatred for our love, telling us of your [god] above.

Star-family are waiting for the twins or the three brothers to get here. 

Unlock your RNA[DNA] you are connected to the highest source, this planet is shutting down, this stimulation was a test for us and the low vibrational people on this planet, if we had passed this test can you imagine how upset our star-family and Nu would have been, because it would not have made us better, the love for one another does not exist or does it, don’t let no one play on your heart, I don’t love just anybody and certainly not the ones walking with this, that and the third, h3ll no.

Why did she wake [activation] me up, why did she slow me down and sped me up, why, I don’t question myself no more, I might ask why, but you know why, my heart is pure in the knowledge and I care about the projection of this planet and the 3 Ki-Ng-Domes.

Do not participate in the artificial things like, Pedo stuff, transgender, marring their dogs, going to work, free love, gay, unless you have to, with them implementing stuff like this is only speeding up their demise, a career is a Doctor, Scientist, if you work in Asda or Walmart that is not a career, you make money that Nu does not recognise, you have to, do you want to. 

The lower atmosphere, those are not clouds but are ships, UVC is changing everything on this planet, UVC is a detoxifier from the inside out, whether you go inside or not the radiation is coming through your property, they told you that radiation cannot come through lead walls, alright then.
Trees are burning from the top, peoples hair is falling out+   

The Moon is not our [god] and represents the artificial race on this planet, that is why they tell their people [god] is in the sky, whatever is in that Moon will be exposed, the Moon is following the sun on a 90 degree angle and there is sumthing above it, like a cube structure, together with a shield around them [halo], why is KUNGA setting and rising in red >>  the Moon is not even in the right place, this should be worrying for the artificial race, no more retrograde, that NRG is not for the 9ether, its for the artificial race, the Moon does not serve you no more and never did, i made a huge mistake.

Full Moon for the last 3 days including today [15.09.19] how 

The [NWN] sun [conscious- dark-nrg-sun] is RA.HU [Septarian] and is cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian].

[18.09.2019] [21.09.2019] [22.09.2019]

(Chile) the space highway, the Galactic Centre.

Chakra colours 

She is being honest but she is one of the many that are going to be destroyed, being woke is not that you can see the star-family, that NI.BIRU is here, that the money system is going to crash, that floods and heat is coming in, that they are chem-trailing the skies, that your government are doing this to you, no, that is not being woke, that’s just observation. 
Listen to what she said happened to her daughter. 

When nature holds back Honduras [water] 


Plasma charges right across Ki.

All European countries must go down, Belgium cut the hand off of the Anu-Naga off-spring when they didn't meet the rubber quote, they cut children's hands, sumbody will have to pay for that, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, nature is methodical, she hasn't forgot about you. 

All magnetic pull.

Thunderstorm lightens up the night sky

Algeria [when nature hates you] you know that she is trying to kill you. 

Chakra [soular plexus] skyline

Huge mother-ship over Gibraltar


General Taharka
The Noble Moor

Al-Gibral [Gibraltar’s Rock]
Tarik ibn Ziyad Al-Gibral
Tarik(s) Rock

How did a movement of ancient TaMaRe Alkebulan men get into Europe [Eurasia] in significantly large numbers and into positions of real power to oversee the return of Europe [Eur-asia]. 

In this part of the world Europe was still in the medieval period, coming out of the ice-age.

It’s worth noting here because in actuality an established ancient Alkebulan Dynasty was in Spain, Portugal, a fact that is omitted from the official histories the Muurs [Moors] bring you out of the medieval period, we call this the Renaissance.

The [Askum] Taharqa was a young general before he was succeeded to the throne by his uncle Shabataka.

We need to put this part of history, of Spain, Portugal, and the Muurs in its true perspective and context; the historical account below needs some consideration.

Historians tell us that Europe gave civilization to Tama-Re (Africa) which is a complete inversion of the truth, the first civilized Europeans were the Greeks, the NWN Greeks, who were chiefly civilized by the Tama-Re(s) of the Nile Valley, in KHMT [Egypt] is where everyone came to from the four corners of the known world; Arabs[Persians]Greeks[Romans]Jews[British] NAZI have all been educated in Tamare.

The Greeks transmitted this culture to the Romans, who finally lost it, bringing on the dark ages, civilization was restored to Europe when another group of Tamare(s), the Muurs, brought this dark-age in Europe to an end, after the end of Alexandria, the Romans became the new custodians of civilization, but the Roman system of society was not built to last; for in its intellectual acumen, the Romans were greatly inferior to the Greeks, yet it is the Muslims that give Greece back their history, if it wasn’t for the Muslims writing down all what the Greeks had so called learnt and giving it back to them later on, then the Greeks would not have had the Euro for a long time ago.

The Muurs can be traced into the ancient Olmecs [Ul-Mex].

The defects of the Roman system in due time led to its disintegration the main shortcomings of Roman civilization were slavery, militarism, and a bad fiscal system; and these vices gradually led the Empire into the debacle of the Dark Ages, as the Romans ruling class tried to postpone the looming crisis, they disestablished the old pagan cults and made Christianity the state religion, but this did not help in the early part of the 5th century, the Barbarians stepped up and overran the Western Roman Empire, and by the end of the 5th century, the Roman civilization lay wasted in ruins, finished, vandals(Mercenaries) destroyed Rome.

