Friday, 1 December 2023

Central Lives

Perpetual cycles, where life ends, life begins, I often write ‘rest easy’ when sum one transitions, they do not rest nor do they sleep, you do not sleep

Morpheus is the 'god' of sleep 

Sleep [Sheep] is a three-dimensional demand on the body based on the spiritual energy being used up faster than the physical body can replenish, so you need sleep to rest the body – you actually never sleep – we have time which is a man concept, if it was 8pm in London and we went to Hawaii, it would be 8pm even if it was light outside, sum parties would start or people wouldn’t start arriving until 10pm or 11pm or later, 9ethers are nocturnal beings, there is no fatigue or exhaustion, there is no tired, your body is tired, it would be if you were staring at a computer all day or if you just finished a 12hr shift sum where, then yes of course your body would be tired, there is no hunger but there is cravings – so between my last life and this one, all I wanted was sum chicken, there is no chicken [get it]  – I saw my last life because I kept dreaming [downloading] about sum one and it wasn’t until later on in life with a few more things in the dream that I realised that this person in this dream was me – when we eat it is because the body needs fuel, not you, you just need light – we all dream but if you do not remember your dreams one of the reasons is because you didn’t have enough fuel to bring these dreams back down to KI [Earth] – your dreams can be past, present or future

Sleep is the result of the 4th dimension collapsing into the 3rd dimension so we have sleep so that we can navigate both dimensions, the 3rd dimension, the 4th dimension and is to why people will sleep all day, not because they are lazy but because they are navigating the 4th dimension, so you have two streams of 'Con'sciousness 

***sum people sleep all day because they are unhappy, depressed and prefer to stay paranoid - para means offsite

Gabrielle [Gabriy'el] Gab-Ree-El translates 'One who comes forth from El' and 'Prevailing for El' and 'Messenger of El' 

Gabriy'el is Female and has a private army of 10,000 
[but its over a million, she can choose from any souls she wants, she has access to millions of souls] 

There were 9 arch angles but two fell from your Bible and Koran Azazel and his son Samuel 

The remainder are Uri'el, Uzzi'el, Rapha'el, Izraa'el, Zamar'el, Miyka'el and Gabriy'el, these [9] are from the SEDJET or ENNEAD which is Greek for 9 or means 9 who were Ra [Atum-Re], Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Asaru, Aset, Nebt-Hut and Sutukh [Set] - its the same set of beings only called arch angels later on has they come through history 

The 9 principle of adverse forces are Satan, Anzu, Shaytaan, Dragon, Devil, Lucifer, Ibliys, Jaan and Azazel, thses are Apophis 'Apep' Tarnush children who is also known as Beelzebub, Humbaba, Zuen, the Dragon, Satan+ Apophis, Lucifer+ they are all Female 'gods' - Baphomet is Female 

Atum-Re [Ra] children have power over Apophis children  

#PRIMARY #CREATION was performed by (9) #NINE #ETHER #BEINGS who are the [Paa NaTaRu] or NeTjer [Nature] Neter [Neteru] or Sedjet who are simply #ETHERIANS who are able to travel to all dimensions, whose science is AL [KAMI] = Alchemy = Alkami [Wu-NuWauBu] and the ancient AfuReKan [Tamare] TaMaRean rites

9 ETHER represents birth, conception or the sum total of things as 9 is the highest of numbers

[Ruth] Red [Reth] Roth

Ruth in their Bible is Midas – her job in their book was family redemption and she was taking care of Naomi and Naomi was her mother-in-law from her husband that passed and she had a siStar wife named Orpah [Oprah] - Ruth had the Midas touch 

Orpah decided that she didn’t want to go with her siStar and tend to Naomi – this is her siStar wife for they were married to the same man [husband] – the word wife comes from the word life as in the man is to take the females energy [life force] and the [hus]band the band comes from the ring band that is placed on her finger that goes directly to her heart – you see the word common law wife or mother in law, that word law comes from the ‘Con’tract that is signed that she must do as he wants – when Orpah goes off she does marry sum one else but Ruth waited for the family redeemer – the family redeemer is coming to redeem Naomi – because its both their husband that died and that left Naomi with two daughter in laws and in their tradition she has to marry them off, but she is up in age now and is no longer marriage material 

