When you are seeing sum thing at the end, always keep in
mind that life existence always runs in cycles and this cycle has a plan to
take everyone through the whole process to see how you endure – so if you are
only judging everything based on the end, then you will be one sided – we have
learned a lot and we must make that count in this moment - the overall objective is what you must dwell on, the system must crash in order for the re-Setting of the [3] kingdoms, the planet is naturally upgrading herself and we are part of this planet, we are part of her - without her we are nothing, sum thing I learned while being down here [look at image] she watches, she waits....
@1:52 'EYE won't keep watching you' she has her cut off points, the choice was always yours to make
'If EYE cannot bend heaven, EYE will raise h3ll' - the true FEMI.NINE principle
The word Eagle doesn't have a root word or an origin but the word Hawk comes from BIK and so does BAUZ [Falcon] and Owl [Fowl] comes from BUMA #Special images
Lighting is PLASMA - you have PLASMA within U
Plasma, plasmatic energy and exo-plasma, the word plasma is from the New Latin, from Late Latin, meaning - to image, figure, from Greek, from Plassein >> to mould, where energies and gases are moulded into images, called Etherians
HEART felt - if these images are real [plasma lighting shaped in a heart], then sum one is letting you know how they feel about you, yes the shift is upon us and what needs to be done must be completed but its being done with love, in which that word will always come back to
Electrical and Magnetic force
Positive and negative energy
Left brain half and Right brain half
North and South HEMISPHERE [DOME]
These colours 'energies' are so vivid [HD] CHARKA [SHANKH] energies
Called Spites [Spirits] by the Greeks, this is
intelligent life-forms, so many in this image
[Sprite] Spirits are coloured in chakra energy colours
and can be found in clusters, there are Red and there are Blue [Jets] and Elves
[Western abbreviation] primary Sprites at different ranges within the planets
atmosphere and all different types contain plasma these Spites are our
ancestors in their natural form and are called Enas [spirit doubles]
Note the phonetically similarity between Atum and Atom,
Atum the Tamare deity [Neteru] and Atom the atomic energy are linked, they both
depend on wind or air as energy to exist, and this in ancient time was called
the Breath, sum called it Prana, others called Hayah, it was simply wind or
Rawuh as in Ruakh or Ruh which in time becomes inscribed by theologians and
philosophers as spirit from spiritos, which is wind and breath and that is life - Ruakh [Ruh] Rawuh [Roakh] Roo-akh meaning soul or wind,
breath, space should be viewed as a deep ocean and in the deep
ocean what dwells in space [water] we find in space
WAJI [GREEN] meteorite [asteroid]
I don't think the top two are real however the bottom three are, diamond [portal] SUN inside shield
Did you know that your natural hair in its roundness
reflects the Sun as your Crown [Chakra]
In Christianity, the fake image of the son god Jesus has
to have a Halo at the back of his head representing the SUN
Jesus is an impersonator of the SUN
His seed is of the bloodline that was never in the Sun's plan
Naturally, things that protrude on you must stand freely for example hair, penis, pum-pum lips, boobs+
That was the original natural order of this realm
In the dictionary the term "HALO" is describes
as: ha·lo - a disk or circle of light shown surrounding or above the
head of a saint or holy person to represent their holiness
Ring of light, nimbus, aureole, glory, crown of light,
corona; shield, aura
A circle of white containing coloured light around the
person, sun, moon, or other luminous body
The word Halo is Greek in origin and is based on the
original word SOL [SOLO] AU.RA [AURA] aka shield
Halo derives from the HR meaning Sun in ancient KHMT
The sun as a humin child, a crown or time, used letters
HR or HL for reference
The Sun as God us Ra [Re] Ru, and R, L letters for
The Sun as a prince born in humin from was HORA or HR
The Sun as a mere star in the constellations was referred
to as ZB, Seba, Sb, Zuba, Dzuba and Ra
Your Afro Hair on your head in its natural form is
inclined to mimic the SUN in a reminder that the head is the storage of light
You are in the Image of light
She said, I create in my own image and after my own
You are already Holy as in w-holy
All planets are getting a HALO [SALO] SOLO
