Navigating Relationships - a matter of self-awareness and self-regulation
Navigating Relationships in modern times is one of most
challenging tasks, all of us are triggered or affected by our past experiences,
how we were parented and conflicts with personality types that we may find
unpleasant, we may even be the personality that is difficult to deal with
We must master and release these challenges as we exit
2023 and December is a great time to do it
December is a time to go inwards, invest this time now so
that you may walk into 2024 light as a feather
Do not be distracted by the frivolities of the Christmas
celebrations, most of it is man-made, a commercial initiative to drive sales
and usurp energies
It is a time instead to do the exact opposite, eat less
and even fast if you can, spend time alone and in stillness, can you see the
divergence between what is and what it should be
It is by design, to keep the masses disempowered
December - use this period, to introspect, to reflect, to
go into the depths of your being, to affirm, to set goals for the new solar
[soul-ar] year, to solution
As the year draws to a close and the veil between worlds
thins, December beckons with its promise of quiet reflection and rejuvenation
of the soul - a time to shed the old and sow the seeds of change
That is if you want to change
Anxiety and depression are many peoples best friends, if
this is not what you want - you need to step up your game
Relationship - sense or state of being related by
kindred, affinity, or other alliance
Relation - bringing back, restoring; a report,
Ship – vessel
Specifically of romantic or sexual intimacy or friend
There are those who do not have emotions or feelings which are two of your seven senses and so will never be able to form a relationship or inner-stand what a relationship is
Relationships have a lot to do with your level of
emotional intelligence and emotional intelligence that we are talking about is
the level of self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy and the regulation of
your emotions aka controlling your emotions – as well as your social skills,
your interpersonal skills
Relationships tend to deteriorate because of a lack of
one or two of those characteristics [self-awareness, self-regulation empathy,
interpersonal skills]
Our lack of self-awareness [cell-awareness] allows us to
be triggered, even though we know what our triggers are – we still get
triggered, the key is to ‘Know thyself’ what triggers you and how you manage
your emotions – rather than blow up like the ‘Godfather’ or saying sum thing
that we cause distress or be deemed offensive to the recipient that you are
interacting with
Lots of relationship breakdowns have been a result of sum
thing said or sum thing unsaid
All relationships do not fail at the end, they failed at the beginning
What you are doing and how we treat others and how we
deal with relationships are very important because our very life [Chi] depends
on relating to others, the only thing that we have to interact with, that is a given
for everyone on the planet, is other humans, we have to interact, one of the
things we have to do is master the interaction is with other humans, whether it
be family members, whether it be friends, whether it be in the work setting,
which is another huge challenge that people have to deal with, their corporate
interactions, their interactions in the workplace, a lot of it has to do with
challenges they have interacting with people who do not know how to
self-regulate, who do not know how to manage their power [ego] and so flex
their ‘power’ muscles and go into abusive mode sum times and so it is a quality
to have a set of skills like interpersonal skills
Many people have challenges with interacting, maybe they
are shy, maybe they lack confidence, maybe they are just sh9t people, maybe
their childhood trauma is affecting them, maybe you remind them of a situation,
experience – many have difficulties with people – people in leadership may not
actually be able to lead and so rely on a second in command to fill that void,
sum times when a employment vacancy arises and they have narrowed it down to
the last 10 people and those 10 people out of 50 applicants can be selected
based on dynamics, personality, what you could bring to the team, what your
personal character is like, what your interpersonal skills are like – the
manager may not be able to manage a team or have yet to mastered their power
that they have been given – you can see this when sum one is given a promotion
based on the length of service or seniority in a team and they haven’t really
mastered their interpersonal skills and so they run into problems, even though
they are excellent at what they do – they know how to train people, but they
simply don’t know how to manage people because they haven’t mastered ‘self’ aka
power that they have been given
Relationships within the family are more personal to you
than those from outside of your family, its harder to manage because subconsciously,
you have emotions and feelings attached, your able to see more of those people
because you have spent more time with them from an earlier age and their
different relationships within that setting, husband and wife, siblings, aunt
and uncles+
Many people will suffer from anxiety and depression
because of their inability to function within relationships, between man and
woman, many started their relationship based on body, physical, her body type,
