Wednesday, 6 December 2023



When your thinking, new home, new car, peace of mind, these are thoughts, these are new vibrations, these are places of existence within you, they only exist from your perspective and no one will ever have your perspective other than you

Everything that we send out is a vibration, it’s a tone, a sound, a frequency and no will ever have your perspective other than you – so you must become what it is that you are seeking

The planet, the plane [Cymatics] has to match your vibration

You want to ‘feel’ good; you cannot go looking for a stimulant outside of yourself [your Cells] to ‘make’ you ‘feel’ good

You have to tell yourself what it is your seeking, imagination – sea [see] – it – to – know – it - there is no more ‘believing’ we are in the era of the ‘knowing’ cycle – the minute you change your mindSet you go to a higher dimension, you create new creases on your brain [Membrane] this then takes you higher in thought because you have never been t-here before, like when you move sum where new or go to a new holiday destination, your senses all activate with what you are taking in 

Once you are on a higher dimension [plane] you will only attract, match, higher vibrations [your soul grows in strength and that is called soul-ar energy] which is why they say, one good thought leads to another good [positive] thought [cycle], which all lead to a bunch of positive [good] experiences [stimulations] situations – one bad [negative] thought leads to a world of sh9t experiences [programs] stimulations, a cluster of negative experiences one after another – bad thoughts, low vibrations, number 6, spiralling down – don’t materialize these bad thoughts as experiences

You are ancient beings, ‘gods’ and ‘goddess’ and this is crucial that you 'know' this, you do not pray to no one, you pray [Asha] to yourself – for most of your life you ‘believed’ there was a power that was outside of yourself was responsible for your happiness, I inner-stand that – but what do you know today, right now in this moment, what do you know today, was you lied to or you just never knew that or you are just starting to come into alignment with that, is there a power outside of you, do footballers look up to the sky and say thank you god for helping me to score or does that footballer ‘believe’ in sum thing in the sky+ was he not under his own power, where do you stand

There is no power outside of you, you are the power ‘in’ - which you seek and you will never find what you seek, you must become what you seek in order to attract it to you

It starts with 'IN' the beg>in-n >>in-g from in-side

Psychology, Psy means soul and Cho is Chi [force] you built your soul, so no one can tell you how you work because you built it 

'Follow the leader' [YOU] 

This movie was released in the 90s, and when I watched it and saw the bottom image of the two embraced, intertwined like that I was immediately attracted to them, not the image but the intimacy between two energies, yes the image in the sense of position, stance, the colour of the female is purple, plasma and him blue purple, his leg, her leg, her arms, their mouths stayed with me after watching that movie, it was interesting for me over the decades since 1992 when this movie came out with the FEMI9 energy and INANNA - signs and symbols 

Jason and Medea [6ether version] Zeus made them [ENLIL]  

Medea used her skills and magic to help Jason defeat the dragon, but the love spell eventually everything turned against her, even her mind
Medea became increasingly violent, all in the pursuit of love
She murdered her brother to ease her flight with Jason, then she poisoned the princess Jason intended to marry - and divorce Medea
And finally, she murdered her own two sons by Jason, in a fit of rage, when Jason rejected her
By Evelyn de Morgan

Greek Jason, who in a variant version recorded in ancient art was swallowed by the dragon just as Jonah was swallowed by the great fish [craft under water] - Joshua is another name for Jason 
The story of Helen and Troy  - that was INANNA [Aphrodite] the 'black' Greeks are called the Etruscans 

When I was younger, I was going through a series of Epilepsy cycles, sum one older than me fell on me at primary school and I hit my head, causing me to bleed and for me I began to have seizures, which lasted for a few months, the spirit world became closer during this time, one day I looked under the bed, I was at primary age and saw a Lions paw, I told my mum and she thought I was hallucinating, they had given me medication, they thought I wouldn't come out of it and they told my mother that I may be Epileptic for life, I would be sick, once I had a seizure in a car outside the home that we were living at, I was around 7 or 8, when I look back, I only see that experience from the window of the home that we where residing in and never from the car which is where that particular seizure took place, like they were two dimensions, but I had been seeing sh9t from day one from 3 into 9 - I looked again and under the bed the dimension had expanded and the paw was huge, and when I looked more there were two sets of paws and they were laying like these two in these images, the first one I saw was male because when I was brave enough I would look more and you could see his mane, there is more to what this was about, and they were positioned like these two, in transmuting mode, procrastination mode, the Lion [AKUR] AKIR would shape shift between the Sphinx [Babylon] Baby Lion [I know more now, older] 

