Monday, 3 March 2025

Rise and Shine

Dear Jet setter, before you fly off into the sunset you have to lighten the load, you cannot fly with all that excess baggage, all that emotional baggage or you will have to pay the excess fee

For the longest you were to shed all that you didn’t need, over the last decade into 2020 which was 20/20 version, many relationships were exposed during the lockdown when many had to spend time with each other, many of you have been self-auditing – balancing out the lie against the truth, looking back to look forward [reflecting] the weighting of the heart [MAAT], you the judge and jury of what you did with your life force [CHI] energies, what you did with your energy while you were down here, what you did with your light [EM] Electromagnetic

We are now into March – we just had the new Moon, one of the most powerful Moons aka the former Reptilian Star-Station, the power from that Station was on full mode – during the final two weeks in February I went through a void space, it was Marlene her birthday and this brought up a lot of feelings around her and other things, I also heard from sum one when I was 18 - I was told that void space was an indication from spirit guides of what really needs to happen for the collective and individual, I didn’t know but now I know – I’ve been there before, the void space, I know you have also been there before, I just use to complain about that space, but now I know what its used for 

You know many of these ancient structures where healing centres on the planet, around the planet, you use to go there and charge up your Soul – Spirit and Mind and Body, in that order, in times of negativity you would go to these places, all of us, hence why there are 10s of 1000s of these places dotted, clusters around the planet all sitting on her ley lines which are her nervous system which connects to her Chakra system, we don’t have this anymore but we still have the collective consciousness

We are still experiencing trauma, we are experiencing the trauma in our bodies, during these 7 energy discs [planetary alignment] the universe is aligned for us to release these traumas, this is the leftover residual energy from those [trauma] experiences which are simulations [situations] that the body and mind and soul feels 


We have those carrying emotional baggage which they have been holding for many years and for sum many lifetimes and for sum they are just starting their trauma burn off

March is primed for this to happen; March is the 3rd month in 2025 [9] and 3 is the root number to 9

The power of intention is key, we all have different trauma and it is your individual and collective intention during this period [March] to release the trauma – what they want us to do is walk through March carrying has little as possible, without any burdens, without holding anything, this means you have to let go, this does not mean forgetting about it, that does not mean let go, sum times I get triggers, flashes of things that annoy me and I know its me holding and repeating these triggers and flashes [from the flash drive that holds my memories] I did delete sum and sum where filed away, letting go means holding no emotions around the trauma, no attachments or energy connections - but I had to go to the void space 

The reason is that things are coming up for you that will be difficult for you to navigate during March and onwards, time is no longer restricted to 24hrs, time is speeding up, nope, creation is speeding up, NIBIRU is bending the light aka bending this dimension, no matter what man does down here the planet does have her own timetable – March is a period for you to really begin to shut down on excess baggage that is weighing you down because its going to get difficult for you to navigate with what is coming up, without you already coming into this with extra, excess baggage – you will see this with those who are plugged into their Matrix, with those who have no clue has to what is really going on, many will go offline

You need to be at your best because you will be called, you will need to be agile, quick to respond and intelligently in these next couple weeks into months and you cannot do this if you are burdened with mental and emotional traumas

Do what resonates with you, many who are streaming, tapped in have the same recognition, that they need to clear as many people as possible during this period coming up to the spring equinox as possible – do what you need to do that will aid you in burning out trauma and addition to that, watch what you are eating, detox, cleanses, sauna, steam+ stay away from those not going where you are going, stay with the likeminded+ stay connected to source

You are preparing your TRI system – soul [spirit] and mind and body to handle what is coming, what is coming we have never quite navigated before, we have never been this far before and this is why we need to be as light as we can and being light means you are no longer holding the burden that has restricted you – your heart must be lighter than a feather – the burden, trauma no longer serves you so why serve them – there is no reason for you to carry them over into the next dispensation

This Moon was very powerful and allowed you to bring in your highest timelines and you cannot access your highest timelines if you have trauma and emotional traumas, physical traumas and spiritual traumas plaguing you, you have to let them go and this is why I was struggling during the back end of February by holding – but at the same time by going to the void I know more now

Adverse childhood experiences, mother and father wound, dysfunctional relationships, physical and sexual abuse+ 

Womb trauma [9ether women carry] the species are at a very critical junction, we are at extinction levels, its not just 6ethers who are being wiped out, so will the 9ether, it is the 9ether woman who are carrying the womb trauma however we are at the highest point where we can break this cycle and for her to claim back her sovereignty at every level

Keep pushing on 

Check the lyrics again and again 

Preserve your NRG, don't Conserve your NRG in which 'Con' means to deceive, all you are doing is deceiving yourself aka your cells your [cell] self 

FEMI.NINE [NRG] stay with her, she will get us all out of here, that is what she does

Chosen One means you Chose which frequency you want to be operating from - the Choice was always yours to make 

Don't fu9k with the KAT 

Weapons have always played a role, in the first image ancient is very much still part of the present - WW3 is looming officially, WW3 actually already started, WW3 is above and not just below 