Certificate of Marriage is actually a 'Con'tract and is manmade Law 

These Bible stories are based on 9ethers, not 6ethers who come in and change the narrative so they could be part of the story, only thing is they wasn’t here at that time and marriage is a pagan ritual, pagan is not a negative word and its only pagan if that is what you want it to be, but we never ‘Con’tracted a woman, we earned the right for her energy whereas the 6ethers ‘Con’tract her energy, you must obey me, feed me, when I’m sick+ its not worth the paper it is written on but is what they want

One of the girls that she would accept to take care of her in her old age was Ruth and Ruth accepted the responsibility and Orpah left because she wanted to go another route in life and married sum one else while Ruth waited for the family redeemer

Ruth is a spiritual energy that you can stream from, sum of you are called Ruth and that spiritual energy [KAA – body double – spirit] which her energy is patience, ‘Con’sistency, compassion, loyalty and love – we had a family friend that I was always in love with although she was 20+ and me 6, 7 years old, I was always drawn to her and my mother noticed at the time, I would always try and mimic her but when I was older I realised who she was, we are not named for the sake of a name, the mother chooses the name because the name is given to her  - Ruth her loyalty was undying to Naomi, there was no retreating or surrendering and not leaving Naomi in her elderly age 

This is INANNA and here we see a siStar checking the heartbeat of the child whereas they say this is child sacrifice – that is a European ritual - what happened to their faces only

There are those who can have a baby and will have a baby with the one they lay down with, there are women who have a baby for sum one else [surrogate] this is the same principle by giving – every woman that can have children are not supposed to be a mother, yes women are designed to have children but not all were supposed to have children, there are sum sh9t mothers out there, there are sum sh9t parents out there, there are women who have no daughter on purpose because whoever she has the child with is a sh9t person and it is the daughter who carries the MtDNA [9ethers only] so by not having a daughter, the males side would not go through – INANNA can stop you from having a daughter because you are a sh9t parent [mother] or the father, equally there are those without children who are not supposed to be without a child – so nature [NTR] has to re’Con’cile the two – so nature will put you with those who cannot have a baby because you can, then you have those who cannot have a baby and nature did not put you together and the only way out is to ask man and he will give you test tube or adoption or IVF – test tube and IVF is artificial and does not come from nature for she didn’t put you together – the greatest ‘gift’ that you could give sum one is the birth of life, you were sent down here to create life and extend life, not to be a CEO or manager – many of you already know that you were not going to have children in this lifetime, many of you lost a child because of many reasons and one was because either you or your partner are not worthy or you are artificial to this SOUL-AR system – sum times the child [energy] is needed sum where else and sum times the child is only sent for a day, month or a couple years+ it all varies – children are deal breakers for many and are just here by default, accident – millions have had abortions because they do not value life [not talking about for those who did not ‘Con’sent to mating with sum one and the energy was taken forcefully] – for sum, their pet dog or car is better than a child and that is because they are attracted to earthly things, material things, physical things, sum its because it’s the only way to hold her down by making her have children – sum people only exist because of the child and once they lose the child when the child grows up or leave home or gets a partner, its then that they have to face off with their shitty lives – so many children today who have no identity [soul identity] because they shouldn't be here 

But the ones who are supposed to have children, their whole life is made and you see this in the child for the child is whole – when she goes into mother mode this shifts her MtDNA [Mitochondria] and activates her MtDNA into un’Con’ditional love mode and this is healing at its highest – this happened to me, when my mother gave birth to a child and we were already 10 years older, I saw my mother had changed and she became loving after years of neglect and mental, physical and spiritual abuse, she did not show any love to me, but the fact that I saw her change was good enough for me, because then I knew it was me, I was HAPI because it meant she would leave me the fu9k alone for once, his birth helped to heal her because of trauma she experienced at a young age involving another child, I see it now 

When you hear sum one say, that was a good thing you did or done, sum times we play it down to reduce the angulation that people give you for the act [action] that you done and that is called nobility and comes from noble character from birth, you cannot teach that sh9t and its copied by others but does not come from source, there are sum things that you cannot teach and there are sum things that are inherited, there are sum things that you are not supposed to show others and you cannot teach nobility, you either have it or you don’t 

