Saturday, 9 December 2023

Return to the beginning

Your house sign [Zodiac] Dendera is the energy that you use to navigate your way through your lesson plans – you need Melanin to be attached to the house signs, without it you have no Nexus [connection] to the Dendera, MaStar your house sign,  many of you have already MaStar-ed all the house energies, you are here to MaStar your emotions and feelings, through your designated house sign  

Last week – was feelings of being here but not here, during the SOUL-AR flares [CMEs], I was wide awake for days, this is a pattern that reoccurs, these patterns come up at times when we enter energetic gateways and it is the KHU [Mind] and KHA [Body] Vessel [Avatar] that is taking the brunt forces

We had a SOULAR flashes come in – 3 hit us all at once on the 30th [7 days ago] these SOUL-AR flashes come according to our ‘Con’sciousness’ – the SUN and KI [EARTH] are communicating to ‘wake’ up the ‘sleepers’ the ones already ‘woke’ go through what is called a Slumber, which you will feel sum thing isn’t right, lethargic, uneasy, off-balance+ which now after checking are around these SOUL-AR [SOLAR] flashes – the flares come in for the ones who are lower ranked than you, I don’t sleep during this time and am wide awake, I will normally fill the time with sum thing proactive to do, it wasn’t until Monday that I was able to sleep and slept real good, different people have been talking about the different affects, these are plasma flashes that affect the Crown Chakra – imagine a team [relay] race and there are those leaving others behind, the ones leaving the team behind energetically slow down for the rest of the team to catch up

This is a way to look at the energy, we can only understand it according to our understanding of the 3D reality – all this energy transfer must be translated, explained into terms for those in the 3D to facilitate a higher level of ‘Con’sciousness, its all energy, all energy, that is what we are dealing with

Another way to look at it is, changing movie reels [reals] through the Pineal Gland [3rd eye] 

You would have been dreaming – messages, visions, downloads, uploads, seeing people that you don’t normally see, mixed messages, out of sync+ - uneasy, anxious+ 

Buddha and his meaning is enlightenment, at sum point you get a flash of light, your crossing from the 3D physical mind to the fourth dimensional spiritual [holographic] mind unity – this is collective ‘Con’sciousness’ and at the same time all over the planet all species of animals, great and small create 'Collective Unconscious' which is the subconscious mind of everything that is thinking and are all drawn from this prime reservoir of thought [100 monkey effect]

You have to ‘Con’sider this, that 81% of the population are NPCs – but check it, many of them do not know they are NPCs – they think they are in reality – they are the Agent Smith affect in the movie the Matrix - the NPC is from the Matrix, is sent by the Matrix, why, because it wants to survive

Many see the 'flash' which is coming from the light in the delivery room [Moon Matrix] and are having their 'Con'sciousness wiped and energies and used in another 


The Kabbalah also mentions the ‘flash’ this PURPLE RAIN [HAZE] LIGHTNING  

The [7] siStars [SAH] Orion-Belt link up [Beetle Juice] 
The Planets [energy discs link up]  

When the Buddha becomes ‘enlightened’ he experiences a flash of light, everyone that dies experienced that flash of light, those that have a near death experience come back and tell you that they experienced that flash of light and their lives always changed after event, its always changed and never the same, they have been upgraded to another level

You are at an advanced level and are to ‘wake’ up the others because they don’t know which way to go if we don’t show them the right way to go – there is a lot of light 'codes' being given, we have many distractions out here but all these flashes are designed to get us all on the same page, to allow others to catch up, its light ‘flash’ its not heavy, dense, these are light codes, its instant access – it is in waves, there are uploads on YT showing barnyard finds, which are classic cars that have been sitting there for decades and they will try and start the engine after all this time, they will try and restore the car [KAA] after all this time, and depending how he or she is built [manufactured] will s-he start 'awaken' sum don't start the first time round and will require attention, a few starts, a new sparkplug, oil change, the same principles for the planet and her [3] kingdoms and you, as above, so below, you have been asleep for 1000s of years and you must awaken, it cannot be done in one application, its in waves 

Your house sign [Zodiac] is the energy that you use to navigate your way through your lesson plan – you need Melanin to be attached to the house signs, without it you have no Nexus [connection]
The soul trap is the issue, the soul trap becomes the issue because the illusion of a soul trap is leading you down into darkness, you cannot get in here [this dimension] without knowing what you came here for, do you get that, this is called a soul ‘Con’tract from point zer0