Elon Musk is the PM of the USA advisor to the White House, he is also telling HuMans [HuMins] that they must merge with computers [Cyborg] in order to survive - survive what dear Musk - isn't Musk a Cyborg, isn't Musk their Antichrist - Trump and Musk do not speak for the entire species - we have been here before, A.I pressed the button [WW3] last time - remember John Corner is an abbreviation [JC] for Jesus Christ - the KARAS [KARAST] CHRSIT HOOD NRG which is a supreme level NRG 

CV19 the 1 is for A and the 9 is for I [A.I] the chip is also in the Jabba the Hutt  

Gypsy is another version of Egypt [GYP] Star family want their planet and offspring

Patriarchal versus the Matriarchal - clones, robots, cyborgs do not have a gender, many have machine parts and many humans are inverts - tranny means no fanny - we don't play like that - we love [EM] women - don't let them replace her on your watch, if you love your mother, daughter, siStar, grandmother, aunt, girlfriend, the shop lady, dinner lady+ don't let them replace her - you have a duty of care - Sodom and Gomorrah cities were levelled last time round, this time they will be wiped from the planet  

Their 'electronic god' will be revealed - they are already touting the Pope is ill but he has been missing since 2020 - they had been using a hologram and an actor with a mask on - his boss [Archon] died in 2020 and since then they have been in-fighting, the Vatican gave orders to the Pope and the Crown of England but now the Archon is dead and they have been fighting internally, world peace is for their manmade constructed 'world' not planet peace, they are agreeing to have peace among themselves for their world, not the planet, learn the difference 

The culling will take place in this year

This homosexual is bang on the Cok*

Gene Hackman - Angie Stone - Michelle Trachtenberg - Roberta Flack+ not saying there were staged [??] but they have come at interesting times during 2025 - when they go for the lists, either one, know sum thing is or just happened - energy extractions - keep your eye on the ball [sphere] 

Huge electrical discharges from the SUN over the last 72hrs and today, means the SKA will light up - we could well be getting ready for a huge CME [EMC] SOULAR FLASH 

Huge mothership sitting right by the SUN 


[2.3.2025] Dominican Republic M3.7 + M4.6 + M4.5 + M.4.6 why is Dominican Republic important because HAITI is next door, DR have been getting hit over the last couple days - Ethiopia also gets hit again M5.2 China M4.6 

North + South Carolina on fire - after Helene rips them a new asshole, they are on fire
  144 graves of slaves or actual residents, many lakes that are not lakes will be giving up their secrets - there must be more buried around - not all were slaves and were already here before the Gullah Wars 
TAMERI [AMERICA] must be given back to the 9ethers and this is what we are seeing 

Tallow is for skincare, cooking fat, candles and soap - keep in mind that Lard is pigs fat and they use pigs fat in Botox - it is forbidden to kill and eat the KAU [Cow] 

Apple launch their satellite carried to the launch pad on the back of a cart that was pulled by a KAU [Cow] and the last two images show an 'ancient' cart, that being is huge, is the cart a cannon or can carry a cannon, check the images are the top with their rocket launches, they also had the Rifle and what we call the grenade brought by the KUSH [HINDU] 

Tartarian Pneumatic transportation capsule - technologically developed past was connected to a network of tunnels that would transport one individual to further entrances along the pipe [fiber optic cables] line - in London I always wondered about the underground train system, to me it was already there, built and set up

Is this pixilation or cubes - they say that the Dinosaurs where wiped out by an asteroid, the Dinosaurs where here already and many were here for hunting, so they could hunt for a couple million years, Dino means 'terrible' and Saur means Lizard and was a reference was to the upright Lizards called the Reptilians today, the Crocodile and Komodo Dragon, Snake all use to walk upright until they were casted down to walk on all fours - they were not wiped out, sum are still here, sum are in middle earth, to wipe 'us' out with an asteroid is to easy, coming down here and levelling everything is to easy, we all have a different outcome in the 4 corners of this planet, maybe an asteroid will be used for sum where but it will not wipe us out and nor did one wipe out the Dinosaurs 

Astronomical knowledge in the 1600s, this was created by the MOOR [MAUR] MUUR which is where they get the SUMERIAN name LAHMU which they call MARS aka MUURS [LAH.MU] MU the children of MU - the same MU that makes up another word MUSLIM [MOSLEM]

The children of MU [LAHMU] LAH.MU [MUUR] MAUR] MOOR 

 Yes, credit where credit is due, however her hands should be in the opposite direction 

Firmament [Dome] Van Alan Belt [Ozone Layer] - HEMISPHERE [HEMI means HALF in LATIN] and half a sphere is called a DOME [OM] hence why the  word 'word' and 'world' are the same word [OM] means 'the sound of life'  

Internet comes from the oceans and not space 

Image on the right means you are still being charged - CONSUMER [CON] +SUMER [SUMERIAN] 

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