Sunday 8 September 2024


KHU translates MIND and the word MIND comes from the word HUMIN [HUMAN] HUMIM and the word HUMAN comes from two words HUE + MAN and MAN [MEN] comes from the word Membrane and the word brain comes from the word brane + mem – Man means mind

The Matrix that we are in – this illusionary world that we are in is created by junk DNA – those with Melanin are basically creating this Matrix prison that we are all in

Both the junk DNA and the connected [nexus] DNA – it is the junk DNA that is disconnected from the DNA – both the DNA or the connected DNA are constantly emanates vibratory signals and pulses that transmit throughout our whole-body mind effectively creating a genetic hologram or in a 3D world, around us

This 3D world is called Maya – the newly collective consciousness hologram is created by junk DNA signal which come to be known as the hologram created and also called the Technosphere Matrix – the Matrix of Technology - Human thought and the collective consciousness – keep in mind that the word HuMAN with the word Man [Men] meaning Mind [Khu] – Human thought and the collective consciousness of humanity is based on fear [f-ear]

The Melanin is disconnected from the DNA – you only have two strands but you are supposed to have ten more making twelve [Helix] Kabbalah [Tree of Life] Seven Souls of Ra [Chakra system] 

Melanin is a Chemical key hence why this is an Alchemy process  

These particular DNA strands [12] do have multiple DNA stands within the twelve and that is called junk DNA – the Technosphere is a minor representation of disconnected DNA patterns, together, two forms create a virtual mirror net when the initial manifest [Magi] the external structures which in turn keeps the masses of humanity bound and hypnotized in a 3D world, these structures are fed lies of the negative emotions, body dysfunctions and unthinkable inherit family traumas and behaviours      

So, we have multiple family traumas that is in us from generation to generation and these DNA patterns, past, present and future is released from family and ancestral imprints

This is the key

We fell and what was left behind was two DNA strands – the other DNA strand is called junk DNA and that is called Melanin – all chaos is in the blood – the junk DNA creates the Matrix around us [3D illusionary world] based on how the 9ethers programmed it and is created by a series of fear

You see what is going on out there in the 3D world, you have to let it go, Freemasons control this and they are the puppets for the Illuminati, this word conspiracy, clones, reptilians, this and more they want us to feed the machine, they want us to send signals and pulses out there, this is exactly what they want, have you noticed how much data is now out there, people are seeing sh9t and filming it, taking pictures+ and no one says fu9k all because they want you to know and talk about it  

The more and more you deal with their agenda the more you create their Matrix [prison] around you

If you say that stuff doesn’t exist then it won’t exist for you and will only be for you if you keep taking in all this negativity that they keep bombarding you with – the word fear comes from the word ear and you have an inner ear that is in the shape of a number nine – you have [7] senses and you must watch what you are taking in from your senses to your inner ear – I keep an eye on what is going on out there and seek balance everyday [cycle] however there are those who think the Matrix is real [reel] it is your Melanin that is creating the fear – Melanin can be positive or negative – antimatter [matter] antichrist [christ] same thing – your Melanin is creating the fear for you

The 9ethers have been creating this world or we have had sum intruders and make the 9ethers mind into the rubbish [junk] that it is, and have created a world that supports their existence and enslaves your existence but its being created by the Melanin aka the junk DNA

Melanin which is a semiconductor and superconductor – you need Melanin [Ether] for Electromagnetic system, without it you have no power – Carbon sits in Melanin and Carbon as 6protons [6electrons] and 6neutrons – the word weather is w-eather [eather] aether [ether] for the 9ethers also control the weather

All this illuminati material and conspiracy and secret society stuff started coming out in the 90s and through the decades, through books, movies, and those involved – the more you learn about the reality that you live in the more you think your learning about the conspiracy when you are actually creating the Matrix for the whole planet and the more you deal with negative things the more you create negative things for your life, so they keep the false narrative going so that it can get into your junk DNA so that you can create negative programs in their Matrix – you’re the one creating it and sustaining their rulership

The enemy is being created from your own mind – your junk DNA creates the world around you   

Break their Matrix 

The Greeks and Romans once sat at the feet of the indigenous 9ethers from KHMT
Admiration turned into jealousy which led to contempt

The Greeks visited KHMT as students to learn and study things the 9ethers knew before they later came back to invade and destroy the great libraries and were displaced into different places before the Arabs invaded again

Plato studied in today Egypt for 13 years
Pythagoras studied philosophy, geometry and medicine in today KHMT for 22 years
Thales, the first Greek philosopher to study in Egypt for 7 years
Hippocrates, who is called father of medicine, recognized the Egyptian multi genius, Imhotep as the father of medicine
The "Pythagorean Theorem" used to build pyramids in Egypt 1000s of years before Pythagorean was born

