Monday, 24 February 2025

Severance Pay

EMpath [EMotions]

Electron-Magnetic-Pulse, many do not have a pulse and many are not on a Ptah, the pulse is fuelled by energy in motion or electron in motion aka EMotions

Empaths are now getting ready to convert into psychopaths they are two steps away from this

There is a wave and you must not join that wave, stay in your lane [Ptah], balance out these energies out here, two polar shifts going to war out here because they don’t know how to get it right in their own way, shape or form 

When you have a problem in your life it is yours because you manifested [imagined] it
Its all based on each individual and its not based on placing people in cubes [boxes]

Know this and this will lighten you from trauma and EMotional weigh to your next situation [stimulation] don’t past onto your next life the same shitty ideology or past trauma onto your next life, or when you see sum one that reminds you of past trauma, instead of you passing on the same dead energy, avoid it, don’t get lost in these old Masonic teachings, we are leaving them behind

Licence – a licence is permission to do sum thing that is wrong [illegal] 
Your I.D and drivers licence are slavery documents in the modern times, you just know this 

Think about that 

Keep pushing on 

NASA mapped the entire surface of LAHMU [MARS] in 1976 [including SPHINX] and this left image is from 1968 showing this planet without water - its one plane and all these land mass is housed under the Dome [Firmament] Ozone Layer [Van Alan Belt] EMF 

BAWWAABAAT-RA one of four gates that should be opened which are portals, gateways to the other lands, other continents, these are restricted areas, they don’t want HuMans [HuMins] and other beings coming through – there are three inner ice walls 

Check the electrical discharge in the middle and the sphere at the 1 o'clock position [the 'o' stands for Orisha] check the colours and white core   

The sun conscious dark energy sun] is [Septarian] Septet Sepetember [Sirius] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal sun] is Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan [Rahu] is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Without the haze from the chemical sprayed SKA - the sphere escorting the SUN is solid 
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE

[1] AtumRe [HaRu] [2] AtunRe [Asaru] [3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3black-lights called; [1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light

Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery

Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays]

9ethers can absorb this radiation

[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one]

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being [A] Alpha Waves [B] Gamma Waves and [C] Beta Waves [the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

RA [RE] locking and loading - they say we have a SOULAR flash coming in which will affect the Schumann resonance which will purge itself from all parasites that don't belong, micro or macro worlds, it won' matter - like Mosquitoes won't be here anymore which is also a parasite - it won't be here no more if the earth + people + sun agree - if all 3 agree when the energy comes through [because its getting its feedback from the sentient beings on the planet from the Mitochondrial DNA MtDNA resonance] what this means is the FEMALEs are co-creating the next reality with the sun + earth right now - once Trump came into office everyone started talking about world peace, even your man in Ukraine said he will step down in peace - I knew peace would be on the table, the same with terrorist groups saying they want to sit down and talk - many are not seeing this because the 3D world is in full effect, covering it all over - but make no mistake everything has to fall 'crash' that we thought was 'great' but was actually 'wicked' behind the scenes - it all has to go - take the USA [Mystery Babylon] who are deporting immigrants, all these people are foreign agents, judges and lawyers and police and are under contract to the Crown of England and they have been given notice to resign - he is using the military, they are the enemy of the state now - the National Guard will also used - State Troopers are really Canadian Mounted Police [Royal] that is who the State Troopers are [look at their hats] all are foreign agents and the only ones who think they are working for the USA are Sheriffs  - the US Marshall appointed by the PM but they are picked by duly elected Sheriffs - the peoples will is more important, once the masses see what is going on, watch how crime will crease, right now they can't recruits new soldiers and even the ones they have have started to wonder what is it that they are actually fighting for, and this is key, people don't want wars anymore, they want peace 

SINGAPORE [7] light spectrum - white core, red and yellow hue [rim] AURA 



Check the pixel or cube that shows up during a electrical discharge 

Check that column of light that  was recorded atop Etna volcano in Italy
Etna comes from the word Etruscan

Huge craft or crafts in the SKA [USA] 

Right by the SUN

Maybe they were to space travel, children, babies’ bodies are still developing, bones, tissue and so space travel is ok for them at that age – what else about these children found with helmets made from other children – why were they buried like this and were they even HuMan [HuMin] offspring 
2,000 years ago was when their Jesus was born and their Mohammed, so my question who made the earth for these alien babies to be unearthed because it wasn't your boy Jesus or Mohammed was it - who were these beings in AZTLAN that had buried these babies, children 

Shanghai's first humanoid robot factory began mass production on Tuesday 25th February 2025
The company launched five types of robots, covering various fields such as interaction, heavy load handling, data acquisition, scientific research and factory operations – mass production, given that they have loads in the image, means they are going online, forget the five types, these are for crowd control and will be weaponised and connected to the satellites that are connected to A.I – remember we have been here before