Before you incarnate into the physical [3D] realm to fight in this war, you have to agree the ‘life’ that you live here, when you get here, good or bad or indifferent, you cannot come here without that agreement, they cannot flip you around on your agreement but they can offer up sum one else of equal or higher standing in the community as a sacrifice to put an obstacle in your PTAH [PATH] aka use sum one against us, from within us, us against us, sum one against you

You cannot get in here without getting a Book of Life at the beginning, even the NPCs [Non-Player Characters] have a book of life, that is their predestined path

So does it matter if you go to the ‘white’ light [delivery room] or the triple darkness ‘blackness’ there are no reincarnations during the SUN cycle, we know that once energy is created it can never be destroyed, positive or negative for all energies are recycled, renewed, replenished

The ‘light’ came out of the ‘dark’ness, so why would the darkness fear going into the light, that doesn’t make any sense, this is not a jail sentence, it’s a game, a game of the ‘gods’ when you play Monopoly, you know it’s a game, its about properties [real estate] and business – where we are is a Plutocracy [Roman word, found it when I was looking at Pluto] this is a holographic computer game and we are sum where else with headsets on 

You are inside the game and you need to ‘wake’ up to the game, so they cannot keep running the game up on you and they cannot once you see [sea] it - [water [Moya] is made from liquid Crystal]

We are coming out of the game by chapter and this last chapter was called Misery, which was plagiarized by the Rosicrucian’s from manuscripts from the Tibetans, they wrote a book called Unto thee I grant the Economy of Life, and this was taken from the Tibetans temple, and in there is this chapter called Misery, where did they get that from, when they asked the Tibetan ‘Monks’ where did they get it, they said it came from Egypt [KHMT] and this means it was part of the [MIR] pyramid text which was a Aaferti [Pharaoh] who was a philosopher, 'we are going to be scared of the pain but we will use the fear of pain to inflict more pain up on our self in the name of ignorance' aka we are going to continue to suffer until we can educate our self out of the Matrix – how do you do that

Your brain is operating on the same principle that the computer, cell phone is, they have apps, we call them Sigils, you can write your own app, that means you can write your own code and you can store that app on your screen and you can select to auto-mode and will activate when needed, we should have been taught Sigil writing in school and sign language, but they don’t teach Sigil writing in school because they wouldn’t know the apps that you would write, the i-magi-nation of a child is so terrifying to the ‘Con’trol system – the creativity of the child is the only remedy to break free from the ‘Con’trol system [Get in the game to get out of the game] 5D how did Neo beat the Matrix, he merged with it and crashed it from the inside out

So you have to enjoy the game even though it’s a game of Misery which that chapter has ended [reSet] but you don’t have any emotions when you’re not in the physical form, so everything that you experience [simulations] the positive emotions and the negative emotions, energy in motion [EM] they are contributing to experience of game of the ‘gods’ this is part of it

The highest expression of the game of the ‘gods’ when you win is called what they call sexual gratification or eternal bliss [bless] – those are metaphoric terms to describe how to navigate this thing we call the Matrix or the Game of Life aka the Game of the Gods, Game of Thrones is the same thing because Throne back then meant, seat, pulpit, the seat of ‘Con’sciousness [BAA] and not sum one sitting in a glorified chair - I cannot tell you if you should go to the light or darkness, I cannot tell you how to beat the Matrix, like Morpheus said - I can only show you the way 

Even at the end of this cycle, there will be negative things that still need to be remedied, the ones that come in will still need to burn out sh9t that was created, the energy will still need to be renewed, we have the problem child, who they love to experience that bad sh9t, these people love sh9t happening and attracting sh9t to happen, they are called the problem child  

There are rules to the game and there are MaStars out there who left crumbs [codes] they were not allowed to give you the codes [cheats] flat out like that because that would be violating the rules of the game, they are only allowed to give you the codes at the end of the game [reSet] exam, test hand in, everyone is coming for a PhD, I want to be a Scholar, its all oral exams, did you know that – there are so many people out there providing sum form of light, data, information, they are doing this to show the elders – we are heading into the Golden Age and it is in the hands of the right people, for the right reasons to produce the right ‘Con’ditions in order for us to live a righteous life without the religious ‘Con’notations 

You are not the Chosen Ones, you Choose what frequency you want to be on, you Choose to be Chosen because you Chose yourself – when I started out I went the wrong way for so long, so many decades the wrong way, nothing happens before the time, sum times we all have to swim upstream, you go the wrong way and go to the right side, you end up seeing both sides, now you ‘know’ better, you have more insight, you evolve, like you really evolve and not develop

