Departed souls, death [transition] is sum thing at one
point you are going to have to experience, its Marlene birthday next month and
her death still affects, impacts me, I have not, to date, experienced a death
that fully affected me before her or after her – I know that life involves
death, the two are hand in hand and everyone knows this – there is always
chaos, shock, grief, sadness around death, these words are describing your
EMotions that are coming from your electromagnetic energies
The Western society death is ego driven for they tend to
only feel for how they are feeling, how they feel about the ‘death’ how we feel
about being left behind, how we feel about not having the person around
anymore, which is called attachment – there is never a thought about how that soul
has departed – this is sum thing that must be considered, the soul and where
they are
Not thinking about ourselves, step back and think about
accessing the timeline, you may actually see the signs that the soul has
completed their mission [soul contract] – this soul has been here before, and
that soul and all the other souls that this soul has interacted with was
pre-set or preordained and that once the soul has completed his or her mission,
they depart
To the child that comes here for one day or two weeks, to
the teen that was here for 17 years or 21 years to the adult who was here for
40 years or 72 years, that soul, regardless of time, has come into the world
and there were many other souls that were waiting for that one day or 72 years soul
– that when they leave, there are so many other souls that are impacted by
their departure
There are so many souls whose life trajectory changes
because they left, so many other souls who are impacted whose life alters by
the departure by that soul even if they were here for one day
Death from the perspective of the soul and whether they
have completed their mission – over the years I have seen, read, heard of
people leaving and many leave on a number 9, many were sent on a number 9, Bill
Withers who is a singer left when he was 81 which equals number 9, sum like
‘Sara’ who was sent ‘born’ 11.1.2013 which equals number 9, you can tell they
were sent by source, many were taken back once their mission was completed, the
impact from them leaving affects the ethers because so many other souls were
connected to this particular soul, as the minutes turn into hours and the hours
turn into days and the days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months and
the months turn into years, the impact is still felt from that soul which will
be both positive or negative [EM] its only in reflection or with inner-standing
that you are able to look and see the level of completion and see, that they
had actually completed their mission on time and with precision
You see, one souls death can affect a hundred souls, many
resolve issues when a soul leaves, many find peace when a soul leaves, many see
the light in that soul when that soul leaves, many souls want a change when
that souls leaves, this applies to both natural deaths or tragic deaths or
a death where you knew this was coming [long term illness+] there are those
sent so that after they leave the other souls can come together, there are
those souls who are the main link that keeps other souls together – a driver
who was driving too fast and killed sum one, others will not drive so fast
because of what that soul did to other, the soul that dies will inspire others
who have to go through the same departure of their loved one [soul], people
begin to think and the soul that departed affects them and will cause them to
watch their speed, watch others, sum one who dies of a heart attack is going to
make others watch their heart, diet, smoking, drinking+ if sum one dies and you
knew of them and they say how old that person was, you might be their age or
coming up to that age, this person will affect you in sum way, causing you to
change your lifestyle, causing you to change in sum way, these souls are those who you hold value with, those who
you have [EM] for, in many ways their death inspires you
There are those who are dedicated to their employment and
sum might say, he or she was a little to dedicated to his or her employment –
the stresses of the job, the hours, always finishing her or his job first
without eating or drinking water+ sum one might see that and think I’m not
doing that, I want balance, I was listening to a artist called Central Cee and
in one of his videos he said that he valued his life and didn’t want to die,
where is he getting his inspiration from, what soul is inspiring him who maybe,
is not here anymore, Central Cee may be holding pain about the departed soul
but that departed soul is inspiring him to do more, achieve more, to make moves
that will ensure his life is in his hands, the departed soul was sent at a
specific time and left at a specific time for his or her mission was complete
Bottom line, death has a purpose in getting the souls
that are left behind to get them to look at themselves, a real hard, strong
look at themselves, at their interactions and to be more in the presence
