MARYLAND [Marys Land]
FREEMASON [Free the sons of Mary]
Mystery Babylon [Nineveh] aka the USA
The Latin meaning of MARY is ‘rebellious woman’ but was
adapted from the Greek MARIA and they got it from Egypt when they called it TA
MARE aka INANNA land – if this is the land of MARY, where does MARY live at
The ROMANs stole the sacral seat [INANNA] and seated the
POPE beneath her seat – the land of MARY is called TA MARI [TA MERI] but the
home or house of INANNA is also called the ‘light house’
Pharaoh means ‘light house’ but the Pharaoh is not the
man – the Pharaoh has never been the woman – when you research the word Pharaoh
it is a feminine word and then they use it in ancient times to describe the
Pharaohs wife and the Pharaohs wife is the one who gives him his ability by
bloodline to rule and you see this with the statues with the female holding her
male around the waist[images below] and there are statues where the male has two women either
side which represents the uniting of the two kingdoms for Egypt was split into
Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt which was two different kingdoms that were ruling
simultaneously and they were unified and once united this was called a sacred
union and this means a female ‘wife’ from each kingdom under the same roof
[house] and they have to be complicit with him and in secret societies they
call it the marriage of the red house and blue house
So, the term Pharaoh when properly translates as ‘the
woman of the house’ and A’aferti [Aa-fir-tee] translates ‘the Choice’ [Pharaoh]
Nebt-het also translates ‘lady of the house’ –
She is the ‘light’ of the ‘house’ and derives from the
tribal practices of the mothers tending to the children and the father
protecting the grounds and being a ‘husband’ on the land ‘husband’ is a
distinct title that does carry a lot of responsibilities under the function –
if they are not married and live on a farm, then she doesn’t have a ‘husband’
she has a corporate union now for the government tricked her and the ‘husband’
for the marriage licence is a permission slip from the corporate government to
merge two corporations under a common interest
Check the name [word] marriage = Mary – ri - age = the reference
is the age of Mary, how old is Mary when she gives birth to their Christ, she
is 13 and when you go back say 50 years in the states[USA], near enough all
states the legal marriage age was 13 and the legal sexual age of consent was
always variable by state and I have seen 12 and others 18 years old – in Mexico they have
sum thing called Quinceanera which is the celebration of a 15 year old girl aka
that she is mature enough and trained enough to become a bride and she is
brought out to the public for suitors to determine what family she is going to
merge with and say in the English speaking parts of America it was a sweet 16
for the same purpose and they normally taught her that the one with the farm
was the one to marry for the ones in the cities hardly got married and they
were your Stags, Bachelors – today we are all mixed up which confuses the order
and structure of the natural life of the land [lan] – this caused culture
clashes and this is how conflict arose in Egypt and going back to the uniting
of Lower and Upper Egypt and why we see the male with two females is because he
is governing over two kingdoms – he is governing over two royal bloodlines and
he is to keep the balance between the three – however the Matriarch have the
final say
The Minaret is a Phallus and the Dome of the temple is a
Mammary Gland [Mama + Mary] there are a lot of what would be called sexual
overtones in religion – but you must remember this is Allet [Allot] teachings
before Allah usurped her energy – we are also talking Baphomet which is
balancing the masculine and the feminine to become the G.O.A.T
This is the Bennu [Obelisk] coming out of the Vesica
Pisces [Yoni symbol] and is also the Christian fish symbol - the female is already circumcised, its the male that has to be circumcised
This architecture around the planet is based on the female,
all the Tantra [Shakti] Kundalini data was left in India on purpose because
India is a big place and by the time they found the stone records it was too
late and to big to destroy, because that is what they did destroy a lot of the
records, India is KALI [INANNA] domain – the planet is a feminine entity and the Universe Omega [Alpha] – so
when they went to build DC they had to get permission or [usurp her] from a
Matriarch which is where this Bennu is based [Washington] more than likely they
would have poisoned her because you are not allowed to sell the land, the land
is handed down, go check the Lioness, she does not leave the land [territory]
it is the males that come and go, she stays, with her siStars – check nature
[NTR] for you answers
They have a manmade law which is policy that comes under