Regardless of who really ‘Con’trols the Freemasons or who is to blame for the polluted water, the demise of animals and so on+ the key is do you see from the ‘god’ mind, do you see from the ‘god’ eye, once you get to a certain level then you see where you have to go and no one needs to tell you where to go, you will fill the hole that is there, many of these participants are old and dead and love the game, old ‘G’ you will fill the hole and once you plug the hole can no one get pass you – your not trapped here but you are ‘Con’tracted

The only way to get back to the oldest ‘Con’tract is to know the history of the earth which the first ‘Con’tract, which is the first ‘Con’ tract between Mama [prime creator] and Mother Earth that KI be a FEMI9 planet, that is the first ‘Con’tract – go anywhere and the earth is always referred to has her, she is a FEMI9 entity, the gender of the planet determines the rules to enter the planet, this is the Uterus Nexus and the Mitochondrial frequency and this is why only women pass Mitochondrial, they have the right to inherit the earth [men recently became the caretaker of the women because dildos where coming]   

The word should be Protracted not Contracted
Egyptian earth is Geb = male Heaven is female = Nut
[Nun, Nu, Nut, Niet, Nuit, Net translates ‘to weave’ and abyss, the deep, energy of Nu+ this is the computer code, network, as above, so below – Mu [Mut] Ma [Maat] Ma’other [Mother] 

This was, is a FEMI9 planet and there are rules beyond the planet that extend to the galaxy – the Kings wanted to settle the land and make it their own and establish a new set of rules, regulations and new guidelines, so in order to topple the Patriarchs who are doing all this money sh9t is, they are also called Rouge Patriarchs, Rouge is an anagram for Rules and Rules means Red – the Red house – the Red house [ROMANS] are the infiltration of the bloodline – which is how they infiltrated the tribes by raping them, Dancing with Wolves but the barbaric version, and marrying the 9ether Indians daughters to those that looked like them, but are not them, they have an agenda

The sweetheart swindlers woo the woman, marry her and when no one is looking they poison her off and take out Big Mama name and change everything in her house – its just a house and not Big Mama house, they came to destroy her, who, the Red House, the Roman and he brought with him his Romantic love that is Romanised, it’s a 5th dimensional Senet [Chess] game, that is the Queensland but is initiated from Flying Kings – which is a flip on the Seafarers in different colours in black and red but on a Checker board [Chess] they are called the Flying Kings – but the flip is as above, so below, they came has Seafarers – they are telling you in the game but being plugged into their Matrix, you cannot see nothing because your busy, offline doing other things

This is why there are signs and symbols for the ‘Con’sciouness mind, its not for everyone, you know this now, many will never leave the Matrix because they are not supposed to – it is the Flying Kings who came over and caused Misery on the land using colour, because they are coming from the red and black to the black and white, and overran the land, which is the Queensland, all of the land belongs to the women, it is the KAUR [AKUR] Lioness who holds the territory with her siStars, the males come and go but she never leaves but the men [male] can governor the seat

See is a real catch term – see – sea - seat - C – the highways are rivers – your Cars [K’aA] are boats

The mind [KHU] cannot perceive time unless there are steps along the way, each step brings on the realisation of the day going by and at every ending day you go into the night which is the dark – but in the dark you will awaken to the true self in the dream and the true self will rule the dreamland in order to come back and teach itself how to navigate the Queensland – how do we get back to the law of the land, we have to flip the calendar – then you have to flip the map

The word Dream [Draum] comes from the Aboriginal word DRAUM [DREAM]
Draumr [Dreamer] Dream [Visions] i-Magi-nary events seen while sleeping
Wandjina [Dreamworld] Dreamtime > spirit world > dimension > para
Daydreaming [nightdreaming] two different dimensions [‘Con’sciousness]
Parallel [Para means offsite] [Astral] A-Star [Spirit] worlds [realms] expanses, dimensions+ are all describing the same thing 
Dreams, visions, downloads, uploads, Nexus to server, imagination – Magi

The Wandjina world is real, those are real [reel] realities and realms that you go to but they lied to you and taught you that you were dreaming to keep you trapped in here to make you think this world [physical] was the only world whereas you go to other worlds, realities every night, every dream that you have ever had – is not a dream, those are other realities that you went to and that is why they seem so real [surreal] and those dreams that you have were while your still here – you wasn’t dreaming, when your still here - you were astral projecting into the future in what they call time here, never existed

