Thursday, 6 February 2025

Last Man Standing...

The more conscious you are increases the vibratory rate of the planet which takes us higher into the fourth and fifth dimensions - below is data to which you will become aware, see observations and expand your mind, but you must take in more to raise your own level of consciousness

Left image is from Arizona - see each of the light sources and there looks like 8 or 9 source points -  and the right image we see 4 lights sources, I wonder how they really look like - shields up 

Greece - end days - shield within a shield - how many light sources  

Double portal - Australia 

Sweden - all these images are from different parts of the planet and is letting you know that in the [4] corners of this planet, we do not all have the same outcome - if this was the Moon they would call it the crescent moon - there are two stars [suns] there - where is that red hue coming from 

Can the SUN do this if it was 93million miles away 

LAHAMU [VENUS] remember that is a manmade antenna 

The SUN + MOON + STARS are all under the DOME with us and the DOME is spinning, not the planet - HEMISPHERE - HEMI in LATIN means HALF and HALF a SPEHERE is called a DOME 

SATURN is in a higher dimension, so to see SATURN that close means that higher dimension is merging with this dimension, the alignment is not for one day and lasts for a couple weeks more into late or end of February, no one knows what the SOULAR system looks like because they turned off the cameras during lockdown and sum they took out like the Porto Rico Observatory that the Goldeneye camera the cables snapped and they said they are not going to rebuilt it, coincidence or premeditated - many of us cannot see the SKA, because they overcast it or fog it out but the day is coming when the SKA will be revealed  

Sumerian Star Map

Is in NINEVEH which is in Sumer – nothing is new, anything lost or destroyed finds its way to the surface – light – the ANUNNAKI are in Sumer, so are the Kush [TURKISH] KUSH

the Sumerian Star Map came before but why does the Voyager Golden Record that blasted off into space in 1977 look exactly the same, is that coincidence or is it that ancient wisdom might just hold secrets we have yet to unravel or that the powers that used to be don’t want you to know

They don’t like to talk about the Sasanian [Sasa] who had dreadlocks, bushy, afro hair, that Sargon [Nimrod] was the first king after the flood was 9ether and the fist king over the plains of Sumer 

The SOULAR system has changed and does not look like how NASA [NOAA] show you nor is this planet the size of a peanut, she is the size of Jupiter 

The Dendera was a GPS mapping centre built around a device that was 90,000 year old - not the mapping centre [Dendera] the device inside that this HETU is built around is 90,000 earth years old - they all had star maps, mapping centres to LAHMU [MARS] and beyond 

NUN [NU] MUT [MU] [UN-IVERSE] on the left swallows [portal] NIBIRU who travels through her BODI [ABYSS] DEEP and comes out of her PUMPUM - On the right is a portal in Dendera on the walls letting you know how it was done - everything is in blue

Astronomy - INDI [INDIA] NAAGALAN - they had teleportation hubs, remember there is no Asia minor and Asia major, its one land mass - they had the technology to map and go to other SOULAR systems, look at APPLE launching a satellite with a cow [KAU] taking it to the launch pad where there is a rocket YAWN OUT LOUD, you can see there is a direct cut off from those that were in NAAGALAN to those there now, not a fu9king clue about the tech they have around them but know about Islam - they have at least 3 places like the two images above the cow - that satellite along with the others up there, which they say is 6,000 - 9,000 [which means double and even treble that number] all with helium balloons, they don't have the technology and are under the DOME or hanging from the DOME - all previous civilisations were taught about the STARS [STELLA] and many come from those STARS it is the Europeans who had to paly catch up because no one taught them and had to go to the Alkebulan [Africans] 

Sum thing came in and went straight across at light speed and on the right a planet or craft and the same next to it, smaller 

Planets of crafts - the top image is just one frame and the next nothing - these graphics are old technology, their view is in HD and we get these lower graphics, they will never show us what is what 

Crafts over Ireland [UK] 

Utah [Ptah] USA 

Explain that, I won't wait - there are [3] specks or dots which I don't know if they are that or [3] smaller crafts - check the interlocking weaves 