his body type, his status, her status, job titles, success+ even though this
person may not be compatible+ then yes anxiety and depression will rear its
head because there is no relationship, only physical or they are suffering
within a relationship or two or three because usually when people have
relationship issues is because they are not only having one set of relationship
issues because it carries over + and again it goes back to the common
denominator which is the person [you] and their ability to regulate their level
of self-awareness and or their level of empathy, because sum times when you
have enough levels of empathy, you can put yourself in sum one elses shoes and
this can cause you to choose your words so you do not offend the other person –
sum times we know why this person is struggling in certain areas – we choose
our words because you know how it would feel if you had those words spoken to
you, truth hurts people, sum times the truth heals people, people have often
said how they hated me, but deep down inside I know that they love me for hate
and love are the same strength, they come from the same source – when we listen
to sum one it is because you have a certain amount of value for this person,
your ability to engage with others means you know exactly what to say, the only
time we struggle is when it is sum one close to you, when you have feelings and
emotions attached to that particular person, even in the workplace, sum one
could actually like you has a person, your character, your energy
Relationships can fail when there is no energy and that
energy comes from the soul [spirit], people cause drama to replace their lack
of empathy, for their lack of emotions, they use childhood experiences to
camouflage for their lack of abilities
Self-regulation is when you are in situation – it calls
for being calm and objective and you get flustered and you are not objective
because you’re out of sync – self-regulation calls for you to calm, know what
to say, identifying reasons+ and to manage the situation that you are faced
with – these are the things that people need to develop and evolve as we move
into 2024
You must ask yourself, can you navigate with each other,
can you navigate with your partner
Its all energies and many have to clear the trauma or
clear the situation that is holding them back
Your father or mother’s wound – all ancient pain is held
in the womb and many of you have inherited these wounds called generational
curses – you need ancestral resolve components – you cannot go into 2024
carrying the same loads, you have to be lighter than a feather – your mental
state is very important and if you release these negative challenges that you
have, all will be given unto you because your CROWN Chakra is now empty
Situation [simulation] scenario [experience] is a program
that you have to master – it is one thing to recognise what it is but its quite
another thing to release it
You have to release it if you are to move forward
unhindered, unburdened by that particular simulation
Call on your ancestors to guide you, call on any of the
FEMALE principle [principal] energies to assist you – I would encourage you to
step forward during this energy exchange
We have all inherited traumas from our Ancestral Lineage,
much of the rage, Anxiety, Depression and Dysfunction affecting many of today's
young people has to do with the Mother or Father Wound
The Mother or Father
Wound is an attachment trauma that creates a sense of confusion and devastation
in the psyche, it instils deeply rooted beliefs that make one feel unloved,
abandoned, unworthy of care, and even fearful of expressing themselves
The more of us that resolve our trauma and release our
traumas is the better we are going to self-regulate, the better we are going to
show up in this world – we are going to need a lot of people who have great
self-awareness who will be able to assist in the difficult times that we all
will find ourselves in 2024
The mother wound [womb] is the underlying foundation of most of
the emotional and mental challenges that people are experiencing today – those
who have been emotionally or mentally affected by a lost or lack of mothering,
this is typically a deficit of the mother and daughter or mother and son
relationship that is passed down to generations and is a reflection on how we
have experienced parenting and therefore how we parent – although this is not a
specific diagnosis [gnosis] – it’s a way of looking at how current
co-dependencies may be linked to missing elements in the past
You have mothers who may have had drinking, drug or
mental addictions in the pass, those whose mothers were assaulted, abused+
there are those who were raised by mothers who do not have any of those
challenges but they may have been rejected by the mother or father or both –
there are those whose parents were detached from their emotions and feelings
because they too were denied emotional impute and this can be through being
conditioned by the male, by the environment+
Those who fall into this category cannot connect the dots
on why they feel tis why and operate this way – those who are adult often look
back on their childhood and can identify issues such as never feeling that they
had their mother approvable or acceptance – not being loved by their mother or
not being loved [valued] as other siblings or family members, including the
siblings who also notice that distinction between you and mother – difficulties
in relating to the mother on emotional levels – feelings of having to protect,