ISIS [ASET] is the Babylon 'Baby Lion' [Sphinx] she was with me during these Epilepsy experiences, ISIS is INANNA  

Epile-psy, Psy means 'Soul' - the Sphinx is ASET [ISIS] who is IN.ANNA - using Sekhmet [Mekaba] her energy - A-Set translates - throne, seat, pulpit, the seat of 'Con'sciousness 

Look for your bread crumbs like Hansel and Gretel to find your way home, you left yourself codes, light codes [bread crumbs] MAAT is asking if you Re-Mem-ber [RA-MEM-BA] RA-MA-BA 

Search yourself - home is your destiny which is another word for destination - wake up Neo 


Look at his face, haha

Over 5,000 different species of the Ladybird, did you see any during the summer
the insect world contains 10million different species, not total - that is how intricate the Eco-system is, take any species out and the Eco-system collapses 


LEOPARD is not their name
PANTHER comes from the word PANTHEON 
BAS translates FIRE 

'Black' is Ether [Melanin] the panther is at no disadvantage because of the coat, Melanin absorbs radiation from the sun - how old is Boggeshwara - wow the tusks crossed over how they are supposed to be, how comes their ears are not more bigger and they lack sum thing, who wrote the words, could have done better, see how the El'ephants [Ganesh - Ghana] helped the Boars - Boggeshwara is impressive - he cannot say they are not poached like other places because one, he is the only one with tusks like that and the British would have wiped out 10s of 1000 during their occupation 

We saw this year - different animals walking in a spiral sphere motion 

Check the signals, the Schuman is being set

Canadian Schuman is back online after going offline in September, look at this, check the codes
4000hz and 8000hz and 140000hz and there is the background hz - what is going on up there, when you zoom in you can see the codes, when you zoom in you can see the hologram codes, look at the resonating frequency signature, second images - rebooting - black line 
Russian Schuman was hitting 50hz+ no more 7.89hz, people must be going crazy out there 

Italian Schuman - check the Moor-se codes 
All data is colour code - Chakra energies 

All images from the last 72hrs 

You check the date and time stamp, things are taking place in each cycle [24hrs] day - if you made it through a cycle, give th-ANKHs - sum didn't, this is an upgrade and filtering out process, we don't know what is really going on out there, they are keeping the distractions up, yet NIGER, ISRAEL, UKRANIE, TALIBAN are suddenly quiet, when they do this is because they are not ready, what are they waiting on or what are they waiting for 

You will be where you are supposed to be, remain stationary and allow the energies to 'Con'sume pass through you and out, you can see the Canadian Schuman and the resonating frequency, that is a code right there - we still have incoming 

These are daytime 'auras' over Norway - North Way, but is it - and during the daylight, what does that mean, this image was taken at 'night' they said, YOOOOO No beginning of days, no ending of nights [Alpha and Omega] NIBIRU is bending the 'light' HOLOGRAM 

This spiral opened a couple days ago over ALAS.KA - rotating in a number 9 

The DOME cracked open and the planet got penetrated - fire in the hole - red deletes, people go offline

We are getting hit 

What was in there 

I saw her shape shift once

Why is the NUN not in heaven, she served 'god' right, so what is still doing down here, if she didn't make it, what does that say about the afterlife 

Fu9k that 

Go to 25:00 about the Greys keep in mind the lens are to cover their real eyes which are human eyes 
The truth is out there 

That is not a planet 

There are at least 13 SHAMS [Cylinder] crafts in this one frame, used by the ANUNNAKI and can be used has a transporter and are 1 mile in length, why so many and they are around the portal, the ANUNNAKI when they came down first time round they came in 50 per SHAM - they left records, the SHAM was used to transport gold to the offsite planet of the ANUNNAKI called LAHMU [MARS] 


