Thursday 5 September 2024

Dangerous Minds

I had a dream [vision] the other night in which one of my brothers purchased me sum trainers, like three pairs and I saw them under my bed in the dream and I awoke from the dream because I don’t deal with that brother no more and I was annoyed because I do not dream or think about him so I was perplexed when I woke up and I actually wanted to leave the dream – later on during the day when I was awake I remembered that I had new trainers and went to look under the bed because that is what I remembered but before I just started to walk towards the bed I remembered it was just a fu9king dream and I was disappointed because I had seen the trainers in the dream

I was pissed off for using him in the dream and that there was no new trainers and I started to dwell on him thinking why use him and you know I don’t deal with him – later on in the night the penny dropped and I realised sum things 

I had another dream the following night whereby sum thing I wanted to know about her, from an ex-girlfriend and recently she was in a dream I had and she was speaking to me in that dream in real time, when I woke up I laid there for a while because the dream was fulfilling 

Our ancestors will use things we know, whether it is a place, name, person, thing, environment and at the same time they will use things we love [hate] – they also use animals from crows, butterflies, they will use angle [angel] numbers [333] 555 [888], you will yourself use angle numbers – the universe uses 9 like in time like 12:06 [13:50] 12:33 – ancestors will actually speak to you but this happens in the advanced ascension mediation – using ladybirds or butterflies are like Omens which that word Omen comes from the word Amen, like phen-omen-on, they are utilizing things around you, sum times repeated to get your attention and sum things ‘thought provoking’ because you are not receiving the messages  - Bruce Lee said, “don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory” are you watching the finger or watching the moon – these dreams [visions] messages will hold things that make no sense but they do because the ancestors know you will get the message eventually – I do actually remember the entire dream and that is what they are looking for – they are using things around you to get your attention, last week I had been getting 9 all day and it was 3 sets of 9 so I know they want me to look at sum thing because that was from the universe [Alpha + Omega] and this dream from the other night

No beginning of days, no ending of nights, we have one timeline – 3am into 5am is called the ‘witching hour’ and this is when you would be in deep sleep, and nexus [connected] to the spirit world and you can Magi [manifest] energies at the highest portal and your brainwaves will be in Alpha – you do not have the subconscious mind feeding you negative thoughts and means you are on a level playing field whereas when you are conscious in the physical world you have so many messages coming through, many of the spirits come through during that time [3am into 5am] around 4am into 5am the rays of the sun Electromagnetic [EM] X-Ray [Ultraviolet] hit the planet hence why many wake up, why the rooster will roo, why you are horny+ it’s the electromagnetic rays that blend out the shadow hours  

Your level of mediation is important so that you can know what is going on, if your level of mediation is low you will not understand these messages – even if you saw the crow 5 times you won’t get it – if a butterfly landed on you many of you would flick the butterfly off of you – but that butterfly could be a message from your grandmother+ even the colour of the butterfly plays a role, even the environment that you were in when you saw the butterfly – different meanings, different ways, different methods, its down to the user to get in-tune with their spiritual gifts and at the same time sum people are just a blank canvas     

siSTARs [F-EM-I-9] 

The female gets cut off around 30+ for children and that is because she comes down here already circumcised, she spends all her time in the spirit world while he can have a child all the way up into 80+ and that is because he is all physical and he comes down here to get circumcised, man is outer being and wombman is inner being hence why he doesn't get her -

The word witch comes from Lilith WITCH [WLILITH] BI9CH [ZITCH]  whose name translates of the shadow hour period - Lilith is the 6ether Jew Bible name her name is Lalbela [Ishtar] Inanna+ Lilith [Lalbela] Lilbela - all them Salem 'witches' were 9ether wombman Oracles, the name Salem had to be add to the map because Salem does not exist on their Bible - point being, all the planets are feminine [femi-9] ObaFemi means prominent one and 9 is the highest number, the universe is female Alpha and Omega - this planet is female, for the first 3 months we are all female+ the problem is man and today the problem is man and woman 

Sending an SOS to yoursCellf - wakey, wakey 

The female brain is 1/2 pound heavier than the males - that was so kool 

Most people are confused with what is the difference between the breeding of the Adama project and the actual birth of the Adam and the Eve of your Bible and this was done intentionally