Your biggest obstacle being a noble character is being ‘Con’tentment in being entitled – empowered, you can feel like sum one owes you sum thing, when no one owes you nothing – you think your brother is a millionaire and he is supposed to make you a millionaire too, no that is not his job, his job is to give aid and assistance to anything righteous so that you can TRI and become a millionaire on your own, this is called In-spir-ation aka in-spirit as opposed to 'Con'spiracy which is to ‘Con’ the spirit, teach him how to fish, teach sum one sum thing, that is how you activate others, teach them, don’t do it for them, people must be able to stream into spirituality themselves and not be breastfed into spirituality, everyone in spirituality may not have your best interest at heart and there are many tramps out there doing such things, be wary of who you open you KAA up to – the term spirituality does not make sum one spiritual – today it’s a catch phrase but is a ‘Con’ move – when Christians wasn’t popular many became Christian to have sum thing exclusive over their brother and that sh9t does not have anything to do with 9ethers at all

America [TA-MERI-KA] is West Africa 

TA-MERI [AMERICA] is not the Middle East or the land of Jehovah, Adonai, Elohim and anyone else does not have anything to those in TAMERI [AMERCIA] the first thing the 6ethers did was give then their bible – the ‘black’ man had the land and the ‘white’ man had the bible, the ‘white’ man said, close your eyes and give yourself to Jesus, so the ‘black’ man closed his eyes and prayed and gave himself to Jesus, when the ‘black’ man opened his eyes, the ‘white’ man had all the land and the ‘black’ man had their bible – those 9ethers in the USA are different, they are not Moors, I am not from the USA but keep an eye on them because the Kabbalah mentions a great war between two oceans that is to come and that reference comes from the USA, 9ethers are going to tear the USA a new assho9e, like when they beat Rodney King, LA erupted, so what do you think is going to happen when they find out the truth, why do you think in the USA they have 14 million 9ether men locked up, they must be worried, why is it that when the police chase one car there are 6, 8 or 9 police cars following one car – their bible says thou shall not kill but they wiped out whole villages over there, police kill innocent people legally over there, that is the difference between their ‘god’ and Big Mamma, she doesn’t have to do that for ‘Con’trol, which is why they do all this monkey sh9t 

Big Mamma teaches her boys, that yes means yes and no means no – stand on that or don’t fu9k with it – that is it, they don’t need philosophers or theologians, they don’t need Catholic priests or Bishops and all they need is to trust Big Mama because she will give you everything you need

The word Mother – Ma’other [Ma] Mama [Mummy] Mum [Mom] Mommy

Big Mama is Prime Creator – sum one I know their Big Mama is Margret, that is her name to him, I know her too but her name is different to me – however everyone has that energy embodiment of that energy in their life and family, Grand Ma-tri-arch [Matrix means Trinity, 3, the hacked Matrix is called Society] Big Mama energy is also called Vice Lord energy and she is the one that holds Earths purse strings and when they talk about OSHUN returning with the ‘sweet water’ and Big Poppa is OBATALA aka the ORISHA - Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia [Odin] who they both hold all of the Orishas 

Oshun is a sweetheart but she does not kiss ass – the Orishas are your ancestors, but this does not mean your ancestors are all good, 9ether can use the Orishas against another 9ether, this girl called on Legba to take a classmate who was 9ether in her class but instead Legba took her, the classmate is 9ethers, is Legba a racists or are the Orishas the 9ethers ancestors, 6ethers do not have the power to contact the Orishas – you see the Satanic realm, its Angelic one side and Demonic the other side aka positive and negative, light and dark, you have the choice to do positive things or negative things, its always your choice, if its not for you, stay out of the way, you don’t have to deal with energies like that, this is ’black’ Magi [Magu] Magic – when you deal with the benevolent ancestors and you deal with the negative energies, you can tell them to get the fu9k away from you and they have to do what you say, you have to be open to them in the first place with things like sh9t diets – sweets, meat+ toxic partners, alcohol which translates spirit eating flesh+ things like and the Ouija board+ and they will come to you all your sh9t family members that already left, including the ones stuck on the earths negative field, what keeps you protected is your ‘woke’ ancestors on the other side – during lock down many used spells on their own kind, sum on other siStars they hated and sum on ex partners to force them to love them, you have to take a deep long look at yourself if you had to do that to make sum one love you, a lot of siStars wasted the energy and look at them today, totally fu9ked – this is ‘black’ Magic and you need to have Melanin to use the Magi - we are in the 4th dimension now, this is now an Alchemy process, the 3rd dimension is crashing and already crashed

