Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Speak now or forever hold your peace

We have you on screen now

A worker saw this 'cloud' its just a cloud right, cloaked crafts are littered over the land, they are over doomed states, nuclear reactors - facilities -underground bunkers - bases - cities, gentiles strongholds, they are over European strongholds - when see these crafts up close and personal this worries the powers that used to be, for they want to control the outcome, reduce mass hysteria - by Star family displaying like this allows the masses to make up their mind, they have been assembling since 2012 with the turnaround in 2021 [same frequency] they are here for their planet and their offspring, most of these crafts are being manned by siStars, they are here to supervise the artificial beings that are here, all of the extra-terrestrial beings that are here, there will be no invasion, think like a 'god' they would have invaded in 2012 when they were reintroduced back into this SOUL-AR system with NIBIRU- they are higher than man and his friends and machines - keep in mind this is a learning simulation zone [domain] the HuMan [HuMin] species must 'experience' the 'truth', the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help them 'god' help yourself, show this picture to a child and ask them what they think this is - work with the one that says a UFO for they 'know' more than you, children born after 2000 are much more advanced and is to why they are already bored of the 3D system - sh9t is real [reel] in this field, do yourself a favour, be honest, stay truthful and do not deny what the mind cannot process, to break the Matrix is to know the anomaly is there 

This craft [MIR] was over a Chinese province [24/6/2022] = 36 = 9 

Everyone is getting a wake up call - start reading the SKA [SKI] SKY, they are up there, sum are semi cloaked and sum are full blown - the reason being there will be mass hysteria, we are forever hearing, history would have to be rewritten, no, their history, not the history of this planet, everything they told us was a lie or was reversed - 2012 is when NIBIRU was reintroduced back into this SOULAR system after LAHAMU [VENUS] crossed over the SUN and was authorised to deploy the FEMI9 electron energy in 2011 - since 2012 they have been assembling - man is getting you ready but Star family are getting you prepared, the rest is up to you 

Final Destiny - not all will witness greatness - the 6ethers have to fight because they are being deleted [extinction] we are at extinction levels [UV]C[A]B which kills anything artificial to this SOULAR system and is to why your boy Darwin said, survival of the fittest and he was referencing his own kind for the 9ethers have been here for millions of years already - lets go with Lucy, who was found in Ethiopia and was 3.5million years old 

Trinity; no one has ever done anything like this before 
Neo; that is why its going to work

None of the batches of Humans [Humins] before [7th] have been this far before, we have never been to this st-age before and that is why its going to work, you are different from the rest to complete this test, you are the best, that there is, you were 'chosen' especially, because you 'chose' yourself, you chose to be different

Trump 5 years ago, we need a space force, separate but equal, he said we must have an American dominance is space - why now, why this decade is it that they say they need a space force, from what
This is Trump from 5 years ago and today they are bombarding the 3D world with the Alien rhetoric
NASA [NOAA] went to the Moon in 1969, the NSA went 9 years earlier, NASA were taken to the Moon and had help getting to the Moon - Hitler became the nominee for earth and traded HuMans for a base on the Moon - the 6ethers are forbidden to leave the DOME - that is why the DOME went up in the first place, to contain the virus - you need Melanin to go into space and is to why all their shuttles all have Melanin 'black' underneath all the shuttles - 9ethers are on LAHMU [MARS] they are on LAHAMU [VENUS], they are on SATURN [ANSHAR] - they are on every planet - what Trump is advocating for is the 6ethers right to be on KAI [KI] Earth and to be in space, dear Trump, look at what your kind have done to this planet in 77 years - bi9ch you are not going nowhere - your kind stays here, the Caucasoid [Caucasian] that cannot leave this dimension
They already have a space force and anything that you see now they've had for a long time, they already have Ashtar Command who are a group of defectors from Greys to the Annunaki+  

Fixed reality, many people prefer that, war is not the answer nor is segregation, love is the only way forward but not the European version of love - love 'Con'quers all - love 'Con'sumes all - the all is One and the Neo is all 

1969 - the prints do not match 


It is forbidden for the 6ethers to leave this dimension, they have never been pass the FRIMAMENT

This craft was spotted sum years back near the SUN, you can see the shape of the craft which is the DOGON TRIBU and the SAH [SAHU] Orion-Belt Star System where the DOGON are from