Higher dimensions - look at the colours, holographic, 4D +5D higher definition [HD]
[TEXAS] view this image is small view and normal view, there is sum one holding that light source in their hands - Pareidolia is real for sum, but those who have eyes to sea [see] can sea
Take down the chemical SKA and all is revealed
When you think you expand your mind and create a crease on your brain
NIBIRU is BIRU [BIRD] format on the left also called the RED DRAGON [PHOENIX]
The Binary STAR [Starstation] and 'these beings'
There are many different beings on that ship [NIBIRU] sum came down here and set up bases, when the ANUN.NAKI [ANU.NAGA] ANUN.NAQI] set up first, they set up on Eridu [Al Ghor - Saudi Arabia]
ENKI set up in what is called Rwanda [Uganda] ABZU [ZULU] ZUBA - in the British movie ZULU the first battle they lost and only won the second battle because they had an upgrade with their rifle [musket] allowing them to change from a single shot rifle to a much faster reload, if this was a one on one battle there would be no movie, T'SHAKA ZULU was head over 300 clan families with either 30,000 or 300,000 in total across AB.ZU [AB mean original and or father aka father seed] - the French and British have been fu9king with ABZU since then [foreign policy] the 'T' is silent in SHAKAs name, warrior class, they fought like a RAMs head, with the weakest warriors making up he horn and in the middle the toughest of the tough - South Africa will be flooded hence why Trump is offering the European Africans a way out - he has returned - there is a huge crack, rift near KENYA and Ethiopia letting s know water is to fill the void
IBZUBA [ABZU] South Africa
IBZUBA this term referred to the land mass that is ALKEBULAN
[Africa] today - the translation of IBZUBA is also ABZU - IBUZUBA means ‘Land
of the SUN’ among the ABANTU – the same in KHMT where TAMERA [TAMARU] also
means Land of the SUN’
[ABZU] is South Africa which is really North
Africa for the map they use is upside down and is where ENKI has his home base, there is an entrance for his unground HQ
According to ABANYABIRU, IBUZUBA was a beautiful place of
fresh lakes and rivers where EN.KI chose its heart to build his house, its
above and under water - Its vast surroundings were blessed with plenty of gold
and fresh rivers and great mountains
There ENQI took the command from his father A.NU to
create ABANU [ABANTU] ALBANIA [ALBION] [the black-headed ones] in the Image of
ABANYABIRU to help him with work especially in the mining of gold that was
needed back at planet NYABIRU [NIBIRU] for scientific reasons
The source of the Nile languages is a gold mine for
hidden ancient code, these languages still hold codes that prove a connection
with ancient the ANNUNNAKI the IBI-MANNUKA
NI.BIRU way of looking at time, in NIBIRUIC concept of time,
one year is a SAR and one SAR is 3600 earth years - in IUNYANKORE, time is SHAHA
which is close to SAR, days are EBIRO close to NIBIRU [NIBIRO] - time in KI.GANDA
The people of east ALKEBULAN [Africa] regard humanity as
ABANU [ABANTU] meaning those who belong to ANU or ANTU [ANUTU] ANUNNA which
In UGANDA, the BANYANKOLE also refer to the BANTU as
ABIRU from NIBIRU - In RWANDA the knowledge keepers were assigned a name ABIRU
meaning those whose knowledge equates to the NIBIRIANS, the BAHIMA were the
second last to be created by the ANNUNAKI, the last ones were the 6ethers
[Caucasian] by the rebels among the [Gods] elders
This Maasai piece of metal-symbol used to clip his
forehead locks is a Sumerian word for SUN, that word is ZUBA and in other
places its APSU and [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
We wore thousands of Karats of Nub [Gold] on our bodies
not as a sign of wealth- but for body charging, the body has gold and metals
and Koppa, plasma- running through it and the 9ethers wore has ornament before
Europeans set foot on the continent
Our knowledge of Nub [Gold] as a precious metal is so
ancient that it goes back to the time of the rule of Gods [Zep Tepi], the IBIMANNUKA
left us with the legacy of valuing Gold
ENKI and ENLIL both have a son called [AMARTU] MARDUK
The word MUTARA was Sumerian in origin and Sumerian is
Alkebulan, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Typhonian+ all the same area
The word MUTARA eventually became MITHRA when the Romans
invaded the area and during the birth of the KABALA, but RWANDANA remained with
the word although this time it was just a titular name for a king – BENE GAHIMA
