Saturday 14 September 2024



The FEMALE, she is Mothers of all others, being all people come from the woman – so the woman is ‘God’ this is the unspoken but well-known truth in the scientific community, that ‘God’ produces gods

When ‘God’ was creating ‘God’ and said ‘I create in my own likeness’ this creating ‘God’ would have to have the power of ‘God’ to create other gods; thus, the perpetuation of ‘God’ eternal was in the original creation of ‘God’

This is how it was, and this is how it will be 

The HEKA – the symbol are the arms raised and is the symbol for the three-phase ‘goddess’ of the Moon and the three-phase ‘goddess’ to come are the Maiden, Mother and Crone which we know has the three siStars and these three siStars are instrumental in everything you did – they are also coming back with the seven pillars with each one symbolic of a CHAKRA and is also symbolic of a seat of order within the physical reality – each CHAKRA [SHANKH] represents the energy order which means you have to organise the energy according to the seven CHAKRA 

There was no respect given for the timeframe that the Great Mother gave and because no respect was shown for the timeframe that the Great Mother gave the wrath of the great Mother will now follow and this is what we are seeing for she has her big daughter in waiting and her name is OYA who her other names are Sekhmet and Nyabinghi – OYA means this is a water event and OYA is overseer of the waters, lakes that are not part of the sweet-waters of OSUN – we won’t see OSUN until her siStar [OYA] floods the land and they are doing that now because the Great Mother is being disrespected because they didn’t follow the timeline that was given

We all have different parts to play in order to find the solution – we all have to stay in our individual lanes – when you sea from a gods eye you will see why sum of us had to play the bad guy, bad woman, sum had to be the RacCoons – it doesn’t matter in the end because all frauds, all lies have to be revealed and all of the dirty players have to be revealed, the thing is you cannot get angry and you cannot take side while they are being revealed - there are many oracles out there and messages are being given 

The Matrix is crashing down and it is the rise of the Matriarchal, ENKI is now in Florida and has set up base in Florida which explains all them craft, space structures we see in FL – he is on one of the air force bases and INANNA is also here in orphanages, she was in Texas but she is moving around anywhere that are housing the children that were brought up from their tunnels, she is moving around many orphanages – there is no way to find the parents because sum times they kill the parents when they steal the child and sum parents sell their children for food rather than let the child suffer they sell them which is a catch 22 situation – you know the situation is bad when you have to make that choice, sum people in first worlds are not ready for that yet it is coming, the third world have no choice – we will be swapping places with the third world

Fire to BABYLON – you have to bring the ‘heat’ to destroy the system BABYLON is the USA Mystery Babylon [Nineveh Babylon] with its side kick the UK which must be deleted – ANU sent in the flood last time and it will be this time but it will also be with fire aka plasma  

There is an ancient part in our history [mystery] called the Hereafter in the story of the redemption of the Earth in the ‘holy’ drama of the Osirian resurrection – they tell us it’s the CHRIST story in their Bible but it is the Osirian resurrection and that is why many have it slightly off because you are looking at it from the reflection of an original stories reflection and they don’t tell you the original people that they are telling the innuendo story about for example the ISIS [ASET] of the day was CLEOPATRA and they haven’t found her ‘tomb’ it’s the synchronicities with the story

The story of the Christ is a 21 play written by Josephus Flavius – it was to be 21 different people looking at the story of this Christ character from 21 different angles and they all had a Gospel and the Gospel was good news, a good story, they all had a good story from their angle but has soon as you get stuck in one angle you cannot see the rest of the story – its for entertainment purposes, its psychologically alluring, it’s a hypnotic play being played out in order to seduce your mind into thinking and believing in a paradigm that they can control – to which they enslaved our minds at the basic core portion of understanding

Dogma and Morals, the ones following the story with Morals are the only ones who will sea [see] the story – this story is being played out over and over again, we have been looping with the same story all the mythologies are just repeating the ‘holy’ drama – the [w-holy] traces back to the Osirian resurrection – the MaStars of the land know that when the CHRIST [KARAST] comes who to call and that is all those you see on the Tree of Life who all have a different function – this is the nuclear family – the Tree of Life, Chakra system and Kabbalah are the same thing – the great family of TEHUTI is uniting the great families of the earth – they tell you the same story in the movie Avatar, they tell you the same story in the movie the Matrix+ all from a different angle – we had to figure it out and we figured it out, why, how, because a man wrote the lies and women can sea through mans lies