You can feel when sum one is doing sum thing to you, you can feel it forming, your real ancestors who have your back will also warn you, many hate you because you think you know everything when in actuality it is because you know more than that mtf does and he or she hates that, they are tramps – this lets you know that that mtf has an over inflated Ego and they are not no Hero – with the Orishas there is the Lowa[Lwa] Loa and its denominational like Catholic and Protestant, the Voodoos, the Santa Maria [SanterĂ­a], the Hoodoos – when you start talking about the Orisha and the Loa, the Obey, its all denominational, ancient denomination – same like when the Churches broke up, you have Evangelist, Seventh day Adventist, Methodist, Orthodox, Baptist, Protestant, Presbyterian and Episcopalian+ all this and more are denominational – each one of them have a different culture and an original doctrine, an underlying principles of the doctrine, once you get to the root you won’t have to worry about denominations – this is why I can read about the Dogon people because I know what they are talking about as if I were a Dogon because I know the origin stories – just like in Islam, you have 9ethers in the USA ‘Con’verting to Islam wearing sandals, Nike trainers, hoodies+ that is not religion, that is cultural – Christianity is Roman, are you Roman ?? are you Arab ?? using religion as the transport vehicle of the culture  – Roman culture using application in other parts of the world to undermine KAA energy – same with the Hebrews who say they are the Israelites, calling pale skin people Adamites and they don’t have enough sense to read and it says that Jacob [Ya’qob] stole Esau birth right and the pale people are the Adamites so that means you stole the pale peoples [6ethers] birth right and this means they have a superior birth right than you and this means you are a thief, an underminder and a supplanter – a devil masquerading as an angel – its in their book and they want to use race to divide and ‘Con’quer  - the Crusaders war is looming, religious wars, manmade ‘Con’cepts that have no place on this planet, we don’t want religious people here, take this monkey sh9t with you when you leave, you cannot just read a book and think its all true, we don't want wars

But today, they wait for him, rather than her, when this sh9t is over you will know that she had the final say – its down to you the user, many people will still go left rather than right, the righteous ways – no one is sent to KI to save sum one – you extend lives, you do not save lives, you cannot tell sum one what to do, guide them yes, but the way forward is to lead from example and let others activate from your light – the ascension program is not for everyone and you do not want to be wasting time with those who are from the Matrix or those who are hardwired for the Matrix

Stay with those with the same frequency or higher than you, you will go further, higher - everyone has the right to think what they want, but you also have the right to upset their balance

You are that One [Neo] in a Million 

Man calls this the SAR-ARC [A-SAR-U] CME is Coronal Mass Ejection - your virus is called Coronal [Coronal Virus] Coronal means SUN - CME comes from the SUN and means the SUN is trying to kill you, a DOME went up to Contain the virus, the DOME to me went up recently and is coming down and this means 6ethers will did because they do not have Melanin to protect them from the UV [PLASMA] CME and from the SUNs rays

This is also called the plague, when they put the 9ethers into slavery Aset [Isis] HETU [temple] shut down and plunged Europe into their dark ages, call it what you want SAR comes from ASARU also called Osiris [O-sar-is] and this is the pharaohs curse - Red in the energy kills, it destroys along with Pink and it is the 6ethers that need to fear the mother of all CMEs that is coming, we had one on the 5th - the DOME is coming down and will never go back up, at times it cracks open - they cannot tell the truth because they have been lying to their own people let alone the rest of the people - lockdown is coming full stop along with Martial Law - this is what Uber Eats is about and Hello Fresh, because the UV light will be so strong that the 6ethers cannot come outside - it will get worse, if you notice Star family, and those implementing change have been gradually increasing, hail stones haven't killed one person yet, she cares but at the same time, she has given out her warnings from 2012  