occupied the area anciently known as BATBIRA in what is modern day Iraq, Iraq
comes under Mesopotamia
Classic KINYARWANDA was spoken around that area, most
Sumerian vocalization and pronunciation of what we refer to as Cuneiform was
Classic KINYARWANDA - Cuneiform is a Greek word
It is the original IBIMANNUKA language which later got
adopted by ABANTU [IRUS [IRU] IRE and MUTARA was another name for Sun [God], for
example MUTARA – UTA URUMURI = IZUBA - referring to the sun as he who spreads
light - thus deified as MUTARA [MITHRA]
The writings and the art of the IBIMANNUKA indicate that
everything on [KI] earth is also on NYABIRU in a much larger size, from the dinosaurs
there are our crocodiles and lizards there, the ANUNNAKI [IBIMANNUKA]made it
clear in their records that they were giants, where Lions were like lap Dogs
NYABIRU furthest location is 39 light years away from
here but regularly gets close to KI [earth] during its yearly revolution around
the sun which takes 3650 [3600] years and for us it takes 365 [360] days
NYABIRU day is 240 hours while earth day is 24 hours - Everything
on Ki is as on NYABIRU but magnified
HuMans [HuMins] here are miniatures of the same humanoids
on NYABIRU, even the colour of their skin [gold or ether- both] and the
language they speak is BANTUIC
During their time on KI, they also had gigantic animals
and birds that they brought with them from their massive NYABIRU, sum of the
animals we have today have origins from NYABIRU are Dogs, Inyambo, Cows,
Ostriches, Peacocks, and Kats including Lions, Dinosaurs [lizard, serpents,
reptilians] also came from NIBIRU but the ANUNNAKI saw that they were
destructive on KI as they were way too huge and vicious for the Humins [Humans]
and so they caused them to die during the great flood of ZIUSDRA - Dinosaurs
still exist on NYABIRU [NI.BIRU]
The aspect of the Dog being man's best friend stems from
NYABIRU and dogs were as big as a lion or even larger, they were called Jackal
rather than dog, there are ancient giant dog paw prints
The Khoi [Khoisan] lived all over Africa and Asia as far as Gobi
Desert during the second epoch of the ANNUNAKI shortly after the sinking of KUMARI
KANDEM in the Indian ocean [Siddis] Seychelles+
The Khoi and many other TWA branches that are extinct and
were all over this planet especially in areas stretching from south Alkebulan
all the way to Mongolia, the climate was different back then [one landmass] and
Crocodiles where in Russia [Mongolia]
There were no modern 9ether people at that time except
the Australoid who survived the sinking of the original island of KUMARI KANDEM
that was another EDEN [EDIN] GAN
The Australoid were genetically created separately but
with a similar formula as TWA, in fact they are a TWA branch
Learning the Language of Kinyarwanda at a deep level will
help you understand the language of the [Gods] which they named AMATWI Y'NTARE
or do what I did if you’re really keen, find sum one who is from the past and
ask then to help you translates words
What westerners described as Hieroglyphics [Metu Neter]
Kinyarwanda gave birth to all IRU [IRE] [BANTU] South of the Equator
Kinyarwanda is over 8000 years old and falls outside of
the 10,000 ice-age or 2,000 Jesus stories and means there were tons of
civilisations before mankind
Kinyarwanda is older than anything like Arabic
We have evidence that Kinyarwanda was spoken at Badtibira
in ancient Mesopotamia and at Unu (Heliopolis) in ancient KHMT [Egypt]
The oldest Arabic scripts are from 640AD
Arabic script was taken from the Nabatean Alphabet which
was taken from Aramaic
Arabic as a spoken language dates earlier, of course,
probably around 30C.E, there was also a form which was called South Arabic
which was spoken around South Arabia and Ethiopia, before Arabic took place
most of the middle-east spoke Aramaic Hebrew in Israel - Hebrew comes from Habiru which comes from Nibiru
Languages of the 9ether are way older than languages we
see used by Europoid
Another oldest language is Sesarwa spoken by the San [Khoisan] people
The way races came about can still be re-demonstrated
even today
If you get a pure Congolese Bantu woman and she mates
with a Russian blond man you will get an ABAB [ARAB]
A Khoi-San and they mate with an Aryan Indian from north
India or from a rural Kazakhstan blond man you will get a Chinese and or any
mongoloid looking Asian
Aryan, there are two, one is 9ether
And if you mix these mixed breeds with other Africans