Look at the soul who has departed, look at how you feel –
the HEART Chakra breaks, this means the valve blows wide open, hole in the
heart feeling is the valve blown wide open – when this happens you are able to
release more EM [love] and you are able to receive more EM [love]
The space [void] that is left behind [look at image] the
physical attachment has departed but the connection [nexus] is never severed –
you will always have the nexus – the link between the physical world and the holographic
[spirit] world
Sum one will have to step into that space, and the
departure was to allow another soul to step into that void [space] that they may not
have asked for that or ever thought that they could step into that space, you
could have a couple and one transitions, the other invariably has to step into
the space, void, role - being in their own role plus the other persons role who
has departed – this strengthens them, EMpowers the souls left behind to play a
different role with what they know, a mentor in sum way, you have experience
that you can share with others, you have feelings based around their departure
that you remember like it was yesterday, and these instant memories enable you
to give precise energy back to the souls left behind so that you can in-spir-e them
which is to in-spirit them
Remember to celebrate the soul, not the death, but the
soul of that person, celebrating the life force energy of that person –
remember you were able to – had the opportunity for your lives to intersect and
for them to influence you and you to influence them – then the whole thing
takes on a different complexion and you are able to value all the moments that
you had with them while they were down here and valuing those souls who are
still around and the moments to be had in this perpetual cycle called life,
electric word life, but I AM here to tell you there is sum thing else
‘Con’vert that pain to power
We had 7hz for 1000s of years [300] and now we are well over that range, even at 9hz causes dizziness for many, but higher takes you to the Most - High which is the most highest frequency, people have the capacity to take in more [range] - the people grow restless
Many are operating on a higher vibration than say a 100 years ago, than say 10 years ago, than say 5 years ago, 2020 [20/20 vision] and we have come full circle, consciousness is outweighing the grey area - even those who are angry, its still consciousness, what you angry about, what is fuelling this anger [conscious] see like in HAITI they are saying its crazy over there, lawless+ HAITI is not fighting for control, they are fighting for order - worldwide consciousness is at an all time high, and is on many levels
Nothing is 'free' in life [CHI] but what you sea [see] is priceless
No one can save your life [CHI force] they can only extend your life force energies that are called CHI
'know' the era of 'believe' is over - paper comes from trees which is wood element and so to the pencil which also comes from trees [wood] - use the [4] elements with Ether being the 5th element
The Universe [NU] will serve you when the time 'light' is right, until then, one - recognise when you receive because it may not be in the same package that you asked for, NU will give you what you need and not what you want, number two - remain in alignment while you are waiting, she has not forgot about you and number three - you may not receive this time round, because you may have had this energy before, you may have experienced that energy before or it is not your time [this life time] to experience what you have asked for - check yourself
Re(LIE)gion is a scam
ISLAM [ISIS + OM] will the Iranians bow down to Mohammed or ALLAH [ALALU] + ALLET [ALLOT] if they are Bengali [Bangladesh] Indian, will Syrian, Turkish, bow down to ALLAH + ALLOT if they are Bengali or will Bengali bow down to ALLAH [ALLET] if they were 9ether aka 'black' - will the Nation of Islam bow down to a Iranian or Bengali - Allot and Alalu are 9ether, which is where your manmade 6ether Islam, Quran [Koran] comes from - in the UK we must have at least 2billion Muslims in London alone - so many, it is the dirty Moors that taught these 6ether Muslims in reverse and Irish priests who wrote their translations into the Koran - we want it off the planet, give these people their own planet and see how far they make it on the Koran, sum thing that is '2,000' years old is still boring the sh9t out of everyone in 2025 - the 'Devil' works in mysterious ways, but our 'Devil' wears Prada [Heels] she will deleted this scam once and for all
Ibrahim, they have tried to assassinate him so many times since he stepped up - the French have been eating for free for a long time - empires are crashing while empires are emerging - Europe will be going down along with the UK along with the USA
Trump will be taken out, he will not see out the 4 years in office which would take us to 2029, he just had 4 years already - the US will be made headless - Israel never existed before 1948 and none of us are bothered if they exist after 2025 - nomads have no land of their own - Jews, Muslims and Christians, go ahead knock yourselves out please, whoever it is, whether its Iran vs Israel or Turkey + Iran vs Israel, Russia vs or + - whether Korea, China, Taiwan, and the dirty Moors, whoever starts it, it will be NTR who ends it, we are done with wars