Sum where in the USA 
The SKA [SKY] SKI has fallen, dimensions continue to collapse
What lies beneath, dark areas is mass, solid, when clouds only hold vaporized water 
Behind NIBIRU and the SUN is the KAA worlds - the HOLO [HALO] G-RAM 

Water is coming in - the Equator - the horn of Africa will be separated, SA is to go under water, Somaila, she said south west affected - check where is filling up, it was the flood last time, but it will be 'fire' that settles all  

#Deep - the message is in the energy - clone this man 

Bad Santa 

Temporary words that if left over tomorrow you should deal with them, when we take information 'in' that we value, sleeping on it and what ever is leftover when you wake, that comes to mind from that information, that is what you need to deal with, the first image, if those words trigger a memory, a situation which is stimulation [experience] why, you know why, either keep it or delete it, how to delete is to face-off with whatever it is, because there is still residual, when you heart strings pull that is you weighting your heart, overlap that chapter with the positive aspects, don't dwell, and fester 

The right image Wednesday is Mercury energy which is communication, its good to talk on a Wednesday - find the right energy to talk to and if you are not telling people how you are feeling is because you don't want to, the range [frequency] around you is sh9t, the truths hurts and that is why 
t-ruth is red [MA.AT + HERU] she is forcing the issue in this timeline, in this moment, you don't have long to hold everything in - MAAT translates, Chaos, Balance, Justice, Order and Truth - your heart cannot be weighed down during this phase 

Patterns in your brain keep you there, going around, did you know you are a SUN [STAR] and that others are in 'your' orbit, its your SOULAR system, those close to you are your first satellites [Moons] and then others come after all in your light, you decide who is in your orbit, you move people [planets] in and out of your orbit, if you haven't seen sum one for a while, they are further out of your orbit and so on+

Equally your own thought patterns are what is keeping you on the M25, you want to get off at the next junction [exit ramp], check your wave patterns [Look at main top image again] 

As above, so below, don't you want to grow the soul 

Triple darkness 'blackness' 

SESHAT [SOPHIA] 'PHILOSOPHY' [SOPHY] 'SOPHIA -LOVE + WISDOM TEHUTI 'THOTH' counterpart - she wrote the movie the Matrix - SESHAT translates 'to write' 

These are  a few FEMI.NINE principle energies that you can stream from, they are all FEMI9 EL'EC'TRON ENERGY, the most abundant energy in the Universe [Alpha + Omega] Hydrogen is

I only deal with the FE.MALE energy because that is my house, mansion, energy sign 

MASON [MA'SEM] MA'OTHER and SON VIRGO STAR SYSTEM - we rebirth souls, we strengthen them - ruling energy is MERCURY  

 A round [sphere] 360 of applause [application] 

Women make 'gods' 

The ULMEC [OLMEC] had Jade and used Jade in their works, Jada comes from a place called CHINA which is part of INDIA which is called NAAGALAN also TARTARY 
They found over 300 items in a MER [MIR] in Ecuador, we do not count any country made up from the 1900s and Ecuador even though they come in around 1820 - it AZTLAN - PERU comes from the word HERU - 

Here we see [12] Jade decanters, all cups have different volumes, however, if you fill each cup with liquid to the brim and then pour all the liquid into the cup, it will be filled even to the brim
Remarkably, there is a strong magnetic field inside the cup, while outside it does not fix
 Images applied to objects begin to glow brightly in ultraviolet light, who uses UV light

When the ULMEC leave and return they saw the masses had been infiltration by the Rertoid Greys, the UL-MEC move the remainder to Angkor [ANKH-KOR] ANKH-HOR [HORUS] HERU] WAT [WATTs] which had a 750,000 capacity and sum to inner-earth and the rest were destroyed 

Tartarian [Russia] Prussia building, that is partly underground [mud flood] that entry 'door' is one of the windows - there is no Asia minor or Asia major 

Germany - rebuilt former MUIR MUUR MOOR Castle built by giants 

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