care for or shelter your mother, rather than her protecting, caring for and
sheltering you
The mother wound is usually passed on from one generation
to another, it usually consists of guilt, shame and pain that the mothers carry
due to generations and societal stereotypes
People-pleasing and emotional care-taking - feeling
competitive with other women - feeling pressure to conform to rigid
expectations of womanhood - feeling you must remain small or quiet or 'good' in
order to be accepted and loved
All this and more indicate imbalances in how people show
up and function in this world, another symptom that I have seen in other
documents related to women who are extra competitive with other women or
vindictive against other women in their day-to-day interactions in the
workplace and you have interactions with other women and you wonder to yourself
why is that woman such a bi9ch to me, why is this because being so hard, cruel
to me, why is this person functioning in this way, why is she like this, all
this is and more is to do with the mother womb and manifests and shows up in
peoples personalities
When you mother is pregnant with you all data is being
streamed to you and anything she is feeling, she streams to you [keep this in
Alongside the mother wound is the father wound – those
whose father was absent or a father that was emotionally distant, detached or
disconnected from the child [children] so they may have been present but they
were distant - signs of the father wound include:
Low self-esteem, a father wound can instil feelings of
not meeting expectations, not being good enough and being undeserving of love
[energy], anger, depression and anxiety, which could be the foundation of sum
of the anger, depression and anxiety around the world
Poor choices in romantic [roman] partners
The cycles of abuse
Can you see how this is going to translate into male and
female relationships, husband and wife relationships on top of contract
[marriage] – a lot of the underlying issues that many are having, facing in
interpersonal relationships have to do with the mother wound and father wound
Rage, alcohol and drug abuse and other destructive behaviours
are symptoms of the father wound and are caused by, being afraid of your father while growing up - father
being physically absent, always gone at work, or not involved in your life - father
being highly critical of you and used harsh discipline - father being
physically or emotionally abusive
Father wound is also whose father were unusually critical
or abusive or physically abusive towards them and that is a deep wound that
results in people coming up or embodying the narrative of ‘I am unworthily’ ‘I
am stupid’ ‘I am incompetent’ ‘I am unloved or unlovable’ ‘I am not good
All of these narratives can be related to the mother or
the father wound, it can be difficult to do by yourself through shadow work, at
40 the spirit fully forms in the body, your mind upgrades, you have wisdom now
and you can make sense of what took place, those with empathy can put
themselves into the place of others and feel out, we remember our childhood
especially if it was a traumatic experience – who decides when we are ready to
take a look inside, you are, you decide when you are ready, there are sum
people for whatever the reason will accept the wounds whereas those seeking
balance will look at the pendulum The Verve – When the drugs don’t work, that
is both street and pharmacy drugs, when they don’t work you will still have to
take a look inside for all those on a spiritual journey – you must be on the
road to resolving or attempt to be resolving these issues, it must be your
choice because after all, it is you only that must release yourself, no one
else, you are not here to save another or live for another – do work with those
who can offer you strengthening, not with sum one who is the same has you, two
wrongs do not make a right, and not with sum one who wants you to stay where
they can see you, you have transferred your wounds into your modern day
relationships and two people wounded will not work, nature put many of you
together in order to seek out balance, she gave you partners that were to
expose your inner workings for you to work on
Many of these mother and father wounds did not just pop
up in this generation, they came from generations before and were passed down
in the DNA – so how your grandmother raised your mother is pretty much how your
mother is going to raise you – so there
is a huge chance of the same methods of child rearing being passed down and
therefore for the cycle to continue to repeat, this is why sum of you were not
to have children, you were sent to break these cycles on your lineages, sum
were made to have children to expose your inner workings and for sum this
allowed them to experience a relationship again, even sum having pets to allow
the user to experience a relationship again – to break these patterns, to break
these cycles and a lot of it comes from awareness ‘consciousness’ you see other
people and see yourself in these people, sum people relate to that alone and
think if they are like that it is normal and then sum time down the road, that
is not you because you want to change, there is sum thing inside you that wants
out and wants to release sum of this pain, sum of this negativity that is
associated to that trauma so that you are able to self-regulate better, so that
the Crown Chakra can free up space and process better, so that the heart is