such as Twa you get all other Mulattoid that we find in for example in South
Americans [as well as the leftover Spanish and Portuguese offspring that class
themselves has South American]
Africa is the only land mass that is rooted, all other land masses are floating, held in by MIR [MER] pyramids that act like fasteners - they want their planet and offspring
Check out this OG, where is he from, Venezuela ?? sum where in South America, he is either Eskimo, Pilipino, Mongolian - check his face and height and the word Chino [China] oriental
The killing of the KAU [COW] is forbidden - payback is on so many levels, you will be punished for eating, killing the KAU
This man recognised the BULL [BAAL] KAU from calf and calmed the KAU down and everyone applauded, in Spain using the 'black' bull was symbolic of the Moors being kicked out of Europe
Initially, the Spanish and the Portuguese marked the
9ethers [blacks] as humin species has marked for annihilation or death via
exploitation, slavery and abuse
They were set for death thus NECRO people and Nerco comes
from Necrophilia which is a practice [Romans that is working with the dead
[sexual- sexing dead people]
This concept was passed down from the early days of the
Greeks and the Romans who applied the term NECRO to many great cities found in
Alkebulan [Africa] especially in the Nile valley whereby cities became
NECROPOLIS's meaning dead cities, Heliopolis [heli means Sun] any Greek names
After Pope Nicolas V gave the Portuguese the green light
to begin selling slaves in west-Africa in 1455, they set out to rename the
areas of west Africa as NIGER this Niger [and Nigeria] that meaning source of
humin species marked for death
This former part of Mali empire became NIGER place,
former Dahomey and Ghan became NIGER-AREA (NIGERIA) by the British
The word is not from Ethiopian Nugus [Negus] meaning King
but is based from the Ethiopian concept
The last thing the Portuguese would want to name you was
a king, sum relate the word to Negus Vedas, Nagas, Negus, its all related
Further down the line, as European medical exploration
rose, the need for humin Guinea pigs rose, Guinea was the name of their coin
[currency] and Papua New Guinea was established and is why today, Indonesia,
Vietnam and Australia, all lead the way in what they have all done to PNG and
will be receiving a new asshole for their time, systematic destruction, slow
but oh so effective
Part of the southern Ghana empire and gold coast became
GUINNEA as was a source of Humin specimens
There was no 6ether person named Enoch, there was however
Kha-Nowk and you can hear the same pronunciation, in many ways this false Enoch
didn’t exist but the one they call Kha-Nowk is more than likely ENKI
The European translators of ENKI(s) writings mistranslated
his name as ENCHI then the English turned it into ENOCH and this is why I say
Kha-Nowk was actually ENKI
Later name ENOCH was played around to form a moniker of
NOECH or NOAH'S ark then Noah and the ark
It was all a creative fiction project that the ancient
religious writers were involved in
The Ark was a space shuttle and not sum stupid wooden
boat that housed only two of each animal
Noah [Khami] Khemet [K-Ham-i] Ham, the children of Ham,
Noah the name is based on Mesopotamia [Utnafishtim] Noah and his sons are not a
group of say 7 people, its in the range of 12,000+ people
Their holy Bible is about the constellations, the Chakra
system and about you, your eye, their book is also about the Annunaki and not
the God of the universe whose real name is Imn [Amen] Imn [Om] Aum [Owm]
The angry or jealous God of the Christian Bible and Koran
is an ANNUNAKI named ENLIL, who sees you as slaves for soul harvest - His brother ENKI wanted the will of the true God IMN to
be the principal basis of worship upon humanity
Everyone that subscribes to the biblical and Koranic
teachings will follow ENLIL and have their souls enslaved
The Gnostics explained this very well
When the flood ended and the war between Marduk and
Ninurta ended
It is ENLIL who shuts the doors on the shuttle [Ark]
leaving Noah seed stranded and it is EN.KI that goes back and saves them all [I
often wonder if this was the real reason why ENKI stayed on Ki] EN.LIL hates
HuMins [HuMans] and didn’t want them to be created, ENLIL is Set [Seth] and is
the father seed to the 6ether and ENKI is Osiris, when the HuMins were first
created they were having BBQ(s) everyday, drinking Kool-Aid and having street