Planets or the taillights to crafts, the SOULAR system has changed up there - sum times these crafts or planets are only in one frame 

In recent years we have seen clouds that are cloaked clouds being used by crafts [UFO] that the 6ethers have created names for these clouds because their kind can only function off of instructions
- this word phenomenon is phe-Anom-Memnon together, this image was taken on a flight in 2014 showing the city of Chicago [CHI-KAA-GO] which is a twin energy state with Atlanta [Capital of Atlantis] showing the city upside down - they use the word phenomenon - this movie Inception which is the correct word instead of 'Con'ception could help you out - do not get caught up using Western words for things that they do not understand, especially those without Melanin which is a superconductor - semi conductor - it takes information and processes itself and the puts out its own interpretation which is why you struggle when dealing with dumb ass people on top of those who have no senses [common] 

The planet is upside down and is to why what you see has to be flipped before your mind can register

Shields up 

The SUN is a multidimensional portal and check out the different looks of the SUN, the SUN and MOON are not the same look in the four corners of the planet 

Russia and Ukraine lose power for 2million - NTR on the warpath 

Better call on that 'god' that you believe in 

This is in Australia and has been ongoing for the last 3 years, the European Australians will be deleted, they say that the rat brought in the plagues, which one, the brown or albino rat or is it the 'black' rat, the plague alone took out 25million in Spain - the truth is the plagues never left did it 

Call it what you want - SARS comes from the word ASARU which is the Pharaohs curse, we are at extinction levels and NTR wants you to feel her pain - you will suffer before you leave here - the British and Irish murdered, raped+ and wiped out tribal lines, whole lines - they had no right to do such acts, from 300,000 strong to -13,000 

Last image is Aboriginals in TURKEY [TURKISH] KISH [KUSH [Sumerian] builders of Gobekli Tepe - you had no right to end life - for what ?? 

Clouds hold vaporized water [mist] so how do they block out the suns rays, unless they are not clouds 

    Man [Schu-man] and his machines 

FL [USA] mutating wavelengths 

The NASA satellite took a hit from the CMEs that the sun is producing, so how does a satellite in space bounce like that - the sun is letting off with the usual of NASA deleting the data - 4 CMEs are due, we can see the warnings  

Over 14000hz and 1400hz and we can see the 3rd tone at 100hz with strikes of 50hz 
the SCHUMAN is being restored back to SHUTEFNUT which is Masculine and Feminine and not double Masculine 

Russia SCHUMAN hitting 41hz and 20hz, anything over 9hz causes issues for those who are not upgrading - every colour [energy] radiation you see is important 

28.11.2023 - energy comes in 'colours' 

26.11.2023 - the planet is breached - RED [HERU + MAAT] = FEMI9 

Huge amounts of energies are in the SKA along with crafts 

Australia - check the SKA, blue - black feel to it and why so low 

4D [5D] 

There is a Mothership in there 

Singapore - check the SKA - looks PURPLE mixed in with ???

Thailand - how does the SKA split like that 

When did these Chakra columns start appearing, every year we see them appearing in the Northern Hemisphere - you can see the different colours [radiation] energies, jacking up the planet, huge volts of lightening also powers her up 

Not spiders webs, long exposure from a camera captures 'light strings' rays from the SUN, the Tree produces wattages [volts] 

ETHER [BLACK] MELANIN [KAANU] absorbs radiation [energies] and is to why they make their kind wear black, she must be roasting under all that and what is it made out of - your 'skin' is the biggest organ on your body

Power will be going out and in sum places they are already using Coal - this particular batch of HuMans [HuMins] are at type 1 - and with all the technology they have we are still a type 1 civilisation

Billion dollar industries, branding and logos, charity begins are home, those that give to good causes are just giving to banks and propping up the banking system - do things yourself - there are no profits in cures - they bank the energies - what does Green'piss' do or Cancer research, what does the Nspcc do, its 2023 and we are in reSet with nothing being achieved from this batch of humans [humins] 