lighter and not heavy and so that you are aware of where you triggers are so
that you are no longer triggered when certain situations arise
Reverse these energies so that you can rewire your neural
pathways – reSet your mindSet, so that your internal narrative gets shifted
into sum thing more positive
You cannot step into 2024 with the same sh9t, only those
plugged into the 3D can do so, but for all Jedi MaStars – this is a must that
you release what is holding you back or start the process
If you cannot build a relationship with yourself then how
the fu9k do you build a relationship with others
All this affects how we interact with others and the
greater awareness allows to fill in the dots
If you come across sum one who is anger all of the time,
and bitter and resentful, who is vindictive, jealous – sum of it can be related
to a mother or father wound
All of us are triggered or affected by our past experiences,
how we were parented and conflicts with personality types that we may find unpleasant
Delve into your most challenging areas, illuminating your
path towards self-discovery and transformation
Heal one female and you heal one thousand females
There is no strength in numbers, only the weak walk in a group
Whatever is going on out there we are being supervised
The April 8th 2024 ‘Great American Eclipse’ [7 days after the Nu energy 'New Year]
The line from the solar eclipse of 2017 and the line from
the one upcoming on April 8th 2024 creates an X, very close to the New Madrid
Fault Line
A [Alpha + Om-ega] or X
USA [TAMERI] may split, they powers that used to be may
cause a man-made event for there is still a culling taking place, the USA must
be given back to the original people – they say there is either 255million or
350million people in the USA, the artificial races + the alien mixes and all
the other beings above ground and below must leave, all the European Americans
must also vacate the building, the Kabbalah talks of a great war to come
between two oceans [America] the Gullah [FL] war must be played out, this time
the native 9ethers have backup, just look in the SKA about the USA and see 10s
of 1000s of crafts – part of the ANUNNAKI [ANU.NAGA]
Lets take another look at Iceland - if they told you that was from the Sahara and was a sandstorm you would believe them, that red, orange is very strong are not coming from the flames - and last images, you will have to leave, these are warnings
Argentina after getting battered
Sprite [Spirit] that are around 40 to 60 miles tall
The planet is upside down - Argentina is in the north
Mexico gets hit [5] times [20.12.2023] that Paddle fish was not lying, Dulce base, city must be rattling down there - volcanoes are erupting, cracks in Iceland
PERU [HERU] M6+ 57miles deep!!!
SOUTH ATLANTIC M5.6 70miles deep
Read all data in CHAKRA energies, you will go further
UV is Ultraviolet light aka Ultra violence for many because you will either be online or offline - over this year alone the UV increased and in the Schuman, we are well and truly over 9hz which anything over 7.89hz causes issues for those hardwired for the 7.89hz range, many people are angry, many people are walking timebombs just waiting for sum one to light the fuse – stay out of the way of those posing a threat to you - many are becoming unstable
RED [HERU + MAAT] combined energy is inside the field
Hy-drogen [Hy-dragon]
16.12.2023 - listen, he is talking truth
Red is in the field again
Red and Pink kills anything that is artificial to this SOUL-AR system
Cube seen three times at different times and once on another camera
Sphere discs are now behind the sun
Signs and wonders
Chakra energies to sum and radiation to others Mutating wavelengths
November, was this done by a plane
Scotland - translucent 'light' crafts
TURKEY report on NIBIRU, RUSSIA and CHINA already told their people many years ago - when they say end of the world, yes that is true, but not the end of the planet, learn the difference
The ULMEC [OLMEC] MAYAN is the resetting of the computer
code/date only – 2012 and 2021 are the same frequency – NIBIRU is bending the
light [reality] and will not be slamming into this planet, there is no threat
to the planet, she can take care of herself and is terraforming herself – she
will always be here - the confusion comes from the powers that used to be confusing the masses
When you see places getting smashed by weather systems [Cyclones] Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Volcanoes, Earthquakes - you must know they are fuelled by our ancestors, including the Aboriginals and all females and they are pissed off, Europe is being made to watch others > when you see crops, livestock being deleted is for a reason < but make no mistake, the UK, FRANCE, GERMANY, SPAIN [PORTUGAL], ITALY, HOLLAND, BELGIUM, GREECE+ are being made to watch -USA [Washington is the engine house of all the other states and is run by the UK] CANADA, AUSTRALIA - all must be dismantled, its quite easy for them to just flood the planes or shoot everyone, thing up, but no one would learn nothing, that is too easy, instead since 2012 when NIBIRU was reintroduced back into this SOULAR system they have been following protocol, they have been methodical, they want our attention, our full attention, the powers that used to be have been covering things up by making them seem natural or not reporting on them - no stone will be unturned, this will be a painful process
Cyclones [Cycle]