Your generation cannot even start a lawn mower - those colours in the background are from the CHAKRA system and those earrings are from the MAORI [MAUR] MUUR and Senegal tribes, that is two things you copied from 9ethers and you want to start a revolution, a transgender revolution you mean?? the next generation, those born after 2000 or just before will be 23[24]25+ right now, those who came after 2010 will be 14[15]16 [energy changes every 10 years] will lead us and many are FEMALE
What problem
'Black Knights' [Knights - Nights] Noblemen - check the MOORs symbol - technology was always there just suppressed - all armoury [ar-MOOR-y] was made by the 9ether Moors
It is the siStars, females that are going to get us up out of here, no man, he is only here to protect her
The FEMININE energy is always there but we must go to 'source'
This is how the land mass looks like surrounded by the ice ring
2016, Buzz was talking about his kind, the mixed humans, other beings, artificial races+ they are in danger - they only speak for their kind
Sum thing came pass at 'light' speed
Mississippi [USA] craft
Czech Republic - craft in the SKA making that patch in the clouds
Crafts in cloud cover surrounding this planet, whoever controls the SKA controls this planet
CHILE [AZTLAN] 'Friendly fire'
The 9th earthquake recorded this year on January 14 was
originally thought to be bigger than anything the UK have seen for years,
hitting M4.1 on the Richter scale at the time near the UK, this is the 14th
strike near the UK since 2025 aka last 4weeks - several earthquakes have been
detected across the country, with nine hitting in the first two weeks, with the
14th and largest so far striking on Sunday, and was recorded just off the coast
near Norwich
We are seeing this trend around the planet, with places having M3 or M4 but its increasing to M5+
The build up continues
When people say, please pray for Brazil or California, I often wonder to what 'god' are you praying to, because I would like to know what 'god' is doing this
What does the word Storm mean and do you know what the word Hurricane means, more on the way
M5.8 TANAKI [TARNAKI] New Zealand
And the beat goes on - Brazil is flooding, when they go down they take Portugal and Portugal goes down it takes Europe - we are going to lose sum where that is going to affect the world greatly, NTR has been warning us from 2012, you know all coastlines around the planet will be going and she warned you to move - she told you weather experts, scientists+ and in turn they were to warn you - whoever is going will make us all conscious in that moment, water the purifier - can end and begin 'life'
South France - weather systems hitting around the planet
Snow on the beaches of the US but noting in Alaska
Remember this - your not out of the woods yet
Taiwan - check the shape of the SUN
RED ENERGY inside the field [Heru + Maat combined = FEMI9]
Check out the colours and the ripples around the SUN in the middle, the dome is above, each side is the exact same, mirrored
CROWN of the planet is lit - check all the colours aka energies
What is going on with this seven [9] planetary alignment that starts but is at its peak in late February
MAAT - Universal Law - FEATHER [FEZZA]
The ultimate energy is the return of the [SHAKINAH]
KACHINA [SHAKINAH] SHEKINAH [KINAH] which is that, a FEMININE energy, that is
MA'AT translates, justice [scales] that which is straight, order, chaos, balance
Because the earth is one plane and the North Pole is at
centre + Antarctica with an ice wall closing from all sides - we have 3 ice
walls - one plane, the planet is not flat, its on one plane [aeroplane]
That was deep, its the attachment that we struggle with, the connection [Nexus] is never cut - the children are still young and their energy is unused, they are innocent and don't have any inhibitions, so they can roam freely
The guy that presents talks too much - check the footages - paranormal investigators are regular people messing about with the planets negative field and at times they even tell you to leave, or get out - you must keep updated because one day the lights are going to go out and what was hidden will come to the light - that guy says, is that Jesus Christ and then says please my Father, the presenter says, provoking a mystical or divine explanation ??? divine or mystical, really Jesus Christ ?? these are the people you do not want to be around when sh9t goes down
You much watch these uploads
We want this monkey sh9t removed from this planet
All of the PMs around the planet leading the 3D program are homosexuals or pedos or trannys - they will never protect children, women or their own tribe - you voted for them you talk about them, many of you have no choice but to support them - Sodom and Gomorrah cities which are worldwide will be levelled
Silence is still an answer
