Exodus – Movement
We have had mass movement since 2020 and today many are
being sent home and sum are going home
The idea is that you leave your home for a better life or
you want your children to have a better life in another country, this country
can provide you with better financial support and allow you to send money back
home to support extended family and those requiring medical assistance
Consumer = 'Con' + Sumer [Babylonian Money Magic]
This idea is by design, its a European design, that financial
opportunities can be gained and for sum yes, they have gained, learning new
skills or applying skills you have already in another country and be rewarded financially,
sum of these countries have renowned universities that you can further your studies
and improve your opportunities and many achieved these things
The movie Highlander was about taking all the ones with brains and bringing them to another country, place
Getting to these countries many risked their lives; many
have not seen their children in decades because their children are on foreign
soil – many fall into the traps of risking it all – choosing the material whilst
losing your soul [energy] in the process - no one can sell their soul, but it can be leased - you still own the freehold
The shifting of energy ‘consciousness’ means that this 3D
world must also shift and so the dream now becomes just a dream – the developed
countries are no longer taking you in and want you to return home, from 2020 we
saw trends like in London they had over a million people on zer0 hour contracts
and once 2020 kicked in these contracts were terminated hence why they were on a
zer0 hour contract because they knew in advance the shift was taking place – a million
people in London with many from other countries returned home, that trend
continues with people moving in 2025
This rejection may actually be a redirection, you see
many places will be going under water, sum places will stay under water, sum
people have had a soular, spiritual calling and returned to places they have
never been before but have felt a longing to go to what seems like a random place but is in
fact their spiritual home, many are being protected by the ancestors and they
are moving you where you are supposed to be – nothing happens without reason in this season
There are those who went to another country and learned
new skills in which they are to return home and teach those new skills, many
are to return home and aid in the rebuilding of their home
There are those who stayed home and self-taught how to build
with what they have around them, to make use of raw materials, to make use of
garbage [rubbish] material
The shifting is on all fronts, consciousness affects the
Matrix [society] and everything linked to the hijacked Matrix, region, financial, entertainment, economics,
geopolitically and spiritually, so sum of you need to be back in your land of
birth not because you are not welcomed anymore by the European but because your
work over there is done and so you are to bring all known back home to avoid the
shifting that will take place in these ‘developed’ countries where you are at, for we all don’t
have the same outcome in the four corners of this planet – we are all moving to
different parts of the world for different reasons, so yes you may have left
your home for financial gains, but you may have a calling to return home or to return
to a distant place and take with you the different perspectives, exposures to
doing things and coupled with your skills and return home
There is a divine timing and divine design taking place
and everyone can sense this, this change that has been in the making since 2012
[2021] and 2020 [20/20 vision] into now
The energy is separating us, energy is separating from energy,
ether is being separated from ether, 6ether Europeans don’t have anywhere to
go, they fought to be where they are and will have to fight to stay where they
are, however with 9ethers, you can be sum one from Alkebulan [Africa] but he or
she is in England, the USA, Europe+ the 9ether are the ones who will have a soular,
spiritual calling from their ancestors on their next move, whereas the 6ethers
have to stay put – the 9ethers should not resist for this is from your ancestors
who are protecting you from sum thing that you should not experience because
the truth is, in the next coming moment there is going to be a shift with two
separate realities taking place at the same time
The New World Order is not New anymore so the World Order
is in full affect – they need to collapse the financial sectors and the money
for example $1 = £0.80p and £1 = €1.19 – the English sterling does not have any
power anymore, the dollar or pound is not backed against anything and its power
‘value’ is from the supply and demand of the sterling [currency] the same with
the dollar, they say its taxes and debt [the entire US debt is owned by China and
this means Chinas owns the US] and the Euro is backed by ‘consumer confidence’ Con
means to deceive and Sumer comes from Sumerian which is where the Babylonian
Money Magic came from – basically the develop nations, countries are just
printing the money which are I.O.U
But parallel to the World Order is KI [Earth] World ‘new