the discovery doctrine which is bullsh9t because how can you discover sum thing
that was already there, all these melted structures, leftover technology,
actual structures that you say you found, which becomes founded and founder,
when you ‘found’ sum thing that was already there – we are looking back at the
last 300 years, they are talking 1000 years in their history, their history
holds 900 [1000] years of a false timeline, but where we are today is this land is to be handed back
to the rightful owners in broad daylight – the land was empty because all of
the Chiefs were in Florida fighting, that great migration was all clans going
to Florida for the Gullah wars that is why the land was empty, there were 14
million native ‘Indians’ at that time
Devil = this word just means enemy – adversary – the
opponent aka you against you, you are your own Devil and you are your own
Saviour in your own body – it is your perception that determines which one your
going to be – the Noble character betrays the Golden Heart of the royal ones,
that are naturally respectable people, that is their nature and we have all of
the natural Platinum Group Metals among the HuMin [HuMan] family when we are
talking about character of Heart and the weaker ones are the lesser metals, the
Iron and the Lead – its all about perspective
In order for the DNA to upgrade itself it must have sum
program of self-analysis – the self-analysis is done through the powerhouse
cell called MtDNA [Mitochondria] for the powerhouse is what is absorbing and
reemitting the membrane information for the membranes of the cell – so the
membrane of the cell talks to the centre of the cell where the Mitochondria is
powering the DNA chains and from the membrane the crystals in the DNA is
telling information to the Mitochondria
Changes are taking place; the women are accessing the
males Y chromosome and this is why its only one of them – we don’t have three
Ys and one X – we have three Xs and one Y and the Y is lacking around 30 to 40%
of the genetic information has X and when we check it the Y is a mutated X
The MtDNA is the computer that scans the genetics – so
when this SOULAR FLARE [CME] EMP comes you are going to know what the fu9k this
all means – in order to upgrade the DNA – this is due to SOULAR
events that happened in history – all of the DNA that was ever changed,
interfered with by radioactive UV rays from the SUN throughout history in all
species, otherwise the DNA is programmed to perpetually repeat itself through
the RNA [DNA] sequence and re-sequencing
– why does the DNA have to split into two RNA strands and go find two other RNA
strands to recombine and reform another DNA strand – this is an exchange of
information from one strand that had the information and the other that didn’t have the information, information is light [SUN]
There was a time when there was no Y chromosome and this
lets you know that the Mitochondria is older than the male [man] and because
its older than man it is also only carried by the 9ether women who were here first
– the male [man] cannot pass the MtDNA onwards – he passes the part that is cut
off to produce the Y – the Y chromosome has less genetic information than the X
chromosome but the male is more naturally muscular and when they are in the
uterus the Vajra [Yoni] is chosen, we are all first female down here for around
18 weeks – this happens because the mother activated the Y chromosome and this
is why we know the female was first, man comes from woman [wombman] the
genetics says so, she creates in her image and in her likeness – the earth records
also prove this, and the fact that man cannot pass on the MtDNA also tells you,
it is the first daughter who holds the complete MtDNA records, no female means
no records for it gets scrambled
Mason [Ma’s son] Masem – at the Feet of the Master, who
do you think the maStar is, Mother, this is the origin of the Mason – the son
who sat under mama to get the wisdom to override the intelligence – wisdom
makes you more attentive to the needs of the collective – the child who the
father picks is not the one, but the one under the guidance of Mama normally is
the one for he has a wise-dome [wisdom] view and not an intellectual linear
logic view, he sees from multiple directions and not just one direction – you
can have all the knowledge in the world but if you don’t know what to do with
it, you cannot use it whereas wisdom is to properly apply the knowledge in
places that he didn’t know he could apply, you tried it out and it worked
No one really knows if ADAM was a man or a woman and they
didn’t know until they paired him with EVE – before he was ADAM, he is just
ADAMA which means he is from the earth or earthling, he was an earthborn, that
is it – from the soil [soul] of the earth - we know the rib story isn’t true –
we have NINTI whose other name was KHAWAH or HAWWAH which means ‘life’ or EVE