Lalibela [Lilith], daughter of INANNA – ANUNNAKI royal Princess of NIBIRU combined with HuMin genes – they wanted her to sleep with Adam and she sid h3ll no, had she done this we would have never been able to tell the difference between, gnomes, clones, reptilians, so they kicked her out of EDEN 

They wanted Lalibela to sleep with their version ESUS [ESAU] IYSUW [ADAM] also called SATYR and JESUS and she said fu9k you

ADAMA are breeding programs and not two people, this genetic program was set up in EDIN [EDEN] aka ALKEBULAN [AFRICA] by ENKI on KI and LAHMU [MARS] 

NEKAYBAW [EVE] daughter of ANATH and PTAH

Adam [A-daam] 'dark red' brownish
Awdawm 'of the ground' Earthling
Ah - Life - Daam - Blood
Adama [A-da-ma] 'of the ground, earthling
Ad-aw-maw 'the earth'
A'aferti [A'afar-ti] Afar 'the Choice' [Pharaoh]

 Lilith is her 6ether Bible name
‘Lil’ [Lilly] Lillith [Lilith] Lil-Leeth translates ‘Of the shadow hour period’
Lilith [Lalibela] Lilbela is from the NTH gate [Abyssinia] Ethiopia


INANNA descent – after the Great Mother [Lilith] was overthrown they created man – Lilith was rejecting this false creation – when she went back to heaven and went to her particular realm and they could not retrieve her – she can come to men and by her sleeping with these men she puts this darkness in them – that darkness is Melanin and they said they made these people filthy – they said that she sleeps with them and she makes them unclean and filthy but those word filthy and unclean is not referring to hygiene – its science, its talking about an alien object that does not coincide with creation, we are talking about sum thing that is beyond creation 

This world was built out of several primal worlds or it came into being after several primal worlds, which is where we are from – so what Lalibela [Lillith] was doing was in each one of us she was putting back several of that primal world in us inside of us in this alien creation – she put the virus which is Melanin – because Melanin makes up several of those primal worlds and she was putting that back in us as the link to get back home – this is also in one of the Asaru [Osiris] and Amon records where the children fell and Atum gave them all a ‘tear’ from the water from his eye [tears are crystals] so they could see their way back home, he basically transferred the 3rd eye, so they could see their way back home and that was the key to seeing [sea-ing] their way back home

Lilith sleeps with man and gives him back his Melanin, so he can see his way back home before creation 

Lil' Kim [Lil] Lilith [Lalibela]  


BADU is a high ranking priestess from LAHMU [MARS] Andre said she put him into a hypnotic state at times - ENKI is in FL where the Gullah Wars started and must end in this cycle 

 The world Evil exists in their holy books and that world is a combination of two words welded together which is Eve and Lilith names Ev + il and Devil with the D standing for Dark [ark] arc – the word Demon [Damon] is from Amon - they taught us the 'black' cat is bad luck - they associated anything 'black' was witchcraft - all done to undermine the 9ether 'witches' all them Salem witches [Oracles] were 9ether women who had skills - they told us if a 'black' cat walked from right to let [or vice versa, I can't remember] was bad luck - the KAT [KAAT] CAT is the FELINE - there is nothing bad about her, only when you fu9k with her - she is 'd-arc' energy 

Matriarchal [Feminine] N.R.G is being reinstated  


#Special maybe the snapped image was for the snapper 

By the looks of those name tags, I would say you have wasted your life on a company that probably pays you minimum wage and will replace you in seconds if needed. But hey, if you are happy with your current status, good luck and congratulations – 

Sum one wrote that and that is the fu9king truth – we would fall for this but children today are way smarter and do not want this monkey setup 

The reason why you had to go through so much difficulty is because you had to refine your noble character traits so that you can be fit to rule

The reason why it is relentless in your life is because you are good at what you do and because you must be kept on your toes so that you don’t become complacent, so that you don’t relax just yet

You are an eternal being and this thing is going to come and go, what do you do for eternity, just sit there and fiddle with your thumbs 

This too shall pass 

We have come full circle [360] 

She was born a man first - check the Adam Apple 

Lady Gaga - tranny with no fanny – s/he was born a man to start off with – NTR did not create these inverts and all will be deleted – it is Adam and Eve, not Adan and Steve

There are so many reasons why the 3D matrix must end and all we are doing is thinking about them and the Universe is picking them up - our thoughts are more powerful than what you know, if nature didn't create it, it gets deleted - that is LAW [MAAT] Universal Law - nothing truly dies and they will be recycled - this is family run planet 