Does this look normal to you, don't worry no one gives a flying fu9k 

So, this is Vybz Katel who 10 years ago bleached his skin, taking out the Melanin but 10 years later after being released from prison he is [back] black - last image - once you bleach your skin there is no going back and further more is that even him - they found 20 other bodies around his home but only jailed him for 1 - the entity that is using his body couldn't take a charged body [melanin] - in his two old images you can see he looks like a Duppy [ghost] the real Katel is dead - this is not him 

This is fu9ked up, Stephen had a human interpreter - how, how does that man know what he is saying, your lying, Stephen was the only one who had that voice box and no one else - he was cloned, replaced a while back - who was using that body replacement 

They already 'walk' among the HuMins [HuMans] 

Sole survivor of Roswell [1947] anytime they shoot down crafts [UFOs] it means they do not work for those on planet earth - different beings, creatures, entities+ are out there, this dimension is on lockdown so no one can escape, whatever form they are in the UV will expose them - the Reptilians, Reptiod aka Reptilians + Greys offspring are not with the ANUNNAKI but there are sum that are - be weary, we are not with the ones Spielberg or Musk promotes

In the 80s version of Total Recall there is KUATO who is in that mans stomach and I often think of Trump for sum reason 

New Jersey, a lot of 9ether Masons reside there in gated communities - lots of different beings are here - the term drone is getting lost in translations - I found this upload to be misleading - confusing 

Stay out of their hijacked Matrix - they are fu9king with you 

How far can you sea [sea] close your HuMan eyes and open your main eye and sea beyond the horizon

PRAYER [RAYE] RAY [RA] RE [REYE] the power of the TRINITY [TRIAD] 
In the SUN you can see the BAUZ [OWL] F-OWL [IN.ANNA]  

The SUNs RAYS are 'light codes' [EM] ELECTRO MAGNETIC [MAG] MAGU [MAGI] MAGIC - those with ETHER [MELANIN] KAANU and a SOUL can transmit energy from the SUN 

PURPLE HAZE - if this is real 

Not everyone is HuMan [HuMin] down here - HuMins have been coexisting for 10s of 1000s of years and suddenly that is disrupted when the Caucasians were crated on the planet 

6,000 are kept as pets by 6ether Europeans in their homes in the USA, that is more than what is left in natural [wild] 

KKK - Illegal killing of wildlife is rampant here in the United States as well as in Africa, at least as many wild animals are killed illegally in this country as are killed legally - Edward Parchese

They have to kill, fight because its in their DNA, its in their nature - we all can't be on the same planet and we are done fighting to try 

The world's most expensive cow, Viatina-19 FIV Mara Movéis, was sold in Brazil for a record-breaking $4.8 million, according to Guinness World Records. This 2,400-pound Nelore cow, known for its exceptional growth, muscle, and structure, has been considered the best of her breed. The new owners are also offering Viatina-19 embryos for $250,000 each

 $4.8million - muscle growth, it this COW [KAU] manmade 

I remember when corn was over, all them hail stones over field was to damage crops, manmade crops, NTR said she didn't approve, the same will happen to solar panels, GMO from the 70s all the way, messing with body growth, cellulite is the muscle under the skin rupturing, exploding, they said it was from pregnancy - animals that are GMO will also be going 

A body riddled with parasites as a result of eating raw pork over the years
The condition was discovered by accident after the patient came in for an X-ray for a hip fracture
In this case, the tapeworm larvae migrated to muscles and soft tissue in the hips and legs, forming cysts that calcified, creating a "rice grain" pattern on the X-ray
While cysts in soft tissue are usually harmless, if they reach the brain, they can cause neurocysticercosis, leading to life-threatening symptoms like seizures and headaches because they eating your brain, raw pork is called ham, ham sandwich, raw is meat cooked rare or medium + with blood still present meaning the parasites are in the blood

Does your partner make microwave meals, does he or she cook from scratch, does he or she make freezer food - point being once the power goes out - what to do 



Bike gang in Manhattan, New York [1970s] all of them still live with their parents - it was kool to be in a gang, posse, crew at one point - we would laugh if we saw them down the road today

Charles - I mean Charlize, that is the boy s-he is dressing in girls clothes, MAAT is asking you if this is what you want 