Huge amounts of CME [EMC] are going to be sent 

Iceland and China, south is really north - when we see this in all four corners of the planet, it will be show time 

That is the planet in the middle and the RED curve they say is the bow-shock but that is the DOME [FRIMAMENT] OZONE LAYER [VAN ALAN BELT] EMF which is lit - we have incoming and a lot of CMEs are on the way, they said the lateral stages of 2023 will be chaotic - we are in December, if you are good to go, 'Con'gratulations - many are not good to go - RED is symbolic of the FEMI9 N.R.G aka HERU + MAAT combined which equals the FEMI-NINE principle 

FL [USA] Two crafts side by side that the US military can see on radar and the SKA is alive, these are mutating wavelengths that are changing every living cell on this planet from the inside out - red and yellow make orange - you can make orange using two primary colours [energies] 


We started seeing them either when NIBIRU got here or in the last 5 years, always in the North and around winter time, when they deploy HAARP for the cold weather and negative fields against the planet, slightly different energy signatures than the ones below - are they coming from crafts or out of the planet - each have different colours and we know all data is in Chakra colours 

So my thing is, are they coming out of the South or North for the planet is upside down, the ones on the left have no colour [energies] you can see the CHAKRA [SHANKH] colours - you need a CHAKRA system to process these energies, the CHAKRA system are alien implants graphed into their offspring, 6ethers do not have a CHAKRA system and 3/4 of them at least do not have a function EYE - in fact in their literature they have no mention of a CHAKRA system and this only became popular when the Beatles went to INDIA for 4 years after killing the real Paul and when they returned they never sang live again, 1966 was the year they killed him and the year England won the world cup, the same year the Queen sacrificed 12 children from KANADA - the Beatles ushered in the LSD era and is to why you see many wearing coloured lens because their spectrum is fu9ked, throwbacks from that era wearing these coloured lenses - Reptiles and their offspring also see in certain light spectrums  

Hawaii - manmade - watch for Argentina which is in the south or is it 

They are letting you know exactly when and how, they can only do this because they are modifying the weather - they are sending in the snow in an attempt to reduce the heat - yes they have been doing this for decades - we have [4] inbound CMEs and we have more that will be sent 

Its NTR against man and his machines, if the 9ethers do not want the snow, they can change that for they are NTR and connected to source 

And the beat goes on, nature hates you and is removing you - all the water is coming towards the equator [equal] line like an elastic band being pulled back and when that band [water] is let go, all h3ll will let loose, can you imagine what a 'rock' falling from space would do with all that amount of water 

There are those with two different realities out there - keep to yours - it might save your life 

Check the colours and shape of this arc

You still won't be able to leave, they shattered the DOME once and they were proud and said it broke into a million pieces and Hilary Clinton made a coded speech about it, however the DOME is translucent and looks like glass and it formed back together  - it is forbidden for 6ethers to leave the quarantine cell, you are not going anywhere carrying a virus, they would never risk you on another planet - Richard Branson has failed and their replacement Musk can only do so much, every time they fail, this sends out a message to those thinking they can leave, they get worried, all their kind, there are other beings mixed into Mankind, a kind of man, not quite human

Remember the D-OM-E is the FRIMAMENT, VAN ALAN BELT, OZONE LAYER and EMF [ELECTRO-MAGNECTIC-FIELD], its all the same thing, you cannot leave, this house is sealed - when the DOME comes down, all UV will penetrate the planet and destroy anything without a soul in this SOUL-AR system 


They say this was found in a forest in Australia in 2018 

This image was taken in the summer and when you look at NIBIRU and the KI image they are very similar, there are no such things has Angels, be real will you, that rhetoric is over, Angel the word was created for those who were writing their Bible and did not know what the supernatural was, just like they didn't know what the pyramids were because they failed to mention them in their Bible- Angel and Angle are the same word - angle of light - next you will be telling us Santa Claus is real, we want truth not bullsh9t 