The Muurs pushed the vandals out, moved them north, ushered in the renaissance, during the years of the dark-ages-medieval periods, Europe was in decline, the Kings and Queens of Europe where living in barns with their animals, this is where we get Chicken Pox, German Measles from, no hot and cold water running, plagues, the black plague, 1.5million people died during its height across Europe, this was serious time.

Muurs built all the castles [Ethiopian-Askum word Ka-stles and means dwelling in the sand] in Europe, including the UK, all the Ka-thedrals, brought in the Kraal[Craal]Kraul[Krall] all means pen for animals, Askum word, they get the city going, building the first cosmopolitan city, with raised sidewalks, street lamps, education, first European university is called the University of SalamanKa, in Spain, is the higher learning set up by the Muurs, medicine, music, musical instruments, one was called the Sistrum, not only was it a musical instrument, if those that had blockages within the body, the Sistrum was scrummed across the area of complaint, the vibrations would loosen the area, with the vibrations, because the KMT worked with sone[sound], tones, frequencies, acoustics.

The word Moorish is associated with eating something which tasted “Moorish” dark, or some type of taste and Mauri, pronounced Moory, is Italy’s oldest brand of Alligator shoes, no Alligators are found in Italy, it was the Muurs that brought them over.

The knowledge (Freemason)
This is before the first batch of Freemasons who were Scottish, come in and started to write down their own versions of events, like Bab-EL, re-writing this part, and many other parts of history, for their version of the freemasons.

The Tama-re Masonic teachings are 360 degrees of knowledge; the mind can hold 720 degrees at full capacity, for it is two-fold, we go 360 [720] and 1080.

The Freemasons, who are the mouthpiece for the Illuminati, are a mere 33 degrees of knowledge, yes only 33degrees out of 360, and you wonder why this world is the way that it was.

Africa is taken from Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, (African-us) who conquered that part of Tama-Re, naming rights for Roman Generals.

The real Masonry is a fraternal order, which is world-wide, and is essentially an institution which preserves key knowledge parts of true Hu-Min history , Anthropology, Philosophy, Cosmology, Metaphysics, Mathematics, Science, World History, Scared Geometry, Jurisprudence-Law, Astrology, Alchemy, and the potentate powers of the planet Ki, the periodic table, how to take elements and atoms and to begin to manipulate them into molecules, the Muurs are the only group to be exposed to this knowledge, this is Moorish Science the modern name for the ancient tama-re mysteries and was only taught to a selected few.

Anthropology, they watched how you lived, how you prepared this and how you did that and then sold it back to you and renamed it Anthropology.

The skills of the Muurs where recognised by Europe, they were asked to join, teach, show how to build infrastructure, many Muurs are incorporated into the royals coat of arms, some other skilled Muurs made it to Katholic patron saints, army leaders, such as the popular St. Maurice or Mauritius in Latin as described in the Passio Martyrum Acaunensium (The Passion of the Martyrs of Agaunum) by French bishop St. Eucherius.

St. Maurice was part of the Tama-re (Egyptian) Christians (Karast-Christ) who served in the Roman army under his command.
St. Maurice's brigade was decimated for disobeying orders to kill Christians (Karast-Christ) in Roman Helvetia (Switzerland).

The oldest known physical representation of him, however, was not created until 1281 AD, a detailed statue now housed in the cathedral of Magdeburg, Germany, although they stuff his body and it is on display.

While the Muurs where on the thrones and had learnt what they needed, the war broke out.

Gibraltar is al-Gibral, is derived, the Rock of Gibraltar [Gibbolta] is Tarik and Tarik is Taharka which is Taharqa Rock.

General Taharka [Taharqa] or Tarik ibn Ziyad al-Gibral, a Nubian native whence the name, Gibraltar is al-Gibral, is derived, the Rock of Gibraltar [Gibbolta] is Tarik(s) Rock.

The young General Tarik [he was 16] led a major invasion beyond that same peninsula, his fortress (rock) is the earliest known [medieval] Kastle in Europe, built centuries before those of the Loire Valley in France.

The phrase, Thank heaven for 711,  comes from the overwhelming sentiment of relief experienced when Muurish civilization permeated the Iberian Peninsula [Spain, Portugal and Andorra] and Southern France and replaced primitive Visigoth feudal serfdom, yet the Muurs would lead Spain into an unprecedented era of freedom of association education and enterprise.

Tarik and his Ta-Nehisi [Sudan] army swept up into Spain and defeated the Visigoths in successive stages - capturing and consolidating Spanish towns from the south including Toledo and Cordoba.

Saint Maurice, General Tarik led 7,000 Askum men into conquering Spain.

The Muurs and their history and culture can be found by just reading the Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus, I did…
Note; this part of history is worth knowing, you have to submerge yourself in it, for after, you will know about a great deal, so much will become clearer, allowing you to make sense of it all, whilst improving your range of thought.

The ice-age was brought on purposely, during that time; the rest of the world (except Europe) was flourishing.

Moor sumtimes spelt Muur from French means Black, both of these words, Moor and Muur comes from the ancient Romans, Greek Morenos also derived from Greek word Mauros meaning scorched.

Lahmu [LAH.MU] is the Sumerian recorded name for Mars which is Muurs [Moors] from Lah-Mu. 

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