Thursday 29 August 2024

The Morning Star

29.8.2024 [2+9+8+2+2+4 = 27] 2+7 = 9 


August is heavy with September on the horizon – we must keep our eyes on the prize and that is heaven on earth – huge distractions are occurring for many but for those who remain diligent, you must use your energy wisely, we are in 4D + 5D and the 3D program is no longer being used, it’s a ghost program with ghosts using it, be selective with your energy – people are polarized with what is in the 3D – the key is, can you remain neutral

Neutral is a position and means you do not have to be this or that – for neutral is a highly evolved state to be in – many say you have to choose a side, all I say is choose wisely, I have said choose what frequency you want to be operating at and stay there and that is your neutral position

Neutral is a very powerful position – you see in the 3D world [program] they are being made to choose in elections, choose religions, I remain neutral because they are both two sides of the same coin, I remain neutral because these are man things in the 3D that have no purpose in the planets journey forward, these and more are what makes up my position – I am not neutral because I am a generalist or have no interest in certain things, I am neutral because now I know more and choose where my energy will be extracted or not – the hijacked Matrix is built so that you cannot escape it but you can crash it from the inside out, so I choose to remain neutral and not sign petitions or give to charities because nothing will change inside their Matrix [society] I no longer serve their Matrix and I want to crash it

By holding my position my attention is now not focused in the 3D but focused on creating a heaven on earth for the children who are to come, for my next visit, the idea is if we all create a little bit of heaven on earth and then we merge with our TRIBU, our collective consciousness – fusing our worlds together, then heaven on earth will be given unto us – you must have thought about improvements or things to install that prevents the mistakes we have seen take place, 6ethers ‘white’ people will be back, maybe mixed race because the Sun will be Pepsi Max, but they will be here and will still need to be filtered out – so we are going to have to work together when they are introduced, so there are things that must not be allowed to happen again – heaven on earth will be among TRIBU [tribes] for a while, like two cycles before change but heaven will return to earth – everything else is reliant on external forces and external conditions but with heaven on earth you will have control over that, you can create that thought form and create it in your space 

Envision heaven on earth, what does it look like – can you even describe in English words – can heaven on earth even be expressed in English words – imagine [Magi] go create, your right brain creates, focusing on what they want you to focus, paying attention on what they want you to enforces their Matrix and is keeping it fuelled, so much ‘black people’ doing this and achieving that, its boring, but they need them 9ethers to fuel the Metaverse – in the USA they need the 9ethers to fuel the elections, if Harris flatlines and the 9ethers don’t back them [her] then BOOMBABY 

At the same time activation is taking place, upgrades+ access codes+ its no coincidence that all these distractions are coming while the 9ethers are coming online [activated] and 7ether and 8ethers 

Since the eclipse and all the way into now, many people ‘powers’ have increased – gifts have been strengthening, four higher senses, Clairvoyance, Psychometry, Telepathy and Intuition have all been upgraded – these are the things you should be focusing on, fine tuning your higher senses, your gifts and powers – intuition is in-tune-ition – having your head looking at your cell phone, tv, media – social sites+ means you won’t notice it – you won’t notice that your visions [dreams] have intensified, that your thoughts are becoming realities faster [faster broadband = 4D[5D], you won’t notice that your words are becoming reality faster [be careful what you are thinking, wishing, wanting] so take the time to pay attention to what is taking place for you, what is taking place around you – I have noticed subtle shifts in my energy, also when I come into contact with others with what they say to me or me to them is a direct match – I try not to acknowledge or become conscious about the nexus, once I saw sum one I did not know and spirit guide said speak to them and I wanted to go sum where, so I stopped and spoke to him and at one point I was giving him an example and said, Michael you have to try from….and he was looking away from me but made eye contact when I said Michael and I said, just pretend your name is Michael for the sake of the example and he said, no my name is Michael and it was at that point I knew I was supposed to be there at that time, place and spirit guide was right, that was a couple years ago and since then I do not question spirit guide, I no longer acknowledge or become conscious when sum thing like that comes up because I do not want to disrupt the fluidity, all I am saying is pay attention and work on it 

