Wednesday 11 September 2024


You either have Pareidolia or you can see that - his or her hands are either side and arms and are bent inwards, you can see his or her fangs, teeth, you can see the nose and eyes which are bright, human-ish, were the 3rd eye is there are two cat beings [Lyran] 
This image comes from Thailand - sh9t is real in the field 



VEGA the Star at the centre of everything

The Lyra [Kat beings] are ancestors of HuMin beings, they come under the ANNUNAKI [ANUNNAQI] IBIMANNUKA and Sirius, Orion and the Lyra is home – the Crocodile [reptile] and Kat are cousins, blood brothers and sisters, hence why the house [HETU] of Bas and Sekhmet come under the HETU [house] of Sobek – NIBIRU came through Sirius – Orion is called SAHU – they talk of ancient galactic wars between dark-skinned ANNUNAKI [these beings]  fighting pale-skinned Reptoids [Greys mixed with Reptilians] for galactic control and supremacy which led the various alien races contributing stem cells to form different races of the earth after a form of truce as a result, white people are a hybrid of blacks and sum of the alien race from Lyra

Small Soldiers - the leader has dreadlocks and Kat whiskers which represents the Sphinx or Sekhmet or Bast or the Akir [Lion] of Judah, when they took the chip out of them it was black and gold which is the essence of alchemy [Kaanu] melanin [ether] and the movie Zorro which is the rewritten version of the Star Wars trilogy [watch them] and watch with the main eye to analyse
Thundercats another movie based on Kats and the ‘Black’ Panther – the Kat beings are here

A Chimera Cat is an animal that has two types of DNA, the result of merging two different embryos during development by man - looks like cross bred the Lynx and sum form of domestic Cat

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - how many KAT beings do you see in there - whoever controls the SKA controls this planet - the same beings who are leaving crop circles [messages] so much in these images - attention to detail - taken on the 9.9.2024 [2025] portal [9.9.9] = 27 = 9 
Take you time when looking through these images - all he has done is mirrored, inverted the SKA [image] and you can clearly see

They protect the environment, transmute energies, they know were all the portals are - the Lions [Lyra] and Crocodiles [Reptiles] are cousins [silt eyes, hiss, 3rd eye] and are the HuMins ancestors 

Unknown creature washes up 

Thailand - many places look like this around the planet 

Athens [Greece] 

1000 year flood  
German meteorologists from DWD today analysed the situation that is expected in the coming days
If the current forecasts get confirmed, it would be up to twice the amount of rainfall that fell in 2013 and Austria, parts of Germany, Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia will be affected 

Double bubble - binary SUN - KANADA 
Reintroduced in 2012 

Huge craft 

Cluster containing crafts

Red light, white light - we all do not have the same Moon or Sun in the four corners of the planet 

The SKA [SKY] SKI at night [Thailand] and check the Moon in the USA 

You can see that bow shadow and the side shadow 

Spilt SKA again from Thailand


Hungary and Tasmanian 


Exxonmobil Beaumont in Texas has ordered Charlton Pollard citizens to stay home..
Citizens have been asked not to leave their homes, close super reinforced windows and doors
Turn off heating and air conditioning systems??? 

Los Angeles aka Lost Angels - the last outpost is cracking up NTR is warning you to leave

California is burning yet again

When the Titanic was sinking the band played - here while they are sinking they eat - most of us would see this has a sign and move to higher ground 


THAILAND images - the NAAGA is in the SKA 

Be carful how you look at this image - this 3D snake like structure is sitting in the SKA 

South Africa [ABZU] 

The cloud is casting a shadow above - how low is the dome shield 

SpaceX probing the DOME [FIRMAMENT] OZONE LAYER [VAN ALAN BELT] EMF - they are looking for an opening, they are searching for a hole so they can escape - the DOME is very low and we can see this now, the DOME [shield] is translucent and is a form of advanced technology that will be for sum beyond human comprehension - this house [dimension] is sealed and means no energy can escape - in 1775 the reptilian realized that they couldn't leave this dimension and in 2024 the humans also realized that they cannot escape either, even to the Moon or Mars 

