Saturday 21 September 2024

Recorded Signatures

The timekeeper is KALI MAA and she is keeping time and she will make the time so that the siStars win every time for they are the oldest contract on the planet – when your done with trauma it will be on your terms, so no one can tell you that you should have been over that a long time ago, its when your ready, it takes different times because peoples connection can be stronger than yours and the stronger the connection the stronger the pain but when you grow and start to evolve, you have to give yourself permission that its alright to live again but it is done on your terms, while you are growing, stay grounded and do things that come from the heart CHAKRA, do things that make you HAPI or leave it alone 

Sum of you are the black sleep and this is because when you become an elder, you will have the biggest load to carry, so everyone dumps on the black sleep and that is the load you will have to carry on later - you carry this load until your ready to change loads, if that load doesn't break you then you are on your way to becoming an advanced being aka elder so that when you reach certain points has an elder, you will know how to let things go and how to keep the flow - imagine the pain, after you will be 100% better when you walk through the fire, so imagine what the pain looks like so you know what your growing towards, scars need attention 

The females have the oldest contract down here, give her sum space - they are trying to delete [replace] her - but she has backup - she needs you

The earth produced women has the caretakers of the planet, they didn’t need men in the beginning but now they need the creative protector – so they made men, in their image, after their likeness

Let man do what he thinks he can, because he cannot stop what is coming - remember who you are, not who you were - there are many 'good' men out there and they are going to fill the void 

BES [KALI] MEDUSA [METU NETU + SA] all have their tongues sticking out, what is the connection [that is also BES in the middle of the AZTLAN device] 



What is interesting is that there are many different beings grouped together, different crafts, Western history will always cut you off around the 3,500-to-10,000-year bracket because they the 6ethers have only been recording their history for 3,400 years 

INDI [INDIA] is INANNA] ISHTAR] domain and the term ANUNNAKI [ANUNNAQI] ANUNAGA [NAGA] NAGU [NAKI] PAKI means ‘these beings’ - these beings came before the modern-day Indians, INDI was once called NAAGALAN and those who inhabited NAAGALAN were all 9ethers, for the modern-day Indian hadn’t been created yet, the Caucasians hadn’t been created

  The reason all these places could rewrite history or when they write could alter our understanding of creation, or when the Simpsons seem like a children’s cartoon is predicting the outcome or they know sum thing is because they do, in 1775 [775] the reptilians realized they could never escape this planet and so have fought hard to keep the truth hidden, they lied to their people, their kind about the planetary events – religion was to benefit from hiding the truth 

These are huge illustrations of a time before and a time to come, on these walls are intricate depictions of humanoid figures using spacesuits and disk- oval shaped ships resembling modern crafts, these images also include large [giants] humanoid beings descending from the SKA, wearing helmets or antennas, along with portal formations in the SKA+ and on the ground, these images don’t quite go with Allah or Mohammed do they, these images seem a little advanced than Jesus and their Lord Christ, were does mans religion concept fit in with what we are looking at here – sum one is lying and it is the Caucasians, who have everything to lose – how does Isaac Newton and gravity fit in, him watching an apple fall and hit his head compared with beings in crafts, you don’t think these beings knew about gravity [levitation] magnetics+  

These painted records also function like an ancient calendar, these paintings seem to narrate the past visits of these extra-terrestrial entities and potentially predict future visits [like now] 

The calendar suggests dates, although the exact dates remain unclear due to the difficulty of accurately translating ancient symbols aka, they will not tell you – this site was made available in 2014 but that means they have been sitting on this site for at least 20 years+

One thing you will notice around the planet wherever there are ancient stones records, illustrations+ there will always be a disconnection between those that reside there now and those that used to reside there, like ask the 6ether Arabs or Rabbi how the pyramids were constructed, he does not know, why are the pyramids not mentioned in their Bible, because they did not know what they were, their religion comes in around 2,000 years ago – these images alone crush man and his religious men, they crush Western scientist aka men, they crush their manmade 3D false creation

Ancient astronauts, which applies those extra-terrestrial beings who influenced the early civilizations and this is documented around the planet from here INDI [INDIA] to TAMERI [USA] to AZTLAN [South America] these sites alone dismantle your religion concepts, your man did make the world but he did not make the planet and that is what we are interested in, the planets history, not mans history

Terminator, Independence Day, War of the Worlds, the Day the Earth Stood Still+ has already happened – we will be picking up from The Terminator (1984) Scene: Future War (Kyle Reese's sequence Dream)

How comes nobody told us, they are telling you now – your Adam and Eve story, your Noah story means nothing to us – many of ‘these beings’ never left, they have always been here, go look in the SKA today [2024] its one timeline, one timeframe, there are no dates, just signs and symbols, learn to read them 