I saw sum footage of David touching her up, his own daughter - Jaden was born a girl and Will had both Jaden and Willow gender changed - Paedophilia 

Pharrell and his wife, which one is Pharrell - are you getting this  
He is a she, female to male transformer and wife is male to female - all inverts

What is this - Drag = Dragon = Kundalini = usurping FEMI9 energy, dragging [shifting] energy from one place to another - Drag men dressed in sheep's [womens] clothing - Baphomet is inverted 

Diane is 10000% right - the FEMALE knows what to do 

Trump looks good on paper however the USA is littered with trans and homos and all the others, their next generation is already fu9ked up - given that they are coming to the end of their world - this means nothing - who is having children without IVF [IUI] when is the last time your saw a baby in the pram [stroller]  

Yep, all have phallus, when you think of Brad and Jennifer and Jolie, they all have phalluses

None of this comes under the Matriarchal but is everything to do with Patriarchal [Pater] which means be deleted - we are not saving Mankind 

How old do you think he is and what is he looking at - there are a lot of mothers 'woman' who walk around like this at home and you wonder why this generation is offline 

Meta AI is calling Big Mike by his proper name

So they either started off has women and when they reached their apex where then killed and cloned or they had 'treatment' Megan Fox, Clooney wife, Sandra Bullocks - Sodom and Gomorrah is worldwide and is to why we have their agenda [a-gender] in our faces - with all the other inverts, the issue is, none of these are loyal to women or children or their own child [IVF]IUI or tribe and means if Reptilians or other beings are kidnapping a women or child or any man, they are likely not to intervene - we all cannot be on the same planet, so how did you get here - how will you leave - if NTR didn't create it, she will destroy it, that is how she works, natural, organic does not mean natural 

Don't let her die on your watch 

The NUKE happened before and everyone wants to avoid the fall out and at times seems the best outcome to stop the monkey sh9t we see going on in their world - anything with 'trans' in its name needs to transfer out of here 

Skin grafts donated from one part of the body and placed in another area can present irregularities in hair, sweat glands, sebaceous glands and pigmentation - stop playing 'god' 

Anything that involves free was taken out of their Matrix [society]  make no mistake it is only the 9ethers who are inventing from their mind, what was taught to them to 100s of generations for 1000s of years, right now the African is invented from scratch everything we see in the 3D world, without a Masters of Degree - they are making a mockery of Western education which is based on African knowledge - while the European is telling them to invest in markets, to trade, trade what?? 

CHI-KA-GO and Atlanta are twin energy states - Chicago, USA, in the early 20th century – all had spheres on the roofs before the fires [DEW] 

Ghost towns, left image, those people were added - Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, 1875, built by giants and on the right, that one person was added to the image Henry VII Chapel of Westminster Abbey, 1896
Re-built between 1503 and 1516, this structure still stands today in London, England

Gaints - sum one said maybe that is the calf - no, it is not and that is a monkey on the Giraffes neck 
This image was inside a HETU [temple] showing huge beings with adult animals 

9ether Romans who were called the Etruscan

'Etruscan' come from Sumer [Sumerian] and where 'entrusted' 


US Capitol Building, Washington, 1873 see the horse pulling the tram carriage, what happened to the power, you have the tracks but no power - built by giants 

FL [FLORIDA] now a hotel and they say they built this 1888 - 1891, in 3 years, that is fu9king amazing not - thieves in the temple tonight Prince said, your damn right 

The 'hidden' civilization are the 'black' civilisation who the 'white' want you to remember them has slaves - second class

The Empire state 1930 - so many airships in one image - air or Hydrogen, they used Helium which cause them to explode 

They still haven't told us what the Neanderthal is and who made it 

Its not just 6ethers, its the 9ethers, this is a Satyrs also called Esau [Esus] and he has locks and is a 9ether, he has an erection and is holding the goats head because he is going to get the goat to give him head - oral sex [b/j] Sodom [Sodomy] and Gomorrah [Gonorrhea]] they also anal sex with animals [Zoophile] and is a Greek word and Go-MOOR-rah, yes you dirty c99ts - 9ethers walking around and think they smell of roses and their sh9t don't stink and are hardwired for monkey sh9t like this, not on this planet, what was once hidden is out in the open 