Power 7up 

The CROWN is lit 

White aka bright holds all [7] light spectrums 

Singapore - 'white core holds all [7] light spectrums, yellow rim, red outer rim - match colours with the CHAKRA system - Melanin absorbs the UV [PURPLE] BLACK 'ETHER' light 

The SUN is triggering, we have had 3 huge CMEs in the last 72hrs - these plasma flashes are shaping our consciousness

EMP will shut this harmful power down let alone the cold - the joke is on you 

Metallic bow [sphere] 

UFO handbook given to the police and nothing but air given to the public – first of all the police are humans, they wear a uniform and sum have guns and they also wear a badge, at a certain time they take all that off and are human – police the word comes from the word policy and officer comes from the word office – they enforce policy that is written on a document [paper from trees] in an office and are called law enforcement officer  

Trump was going to tell the masses what is really going on but you can see they are keeping him busy with everything they can to undermine him in the public domain

Your handbook is your experience – what you have seen yourself and what you ‘know’ what you know is important to you only, that policeman or policewoman will be also be scared, frightened, they also may have children and a partner, extended family+ aka responsibilities themselves, like prison guards watching inmates with family at home – point being when sh9t hits the fan Mr or Ms Officer will need to protect home first and for many they didn’t sign up for this – what do you think that handbook will explain, guide to them

The movie Inglourious Basterds taught me a lot and one thing is those in uniform are not who you think they are on many levels – doctors+ those we deem to trust are just human like you – sum are clones, shape shifters, other beings+

You must prepare yourself and all around you, any handbook is going to tell you what you already know – the SKA is littered with crafts [UFO] are they have been assembling since 2012 – they are only here to minimise and they are here for those beings that should not be here like the Ashtar Command who are a group of mixed beings, defectors with no planet of their own, they only have a huge ship, there are huge fleets grounded on the Himalayas hence why there is a no flyzone over there, crafts are over all military bases, installations and nuclear sites for obvious reasons, they are over gentile [reptile] states+ there is also the false alien invasion –

I saw SAHU [ORION BELT] last night clear, the whole stargate was so close to the planet, not seen it that close like that, I could see the beacon stars that flip between green, white and red, there were two or three more stargates [constellation] that have merged with the SA.HU stargate, SAHU [Orion] is the link between this soular system and the next soular system and Sirius is the link between the two – I was looking around 3am and they were pumping the SKA with chemicals – however while they were doing that I could see the stargates so clearly – the planet has shifted and so to this soular system because SAHU was not in the usual position around this time of year [September] Septet another name for Sirius 

Crafts litter the SKA over specific places 

Crafts everywhere - whoever controls the SKA controls this planet 

CHILE craft was huge and the INDIAN craft - the only crafts in the SKA are from the Galactic Federation, ANUNNAKI, all allies and alliance 

NSA went first and then NASA 9 years later - they got a ride up there - it is forbidden for the 6ether to leave quarantine  

We are speeding up only in mans world 
There was a nuclear war between ENLIL and ENKI offspring before the great flood that caused the lands along the belt of tropic of cancer to be barren and a desert and took 8000 years for the radiation to clear, the great flood helped the stretch to regain sum life and patches of fertility
Modern Europeans did not invent a nuclear bomb, they revived it by studying ancient tablets – it was the A.I last time that launched the bomb

ENLIL other family is the Reptilians whereas ENKI is the Cat beings 

The map [planet] they use is upside down, south is really north and what happened in 1644 

The planet is upside down so South Africa is North Africa
Ab means father and also heart 

Do not repeat their history 

Btw GUSTAV III, by Gustaf Lundberg 1775 “Gustavian" refers to the board type, which was invented by King Gustav III of Sweden, for his "Gustav III's Chess" he was 9ether - this Chess variant was invented by King Gustav III of Sweden and Chess is actually called SENET

From 1879-1918 over 10,000 children from 140 tribes taken by force attended Carlisle
Only 158 graduated – they stole these offspring from the Aboriginals who had been raped by the Irish and British - today there are over 200,000 oracles because sum still have ether [Melanin] 

They arrested 1300 for the rioters with 350 jailed and here the Homosexual [Patriarchal]  - maybe Pedophile releases 1750 who are unstable [mental] and many others are sexual offenders to both women and children - this is what you get with a Homo energy, they do not give a fu9k about the Matriarchal energy - you should be releasing fraud offenders+ those of that nature - 