dances all through the night and sum would have all-dayers, the HuMins talked
too much according to EN.LIL, when they were given the alien implants and gifs
of intellect ENLIL was not a HA.PI bunny, he always felt that they should be
lower than him, ENKI and NINTI were not having none of it and took us to their
ENKI sought to start a new kingdom based in Kemet [KHMT]
that worshiped and praised IMN [Amen the true God of the Universe] and not
ENLIL [Zeus, Apollo, Baal, Jesus and Seth or Set]
Imn means the hidden energy, the omnipresent, Imn works
through Ra the sun to offer life upon planets
Very simple and easy to understand and when you do, you
will inner-stand
Humins and all creatures are the embodiments of Imn
You've had scraps before, this time you want 5star buffet - stay focused and grounded - this 'world' must be destroyed, but not the planet, she will be here after you, learn the difference between the planet and world which are two different things like soul and spirit - stay focused and grounded
The SOUL [BAA] and SPIRIT [KAA] are different, not everyone has a SOUL down here
Water is coming in around the planet - the sea retreated sum where in Thailand and in Turkey and sum where in Greece
90 degree angle in space, a cube, force field is surrounding this planet, you can see it - huge amounts of BLUE and PURPLE
They say Italy got hit with a M9 but there is no mention anywhere but on these graphics
Last 48hrs [17.2.2025] Portugal M4.3 and Greece M4.3 two strikes and M5
Turkey M4.3 and India M4.2
18.2.2025 Greece M5.1 two strikes and M5.1 and M4.6 Russia M4.6 - there are loads of places from CHILE to PERU, JAPAN, CALIFORNIA to INDONESIA+ Washington M3.1 all getting hit but Greece is after glory, they are getting hit, Rome and Greece must fall for the Bible lot
19.2.2025 Greece M4
No bullets left so they can't afford to - plan-demon-ic
I don't have a tv anymore but I do remember the Professor and I use to watch Question Time, listen to what he says - you cannot change your genetics - big problems are coming up
Trump is offering you refuge in the USA because he knows South Africa [ABZU] is to be flooded over - 6ethers think they have a right and yet nothing has been achieved in the last 100 years - Lamont Brooks they call him psycho killer ? after watching the upload you will know the very 3 he took out, those 3 Europeans are psycho, many talk about one love and unity, sum of us have achieved this, however, where places like Chanel are from are going to explode - this will be right across the planet - the battle in ABZU or the battle in TAMERI - watch how many 'Police Officers' remove their uniform and badge when sh9t hits the fan - you do not want to be the 'wrong color' in the wrong place at the wrong time - ethnics, not just 9ethers know the history of what the European did to their grandmothers and do not care about alien disclosure and will be h3ll bent on payback which you know by now is going to be a bi9ch -
From the caves to the streets are the same thing, the 9ethers had to take them from these cave systems because they were just sitting there and were not going anywhere, since then, one group is insane and the other group is practising insanity - they are still hostile [genetics] but this was the final filtering process and many must be taken out of the huMan avatar and put into animals and plant life
Listen to what they say about Dolphins - keep in mind that in ww2 they used Dolphins to attach mines to submarines and when the Dolphins realized what they were doing they never returned
Orcas and Dolphins are the same family
That guy talking towards the end his name is Credo Mutwa [ZULU] and he is from NIBIRU, David Icke [reptilian] went to see him and those things you see @20:00 were stolen along with others things
2020 is when more was given to us
They are not sleeping, they are transmitting
157 Dolphins get blasted out of the water by the military using sonar - the Whales and Dolphins provide harmonics, they balance the planet's magnetic resonance, equalizing of the planet and the Europeans knows this, hence why they hunt the Dolphins and Whales year in, year out - we have lost 1000s in the last 5 years [2020] and 10s of 1000s in the last decade alone - the hertz of the planet alters and they provide harmonic levelling which also affects us and they know this, you to would beach yourself if you heard their tones - the marine owe you on
