Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Dirty Cash

Your filtration system – it detoxes itself, I had warm sensations in my calves last week which at all your joints the energy has to pass through – around your body coming in through the Crown and travelling around your body going through all your joints and the passing out of your hands and feet and is to why you don’t have any Melanin on the underside of your hands and feet – you have to be eating correctly for this is the fuel [food] that you need to sustain these nu codes, upgrades, another guy was talking about how his neck is acting crazy right now+

Your body is taking the brunt of the energies coming in, remember UV is a detoxifier – a mutant germ killer, many people are dying and continue to leave

The planet kingdom was created to feed you, 9ethers are designed to eat plant food which are electric foods and is to why many are born with [WAJI] Green skin – Waji avatars

Collard greens are not 9ethers food, Turnip Greens and Mustard Greens are not the 9ethers food, they brought that from Ireland – so to Potatoes – the 9ethers would eat things like Dandelion Greens – they ate Spinach – Corn – Corn in the 9ethers body is the Carbon twin to the Carbon in Corn – in the 9ethers creation they used Carbon Corn and is to why Corn was created on KI and was here before here was here – the 9ethers needed a body [avatar]

It is impossible for 6ethers to be Vegan has they must have protein from animals because that is what holds them together – Vegan foods come from Vegan plants – plant is another word for factory – this is why poultry is the top food in their food charts – all Vegan foods contain protein from meat

The junk DNA which is active now – you can jump start into these energies as they start coming in, I started to see my own patterns that have emerged over the last 2-3 years – to jump start pay attention to your dreams [visions] downloads – purchase this PQQ supplements for lucid dreams [Lucid Dreamer] this thing works and you sleep through – try Trace Mineral drops – this aligns – you cannot always control your lucid dreams – your Medulla is a pump – at the base of your spine where the tailbone is – above your tailbone in your pelvis is another pump and in there is a reservoir of fluid that looks like Olive oil and when these pumps start working and they haven’t been working for a while – it will make the back of your head [neck] stiff, tightness – when this first kicks in you will have lower back pain – once up and running you could be up in the middle of the night because the KUNDALINI is going to rise – which is all part of the ascension process – its part of activation - high blood pressure is the KUNDALINI rising 

When in mediation my body [craft] moves, sways and this is because you could be in your endocannabinoid body [KAA] body aka your spirit body – consciousness is not coming from within, its projected externally, internally – you can also be in the presence of one of the MaStars – there is a line in the Bible where it says the Angel made David bow down and he couldn’t stand up – that is what is going on – you automatically do this in the presence of a MaStar – they have powers, they are not stronger than us but they are more experienced than us – they have strong auras, they are walking around KI – we see them in the SOULAR flares, strikes, Plasma means to mould – to figure, this is the 9th gate where the ‘Gods’ MaStars are

You can flip your subconscious to your conscious because you didn’t want to go back, this is one of the reasons why sum people stop dreaming [downloading] you didn’t need to go back to sleep once you got charged up like that and it could take you a decade to get to that level again – last 2-3 years many have been operating at a super conscious level – when your subconscious goes like that you push your ego out of the way – which is all the bullsh9t that they taught you about yourself that isn’t true and is what makes the ego – their Matrix [society] creates your ego – this is why its an illusion, this is what they think you should be – this is why you are here to find out who you really are, so they cannot tell you who you are – and that is why many 9ethers in the USA [Atlantis] know they didn’t arrive on no slave ship – those in Atlantis would have remembered if they had – the ones in the Caribbean got there on a ship and then many got to the UK on a ship – they remember because that is all they ever talk about – Windrush – there are other 9ethers who can never relate to that narrative – many were already mixing long before 1492 – with those from ‘China’ and those from ‘India’ and no doubt those from Africa long before 1492 – but all of sudden everyone is from Africa

Not everyone came from Africa and there are many Africans [Moors] who arrived with the 6ether Europeans and took over Atlantis – who are these native Indians in the USA today, who are these Mongolian mixes, the Romans fought wars against the Mongols, Huns and the Hindus and from all these wars they took massive amounts of servants, slaves, women, children and then bred out the 9ethers in those places and is to why the Hindu have been at war with the Muslims and why they have Mughal history that is only 5,000 years give or take and Mughal is Mongol which is who were used to aid with the breeding out and also in ‘China’ and 'India' and the USA – when the Moors got kicked out of Europe, they dressed these Mongols up in the 9ethers feather [fezzas] and told the 9ether natives that were originally from Atlantis that they wore 3- piece suits – the Moors wore suits and the natives wore Moccasins and feathers – they wore goat skins, deer skin leathers – Buffalo pants – the natives wore barefoot because they liked to be one with the earth – earth, soil, soul, sole, your feet plug into the circuit board which contains minerals, the earth [soil] is charged, Elephants also plug into the ground and use the circuit board to navigate – you used to do the same – this is also how you charge your body by walking barefoot   