Sodom and Gomorrah energy 

Another 5000 prison inmates will be released in the next six weeks

They are cutting the winter allowance for pensioners that they say could kill 4,000 which means double or treble that amount so 12,000+ they need to get reduce the UK population which they say is 65million which is around 100milion – they can’t chip 100million and they don’t need 100million going forward – its not just older people that have to watch their heating in the UK there are families, single people, low income, those on benefits+ so the real figure could well be 50,000 or 100,000 people, maybe more – there are 10million pensioners, they have done the maths because only 4,000 will be affected - sure tell me more  

Right now, suicide is the most common cause of death for those under 24 - in the last decade, 6,929 young people in the UK have taken their own lives - that means from 2014 - 6,929 young people took their lives rather than stay here – many reasons, those studying degrees take their lives but this seems different, the Evening Standard had the front page with sum sort of theme about 'missed birthdays' the amount of young people taking their lives – yet we have many lives taken and they are under 24 or just above, they are more prone not to make it through knife crime – murdered basically – who are these 6,929 – we need more clarity, like are they IVF [IUI] are they vaccinated offspring, were they taking antidepressants, mental health is Crown issues - processing issues - its great the awareness but why, why are young people taking their lives - those that take their lives get sent straight back down here 

Watch your children and your friends, simple words can change sum ones mood

Parents today are also children - no one tells children how sh9t it really is down here - the PM for the UK was Chief prosecutor in the UK and got a Pedo off so do you think he will give a sh9t about the children taking their lives - we need the reSet because this trend will continue - like maybe 6,929 is from one year to another and the figure is way higher - watch your children and adults because the pressure is real in this field 

The police in the USA will be absorbed by the Sheriffs and the Sheriffs are going to be under the jurisdiction of the Grand Shariff [Sheriff] of the land [TAMERI] and his name is Chief Angel Bey aka Jeff Fort and he is the one who enforces the law on the land and his assistant is Stanley Tookie Williams aka Big Tookie who they say died by injection but they actually froze him because it is forbidden to kill him – they flashed froze Kanye – this is why Jeff was in prison, they could not risk him being out and rallying the masses – 72 treaties is what they are using and we are going to see what they are

KAN-YEW-EST [YAW] hair fell out and grew in patches because they flash froze him 
They have many people frozen but they will die when the EMP comes in and shuts down the power

Point being this Matrix is over with and stop supporting a dead system and watch the children, what they are taking in – the Pope is calling in the money so keep an eye on the stock market because that would have to crash – thus crashing their economy aka e-lectric-con-omy has they funnel the money back to the Vatican in real time, we are talking billions, trillions back every day [Consumer aka Con + Sumer – Sumerian – Babylon Money Magic] – the men need to watch the women because many are being harmed to drag [dragon – kundalini] this thing out remember the Matriarchal energy is being restored and they know this and are harming her to prolong and they are taking the children for the same reason – they are still doing blood rituals but this has been interrupted but not deleted – they still have Adrenochrome stores that haven’t been located yet because its still in the atmosphere – the siStars need to ground their energy to the earth and that means bare feet which would be your soles of your feet [sole] soil [soul] aka plug ins so that she can tell you where you lot need to be, the more you do this the more you wake [activate] up, one siStar heals, she heals a thousand siStars, we have so much going against her and there has never been a more pressing time than now that she needs you, we must protect the female – one siStar who heals and strengthens heals and strengthens a thousand siStars – focus on your shadow work and make sure the sh9t you don’t like others doing that you don’t do yourself, everyone that gets on your nerves use has a mirror to make sure you’re not doing the same+ this is the beginning of doing shadow work aka check yourself and watch yourself – after you do this the rest will go on autopilot and you will clean up all of the sh9t that you were miseducated about yourself – keep your Yoni [Uterus] sacred aka don’t let toxic energy infect your portal, do not engage with those who say they are woke and all they want is your energy and Yoni – there is no fear especially for those who have given things up, for those who have let go, sum days will be testing but you have nothing to fear because you have been through many programs to get you right here – nothing worse can be done that hasn’t already been done 