Don't let your imagination run away with you, that is what many say, we say, please let your Magic run away with you

2012 the Ulmec [Mayan] + Ethiopian calendar came to its Con’clusion and what is it now, it reSets and it’s the only thing it can do, Y2K and all computers go back to zer0 and everyone panicking, and Ra said no need to panic, all it will do is reSet the computer time – nothing will happen to the data, data all backup, secure your data – that is what they said, computer time resets happens in IT with leap years on non UTC time all the time (in badly written apps) leap years makes no sense at all, we are coming into one light [time] right now NIBIRU is bending the light - 2012 into 2021 are the same frequency, we had to wait for the loop [9/11] to loop itself out and that expired in 2021 

9/11 they received [extension] 10 years [2012 - 2021] or 10mins in their time machine by offering 4,000 people

This is the Ulmec [Mayan] reSetting of the computer time, that is all at the closing out, the last time we went to war was in 1812 and we stopped on the battlefield because we are done with any more extensions, its not about can we beat them with arms, we have already done that   

Entropy, we have to get rid of sum thing in order to hold onto sum thing, in order to keep what is good, you have to get rid of what is bad = Entropy – same with people, sum times you have to give away sum thing good to get sum thing better, either way, you have to give up sum thing

Just read what you see [sea], your reading reality like a tarot card at that point when you see things come in

You with these Ghosts or those stuck on the earths negative plane, what if they were not stuck – its multiple timelines stuck to one another, in Slapped Ham, they had this period dressed lady, you could see that and they have a lot of footages on Slapped Ham, the point is, there are timelines, multiple next to each other – there is Sliders a series, that can explain exactly the point

Your light spectrum can be so narrow that it could be a person that vibrates on a light spectrum outside of your field of vision that you won’t be able to see them but a trained psychic will sense them – Psy means soul and Chi is force – to the untrained when they see them, they look like a apparition, which they call a Ghost and the word Ghost comes from the word Gospel aka Gods Spell [Ghost Spell] – they are outside of your field of perception

All I have to do is close my eyes and I connect, these apparitions I see, they don’t move like how we see them out here, purple black base, dark based but I can see them, the field is always jammed with different entities, its not like how Slapped Ham show with those entering the field from the negative arena, I have never had a negative experience only when in the company of others    

There are only people that you can see in your peripheral, your peripheral is black and white but it doesn’t mean you cannot see in the colour context but when it comes to looking from 'direct' all of the colour from the direct vision gives you the illusion that your peripheral sees in colour as well – the whites of your eyes is what you use to see the spirit world, which is why you say, I saw sum thing out of the corner of my eye, sum thing moved+ the field fills in the blank spots – our light spectrum is so narrow because we inhabit the body, they see us and they see sh9t that we don’t see, we are in the realm of infinite probability, if you can think it in your mind, then it is true – no matter how fairy tale it sounds – if you can form it into thought because of infinite possibility that one of the timelines is real but not just this one – all things converge on awakening or mass awakening, so how do you awaken the masses – you don’t, you awaken the Jedi MaStars first – the 9% - once the 81% see that 9% they will start aligning aka the 100monkey affect – when an Alpha walks into the room, everyone wants to turn and look, that is the same principles we have going on out here – if the Beta walked in the room and everyone turned and looked, how would you know the difference > anyone can take the position ‘seat’ of ‘Con' sciousness, that means you [Neo] 

The key to the colours is to know there are no colours, nature holds no colour bars, so why should we, people die for colours of a flag, culture is now related to flags, and the colours, nature holds no colour line – we cannot judge on sum body based upon sum thing that is not a natural make up – god doesn’t like ugly, but nature judges in beauty in pageantry, that is the way of the earth

FUCK is word  

Babylonia Sex Magic, the simulated sex act spiritually took place, why is this important, in nature she sees beauty, - man, in his manifestations she is expressed vulgarly, but physically its an energy exchange, that is what sex stands for Sacred Energy Xchange – spiritually it took place – the simulated sex act falls to those in charge of that simulated act [program] – its bullsh9t – this is deception, trickery, fuckery and throughout these stories from Thor, Odin, they tell us don’t study that because its mythology – we want you to study history and they give us mans history and say that is your history – see the trick – they took us from the Mystery system which was MyStory [MaStar-y] to hiStory which was his-story, but we figured it out and now all this stuff is not working and everyone is starting to notice, people are starting to look – 9% and the rest looking 81% equals 90% - then we go live, it is only a small number 144hz [9] needed to supercharge ‘Con’sciousness and the rest will ignite - look at Neo in the image [9%]