There were many Eves, one of NINTIs names was also Khawah or Hawwah which means ‘life’ in Hebrew and Arabic, or Eve

The Sumerian name Ninti means ‘Lady of life’ – you can see your Biblical rib story and her name Eve as life right there – Tsalaw means ‘side rib’ and was referring to a blood experiment where blood was removed from the marrow of the rib bone or the side of the body by the Alchemist Nergal Shar’etser to breed amongst the Adamites in an attempt to shape a character

NIN.TI known as Mother NIN.TI or NUNET which translates ‘the deep, abyss’

Mt DNA [Mitochondria DNA] is only held by the 9ether woman - only she can create new races


Di-Amen [di-Amon]
Men [man] means mind 

1D thought 2D womb 3D mater 

Thats how you do it 
btw on that guys sleeve, he may be Iranian but he is Turkish, that is the same flag - King Georges flag the British use - Turkey is a part of Europe - just talking about the flag only 
I have watched this on repeat, repeat - he thinks god helped him, one day he will get it that he is 'god' 

Whoa check the Hashish and the bush on the right is GMO because that would have died in real conditions with real seeds 

We have more than one brain

The Cephalic brain thinks, the Enteric brain – Gut feels [Gut Feeling] [Instinct] but the Cardiac brain ‘knows’

Centre your MIND and DETOX, Cleanse and FASTen your GUT so you CAN FOLLOW your hEARt
For where y0UR TREASURE is, there y0UR heART will also be -Matthew 6:21

We HuMins really have 3 brains, we humans have 3 major energy centres that make up our existence in this realm, we have our intestines and stomach which are known as the SOLar plexus

We have our heart - which is the true brain-median of the SOuL, then we have the brain in our heads, which is used to control our bodily functions in this realm and used as a tool to connect with higher realms, the intestines and the brain are both made out of the same grey matter, and they both transport energy through coil-like tube structures

The brain transports electric currents throughout the body and the intestines do the same
The intestines transport food which is nothing but energy

When we're about to indulge in a low vibrational activity, we all get that gut feeling, that gut feeling is our soular plexus sending our brain a message, so right when we have the opportunity to indulge in a low vibrational activity, we have the feeling in our gut, then the signal gets sent to our brain aka higher self [SAKHU] then the signal is sent to our hearts, for us to come to a final decision

The heart is always the determining factor for most of our everyday decisions, Individuals who mostly make decisions off of their gut instinct are more prone to indulge in low vibrational activities

Individuals who mostly make decisions using their heart and their higher self are more prone to indulge in high vibrational activities, the brain is supposed to be operating your higher self, your intestines are your lower brain

Both are made out of the same grey matter - as above, so below

Anal means Fire in Sanskrit
Pussy in Jamaican slang means Vagina [Uraeus]  

9ethers MtDNA are patented

Payback is going to be a bi9ch [witch] the FEMI9 is ATOL protected 

The Vikings are 9ether and this woman was buried with this ring 1200 years ago on that ring they say says For Allah, we know that Allah is Alala [Alalu] and if there was an Allah there is also Allat [Allot] Allet and Jesus comes in 2,000 years ago and Mohammed 541 years after Jesus – they say Allah was created without his parents, Allah his name text does not match up and you can bet your bottom dollar it must be a reference to herself Al-lat for she is more superior than him

Islam comes from the word Psalm – when the 6ether Arabs started slavery they saw Bilal who was a king calling his people for prayer to which the 6ether Arabs had never seen before indicating that Bilal who is 9ether was showing the 6ether Arab sum thing new – the 6ether Arabs were in KHMT writing all this down, they wrote what the Greeks had written down and destroyed it, that is what the 6ether Europeans and 6ether Arabs do, smash it all up - who was this woman and who is 'we' that interpreted the text - what letters are missing from AL__LLH for AL [EL] is a high ranking title and sum were female, they just don't like talking about her  

Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed once before and shall be crushed once again
NTR did not create inverts

Still a virgin at 43 - man-child - both born men 

In white it says Pedophile - she chose this picture - keep your children safe or lose them