Dolphins are very spiritual beings of love and conscience, Atum-Re was brought here through the Dolphins womb
Dolphins have the connection to autistic children and not because they are sick children, autism is states of another reality but the elite call them "mentally ill children", so that they keep them high, calm and submissive
Autistic children live the reality that we do not see because they are very advanced mentally and spiritually for that
Those lights flashing, they could be mapping the area from the SKA that they are going to DEW
So many creatures beings are here - always watch what you see first before you take in the presenters take - that guy sleepwalking, who is in his body
Caves that lead to Disney rest rooms - big up Julia, that was 738 days - that Banana tree, don't forget there are giant creatures like KING KONG
This is the actual stone device - check the symbols
Connects to Saturn, Saturday is when we would go and sit [sat] for prosperity
Electromagnetism is Magnetism produced by electric charge
in motion = EMotions [emotions]
The physics of electricity and magnetism, it created its
own opposites
Particles and forces are the authors of every event in
life, from the exotic to the every day
Solidity is an illusion created by electromagnetic forces
that bind the atoms together, or they look together, when in fact they are not
Electromagnetism is carried by photons and it is infinite
in range
Together means to gather, not become the same
It is electromagnetism that carries its rays from the
light to the stars and this sun is just that, a star, all happening in and out
of the darkness; 3 degrees of darkness
Imn [Om] Aum [Owm] means the sone of life - the universe exists solely [souly] of waves of motion, there
exists nothing other than vibration
You have the firmaments divided into two parts, the firmaments
of heavens and the firmaments of the earth, the word firmaments comes from the
English word firm or solid, there is another word
Rawqeeh meaning extended surface or solid, so the
atmosphere over the planet earth was composed of a firm heaven, firm waters and
void of atmosphere and light
Firmament, Dome, EMF, Ozone Layer, Van Alan Belt
Starlight [Stardust]
Stars, everywhere, they’re the luminaries you know
floating up there in the firmament, what they call has outer space is actually
the Ka [spirit] realm, we are inside a bubble with the Ka where this experiment
is being run and that experiment included creating physical spirits aka
physical energy, like crystal is physical energy, crystallised energy, this
experiment is to convert us into crystals
There is the spirit realm but the energetic beings in the
spirit world wanted the chance to enjoy this type of atmosphere and to be able
to interact with one another, to test one another and to learn from one another
and to learn from this planet and the plant and animal king-domes
Star [SAA.RE]
Sun [PAA.RE]
Sol [Soul] Ba [Sun] Son
Sunnie [Sunny] English for Sun
In space, in this currenSea, we created a point and from
that point we made a line and drew another point and so forth until we
encompassed that all in this toroidal field that we reside in, this vortex,
this Taurus energy field and in this field, we create physicality
So the SAARE [Stars] in the sky, every Baa is a Star
[SAA.RE] every Baa is a Star [man and woman] in this creation, when we look at
those Stars in the sky, those Stars in the sky are reflecting you, they are a
reflection of you, that is your counterpart, that is your mirror, you are those
Stars up there, one of those Stars is literally you and you are these Stars has
a physical representation here in this matrix on this planet, that Star is
really who you are and you are here in this avatar version and you are one in
the same, you have to find your Star because you lost your connection
You are a Sun, the seat of the Soul [Baa] is you heart,
even the sun simulator that they have up there that blocks the real sun and
filters the real rays from Ra, the real sun is behind this simulator, this
simulator stays in orbit with Ra, this simulator is over one of four corners of
the planet and blocks the real sun and provides a LCD screen that is blocking
the holographic computer code, the positive light from Ra is being filtered and
all the heat and the light that burns you is what is being emitted in this
particular region of the planet, they didn’t get rid of Ra, they just covered
him over
Each one of these Stars is a Ba [sol] and represents one