earth’ you see KI is being upgraded from the inside out, she is going from
three dimensions to four and five dimensions – the ‘world’ and ‘planet’ are two
very different things, the World Order is about control and subjugation and Earth
[KI] Order is about sovereignty and alignment – natural cycles, natural balance
including the planet and her three kingdoms and your own TRI-system
So for those on the move, those being placed is to position
you for the Earth World Order – you are being aligned accordingly – its two
simulations [experiences] that will play out at the same time, with one being deleted
once play ‘looped’ out – they will offer you the ‘world’ in exchange for you [energy] to experienced their version called ‘World Order’ and many will be attracted to
that ‘world’ in all its glamour – a trap for sum – choose wisely, you have to
choose what energy you want to hold
These messages, words are for the spiritually conscious,
those on a SOULAR contract or those on a mission – those trending are losing
ground and are collapsing
Ethnic cleansing - all those with ether can see what those without ether are doing
Immigrants, asylum seekers, migrants, foreigners, season
workers+ whatever name, we have had mass movement since 2020 and today many are
being sent home and sum are going home
Those in the USA and the Mexican border are not being
placed, Mexico will be broken up, those leaving bombed out places are not being placed, they are all
still Europeans whatever they call themselves, there are those 9ethers who are actually
from places that Europeans are present in and the ancestors are with those people
Those people coming to countries to commit crimes are
being brought over to do those things, its not random at all
Many people have left their beautiful country to go to
shitholes around the planet all for a dollar or pound or euro – many have learned
in their education systems and have ended up dumber than dumb, sum don’t have
transferable skills for they have learned only literature, sum of your children
have employment titles that are pointless, its all change at the top
Immigrants, whether European, Italian or Irish or Polish - don't let them fool you by calling you what they were once and still are, sitting on stolen land - migrants, economic migrants - going to AMERIKA - going to South Africa+ don't let them fool you
This image that NASA [NOAA] release showing the SUN is inaccurate - the SUN is 'black' and all that haze is added to cover the SUN, you can see the bright light sources that is real, this gap on the SUN they say is 400,000 miles wide, and its earth facing - we have had CME releases that will come in and the SKA will be bright days, it does not matter how overcast or dull it is outside, the energy penetrates concrete, metal+
Colorado [USA] CHAKRA jacks, coming from the holographic realm
Shield - look at the RED SKA backdrop
Last 72hrs - right to left are rays coming from the SUN and where you see the arrows bent back towards the SUN is coming from NIBIRU who is collecting all the rays and sending them back into the planet - SOULAR 'wind' or CMEs or SOULAR 'flares' is power to those with a SOUL in this SOULAR system, it does not matter if the planet gets blasted for 2 or 3 days with SOULAR activity + all those with a CHAKRA system can process these radiations, energies + SOULAR beings have PLASMA [UV] in their bodies already so its energy to energy = soul2soul
Here you can see what was normal up into 2009 and where NIBIRU was - match all colours with the CHAKRA system
Check the colours - that is the DOME and the planet in the circle
KHA-NOWK his Bible name is ENOCH who didn't exist
KHA-NOWK is Ethiopian - he drew the top image - in their Bible they say he saw the earth and it was whole, but KHA-NOWK shows sum thing else
Inside there are codes
The Schuman is spiking - birds are signing at 1am, 2am and 3am - electromagnetic from the planet is high, no beginning of days, no ending of nights
Blackout, reset+
Check the hz and the type of codes for that range
over 100hz hitting, these tones came in 1.2.2025
This only applies to the Caucasians, Europeans and not the 9ethers - at least in 2020 the 9ethers have been upgraded and continue to be upgraded - EMotions by sound - the 9ether range goes further because they were built differently from Humans and Mankind to which the 9ether is not part of that mantle framework
You see that black line, they say that is the handle from the satellite that is for the camera lens to protect the camera, really, look at it, what is it really - bottom left, when there are discharges from the SUN this interacts with their camera and we a different view of what we are looking at, to me, they are using sum sort of filter screen - bottom right, what is that, its only there for one frame and then they cut it
DNA [DEA] RNA upgrades
9ether women are the only holders of the MtDNA [Mitochondria DNA] and the 6ether does not hold this and is to why they are being switched off
Left is [Asia
– Oriental] 7 ether - Right is [Asian
– India] 8 ether
– India 7 ether and no brown eyes aka Melanin so she cannot charge her soul, windows to the soul aka soular panels are offline
[Black – Brown] 9ether mixed Ancient Black the
Mongols, Zhou, Ainu, Jomon, and Huns