Rihanna - diamonds in the SKA 

Crafts in the SKA

Armada of SHAMs [cylinder crafts] 

What is casting that shadow 

Full Moon with Puff Daddy being arrested during the full Moon phases, its heavy out there, many are tired, body, mind stretched out - reality kicking in for many, self realisation aka the penny dropping, the light that comes on+ the Crown Chakra is for processing data only, it is not for making decisions 

Puff Daddy is about the 9ethers, men and women, for they are connected to Hip Hop, they have the east coast and west coast, Bloods and Crips, the red house, the blue house, his downfall is the beginning of a wave, sum may call it a shockwave - 2pac and Biggie Smalls have unanswered questions that link back to Daddy - they want his handler - the energy in TAMERI [USA] grows restless, there are at least 14million 9ether men in jails over there with Tookie and Hoover+ who have to be allowed to speak to their people - big changes are on the horizon, star family are here for the fallout only, all 'gods' and 'goddess' that are recorded from the past are present and future for we are in one timeline [timeframe] now, the shifting of consciousness, a quickening, it does not matter if sum one gets it or not for we have all had the same exposure in sum form or another, stop playing dumb [dead] - sum thing that is world wide is going to take place which is going to have a detrimental affect on us all and in that moment we will all know the same thing and all answers will be answered in that moment - once you see sum thing you cannot unsee it - you can trick the mind but you cannot trick the eye - you cannot trick your emotions which you are using to navigate -  

BLUE rays

This is the SKA, I thought that was lava from a volcano eruption 

Check this sphere - 'rainbow' - comes up to me, grey, slivery - metallic - image taken over Iceland - playing with the tones you can see other colours emitting 

[3] signals are hitting the planet - the planets own frequency is also increasing 

Check the codes!! 

Snow in ABZU [South Africa] which is ABZU is in the North, not South 

Poland - many places are leaking around the planet, sum places the water has filled up and in sum places the water is flowing, like its going sum where - the planet is self cleansing herself at the same time - the planet knows what to do 

Sum one said, pray for JAPAN [IPAN] - no we will not, Fukushima is still leaking tons of radiation into the sea and they have done fu9k all about it - IPAN has been shrinking in size since they fu9ked the planet IPAN has also been manufacturing AI robots+ they also have been experimenting on women at Plum Island - goodbye 

Read the signs and symbols 

ww3 already started a while back - the threat is coming from above - the ANUNNAKI already said they would take Russia and make their people slaves and food, action taking place in Alaska - they are working together - the guy who did the tik tok upload talks too much about what planes they had up there - you are going to war with advanced crafts, not planes, advanced crafts - all they can do is send radar planes, that is all they can do is have a look - because they are moving around like this means the ANUNNAKI 'these beings' are amping up proceedings - keep your eyes to the SKA - they are already using nukes 

What does it say here, prepare for war, if I cannot bend heaven, I will raise h3ll 
The FEMININE principle is always there to save us, but we must go to source 

 Climate the word comes from the word Climax and the word Change means sum thing else, Climate Change is because the planet is automatically terra-forming aka she is cleansing herself – recycling, renewing, resetting her cells [herself] – she is reaching a certain point and for many, there will be no return – the [3] kingdoms will be affected – the planet, animal and human king-domes – NTR already gave you the heads up from 2012 [2021] at least – they said it will be a decade in before the humans realise we are in an apocalypse or before they realise we are leaving an apocalypse – there is another kingdom, a world in which he created, that World will be destroyed – the planet will always be here but his world will not, there is a difference between the word World and the word Planet, learn the difference

Too much is going on and we need to make a choice and that choice is what side of the energy do you want to be on, the energy is separating us, positive or negative – the planet will self-correct herself with or without us because the human kingdom is an addition to the planet and not a necessity addition, the human is a compliment to the planet – the other [2] kingdoms can fully function without the humans, this planet can fully operate without the humans – if they deleted all the humans the animals would be HAPI and enjoy the break and so to the plant kingdom for the humans have stretched those kingdoms out and then sum – we haven’t even touched on the marine worlds – there are those who honour all life and place nothing before life and there are those who do not, you have the opportunity to make a change, granted we still have much to learn but there is still good in negative – we’ve come so far not to leave without nothing

The automatically reSet activation only gets hit when the planet is breached and she has been breached, look around you, all this will go if she is not protected – the past tells us that she has been here for a long time and this means she will be here after us, look how many crafts are in the SKA around the planet, by the SUN+ that is a lot of beings here, she means sum thing to sum one, 10s of 1000s of crafts, space platforms, craft carriers, war planets+ for one planet, she is only one of a few planets in the entire cosmos that is able to sustain complex life, she is the apple of her daddies eye, he sent her Godfather NIBIRU to shield her