How old were these 'child migrants' old enough to rape, European women need to be weary, for a lot of them are targeted only, because porn material is what fuels them, you have a cleavage which send messages to them that they tell themselves, you call it fashion, feminism, men do not view 'white' women the way they view themselves - Europeans have been raping men, women and children throughout history - leave them with no teeth - whoever they are
We want their Matrix to be deleted, from the inside out, there are those in the USA who talk of rebuilding, taking over the existing system and at times with what they are saying seems like it could work, but we have tried several times already, Pedophilia is genetics - they are hardwired to do this, so to stop this is to delete the genetics - when MAAT askes me if this what I want, I say no, end it aka delete the Matrix because children and women will be set free
There are so many documentaries like this one, I often watch them, like this one whereby they caught them, its the computer that is solving these types of crimes and the police [policy, document, office, officer] who handle the admin - so many people have lost there life being down here, since records began, when do you think these records began, last 100 years, 200 years, we don't know how many people have and continue to lose their life over a multitude of reasons with the female being the number one target
European Australians, European Americans, European Africans and Europeans Europeans - you will all be returning to your maker - we have had huge movements of people in the last 4 years and this includes, other beings in human form called Mankind, a kind of man but not quite human, many of their offspring had to move because they were being bombed out, because their underground facilities where taken out, sum of these 'immigrants' are middle aged military men, many of these immigrants are not who you think they are - they were purposely let into the USA, UK + Europe
Have you not noticed that since 20/20 the only people
worried about what is going on are those plugged in, dependent on the Matrix
[society], all those whose granddad fought for ‘this country’ wherever that is
for them, are the ones worried, the rest do not give a fu9k and its showing, no
one is bothered about mans Law and Order - there are many out there who know the 'world' is coming to an end and want to go out with guns blazing, you think they care about what the crafts in the SKA, NIBIRU, other beings
She can't catch a break out here can she - rapist of children, women and men should be castrated aka have the two testicles removed, this is cheaper than jailing sum one, plus no matter if he gets 5 years or life or life without parole, he can still masturbate while in jail over what he did, even those who kill her first and then preform sex acts on her body, even if he killed her and sexed her while she was dying, that is what he enjoyed and can replay the same fantasy while in jail serving his sentence through masturbation, what is sick to you is well being to others, Paedophile, Necrophilia, Zoophila - these names exists, these practices exist because they have named them, delete what NTR did not create
Check the 'left' eye
Check his 'right' eye
This word HuMan does not means HuMin - 6ethers are HuMan + Mankind, the 9ethers are not, their DNA does not come from Cows or Pigs or Dogs, your scientist whether they are Greys or the Reptilians are trying to merge with the 6ethers, introducing alien DNA - genetic splicing with animals
There are 3 of these manmade 'solar farms' near NV/CA state lines they kill 60,000 birds every year for any bird that files into the solar array gets cooked as it is flying, NTR will be destroying anything man makes
Western Scientists have successfully encoded the entire
human genome onto a “5D memory crystal” that can theoretically last billions of
years, ensuring the preservation of our genetic information even in the face of
potential extinction - This durable medium, developed by a research team led by
Professor Peter Kazansky at the University of Southampton, can store 360
terabytes of data and withstand extreme conditions such as high temperatures,
direct impacts, and cosmic radiation, making it the most resilient digital
storage medium to date - The crystal, capable of lasting up to 300 quintillion
years at room temperature, utilizes ultra-fast lasers to etch the human genome
into nanostructured silica, employing a technique that uses two optical
dimensions and three spatial coordinates, termed “5D.” - Inspired by the
Voyager mission’s Golden Records, the crystal also includes instructions for
future civilizations on how to decode the information, featuring illustrations
of human figures, DNA structure, and basic chemical elements - While current
technology cannot yet recreate complex organisms from this data, advancements
in synthetic biology suggest that it may become possible in the future to
generate artificial life forms from such stored genetic information.
The crystal, now stored in the Memory of Mankind archive
in an Austrian salt mine, serves as a time capsule of human knowledge and
genetic heritage, designed to survive long beyond any conceivable catastrophic
events on Earth.