and the SUMERIAN name NIN.TI means ‘lady of life or lady of rib’ and you can
see your biblical rib story and her name EVE as life right there, the word for
rib was TSALAW and actually means ‘side, rib’ and was referring to a blood experiment
carried out by Nergal Shar’etser – but ADAM would more have been a Pathogenic
birth and EVE was really a daughter helping her mother out as a developing
tribal leader
Your boy Jesus [Esus] Esau comes in 2,000 years ago and
this Jesus his life was written about years after this Jesus died and the
people around this Jesus
We have a 'god' and she is here, she wants her children and her planet and is upgrading the MtDNA, the powerhouse cell - she is turning you on making you online - respect the process, trust in the process, trust in [HER] HER-U [HER-O]
CHINA will be their new administration - check the map of underground tunnels, bases+ cities like Dulce base [Racoon city] - all must be levelled
That is only 10 miles+ between Russia and the USA
2020 – is when the war started underground, its been over
5 years since that war started – huge military operations underground – Trump
gave them the greenlight to breach those tunnels and get them babies [children]
out of there [he said he was draining the swamp land] – many earthquakes in the US are actual blasts from demolition teams sent in with Special Forces - take the Ukraine war, which is their last cesspit in Europe and there is a portal under
Ukraine but that war is above and below ground
This is why I check the earthquake tracker, many places that have
earthquakes that don’t normally have them – massive amounts of tunnels that was
earmarked to be demolished and when we see the M2.3 and M2.6 which is the earthquake
energy signature but many are coming from the blasts from the SF teams – anything higher means a sinkhole is coming – when they blast
their way in, they are filling them in and once this happens leads to sink
holes – there are those from inner earth who are helping us flush those in
medium earth out to the Special Forces from around the world who are dealing
with them underground – this clean up is taking longer than expected, it should
have been between 2 and 5 years when its around 8 or 10 years, which is why
Trump will be in for another 4 years if they don't take him out – Biden is already indicted and his son for working
with the Russians in which Biden pardoned his son, but this pardon will be
taken back [revoked] or it doesn’t exist because that is not Biden - deep state actors that were tried in GMO will also have tribunals so the people can see who was tried and guilty, the masses have to be
shown the truth, we know they used clones or sum were wearing a mask to play Joe
Biden – heads will roll, people are being taken out or moved around, actors and
actresses have moved around the planet, even the Pope who has been missing since 2020 they said was ill recently, so much to come out including both lists+ run but you cannot hide, shame we [will] know your name, all that was 'hidden' must be brought into the 'light' before sh9t goes down
Know thyself [cell]
Cape Town [South Africa] ABZU fire breaks out in Table Mt and below the town awaits - here we go again
4 planets still in alignment in this image, we had [7] + NIBIRU
27:02:2025 earthquakes - Washington M3.2 + M2.8 Oregon M3 Texas M3.4 + M2.9
Philadelphia and North Carolina also have had strikes [blasts]Ethiopia M4.7 Poland M4.7 China M4.3 - many strikes recorded from Indonesia to Peru
28:02:2025 earthquakes Texas M4.8 Mexico M4 Russia M5.2 Dominica Republic M3.9 + M3.4 + M4.2 + M3.6 + M3.8 Nepal M5.5 India M4.2 and quite a few M2.7 in California
1:03:2025 Iran M4.2 Japan M4.5 Australia M4.1 Columbia M5 Puerto Rico M2.7 [Hit every day, 3 times for last 3 days] Texas M2.7 + M2.6
Pulsating electric SUN - white core, yellow rim, red hue, you can see green in there
The SUN in the last 72hrs let rip, they deleted hours from the data - get sum SUN, sungaze tops up your 3rd eye and powers your BODI
Check the resonating energy signature frequency, check them codes
The planet is in the middle - huge amounts of red energy [FEMI9] MAAT + HERU combined
Portal refection
Cylinder crafts called SHAM sitting just off the SUN
The 'black rock'
Blue Rock is the York
right Blue Lodge – the war of the Roses with the Yorks and the Lancasters – off
the Red Lodge it’s the Black Rock and no matter how you look at it, it’s the
stone the builders rejected which becomes the Chief corner stone
The Monad/Monadh, The
'Rock' - The Great Mountain in the North (Psalm 48)
The Black Rock of The
North Celestial Pole (Polaris)
“The beginning of wisdom
(Ruach HaKodesh/Sophia/Chokmah - Holy Spirit) is this: Get wisdom though it
cost all you have, get understanding Proverbs 4/7
(Understanding = Binah)
(Hokhmah = Wisdom) (Knowledge = Daat)
The Solomon [Sal + Amon] Islands is the only place on Earth with
dark-skinned people who have naturally blond hair - in the remote Solomon
