The [4] elements are playing a huge role at this current
time, fire, water, earth and air, the [5th] element is ether – ether
is ‘matter’ and when they include spirit [electrical] they are referring to an
aspect of the ‘matter’ that you represent – time is also an element for without
it nothing exists – time spelt backwards is emit and what you emit is light and
that light is electrical – it is the cohesive element that creates what we see
[sea] as third density [3D] and the other densities because third deals with
one time [light] signature and fourth deals with another time [light] signature
and fifth deals with another time density which is a frequency and spin
orientation of the particle – light is sound [369]
The difference between the 6ether and 9ether, 9ethers
have 9 DNA sequence, the 6ethers have 6 DNA sequence and this means the 6ethers
are closer to the Chimpanzee – Down Syndrome means when you have an extra
Chromosome –
6ethers are closer to the Simian [Lars] Lares aka
Bigfoot, the 6ethers have still to explain what the Neanderthal is – the Rhesus
Monkey is why they have to have the Rhogam shot [vaccination] and that is to
stop the body from killing the ‘child’ because the body only recognises the
‘child’ as a foreign object – the 9ether does not contain Monkey DNA, those are
derivative qualities, those are the derivative creations – those are the ones
who were experiments on the DNA
The European man and his machines have been trying to
bring him to a 12 DNA strand and on a basic level that is him trying to give us
a higher version of his deformed self – if you look at the DNA that 9ethers
have that they are supposed to actually braid for ‘God’ self [cell] to access
these frequencies – 9ethers are supposed to have 22 [11:11] strands [DNA] aka
Kabbalah [Tree of Life] Chakra system that the Jews tried to hide in their
Alphabet [Alpha + Beta] to hide the DNA information in – the ‘junk’ DNA that
the 9ethers have is supposed to be threaded based upon the 9ethers accessing
higher levels through consciousness accretion which are supposed to give you
energy patterns directly from other consciousness as well as other dimensional
sequences to give you the necessary information ‘light’ to braid the ‘junk’ to
bring you to the higher level of consciousness – there are 9ethers who have
already come back with that and sum have come back to teach others how to braid
so they too can start to stream into higher levels of consciousness
[frequencies] which is downloaded to feed your DNA patterns to braid the ‘junk’
into Helixes that would light the lamp of god aka your 3rd eye – you
will need to raise the Kundalini and to raise the Kundalini safely you have to
have a higher and more supreme connection for the DNA must be more supreme in
order to process these nu frequencies ‘light’ so that your body can process
these higher frequencies, so that you do not burn out, you are channelling
higher energies and this is so that you
don’t burn out, this is so the nerve endings do not get destroyed,
burned out – all so you don’t burn that Kundalini out – 22 stands, its 12 and
from there it is the next 10 – once this is braided the original spiritual body
aka your higher spiritual self [cell] begins to re-acclimate to your body and
lift you up and give you [download] that knowledge
You have [3] known+ bodies - everyone has spirit but not all have Ether [Ethereal] or a Chakra system or EM or a Soul - they lied to everyone - not everyone is going to make it, we all do not have the same contract down here
The DNA is braiding
Terence Howard is on point and also when he talks about
gravity, we know its levitation, there is no such thing as gravity – Terence
also talks about the DNA strands
Neil deGrasse Tyson is not the new Einstein, this man is
a fool – keep your children away from him
Todays 'Monks' of Buddhist have no power of connection to source
Down Syndrome [Chromosomes]
When we think of the term Monk we tend to think of
Oriental men, Buddhist Monks – this term Monk comes from the LARES [LARS] also
called the SIMIANS who are a breed of Monkeys, the chief was called Lard – then
became Lord, the master Monkey or boss – these Lares were the head monkeys,
from which they create their word Monk – the SIMIANS monkeys, Chimpanzees,
Gibbons + are all the Lares offspring – these Lares are what you call Big foot
today – they are highly intelligent Ape beings and are one above the 6ethers in
terms of intelligence
Monk is short for Monkey and this is talking about Monkey
mind – this is talking about his lower nature – the 6ether offspring was used
to experiment on and is to why they test Human products on Monkeys for the DNA
is 98% match - many deformities and chromosome distortions which resulted in
things like Siamese twins, a result of this original cross breeding of
different species
The Orangutans were also used for their intelligence,
however they were very aggressive, violent and carnivorous, so the Gibbons who
were more docile than Orangutans were used for the balance
The Chimpanzee was one of the strains that came from the
breeding of the Lares
Chimpanzees are one of the most intelligent animals and
they resemble Human beings more than any other animal – if you look at the
chimpanzee(s) hand, its very closely related to the Human hand, they even have
fingerprints, just like Humans
The Human has 46 chromosomes, Humans with Down Syndrome
have 47 Chromosomes and this defect results in them not aging properly or
maturing mentally, pass 3 to 7 years old – the same is said of a Chimpanzee,