Do not feed the birds is because the bread we have been feeding the birds with is GMO made 
Food has run out and we are seeing plastic food however much of the food that they were selling in super markets have been removed and that we all the GMO foods and that was a direct order from the Queen of Heaven and Earth and hence the food shortages that is incoming, we have food that they radiated and the plastic sh9t, China are sitting on the last grains, wheat+ supplies but China is flooding out so we don’t know what has happened to that supply – we have warehouses and slaughter houses catching on fire and this is because the GMO must be deleted, we have seen hailstones batter fields and these crops had to go – animals that are GMO had to go also – we will have a 30 to 60 day shut down, power out, you had lockdown and that was a simulation, this one is another simulation but for many the power is going out and won’t come on for years into never ever – but the new system will ramp back up within 30 to 60 days - Oil was to have run out in the USA 9 months ago, Texas the US military purchase their Oil from - so where is the rest coming from, Venezuela, México also produce Oil - many refineries were taken out  

Everyday sum form of truth is revealed 



Ishtar [Lilith] aka Labella the intergalactic Goddess and her domain is INDA [INDIA] her bird feet and wings are symbolic of her intergalactic or inter planetary capabilities of flight – they all spliced their avatar like you would add tinted windows or fat inch rims to your Car [Kaa] – in her hands are the SHENU which are the equivalent to the ANKH in KHMT which are multipurpose devices – those two Lions [Lyra] protection and normally there would be two Owls [Buma] wisdom – sight – the two Lions facing in opposite directions means that she is ‘God’ NTR then, now and tomorrow

I thought that is what she said 

PAKISTAN founded in 1947 - INDI [INDIA] NAAGALAN is ISHTAR [INANNA] domain 

ENOCH is their 6ether Bible name - his name is KHA-NOWK and his SUMER name is ADAFA and he is also known has IDRIYS - the Greek term Obelisk is called BENNU [BEN-BEN]  

MEXIKOO is in AZTLAN [South America] and is West Africa 

Marlborough [near Wiltshire where all the crops circles are left] UK  
Where is the Castle and see how they added all them buildings - who built this and more pyramidal structure - they took out the whole Castles  

A ceramic toilet cover from the Nubian region of Tunkul Dongola [Don or Dun means black] in Upper Nubia, present-day Sudan the ceramic toilet looks like a bidet - the artifact is currently on display at the Royal Ontario Museum in Canada - when we are dealing with Roman artefacts, the Romans are only known in history for killing and destroying, they didn't even have a language let alone any manners, anything they built was either already there or they built over it or used the slaves they had to build 
See that multiple toilet, you would struggle to get 9ether men to all use the same toilet area - many of the 6ether Romans were inverts - plumping systems, aqueducts, water storage+ all 9ethers or Moors knowledge - it is the Moors that domesticated Europe during their Medieval period, they had more than one for Medieval is Middle Evil, so what happened in the first Evil and we are in the last Evil  

This would mean their 'middle ages' never happened and that it is 1024 or 1025 [leap] and in September for the NU YEAR it will be 1026 [9] 

Zeus is 9ether and has locks, there are no 6ethers painted on vases, that girl in white is a repaint to add 6ethers women, you can see her hand with black still present - but we know the 6ethers hated women and would never depict her in anyway 

Sparta [300] Troy are all 9ethers and many had locks 

Abraham didn't exist however Abraham is [Braham] which is were they made up their 6ether Bible name

Starting to make sense to you now 

They threw the 'Christians' to the Lions, those Christians were the Rasta [Ra-Star] Christ [Karast] they were the Spartan, the Etruscan, the Trojan, the Ronin [Roman], the Carthage 9ethers+ 

Flat arches with 'hanging' masonry supporting the arena floor of the Colosseum: precise 9ether construction using no mortar, laid upon a frame that was then removed, the central keystone has held the bricks in place since the 1st century – we have seen this technique around the planet

Marcus Opellius Macrinus and Hannibal 
*** I’m not saying he did but Denzel his mouth reminds me of sum one who has had a stroke 
– DW is 70+