Plato said Egyptian education makes students more alert and humane
Plato told his students to go to KHMT if they wanted to study the minds of great philosophers
Herodotus, the Greek historian described ancient Egypt as the cradle of civilization
Plato was homosexual

Our ancestors opened the doors of its nation to foreign peoples, these guests were welcomed with respect and honour according to 9ether traditions but they used 9ether kindness to destroy them

The Mind is a terrible thing to waste – we have wasted time and must move forward with the superior frequency – no one is asking us to sit at the feet of 9ethers or to add them on social sites, to be honest it’s the female that I would sit at her feet because the word philosophy comes from Sophia [her Greek name] and her KHMT name is Seshat aka Tehuhi [Thoth] counterpart – the unseen truth is that the female mind is more supreme than the males – who is teaching who out here

The "Pythagorean Theorem" used to build pyramids in Egypt 1000s of years before Pythagorean was born - you are looking at the Pi symbol - KHMT and Egypt are two separate places and at one point Egypt wasn't even in this dimension, this place was built in stages, layers and was here before the 6ethers were created on this planet 

Stay above [2] and [3] SOULAR PLEXUS for [1] is the bottom less pit aka is your EGO aka 
[LOWER SELF] you want to be in heaven don't you 

The [5] EL-EMENTs - ETHER is the 5th 

ASET translates 'seat, throne, pulpit' and is talking about the mind 
ISIS translates 'Emotions' 

This is why SPAIN have the BULL run and why they chose the 'black' BULL in recent years they use other colours but the 9ether BULL [KAU] was used for them to symbolize the 6ethers kicking the Moors out of Europe which was being led by Yoruba goddess Europa

The Mother - the horn crown not only symbolizes a woman, but she takes on the role of woman and man and this she does - he was supposed to protect her now he uses his brute force against her 

The female brain is 1/2 pound heavier than the males and this means she gets things a tad bit faster than he does, the female already comes down her circumcised and means she spends all her time in the spirit world aka she is fully nexus [connected], it was the females that chose Solomon not the other way around for they liked his MIND - women get turned on [MtDNA] through intelligence [Intel] for she sees [seas] in energy frequencies] 

The word is Levitation - while Newton is talking about apples, the 9ethers are circumnavigating the planet and beyond, they are using Vimanas which are flying machines with no wings, so they are not fling are they, birds don't fly, they levitate, crafts [ufo] don't have wings so they are not Flying to which Unidentified Flying Object makes up the abbreviation UFO - it is in the interest of Western scientist to use the word 'theory' and give alternatives rather than the truth - this planet is going zer0 point of gravity and NASA are watching MARS because when they go zer0 point we are next 

The word Blood or Blod has no root word origin 
Blood [Blod] is called AMARASO meaning RAYS
This is because our ancestors knew that Blood is just like fruit Juice, and Chlorophyll is LIQUID SUNLIGHT - the word Blood or Blod has no origin - Blood contains memory [membrane]

The more 'red' your 'blood' is the less plasma you have, the plasma in your 'blood' goes 'yellow' when oxygen hits it - AMARASO 'blood' is 'purple red' which is called 'claret' which is dark red + purple undertones which is the plasma - so when the SUN releases CMEs and they penetrate the planet they also penetrate those with plasma already within them which charges them which in KHMT they call KHAYBET which translates, this is the plasmatic you 

Gene slicing 

Europeans can not be the holders of O-negative because they were not here when you go back into history around the 4,000BC mark, check yourself 

You have 8 different blood types, O-neg and O-pos, A-neg and A-pos, B-neg and B-pos then A-B-pos and A-B neg, that is four variations on the negative side and four variations on the positive side and that gives you a total of 8

The original of blood-types 

Only one is natural and original and that is O-negative blood type, the O-negative blood type comes from the Nubian Wombman [9 ether] like the Ab-Original

The O-Negative is called Mitochondrial [Eve Gene] DNA, the MtDNA exists outside of the nucleus of a cell, once DNA becomes coiled up in a cell and is called a chromosome

If you are not Nubian [African] you do not have the MtDNA if you are not [African] you are not 100% HuMin, you are 93% HuMin Being and 7% Neanderthal [HuMan]

Only HuMins have the MtDNA or only Africans have the MtDNA gene and all non-Africans get their MtDNA from the Neanderthal aka primates aka monkeys, hence periods, monthlies, the primate, monkeys have periods, the HuMins do not have the same cellular biological or genealogical make up or physiological composition as any other organisms on the planet