who has 48 Chromosomes and has the mind of a child between the ages of 3 and 7
The very fact that the Chromosomes are ranging in numbers
46 [47] and [48] one after another, is fact that there is a link – this defect
is coming from the 6ethers, many have mixed their DNA with others and we are
seeing children of defected lineages
Today no one has ever said what the Neanderthal is – what
is its classification
How is that eliminated if
you are aborting their birth – it still means the genetic flaw is still present
Do not give blood, Sickle cell - all you need is more Copper in your diet, Sickle cell is the shape of your blood cell which is unique and means you can never contract Malaria - your people are the only kind to have a natural defense against Malaria
Be selective to stay active
NTR be like that sum times - things are not what they always seem
Tranny with no fanny
MOOR-OCCO does not exist in North African let alone in TAMERI [USA]
SALEM also didn't exist and had to be added but was in their bible before
HYSOS will come back to ESAU
'black' MADONNA means maiden or young maiden
Who goes there
The planet is giving hit, multiple CMEs hitting - the SUN is trying to kill you - they dumped snow over Italy, AuSStria, Germany and SSwitzerland who have plenty of nests in the Alps - the Italian and Canadian Schuman's that I access have gone done
3 Jabba the Hutt for college student
Rare blood disorder - body rejects the Jabba the Hutt or body reacts to the contents
The aftermath – many people have taken 3+ and accelerators – make sure if you have children that your Will is up to date – you did have a choice and for the rest of us, mandatory is coming, they need the numbers to be higher to enforce mandatory - our thoughts are with this young lady - she is a warning to others, people are still dropping
They are touting CV watch yourself and check yourself - the common cold does not exist, the flu is now reclassified and is the CV - do not get ill - they are pumping the SKA, gargle with salt warm water before you sleep - do not get a sore throat - they are pumping the SKA with poison - they want you to come to them
Coming to a place near you, the planet is filling up
Amazon river is dying up - and so it beings
Systematic breakdown - NTR is dismantling this [his] Wendy House
Remember we are one plane - last 3days
Lets go back 60 years – when the powers be assassinated Kennedy,
it was in front of everyone and was done has a warning to others, stay in lane –
today were on the second time for Trump, the first guy his body has gone
missing and now we have this guy – who is doing what out here – the sympathy
link – be carful where you energy is going – the 3D has nothing to do with you
anymore - distractions while the world fills up with water - next we will have Israel and YAWN OUT LOUD - they had another school shooting in the USA and another knife multiple stabbings+ the rest of the world was like, so what, we are in an apocalypse
That Pastor knew he was in h3ll because they knew him - that is where your bi9ch ass is going
I wonder what Rihanna track they were singing - Disturbia
Who cares about the money and Honorary Degree which means fu9k all, you should have done that when he beat on Cassie, they want his handler and Sean is the Epstein of the 9ethers - this bi9ch must be revealed and once he starts signing like a Canary, he will bring down another bum bandit JAYZEUS who was the only one to benefit from Biggie and 2pac assassinations, Trumps shooter should be recruited from the 9ether because they don't seem to miss
Hip Hop affects many and Tookie, Hoover will have to be allowed to talk to the masses, everything is timing - everything must be revealed
Babylonian SEX Magic - rupturing the Root [Sacral] Chakra means a Prince will never be a King
The SUN was blasting out and has been for the last 72hrs - right image, whatever that is to the side of the planet is huge
Here you can see the 'lens handle' flips back down - what causes this to happen because NASA cut the feed - check how bright this flare is, not seen it go like this before - almost like a white 'bright' flare
Clod highways - what is inside the funnel roads
This is not the SUN
All this activity in Florida is starting to make sense,
there are many Oracles relaying messages, remember in January when the they shut
down the shopping mall in Miami [USA] and many saw beings, they saw a dog type
creature – beings walking – portal opening, no one has said nothing since then,
many people retracted statements+ everything shut down – blackout – this and more
makes sense – ENKI is in Florida – these are crafts sitting there cloaked – you
can see the air underneath – that is coming from the electromagnetic turbines
under these huge crafts
Check the shape of the SUN and what symbol is that above the portal
'rainbow' just sitting there with no bow or rain
Cloaked planetary body
The Dragons are in the SKA
That image of the Dragon SpaceX is CGI - NSA have been to the Moon but NASA have not, they hitched a ride - this house is sealed and no energy can escape - it ends and begins here - all satellites are held up by helium balloons
The planet came with her own electricity and WI-FI and man came with his friends and machines and Tesla harmful electricity
No cement or trowel or power tools that had not be invented but they built these and more with horses and carriages - cone on people
They still have the 9ethers in custody and have ignored repeated warnings to let them go
NTR only talks for so long, things have amped up once again
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