No soul is present 

Listen to the words from the public, never have the people been more conscious than, he has been two months in office - they know who he is - that is David Lammy number one RacCoon 

Watch until the end 

Food is over and only the wealthy will have real food 

This is a MacDonalds double cheeseburger that I bought and did not eat in August of 2015
It is now 9 yrs old
It smells awful, total chemical and grease odour
The cheese, pickle and ketchup are still there, it’s hard as a rock but other than me chipping the bun when I dropped it, it has stayed the same…and I see people putting this is their stomachs everyday


Keep your children safe or lose them

That guy on the left says he is South American, nope, you have Philippines DNA - sum have Eskimo and sum have Mongolian who were used to breed sum of the 9ethers out in AZTLAN [South America] 

Things to think about 

Spirits in the SKA - USA -  they seem grouped and connected and not seen that before 

Scanning you from above 

Everything in dark mass [solid] you need to look at 

Look closely 

Space structures and faces  

Dragons are crafts in the SKA

No one says nothing, are these real images or generated by A.I 



NIBIRU [NEUTRON STAR] + KI [WATER] meaning the genetic compatibility between the two is assured 

The SKA is alive, not the hills 

That is a craft at the bottom with plasma beam on and will direct it at the sun who will in turn trigger 

Planets or crafts 

Huge craft - the SUN is a multidimensional portal and since the arrival of NIBIRU in 2012 the portal has been under guard - there is a docking station and city - the sun is not fire but plasma, there is no fire in space  

Worm type structure 

Whoever controls the SKA controls the planet 

Watching you, watching me 

Two crafts sitting cloaked in the SKA 

SAUDI - those are crafts above you

Argentina which is in the North 

The Dragons are in the SKA and SUN 

Climate change is the planet terraforming - flash floods are crafts above dumping water that we see them taking from other places - water is being given and water is being taken - NTR is replenishing not man and his machines and he doesn't like this 

The 9th asteroid [a Star oid] landed and this one was in Philippines of 2024  

There are a lot of places around the planet filling up with water - always check the places that are next to the equator [equal] line because the equator line is like a elastic band and all that water and sum thing in the right position hits and its Tsunami for many  

Mecca - last year or the year before should have been the last pilgrim - heavy rain hitting - that day is coming - what will they do  

That is nearly 1billion in one year, think what Harrods sell, food is over and many everyday items are made from plastic, human flesh, 3d printer+ luxury items sold at Harrods including suppliers that don't supply to anyone else but Harrods - the water is being taken, fresh drinking water 
It says in the Kabbalah that 't-he-y shall have everything in this world, so that no portion is leftover for t-he-m in the next world' then you have 'be of the world but not from the world' stay out of the Matrix young Jedi because everything connected is going to crash - this economic crash will last between 30 and 60 days and means the lights will go out - electricity = economy [e-con-omy] consumer confidence - con + sumer [Sumerian] Babylon Money Magic - USA Mystery Babylon Nineveh 

Don't get caught up in the bling bling - its wink wink and keep it moving  

Portugal or Brazil, Brazil or Portugal - either way you are both going down 

Germany - tick tock 

CHINA gets rocked last 14 days CHINA had an earthquake in Shanghai one day for 14 days measuring M3.4+ and today [2.9.2024] they said it was an M5.3 NTR is letting you know your time is nearly up
Many places the water is coming in big time, river banks are giving way so to are damns  

I smell bullsh9t - this looks like 'they' were going to blow sum thing else up and the bombs went off, I saw the second upload before the main one, 3 bombs, Muslim with union flags - BBC lorry to bypass security, there is no footage of the man being filmed naked and if you notice when the fire engines arrive, they loop the footage - at the o2 would have been the King show which was cancelled which would have been Evelyn Champagne King - soul music, 9ethers + 6ethers - the SUN reporter is a virgin, out of the 70 crew members no one was interviewed or even seen in the footages sum thing happened which prevented this false flag from taking place - this didn't make mainstream news and see how the virgin had a lot of information - like a bit too much, this was a planed event 'project Dover' that failed for sum reason - another one is coming - for the last month its been Muslims, Romans and immigrants while 9ethers 'black people' watch on - they need to get the 9ethers involved and this would have pissed off many 