of us here on this planet, so when they say these Stars are billions of miles
away, no they are not, they are right there, secondly NASA have never done a
panoramic 360 with a camera out in space, not just because they are in a studio
and that the ISS is being held up with helium filled balloons, because if hey
did you would find sum thing different that is going on up there
The Stars are right there and is you, that is your
higher-self right there that you are looking at, have you seen these Stars now,
many have merged back into their Star, you can see them communicating, you can
see the firmament when you look up and that is the spirit world, that is where
you rest at, with the most-high [the most-highest of frequencies]
You’re a living Sol that lives multi-dimensionally and
one of the dimensions you reside on is this [3D] and another dimension that you
live on is the one up there, the firmament, you are tethered to the Star but
you have lost your connection to your SAA.RE, reconnect
Shine your light, don’t let no one dim that light in you
[this is an illusion]
6 or 7 miles is the deepest they have drilled into the planet
Esoteric Spiritual Grounding
Fire = Separation + left [your images]
Water = Restoration + right [relating images]
Air = Levitation + up [stopping images]
Earth = Concentration + Down [holding images]
Etheric = Unseen + seen
Plus, your 5 senses [sone, smell, taste, touch, sight] and the unseen and seen [6] and feelings [7] and sensations [8] and emotions [9] + you have [7] smaller 'eyes' beside the minds eye
Now in the KAA [spirit] realm none of these things are
seen as negative like they are seen down here in the physical realm, so when
you Istal [meditate] on these energy aspects you can actually sense your KAA going up, down, left and right from a physical point of view
Watch out for toxic people 'energies'
The native are the ULMEC [OLMEC] who are 9ther, also the
Old Macdonald had a farm OLMEC DON -ald had a Pharm [PharMACy - DON means
black, the people living in South America today only make Coc*ine
They actually pay them NOT to do this
Interesting but so complex looking - what were the electric cars like - why do we have the same designs, why cannot they upgrade the electricity grid that they haven't upgraded since the 1940s - we are stuck in a loop, same tech, once the reset kicked in we all started at zer0 and it was the 9ether who had all the blueprints in their head, knowledge was taught to them for 1000s of years to 100s of generations - see that last image, there is one where its a dreadlock man at the wheels in Indonesia
Timelines all have to merge into this one - there is nothing new under the sun
In 1775 the Reptilians realised that they couldn’t leave
this planet –
J772 and 1772 and it really was 772 – the letter J stood
for Jesus
Check the Masonry of this archway, in which this archway
was here before their date, the structure with pretty advanced Masonry block
work and keystone has been marked or chiselled into the structure which was
already there
This date thing is key, what we may deem has 1000s of
years old may actually just be 300 years old, so many ruined buildings, layered
over one another, most of the planet [world] was already built and we are
talking advanced architecture that was not created by 6ether Europeans – you
have to keep in mind that the Moors where also around at this time while they
were added false centuries
Ulmec [Olmec], Aztec, Greek, Romans, Sumerians+ would
actually be around at the same time, like the ‘Vikings’ would have met the
Romans which would means a global network
Coins of the 9ether Roman Empire - Island of Lesbos
The Moorish and Roman united empire is not depicted in educational journals books
and movies, the fear for the truth one that they cannot fathom, what a
foolhardy endeavor to give such powerful knowledge to researchers and
mis-education the masses
#moorishrome #roma #moar #murr #morena #mauren
#romania #morania #mauritius #umayyad #alandalus #elephants #elephantandcastle
#warelephant #romanhistory #carthage #sicily #grenada #coburgmoor #moritzburg
#heraldry #coins #archeology #tartarianempire
Lesbos is where we get the word Lesbian from - the 6ether Greeks are inverts, so once a year all the women were gathered up and taken to the island of Lesbos, their head hair was shaved to a number one and they were given a robe and had to bend over giving the inverted Greeks the perception she was a young boy, they had to do this or go extinct - this is why its rare to find Greek women on artifacts because they hated women, but the 9ether Greeks loved them, her skin was like Olives and Olives only come in two colours, green and black