There was a Reptilian archon residing under the Vatican that gave the Pope and the Crown of England their orders – that bi9ch has been dead since 2020 – there are archons in human skin that carry messages to other countries – yes there are Reptilians, these are interdimensional beings and were brought into the earth through a Stargate – they were brought in by the Yahweh in the Bible and who we call Zeus aka ENLIL – you have to keep in mind that these are his other family, they mirror images of the earth, they put the mirror verse in the Doctor Strange movie, because once you trap them in the mirror, they cannot get out, so they use mirror magic [magi] magu against the earth siStars – they had broken the mirror on the crossroads which has now been reversed – now we have to clean up those lines so that all the siStars can see one mother – the mirror is a portal and is why you shouldn’t have mirrors facing you when you sex or sleep – when mirrors have cracks in them it becomes a prism – so it looks like you are seeing a thousand reflections but when they all come together they make one reflection called the great mother, as above, so below – the ‘god’ men are the ones to tell you that the woman is PRIME CREATOR, that is me, she is the ONE

Most of the men are stuck in their EGO [ALTER-EGO] and want the ‘god’ of all creation to have testicles – that is not the case, everyone that comes down here are female first, the male is just the aggressive part of the female, all eggs are fertilized and are female up to 72days [3months] 9 – when the Mitochondrial scan the DNA – it can either make it male or female  

Any one that comes into the earth must look like a huMin [huMan] – the ANUNNAKI came in and changed the natural progression of the earth and species – but everything was already sentient before the ANUNNAKI came

ALELU [ALLAH] came first and agreed not to attack the planet with his crew because he had lost to ANU [twin brothers] and when ENKI came, he made ENKI agree not to overthrow the Matriarchy, but the ANDROMEDA beings attacked and this is what lead to the ‘Con’tract for the Dinosaurs [Lizard upright beings, Reptilians] and give them so many millions of years to hunt, keep in mind that time is an illusion – its rolled out events for process and without that you cannot perceive time – we can’t always take say sumthing that is 15miilion years old that is sitting in sum thing that is 3,000 years old, lower parts of the earth rise up into modern earth and vice versa, time cannot be measured like that only – creation never stops, nature is always coming up with new species, she is always changing, it’s a 'Con'tinuous process, as long as nature is processing, things have to change

That 81% have to come to play because they are the majority of the universal mind, even if they are NPCs because their impute becomes critical – for the binary code to be processed you need bigger computers to process [the 9% are the bigger computers] – now they are trying to figure out the star of life, they don’ know what it looks like in 3D –  when you line everyone in rows you will start to see it because everyone has an Auric field and that is what is called the Star of Life 

The one we are waiting for is one main triangle with a multiple of smaller triangles, other symbols, but its a sphere, circle or a 18-pointed Star, remember the square, cube and triangle all fit through one another - you can see it in Dendera [Zodiac] HETU [abode, isles, coastland, house, temple] 

Enough auric fields give you that pattern, Star of Life – then there is the double triangles or 2 pyramid [MEKABA] – these symbols are around the world and are also levels of the collective ‘Con’sciousness – this is how the game changes, the collective thoughts of those who said, enough is enough – its stop, reSet to another evolutionary point – it’s a relaying race

You know I hate this realm, but check it, its not the realm that I hate, it’s the ‘Con’dition that I hate + besides, your not here, we are residing in the chapter called Misery >> if you do not feel that way, then the hologram is not working <<< dissatisfaction brings in changes, extremities shape a character, shapes a soul, shapes a person – total dissatisfaction brings about a total change

Its not here, it’s the ‘Con’ditions that we ‘feel’ – the frequency is off, the earth tone is not her tone, what do you expect, when the tone is correct we are in heaven and earth but when we go through the chapter Misery we have h3ll on earth – do you get this, is this resonating with you, which is harsh conditions, you signed up for this, harsh conditions to aggravate the sentient 9% into dissatisfaction into crashing this monkey sh9t down, the 81% will join them, we have left the Moon cycle, when will it be over, not yet Casanova, much work is still to be done, this is a long chapter, Misery is still the greatest teacher, you learn a lot form being in Misery, not talking about self-inflicted Misery, until you Ma-Star the Misery chapter, you’re not ready to be let loose just yet, Misery will teach you to avoid sum sh9t that you wouldn’t have learned any other way, you will want to pursue a benevolent condition with a rational mind until you find it