This is what you voted in, a PM to deal with tickets for a gig - nothing more pressing than tickets that are selling higher than advertised, how unfair and unjust - who gives a fu0k  

Amazing, just what we need - lets celebrate serial rapists and murderers 

The SUN hates you not because your Muslim - Egypt will also be brunt out 

That is what you get for trying to blow the SUN up 

Look how the plasma connects with the dome 

 When it cuts out like this, these are EMP flashes - we've had sum serious CMEs they say they are not earth facing but that does not matter because we are inside a dome - the plasma stays in this dimension 

Pink and Red deletes if you do not have a soul 

Red Iron Oxide SKA 

[7] Light spectrums, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet - however green and blue seemed to have merged because we can see turquoise - like in the second image we see double CME hitting the planet  

EMF is distracted and all energies are penetrating the planet no matter if it is overcast 

BAAL - hot and cold weather affects the immune system - don't catch a 'cold' which is the flue because the flu was reclassified to COV** sore throats+ the air is poisoned - the headaches come like this, if your blocked pain over anyone of your eyes that is sinus, if the pain [headache] is from your head this could well be from the Schuman - from 7hz into 9hz your will get dizzy, we are hitting over 100hz, there is nothing you can do because your range only goes up to 7hz - Thyroid is connected to your immune system which is your Chakra system for those that have one, your Thyroid is your gills when you were in the womb - this is your throat Chakra [Blue] and one of the reasons its fu9ked is because your talk sh9t, your don't speak truth 

The resonating frequency is lit 

Mars land probe cost $2.5billion - the Moon land probe $38million 
The fender of the Lunar Roving Vehicle, repaired by using 4 maps and a clamp but costs $38million

Castles [Kastle] is an Ethiopian word and means dwelling in the sand, see this advanced aqueduct system, a labyrinth of clay pipes and ceramic vessels is a stunning example of how advanced the 9ether ancients had a knowledge of water management

This was found in 2015 in Iran which is Sumeria and would be before or around the Sassanid [Sasa] Susa - they are dreadlock, bushy hair 9ethers 

The tools and techniques used to build the aqueduct demonstrate a level of engineering skill that challenges any preconceptions we may have about ancient technology, with its advanced design for water purification and distribution, suggests a civilization with extraordinary technical prowess
Today the Roman offspring use lead pipes, plastic pipes+

London had its own Moorish White City
Franco-British exhibition, London 1908
The domes and palaces of this incredible power centre, destroyed in 1908 under the same narrative of being temporary – these places were already there - last three images is White Chapel which you can see half of the building is under the ground [mud flood] these places were converted to hospitals [asylum] to railway stations+ 

Star - Portugal - not constructed in the 1500s, they are 1000s of years old and if anyone built them it would have been the Moors - they became 'forts' when the 6ethers took them over

What are the Aboriginals real name - AB is original blood type and Origin spelt backwards is Nigir O aka Nigga + O which is for Original - they were also in Turkey and South America 

The 9ethers are not a one continental people, they are on every landmass this side of the ice walls 

WYOMING [USA] TAMERI - they tell us this is a natural fallen rock and they don't say this was a shaped, cut rock before the European Americans invaded 

Genocide - Shame on you 

Taken at the Michigan Carbon Works factory in Rougeville, the pile of bison skulls in this photo was slated to be processed and used in making products like bone glue, fertilizer, bone ash, bone char, and bone charcoal, the number of bison skulls is a testament to the prevalence of the animal in the US, as well as why that number fell so significantly

As many as 30-50 million bison existed at the start of the 1800s aka before the Europeans
By the 1880s, that number was in the thousands and, in 1902, fewer than 100 Bison were left, after being slaughtered at 3,000 a week

Conservation ‘white people’ 6ethers - efforts revitalized the bison population during the 20th century
According to the US Fish & Wildlife Service, Bison were no longer under threat of extinction (as of 2016) due to conservation efforts and commercial herds of roughly 500,000 Bison