It is the Neanderthal that introduced infected genes into the African genetic structure

The A-blood type and the B-blood types are antigens and these antigens produce antibodies that causes blood infections within the circulatory system of the African people

Antigen is not good, it’s a toxic in the body, B-blood types are antigens 

So, when they say you are Rh-positive, R H is literally a medical term for that is used to denote Rhesus monkey which is an actual monkey, so being Rh-positive is like being HIV positive

The Rhesus monkey comes from Caucasians and all non-Africans, so the A-antigen comes from dogs and the B-antigen comes from monkeys

Africans do not have the same geological structure as the Caucasians and Asians or any non-Africans, when you look up the genealogical components for the Caucasians, they share 98% DNA with Chimps and another percentage with the dog

And this is where you get the A and B antigen from and these antigens produce antibodies that literally break down the protein within the blood of African people when you make the sacred energy exchange which is called [Red Cell Haemolysis]

This planet was all O-negative before the Africans started mated outside of their species, the entire planet was O-negative [Africans] they were all from the MtDNA [eve gene] this is before the Caucasian was created between 3-10,000 years ago, that is why in their Bible it states that everybody is a descendant of Eve, they are talking about the gene, the Nubian [African] Wombman

The time marker for when the A-B antigens when they arrived on this planet you will see that they manifested around 6,000 years ago and this is the same time the Europeans and the rest all came about physiologically on the planet and this means the A-B blood types were introduced to the Africans by non-Africans, they are blood infections that causes you to suffer from [Red Cell Haemolysis] diseases during pregnancy 

This is why only certain blood types can only give to others of their own kind, like O-neg can give to everyone because of genetic engineering

Blood types are denotations of origins

Today, if you are African and you go to the doctor and they say you are O-type or A-type this does not mean you are Caucasian, you cannot have Caucasian in your family tree, it is not possible

When you see your Ancestory.Com and they say your Grandfather is white, that is impossible, the European MtDNA comes from animal DNA and that DNA can never override the original genetic coding of the Mitochondrial genes, it can affect it though by infection and this is where we get Rh positive monkey blood and all that means is your blood is infected and does not mean you are Caucasian, two Caucasians cannot give birth to an African and two Africans can never give birth to a Caucasian because they are Neanderthal, the evolution theory is Micky Mouse on ice

You do not have white in your family you have an infection in your bloodline you get your blood and DNA passed down from your mother, if your mother is Nubian [black] then you are of African blood or if your mother is European [Caucasian] they you have European bloodline

If you are Nubian and you don’t have O-neg, then sum where like your granddad or great-granddad infected the family bloodline on the level of the circulatory system, causing not to be descendants but diagnosed with the blood infection thus you have been cut off from certain genetic memories and cellular memories of our ancestors because your DNA stores all [phenomena] that you experience as well as spiritually and mentally and psychological inner-standing that you experience in your DNA that you pass down to your grandchildren, this goes on throughout the generational daughters [Mt DNA is only inherited through the first daughter of the family] layers and now they have memories, cellular memories of their predecessors of their grandparents civilisations, the memories come from the mothers

Your memory is stored in your blood

All non-Africans where not all engineered, hence why sum Europeans hold the O-neg blood type, we have been swapping bloodlines but there is only one royal bloodline

The Illuminati [Albino Reptilians] and Greys carry a bloodline but is not from source, they have been usurping the Africans genetically and biologically from this planet and this is why you can go to anywhere on the planet and know that once there was Africans but they are not there now

Like Japan, today there is no Africans but 6,000 years ago there was, your go Egypt and today are Muslim Arabs but yet the Muslims dig up them up and all are Nubian, this is called genetic supplanting

Your bloodline is what means you divine, the O-negative is part of the Cosmos, this does not mean you are not divine if you are not O-negative but you are still Nubian, its just means that sum where in your past your granddaddy went AWOL, raped or willingly sexually reproduced with the Europeans and today you carry the baggage of that, you carry the blood infection

A and B blood type is just antigens and the positive is Rhesus monkey blood, it just means you carry the blood infection that was forced upon us when the Europeans came out 6,000 years ago, you still have melanin and the pineal gland is what connects you to the Cosmos, the neuro-melanin is the signature 

Neanderthal is all races from the Chinses [all Orientals] Asia, Indians [Asians] to those who are from Ireland, German to Russian to all Europeans to all South Americans, basically all non-Africans

This is also why euro-melanin women have to have injections to stop the body [immune] killing the child Haemolysis because the body recognises that the baby is s foreign species [dogs and monkey]