Its called Pedo bride - all them Muslims in politics in the UK and can't do nothing, all them proud Muslims like Saira Khan speaking up and proud to be a British citizen but say fu9k all about a 13 year old being married to a grown adult - Samira killed that mtf because he was beating her and the Iranians imprisoned her for over a decade - they hung her yesterday and put the murder live on satellite
Samira did not die in vain, Iran and many other backward places are to be levelled
We want this monkey behaviour removed from this planet
If you have ever been on a Mary Jane plantation you will see the farmer [herbalist] is wearing nothing but a smile, but yet these 'laboratory technicians' are wearing hazardous clothing for plants?? they have been reprograming the seeds and mixed the herbs with man made chemicals and fu9ked up the plant - notice they are inside a laboratory with artificial lighting, not the SUN but light bulbs to replicate the SUN, the newsreader says to illegally grow and sell, sorry, you did not bring or plant the herbs or any of the plants here, nature did that, Cannabis [Cain + Abel] Cannabis] they can get away with this like how KFC can, Kentucky Fried Chicken, they can use KFC has a brand name and get away with the fact that there is no chicken at all in their products hence the rebranding to KFC - KFC like Macdonald are chemical experiments
The Suns rays are codes
Young people in the UK smoke 'Punk' which is manmade and is to why many of the children are now having mental issues, when they started vending machines in California huge amounts of people had nose bleeds and in sum cases blood coming from their eye, wait until Vaping starts showing up in peoples health - why would they reprogram Mary Jane, the Netherlands are just doing what many have been doing in homes, warehouses for years, they want to control the industry, you did not create the planet kingdoms, these are 6ethers fu9king around has usual altering the DNA of everything they cannot be, we have a one system being implemented and Mary Jane usage is another form of control, these places need to be levelled, why doesn't African produce any Mary Jane, the Mary Jane from Jamaica is also hybrid that they call high grade, if you say so - in house means they keep all the revenue while selling manmade artificial products that man produced - Netherland is fu9king up the system, 9ethers are plant based people and use the herbs to open the 3rd eye - they know this and this sh9t product will find its way into mainstream - this is a prefect time to crash this system and take away the poisoning of the human race - that newsreader said to the 'coffee shop' owner is tell us your reaction to this 'experiment'
9ethere are not the same has 6ethers, they have completely different diets+
We want this and all the monkey sh9t they have done to be removed and nature is doing such things, this maybe a secret place that they are manufacturing but nature knows where you are
You notice no one talks about CBD oil anymore
Epstein is not dead, he is detained sum where
These Pedophiles will be quaking in their shoes, a couple weeks is enough time to say their goodbyes, go on the run, kill themselves - many people love Robin Williams but he took a different route and killed himself when Corey began singing - everything that is hidden must be revealed to the masses Women and children are ATOL protected
Big up Chowder
Dear oh dear - the worse thing is getting a Western education
'I'm not sure what that is about' sum thing that you cannot educate sum one on is common sense
Ash is no better
Make American great again, then the European American would have to leave to achieve this
The USA were in Afghan to mange the Poppy fields, all Muslims groups are funded by the USA
The clone is glitching - brain is fried
Whoever controls the SKA controls this planet
There was a different upload and the birds where chickens but this lady sounds like the same lady from another upload - that bird that was eating is the 'woke' one and not a NPC - that is you in a world of millions of NPCs
EL[AL] ranking, title
Ganesha [Gaṇeśa] Gāṇeśa [Ganeśa] Gana-isha [Ghana] Ganesh
is from Ghana in Alkebulan
Afghanistan = Af-rica + Ghan-i-stan
The Europeans will be punished for killing them and the 9ethers in Africa for letting them do so and the Chinese for bullsh9t medicine, medicine for reptiles
Big up Chowder
Big up George
Big up Tillman
Big up Buddy
Once you learn how to ride a bike, you never forget
Dig deep
I met Finley once, normal down to earth person despite his background when growing up
I'm no clown I won't back down
I don't need you to tell me what's going down
Sometimes you have to try to get along dear
I know the truth and I know what you're thinking
How did they cut down these huge trees - these ceramics come from AZTLAN
The people could only create what they saw, these are huge cutting machines
They call this Yoke and
say that they wore them around their waist to protect them from injury from the
‘rubber’ ball during the game – hello, do you know how heavy they are and whose
waist is that wide, narrow, then they say they were for ritual purposes,
everything back then according to western history is about death - what are they really
These are keys
Indian Jones and other Europeans covering over 9ethers history
St. Joseph's Church, Beijing reconstructed in 1655 and
1904 – who builds Cathedrals [Kat-hedrals]
Who smashed it up, nature, mud flood or man
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