These 500,000 are GM herds, they only had 100 in 1902 - clones, many are carrying genetic issues, they introduced sum that had pneumonia and they wiped out the existing herds, they wiped them out to force the 9ether Indians to come to the 6ether Europeans, the land is barren because 30 – 50 million Bi-Son are missing along with Wolves+ the eco-system suffered and is to why the land is desolate
At least 30million Bison were sent to the afterlife prematurely – that 30million+ are in the returning energy, hence why payback is going to be a bi9ch for many

The Gullah wars started in 1739 and they started slaughtering the Bison in 1880 – this is before they brought over the Eskimo, Mongolian, Philippines to start mixing out sum of the native 9ether Indians 

You weep [reap] what you sow 

Stop stealing 

9ethers need to unplug and crash all those making - existing off of you 

Sum one wrote this and is on point 

The DANES and DUBH GALLS aka Vikings, Black Strangers, MacDougal, MacDowell, Doyle, Campbell)

Dub [Dubh] or Don [Dun] means ‘black’
Dubplate because the record is black

The British Isles were invaded by various races of Dubh Galls, nigrae gentes, or black foreigners, during an indefinable but most extensive period
The Picts Proper and the Black Danes, being both Moors and both being "black strangers" or dubh galls, in the sight of the white races of Britain
“Dubhghall (literally the black foreigner) was a name which they (the Irish) frequently gave to their Danish invaders” SOURCE; (The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, Volume 22; 1850)
“They were of two RACES — the white and black strangers — Fingall and Dubhgall (Dougal)”
SOURCE;(London Quarterly Review Volume 34; 1870)

“In A.D. 838, the Fiongaill, the “white strangers”, or Norwegians, took possession of Dublin; and in the year 850, these were dispossessed by a considerable force of the Dubhgaills, or black strangers, the Danes” - “Philologists inform us that the compound term dubh-loch-lanach, or "black man strong at sea," signifies the Danes.” SOURCE; (Michael Conran, ‘The National Music of Ireland Containing the History of the Irish Bards, the National Melodies, the Harp, and Other Musical Instruments of Erin’; 1846)

“The two RACES of the Danes and Norwegians were distinguished by the terms Dubhgeinte or Dubhgall, that is, black pagans or black strangers, and Finngeinte or Finngall, white pagans or white strangers” SOURCE;(Studies in the Topography of Galloway
Being a list of nearly 4000 Names of Places, with remarks on their origin and meaning, and an introductory essay; 1887)
“In the first half of the fifteenth century, the Dubh-glasses of Galloway—the “Moors and Saracens” of tradition—were its actual rulers…” — David MacRitchie
The country inhabited by the Cimbri was, it is stated, the modern Denmark and Holstein, which, indeed received from them the name of Cimbrica Chersonesus, or the Peninsula of the Cimbri 
But those Cimbri are said to have been known by another name: "Dani, lidem qui Cimbri - the Danes."

The comely, fair-skinned people now inhabiting Denmark are out of the question, as having nothing in common with the Dani of "vast bodies and dreadful looks."

If it can be shown that the "Danes" who invaded and overran the British Islands in the eighth and succeeding centuries, and who were distinctly latrones, or pirates, were also dark-skinned like the Black Huns, then the identification of the eighth century Danes (who are confused with " Hungarians") with the Dani or Cimbri, will be strongly suggested, if not established

It is necessary, in steering one's way through the numerous invasions of the Northmen, to distinguish clearly between Norwegians and Danes 
This is evidently done in the Pictish Chronicle, the Norwegians being called Normanni, and the Danes, Danari

Ever since the Danes, or Dubhgaill, first came to Ireland there had been a contest between them and the Norwegians or Finngaill (White Strangers) for superiority, and in 877 a battle took place between them, in which the Norwegians had the victory

The Danes, being for the time driven out of Ireland, went to Alban or Scotland
Probably the name Viking also belongs to the Danes, and not at all to the Normans
Viking means 6 kings

It is as Danes and Vikings that the piratical hordes that plundered, burnt, and destroyed along the Scottish sea-board, are chiefly known, and it was by a treaty with the king of Denmark (in 1014) that the Scottish King Malcolm succeeded in obtaining the withdrawal of these marauders from his country
However, the two peoples, Northmen and Eastmen, Norwegians and Danes, are also known by other names