Caucasian [Cauc – white – European]
6ether If no brown eyes means no Ether [Melanin] and no black hair and no black skin means no conection
No Ether
Aether [Ether] Mela [Melanin]
This final phase is an Alchemy process, without Ether you
will not progress, Ether is in the eyes [brown], in hair, on nipples, pum pum
lips, produced in the brain [DMT] and on the skin, which is where the problem is for many,
your skin is the biggest organ on your body and absorbs what western science
calls radiation but is harmful to those without Ether but for those who have
Ether is energies, they can absorb the radiation ‘energy’ and discharge what is
excess through the palms of their hands and feet hence why they have no Melanin
[Ether] present on the soles [souls] of their feet and soles [souls] of their hands
Negroid [Black]
Mongoloid [Black – Brown] mixed Ancient Black the
Mongols, Zhou, Ainu, Jomon, and Huns
[Caucasoid] Caucasian [Cauc – white – European] Asian –
India [Asia – Oriental]
the rest all fall in-between
50 shades of Grey
50 shades of Black
The Grey area is the problem - the MtDNA [Mitochondrial DNA] is being switched off, those without Ether will be deleted from this SOULAR system through UV - you have the original 9ethers who sum were breed out to delete their Melanin which created the new races claiming to be that original race - the darker Indians like the Tamil, Sri Lanka, Hindu and Goa still have the Ether but its tainted - the British bred them out resulting in lighter [no Ethers] skinned 'Indians' - they will not make it through, these 'races' racist are a dying breed and are racist 'racing' between themselves for 'black' 9ethers are not in any race, its their survival they are fighting for [bloodlines] they are trying to block out the SUN so that 9ethers don't upgrade - man and his machines against the SUN [RA] ok then
That 'Black Magic' Alchemy - Ether [Melanin] is why they need the 9ethers to fuel their Metaverse because without them it will not work but will for those without Ether it will
Its only the 9ethers who are being upgraded, if you are 6ether you are to be deleted or switched off hence why the above applies to 6ethers only - if they do not chip their kind [6ether] they will die aka extinction - this is a Alchemy process and without it the UV takes you out - we are not the same species, 6ethers are lower than 9ethers - the 9ethers are naturally going to take on what is written above but the 6ether need manmade intervention or they die, which is what this process is doing, deleting anything that is artificial to this SOULAR system
They would rather march for Tommy than their PM, who would have been watching along with their king, by the time Tommy gets out in 18months the world would have changed forever, the people want their country back, from who, Pedos, foreigners, immigrants, asylum YAWN OUT LOUD seekers, the empire has to crash, 77 year rulership is over, they had only been ruling this side of the century, yes you want your country back, back from your government that you voted for - the famers marched also and was led by sum one called Jeremy Clarkson, for nothing, you cannot stop the time
For the last 100 years at least one set of people got to
enjoy life while sitting on the backs of others, that has now changed, we are
to swap places
Grooming gangs aka moulding gangs, Pedophilia, sex with children, the word is a Greek word that serves the 6ether Greeks and 6ether Romans, their offspring are still here today, in the 3D world program these gangs have titles and religions, Christians, Church Of England, Roman Catholic titles like Judges, Police Officers+ just like Actors who in their 3D program call Celebrities, because those in the 3D program 'praise' worship, celebrate these people who are men, when they were born, they were born without a title, uniform and are born into religion which is handed down - men in groups or individually preying [predator] on children, vulnerable and having their own children - blue eyes do not have a soul - any feelings or emotions because they don't have electromagnetics - Indians do the same thing, Orientals do the same things, and Europeans and 9ethers also do the same thing - pointing fingers, lets point fingers to Pedophiles - its only a small amount needed to crash their Matrix
[3D program] from the inside out - we need to exposed and rid the planet of dead energy - in the movie Inglorious Bastards - it was about do you wear that uniform all the time, hence why Pitts character marked them - in the movie Pans Labyrinth Ofelia chooses her brothers life - MAAT is asking what we want and we are feeding her
Go to the Police Officer or man, he is just a man in fancy dress [uniform] but today he is a rapist [the-rapist] we don't deal with politics, royalty, governments, world leaders, prominent figures, celebrities, that ended in 2020 - what we are dealing with is the removal of the Patriarchal system, which is also the removal of the 6ether Europeans around that planet and the 9ether Moors - we are going higher and deleting the lower - that lady with the two sets of twins - come on
RaCoons, Malcom X called them 'house Negros'