Islands of Melanesia, about 10% of the dark-skinned population naturally has
bright blond hair, unlike the European common assumption that blond hair comes
from European ancestry, a 2012 genetic study revealed that this golden hair
evolved independently in the region due to a unique mutation, European scientists
found that a single-letter change in the DNA of Melanesians replacing 'C' with 'T' affects melanin production, leading to blond
hair - these places Indonesia [Melanesia] Polynesia - Nesia [Amnesia]
Found in TAMERI [USA] and into the HINDU KUSH and from source Ethiopia [ABYSSINIA]
[4] elements [4] seasons [4] directions [4] cell
receptors [4] dimensions [4] ‘great’ Chiefs of divination and the 6 pointed Star - all connected - there is no disconnection, global network
Located on the side of a NEB-ANKH [Sarcophagus] are these two humanoids, are they wearing helmets or are they antennas or both - what are they holding and what is in between the mans hands
I watched this today, yep, there is a rock giant sitting down in a mountain range in the USA
Make no mistake, the tower at Manchester airport, the radar would have picked the orb up and did, that was a scout, probe orb and was scanning, the fact that it came down is what I want to know, what was really going on and @3:39 it looks like there are black semi orbs up there unless that is raindrops??? on the camera - its like they wanted to discredit the footage - even the first clip about the painting and then talking about optical illusions and what we see and perceive, he [presenter] is trying to mislead you - what was floating or levitating in Italy - that glowing light mass in the desert also had a reflection and the Project Gateway Process, another MK-Ultra program
They are saying is missing and we are saying is falsely inserted
Why, to hide the advanced technology that was already on this planet - Tartaria and the Emperor is Genghis Khan who they were 9ether people, and huge beings - that building in Poland, the trees where bent inwards towards the power source - they can only go back in time in their time machine only, MK Ultra, Mandela Effect - remember Tesla comes after this technology, he can only interpret, he isn't inventing nothing - the great wall of China was to keep the Reptiles out, remember Dinosaurs means terrible lizard and is a reference to the upright lizards and no the modern day Chinese did not build the wall, they weren't even here - why did ANU send in the floods, it was to wipe out the Nephilian
That false memory with the astronauts, they also did it with Mohamed Al Fayed who they said died in 2023, nope, he died at least 10 years before - they did it with Earl James who they said he died in 2024 when he died 10 years before, Mandela did not die in 2013, he died in late 80s, the real timeline is showing up because many are conscious but for those plugged in, they serve their Matrix - we know A.I is not intelligence but for those plugged in, A.I is their 'god' now, for you, your on his ever changing frequency now, the supreme frequency, they have been fabricating your reality and this is why we have the 'Chosen One' for they choose what frequency they wanted to be on - you have to choose, 'god' can't choose for you, choose wisely because you are setting up your next contract and avatar
Nothing new under the SUN, last image, in HINDU KUSH [INDIA] no pedals [electric]
After ww2 they MK -Ultra [Mandela] the masses
Look at this machinery, they found this, what does it do, you can see its purpose, but man didn't make the machine
Check the males colours
Russian fisherman captures double brained 'fish' - why does the fish look like a head
If is doesn't make sense then leave it alone
Not 'God' but NTR she does this, not sum 'man' he makes all the sh9t you see on the left image
The quality of being HuMin [HuMan] they sacked that lady on the right for helping the young people out and the boy on the left they robbed his country and left him with junk but he used the junk to help others, energy is colourless - its multi-coloured
That guy in the middle, they will either take him out or bury his work and on the left, same thing, this will get buried or lost - there is no profit [prophet] in free
Jews [nomads] Jacob [Jack]
They are after the children, especially those who came 2000 onwards+
Transvestite - Transgender - Tyrannosaurus [Dinosaur means terrible lizard] - I'd like to think she reached a certain age before they cloned her - was she born a boy or the clone is a Tranny - I used to fancy her - is this a man or was a man to start off with
Look what it does to the brain - they were giving people on purpose Syphilis which is apart of colonization - time release illness coming up, they have poisoned many, even with SARs all are time release illness - there is no coincidence
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