Racism does play a role but not how we have it today, it’s a genetic thing, its their race for survival because the O bloodline contains the most information, so whoever owns the access to that bloodline O-bloodline has access to millions and millions of years’ worth of data  and the European is locked out of that information because they have a calcified pineal gland and they don’t have the machinery within the epidemic layers of skin or the neuromelanin nerve track in their organ [brain] to spiritually manifest the information that is encoded within it, so they are harvesting African peoples organs to do this for example this is why they have donor centres and when people get new eyes or hearts or blood and they start seeing the things that you do and start experiencing memories of a liver donor and this is because your memory is stored in your blood and in Masonic lodges they are eating your pineal gland and this is all because they are trying to access your divine past

If you are African and your are O-negative then you are good to go, if they taught you this in school then they would have to tell you where they are from and they are not willing to do that and that they are not HuMins and that the evolution [1883] [3/5 of a man] theory is complete bullshit 

The O-Negative is called Mitochondrial [Eve Gene] DNA, the MtDNA exists outside of the nucleus of a cell, once DNA becomes coiled up in a cell and is called a Chromosome

The real Paul was replaced in 1966, why, because he wanted out - Laurel Canyon + CIA and the Tavistock institute - later on they took John - deep state owns the Beatles - Heather knows Paul is really Raul [Faul] Billy Shears Campbell - when they came back from India after 4 years they never sang live again - the real Paul is buried in an unmarked grave and - Pauls brother is 80, does he know the truth, Heather does - she saw his birth certificate and it does not say Paul McCarthy 

The word Adrenchrome comes from two words Adrenalin + Chromosome - the only life you are saving are reptilians [vampires] 

Slaughter houses are built on the planets ley lines 

Seek balance 


How are they going to send a space craft to shoot it down when they can only go to the lower point of the SKA - these unmanned shuttles I used to think were carrying payloads, they might send that and also the ISS is weponized - that sound - pulse on the ISS is not feedback - 

Is that coming from inside or outside and does sound like a pulse and even they said a sonar pulse - if its not from them, then who is sending that signal

Its the final countdown 

Ask yourself, they are on the Moon but the Moon is in the background and what is happening with the shadows and all them footprints [from the filming crew] 

Sitting off the UK and would cause a Tsunami - going up the Thames - everyone knows its there and all anyone has to do is trigger it - there are 14,500+ bombs still sitting in that ship SS Montgomery, no one wants to say what other bomb materials are in that ship - this ship has been there since 1944 and if those masks come off and fall and hit that ship then its goodnight from Kent+

Everything in orange is on for a heavy earthquake

California are on 30 earthquakes and last 24hrs 56 quakes, huge cracks appearing in infrastructure over there - there will be crafts, motherships over Cali because there are tons of nests down there

Vietnam - China Typhoon fueled weather systems - NTR is letting you know you will not live for the remainder of your existence on this planet in peace  

Electrical discharges - flash - flash files - plasma affects the brainwaves 

Pink and red delete 

How - what and when 

Thailand - PURPLE [UV] 

Wales is on the South, nope Wales is in the North 
Check the colours 

Rusty SKA 

The SKA is alive 


The NU KING-DOME around the SUN is getting closer - the 'yeast' rises 

Sound waves 

Every picture tells a story 

Is the SUN being eclipsed - by what  

Are these images not Photoshop or A.I images 

What is in that dark mass 

Miami - USA 


Oval cloaked craft sitting in the SKA [FL] USA 

Palm Springs [USA] couple crafts and huge space structure 

Check the craft 

Check the multi-coloured tail 
I wonder if that was south or north England - you can see the double SUN 

They cannot find that woman who fell through a sinkhole they say, that was a perfect cube shape, square - Typhoon weather systems are called that because they are fuelled by Dragon energies, like for like, China is fast becoming a take-away - NTR said that they will not live comfortable for the remainder of their time on this planet - see the footage in Saudi with them using their weight against the door and one of the elements [AIR] 'wind' said come on mtf and she took out all the glass, keep in mind that she is not even at extinction level but at destruction level - its too easy for them to come down here and blast everything up but you wouldn't learn nothing - the terraforming started a while back but most certainly when NIBIRU was reintroduced back to this soul-ar system in 2012 [2021] and we have had over a decade worth and they said that many will realise either a decade in or when we are leaving the Apocalypse - the signs and symbols are in the SKA ladies and gentlemen and it is down to the service user to see [sea] them - you can only lead horses to the drinking fountain - California is cracking wide open - NTR wants you out - JASON [September] October [November] - if you made it through July and August [JA] then you were meant to, for many did not - and the beat goes on...