Its your reality and you must spend the time on what you want in your life [simulation] what kind of heaven do you want in your life, on this planet – travel if you can, if you have a calling to go sum where or be in the company of sum one, things have happened whereby I have been activated by being in certain places, spaces and in turn activating others – sum of you are being made to stay in isolation and that is to force you to go within, mediation+ sum times you are drawn to a place, thing, name, environment because you have KARMA [KAMA] debt to clear in that location – you have been here seven times, you have past lives 

One thing you must do is don’t put things in the way, don’t add sum thing that needs no adding, do it, obstacles comes from you – make it happen because you want to release any KARMA – we are in MAAT fields and she is distributing KARMA to many, and at the same time many are clearing KARMA – your heart must be lighter than a feather – today many are travelling not to take fancy pictures or for a sun tan, people are on the move, people are getting to sum where by any means 

November the energy will be more prone to gatherings and we will see a lot of people + their TRIBU gathering which is also the 11[11] portal 

Her symbol is of WAR+ PEACE
Universal Mother of all living things  

This means the planet had to have been here whether it was 433 million years or 247 million years for the Crocodile or Scorpion to be here - your boy Jesus comes only 2,000 years ago along with Mohammed and 6ether Europeans only started recording their [Western] history 3,400 years ago 
Lucy and they have another female Ardi who is around 4.4 million and also found in Abyssinia [Ethiopia] when we are dealing with the word Australia or Austria we are dealing with 9ethers from Alkebulan, we find them in TURKEY [TURKISH] KISH [KUSH] 

Aboriginal people of Australia -DNA confirms that the indigenous culture is one of the most ancient cultures on earth, they are from Africa, the first Aboriginal genome sequence confirms that the indigenous people of Australia came out of Alkebulan - a genetic study has found that Aborigines are descendants of the first people who left Africa, confirming that they may have been one of the oldest continuous cultures on the planet, indigenous Australians were the first modern humans to traverse an unknown region of Asia and Australia, they were using portals to move around, we know they were in what is called Turkey today, we know they travelled the planet 

Astronauts and Cosmonauts

9ethers had a full grasp and know-how of attaining dual existence in our 3D realm and extra-dimensional realms, most traditional SEMU [priests] were cosmonauts and could travel to other dimensions at will without conventional ways

This picture here demonstrates a typical cosmonaut, this was not sum ignorant backward buffoonery expressed by the ancients but meta-scientific attire that enabled the cosmonaut to execute his missions

At the initial encounter with the first Arabs and later Europeans, these individuals were quickly executed and most died with their secrets although sum of their knowledge is saved sum where in the Vatican and among high elites and sum was handed down among their people from source

There is nothing white in space

See that hole, they removed his Uraeus off the crown 

Left image ENLIL attacking a Sun Goddess aka a Melanin mother – this is the beginning of dismantlement of the Matriarchal system - also, the Image shows you that it was ENLIL and his seed that introduced the use of weapons, he has on his shoulder the Bow and a Dagger in his hand, many say he is stabbing her to death but to me he has it to her stomach and his other arm looks wrong, how does his arm bend like that – its doesn’t look normal – but that same arm, hand looks like he is zapping, draining her, maybe she is wearing sum thing and he is draining her life force through that – maybe the Dagger is actually a Sword which is has already embedded a certain amount of it in her already
ENLIL is the father of the Caucasians – ENLIL uses many avatars while he was down here and one was called ZEUS who again is the father of the Caucasians along with Jacob [supplanter] 

Right image ENKI This is a Babylonian [Sumerian] depiction of ENKI - near his feet are his loyal IRU guards - the IRU dedication to serving ENKI and his family of Gods was later hijacked and taken advantage of by rival Gods of the Caucasoid appearance who later turned it into abuse and chattel slavery, before that, to be an IRU [plural NIBIRU - ABIRU – ABIDI – ABADU – HABIRU [HEBREW] was an honourable being – they were created in his father ANU image which is why they are called ABANU [ABANTU] BANTU [BUNTU] UBUNTU

ABANU [ABANTU] BANTU [BUNTU] the IRU were also in IRE.LAND - the TWA + IRU with the Orisha -O'risha risha - Irisha - Irish 

6ethers adopted part of his DNA which was disguised as the Neanderthal gene hence why they never explain wtf it is – but where does the skin come from; they can put pig DNA [Botox] in them which would make sense that that is where the skin comes from

The galactic federation of the IBIMMANNUKAIB [IBIMM-ANNUKAI-B [ANNUAKI] had the ABANYABIRU [the NIBIRIANS and the PLAIDIANS] prepare this solar system from time unknown