That guy talking to himself, he is now a host in 2025 and did you see that little girl, its her uncle who comes to see her at night - is he still on the planet and he is the uncle, the little girl maybe his niece in this world but she is a young ancestor, maybe he is on protection guidance duty - towards the end of this upload Slapped Ham talk about their second channel and that is actually what they are into - he always says predictable things with the uploads but you must watch them yourself and make up your own mind, there is a lot of data in these footages 

Sum people here are a failed reincarnation and may be a negative spirit literally trapped inside of the human body, or people that tried to escape their spiritual contract by suicide 

This may come in the form of certain people with disabilities, restrictions, they can be 
energy vampires, those who are needy or shi9t constantly happening to them, watch who you are giving your energy to and why, watch your space 

When you see 'clouds' come in like this image that they call cloud shelf is still another word for cell [self] shelf this is a weather cell created by a craft aka weather systems are created by crafts, the two images underneath show the rotary blades coming from a craft that is creating this tornado - earthquakes caused by the fault lines is coming from 9ether because its their fault and volcano the word comes from volume + cane which is negative energy being released by 9ethers  

Earthquakes [22.2.2025] Washington [USA] M3.4 Dominican M3.4 Myanmar M5.2 - loads of places from Texas, Californian, Indonesia, Japan, Alaska+ getting hit 

Earthquakes are hitting - all the planets are still within range 

24.2.025 Ethiopia M5 - we had 32 earthquakes hit from Japan to Indonesia to Alaska

Don't stay too log outside 

What is going on up there 

Looks like the DNA strand for sure 

She sounds good, remember Trump is the PM and can only operate has the PM - when she speaks of Congress and Democratic and Republic+ they are from the same coin but two different sides of the same coin - Sodom and Gomorrah cities must be deleted  - Drag ' to shift from one place to another' [Dragon] Serpentine [Kundlaini] to usurp FEMI9 energy - he is wearing 'Drag'  

She did the right thing or is she being judgemental, you heard her, she doesn't have time to find out 

Stolen from who did you cay or didn't say - she is holding Abyssinian artefacts 

Arab is short for Arabia and Arabia became Saudi Arabia in which the original name is AL GHOR 



Yes because man is programming the machine and man lies 

What for, why do we need machines to replace NTR - there are over 10million different insects, not total, 10million different insects that make up the eco-system, take anyone of them out and the eco-system starts to crash, man did this already using pesticides+ we lost around 900million Bees during 2019 into 2025, each summer we see no Ladybirds or coloured Butterflies, man already fuc9ed NTR over   

Planetary EMP will shut down the main grid of this planet to which all electricity grids are shacked on  the maim power supply, so this X-Pack Ford Escort RS2000 that has sat for 30 years will still work after the EMP, with a few corrections unlike modern day cars who have Lithium batteries and an onboard computer with will blow with the incoming plasma

Fuc9ing NTR over without a Condom, giving no protection 

Man [6ether] killed the Rhino called Unicorn in his Bible 

Gelatin is the gristle between the joints [bones] in Cows - Jelly is made from the same sh9t 

Antibiotic, how about Probiotic - I stopped eating meat a while back however every now and again I have to eat Chicken because the body remembers things - but you see the Pig, stop eating it 

Doctors are sales reps and sell you synthetic 'drugs' 

Have you seen how Cocaine is prepared [made] and Fentanyl and Heroin+ all came out of a laboratory  

Plant 'dealer' and if you want to get technical, Herb dealer for Marijuana is from the Herb family in which for example Basil is part of that Herb family 

He or she is hidden in plain sight

Suilven viewed from Lochinver [Scotland] what is this that we are really looking at 

Those are melted structures in the 1900s image using a camera and on the right a building made from cardboard and then destroyed because it was temporary 

AZTLAN [South America]

Built into this hill is a underground subterranean complex, tunnels that are now blocked off, check the craftsmanship, aqua pools for aqua beings, check the basin, flawlessly carved into porphyry, features circular grooves that suggest precision tools unknown to modern archaeology, all part of an intricate complex of stairways, healing – charging - temples and aqueducts - perfection achieved in such a hard stone – look how huge this complex is above ground and makes you wonder what is inside, how does it look, there should be a landing site here, this place was purposely destroyed


That is a Reptile head that they call Lions Rock, that is no Lion, even the base show claws and now paws, although they do have a Lion in their flag in the background you can see a MIR [MER] and this last image, they lightened the main guy his arms and face when look at his legs and the outline of his arms which are clearly 9ether 'black' these people were already there before modern day Indians

This is the flag for the KANDY and the TAMILA NADU - don't you think is a lot like the Ethiopian flag and we know the KUSH where in INDIA  

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