We are having eclipses and no one is saying sh9t about them – when many ask what should they use the energy for, ask them what do they want the energy for, when they fail to answer, leave it at that, when they ask you what are you using the energy for, lie, do not sphere with them or you will not Magi [manifest] nothing because you just told Johnny no Blogs  

All you have to do is know what YOU want to harness the energy for and once you know what you want the energy for – then its not hard to use the energy and to harness the energy because YOU know

Do not get caught up with new-age Angel numbers - these numbers do not have the same meaning for everyone, its suggestive and that is all many need 

The indigenous rights act is when they gave the land [Atlantis] USA back to the indigenous 9ethers of that land – if you want to know what has happened since that then you need to read the FEMA document on transition to government – there is also the united nations indigenous rights act [2014], there are more documents and they have already given back the land to the 9ethers, its just that the 9ethers do not know this yet, how can you tell, because they haven’t burned down the USA yet   

Anyone who is not from Atlantis has to leave and is Angels Bey [Bay] job to get them off of the land – which the awareness is now being given to the 9ethers of the USA – it’s the 6ether European Americans fault for what is going to happen – you could have lived has one but you chose to rule over energy that is not yours to rule – the L.A riots is playtime compared to what is coming

Old technology 

The system is over but consumer confidence keeps it alive aka many ‘believe’ the system is still functioning – we are waiting for the government to fall and for people to walk off of their jobs, they have already started implementing A.I and robots to take your place – people have already made up their minds


'Leader' Star

Can you see the DRAGON [NIBIRU] image taken yesterday of the SUN [SKA]
All the signs and symbols are in the SKA - can you see the D.RAG.ON 

Revelation 12:3-5

[3] And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great, fiery red dragon [NI.BIRU], having seven heads [Kiymah] and ten horns [Soular system], minus the sun and Venus, and seven crowns upon his head [SAARE] aka the crystal city [NI.BIRU] Neb Heru

[4] And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman [Septet] which was ready to be delivered, for to devour [merge] her child as soon as it was born


[5] And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of Iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne

Grid-keepers, frequency keepers, portal openers, light-houses, there are loads of many, many, all aiming to assist Ki to keep her vibration up, higher vibrational frequencies with Grace

Strong guidance (waves) are here to aid us, we are to continue with these efforts and not to lose sight, there is movement through earth’s layers as old toxic memories, captive soul fragments are being stirred up for release

These layers are releasing their Karmic burdens just as we are and could do with our assistance

We as light are strategically placed all over earth for a reason, to be the anchor-points for light in those areas - to be receivers 

The primary objective of you is the assistance of earth, this is the call that StarSeeds answered when they left their home stars armed with vital specific gifts and skills

This was the light symbol enKodings we received when we passed through our respective StarGates
These were to be activated at specific times so that we re-membered our mission, that time is occurring

The Earth is an entity and she feels all, no doubt many of you are feeling the shift and its heavy, Istal takes you in and consumes you, body exhaustion but its alright

Many dimensions are stacked, in every angel [angle], drink lemon + lime [Ph] water to balance out the body, mind can comprehend but the body is still in the physical and is taking the brunt, the immune system must be protected

The heart is the poW-RA behind the poWRA, watch your thoughts, soular flares are still about, the waves that come in made sum all about lov9 and others needing sum thing, but again the wave is guidance around what your subject area is, what you must face [cave] 

Many lights are at different stages for different reasons, so this is balancement, the NRG is subject to you for Na-Ta-Ra [Nature = watches] many are looking out for you, but we must meet them halfway, self-development or arrested development, make your move, burn your thoughts that are on loop, burn them and let go 

Consumer confidence is that if I give you this 'money' and you take it and I can purchase sum thing with it - that is it - that you 'think' this money is worth sum thing and you can purchase sum thing with it - see the Con on both those words [Consumer and Confidence] its all a Con 

Already invented by the Moor [Muur] 1910 [roaring 20s comes in 1920] a decade later 

The planet was hit [2] or [3] times on the 16.4.2023 - and on the 15.5.2023 never before has the planet been hit like that, she repelled - it was like she was given natural adrenaline and a epidural - many people would have felt depressed, offline, sad+ 


Aten [Atun] Amen [Amon] Atum [Atom]
The letter [A] is the symbol of the tri-ad of Re

[3] AMUN Re = X-RAY

U.V. - GAMMA - X RAYS are 3 forms of Black-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside this soular-system

