Cell [Self] taught
We happened to have come back at a time when everything
is being flushed down the toilet, but there are sum amongst us who are here who
are actually seeing the days and the times and are growing our soul [BAA] as a
result – there is no time spent if you spend it in learning, if you spend it in
researching yourself, seeing who you are and could be with the next person, because your soul is growing in light, you are energizing that field that you represent
So, if the world was to blow up tomorrow physically, your
psycho – spiritual self [cell], the soul energy will have retained the experience [stimulation],
though you may have not retained the language, and that experience will find the
language that allows it to express itself in another life – so it is never lost
So, when people say, live fast, die young, make a pretty
corpse or when in Rome – that does not make any sense, that is a fool talking
Every day that you have the chance > study, and study
thyself < number one text all around the planet is ‘know thyself’
Every morning you wake up and look in the mirror[window] – and what
do you see to you – because the one looking in the mirror is the student and
the teacher is the reflection, when the student is ready, the teacher will
appear aka you and that is the secret of how the creator created
You see, the creator is the student and you by your
actions and the things you do every day, what you perceive and receive by experience,
the creator receives in turn
So, you have a role to do – you are a teacher of the creator
– sum people say, we are here to serve the creator, nope, we are not – the creator
serves us so that we are better and better so that it may be served in return
Our DNA is frustrated at this time
One thing you should never get tired of, is the study of yourself aka your cells
TEHUHI [THOTH] translates 'Maser of divine words and sacred writings' his counterpart is SESHAT [SOPHIA] translates 'to write' - where the homosexual Greeks get their word [PHILOSOPHY] SOPHY = SOPHIA [DELPHI ORACLE] from, which means WISDOM [WISE DOME]
Your KHA [Body] is the DOME [TEMPLE]
Focus, grounded
PLUTO [PLUTON] PLUTONIUM [PU] will be in Aquarius from 20.1.2024 to 1.9.2024
Pluto returned to the exalt position when the USA was
248 years for Pluto to travel around the sun
Pluto is not a planet
Pluto field [returns] have marked the rise and fall of
empires and dynasties
Pluto deals with death and rebirth cycles, Pluto deals
with growth, Pluto wipes out old establishments that no longer serve us and
forces us to re-i-magi-ne nu beginnings
2008 Pluto returned [Pluto into Kapricorn] and in 2008 aka 2001 [7 years behind Georgian Calendar] the stock-exchange crashed, Pluto is
in the exalt position [27o]
This will spark a major event that we will experience the
fallout until Pluto leaves Kapricorn which is not until towards the end of 2024 – the US is in
trouble has this marks a major shift
To counteract this the USA have started the war with
The destroyer [energy] of old energy [old programs] last
time Pluto was around Pluto crashed the stock exchange - are you watching - the fallout is moments away - while others stay in the 3D, please stay on task, remain focused and grounded
Physical matter is music solidified — in
Sanskrit Nada Brahma, the world is sound [sone] sOma
Om [Aum] Owm [W-om-b] Yomi [Yoni] Sound of Life
Are your Cells vibrating - this symbol came up during the year in the SCHUMAN - on our way to SIRIUS the DNA is being upgraded - NIBIRU is the trappist system
They say that Jesus was born on the 25.12. when this date is based on the HERU who IN-KAA-NATED on this day [Solstice], even though December had not been established and December means 10, December is the 10th month - Bethlehem [Beth] Bath - le - hem [ham] Beth means 'black' and ham comes from the word Khami [Khemet] and means 'black house' sum one is lying - we do not worship a man or animal headed beings - they are principle energies in which to stream from
Christmas Eve [Evil]
Merry [Merri] Mary Christmas [Karastmas]
Boxing Day [boxing match] cube
Left image - full circle and right image - look at the cat, who gave the cat the camera
When light strikes the CD all the colours light up - we have seen iridescent [iri-descent] iris - the DOME is lit - we see light crafts all light up - while the 3D wheels on the world keeps on rotating
4[5]D - the holographic computer code
Old frequencies 7.89hz [14.1hz] and 20.3hz
New frequencies 200hz [1000hz] and 50hz
The new frequencies vary each day but will never return to the old frequencies
All the colours [Chakra] radiation to others are to be process through the Chakra system
Each colour matters and primary colours mix
DNA [DEA] upgrades
The Suns rays come from the right to left - where is all that red coming from and see the WAJI [Green]
Both Stereo A and B cameras flipped and NASA[NOAA] also deleted near enough 12hrs worth of data, how does the camera arm flip like that and what causes it to flip - they call them space crafts, two satellites held up with helium balloons, Stereo [Stareo] - did NASA hide an M or X Class strike
The spiritual poles have already moved, so where are the physical poles going
Poland [Polska] Pole-land is where the poles used to be, are they going back there
Planetary body ad huge craft attached to the SUN - fuelling - they have been there for a number of years
Looks like a face near this craft
Came in from the left and went to dock the SUN
RED IRON [F.E] FEMI9 [MAAT + HERU] deletes
Australia is being baked
Antarctica encircles all the lands this side - its an ice wall that goes around [sphere] the lands - the map is upside down
TAMIL NADU [NAKI] is flooding out, loads of places are flooding out around the planet
WALES [UK] M1.8 [3rd earthquake this year] 11 miles deep - houses trembled, could have been higher - many reported the shaking seemed to come from the SKA - M1.3 in October and M3.8 in February
Glitching Matrix
Interesting - faces in places
All are on the planets negative field - if heaven is up there, then what is down here - the spiritual world is merging into the physical world
That bone was on a nest and that nest is in one spot, that child's voice can be the 'thing# getting them to come closer - Anytime you see that amount of orbs you need to leave for that is all coming from the negative fields aka the spirit world - so much is taking place in real time
If you have watched the movies Chappie and Terminator then you will like this
Boston Dynamics is real already - in Japan sum years ago they were uploading sum robots like this and the first one uploaded when they uploaded the weapons the first one realised that the other others were also going to be weaponized and the first one took them all out and the scientists in the room until they shut it down - the movie Terminator was originally called the Blueprint to Mankind
Universal Mother
Your history is not in paper - its in stone - you die [rebirth] an original, not a copy
Mongolia [China]
Stone building built on a high platform, made of huge
granite blocks, seven in total, 7 meters long from, 5.3 meters
wide, and 3.6 meters high, the stone slabs were once connected with iron wedges, the door is missing
There is a stone bed inside - there is no record of is usage, could be a prison, one thing for sure is that there is a global network, the same builders
From Mesopotamia [Sumerian] the Europeans dug up a grave and found this from a chamber that they robbed - looks like a incense burner, these are warriors - the Chariot is key, this is from KHMT into Sumerian and Etruscan [Greek] and then Roman
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