Rh-ogam [Rh-esus] because you are still breeding 

This is a family run planet 

Ghosts are those without SOUL-AR light aka a BAA [Soul] stay here, everyone has KAA [Spirit] but not all have a BAA which you need to crossover, those still here didn't crossover for they are still here called Ghosts - they are Ghost programs, KJ2 knew this and that is why they took out Reincarnation from their manmade Bible - Ghosts are residual fragments [spirit energy] that are leftover from the body and cannot take flight because they have no BAA to take them - the BAA is represented by a BIRD in KHMT - those with a BAA + KAA, they are connected until you take your last breath - they are on the earths negative plane, they are not alone, all the entities that died here are also there, its another dimension - Heaven [Haven]  is up there, so what is down here - sum don't even know they are dead, you can connect with them, sum are pissed off which is understandable, sum where murdered, they are 'dark' because they are in, from the negative field, if they are starting trouble then they do not like you, we do not know what the connection is with the person or environment 

That African lady is interesting - yes they do talk that slavery Bible talk, but we all know the Africans do have the power - so how did they manipulate the footage - Christianity is big business in Africa all designed to take them away from their Magi and connection to their ancestors, Slapped Ham talks too much

Things will get 'Messy' out there has the truth overpowers the lie 

Spread out and find sum space 

Your thoughts create your reality, the quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your life, if you want to change your circumstances, you must first change your thoughts – thoughts can be patterns

You are the MaStar of your mind, you have the power to choose your thoughts, you can choose to focus on the positive or the negative, you can choose to be a victim or a victor

Your thoughts are creative forces, your thoughts can build or destroy, they can create happiness or unhappiness, they can create success or failure

You are responsible for your own happiness, no one else can make you HAPI, Happiness is a choice, it is a state of mind that you create through your thoughts

You can control your emotions, your emotions are not your thoughts, they are the result of your thoughts, you can learn to control your emotions by controlling your thoughts

You can overcome your fears, fear is an illusion, it is a creation of your mind, you can overcome your fears by facing them head-on

You can achieve your dreams [visions] anything you can conceive and know, you can achieve, you are only limited by your own thoughts

You have the power to create your own future, your future is not predetermined, it is created by your thoughts, your words, and your actions – your reality [reellity]

You are a unique and valuable individual, you have sum thing special to offer the world, don't let anyone tell you otherwise

You are capable of great things, ‘know’ in yourself and your abilities, you can achieve anything you set your mind to

Use your thoughts wisely, they are a very important powerful tool – those with ETHER their thoughts are electromagnetically charged and go straight to the Universe [abyss, the deep]  which she responds, she can only respond to what you are thinking 

As a man thinketh - man means mind [KHU] change your mindSet 

I gave my friends daughter this book, she has a father but he is a dildo, after nearly a year, she is starting to innerstand - breaking it down after all this time with her showed me her intelligence, she is only 12 and is coming into puberty - she is coming into her own - young people are way smarter than what we were at that age, granted they are from a different energy band, its just good to see 

We know that life and death is spoken into existence, so speak from the heart, all the Chakras are connected [Nexus], if not, then do not speak, be carful for what you wish for and for what you 'want' for - speak death and your throat Chakra will collapse on you - for your voice is sone [sound] a resonating frequency, tone, vibration - you have the power to speak truth [MAAT] into existence - no more Gospels aka Ghost Spells  

'my veins filled with dust, no pulses, but rust, until you swallowed my trust'
Big up the youth, they learn fast   


'I sent him straight to his room' 



Holding back the years, tears or fears, as always you decide 

[Near ancient spaceport hence no fly-zone over there and guarded by NATO] 

From 1923 they knew that they are tunnels and rooms inside the Sphinx
In 1989, they also carried out excavations at the paws of the sphinx, a tunnel about four meters deep was found under the left leg of the statue, they conducted a scan and found that it leads to sealed chambers, however, the Egyptian authorities prohibited further investigations – these sealed chambers or rooms, the ancients used gadgets and walked through walls for they were able to dematerialize matter – you can see when they found the Baby lion [Babylon – same area] they sealed the entry points, you can see the sand had come in and they had to dig her out [Aset] she also has a plug under her ear 
Is it a KATs body or DOGs body - the DOG is ANUBA 