The 3 types of Cosmic Rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666]

The 3 types of Cosmic Rays come in 3 Wave-lengths, being

Alpha waves UVA
Beta waves UVB
Cosmic waves UVC

    RED [HERU + MAAT] combined energies = FEMI9 ELECTRON NRG 
Turquoise is BLUE + GREEN [WAJI] 
WAJI is the main player - along with Purple and Red 
Your HEART must be open and lighter than a FEATHER [FEZZA] SHU 
HEART and the word EARTH are the same letters for a reason - for those who are synced to KI through the MtDNA - let the 9thers do what they have to do - the last batch blew themselves up - a nuclear fallout is still on the cards, think of that person that you loved and would rather kill her or him rather than sum one else having her - same principles for KI - she is only one of a few planets in the entire cosmos that is able to sustain life in perfect balance - there are those who do not want [wish] for her to be in the arms of those that lov9 her and would rather destroy her than to lose her to another 

There are too many that adore her  

When you see the SKI [SKY] SKA backdrop like this check the colours [radiations] energies - these are mutating wavelengths that are changing your molecular structure from the inside out - if you do not have a CHAKRA system to process these energies it will destroy you 

17.4.2023 - the DOME [FIRMAMENT] OZONE LAYER [EMF] VAN ALLEN BELTT - all the same things goes M.I.A [AWOL] and lets in the radiation which is also called energies - read all colours in CHAKRA [TREE OF LIFE] KABBALAH [QABBALAH] energies - you will go further

Those with a CHAKRA system - MELANIN [ALCHEMY] - [1] Ion + HEART [AB] - NA.TA.RE

[FLOWER] INDIGO [RAINBOW] CRYSTAL children [the Indigo children came in all races, that was the only way to get them down here] all play a role because we are in the final cycle of this particular cycle - those on a BAA contract - those passing through with data [light] + are all part of the overall charge that is bestowing this planet - allow the 9ethers to do what they have to do and you focus on your on lane - Each one of us has a different utility pack because we have different missions but under one groove called the collective consciousness  

We are working for the DIVINE FEMI.NINE ELECTRON N.R.G to reinstate the 'throne' mind, pulpit aka the seat - the seat of redemption - to correct the 'error' 

The 'Leader' Star(s) are being activated 

[Nu = Vibration] Nu[Nun]Nut translates, the abyss, the deep, vibration
[E = MC2] in the equation, the increased relativistic Mass [M] of a body times the speed of light squared [c 2] is equal to the kinetic Energy [E] of that body
Omega = Magnetic [Femi9] Electron

We are in event mode - DNA [DEA] upgrades
Energy lingers for [3] days and is to why we are under the cosh for consecutive days 

Italian and Canadian Schuman 
144hz and 300hz and 500hz 
Look at the codes - we have never seen them register like that before 
German Schuman is 82hz 

[3] old resonating frequencies, we are well and truly beyond the normal - many people will be going offline, crazy, breakdowns, headaches, nausea, moody, blowing up, felling hot+ many people were only made to take a certain frequency and they cannot accept anything higher  
The [3] types of Cosmic Rays come in [3] wave-lengths, being
UV kills - the resonating frequency is higher 

The Schuman [SHU + Tefnut] is directly connected [Nexus] to your pineal gland to which many have their pineal gland calcified meaning its not functioning - regardless everyone will still know that sum thing is going on 

The SUN is out but its is cold and that is coming from HAARP
They have over a 100+ on land and on water
Chernobyl was also a HAARP facility that blew up when they went Pepsi Max
Germany shuts down the last 3 Nuclear reactors or was they forced by Star family to shut them down 

Many people are having a nervous breakdown and there are others who are having a midlife crisis or both - they are using mental health in the 3D world to trap many 
And there are those who are simply not built for a higher range [144HZ] 7.89hz  
Mental health [CROWN] blockages 
We are in the KARMA [KAMA] fields
Manage your tri-system [BAA]KAA [Soul]Spirit + KHU [Mind] + KHA [Body] 


Manmade Ironized fields 

Can you see this being - entity - his eyes, mouth, face+ inside the orb - in another way you can see an eye inside a sphere 

KAABA [1836] 
The 'Black's stone comes from Ethiopia and comes from a craft [hardware] 

The Pharaohs curses 
The 6ether Muslims kept the name MECCA [MERKAA] MIRKAA [MAKAA] 
Have no other 'God' before me - means there were other 'Gods' 

We are in real times - end times 

For around 800 years the 6ether Muslims have been in KHMT and Eridu and in what we call Israel with the 6ether Jews - which is just lower and upper KHMT [Egypt] all change - 