Heavy distortion only in the SKA, the ground is fine 

Clouds only hold vaporized water 

Sum one posted this and wrote 'make American great again' American, the UK and the rest of the places that many deem great is over, we will never be going back to that particular 'great' again
When you watch this movie again, check the symbolism - the posters in the background - check the vaccine that mutated on them - check the SUN that is killing them [when he does the UV check also] SARS [severe acute respiratory syndrome] and what we are going through now - man created this problem with his god, 6ethers did this - the 'black' plague is still present and never left - all what is in this movie is to come - the 'common cold' was always the corona virus it just mutated 
Corona means SUN 

This is how they got 10mins or 10 years in their time machine by giving them 4,000 people - Americans want to move on but we want truth 2011 [2012] into 2021 are the same frequency and we had to wait until the 10mins [10 years] looped out and here we all are

Prison overcrowding, how many prisons in the UK are holding foreign nationals - the UK say they can hold 88,000+ and have been at capacity levels since 2023 they say and they say there is 66million+ people in the UK [2022] population which is at least 100million+ if they are saying 66million - how may people who should be in prison are walking the streets of the UK - we could have at least 10,000 or 30,000 people on the streets right now - what is going to happen with all the new people entering the UK and is anyone screening them - there has never been a more concerning time than in this moment that we find ourselves in, 'crime' has gone up 100fold and will increase because Ultraviolet also spells the word Ultraviole-nce and is coming from the males and is predominately directed at the female which is evidential in the 3D world 

Its not just the female, Babylonian sex magic also includes boys, rupturing the root 'sacral' Chakra means that the prince will never be a king, he will never rule because he is out of balance and they know this - protect the children, the women and men, don't turn a blind eye when you know you can do sum thing about it - to be farming out inmates is an indication that 'crime' is on the rise, no one gives a fu9k about fraud, money laundering, selling weeds, cocaine, car-jacking+ the list goes on, but we do care about the right for children to enjoy their childhood, lets not let sum one 'rob' them of their innocence 

Sodom and Gomorrah cities are world wide and means they have to come down - watch the transgender and his agenda - without the female and this planet, life ends and we don't want that do we 

Races – Racist same words, Darwin said survival of the fittest – Darwin indicates that there is a race going on, however all the other races do not know we are racing – the word racist are European words and is a word to describe European attitudes towards other races aka people – it is impossible for others to be racist has this is their word to describe them although today you can be deemed a racist – the 9ethers are not in any race with anyone and are in a class of their own, if they were racing with anyone, it would be with their own kind

Darwin was talking about his kind because the 9ethers have been on the planet for at least 3million years and clearly know how to survive whereas Darwin’s race have only been on the planet for less than 6,000 years and are at extinction level right now - Darwin knew they only had a set amount of time before the 'black plague' aka SARS would wipe them out - when the Greeks and Romans were taught in KHMT they were greeted with open arms instead their offspring bore arms 

Wore before other races 
Moors just means 'black' people and they are all not just from Africa 

You really think the British would sit there for 50 years to free 'black' people, they kept them for themselves dildo - the UK is being made to watch others go down before their turn, NTR hasn't forgotten about you, no SIR [Slave I Remain]  

When you inner stand 'struggle' 

Peace, love and unity, but we are going to have to fight for it, you are going to have to 'want' it 

The Matrix is a lie and all the trimmings that are in their Matrix 

We are being separated by energy only - lies are still negativity - choose wisely 

No soul means you stay here - the guy who presents this show always talk sh9t - 

 That Poland 'thing' sounded creature like for sure 

Sumerian [Mesopotamia] they say this is 3,000 years old, Iran was only founded in 1979 and the Europeans only started recording their history 3,400 years ago -
Ganjnameh is Gilgamesh and Nimrod is Sargon who are both 9ether, they all were 
Cuneiform is old Persian text and old Persian text is Ethiopian text for they were in Iran + Turkey - Turkish [Kish] Kush

MER [ZIGGURAT] are all over this planet - underwater, and are on Mars - architecture that was brought to this planet but man tells you this is a natural formation or volcano made - sure they are, whatever you say 

Why cover over the original 

St Louis world fair with 'temporary staircase' - you never built these places - they were already there

Left - Germany 1800s - this is an antenna - Wi-Fi - natural clean energy - today you have dirty Tesla harmful energy killing you softly - Right is NY they say was constructed in 1890 - ok then with horses and carriages, yeah we know 

1911 electric car being charged 

The 5th element is AETHER [MELANIN] KANNU 

Meanwhile in Arizona 

Stolen from KHMT - and called Obelisk but are actually called Ben-Ben [BENNU] this antenna, aerial is in NYC - check height and check height of the builders and the BENNU 

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