Besides the general term of Gentiles (says Mr. Skene), that of Gall, the Irish word for stranger, was likewise applied to them, and two nations were distinguished as Finngaill, white Galls, and Dubhgaill, black Galls—the former being Norwegians, and the latter, Danes

The typical Dane of to-day is not a black-haired man; quite the reverse
And dubh means black, without any word of hair

These two sections of invaders were also known as Finn Gennti, and Dubh Gennti, White Gentiles and Black Gentiles; and as (according to Armstrong), Fionn-Lochlinneaich, and Dubh-Lochlinneaich, White and Black “Lochlinners” or Scandinavians
And, in "the wars of the Gaedhil and the Gaill" (Gaels and Galls), the Danari are styled "black Danars," or "black Danes."

In none of these terms is there any hint that the colour of the hair is indicated
But the expression used by St. Berchan in speaking of the Norwegians leaves no room for doubt
He calls them "the Gentiles of pure colour."
The Danes, then, were not "of pure colour."
They were dubh, black
As black, at any rate (let us suppose), as the Black Huns, who were "of a dark complexion; almost black."
There can be no question about it

The designation given by the common people of one race to another is almost invariably founded upon some physical feature, and the most natural distinction is that of colour where the races differ in complexion
The invading whites styled the "Indians" of America "Red-skins," and these again called their conquerors "Pale-faces."
A native Australian is a "black-fellow" to the modern Briton (who, after all, is his exceedingly distant kinsman)
Other "Blacks" are roughly spoken of by us either under that title or, under its other form, as “Negroes."

Therefore, when the white races of Britain styled the Danes "Black heathen," they simply made use of the most natural term that could occur to them

It was not only in Scotland that the Danes received this name, but throughout the British Islands

Let me give a few extracts from the Annals of St. David's, in Wales, (Annales Menevenses), which I obtain from Archbishop Baldwin's Itinerary, translated and annotated by Sir R. C. Hoare
It is a record of murder and rapine, a sample merely of what was happening throughout the greater part of the British islands at that period, and before and after it, when a peaceful and partly-Christianized people had to suffer every indignity at the hands of a ruthless and brutal race of pirates

The extracts are these :—
812 A.D. Combustio Meneviz.
986. A.D. Godisric filius Harald cum nigris gentibus vastavit Meneviam.
987 A.D. The Danes landed in South Wales, and destroyed Saint David's Lhanbadarn, Lhanrysted, and Lhan-dydoch (which were all places of religion), and did so much hurt in the country besides, that to be rid of them, Meredyth was faine to agree with them, and to give them a penie for everie man within his land, which was called, 'The tribute of the blacke armie.'

Here there is perfect unanimity
The "cum nigris gentibus" of the Annals, and Powel's "blacke armie," are at one
Thus, we have as evidence these terms—dubh (used with four different nouns), niger and black—all applied in the most natural and matter-of-fact way to the Danish pirates by men of presumably white race

Can anything be clearer

What may be called genealogical evidence of the existence of black-skinned races existing in Scotland within historic times, has already been adduced in considering the "Moors."
And it is difficult to decide whether the examples given ought to be styled Picts (so-called) or Danes
Because both were "Picts," and contemporaries
And the very district which still bears the name of the ancient "Moray" [Mooray]men, was also the very district in which the "Danes" lingered longest (that is, excluding the Isles)
For which reason, it had become the hunting-ground of the fair-skinned victors, descendants of Freskine the Fleming, Berowald the Fleming (founder of the powerful Innes family), and others of kindred race
Therefore, when a black man is discovered on a family tree of a thousand years ago, he may be either a "Dane" or a "Pict."
Of those, however, who are better known by the former name there may be specified an ancestor of the Macleods of Macleod, that family being held to be descended (at the date of Martin's visit to the Western Islands, and in his words,) "from Leod, son to the black prince of Man," which island was for a long time under the rule of the Danes
The father of this Leod was in all probability Olafr Svarti, or Olave the Swarthy, mentioned in the Flateyan manu-script, who was King of Man during the thirteenth century
A certain branch of the Campbells had also a similar lineage
The Danes, then, were like the " Moors”—black
Like them, too, they were Picts, as more than one eminent writer has proved
Whether as "Danes" or as "Picts," they were a swarthy, piratical race
Thus, the Moors or Saracens, the Danes and other kindred races, and the Gipsies are virtually the same people under different names

Whatever may have been the various race-combinations in Britain, at and after the Norman Conquest, the arrival of the Black Danes seems to mark the first important inroad of Asiatics (if we look backward from the nineteenth century)

These people are remembered in Gaelic records as Black-Lochlinners (Black Scandinavians), Dubl Galls, or Dubh Genti (black foreigners, or people), and also as "black Danars."