There is no such thing has Asia minor or Asia major - many architecture sites are around on this planet that the 6ether ROMAN are accredited with building many structures when this is not true, the 6ether ROMAN didn't even have a language and only grunted when answering, the ROMANS like the MUSLIMS would rebuild over existing sites or use captured MASON builders and get them to build their structures, aqueducts are made by the MOORS, the builders from the MOORS sum came from the ULMEC [OLMEC] who are pioneer builders and are giants called Ghibbore [Gibboreem] or Cherubeem [Kaa-ra-bemm] or Nephilian - you can see that by the time the 6ether Arabs come in places around the planet had already seen battle 

Western history calls this piece of furniture an Ottoman because when they broke into these places they found what we see today, the same Western Ottoman is found in KHMT and the 'Ottoman' can be used for storage, even the Sarcophagus which is called the Ankh Neb is also called an Ottoman as in a piece of furniture, in Europe+ its called a Chess aka Chess of draws or Treasure Chess and this is what the 6ether Europeans called this 'furniture' and they named the game Chess which is where they found it after raiding graves, HETU [temples] IY [temples], the game is not called Chess, its called SENET [SANAT] look at TUTs Chamber, what a mess after the 6ether Europeans raided everything, look at the mess they left and then took a picture - Prince was right, thieves in the temple tonight - when they broke into KHMT the pharaohs curse was released 

They dug these up from graves from Mycenae - we see Gold which is a conductor and use for ascension processes - Mycenae is a part of Greece and Greece is a part of Mesopotamia - we can see Sumerian designs in the pieces made for those transitioning - astral travelling, they never show bodies so we don't know if there was any at all - what they call tombs are temples, abodes, house, coastlands, isles - the KAU [COW] BULL [BAAL] is sacred

Macedonian warriors - [Mac] Olmec] and Don or Dun means 'black' daggers

Arma [Amon] Amen [Amun] Amara-geddon means to reveal 
Amun [Amon] Amen means hidden

Mycenae [Aegean] Greece [Etruscan]

Called the Lion gate because we see [2] lionesses guard over the entrance – the gate is all that is left of the Mycenaean culture the rest is buried underground and the rest destroyed by the 6ethers

I wonder what else was part of the triangle piece that is missing from the top and were they even Lionesses

Mycenaean [Crete] Greece 

Memnon the Ethiopian [NTR] King [Negus]

Amun [A-Moon] [Amen]
Melanin [Memon]

Armageddon [Ar-Ma-gedden] Har-Ma [Har][Harma] = Karma [its in the pronunciation]
Arma-geddon [Gideon]

Armageddon means the revealing
Memnon [Mycenaean]

  Ki-ng Aga-Memnon [Armageddon]

When Helen, the wife of Menelaus, was taken to Troy by Paris, Minoan King Agamemnon commanded his united armed forces to ignite the Trojan War

Greece is a part of Mesopotamia and Memnon is from Ethiopia [KUSH] and is King over Greece

ATHENS [ATHENA] the word comes from the word ATHEER [ATHYR] HATHOR and so does the word THOR [A-THYR] the 6ether Greek and 6ether Romans hated women, these pieces from Greece [Mesopotamia] were made by the 9ether Greeks, many of these vases were smashed when others began invading, many have been repainted to add 6ethers - we also see Medusa and her siStars, they were known had the SA birthing priestesses also called Gorgons  

Minerva is an Etruscan [Greek] goddess of wisdom, skill in the arts, righteous warfare + serpentine specialist >> from Latin Athena, from Greek Athēnē [Athena] from KHMT Atheer
Minoans, and Mycenaeans Phoenicians and the Ugariteans [Agarthans] [Carthage] [Karthage] Carthaginians - Etruscans [Phoenicians] = are all the same 

Left Chinos pretending to be Indians - fake it to you make it, which Native tribe is this
All these images are showing the original 9ether Indians - when Columbus was leaving, he said he was going to INDIA [TAMERI] these are Mississippi tribus before the dirty Moors got there and the 6ethers Europeans invaded and murdered millions in the Gullah wars [FL] FLORIDA  

TAMERI [AMERICA] aka West Africa 

Last left image is John Smith from the UK, the other images are of Eskimos and Mongolians who were used along with other Orientals to breed out the remaining 9ethers and to replace the 9ethers with 6ethers masquerading has 9ether Indians - the war began in FL [USA] and will end in FL, the land [LAW] TA-MERI must be given back to those who were entrusted with its protection 