Embrace the change because change is coming to a place near you, one day you are going to wake up and the world in which you reside would have changed overnight while you were sleeping but before this happens you have the opportunity to download access codes, light codes, information codes that will allow light to bend around you, NIBIRU is also bending the light, NIBIRU is our magnetic sun – it means that all this monkey sh9t you see going on around us and to others will bend around you, you will walk through what is to come, a shield of protection for you walk in truth

You are being scanned from above, all these crafts seen and unseen [cloaked] you are being scanned from other star systems on a 24hrs basis, all day every day, the universe is also reading us, she is reading all our thoughts, she is reading you

KI is going to Climax 

What you are thinking is worth more than gold right now

 The gold road's sure a long road
Winds on through the hills for fifteen days
The pack on my back is aching
The straps seem to cut me like a knife
The gold road's sure a long road

Winds on through the hills for fifteen days
The pack on my back is aching
The straps seem to cut me like a knife
I'm no clown, I won't back down
I don't need you to tell me what's going down
Down, down, down, down, da-down, down, down
Down, down, down, down, da-down, down, down

I'm standing alone
I'm watching you all
I'm seeing you sinking
I'm standing alone

You're weighing the gold
I'm watching you sinking
Fool's gold

These boots were made for walking
The Marquis de Sade don't wear no boots like these
Gold's just around the corner
Breakdown's coming up 'round the bend

Sometimes you have to try to get along dear
I know the truth and I know what you're thinking
Down, down, down, down, da-down, down, down

I'm standing alone
I'm watching you all
I'm seeing you sinking
I'm standing alone
You're weighing the gold
I'm watching you sinking
Fool's gold
Fool's gold

I'm standing alone
I'm watching you all
I'm seeing you sinking
I'm standing alone
You're weighing the gold
I'm watching you sinking
Fool's gold
Fool's gold

Oh he is onto sum thing, 9months ago, 9mins duration - we are in the shift - listen to his words - remember not everyone will make it or are supposed to make it - MAAT has been asking if your remember, all this guy can do is bring awareness 

Walk in your truth and all this around you will not affect you - you will bend the light so that all this bends around you - this is your shield of protection 

I know the truth and I know what you're thinking

Gold's just around the corner
Breakdown's coming up 'round the bend

You're weighing the gold
I'm watching you sinking

Do you and let others activate from what they see you doing, no one is sent to this planet to save another person - save yourself first 

This guy is onto sum thing but he also seems like he is also part of their Matrix 

Tree of Life [Kabbalah] Seven souls of Re [Chakra] are all the same thing 

Rushmore [rushMoor] TAMERI - there was never any Mongolian, Eskimo, Pilipino faces there before

Underwater ‘ghost’ towns from Tennessee to, Arkansas, Idaho, North Georgia – Lake Lainer wasn’t always a lake - last image is from sum where else, were they had a drought and this town was revealed, there is going to be a lot of revealing in more ways than one for the planet is going to give up other peoples secrets 


Eye tattoo gone wrong, eye injection with ink with the needle penetrating regions od the eye that it wasn’t supposed to reach - when you come back down here you could be made to be blind, like those who bleached their skin, come back down here and you will be made 6ether - mess with your body and you will be maimed in sum way, what you dislike in others will be given unto thee, whatever faults you deem in yourself will be given back to you, why, because this is a learning zone, this person is 26 and maybe by 40 or older they start to lose their eyesight and his or her son or daughter has just given birth to your grandson or granddaughter to which you will never see his o her grow up because your losing your eyesight because when you were 26 you were a dildo - KARMA [KAAMAA] KAMA is instant for we are in MAAT fields right now - 2020 was 20/20 vision and this person would have been 22 and 4 years later you go for an eye tattoo - she is watching you, me, them - many are going down with the 3D program, you always had a choice, choose wisely...

LL Kool J and JAYZ - hmmm - LL has a new track out and he is 56, what could you be rapping about at 56, manhood image? or bum bandit image - I had read many years ago that LL was born a girl 
These are rumours but ru-MOOR-s are built on the truth unlike gossip 

6ether Roman candle lantern - what do you see - they said this a man walking his donkey, nope, that is a man with his phallus inserted into the animals ass - 6ether Roman candle lantern  