The RaCoons, Coon also means a coconut, a 9ether who is black on the outside and white on the inside, when CV broke out he was on the tv with hybrid wife saying he had it and they were distraught and sum months later he was DJ-ing in Amsterdam, he was still in character, acting, this guys says maybe we should blunt kitchen knifes, have you seen Zombie knifes Elba - are they from the kitchen - this is a true Coon, the dirty Moors, RaCoons, coconuts will all face discipline for misleading - you can see he is letting you know who his masters are, all 6ether Freemasons are led by 9ether Freemasons
There are 1000s, 10s of 1000s, millions of Coons out there - the enemy is within but they will be brought to the light
You have them around you, sum are your family, friends, get rid of what does not serve you
'Rare' they say in TARNAKI [TARANAKI] 'new Zealand' the only difference between a tornado and hurricane is wind speed, its the same system spiralling in a number 9 - this is only 11:55 out of 24hrs around the planet, NTR is doing her part, working with the earth [KI] climate change is the planet terra-forming with NIBIRU in the mix also - they will not live out the rest of their days on this planet in comfort, destruction causes disruptions of your impute and output signals
KANADA [SAUBLE BEACH] under 30cm of snow [28.1.2025] the SUN is triggering and we have CME after CME hitting the planet despite it being cold where you are - the plasma is reaching the core of this planet and bouncing straight back up [outward] the oceans are heated from this
Man made electromagnetic radiation, look at the planet life
They said this was a plane crash and many planes are going down, but come on, does this look like a plane crash, the said the crater was created by the planet impact, yeah, where is the plane - check the image below, that is when a plane meets the streets - was this a sink hole or a strike from sum thing
Sinkholes - forget the pipe rhetoric - when they show you the sinkhole in Fukuoka check the tunnel
What is hidden must be revealed and that includes what is beneath
Join the dots to make a line that points to sum thing, those two fake videos with what they say is edited still lead the way, Evergreen shipping is linked to trafficking, it does not have to be humans only, the uploader including the main uploader have to protect their channel, we have heard many say this is for entertainment purposes only - Big Mama, the Queen of this planet had spoken before, people are conscious, these You tubers are leading the way - consciousness affects the ethers [heavens] the collective consciousness - those were children's items in there, Spanish words and things for Spanish speakers [Mexicans, Columbians+] so the kidnapped are stored waiting shipment, underground tunnels have a source, this is a terminal - the false narrative is to cover up what is going on in LA, it not just LA, more in the USA and around the world - the Georgia Guild Stones had no author but only had the company that erected the stones, it does not matter who owns the land and its official business - the police can only record and hand it over to which it will be suppressed - to me sum people escaped and were maybe caught at a later date - Jose does not exist - makes sense if the trafficked where sent to China - the tunnels that were there and covered over may have been huge vents that yes you could still access hence rocks which allow air to still filer through
Remember when Trump got into office and he said that it was time to drain the swamp - he was talking about this very thing, the military were used, many cesspits were taken out and meant the buyers had to go sum where else, Adrenochrome had to be purchased sum where else aka they had to find new dealers and they had because the Adrenocrome is still in the atmosphere
Organ trafficking, blood sacrifice [Babylonia] - head, hands, feet removed means no ID
Plasmatic blood - he said over 10 years - yes rituals performed - 9ethers will be discipline for doing this to another, it is forbidden to kill another eye - child sacrifice, blood sacrifice and money magic is taught and comes from Babylonia
In 2007 Al Gore bypassed security at an airport and him and his two aids were spotted by Police and asked to go through security and screened, in Al Gore's suitcase was wall to wall bags of blood, this is why he never made it to PM
Trump does not have a military background, nor a political one, he has his own [inherited] money and that is why they hate him, he still represents a different 'alien' family and he is in touch with the higher beings that have returned, but he is not for the 9ethers but needs their energy, the 9ethers in the USA must awaken or be taken
Smart city designed - this is no accident
So what happened here, Trump said DEI - this includes aliens, others beings, what happened, they were going sum where and you didn't want them to go, were Draco offspring onboard - who was on that plane that the military helicopter took out and made sure no one survived - I smell pussy with this one - watch the footage and don't tell me the helicopter didn't fly directly into that plane, suicide bomber - Kamikaze style - he doesn't like women either, for it was women in charge of the leadership of the helicopter, that is what he means when he says too much diversity and too much ethnics at the top, he wants you back into second class citizenship