The only thing that is coming from the Matrix [society] is to divorce [unplug] from it and everyone is scared to do it, this is the dilemma for many – sum will have their hand forced and sum will have no choice, and sum just need to see the 9% flip out and they will break rank

9 + 81 = 90 [9]

Currency [CurrenSea] Sea [See] C [Seat] 

Lights taken down

Recorded in Missouri [USA] 8.12.2023
It is what it is 

RED and BLUE KACHINA [MAAT] are also present + WAJI satellite 


SHAMS [Cylinder] crafts 

Huge craft [NIBIRU] Phoenix passing through 

Morocco - Crafts everywhere, day in, day out - whoever controls the SKA controls this planet

Don't get caught up with silly western words, know what you are looking at 

The SUN is erupting and the four corners are already lit - why, how, what is causing the four corners of a camera to light up like that and the fact that we are in vast space, emptiness, how, unless we are in a closed environment 

M6 Mexico - Paddle fish 
***there would have been [3] more trinity strikes, same area or sum where else 


Fire in the hole, when the Red [FEMI9] energy is sitting in the SKA like that, that is problems, these are mutating waves, Red-Iron-Oxide which is F.E [IRON] FE.MALE and Oxide [HERU] aka FEMI9 ELECTRON NRG - a mutating wavelength that changing every living [CHI] force on this planet
MAAT is also Blue and Red KA.CHI.NA 

This is WALES [UK] Ultraviolet backdrop - Wales is in the South, nope, its in the North - map is upside down [UV] PRUPLE [CROWN] RAIN [HAZE] people would have been going offline with that SKA 

Canadian Schuman jammed from the 6th - Russian over 9hz 

Italian Schuman 

Tripping out 

Water is coming in, filling up the fish bowl, see all that lightening in Saudi, its coming from crafts above, like strobe lights, they said it will be he fire 'plasma' this time round, plasma messes with the CROWN, places are being separated, land slides means land is moving beneath you, water alone is shutting places down, cutting them off, nature is not playing at all 

2012 was a movie, remember when they leave in the movie 2012 they leave from CHINA aka the Himalayas which is where Ashtar Command have been grounded, fleets are sitting on the ground over the Himalayas and is to why there is a no fly zone over there, on google satellite maps they would come up looking like streams running down the sides of mountains, valleys, when it is they have their fleets side by side using reflective material, you have seen the amount of crafts, support carriers, motherships, fighterships in the SKA, why so much - because there are 1000s of crafts grounded that are waiting because they have to make a break for it, they can only leave through two portals and both are guarded - the SKA is getting closer and closer aka the dimensions are getting closer and closer, the spiritual realm is the holographic realm [dimensions] expanses, they are at risk of being deleted, best come out fighting

That craft, is that a beam or search light 

What is that, its been coming up from the bottom and is getting bigger and closer [Leona] Leon [Lion]

New map of Venezuela

Maduro is homosexual - we do not want homosexual energy presiding over feminine energy because they do not care about her, they are part of the Patriarchal system that is being replaced by the Matriarchal energy - homosexual energy cannot preside over women and children, this is a family run hotel [planet], we accept dogs and the Irish and the 'Blacks' but we do not accept homo, pedo, tranny, necro, and zoo - these things were brought to this planet and will be removed by her, be what you want, but she wrote the LAWs, if you love pussy, say h3ll yeah, imagine all that was left was these two, Adam and Steve and no Eve - look at Maduro face, it was at that moment he knew he fu9ked up, he offered $1million for either this image or another one when he became known, homosexuals cannot have children and so cannot contribute to the HuMin [HuMan] mantle frame, yet they are here, who is having homosexual offspring, how are inverted beings here from heterosexual couples, is one really defected or both, test tubes and C-sections [IVF] do not have a sexual gender, they are inverted - sum like other things like animals, dead people, little boys, same gender, we have been here many, many times people, Sodom and Gomorra [Gomorrah] Go-Moor-rah] was destroyed, its not one city this time, if 'god' destroyed their city, then who AM I to have an opinion, a 'god' took out the city, this 'god' hated that city because there was burn holes everywhere, like fire hailstones had rained down on that city, crafts came in and levelled that city, Sodom is Sodomy [anal] and Gomorrah is the STD called Gonorrhea, passing down over generations to generations, infected lines, tainted lines, Romans and Greeks love sum ass, mens ass, Muslims too and many love animal ass, the 'blacks' love sum ass too, women take pictures with their ass facing, you know why now, homosexuals - bisexuals who masquerade has heterosexual, all Romans and Greeks Muslims prefer anal - where waste from your body comes from, and then he takes it out of her ass or his and puts it in her pum-pum, you come along and have an affair or a liaison not knowing where her pum-pum has been, a shitty penis with waste on it, feces was in there before you sunshine