Hannibal [Hanuman] Baka Barca [Barcelona]
Hannibal [Hanuman] Barca was called at one point Cannibal – Hannibal was the General [King] of Carthage [Carthaginian] Kharthaddan – he was the [King] of Roma [Rome] and his people also came from Tartaria [Barbaria] BarBary [Tartary] he was Hannibal the Barbarian aka the Berber [Barbar] Tartarian and the Tartan Army - 9ether people before the savage 6ether Berber people
Etruscan [9ether Greeks] the Romans were 9ether – the Etruscans are from Sumerian
Carthaginian [Carth-Aginian] Aegean [Aginian]
In 530BC the word Greek didn’t exist, it was either Helen or Illyrian, and Illyrians were the same blood as Etruscans – Italy was called Vital and they dropped the letter V and added the letter Y – Zeus made the 6ether Greeks - the word Greek [Greece] comes from the word Gecko which is a type of Reptile [Reptilian] Lizard, Dinosaur+ 

Who taught the 6ether Europeans African [Moors] architecture  

A part of the Sacred Stones where the Abyssinian (Ethiopian) Emperors were crowned

The Abyssinian Empire was founded in 1270 AD, after the fall of the Aksumite Empire which had been formed in 150 BC
Aksum had also replaced the D'mt Kingdom that was founded in around 800 BC and was ruled by the Biblical Queen of Sheba – her name is Makeda and Sheba is an area [12 tribes of Juda]

Aksum, Ethiopia [1935] 

Aksum, Aswan and Lalibela [Lilith] + are also names for Ethiopia - Abyssinia is an older name with all these names feminine - Ab means father or heart and Abyss comes from Nut [Mut] Nun [Nu] 


Gregorian - The word Greek [Greece] comes from the word Gecko which is a type of Reptile [Reptilian] Lizard, Dinosaur - Gecgorian [Gregoerian] Georgian 

 Ethiopia = Ethnic = Ether + Utopia meaning ‘black perfection’ this is the NTH [9th] gate and includes Sudan – spreading all the way to what we call Nigeria today – another name for Ethiopia is Abyssinia

Their calendar and the Ulmec [Olmec] Mayan calendar are the same – here we use the Georgian calendar which was [7] in front meaning it is 2024 [leap year 2025] so it will be 2017 for the Ethiopian calendar  - we are on a timer for 2017 = 10 to which the highest number is 9 and after 9 is zer0 and after zer0 is [1] it was a leap year in the Georgian calendar so 2024 [8] is 2025 [9] and after 2025 [now] is 2026 which equates to 10 aka zer0 –

The Georgian calendar uses [12] months whereas the Ethiopian calendar uses [13] Ethiopia also celebrates Christmas on January 7th – Christ comes from their word Karast

Now check this, the Abyssinians [Ethiopians] will be celebrating the NU Y-EAR on 11.9.2024 [2025] or 12.9.2024 [2025]

You know what happened on 9.11.2001 in which they traded 4,000 people for 10 years more in their time machine or 10mins more in their time machine in which we had to wait for that ‘loop’ to loop itself out which went from 2012 into 2021 which are the same frequency

The main reason for the difference in years is that the Ethiopian Calendar places ‘Jesus' birth in 7BC and begins its count from that point, while the Gregorian calendar places their ‘Jesus' birth in 1AD which creates fiction and reality for many, because the Gregorian ‘Jesus’ did not exist but the Ethiopian ‘Jesus’ does 


Check the symbol on his back and the symbol on the Ethiopians back with his on his back which is the equivalent of the ANKH in KHMT and the SHENU in Sumerian - the Ethiopian did not nail anyone to any cross and he died to take one for the team which did have an I in team 

The Christians [Romans], Church of England + Catholics vs the Muslims - this is not your war, the Crusaders wars must end in this cycle hence why the Jews vs the Muslims or the Christians vs the Muslims which will take place on the streets of Europe + UK and the USA [Babylon] will the Nation of Islam back the Muslims or the Christians - will the 9ethers back the Christians or the Muslims to which they are part of both today  

MAAT is asking if we remember, September - do you remember - choose which side of the energy you want to be on, choose how high you want to be on in that frequency and then let go 

This reSet the Messiah is YOU 

When they show you the various spellings of Jesus name Iseu is also Esau [Iysuw] 
Remember they have only been recording for 3,400 years - 
no matter the year we have the signs and symbols