God leveled the cities last time and these cities are everywhere - if God didn't approve last time what makes you think she [he] did this time - mans agenda changing their gender making him an offender, the payback will be tender - he is the great pretender - all this monkey sh9t will be deleted 

Its 9 months into the year and I wanted you to think about ‘famous’ people and have you seen them, ‘famous’ events have taken place and normally the photographers would be out and snapping pictures, like Sam Smith who was out dressed like a dildo and messing with children, his popularity fell so they have kept him out of the limelight – then say Dolly Parton who said she approves of Beyonce’s Country and Western tracks, but no one has seen Dolly Parton, all they said was Dolly Parton approves but we did not see or hear her say this – she left in 2023 - take the King of England and Kate who they say is recovering from Chemotherapy – they killed her [him] – and Charles is dead also - you haven’t seen them both – what about Tom Hanks, aka Rockefeller who Tom would have been 88 when he died and in reality he would be 95+ basically there are a lot of people missing, say like Dolly Parton her death alone would divert energy away from their 3D world, when the Queen died they delayed her announcement, same like with the cloned Mandela, he died well before they informed the masses – there was a guy in Israel who was on a life support machine and was basically dead – he meant sum thing to them and they delayed his announcement of death for sum thing like 7 years – your Pope is also dead – think of all those you haven’t seen in a while and wonder why – people disappearing

Many were rounded up and taken to Guantanamo Bay and it is the Arcturus military along with the Andromeda military who are overseeing the take down, there was a woman who saw shape shifters on her flight and her name is Tiffany who hasn’t been seen since they took her off that flight and they used a double in one post, but we’ve not seen her

They have replaced older famous people with newer famous people or those who you deem famous and the gap shows

Sylvester Stallone, Clint Eastwood, George Soros+ all died already – we saw this with Simon Cowell, they needed Simon for BGT which they need that energy extraction station, so they had to do sum thing – Biden was cloned and they said he went through plastic surgery to make himself more appealing to voters – YAWN OUT LOUD 

Maxwell and Epstein - Epstein is alive and in a padded cell, he is singing like a Canary, Biden had a decommissioned underwater base [ex military submarine base] and Maxwell has a licence to operate a submarine - no doubt they have been down there since her arrest and Epstein 'death' is because its better that way - different people being taken for various reasons, all those who took from children and females will be dealt with first 

Point being in the last 4 years [2020] many have been taken offsite and many have died

A.I is producing pictures and movies, but it cannot do fingers, hands+ they are showing us photo-shopped images, show us footages, live streams and if they did, they would have to use the clones – masks, doubles, CGI+

The main Archon who was giving the Pope his orders and the Crown of England their orders died in 2020, that bitch was over 600 years old and so now we have his staff all in-fighting for control of what is left, its like the Manager moving on and the deputy wanting that position but also the key holders or vice deputies, they want sum, they feel they could lead, so you have bitching and in-fighting and at times death –   

Those that know too much or surplus to requirements are being taken out, I wouldn’t be surprised if Puff Daddy gets taken out – they are not after him, they want his handler

The build up of them not informing the masses that your famous person are dead means they have a backlog and now its too many to say so, plus we have CV that took out many+

Keep an eye because a lot of famous people are missing

Fu9k me ragged, we are so lucky to have the Israelis on point - what are the chances of that, these are the children of god, the chosen ones offspring and it shows 

Dear 'God' please protect all females, provide strength, protection and guidance 
Love her or hate her, we are nothing without her - get behind the energy [FEMI-9] EL'ECTRON

Vampires - Reptilians - Werewolves 

Go to 6:19 - not human - she is mankind - the entity in that body can just about keep it looking human, her right eye is offline - this guy who presents is a dildo full stop - just watch the footages - those without any soul [soular] stay on the planets negative field for all they have is spirit - no soul, no heaven - you cannot leave this domain without a soul - that sound in the thunder is next level in Florida, yep you can hear that, thunder comes from crafts, we know ENKI is in FL, she said she is 7th generation Floridian, nope, your a 7th generation 6ether European American, Floridians are 9ether 

MELCHIZEDEK [AL KHIDR] 'the Green One' of the Sons of the WAJI [Green[ disc light - they said would be here in the final days - they are also known as AL QUBT, the axis and as an ELOHYEEM, SERAPHEEM, MIYKAEL[MICHAEL] NETER: ATUM RE 
MEKABA [light body] 
Sum one took this but there is more to this image, in previous images we have seen more - sum showed ANUs ship