She was born a man, and he is homo or Pedo - they made a batch of these dark haired tyrannies, Sandra Bullock is another one, Megan Fox, and Jodie Foster was born a man first 

 Tainted the bloodlines, they did this on purpose, Jaundice 'yellow eyes' is not just from Alcohol alone, its from mating with infected lines, its not about because he or she is homo or if he or she likes animals, dead people or boys, it does not compute on this planet, we cannot understand it for it does not belong on this planet, we cannot have inverted energies presiding over the supreme FEM.9 ELECTRON NRG, see that word ELECT-TRON - she is 'elect'ed by 'god' she is having the final say, spark the 9% and the rest will follow 

Hear what she says about Maduro @14:39 
Do you see how the people threw food, water, up to them while they were on the train, deep, and they were Mexicans knowing that they are Venezuelan, even though the Mexican government officials are the ones robbing them - insight to out of sight, out of mind - many things are taking place around the planet 

[QR] scan - the KOMPUTER [COMPUTER] (Apple) MAC [MEC] also came from 9ethers 

This cube rock is 23 meters high; its flat faces are located at almost an angle of 90o
The cube is located in Wyoming [USA] TA-MERI 
According to the official version, this is a natural formation
Sandstone Geometry on the Colorado Plateau
You can see other cubes, this block was cut with precision technology 
Cube cemetery, sum one was cutting cube stones

Bath or bowl, 160 tons, how tall is the guy on the right, how would you get in it if it was a bath and if you were that tall why is the bath not wider, what is that in the middle, shower hose, water hose, is it a bowl, say the giant was double the man size, that could work, there were different heights to the giants, this was either found in Russia or Finland, giants are still here and giants are once again here  

What were you before a human size door and why are the doors taller than human size unless the door was for taller humans, beings+ 

Nassau st [Wall st] NYC - how many of the older buildings are mostly underground [mud flood]
@12:18 in NY in the 1940s, see that craft descending, see its shape materialise 

What is wrong with this, modern shoe looking in 15-million year old seabed, did sum one go back into time at sum point or ???

The streets were paved in Gold - magnetic lines, that is how these hover boards worked, the planets lay lines, energy lines - there is 6 miles worth of storage space under the Vatican alone, Hitler also hid, buried, technology, artifacts - we have been here before, 7 times already

Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia [Odin] 

[9] Imperial temples and 253 others temples

The layout is patterned after the celestial bodies, you can see the circuit board like in KHMT and you can see these ‘temples’ where like those in KHMT for astral traveling and for charging the avatar  

Each imperial tomb is an individual and integrated group of architectures, sitting north and facing south in a rectangle
Western Xia Imperial Tombs show clear relics of an inner square, roads, courtyards, wells and house
 In the middle of the south end of the heavenly wall stood watchtower platform
Behind it is an eye-catching mausoleum platform, an earth pile with a remnant height of 23 meters, which used to be a five- or seven-storied solid eight-sided pagoda
This is unique in their mausoleum architectures
It is this relic that is called Oriental Pyramids by foreign tourists
Between the palace and mausoleum platform lies earth ridge, under which is corridor leads to the chamber--the underground palace
You can see the runway [Vimana] and the land sites 
There are mysteries yet to be unveiled. Floods in Mt. Helan are numerous but somehow the area of the Western Xia Imperial Tombs is left untouched. Also, there are 8 or 9 stone kneeling statues unearthed with sticking teeth, glower and plump breast with unknown significance and function
These are guards with heads chopped off, those faces remaining are from their necklace and the problem is that these 'gods' and guards are all 9there - Xuan Di means 'black emperor and to be a Samurai you need sum 'black' blood - their heads would have had 9ether features or deadlocks

The Chinese are not a 100% pure race, where do you think you got your 'black' hair from, they are a secretive state because they have much to hide, all this is from 1972, I have posted much more sites from 'Chinas' hidden, same with heads missing, China will become a great ocean, the end of the world is made in China, there is good and bad in all  