The arch master of this Galaxy ANU and his consort took custody of the twelve planets in this solar system and other planets in an area called Triangulum

ANU twin brother ALALU took protectorate of planet RUMEZA known as Mars by the 6ethers and LAHMU by the Sumerians, the term Mars was mistranslated by early Romans from letters RMZ found in hieroglyphics, the term Rumeza is an ANUNNAKI name which refers to area of incubation
This name was also given to several ANUNNAKI children that they sired with the Bantu to produce the Infura, for example NTR Ramesses is Rumeza – and Rumeza also referred to life enabler, gardener, scientist+ the planet Mars was called Rumeza by the ANUNNAKI

Planet mars was eventually taken over by ENLIL when ALALU [ALLAH] died after a fight with ANU for Kingship of the interplanetary confederation

At that time Mars was as lash and fertile and vegetated as Earth, Mars is an exotic version of Egypt

It was two planets in this solar system with life-supporting capabilities under ANUs watch, his son ENKI was given earth while ENLIL was given Mars and was like that for a couple of Million years

At sum point ENLIL genetically engineered white people ‘6ethers’ on Mars – ENKI had creation labs on Mars at that time

Mars had as many species of animals, fish, birds and Fauna as Earth, there was white people on Mars along with ENILI camp of the ANUNNAKI there and sum Pleiadeans engaged in conflict and eventually developed heavy nuclear weapons

About 15 thousand years ago war on Mars escalated and a group of ENLILITES detonated nuclear bombs and destroyed the planets Ozone and solar protective layer and atmosphere

About 600 of ENLILITES including white men and women escaped to the Moon then to Earth where they engaged in warfare with MARDUK [both ENLIL and ENKI have a son called MARDUK or MURDUK, that warfare led to the use of few nuclear bombs they brought from Mars and decertified part of Earth from Gobi to Sahel - and took about 7 thousand years for the radiation to cease in the middle east and north Africa

These escapees from Mars receded to the mountains of Caucus and the cold Alps until around 3000BCE when they began to come out to the Mediterranean and North India and Parts of Russia intermingling and intermarrying with the TWA and San [Khoisan] creating Mongols and sum Bedouins, the word Bedouin is a transliteration from Bedw which was originally Batwa, original Bedoin were Twa which is why native Yeminites are around 4 ft tall or less, any new race that is very short is originally a Twa before admixtures happened

Therefore, sum of the white people came from Mars, they Nuked Mars and came here to take over Earth from the ENKI, many of them were smarter than their white ‘6ether’ counterparts on Earth, ENLIL proclaims that the blue eyed races are his greatest achievements yet the blue eye is the worst, those 6ethers with brown eyes are far more smarter than his creations 

 ENLIL is the father of the Caucasians – ENLIL uses many avatars while he was down here and one was called ZEUS who again is the father of the Caucasians along with Jacob [supplanter]

Dagestan was founded in 1921, what was Dagestan before, this place is also near Nimrud [Nemrut Dağı] real name Sargon, Dagi [Dag] Dage-stan – this place has nothing to do with Russia or ‘Dagestan’ check out the ruins, there was a huge [giant] tree(s) there – they say the site is 2,000 years, do they mean 2000BC or 2,000 years ago making it 24AD – they call this the foot Khans Forest, who Genghis Khan who is 9ether also

So, say its between 2,000 and 5,000 years you can see that modern day Russians had been using after the original people had left, its looks abandon now but there looks like it was attacked – we have seen these building techniques around the planet already - last image is from Sudan and check the same architecture - same builders - there is no such thing as Asia minor and Asia major - what was Russia [Prussia] before USSR and before Yugoslavia - look at the architecture alone and you will see 9ethers handy work 

No anatomy just darkness

1:44 [16:29] and I:08 – been getting 9 from Uni yesterday and today

Zvonimir Boban [Bowban] 
AC Milan

Duomo translates Cathedral

These were ancient energy centers - Cathedrals is actually a building that harnesses positive and negative electrons from the atmosphere - Cathedral is named after the electronic part the Cathode
Then there was free energy and advanced technology that the 6ethers destroyed and forced people to get on oil to control the world but before they came around, everything was free almost
When you see them, those ancient buildings were built before they even came