If 'God' did not make you, she will deleted you - we cannot all be on the same planet- this is a family run planet - we cannot have homosexual, invented energy over FEMI9 energy and children 


All [3] Glands [3rd Eye] 
Wombman [Child] and Man - not Steve
The rest will be deleted - God said so 
There are those who are incarnated with two spirits - with two energies and there are those who had their genders changed without consent and with consent 
Clones, test tube babies, C-sections, hybrids do not have natural genders

Payback is going to be a bi9ch - he is even wearing war paint and smiling - I do not feel anyway about what is going to him and his - maybe he comes from a family of 'hunters' or 'wan9ers' which is same thing - we are in the KAMA [KARMA] fields and we are in the closing out cycle - all debts must be settled in this timeframe 

'Eye know the truth and I know what your thinking' 

CUBE + SQUARE are identical twins - all shapes pass through - both are 360 

White core - Yellow rim - Red hue 

The SUN is triggering - which means more activations - more codes 
What is happening with the poles - where are they
What about all this heat - who else has melted - what is happening about ANTARCTICA  

You can see the other craft above that was shadowing the main craft 

Sum thing came through

'Objects' around the SUN - the SUN is a multi-dimensional portal
The Holographic Universe [Computer code] 


Craft sitting in the SKA - even when the wind is blowing and 'clouds' are moving these crafts remain stationary

Dragon craft 

Those are crafts on guard around the portal [SUN] 

That cloud started to shine - illuminate [USA] cloaked crafts 

AZTLAN [South America] 
Craft sitting pretty




Lighting is plasma dispensed - Purple - plasma means to mould, to figure - Spites are alive 
[Spite] Spiritos [Spirit] space should be treated like a deep ocean and all that dwells in the deep ocean we find in space - which is made from liquid water [Moya] liquid crystal - plasma is where the 'Gods' speak, this is where they are - the NTH gate 
Spites can reach 40miles in length - always read data in CHAKRA colours [energies] TREE OF LIFE [KABBALA] aka the same thing - you have plasma in you [KHAYBET] 

The yeast is rising 

Check out the reflections on the water 

3 days ago - river turns red 

Shields up - protect your light at all times like your 'life' depended on it 


Translucent RAIN[BOW] SPHERE 

Who is this now 

What was going on in KANADA [17.4.2023] 

Check the shape 

Explain this 

Vietnam - check the ceiling of the SKA - its getting closer and closer to KI 

Nebraska [USA] the deep ocean 

The USA is still buying oil and this means the reserves have been depleted
$7-10 for gas - the oil will run dry soon because KI will turn them off - this is the planets blood 

This is 3D worldwide and is coming to a place near you - your government is doing this for a reason 

Mandatory coming to a place near you 

Sh9t is real in this field 

Jacob Odulate – who invented ALKABUKUN [ALKEBULAN] a 100 years ago in Nigeria
Nigeria and Niger are leftover Roman words from the word Nigg9 because the Romans did not have a language when they first appear and could only grunt to answer – the word Nigg9 is [Naga] Negus Ntchr [Nitchru]  [Neter]
Jacob was a Nigerian [Yorba] pharmacist – and from the Almanac tribu 


Old Macdonald had a Pharm [Farm] yeah they had a pharmacy [Chemist] aka the plant kingdoms 
Mac – Don [Dun] 

0-5 is very key - big up to Mamma Bear for talking deeply with her cub 

Iy means temple, house, coastlands, isles - here we see cut from stone in TURKIYE [TURKISH] KISH [KUSH] which is part of Mesopotamia [Sumerian] Babylonian Typhonion, Persians+ 
Last image M.I.B   

NIBIRU symbol - last image left - on stone block 

An album of engraving illustrations for Russian folk tales. - Saint Petersburg, 1895
 Supplement to the journal "North"

Mount Tavor in Israel
Next to the megalith is the skull of a giant
And on the stone a Cross in the Circle is the ancient symbol of the planet NIBERIA [SIBERIA] NIBIRU 

A rock of 780 tons of massive granite perfectly balanced on a rock of only 1 m²

You can see that it was built and those rocks, stones have been placed and its in a sphere shape - what is it, what else is around it because it cannot be alone, did it have a roof - there is another one that has worn down - the rocks look like they were vaporised - this is not natural at all  

Built before BURMA [MYANMAR] 1948 was founded
Gold stores energies [conductor] power - these are antennas built out of stone  

Teleportation - front and back - see him in the portal and then BOOOMBABY 

Only IRU [IRE] [IRELAND] is not in the same place but is very mush part of the ORISHA [ORISSA] ODISHA [ODESSA] ODIA  

Bodhi Tree [right image] 
No such word as BUDDHA 


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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...