The intuition is a powerful part of us that through
education and social conditioning and familial conditioning has been hidden, many
were told it doesn’t work, for 6ether women their intuition is triggered when
they are pregnant because they are using the childs intuition, senses+ when
they say that the intuition is heightened – this would be the 9ether mother and
child – for sum 6ethers they can use their childs intuition until the child
reaches around 5
The female head is half a pound heaver than the male and this means she gets things a tad bit faster than him - remember women have game - they just let you win all the time
We have been taught to be logical, systematic, like left
brain over here and right brain over there, this is the sequence, this is the
order, this is how it works, soldiers march left, right but what about in and
out – its all systematic for them – you are told, if this happens, then that
will happen – and so when we see that happening, when this has happened and it
defies logic, then we say – oh then it cannot work, however with the raising of
consciousness, the awakening [activation] we are seeing many reconnect with
their intuition
The expression of ‘my mind did tell me’ or ‘my mind told
me that’ or ‘spirit did tell me’ or ‘I knew that’ all this and more is your
intuition – you can see in people whose intuition is strong – you see this in certain places around the world but in more developed places, were the pace is faster
and you don’t have time to listen to any intuition or there isn’t any room for
intuition, you will find these people just using logic, they are only in their
left brain which is logical [analytical]
Intuition is real and is with you from the moment you are
born and is part of your senses and there has never been a more pressing time were you
have needed to use it than now, in this moment, you have to start using this
sense – you have to acknowledge its presence because the more you acknowledge
its presence the more the sense becomes stronger [activated] the sense becomes stronger
the more you trust your intuition and the more you use your intuition, the
more you will ‘know’ when your intuition is trying to get your attention – sum
one, when she gets intuition her right toe gets a tingle and she said she
knows that sum thing is off, there are those who have their left or right eye
flicker and for me its my middle of my hand that I have to scratch – many moons
ago people would say that was a sign for money coming your way, however the
middle of my hand itching is from my intuition through my body giving me
signals that I need to pay attention to
You need to acknowledge your intuition given that this is
part of your senses and are connected, you intuition is linked with you right
brain – which is your intuitive side, its your creative side, the real authentic
side of your brain –
The left and right side of your brain are your right and
left hemisphere and hemi means half in Latin and half a sphere is a DOME
To many, these senses are not real and that is because
they are all physical, many have a calcified eye, many do not have a Chakra
system, and for many because of the timeline that we are in they are just
following trends out here and simply cannot comprehend the knowledge, they are
only getting into this now because everyone else is, but if they take a moment they will find that they have these senses
Higher senses – Clairvoyance, Psychometry, Telepathy,
Intuition and your standard senses are, Seeing, Hearing, Tasting, Smelling –
the [2] that the western scientist leave out are Feelings and Emotions
[e-motion] [energy-in-motion] – sum people do not even have the standard senses like many cannot see in colour, they are colour blind, many people cannot taste
food, the 9ether intuition is different because they also have Melanin which is
a semi-conductor which when added with all their senses makes them higher than
others, their intuition is different
Your intuition guides you and is with you on your PTAH
that has opened for you to follow – your intuition [in-tuned-ition] allows you
to take another route around sum thing or not at all, the intuition makes you
think twice about sum thing – many people do things that make no logical sense
and that is the importance of using your intuition - this is where you are going to find success,
you will meet the person who will then allow you to connect the dots to make
your connection, you won’t do that because it will lead you to no connection to
where you are going to make the things that need to happen, happen
Procrastination – which is a long word – many people have
given this word a bad meaning, many feel bad for procrastinating, but for me – what
I realised is that when I was ‘procrastinating’ this was my intuition telling me to
stop, wait until conditions are more favourable and then you go again, sum
times society [man made Matrix] with those who are showing you in their Matrix
how to be successful will tell you that procrastination is bad – for those who
are all physical, it is, for those who have no sense, it is – this is the end
cycle and for many you will see that you wasn’t really supposed to do anything
until these final parts of this cycle, like from 2001 – into 2009 [2012] into
the last decade, never before have you needed to use your senses with your intuition
being very important than now, so it doesn’t matter if you did fu9k all – because
you wasn’t supposed to, it doesn’t matter if you never made it in sum thing –
because you wasn’t supposed to – its ironic that many people who are doing sum
thing are actually feeling like they are actually procrastinating and are doing
this and that, they are filling up their time with pointless things because they