The very top of a MIR [MER] Pyramid [Ziggurat] no mortar is holding these 'bricks' together - earthquake proof, check the darker block, stone, volcanic glass, not sure, stone holds frequencies, all these sites are still online and are built from the top down, gold capstone is missing - this is the stone age, this is a machine, electromagnetic energy machine producing Tachyon [Tachyonic] pyramid is the shape in Maths but Pyra means 'fire' [plasma] and Mid means middle referring to the column of energy called Tach-Yoni-c the top is messy and if you look they have been rearranged, there is a hold under the black rock which must have supported a rod type connection to the capstone that connected to the Tachyon energy column and if you look closely you can see all types of text o each block, sum is earth languages and even the year 1937 

Not all had gold capstones 

Melted castles, melted structures 

This stretch if desert from West Africa to central Asia - hmmm - reSet 


 This toy vehicle was made of baked mud, they could only make what they saw 

The European found 'stoles' this between 1920 and 1940 - holds ceremony things - check the bike, electric bike, no pedals or chain, check where his feet is and that guy behind on the right, isn't that a big gun that he is holding  

William Edington [England] 1366 [366]
Draped in Moors attire

Persia royalty symbol, cuneiform is old Persian text and old Persian text is old Ethiopian text – the emblem is older and is from Ethiopia – the KUSH are from Ethiopia and the KUSH were in Sumerian [Sumer] which covers Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey [TURKISH] KISH [KUSH] – the Sasanian [Samaritan] empires+

This symbol was being used before the 6ethers were even conceived, they use it now but the source is 9ethers – its meaning and coverage come – Buddha is not their name, they are called the Bantu - 6ether Europeans were not here yet but today they use so many words and useless information to explain 9ethers history, confusing the data because they are not in the data, this is all 9ethers - ignore the later used in India as good faith, a European wrote that - the KUSH were in INDI [INDIA] and the BANTU [BUDDHA] if you want to know the source of sum thing on this planet, go to the 9ethers because its their sh9t 


CHINA and INDIA this wall is from the same source

Horse and cart and 'its behind you' come on people, the 6eher Europeans is lying and is not from this planet and was created on the planet and since then has been trying to play catch up

Re-built 1888-1891 - destroyed during WW2
They did well to transport all that building material out in the wilderness back in the 1890’s didn’t they – ww1 and ww2 is when they bombed these places around the planet

Ukraine [1991] 

The longest catacomb tunnel system in the world they say, living underground or it may not have been ‘underground’ originally but rather sunken and buried below - ground level is really the bottom of the ocean - Catacombs an underground cemetery consisting of a subterranean gallery with recesses for tombs, as constructed by the ancient Romans which both are not true, Katacum are not tombs for bodies, none of these places have bodies or graves in them and if they do this was added later, and if these were built by Romans it would be the 9ether Romans who were called the Etruscans 

Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia [Odin] are from Alkebulan 

They cut out her eye but left her nose, must have been European enough, her name Ahmes or Ahmose translates 'born of Ah' to which Ah translates 'the fighting principle' and Aha translates 'the warrior' 

SALEM [SAL][SOL + EM [ELECTRO MAGNETIC] - all Oracles were 9ether, they had to add the name Salem to their Bible when everyone asked were is Salem - Lilith [Laibela] is from Ethiopia, all 'witches' are 9ethers and not on sum broomstick - sum of the 6ether women have talent - but they will all come together 'siStars' fir the 'fighting principle' 

 Ahmes or Ahmose translates 'born of Ah' to which Ah translates 'the fighting principle' and Aha translates 'the warrior' - we will all need to adopt sum 'fighting principle' find the 'warrior' in you, Iran will be wiped either by an earthquake or flood, but Iran is going, and their men 'Muslims' its interesting how 50 years ago she could wear what she fu9king wanted but he says he can't - what is he scared of - the FEMI9 energy is being extorted - star family need to take out Mecca or one of the Arab countries like wipe it from the planet, that will soon get his attention, either way, other women will be pissed at this and this causes the ether in the heavens to react - she can only give us what we feed her 

the ALPHA and OMEGA 
You have a duty of care - do not turn a blind EYE - the other footages exposes how sum women view themselves and don't help the cause - the masculine and feminine energies still need balancing out 