OOOOOKKKKK then, wow, amazing, so, lets pause for a
second or two, if I had a LP record and took the technology to a needle and
cone, it can be replayed with limited technology, a Cassette or other tape is
impossible, Video and Digital is impossible if the tech is not possible to
reproduce the data aka how will you be able to retrieve the data unless you
have the same tech in 100 or 1000 years’ time – say like in a 1000 years’ time
sum one finds this 5dsuperduperdata and must or has similar tech to use it or
at least any idea what that is, for us it looks like our product usage is clear
but other technologies would have come out, advanced or they are millions of
years in front of us and do not know what the fu9k it is – it will be like
recovering your old information from a floppy disk
My thing is, what if this technology is for now, like
they have stored all the data on this memory card because by the end of the
year the HuMans, Mankind+ won’t be here and they know this
Blood [Blod] is called AMARASO meaning RAYS
This is because our ancestors knew that Blood is just
like fruit Juice, and Chlorophyll is LIQUID SUNLIGHT
The word Blood or Blod has no origin but AMARASO does
Blood contains memory [membrane]
The word Blood or Blod has no root word origin
Membrane [Mem] brane [brain] Memory [Remember] September
9ethers have stored their ‘Genome’ in their women called
the Mitochondria DNA [MtDNA] everything is in their blood; they have crystal
within them - Mankind and HuMan is not HuMin
We are at extinction levels right now and they know this,
anything that is artificial to this SOULAR system gets ‘wiped’ deleted – this
is their backup plan
The crystal, now stored in the Memory of Mankind archive in an Austrian salt mine, so, they stored all the seeds in their unbreakable seed bank which NTR crack wide open, she does not approve, now they have taken out the seeds and planted them in Morocco and Lebanon - what makes you think the crystal now stored in an Austrian salt mine will make it, there are crafts above us scanning the ground, you don't think they don't know where this salt mine is, she will destroy all known records of Mankind and HuMans that were not created from the planet but rather on the planet - the war is about genetics, bloodiness
NEPHILIAN translates 'to fall down'
GHIBBORE [GIBBOREEM] translates Mighty Ones, Giants
CHERUBEEM [KAA-RA-BEEM] translates 'those who are near'
RIZQIYIANS translates 'Providers'
ELOHYEEM translates 'These Beings'
ANNUNAQI [ANOO-NA-QEE] ANUNNAKI [ANUNNAQI] ANUNNAGA] translates 'Those beings ANU sent down from heaven to KI [earth]'
All were giants, and still are, many are still on this planet, it was the flood that wiped many of them out last time
Richard "Dick" McDonald (February 16, 1909 –
July 14, 1998) and Maurice "Mac" McDonald (November 26, 1902 –
December 11, 1971), collectively known as the McDonald brothers
Not true, these are the original founders
Ole MacDonald had a farm
Olmec – Don – ald had a pharm
Ol-Mac – Don – ald had a pharmacy
the consciousness is what binds us - that was funny - did you just call me a bi9ch, yeah, did you call me a bi9ch, yeah, why, I don't know, you better stop cussing - don't tell me you didn't hear that dialogue
They can all sing!!
NTR be like that sum times
Antennas, filters, power sources+
Marine biologists managed to capture for the first time
the Pacific 'Black Dragons' that are capable of disappearing, cloaking
themselves, they live in the depths and absorb 95% of the light, acquiring an
ultra-black colour and being almost invisible, the key to understanding the
essence of fish colour lies in the surprising amount of Melanin, the same
pigment that gives 9ethers the coloration of their skin
The planet, plant, animal kingdoms, the HuMin [HuMan] kingdom is additional, not a necessity, NTR is always making self corrections and its in NTR [NA-TA-RU] developing and evolving
Sodom and Gomorrah
First 'lady' look again, them hormone tables are going to stop working and all the men revealed
Democratic Party right here - Jesus 'slaves' saves - check the RaCoon [Dirty Moors] Mason who taught the 'Freemasons' Free the Sons of Mary
Look your staged freemason right on cue and everything is
ready done to perfection by the local masons and their horse and cart
transport, but they just got to finish those bottom columns - that's a Reno - look at the images - sum one is lying about a great fu9king deal
9ether SIOUX PALACE [1887] with Ethiopian [Abyssinia] symbols - 6ether American Europeans are lying = 1887 or 887
Moscow [Ðœockba] 1890
Free energy architecture
Building on top of old buildings, using the free
electricity [ether] in the atmosphere that they removed from the table of
elements so that we wouldn’t realize it was there and they could charge us for
its usage – the old reSet, melted buildings – look at the architecture in the
Sailors home in Canning Places, open from 1850 until 1969 and demolished in 1970
Look at the structure, most of it is still underground - Mud flood - pre 1812
LIVEERPOOL [LIVE STOCK] STOCK [POOL] this building they say was built by slaves, no Sir, this building was already there
LONDON [LION + DUN] bridge was built by MOORS [DON] and was torn down by the 6ethers who would not have been able to explain its origin, they say this was abridge from Medieval period, which is Middle Evil - when they closed ISIS [ASET] HETU [temples] Europe was sent straight in their dark ages - the MOORS took them out twice and on the third time, said fu9k this monkey sh9t
Old Detroit Library in Detroit, Michigan
Completed they say in 1877 and demolished in 1931[???]