The stone ages, melted stone - 300 years ago
These designs are meant to be seen from the SKA, so crafts going over and airships would be able to see them, scan them like a barcode, all sites like this have an energy signature to them that they emit
Tum Tum mountain which is clearly a MIR [MER] pyramid in TAMERI [AMERICA] and AZTLAN [South America] KANADA [CANADA]
KRAAL is an Ethiopian word for the European word fence,
during the 6ehers ‘dark ages’ the 6ethers had their animals in their beds, in
their homes and this is how we got Chicken Pox, Measles+
The Moors had to go into Europe twice and domesticate the
6ethers, they introduced hot water and hygiene and the Kraal for the animals to
be ‘fenced’ off and kept in their own designated areas, without their intervention they would have declined further and the time was now - when they closed ISIS [ASET] HETU [temple] Europe was plugged straight into their dark ages, when they opened the Chief of KHMT [KHEMET] ASARU chamber, the pharaohs curse was unleashed which was called the 'black death' which we never left that cycle and is today is called SARS [A-SAR-U]
ASAR [Searer] Seer ASARU [Watcher] who is a Paa Nedjer
[Sedjet] = 9
[the watchers-guardians] called OSIRIS by the Greeks
We are at extinction levels with both sides trying kill, you, me and them, the way I sea it is you will be where you supposed to be when its time for you to use your boarding pass
This is not a circumcision scene, sum thing else is going on here with the Phallus - the women come down here already circumcised and it is the males that have to get circumcised - what is going on in this scene
the ancient Romans [Ronin] are the Etruscans who are 9ether, two Romans, the 6ether didn't build noting with their horse and carts and like the Muslims they made what they found theirs
Persian warriors, guards, the Persians are from Ethiopia, Cuneiform is old Persian text
The term "Checkmate" originates from the
Persian phrase "Shah Mat," which they say means "the king is
helpless" or "the king is dead" - this phrase was used in the
context of Chess, the Persians are the Ethiopians sum where based in what we called TURKEY [TURKISH] KISH [KUSH] KUWSH and they were in INDIA HINDU KUSH - the game is called SENET and was found in KHMT [Egypt] in what the western world called Chess has in furniture also called an Ottoman - the Moors which just means 'black people' also had SENET - the HINDU KUSH [KUWSH] are in INDIA who the KUSH are from Ethiopia, that is how SENET got to INDIA - once the 6ether Arabs were made we entered their Islamic
world, "shah mat" became associated with a situation where the
opposing king was in a position from which it could not escape capture, thus
ending the game
When chess entered Europe during the Middle Ages, the
Persian "Shah Mat" was adapted into the various European languages, in Old French, it became "Eschec Mat," and in Middle English, it
transformed into "Checkmate" this reflects the process of
linguistic adaptation as the game spread across cultures, with the original
Persian phrase not retaining its meaning while being phonetically altered to fit
new languages, the term "Checkmate" has since become a fundamental
part of SENET [Chess] terminology, signifying the end of the game when a king is in a
position from which it cannot escape defeat
Yet, SHAH MAT comes from two words [texts] MAT comes from MAAT - in Sanskrit [sans = Khoisan] its MATA [META] which means dead or perished, destroyed, META means to go beyond, but the meaning evolved overtime and came to be known
as “defeat” or “surrendered” in Prakrit (sorta vulgar Sanskrit) which kept the
same meaning in its introduction to Sassanian where the same word was used in
Middle Persian for defeat in Chatrang (Chess), so the original word was used
for several purposes but it later evolved to describe defeat
- Queen protects King - the
translation is not accurate
Jamaica sits on Atlantis and the energy is high over there, people getting taken out, no change there
Perpetual cycle called life
Build memories, they strengthen you, keep them, they are all that you are taking with you from childhood to adulthood - memories don't last like people do, they are always with you...
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