NUNNOWA [NUN] NU - you can see todays Thanksgiving means thanks for giving up your life, they are celebrating the deaths of millions of people from their own land and have been doing so for many decades

Listen to what the guy says they did to the 9ether Indians of TAMAERI [AMERICA] 
 These reaction videos from Tik Tok hold #truth and we all know the 'truth' shall set you free
The energy is shifting - knowledge is being given - payback is going to be a bi9ch, get of the way
There are people living on the same street has you who you all have different realities - 5G was rolled out 2 years ago and many are plugged into the 3D and will never leave that dimension  

That women that talked about the oceans under the oceans, she said its 400miles below the crust and that they have the technology, crafts that go down there and have navel bases, man does not have that type of technology, but others do

These videos have so much data, how much data do you need, the knowledge is out there, its down to you, there is 6miles worth of 9ether things, including the hoverboard, you saw the throne that belongs to the Queen of heaven and earth - the 6ether is not going to the same place that they 9ethers are going

That ANUNNAKI footage is exactly what is taking place - see that craft and the aliens - that is who your military are fighting, not each other - Putin told Trump that the ANNUNAKI where in a portal heading towards his troops and this is why Trump brought all the troops home at that time

I agree with what that guy said about the Firmament [Dome] that you cannot reach it - but what he said about the blue ether is true, its just that I thought it was darker blue [blue is darker than black] or maybe the rockets are lighting up the SKA << I wrote that before he finished >>> this planet is a blue Star, the SKA is blue, so is MARS [LAHMU] space is liquid crystal, this also makes up the holographic program - it is all the other planets that are following this planet - however, given that this planet is returning home and is docking, I can get what he says that they planet is not moving - the ether exists, as above, so below, the 9ethers aka 'black' people are wearing ether, they cannot tell the truth because then 6ethers would know they are not from this planet, let alone this SOULAR system - control the ether and you control 'black' people - supremacy aka 'white' supremacy 

There are those whose cell phone is has big as an ironing board but do not use the tools they have to empower themselves, playing games, watching what the 3D is doing, what is trending - stupid things, many watch cable, online programs but they do not watch things that are beyond, its what makes them a generalist aka they know fu9k all - keep in your lane and do not watch others 

Disney need glasses - one day the 9ethers are not going to be led by 6ethers, that day is here and they know this already - system crash 

Notice they are spiralling anti clockwise which is death [6] and counter clockwise is life [9] and its all men [masculine] death energy - they are creating a dead negative field [vortex] for who - these are 6ether Muslims, Arabs 

MECCA [MERKAA] MARKAA [MIRKAA] they kept the name - that 'black' stone inside the MECCA is from Ethiopia and came out from a craft many moons ago - sum one I knew a while back who is Muslim was getting married and I and Ms Moroccan was invited with me - a work colleague at that time, who she is Moroccan and she told me when I go up I have to kiss the man [work colleague] on the cheek, I think it was three times - YOOOO I work with you, I am not Muslim, we don't kiss men on the cheek for no apparent reason - you keep your monkey sh9t to yourself - many of these men do not even kiss their women on the cheek - Pilgrimage is called Maguraj - its is IRISH priests who wrote their translations of the Qur'an [Koran is the English] version, which makes sense for things like having 40 virgins by doing 'gods' work + you will get a spot in paradise by doing 'gods' work and it also says its fine for marrying more than one woman - only a weak man would write such sh9t - you can follow, believe what you want, but it will not be on this planet anymore - we do not kiss men 

If 'black' 9ethers - especially their women, if they do not want religion, artificial races + animals + plants here they can have it removed, if they do not want bullsh9t here they have the power to remove it, their Uterus is Nexus to Nu [Universe] she is the 'black' panther - the FEMI.9 EL.EC.TRON is being restored, she is armed and dangerous [Alpha and Omega] 

FEMI in Yoruba means One who loves, 9 is the highest number in the Universe [FEMININE] 

There are at those whose AYIN [AEYE] EYE [YE] YEH [YAH] is calcified and will remain like that until they take their last breath - they can only look but they cannot sea [see] and is called 'turning a blind eye'

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