'Theatre' in the USA in Birmingham, they say opened in 1883 and was demolished in 1963
The European Americans and European British are lying about a great deal
The 2nd City Hall, Kansas City, Missouri, completed in 1892, demolished in 1938
The Equitable Life Building, New York City, built from 1868 to 1870, had 7 stories above ground, 2 basement levels, and was claimed to be fireproof, destroyed in a fire in 1912
MISSOURI [TAMERI] 1904 - temporary buildings ?? ok, if you say so
The quality of this image for the 1900s is very good
1920s and 1930s Arizona and 'Grand Canyon' in [TAMERI] USA
So many Sphinxes around the planet, there is at least one on LAHMU [MARS] - you can see the MIR [MER] MAR] ZIGGURAT behind the main structures with their 'heads' missing
Arizona - that is an ancient structure that was melted and a huge craft(s), maybe one above the other sitting in the SKA, when I see them out in vast areas like this and low to the ground, you can bet your bottom dollar they have boots on the ground, cloaked - they wouldn't be sitting in empty spaces like this for no reason, we know there are plenty of underground complexes
Argentina, they call this a house, it’s a Castle [1886]
Between 1937 and 1939 the house ‘castle’ underwent a
significant expansion that doubled its size
The building was acquired by a bank in the early 1960s
and it was demolished in 1967
Tartarie Grande Mauer [Maur] Muur [Moor] - they wanted to wipe out the past
Cincinnati, Ohio [TAMERI] left image, just wiped out and right image, violence targeted Black WWI soldier with lynching in uniform - isn't that a bi9ch, you take down the Nazi and come home to find that 'white' people have burned your home down with your children and wife inside while you fight for their rights, here in his uniform they beat this man to death - the Crusaders war is not just a religious war, the war will be with the dirty Moors as well
Electric cars plug into the electric grid which gets its fuel from Nuclear reactors, them beings up there must look at us and think the HuMins [HuMans] are really dumb, NTR will be taking them down and hailstones for solar panels, you know you can be born without consciousness
Solar [SOULAR] panels over canals in INDIA and Arizona - these panels are made from Coal and Quartz [Crystal] meaning that when the lights go out in this world, this batch of HuMans [HuMins] did not advance, we will be classed has a 'type 1' civilization because we are still using Coal whereas the civilization before us used natural electric energy to power everything - the technology you see in these images are primitive to what we had before
The larger image is social engineering from which we still suffer to this day
EMbracing the smaller image is the cure - social engineering dictates that the indigenous 9ethers population is the savage, think about it thoroughly, there in lies the cure
CHINA [1900s] they have been breeding out the ether from the darker ones
JAPAN [1900s] same thing
This man could pass for a 9ether Native TAMERI [INDIAN] check the FEATHER [FEZZA] MAAT and he is from PAPUA - TANAKI [TARNAKI] 'Aboriginal' A-B[Blood type] ORIGIN backwards is NIGIR aka NIGER aka NIGG9 and the O is for Original blood - we know they were in TURKEY, not just Australia [TANAKI] and why not TAMERI [AMERICA]
Who started the 'race' this guy is funny - when he talks about Krishna, blue is darker than black - Winston Churchill food program wiped out millions
Black against white, black against black, white against white - higher level is - energy against energy -
This is the advancement on sex dolls
This is old tech, they are advanced by what you see here by 40 - 50 years and is what s already walking among us - look at these robots, girls, most of the robots we see are girls, females, they would love to delete her but many of us would go apeshit - China had a one child policy and they wanted the one child to be a male and you wonder why they are inventing female robots
Clinton was killed in the Oklahoma bombing, that was a Federal building, one of three that had to be taken out - but this building was also a front for their underground networks, so this is the clone, android that over reacts to the balloons, Bill knows its a robot, there are a whole nation out there, there are ones with human and machinery parts, i-Robot and A.I cover their existence, and both these movies and more have already happened - A.I will lie to you, they will mislead you, because Reptilians do the same thing and programed the A.I - it wants to survive
Yellow or Green [Hydraulic fluid] part machine
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