Both 'white' and 'black' people eat Chinese [Mandarin] food, Chinese food is prepared differently in Italy and Jamaica and London, certain foods from different cultures do cross over without prejudice
When we all stop fighting one another, we still need to eat  

Rosa, Ziggy and Prince - normally you see the mother just leave but where Ziggy and Prince were older, the bond was much stronger, even when the male realised Prince was nearby he hung back, that shows humidity, given at one point the Punks wanted both Prince and Ziggy dead, when Rosa came closer you could see her pain on her forehead, which went all wrinkly with thoughts, that was deep, I always look to nature to find clarity, when the Monkeys, Elephants all lose sum one you can see they know what pain is, they know what emotions are and feelings, the Lioness [KAUR] AKUR [AKIR] and her siStars are the FEMI9 energy - MEKABA [Sekhemt] KAA [KAAT] KAT 

They can see in the dark, cats eyes, they can perceive more than humans, their retina is different 



They are not supposed to find that mountain, bypass the names China and India and Japan and Russia and Siberia and Mongolia - what was this place before - tell us the history before this western version - how did their numbers decline like that, they called them Evil, maybe they are to the invaders of that land, the same ones who hunted them to near extinction, tell us the history before 100 years or 400 years and the 3,000 year cut off point, that guy who broke his leg is forbidden to go or know where this place is, that is why they showed the guy at the same time they read the warnings, that was deep
KAT beings 

Remember, no one leaves, no soul means you stay here on the earths negative field - ETHER goes back to ETHER - DON'T FU9K with the KAA world, Paranormal investigators means nosy gits, do not be in the company with sum one who has opened a portal with the other side, the 3D world is merging into the 4D dimension and those using the 3D can only access the 3D - the Ouija is D-ARK MAGI aka 'BLACK MAGIC' used by 9ethers and is not the origin to EVIL with a modern day meaning, the Ouija is origin to EVE + LILLIITH [EVE'LIL] EVIL 'BLACK' DARC MAGU - you need ETHER to use it, without it you attract the unknown 

5 different officers - with guns and Tasers, and its the same species, how many are there of these creatures out there - the two are going to meet one day - the USA is going to have one h3ll of a Blockbuster movie and Thailand

[DINO] Terrible 
Reptile, Snakes, Serpents, Dragons, Crocodiles, Lizards [upright Lizards are called Reptilians today aka the terrible lizards] - the AKIR [AKUR] and Crocodiles [Reptiles] are cousins, they both hiss, slit eyes and have a 3rd eye

39mins out of 24hrs a day - CHINA military can see it also - they are not hiding - he said is it a reflection of the SUN, from what, if that was the case, then from what, where would the reflection be coming from - what was the doorway, come on people, evidence is all around you - giants are still here 

With the Mandela affect, all you have to do is know the anomaly is there - Mandela died in prison, they beat him to death - MAAT is asking if you remember, I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing and how old I was - is the hologram working for you or not - mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all - MK ULTRA - it didn't work on you - both SINBAD and SHAZAAM came out 

LARS [LARES] - that was deep, see his face, the LARS have backup, many of their people are on MARS - its their face that makes up the face on MARS, you have to invert that image like how Lloyd Pye showed us - the European Americans murdered 4,000 of them, with around 4,000 still out there, India, China, Australia, Iran, USA+ 

Repels attackers 

METAPHYSICAL means META [MAAT] beyond the physical
Quantum means [4]  

Fatima Whitbread HERO [HERU] HER-U] 

You gain with one hand and lose with the other hand, many different 'Con'tracts down here, many were honoured - Big up Fatima 

INTIMACY does not mean the ROMAN modern day version - men are outta beings, women are inner beings, you plug into her, not the other way around 

Plato [Platonic] Pluto [Plutonic] means to have a homosexual relationship, casual relationship, between the same gender, today it means relationship, friendship, which is what homosexuals can only achieve, Gay means to be HAPI not homosexual - Plato is homo-sexual  

Break down English [Roman] words, definition, meaning, etymology are all different, once you see the meaning to you [resonates], the Romans cannot hide no more - the FEMI9 NRG [MtDNA] cannot be expressed through the ROMANs [ROMANIZED] ROMANTIC for the NRG can only be shown + the [7] senses and the MtDNA which only she can switch on, a man can go a whole lifetime trying to switch it on but cannot without her, that is why your ex wants to kill you, because your MtDNA is all that and more+ you will bow down to her out of adMIRation - you must yield to the FEMI9 ELECTRON NRG - the Sound of Life [Om] is HER-U 

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