Scotland is in the South and that is why its so cold up there, if they were in the North it would be blazing hot up there, full blown armada, fleet sitting there and they can all be seen on radar and there is nothing man and his machines can do

Do not get caught up in words like, theories, myths, 'Con'spiracy, hypothesis+ these and more are words from those hardwired to their Matrix [society] and are designed to slow you down and bog you down with European words, anyone who uses these words and more are trying to shield themselves from the inevitable, you are wise enough now to know when you are being Conned, unless you are still naĂ¯ve 
You are world class people now, so start acting like one  

 O'Conner = Con artist and the O stands for Oh sh9t 

The KAA [Spirit] world is merging with the physical world, the entities that dwell there, sum are positive and sum are negative - we know they are here, KI [Earth] is the final stage, all entities from other planets, dimensions have been forced here into this realm along with those who here for the ascension process - they are all here, have you noticed that Jesus and Allah haven't turned up yet, the Muslims have their finger on their Mahdi button, which is the same button the Jews [6ethers] have their finger on, the nuclear button, while Star family have theirs on the trigger my Nigg9 - the Sun [Re] also has his finger on the trigger [CME] they are all waiting for a 'he' while it is s-he that will have the final say, man has already done enough 

FL is where the war began and will be ended – the Star interacting with the guy is truly special – shows intelligence of sum sort – as always, you must make up your own mind, the guy who presents these footages can mislead you, whether he does that to protect his channel or he is part of their Matrix 

Your history is in stone, theirs is in paper and paintings and repainted paintings 

The 9ethers used to live in trees, they cut them down in TAMERI [America] 
The hanging gardens of Babylon [Sumeria] Pandora 

Found in 1851 after the river dried up in what is called Ukraine today - Ukraine was founded in 1991- so its not Ukrainian - so this leaves Prussia [Russia] or Europe, however we have seen this type of design carvings in other cultures like Easter Island and Gobekli Tepe [last image] the same architects made them all - the 'Ukraine' looks like a Totem - there would have been more to this, like a temple or, and a server place nearby 


While Aset is sitting on the throne in KHMT [Egypt] her cousins are sitting on the throne across in what we call Europe, that includes Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England [London] don [dun] Londun, France, Spain+

Its all females sitting on the throne and the throne does not means sitting in sum chair, the throne, pulpit, seat, aka the seat of ‘Con’sciousness  

The name EUROPA was the name of an Alkebulan woman called YOUROPA before becoming the European continent – Europe is named after the 9ether Phoenician Goddess Youropa [Yoruba]

First of all, the Phoenicians were 9ethers
Europe was inhabited by the Moors before the current 6ether EUROPEANS, and was named Europe in honour of Princess Youropa, a Moorish siStar 

Youropa is commonly associated with a bull, this doesn't make much sense if you don't know the history Kemetics [KHMT]

She was a Phoenician princess and goddess who Zeus, the Greek god, fell in love with because she was so beautiful, then he transformed [shape shifted] himself into a bull and carried her to Crete, a Greek island [Mesopotamia] Sumerian] that is the rhetoric that they said, the only thing is we know that the Greeks steal stories and gods and make them their own, so keep that in mind 

Europa is the Greek version of the Kemetic Goddess Hathor symbolically
Youropa's father is the Phoenician king Agenor [Memon] of Tyre
King Agenor was born in ancient Egypt (Kemet), the son of Poseidon and Libya
This would make her the granddaughter of Poseidon if you follow Greek history

Maybe they never told you this truth in their schools, but today you know that nothing exists in the history of planet Earth that does not have African origins

Sasanian [Iran aka Mesopotamia] Sumerian Noblemen, see the locks, braids - that is 9ethers in Iran over 3,000 years ago, why do you think you have 'black' hair - these are Noblemen 

All Saints Church in Herford - England - when is the last time you saw a man pose like that, so that is not for women is it, its for Pedophiles and Homosexuals 

We want this monkey sh9t taken off of this planet, when the system crashes all this will be levelled to the ground 