Most of these older buildings against the size of humans do not correspond – doorways, windows, steps [stairs] around the planet – Europeans like Charles Ingles who they claim built this, these are people who rode on horses and wagons with no power tools, cranes, or running water, they also didn’t have bathrooms back in the day – why do they not build like this today – truth is they did build them, they rebuilt them, we had a great mud flood and you can see most of these structures are below ground level including this Cathedral in Italy – music use to be played all day – check the layout, this is part of a circuitry board – giants walked this land and this architecture comes from their source and all these people were 9ether 


Stinger x20 - once deployed the Bee dies, they can only sting once 

Because the Italians care about their children 

Big up Arshad, he fulfilled a lifetime ambition, they turned out to see him in numbers, that was nice to see, he brought them a medal after 40 years - humbled after watching that - that Allah part takes away from his own impute 'god' didn't put you down here so that he would live your life - extremities in ones life shapes the character, shapes the soul creates the 'want' to achieve what you put your heart into  

All showing the same things - same code in the Schuman


FSH [Follicle Stimulating Hormone] and is present at inception [Inception] = FISH


We are all female – the gender of the baby in the womb till FSH [Follicle Stimulating Hormone]
[FSH] FISH [CELLFISH] SELFISH] – the gender will always be female
FSH is present at inception, only in appearance, as the code is laid out at inception, the gender
[XX or XY] is already determined aka the instructions that moulds a girl to a boy, do you get that, a GIRL to a BOY, never a Boy to a GIRL – the male is missing half of the X
The male is the aggressive part of the female, that is all he is –


In ancient west Africa the BAA means that the soul is moving or descending and in ancient Egypt the BAA means that the soul is traveling – not everyone has a BAA, we all have KAA which is spirit – but for all those who have a BAA + KAA when you take your last breath [Prana] your BAA + KAA which are nexus detach and the BAA returns to source and your KAA carries onward – so the meaning for those with a BAA is the same, while you are in the physical your BAA is moving [energy moves] and when you take your last breath your BAA will be traveling 


North Carolina - USA - Mt Pilot - look where the ley lines meet and there is a place called Ararat nearby - there is a lot of energy accumulating - Bermuda is nearby  

Check how the four corners light up yet NASA tell us we are in vast, open space - NASA cut the feed for over 6hrs - they really don't want you to know 

OVAL [DOME] EYE - that is the SUN triggering

KANADA - Pink, Red, Purple SKA - detoxifying germ killer  

Remember scientist are just men with titles they gave themselves, remember the anomaly a couple months back the had 80ft waves travelling at 2000miles an hour heading to cape town before disappearing or cloaking - second image - that is what they are looking at - it was in May and we saw it 4 times while they said it was a glitch - ok sunshine whatever you say 

last 72hrs+
Check the bow [curve] which is more straight than curving, a first - EMF are not connected - look at the last set of images - no EMF [DOME] take it easy out there

Blue + Green make Turquoise double CME

This is the Canadian Schuman which has not been online for months 
First reading is over 100hz and the second reading is over 1400hz+ and the third reading is 12000hz 
You can see we are well and truly done with the [3] tones we had for 1000s of years - 7hz is now 100hz, 14hz is now 1400hz and 20hz is now 12000hz - many people only have capacity for 7hz, anything above 9hz makes them dizzy and anything above means they go offline 

This is again the Canadian Schuman, check the codes 

Russian Schuman 
Match the colours - 69hz and 57hz

Iceland - what is going on over there - what or where are those two spirals coming from 

That is a lot of rain over what was called the Sahara desert - that is a lot of rain 'water' 

Venezuela - blackout - they have to start tripping the grid because its going to crash if they don't 
They have been dropping Mosquitoes from helicopters in a bid to give you diseases - no doubt they have poisoned the water, food+ 

AL GHOR [Saudi] 


Typhoon energy 'dragon' NTR hates you, she is systematically wiping out many places around the planet, Iran once said they would wipe Israel off of the map, we see where they got that from 
We are at extinction levels, NTR wants you to learn, you don't have to be religious to know that 'god' is pissed, you can't stop her - Japan is going down along with China who will be known has a great ocean


M6+ El Salvador 

France getting hit 

BRAZIL - what is in the SKA [SKY] SKI that they don't want you to see or why are you being forced out - once BRAZIL goes down so does PORTUGAL and once PORTUGAL goes down they take EUROPE with them