I was reading a report into a fire in a tower block in the UK which took place 7 years ago in which 72 people died, this report is on phase 2 – its taken 7 years to produce a half report into a fire in a tower block in which 72 people were sacrificed, the day after the fire the PM at the time and a few others all turned up at the block – they said it was a faulty Hotpoint washing machine that was to blame – seven years is a long time for energy extraction – another was on the front of the Evening Standard newspaper in London to which they covered the murder of a man named Steve Lawrence about his dreams and aspirations – bullsh9t another energy extraction

Muslim men do not see European women [girls] the same way that others do - European women do not help themselves - however taking without consent is what we are dealing with, did you see the locals matching around - that is how you do it - do Allah's work and get 40 virgins, does that not sound like Paedophilia to you 

20% to 50% of children are not in school made worse by the pandemic and over that time young girls are being targeted 

TODAY: Police Use Of Facial Recognition Expands to Another County [UK]
In Hampshire, (they're) deploying it across: Portsmouth, Southampton, Basingstoke, and Winchester" expansion of surveillance without people's consent- this means they have those people uploaded onto their main database 

The police only responded when the masses spoke up - the police are just men 
Protect your daughter, siStar, niece - protect the women, its not just the Muslims men who are born in the UK or not - they still have the same mentality has other men - the country [UK] is holding more Muslims than Mecca - that guys needs a slap back and sum one knows who he is - you cannot rely on the police - times are amping up - the Crusaders War is the Romans vs Muslims and must end in this cycle - I wonder if the 9ethers have to choose, who would they side with, sum are Romans [Christians] Church of England, Roman Catholic+ and sum are Nation of Islam - what fight are you really fighting   

When the time is right many will know what to do 

9/11 - they sacrificed 4,000 people and made sure the Jewish ones had the day off and 1945 a B52 hits the Empire state building but the building still stands - we saw people jumping out of their twin towers - this was on another Jews watch called Bush - those 4,000 are in the fuel of these weather systems and will have their say - 6ethers are prepared to kill their own, what does that say about you 

Their Pentagon also was hit by a plane - when they rolled a tank up there and shot at the building, even the crash damage teams sent to go through the wreckage walked away when they realised it was just scrap metal and not a plane and speaking of plane, do you think a plane could fly that low and hit the building - look a the front of the building were they say the planet hit - ok then 

NYC aka DRACO HQ – NY has sunk by 5ft – New Orleans is already below sea level 
NYC was made from land that is near the ice edge sheet and is sinking back down - you should be saying but NY is not near the ice edge - the planet is upside down or the map they taught us on purpose is upside down 

Sum one is lying 

Nga’ara [Niagara] = Nigg9 Falls the 9ethers were thrown down there, many of these lakes are not natural - all what was hidden must be revealed and we will see the earth push up and reveal her [your] secrets 

No birds mean a SKA event is coming, birds on the ground means there is a ship in the SKA [this may vary because they have 5g pumping out and this also affects their magnetics - a ship also emits a pull also] – if you see Deer going to high ground or the dogs disappearing from your home, get low – because whatever is coming is coming into that area 
– the animals will know before the HuMins [HuMans]

NTR talks to the animals, if you know your Totem animal your Totem animal is going to come to you in a dream and talk with you telepathically – the message will be in the dream [vision] wake up in that dream so that you can wake up in this dream and fix this mtf – the animal is smarter than the HuMin [HuMan] – remember it is the planet, then plant, then animals – the HuMins [HuMans] are an addition to this planet but the two other kingdoms do not need the HuMins [HuMans] to survive but the HuMins [HuMans] need all two to survive – animal trainer is animal conditioner because you can only train animals to do human things

HuMins [HuMans] think they are smarter than the animals and that the animal is dumb, animals will work together to survive, HuMins [HuMans] will kill each other to survive, let that fester for a minute, think about that 

The BUMA [OWL] is a ‘black’ girl magic domain and she helps you see [sea] in the dream what takes place in the physical world - you will sea everything in the spirit world before it plays out in the physical world - everyone has a Totem animal - everyone is born female first and the 'black' is ETHER [MELANIN] this is an ALCHEMY process [AL] CHEM-Y = CHEMISTRY = CHEM [KHEM] KHEMET + MYSTERY aka BLACK MAGI [MAGIC] 

What is beyond the horizon 

Indeed portals made by man and for whom - there are more in that area 

Chakra colours - promotes harmony before you  get your ass whipped 
Light crafts [MEKABA] 

Weather systems like this called supercell are motherships - Thailand, Vietnam, China, Australia and all neighbouring places are fu9ked  