feel like they are doing nothing, they know that time is running out and are
trying to slow this down even though they are already doing things – nothing happens
before the time – my intuition said, wait, stop, take a knee and wait until the
condition is right
Take a look at procrastination and what you have participated
in – and did it play a role in your ruin or the optimization of a set of
circumstances – many people are going through a midlife crises which for many
started when the lockdown started, many people are going through a midlife crises
because the KAA can no longer serve the person and wants out, the KAA is shifty
because its restless, midlife because the mind reaches a certain maturity [around 40] and
cannot do the same shi99y things that you have been doing, we have also a
huge amount of consciousness frequencies hit the planet bringing awareness and
many are doing just that – self-awareness, self-realisations are killing people
inside – many are thinking wtf have I done with my life and what do I have to
show for it, everything is mixing, time does not exist - the mind is restless, their spirit is restless - its accountability for we are going through an audit - weighting of the heart - Karma - balance
Watch you intuition, observe it, follow it – your intuition
can save you from yourself, your intuition can prevent you from being in a
shi99y experience
Our consciousness has been amplified and therefore your intuition
is going to be coming in stronger because you are going to need them for the conditions
that are unfolding currently that we are going to be part of and you will need
this particular sense more than ever
Watch your dreams, watch your emotions when you are coming
out of sleep in the morning, you may not remember the dream but what emotions
do you have from it - the dream will leave you with emotions, what emotion or
emotions do you have and that emotion is now going to guide your intuitive
process on how to do or not to do sum thing - each day is a nu cycle, and you must improve on the cycle [day] before, small changes affect the ETHERS [Heaven] she wants you to succeed, take a knee and listen to yourself - listen to the real you
The AKUR [KAUR] EKUR does not flee, if you notice she stays, she fights, for she is bold, he will fight or abandon, she cannot abandon but she can fight
Why does a man answer for a woman and why do they have a child has a woman - nature is going to show you what a real woman is - so stop asking and undermining her, worried are you
HERU on the Horizon
This picture gets to me, you can see the eye and the yellow is coming from its mouth - this is the DRAGON
Check the two reflections on the water - one is yellow and the other is white
You can see the RED sphere above from either NIBIRU or KACHINA
Check the colours
Portal wide open
Diamond in the SKA - check the shape of the portal
White disc - RED backdrop - Yellow oval with RED hue
Make it make sense
CHI.KA.GO [Chicago and Atlanta are twin energy states]
'Our new way to warn you when lives are in danger' never in your insignificant life have you seen sum thing like this before - there are no more tests - yet the biggest test in 'our' 'lives' is on the horizon
Those that run the 3D world were warned - the SOULAR event is coming and this grid will shut down
There are a lot helicopters in the SKA whether military or police who both are equipped with radar
The frequencies are stabilizing, nu codes are stabilizing, nu energy signatures, there is sum one on the internet who is adding the words and emoji because she does not know what the fu9k she is doing
Look at the codes
Check the colours for they match the energies of these tones, sones, vibrations, frequencies, acoustic
These figures are now outdated because according to the data from the Schuman based in KANADA and ITALY we are hitting between 200hz and 140000hz and 100hz and this means all those who can only function at 7.89hz are offline - you can see the resonating frequencies, this would mean murder, acts of violence, abuse, physical, mental, spiritual, aggression, suicide, mental health, depression+ have increased - nah, we are not seeing an increase in peoples attitudes, mental states, its just another day at the office - look at these energy signatures, the block ones are coming in like a heartbeat - wait a minute doesn't the machine measure the planets heartbeat - the planet is shifting and if you are not synced to the planet you will be deleted - these are Sirius times ahead because the resonating frequency is going to go Pepsi Max - I hear the adjustments in my inner-ear, we have had adjustments
HAARP wavelengths
Asteroids zooming pass KI are warnings - Lake Mead in the USA was drying out until they filled the lake with water that was coming from sum where else - this was all temporary - keep in mind that many of the lakes in the USA are man-made and have many settlements buried under all that water, many bodies of old are in those waters
Tanzania - Keya - Ethiopia - remember there is a huge crack that is going to separate ABZU from the rest of the land - the Chinese have 100,000+ in the horn of Africa [Djibouti] and they need to be flushed out - Pakistan and Afghanistan, they said that lighting struck the mountain - that means plasma [lighting] from a craft was dispensed on purpose - what was the cargo - what was you carrying, this 'vital' road is now closed by a higher source - nothing is random or a coincident
Sum thing came through at record speed
Crafts have been here since day dot - more son when NIBIRU was reintroduced back into this SOULAR system in 2012 and since then we have had an entourage of crafts enter this dimension with the bigger crafts on the outer perimeter