It was shot down because of the cargo - we have three ice walls and they went up when the virus broke out aka when 6ethers were created - we have brothers and siStars the other side of the walls and there is another land masses over there - they do not want the virus over there but the virus wants to come  

The DOME went up to contain the virus over this particular land mass 

This dimension is getting tighter and tighter aka the spiritual [hologram] world is merging with the physical world, we have 4D + 5D in the SKA overriding the 3D 

Agreed - he is right, we saw them over Texas and Cuba, many motherships sitting over specific places - these are light crafts that many are controlled, manned by siStars and sum are remotely being manned - all weather systems are crafts 

'Objects' around the SUN 


NZ - Crafts are at both poles 

KANADA SKA [SKI] SKY - what are those spheres, sound waves

Crooked Man walking the land - Plasma from the SUN stored on crafts distributed to the planet through diamonds, gem - precious stones redirect the plasma to where she need it the most, the gold in the ground acts like an conductors and stores the energy - the planet is in pain as well and this acts like an epidural to revive her  

Signs and symbols in the SKA - that was a portal and check the plasma discharge - and the colour - we do not have the same Moon or Sun in the four corners of this planet - fires are raging and smoke covers the SKA - people are taking notice 

look at that - we have seen these portals in many different colours - this could be a celestial body semi cloaked, this planet is not the size NASA show you, she is the size of Jupiter, they are saying part of the ice wall has melted in Antarctica, there are land masses in the other zones and with the gates opening in Antarctica means this planet is and has expanded - so say this was a celestial body and that close is plausible because NIBIRU is our magnetic sun and is holding her - look at the image, that is 4D + 5D backdrop 

Australia - oceans 11 - check the SKA 

Same image flipped - waterfall - currenSea 


Who can tell the difference between the Moon, Sun or NIBIRU or Red Kachina - the red light - infrared or infer RED - who is bending the light  

Inferred [Infrared] camera [KA-MER-RA] - Thermal, this is how they tracked NIBIRU in 1989 with the introduction of Inferred - Reptiles have four colour receptors whereas humans have three colour receptors   

Beyond the horizon 

White core holds all [7] light spectrums 

White core hold all [7] light spectrums, light is sound - yellow rim, red hue - the world is in big trouble 

No beginning of days, no ending of nights - what is going on here, whatever light is being captured will be converted to artificial light - these satellites remind me of the Starlink satellites they have up there, here they look like Morse [Moorse] code in the SKA - If its not China building a sun fusion reactor its NASA wanting to blow the SUN up - who are really the SUN worshippers out here 

Sunscreen is nothing but ETHER [MELANIN] KAANU - without it you cannot absorb UV[C]A[B] 
This is an ALCHEMY process - if you have to wear sunscreen it means you were never designed to be on this planet - all shuttles have 'black' underbellies because without it they could not come back from the planets lower orbit - they have never been to space, there is nothing 'white' in space - stay out of the Sun because Leo will heat this mother up and we have not even entered Virgo - Mars is in the mix and Mars is warrior energy - [Ultraviolet] Gamma [X-ray] 

The [3] types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on

Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA] energy is being blasted into the core of this planet and bouncing straight back up through the ground, the heat is coming from the ground [core] and above [plasma] from the purple backlight

The 3 types of Cosmic Rays come in 3 wave lengths [A] Alpha Waves [B] Gamma Waves [C] Beta Waves [the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra] which are which is a part of the 3 black-lights called [1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs

You need a CHAKRA [SHANKH] system + ETHER to absorb, process these energies, stay out of the Sun because they are trying to kill you + pharaohs curse [SARs] aka Severe [Acute] Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory disease caused by a SARS associated coronavirus – Corona means Sun – we will have multitudes of variations

Ultraviolet is Ultra-violence [violet is purple] UV [plasma] Crown Chakra 
Purple Haze [Purple Rain]


– this term Monk also comes from the LARES [LARS] also called the SIMIANS who are a breed of Monkeys, the chief was called Lard – then became Lord, the master Monkey or boss – these Lares were the head monkeys, from which they create their word Monk – the SIMIANS monkeys, Chimpanzees, Gibbons + are all the Lares offspring – these Lares are what you call Big foot today – they are highly intelligent Ape beings and are one above the 6ethers in terms of intelligence 