BREAKING NEWS: Elon Musk Calls for Massive Boycott of
Bill Gates' Microsoft, Declares "Everyone Deserves to Know the Truth"
– this is all in-fighting, they have no leader and they are fighting among
themselves which are the leftovers which we are riding out ‘loop’ the only
truth you need to know is the one you are walking in, none of them will ever
break rank because this is it, after this there is only dismantlement because
the 9ethers have said, enough – anything that comes out you already know, you
were given light codes to be prepared while all they can do is be ready - the ANUNNAKI [ANUNNAQI] ANUNNAGA] have boots on their ground [earth] they have their planet surround, from each side, above, so below, ENKI is in FL and INANNA is about, their father ANU is also here, it is ENLIL who is off planet, but he still has his family, offspring here, the Reptilians Draco are his side of the family and not ENKI -
ENLIL still has his hand here, like Turkey PM ERDOGEN aka ER-DRAGON who is a proxy for ENLIL - they cannot just break rank because mass hysteria would break out, the HuMans [HuMins] are lower rank than 'these beings' it is the protection of this planet that they must ensure, they have already taken calibrated beings on SHAMS [cylinder] crafts to the edge of space and sum to NIBIRU along with animals species, plant, marine life+ this is a learning zone and lessons are coming first, truths are coming first but it won't be from machines and man for the 9ethers who are in direct contact with the higher beings and not the ones down here hiding among the stars [9ethers]
All around the SUN which is a multidimensional portal that is on guard, the right images is showing huge crafts - this house is sealed and there is no escape, only through SAHU and the SUN which are on lockdown
In the ancient city of 'Ur' which is located on the
territory of modern Iraq but comes under SUMER [Sumerian], men, I mean
scientists can't explain why the statue is inside the right sphere so the rest of what you found, you clearly broke into this sphere - Ur translates fire, light aka huge mothership, city made of light 'fire' - that is a 9ether being inside, they were all 9ethers
The person who took these images are who you need to be hanging out with rather than the person who says, what are these clouds called - crafts in the SKA - Argentina
Huge craft just sitting in the SKA over MONTANA [TAMERI] USA
Sum one spotted this craft and you tell by the way these images were taken, they know this is a cloaked craft and this is the person you need to hang with, because when sh9t hits the fan, they are prepared rather than ready, you do not want the option of being stuck with a Muslim or Christian mind set
Huge craft sitting in the SKA over NOTTINGHAMSHIRE [UK]
That car could have been the car of the person who is taking this image because he or she is woke the fu9k up
SAQAR translates 'place of burning' and or 'Hell' and or 'place of judgement, 'punishment' also called UMMAH or JAHANNAM and JAHEEM - don't you think JAH is YAH [YAHEEM] or YAHANNAM -
SAQAR or SAQR also means HAWK or FALCON
HERU [HORUS] uses the FALCON [HAWK] avatar called the BAUZ in KHMT
So yes Muslim boy has got that right - they are referring to NIBIRU which is also known has the Destroyer - but check the year, 1444 [144] that is the Islamic year - point being that regardless of 'religion' you know you are going to get your ass whooped and you don't even know the connection
The Moors didn't create nothing just for decorations and everything they made has duel, multiple usages
Even though these are not the indigenous people - check the tree trunk with energy symbols, they still keep up what they were taught or what was left behind
Stop giving your energy away for free[hold] hold on to your power
This is so true
But all energies have an expiry, expiration date - the western word Love is [EM] which is Electromagnetic - energy once created can never ben destroyed but it must be renewed or it will go stagnant - the planet looks awful, the water, lands are fu9ked, the air is poisoned and the HuMans, HuMins are out of control 'Babel' Confusion - so we want a change of hand, we do not want the European to lead anymore and if that means many have to die, then so be it, we want the planet, not Europeans - if we do not make the shift then all we are doing is keeping the 6ethers in power and entertaining them - we had to domesticate them and we are done and done all we can, you cannot remove the beast natural they have within them, so reSet is the natural option - the planet must be protected for the European has his finger on the trigger my nigg9 - the Nuke threat is real
So, this is blood that was drawn today from a patient,
who came in for severe abdominal pain and pain with numbness in the legs and
feet. When it came out it was red, but as it sat it started to look like
strawberry milk. This is from high levels of triglycerides due to excessive
drinking of alcohol!! We had to send the patient to the ER once they were done
to u than ur probably exactly who I'm talking too!! I mean who cares about fun
if you're dead right?