Is this a being looking out of a window [square] on a craft behind the cloud or is this pareidolia - pareidolia sounds like LSD to me because they have the same definition
Purple on the outside of the sphere but different inside
The planet is being blasted and so are you - be well - keep your thoughts nice and easy even though you are struggling
Last time it was the floods, this time it will be the fire
How many triangle crafts are up there
RED is going to delete you
US Moon landing
Only the actors faces are real and everything else is CGI in the movie Gravity [Levitation]
Stanly Kubrick thinks he pulled the wool over many peoples eyes however consciousness has been amplified since then and we all know better, he may have directed the US Moon landing, in lying about reaching the Moon however the truth is out there - the NSA went 7 or 9 years before NASA and were taken, when NASA went they were also taken however they were warned by the other reptilians not to come back, it is forbidden for 6ethers to leave the planet let alone go into space - NASA have only been to the lower orbit of space which is called the SKY [SKI] SKA - the SUN, MOON and STARS are all under the DOME with us - all USA shuttles had a black underbelly and that is Melanin [ETHER] - if they didn't have the underbellies coated with Melanin they would have burned up on reentry
So, if this is not your boy Musk - then where is he - no one is leaving this dimension
This is not new, what do you think KFC and MacDonald's are - they are also getting you ready to eat insects, why, because the animals that you consume will be deleted - many mutants can eat mutant food because they are mutant beings - you won't be leftover night is not true and many are on trolleys
'First of all, how did you find me'
Made from Green [Waji] BANANA
The man made power [grid] is going to go out - these older sites are still on and the pyramids are also on - they had their manmade power and reversed the knowledge, Tesla(s) power is actually harmful to humans, the BENNU [Obelisk] are also antennas, the [3] stars in SAHU [SAH] Orion - Belt are coming from the galaxy next to this one [which is merging into this one] and not this one, these [3] stars are also called the [3] KINGS, there are [9] in this gate and is where SIRIUS is, which we call Haven aka HEAVEN - the SUN is being fuelled by Sirius, the signal comes from Sirius
Cathode [Anode]
The nodes; the two invisible light bodies tethered to the
Eclipses are approaching which means the pineal and
pituitary the glands [3rd eye] minds eyes, in which our brains
hemisphere will be opened for clearing and charging
The inner SUN empower the BAA giving them a recharge
All energy is a current and is derived from the elemental
Just as you need to ground, so does your [3] bodies
We are having huge amounts of PLASMA hit which is SOULAR
energies, the more we have the more we activate – this is SOULAR energy for
your BAA [Soul] that you are receiving through your built-in antenna, and
through your Crown – which will either make you online or offline
Wheeled KAT [CAT]
Horse and Mouse on wheels
Ceramic Mouse with joint in jaw area - made of wood
Ragged doll
Ragged ball
And fan
Push toy - horse and rider and grinder pulley
All these artifacts are from Egypt - toys, and they knew how to construct a wheel - there is a person grinding - so they knew how to make models - if the 9ethers did not leave these types of records there would have been no learning or reminding of who we are and the 6ethers would not have civilised to which this is still on-going
EGYPT [EGIPT] took 5,000 years to get the records ready
KHEMET is older, like 450,000 years
We see HERU [HORUS] and SET [SETH] SUT - which they say are the unions between two land such has lower and higher KHMT [Egypt] - we can see the Lotus flower and the symbol of water [Moya] which is current, for electric, for power - electric static generator, there are positive and negative conductors - upper or lower balance if you want
This is a symbol for two types of forces coming together, for your lower and higher self coming together has one
Traditionally Spain used the 'black' Bull which was the 9ethers being kicked out of Europe - look how they stabbed the Bull and you wonder why young people stab each other to death and it is to death that we will delete this monkey behaviour from this planet
A-Set wears the horn crown for she takes on both the roles of a male [MEN] and female [MENET]
ANU [A.NU] ANNU translates Heavenly Father
ELOHIM [ELOHYEEM] translates These Beings
ANNUNAQI [Anoo-Na-Qee] translates Those beings that ANU sent down from Heaven to Earth [QI]
ANUNNAKI [ANUNNAGA] aka ANU(s) beings once on KI are the NAAGAS [ANU.NAGA]
Many of these crafts above are actually being manned by 9ether FEMALES and Star family, they have returned for their planet and their offspring called 'These Beings' these beings are you today weather you have 9ether or not - sum of you lost the 9ether but not the reason why you are down here
When the US went to war with Vietnam, the US went behind enemy lines and came through Cambodia, the Vietnamese kept the USA at bey [bay] for a decade, when the US soldiers came through Cambodia they also had with them 9ether soldiers that when the locals saw these 9ethers they dropped to their knees because they thought the 'Gods' had returned
The DOGON called them NOMMOS, the YORUBA referred to them as ORISHA, the Pygmies [TAHITES or PTAHITES] in ALKEBULAN [Africa] referred to them as OGRIGWABIBIKWA, the dwarfs who changed into reptiles - the GREEKS used DERCITO [DRACO] for fishtail humans, the Mesopotamians use DAGAN, half man - half fish; the East Indians say TAKSHAKA, KING of the NAGA [NAAGA] serpents - the hearts of man is going to fail him when the SKA is pulled back
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