PAZUZU - BAAL ZEBUB 'Lord of the Fly' or Lord of the Flies' - look at his willy, its a snake - his whole body is parts of other animals, like INANNA with her feet, they were splicing back then and used animal parts - this statue is in Iraq which is Sumerian [Mesopotamia] Babylon+ and is at the gates of Sumeria, he is not actually a demon like how they say 

The Agia Triada Sarcophagus [Neb Ankh] 

They always tell us about death and funeral arrangements when in actuality these people were leaving their body [avatar] behind and going astral travelling – the word Sarcophagus in KHMT is called Neb-Ankh and these are body changers, to keep the body functioning while they are away, you call it a life support machine – if these were burial pieces or coffins, show us the bodies

Anytime you see huge pieces torn off like that you know there are 9ethers in that image, same when noses are busted off and the rest of the artifact is complete 

Neb means Lord and Ankh means 'life' these are body chargers or organ chargers

When you see pottery from Greece [Mesopotamia] its always smashed and at first, they told us it was a marriage tradition and however many pieces were created from smashing these potteries would determine how long you would be married, but in reality, these potteries were made, created by the 9ether Greeks and when the 6ether Greeks come through they smash everything up only for many years later to repair them so that they can display them to aid in their altering of history, you can see the cracks in these pieces  

Prince was right, thieves in the temple [HETU] tonight, what colour is the statue, what does KHMT mean - 6ethers are not from EGIPT [EGYPT] the only way they got there was through the Crusaders war which has started up again, many people do not know their history, ASARU wants you out of his land and so does RA [RE] and so do we - your from a cave system - the Romans raped 100s of KHMT lines under Cleo and Cesar 

6ethers - Arabs have been in KHMT for the best part of 900 years defacing any artifact they find and digging up the dead [resting] they are not from KHMT [Egypt] at all and will be removed soon - you are from the Caucasian Mt - that is your cradle of Mankind, a kind of man, whereas the 9ethers is in Alkebulan in the enclosed garden of delight [GAN] and theirs is in a cave system  

The BAA [Soul] Sol [Sal] is represented by a BIRU [BIRD] those with a BAA upon their last breath the KAA and BAA separate and the BAA returns to source - their KJ2 was rewritten to take out reincarnation because 6ethers do not reincarnate, once the game of life is done for them, they cannot play anymore until a new game [program] is installed [reSet] 

Images of original people from Korea and Philippines 
9ethers in CHINA – every time they dig up this planet, she reveals more – Xuan-Di means ‘black emperor' why would you have a word that describes ‘black’ people in CHINA if you didn’t have any 9ethers in CHINA or is it SHIVA

 Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia [Odin]

Who do 9ethers 'black' people copy out here, I saw Muslims going to prayer [mosque] on a Friday blurring out 2pac from their car - but I have yet to see a 9ether going church on Sunday playing Punjabi MC, no seriously, who do 'black' people copy out here - no one apart from themselves, they are the trend setters, who do you think is fuelling their Metaverse [Matrix], you can whitewash, denigrate them all you want, they are the original people, even your girl likes them more than her own kind, the only race down here going through trauma and healing at the same time without any outside help and are still grateful people despite their own challenges on their own planet, I love their history, its not my history, but I know it so well - its the truth that I want, not the colour    

Here is a phone from 100 years ago and to the present - you can see the big difference

Here are cars from 100 years and to the present, you can see the big difference 

Here is a Classroom from 100 years ago and to the present, and isn't that a shame, in more than a century, nothing has changed, yet you claim to prepare students for the future - so I must ask, do you prepare students for the future or the past - back then, they trained people to work in factories, in Classrooms, you would be in nice straight rows getting you ready for factory work, and give them a short break a day and and tell them what to eat [school dinners] and let them all compete for an A, the letter A which determines product quality - hence grade A of meat, I get it - back then times were different 

No two brains are the same and any parent of more than two children can tell you this is true - so why do they treat all of them the same, does the Class in Classroom have anything to do with it has in Class system or Cast system, they sound the same to me, different words, same meaning 