Sum one wrote, he might be Reptilian
Real bread [Italian] and factory fake bread [UK] England is a sh9thole, there is no difference between India and the UK, even in Australia they have fu9ked the land, the UK needs to be flooded which is on the horizon, once the square mile goes down or Canary Wharf [Financial hub] they will abandon the capital - it was the ethnics that were holding the 6ethers up, the black market economy is unregulated but accounts for millions, billions coming into this country that doesn't produce nothing, the 9ethetr children are being wasted down here and with timing we are going for the shift, 9ethers can not reside with mutant beings anymore, they can eat fake, artificial foods and destroy all natural alternatives because it does not for them
2009 movie that is happening now - these are movies for 6ethers, its their manual not 9ethers - same with the movie Interstellar - all their movies end positively and that is the message to keep, however we know it will never end the way Hollywood says it will because the 9ethers are writing their outcome which supersedes 6ethers
Heaven [ethers] you need brown or black eyes to get to heaven, Arnold has blue eyes, that means you stay here on the planets negative field, its a 'fantasy' for 6ethers who don't have brown eyes, your not HuMin, but you are HuMan and Mankind, a kind of man, but not quite, Arnold has a pigs valve for over 40 years, put that in 9ethers they die but they can put that in 6ethers because they were made from animal parts - we are not the same species downs here - so no, you won't see each other again, many people met people down here from previous lives
The British PM said he
wanted to see the NHS back on its or her feet – remember the NHS was free so
they could use their people to test manmade drugs, its the 6etgers body who is breaking down, 'rare' in their kind, only certain aliments only happen to their kind, in the USA they have to pay
for treatment, they also have blood donations so they can test to see how much
plasma you have in you, Dialysis machines to extract ether from 9ethers,
all this and more was to collate data and now moving forward they don’t need
you anymore so while they are waiting for you to die from all the poisons and
all the young ones from things like Vaping+ radiation from cell phones, from
planes ‘chemtrails’ will prop up future sales – in the year 2025 you will still
have people running for Cancer, all women, running in clarity races to raise money
for research into Cancer or a cure, not a cure, they don’t want a cure, you
want to run – they must have a billion sitting in their accounts already
This is about currency, money, cost, income, sales,
accounts, profit [prophet]
To those with ‘common’ sense and are using them in 2025 –
stay away from the 3D world program that is just ghosting along, choose your
reality [reelity] break from your projection
Of all the things going on right now, this is all he can do, one man and his machines
You don't really know what they are putting into your child, for all you know hey could well be transhuman waiting to happen, they could have added anything, knowing that if you found out, they would just pay you out, and with the timeline that we are in running out, who cares if you find out
Trump has signed an executive order banning federal
support for transgender medical treatments for children, calling them “chemical
and surgical mutilation.”
What will Europe do – that includes the UK
Imagine pushing your children into having a surgery
and/or taking hormones and, later on in life like 14 years old, or 21 years old, they tell you that they made a
mistake, is it their mistake or yours – remember parents are two words welded
together pair + rents and not all pairs make sense – mum and dad are assumed
titles and rents is currents has in two energies [pair] par
Get them off of social media and you the adult
Trump may seem like their 'savour' however the US still adds Atrazine to their water which feminizes males, hence why we have so many homosexuals, bisexuals and transvestites, the UK only stopped in 2000 which means if you have a son today who is presenting feminine traits but is in a males body, then you know why, you son will be 20+ now - the UK may have stopped adding it to water but they can still use it in vegetation - Trump is just a play card aka their 'trump' card
Kim Kardashian and Serena Williams - this is supposed to be women, plastic and hormone tablets - the one on the right still has a phallus hence why s-he is a Virgin at 40+ and the other brother had IVF - we want real females and not knock offs
Women 'real' will need to come together to protect their own, a woman with her back against the wall has the strength of two males - their LAW protects their kind [Patriarchal] is must come down, are they doing this in Chinese jails, African jails, Indian jails - no they are not
I AM looking forward to when they start to implement this into 9ethers areas say in the USA or they go to ALKEBULAN [Africa] or Jamaica - 9ethers have yet to accept this, yet the Europeans seem to accept this and it is the Europeans who are bringing this into their 3D world
Inverts, how are they here if they cannot breed, who is giving birth to inverts
A lot of homosexual singers sing about women but are
homosexual – in 2025 not one homosexual has ever sung about the men that they
are genetically attracted to, why, because we wouldn’t purchase their music and