Motor shows, car shows all have women there, F1 formula car racing have Emirates ladies, music videos have ladies present, cabin crew+ try replacing them with tyrannies with no fannies, all these male singers singing about women but are actually homos, they are forcing the homo 'agender' agenda and the 9ethers have yet to accept this, there are places where they won’t be tolerated – they are inverts and not from NTR, they have feelings many say, they are a form of mankind which means a kind of man but not quite a man or a kind of human but not quite human – they hide behind legalisation, his laws not natures law – many have yet to accept them, yet in so many ways you have because you just didn’t know you had in their 3D world – they can change your gender, they have done this to many, even famous peoples children, many were not supposed to be homo – what is this word homosexual, sexual like Marvin Gaye sexual healing, homosexual is when you mate with the same gender, what is homo sapiens = means the human species aka mankind, for there are two species down here

We can deal with the same gender type but men usurping women [Drag] Dragon [Kundalini] men dressing like women, pretending to be women+ is a game changer this timeline, women and children disruption can start wars, don’t mess with people’s food and don’t mess with people’s women

Heterosexual means when your straight and too many straight men out here love their women – Metrosexual means when your stupid and mate with anything – you can see where they are going with this by targeting the young minds, however clones, IVF [IUI] do not have a gender, many born do not go through the cervix and have a caesarean meaning no gender will be selected aka Metro or Homo or Pedo, Zoo, Necro which they say is human

Protect the children and the females, let them try and replace her and see what happens to them all, many men were sent here for this specific timeline    

Sodom [Sodomy] and Gomorrah [Gonorrhea] 
Necrophilia [sex with dead people] Pedophilia [sex with children] Homo [sex with same gender] Zoophilia [sex with animals] - the names exists so the practices exists  

Joan Rivers was also a tranny with no fanny 

Jodie Foster was born a boy, Justin Bieber was born a girl - they have been gender splicing for decades+ the UV is going to mess with them and reptilians cloaking devices, there will be nowhere for them to hide - NTR did not create them, man and his machines did, NTR will destroy anything that she did not create - many of us want the system crashed, flat-lined, whereas many of us want change and to make right, how to crash their Matrix is to crush it from the inside out, that is the only way to kill it - where are we going with this world in which he created, Justina and Joseph would have been messed around with has children [sexualized] and had their genders swapped, many are walking around like this, so many reasons, all you have to do is choose one, 6million ways to die, choose one 

This is what the team actually looks like - we want women, not man-child 

Not sure he was a Hero but the rest is bang on the money 

In Europe they had banned Atrazine for two decades which only takes us to 2000, why was it banned, for unacceptable HORMONE disruption aka Atrazine feminizes males - read that again - many males are not supposed to be homosexual - many were chemically changed by the Europeans 
Many homosexuals are sitting over the feminine and children's energy and this is where we draw the line - 6ether women are having inverted offspring and now on top of that they are poisoning the water so that males becomes homosexuals 

In the movie Causalities of War they tell a ‘touching’ story of one soldier standing up for what is right – the movie goes through what the European Americans were doing over in Vietnam – the US were in Vietnam for a decade and in that decade they murdered 10s of 1000s and raped many women, children and men – the M.O.D in the UK paid out already £30million to families in Iraq that the British soldiers raped many women children and men – go to Yemen and tell me how all those mixed children got there – go to Madagascar and how did all those children [French] end up in orphanages – go to Australia [Rabbit Proof Fence] and how did all those 200,000+ mixed children end up there

Europeans [German] French [British] Spanish+ have been raping men and women and children since their days of the Romans, that is all the Romans did, rape and murder, under Cleo and Caesar and their men they raped 100s of KHMT lineages – Dancing with Wolves seems such a lovely story, however these women would have never have slept with Europeans who were infected+ [German = Gems man] point being women in the UK and young girls – boys and men are being targeted and sum how the British have ‘forgotten’ what they did around the world, the British many have forgotten but the offspring have not – what we are seeing is an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, 'creasy bear' your granddaddy or uncle or dad is a rapist and what he sowed you are going to reap aka the payback is coming back to your daughter, a daughter, sister, mother, aunt+

Many are complaining about immigrants, refugees, migrants+ how ironic, how easily you forget

Many say, one love, unity, we are one, one blood, we are all the same – no we are not, all other races now rape – how about Monkey see, Monkey do – payback is on so many levels but the energy must be repaid, that is LAW - all energy taken must be given back

This means she has proof that in 1980+ Nelson Mandela died and not in 2000+ 

Check yourself and watch yourself - what is your reality, no one elses, just yours, what do you know and not believe - the 3D crashed a number of years back - we are in 4D[5D]+ 


Earl James died before they released Phantom Menace in 2000 he did not die in 2024 
Nelson Mandela did not die in 2013, he died in 1984[?] in the 80s in prison 
There have been many Mandela affects, MAAT is asking if we remember, she is also asking if we remember who we are  

[MAAT] #truth #chaos #justice #order #thatwhichisstraight = #balance 

Eyes wide open

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