There is a craft in cloud cover 

Not only are they pumping the SKA with BAAL [poison] they are also pumping the SKA with biological warfare, plagues and pathogens, the same people you are going to elections for, Harris and here we have bum bandit Starmer who all know full well what they are doing, when you hear the Chinook overhead always look to see if the hull doors are open because they are pumping the SKA with these things, they are also poisoning the Mosquitoes and releasing them from helicopters 

Last 72hrs we have had multiple impacts hit the planet [CME] 

You can see the CROWN of the planet [check the colours] 

Where's the EMF [DOME] check the yellow [soular plexus] turquoise is a combination of blue and green and you can see blue 
 Blue and green are life- force energies with green [WAJI] healing energy also 

PINK and RED deletes these are detoxifying mutating cleansers  

Yorkshire [UK] when we see these sights in all four corners of the planet it will be show time 
Purple [UV] Gamma + X-Rays - seen in Tasmania to Yorkshire [UK] and AuSStria 

Germany - check the UV [Purple] background [GAMMA ] X-RAY 

Spirits in the SKA over Greece and also seen in Mexico this week 

White core that holds all [7] light spectrums and yellow rim 

Reflections from the hologram 

Austria - snow, then there will be floods - same place in AuSSra right image - but doesn't that look like another dimension - they need the snow because there are nests up there and the heat is coming from the ground [plasma] and is roasting their new born and underground facilities  

They are trying to save their nests and underground bases 

For 9 days in last September [9] and now in September they are telling you what happen - a land slide, really, it took you a whole year to tell us it was a land slide - tell us where the signal came from

In 2hr nature said fu9k it - Poland, didn't see that coming - the poles used to be in Pole land - Russia is also leaking, the power of water - Ukraine is just up the road, nature floods them and the war stops 
Poland - several dams and rivers are about to collapse  - Europe needs to watch this - the UK are next 

Typhoons are fuelled by the Typhonian [Dragon energy] they hate you, sum wrote that we should pray for Asia [Caucasian] YAGI [NAGI] NAGA weather system destroyed parts of China, Vietnam, Philippines and Thailand - if we pray for these people then let me ask your sum thing, what God did this and why is he or she doing this - we are not praying to no one, don't you get it, your being punished

She is self 'cell' correcting herself 

He is not human - remember aliens are working with humans to destroy the earth 
You never heard of him until recently 
i-Robot already happened, the Terminator [Blueprint to Mankind] is where was are at 

M5.1 California 

The SUN is going Pepsi Max - triggering - NASA [NOAA] keep cutting the feed 
We had X5 the other day and today X4 [X5] 

They kept the capital Atlanta 

Monte Urbano Map 1587 [top right]
Not only does this map show Antarctica 300 hundred years before its discovery
There are maps that don’t show Australia from the same 1500s and see this date 1587 is 587
These maps are commissioned by 6ether Europeans who are teaching the world the world history from their point of view
The planet is not flat but one plane and when you look this Urbano map there is a dome that encases these land masses, this planet is not the size NASA show you, she is the size of Jupiter – we have [3] ice walls with land mass in each with 9ether brothers and siStars occupying them - its not gravity, its levitation 

These are sum of the clans and their names - you can see YNCA which would be INCA from MANDINKA [DINKA] INKA [INCA] they tell us the MAYAN is last to which they came 800 or 900 after - which I have always doubted, we know the ULMEC [OLMEC] were in AZTLAN and we know the 6ethers brought Philippines, Eskimos and Mongolians over to aid in the 6ether European breeding programs - they also tell us that the 6ether Muslims have been on KHMT [Egypt] for the same 800 or 900 years - we are starting to see they are lying 


St Louis world fair and they say all temporary structures built in under 2 years and torn down for the most part straight after - h3ll no you just built all this with horses and cart - sure you did 

They say took 30 years to build from 1871 until 1901 - they mean rebuilt from 1871 - look at the structure and think about this for a minute - all these structures were already there 

Power plasma station, you can see where the middle part was broken, probably a bell was there or laser device - all part of Tartaria and was well before the 6ethers being created 

The TARTAR are 9ether - look at that building on the left, they say that 6ethers built this using horse and carriage - ok then 

6ethers are not from KHMT [Africa] we have 900 or 800 or 700 years of added history that is false, these 6ethers are running out of ink 

The 6ether Europeans Americans are still holding the 9ethers in custody - this had expired in 2021 [2012] who are the true custodians of this planet and until they are freed all h3ll is going to continue to break loose - their mum and dad are here now and they have returned for their planet and their offspring 

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