this lets you know the buying power, the energy power, the attraction power is still with the heterosexuals –
this is a family-owned planet and it still shows, the energy extraction is
still with her
Many will say they [look at image] are Human beings, nope, they are Mankind, a kind of man, nature did not create them and she will take them out - MAAT is asking us if this is what we want
Forced agenda [A-gender] A-sexual
Sodom [Sodomy] and Gomorrah [Gonorrhea] cites are worldwide and are lead by homosexuals, lesbians, trannys with no fanny [transgender], Pedophiles, Necrophilias, Zoophiles and the reason is because they are not loyal to children, their own children, family or tribe - this is nothing new, but its the level they are going to that is worrying because many do not know, all your Prime leaders are not heterosexual no matter if you see them with what you will perceive has a woman
BURKINA FASO - teaching 4 years - NTR doesn't like FRANCE
That is how you do it, I'm not saying what he did was right or wrong, but EYE INNERSTAND - the judge said jailing him would make no sense - power to the father
Its not over is it - long term means money revenues for the next decade and the one after that - all they can offer you is compensation 'money' but fu9ked now - from child to adult
That lady with the skull, the bodies where not all for medical usage but for eating, reptilians like human flesh, and cloning, the journalist, all them qualifications but no brains to work out what 'blue eyes' was doing, it came to light that he wanted other women to come on his sub but they refused, snuff movies are nothing new, he also got married - this world they created must be deleted
Trump they say had two attempts on his life, here they say the plane is filling up for the deportees, however this isn't an America flight, sh9t, this planet isn't even in America - he looks good on paper doesn't he, make America great again - ok if you say so - another one playing the 'good card' is Musk
Sum years back it was Julian Assange and Edward Snowden - they take it in turns to appease their people - however bullsh9t smells - truth is who could lead if not Trump, they have no one, same in the UK, all they have next is sum jumped up Nigerian [child ]woman, who said Woody Alan said if your going to have sex it should be messy, Alan the Pedo - the 3D world is being deleted and they only need to hang on for the war
Speaking of religion [look at the above image with them on the plane] it was Irish priests who wrote the translations of the Quran and called their English version the Koran - the Moors would have had a hand in both, do Allahs work and receive a spot in paradise and received 40 virgins aka 40 children, multiple wives, child brides+ Mecca will be flooded and SAQAR aka hell is your next inbound 'paradise' same with the Christians, Church of England and Catholics [Roman] - manmade concepts will be removed from this planet - and take your monkey sh9t with you
The true authors of the literature from which the Pedo on the left his people, and the European people and the Muslims stole their identity of those on the right HEBREW comes from the word HABIRU which comes from NIBIRU - the person on the left they say are 'gods' children and the 'Chosen Ones' yes they are, their 'god' chose and made them and the ones on the right - their goddess made them and she Chose them and they know they must choose to be the one
This guy, I hope he stays for the 4 years, god bless America and Trump, without him we won't make it
Your fu9ked if you think he is here to change anything - turning on the water after the fact
USA Women's U19 Cricket Team
American when we need you, Irish when we need you, Ethnics plugging the gap that the European cannot
Those fields are containing water, water logged and those will probably be rice in those fields, drainage system and reclaiming the land was probably more money and this isn't - but them fields are water logged - the bridge is long - not many trees - the right image, trees and desert sand, this is he definition of desert: waterless climate, let that sink in - irrigation - aka man playing god with his machines - solving problems that they created - solving their own problems that they created
The giants are here again and will be using their portals
Musket – Rifle, this image from 1909 ]909] shows a Chief
holding a Musket top left image – the Kush in India also had Muskets, rifles – they call this
the Dane gun, to bring in the Danish, but not the 6ether Danes, Moors just
means ‘black’ people - yet in NAAGALAN [INDIA] we find the same weapons
Double 'Sphinx' and MER [Pyramid]
The Civil Courts Building in St. Louis, Missouri, completed in 1928 – ok
Electromagnetic building
America is TAMERI aka West Africa
Canary Wharf in London looks the same for a reason
Melted from the bottom up - lava rocks are really heat damaged rocks from a weapon - the planet is the natural circuit board of the planet, anti-destruction, building from the top down, that is why its melted from the bottom up [circuit board]
Layers of history
Hill in Mumbai, India, clearly not a hill - tree stump - maybe 5million earth years old - so much data is now available to you, than say a decade ago, seek and thou shall find - you are 'world' class people now, so start acting like that
Built to last, plastic is harmful
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