Another account speaks of them as "Dani or Cimbri," and they are called latrones, pirates, or robbers, "in the Gallic tongue."

They are remembered as Ost-men, or East-men

They make their first appearance [in the British Islands] in the year 793 in an attack upon the island of Lindisfarne; and they are said to have overrun the Hebrides in the same year

In 986-7, it is recorded that "Godisrig the son of Harald, with the black nations, laid waste Menevia (St. David's, in Wales); and did so much hurt in the country besides, that to be rid of them, Meredyth was faine to agree with them, and to give them a penie for everie man within his land, which was called, 'The tribute of the blacke armie';" a like tribute, in other districts, being known as “Dane-gelt" (the popular names for such a tax being the Gaelic dubh-chis, and the English black-mail)

The Danes of Northumberland belonged to the branch of the Northmen called Dubh Gall, or Dubh Gennti, that is, black strangers; and it is probably owing to this that (according to Armstrong) “a Lowland Scot” and “an Englishman” were also Dubh Galls, to the white skinned race of Highlanders who opposed them

Dubl-chis, or -chios, is the Gaelic equivalent, rendered in the dictionaries "a tribute," and "black-mail," this last being of course the strict interpretation of the term

In Galloway, also, which is a district celebrated for the inroads of "Moors or Saracens, " from whom have come many clans distinguished by the Saracenic emblem of the crescent moon, there were people who, so recently as the year 1666, were armed with "crooked swords, like Turks."

And the curved blade known as a "gully" was probably of the same origin

We are told that this kind of sword was “a common weapon with the [Black] Danes;" to whom it was known as an atigar; being "the same scythe-shaped weapon as the Turkish yataghan."

Indeed, the descriptions given of Black-Danish arms and armour are consistently Oriental; scale-armour, damascened battle-axes, gilded helmets and hilts, and "the same scythe-shaped weapon as the Turkish 'yataghan:' (this special description being taken from “The Comprehensive History on England”, p. 116)

They say this is human evolution – which human
Whilst these primates walk on their knuckles, the Turkish children’s use the palms of their hands – putting their weight on their wrists while lifting their fingers off the ground
Turkey is a part of Europe and the Caucasian mountains are nearby [their cradle of life]
This is a genetic problem which has undone the last three million years of their evolution, mankind means a kind of man and here what animal walks on all fours 
Satyr is also another name for Esau 


Not true, not everyone is from Africa, and your mother was a side chick, like one night stand, your fathers mother was 13 and the father 50+ in this image we are looking at 3/4 white people with 1 quarter black - with all the 'brothers' opting for European women - stop talk 


We were are in real time 

Planes once they get to a certain altitude the computer takes over, the reason the pilot is there is because the computer cannot take off or land the plane which requires the brain of a HuMin [HuMan] - listen to the words he says, humanity forward, humanity is the enemy, mankind means a kind of HuMin [HuMan] but not quite HuMin [HuMan] A.I driving F1 cars, cars hooked up to the satellites which A.I controls, all cars have 'kill switches' - those teams only had 2 months to get ready and maybe this was a showcase just to see what the HuMans have come up with - transhuman is very real, they only want your consciousness moving forward - remember the team are men and those men are programming their machine - look at man in the 3D world and his brain 

Children have the right to their childhood, sum thing that was taken from many of you, you had to take one for the team, I get HAPI when I see things like this - everyone just creating, energy signatures - the right side - there is much work to do but we have seen there is good and bad in all - in a world full of sh9t love [EM] exists and were love [EM] exists life exists 

You either 'know' or your don't, the era of the 'believing' is over 

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