They will die a copy and the others an original 

Kohau - Heka - Haka - Huaca - Cahokia

Ko-Hau was the equivalent to the KHMT word for magic, Heka (or Heh-Ka), and the Polynesian word Haka into Saka [Saŋka] - the Inca of Peru referred to a sacred phrase similar Heka and Haka, called Huaca – Hawwi and the Easter Islands all play a huge role because when leaving from Aztlan [South America] or from Alkebulan [Africa] they would stop off on their way to the Polynesian islands –

Poly -nesia – nesia coming from the word Melanesia also making up the word Asia [easia]  

TARNAKI [TANAGA] now called New Zealand – this guy talks about the Maori [Mauri] Maur [Muur] Moors [Moai] [TAR-NAKI] NAKI [PAKI] NAGA

Why did they rename TARNAKI to New Zealand what happened to ‘old Zealand’ who were these ‘Maori’ that they were eating one another, the 6ether Europeans say cannibalism lasted for 700 years and they say when the 6ether Europeans arrived in the 1830s they ended cannibalism

This guy Paul Moon in his book said it was widespread and what we want to know is who are these Maori and who taught them cannibalism

Paul Moon said his new book, This Horrid Practice, looked at the Maori tradition of eating each other in what was a particularly violent society before the 6ether Europeans arrival in New Zealand
He also said infanticide was also widely practised because tribes wanted men to be warriors and mothers often killed their female daughters by smothering them or pushing a finger through the soft tissue of the skull to kill them immediately – does that sound like HuMins [HuMans] we know that in AZTLAN they were doing blood sacrifices and this was taught to them

Maori gourmands informed early 6ether European visitors to New Zealand that they preferred to eat their own kind, they did not care for the saltiness of European/Pakeha flesh and Negroes tasted too much of tobacco, Pakeha flesh was inferior, probably due to the generally poor physical state of the white man compared to a healthy Maori with a well-toned, muscular body, living a healthy outdoors life the earliest Pakehas encountered by Maori were not always the finest specimens, they were runaway Irish and English 6ether Australian convicts, all of them having lived off salted pork and worm-infested ship's biscuit and suffering from scurvy, among other things+

"They say the Meat of a Mans leg and Thighs well boned, washed, and rolled is very delicious but Sailors the Gourmands pronounce to be too tough and salt, and not so good as Mouries but still are eatable with a good appetite as sauce and well-done potatoes" 
- Edward Markham of Hokianga (NZ), 1834

When the 6ether Europeans arrived in the USA, they too ate one another, not bringing enough food and running out in the fall meant starvation so they would often eat one another in one journal a guy wrote how his wife had died but did not tell anyone because he didn’t want to share her with the others

Cannibalism was taught to 9ethers and there was no reason for them to eat themselves – they are herbivores and you can see clearly that they did and didn’t eat the Negroes to which the name Maori [Mauri] Mouries means ‘black’ like the ‘all blacks’

Who were these people because they were not indigenous and plus what about the convicts, these were England’s worst of the worst – reptilians eat flesh – I come from the land down under - 700 years and 1834 - are you sure it wasn't 70 years 

One of the most powerful scenes in the movie Star Wars 
Rest easy Earl again because you already died [Mandela effect] 

Do you stay [choose] your lower self or do you choose your higher self [SAKHU] 
Search yourself [your CELL] 

'I know there is good in you, I felt it' Luke 20:24 

Rest easy 

Conty Fonane - the man who built a full-scale classic 1967 Ford Mustang GT500 entirely out of wire

One of the world's largest set of bird nests built by birds [weaver]
Each communal nest can house up to 100 families consisting of 300 to 400 birds
They are built to be used for a whole year

Tartan Army are 9ether 

Dunnottar Castle, Scotland Dun [Don] - that bottom right image, the door is one of the windows with the remainder of this house underground 

Minaret [Afghanistan] the ancient symbol of the Bennu [Ben Ben] or the Greek word Obelisk
Many of their sciences and symbols relate to gods and religions of the future, the MIR the BENNU  (Obelisk) which became the light-house, minarets or steeples 

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