The next generation are suffering, you have suffered, these kids are growing up to be like their parents, stupid on all fronts, the people in the back said, you need your education in order to be successful, okay then, successful at what and for whom - teach your children the truth, break things down with them, too many like the term Dad and Mum but what are you teaching your children aka the next generation, I would love to know what you teach them outside of the institute aka schools system, you assumed a title of Dad and Mother, but what are you good at, children don't need you after 9, only for legal reasons, food, shelter and protection, sh9t when they are 16, they can do that themselves, what was you before Dad or Mum, what was you called before that  

I see people today and their children are a reflection of a dumb ass generation before them, repeating and repeating, and you wonder why we have the same issues in the Matrix [society] over and over again 

Can you see the difference, are you the difference or are you the same factory produced product Grade A - the A stands for ASSHO9E 


You have to keep in mind that the 6ether and 9ether are two different species and that Melanin is key, there are different types of Melanin production, also MtDNA [Mitochondria DNA], 6ethers do not carry this cell - we have all been thrown together and classed together when you cannot class 'black' men and women the same has 'white' men and women, when I say 6ether and 'white' that also includes Indians and Oriental's for they come from the same cloth unlike the '9ethers' 'blacks' who come from a superior source - when the 9ether men and women reach around 40 their KAA spreads out and is fully formed at 40, at 40 your mind upgrades with or without you, for those who its without you, this is called a 'midlife crisis' for 6ethers whether woman or man - Menopause is for the 6ethers is the final stages of their cycles, its the shutting down, calibrating of their periods and this links into the Moon, the Moon was brought here for the 6ethers, 9ethers woman never had periods, periods is a recycling, cleansing of the body to prepare for a child and she could at will switch that cycle on when she was getting ready to give life, once the 6ethers were created, the Moon was brought here and links in with every month for their cycles, 9ether woman have been down here so long they are copying the 6ethers - the Vagina for 6ethers comes from a Monkey [Rhesus] Rhogam - shot - primates have periods, and this is why the 6ether women have problems with their Vaginas during this stage - what is occurring for 6ether women is that their cycles for periods is ending - so for the 6ether men and 6ether women, all their symptoms, sexual problems+ is because they are artificial races, many do not have Electromagnetic energy, we know that they were being deleted a 100 years ago and that IVF, test tube, 6ether women mat-ing [pri-mat-e] with 9ethers to ensure healthy offspring

Viagra is Melanin and 9ethers don't need it but this was brought out for 6ethers, Melanin upgrades every 3-5 years and this is why 6ether women have to have hormone replacement, what are you replacing?? what if you don't have Melanin ??? 9ethers have to stay away from Western medicine and 'Con'ditions placed on that race, they have multiple issues, the race or species of the 6ethers has too many flaws, for the 9ether, Menopause is just a cycle, your body will have hot flushes while its calibrating, your Melanin is upgrading and your mind [40], you will not have erectile dysfunction like 6ethers because you have a superconductor [Melanin], you won't have what they have in symptoms because of your diet and lifestyle - the 9ether body is more superior than a 6ethers body 

Menopause is a different meaning and outcome for 9ethers and while you are going through this cycle, take it easy and eat well, your medicine is in the plant kingdoms - rest easy when you 'sleep' for that is another form of Melanin production - Men do have Menopause like men have cravings when she is pregnant, I thought only women have that - 

Snow 'White' and the [7] Dwarfs - 'White' holds all [7] light spectrums that affect you, think about this

This is your relationship [marriage] its dead, just a function 

This is not living, this is surviving - we want change 

When this perfume came out, I was obsessed - I had a Maur-itius girlfriend at the time and was just finishing secondary school - they brought Indians there to breed out the 9ethers - I was looking for sum thing on the internet and saw the perfume and it brought back memories, triggers

Haha - bad bowy, that is the kind of sh9t I would do 
that was filmed in Oxford St [London] 


$1.3 million for a crashed damaged car - NTR will be cutting the Oil [petrol] for good and all these people with huge car collections and paying $1.3million for a car while the rest of the world suffers ends in this timeline - those Arabs where on Donkeys for 1000s of years until the Oil was found, too much money spent on worthless things is not uncommon - Matt Armstrong rebuilds cars and takes you through, children watch his channel - he is a good teacher and explains things on all levels

Oil [petrol] is the planets blood and they know this, we used Mercury for fuel  

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