The offspring was used to experiment on and is to why they test human products on Monkeys for the DNA is 98% many deformities and chromosome distortions which resulted in things like Siamese twins, a result of this original cross breeding of different species

The Orangutans were also used for their intelligence, however they were very aggressive, violent and carnivorous, so the Gibbons who were more docile than Orangutans were used for the balance
The Chimpanzee was one of the strains that came from the breeding of the Lares

Chimpanzees are one of the most intelligent animals and they resemble HuMan beings more than any other animal – if you look at the chimpanzee(s) hand, its very closly related to the HuMin [HuMan] hand, they even have fingerprints, just like HuMins [HuMins]

The HuMin [HuMan] has 46 chromosomes, HuMans [HuMins] with down syndrome have 47 chromosomes and this defect results in them not aging properly or maturing mentally, pass 3 to 7 years old – the same is said of a Chimpanzee, who has 48 chromosomes and has the mind of a child between the ages of 3 and 7

The very fact that the chromosomes are ranging in numbers 46 [47] and [48] one after another, is fact that there is a link

Today no one has ever said what the Neanderthal is – what is its classification 

Big foot, Yeti, Sasquatch, from Australia, to India - China, to the USA to Iran - which is where that alloy breastplate for a horse was found with a LAR on it - they are on LAHMU [MARS] also [WOOKIE] last image is a Sumerian seal showing Gilgamesh and a Lar - this is ENKI and ENLIL using different avatars - the Lars have been here from the start - HANUMAN [KING KONG] 

The American Europeans slaughtered them from 8,000 to 4,000 and is to why payback will be a bi9ch 

MaStars of Genetics, when the ANNUNAKI [Gods] landed from NYABIRU [NIBIRU], they came with a type of Chimera being or a type of Human-Dog -Monkey-Leopard hybrid
It was like a combination of Human-Monkey-Dog Chimera

This being was a pet and was used in many expeditions, operations like, wars, spying, investigating terrain, and fighting, this is where we get the name Chimpanzee [Chimera] from

This is from Egypt [Khemet] for KAU [COW] birth - what is the first thing that comes to mind, like how big is the KAU because look at the human and how about the giants either side 

Anders Behring Breivik

77 murders carried out in 2011 - first near government offices in Oslo and then on the island of Utoeya, where he shot dead mainly teenagers taking part in a summer youth camp – although they say he was Neo Nazi and this was about the government – I always thought he was a T-800 or T-1000 and he was sent to take out all those students because they were to change the outcome of parts in the 3D world, out of the 77 he took out 69 were students who would have been in their 30s+ today and playing a role in the 3D – you see like Trumps shooter, to me they are clones, they said his body has gone missing, maybe an autopsy would reveal he is not human, maybe he had machinery parts, maybe he was Jason Bourne, the whole thing was a set up 

Childish Gambino and Donald Glover are industrial clones – Glover is Danny Glover son and Danny daddy is a 9ether Mason  

Ghost - those without soular energy stay here on the planets negative field
Lebron I thought he was cloned - lizards 
Always ignore the presenter because he is sent from the Matrix - hence why he talks sh9t 

'Cold blooded reptilians' I watched this on sum one else's feed and here she tells you exactly what they are - they don't have long to go and what was hidden is being revealed 

In pain sight - Reptilian humanoids wearing military uniforms with frightened humans who watching a man get hit with the back end of a rifle - taken from Cards Against Humanity, America game published in 2011 - just before NIBIRU reintroduction back into this SOULAR system - 

V already happened - they walk among the humans - the lizard beings 
Reptiles + Kats are related, they are cousins
It was the warrior class of the Reptilians that survived when NIBIRU first hit their planet to which many escaped and fled to earth, they never came in peace 

Says the tranny with no fanny - excuse me, your Chef was found dead near your home and now we know why they wanted it covered over so that you and your homo [home] boy husband could lead the charge 

The Roman empire will crash on your watch 

If that is true then surly all the people in this illustration should all be 9ether and not 3 of them - these people came before us and they will be her after us 

170,000+ and they destroyed them - the BELL [BAAL] promotes healing, prosperity, they dispel negativity, before they took over the churches, cathedrals you could go there and heal thyself [thy cells] because your cells vibrate  - check Spiderman ringing the BELL to release the negativity, NASA said they put everything in the movies - these people are wicked