Young JEDI in training

Love [EM] is natural, hatred is taught, the Europeans still have much to learn, unity cannot be attained in this life time, maybe the next one, but until then, there is going to be much chaos but for hate and love [EM] to exist the world must come to an end - not the planet, the world which are two different things 

It for the 9ethers to self activate that you belong to sum thing more greater than their Matrix, know who you are sets you up for sum thing higher than what you have ever known - Xuan Di translates 'black' EMperor - why would they have such a translation - this image is A.I generated 

If you don't look like these INDI 9ETHERS then you are not indigenous, nor is Trumps people, they are Europeans Americans, they are going back to their point of origin also or to their maker, Navajo, Inuit, Hopi, Cherokee my ass, more like Cheerio which means goodbye, Eskimo, Mongolian and Philippines were brought over to mixed and inject them to replace and reclassified the 9ether Indians the land must be given back - why does Venezuela have ancestral lineage back to Asia aka the Philippines - they know they have to clear the land 

6ethere Europeans and Eskimo, Mongolian and Philippines are not from TAMERI but were imported and invaded and the time has come for you to leave that land for their family are here and want you to leave ASAP - 6ethers, white people, Europeans are going to fight, fight for nothing but they will fight to stay, NTR is flooding, burning, hail stoning, winding 'tornado' hurricaning them out has we speak, weather system whether from NTR or man and his machines, they have to clear the land because the 9ethers family are sitting right above them in the SKA - you can still reside on the planet but in your own designated area 

  Eskimo, Mongolian and Philippines, wearing 9ethers attire 

People leaving people coming 

Same with the suits, shoes, shirts, trousers, why did they only wear suits and dresses, where are all the tailors, what is with the one look, because they stole these clothes from the 9ethetrs when they bombed them from their homes, from the USA to the UK to Europe, Jews say they made their money from the rag trade, yes the clothes you took from dead bodies and those who you shipped away 

 Then you would have to leave to make America great again, Mystery Babylon [Nineveh] is the USA which must be destroyed - the great times are over and all they can do is get you ready - while you are prepared - the 'aliens' controlling the world along with the Draco, Reptilians have to destroy the USA which is Mystery Babylon - if not Star family will - there is no government in the USA - the USA moved their Embassy to Israel sum years back, that land belongs to 9ethers not Muslims of Jews, point being where are you going, Greenland, Canada, Israel - where are the Palatines going to go, that land comes under Ethiopia and those 'gods' will want their bases back, so when the war breaks out over there know that these beings are coming through their portal - the US already know they have to leave, mass exodus is coming whether you are dead or alive, you have to leave 

Artificial world - plug out - those that go for a Cancer run are plugged in and will never leave

Interesting - keep in mind they used holograms for the planes in 9/11 and they have holograms going over certain sites around the planet that you don't know are there - it can be done - but yes this is interesting and so what did they try and shoot down - read the comments section

Attraction for distraction [energy extraction] be weary of where your energy is going, we have the usual, stabbings, staged events, oh my gosh moments, all the rhetoric they play out to keep you on your toes while telling you everything will be alright - watch your EMotions out here 

Stay above the rim [SOULAR PLEXUS] 

Right to left is coming from the SUN and those rays are WAJI [GREEN] 

Right to left is coming from the SUN and those rays are mixed - match the colours with your Chakra system 

RUSSIA have you ever seen this make the news - ever 

Purple backdrop - Plasma SKA 

Look at what they call the camera lens handle - first left image, why does it light up like that and almost translucent, transparent

When the left hand doesn't know what the Right hand is doing 
GREECE M5 with over 700 quakes
Italy weather system will make land soon 

The current PM doesn't have enough pulling power - this guy Blair is from the 90s and we are in the 25s - the UK must go into chaos so that they can use that to bring in ID for the AI - when you see facial recognition in operation it means they have mapped everyone is that area 

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Smiling Faces

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