Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Menace to Society [Matrix]

You are here to crash their Matrix, the 'Gods' like you, they call you the 'rebellious one' for a reason

Walking into the [Un]known

Stepping into you PTAH [gifts] [light] [power] that are now online – the frequency is stabilising so we ‘know’ now that the energy shifts are here and are becoming more and more prevalent as we get deeper and deeper into 2023

2023[7] is the year of completion on many levels and one level is that this is the year of KAA [Spirit] and what does that mean, those who are grounded in the KAA [Spirit] are grounded in the divine and are going to find it easier to advance in their PATH [journey] destiny [destination] towards the KAA – this journey is connecting [Nexus] with divine [Source] – this journey is towards connecting with your higher self – the spirit world, realms, expanses, dimensions, holographic worlds merge in and out with the physical world – its right there, your light body is upgrading, you are ascending, you are on your journey home [dome] womb [Om] tomb  

From January, February, March, April there have been very intense [in-sense] SOULAR flares and there is a direct correlation between the SOULAR flares and y-our ascension, with y-our DNA upgrades and y-our increasing in vibration aka KARAST [CHIRST] consciousness  

So, what is happening is that a lot of people who have always been very intuitive, very sensitive, they are now beginning to inner-stand this intuition and the sensitivity that they have and they are beginning to see how this correlates with those kinds of feelings and spirituality [Mystery Systems]

Many people don’t realize that this intuition that they have is a spiritual gift and that it can be enhanced, fine-tuned by practice – a lot of people don’t know that these times are creating an intensification or strengthening of these spiritual gifts – so if you have been sum one all your life that has always just ‘known’ – this spiritual gift is called Clair-cog-nizance = which is when you just know, nobody just told you, you didn’t just read it sum where, you haven’t seen it anywhere, you’ve just known – its an inner knowing – that is a gift, this is a gift that you should embrace – because when you ‘know’ you are able to walk boldly, and do things boldly, you will know when you find success, you will know when you meet sum one, that they are a good person or is the right person to do a project with or this person to share energy with or to have a relationship with – when you take an action, there will be a knowing to know that it is the right action to take

We are seeing many who dream [visionaries] and instead of embracing this gift of being able to [vision] and see aspects of the future they are turning a blind ‘eye’ to this gift, many have been visionaries since day dot but have always passed them off has just dreams [Fleetwood Mac]

But today Dear Jedi, I would like to offer you a suggestion for those who have that particular gift, instead of turning a blind ‘eye’ how about using your mind power to visualise an ideal or an alternative outcome to what you saw because you do have that power to visualise an outcome – remember what you focus on or give attention to is what will materialise in terms of an outcome, you can change the outcome by using your Magi [I-magi-nation] – so rather than fear it – use your Magi and engineer it with your gifts – you are online now and all power is within – come get me sum – you can engineer without no fear because you have the sight now, you have enhanced gifts, envision a different outcome now, the one that you think is more favourable – these are just suggestions and I can only write from what I have experienced and from those that I see who are also moving with these upgrades, we are all at different levels but the upgrades are for everyone

Sight – we are able to see colours [energies] radiation surrounding a person, this is called AURA[AU.RA] today I saw many who are 9ether and their KAA.NU [ETHER] MELANIN is shining, sum look darker, I can see those who have red tint or brown tint in their 9ether [skin] sum are bright, they look polished, people can sense energies around people whether its sight or a feeling, people can see energy in a situation or feel energy in a situation, it won’t be one sense that picks up light or picks up data, there are those with several different gifts, you can have multiple senses kicking in at any given time, you could have one or three corresponding at the same time, have you ever had a feeling thought where you didn’t have any imagery but yet you felt sum thing, a person or thing without seeing any imagery, many are re-cog-nising what they are seeing that they can interpret that as favourable aka sum thing positive is happening over there type thing, people are able to associate a certain look as an indicator of sum thing that might be negative that is happening, it varies but you are a Jedi, you are different for a reason, what is written will resonate and this and more are your indicators, because the resonating frequency is resonating within you – you feel it - your dashboard is lit – this helps you shift a situation and control your outcome – it warns you when you are reading people in energies for positive or negative, shift your outcome so its favourable to you, this is called being sel[Cell]fish, this is called serving yourself first, you are doing this to protect your energy, your soul, your spirit and enhance it

I would encourage you to step into your gifts, look around you and you can see if sum one could do with sum thing that you have read here, sum thing that you see in sum one else or in you, let them know, these gifts that many have, they do not know they have them – people need to realise and recognise these gifts for they are speeding up, time is not speeding up but creation is – gifts are coming to people in style and fashion, its coming in dramatically – it is these very gifts that we are going to need during these uncertain times, we are in a timeline that is unprecedented – its unknown but you are being given the tools to navigate through these time, we can see the upgrades in the Schuman and we can sense it through the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies, we are in real time

Now check it, all these people with different gifts are coming together, the collective consciousness – the universal mind, the collective mind, that is one platinum system – its not just those with gifts, we have HERU(s) HERO(s) in there, superpowers, superheroes in there, many have ‘supa’ powers, different skill sets, all designed to bring down the negativity in this closing out cycle – there is going to be more and more people coming online and stepping up – they are out there for when the soular flares intensifier – the more many come online, learn who is your soul tribe, identify them, attract them

Spend sum time with yourself, be still, be in silence, set your mind, tri, put down your phone, turn off the tv, put down your make up, forget trying to impress and take sum rest, its time to develop and evolve, the physical world  is going down and being replaced by the spirit world and so are you, as within, so without – so the soul

You know that we all have gifts its just that you haven’t used them before – 

The difference between joy and happiness – happiness is like an instant feeling but is nothing that you can internalize anything with – joy is sum thing that you can internalize and cuts deeper than happiness

Joy is a state of completion and an awareness that you have gone to, that you can live by and that you can grow by – 

Happiness is just a phase, entertainment and is why in the USA they say the pursuit of the happiness – because if you are constantly running after happiness then you need Capitalism and you need Consumerism to keep going after that particular happiness – if your in a state of joy you won’t need anything of Capital at all

 Small mind = full house 
  Full mind = empty house

144hz - Stay where you can be found with sound [sone] 

This house is sealed - see the cube [force field] around this planet 
The EMF is restored, many people were offline last 48hrs 

Look at that energy signature on the right - that is new 

Black means charging and white, red, orange means ready and we did have sum earthquakes hit 

Strength of the earthquake: M7.1
Affected countries: Indonesia and Malaysia
24th April 2023
Does that look like an M7 – trinity strikes, there would have been three more 
We have already had nuclear weapons deployed so the 'test' broadcasts [alerts] is coming to a place near you because a fallout is coming 

Image is from PAKISTAN - image is staked - and means the lighting [plasma] was concentrated in one area - that is a lot of voltages from crafts above that was dispensed
The plasma goes into the ground and is transferred around the planet by diamonds, gems, crystals, minerals in the ground, gold is a conductor and stores the energy for when she needs it  

[PURPLE] PLASMATIC SKA [USA] - look at that 

You can see part of the craft through the cloud cover at the top - but you can for sure see the shape 

Australia – clouds only hold vaporised water – there are huge ‘walls’ up there – this almost looks like a window, trapdoor in the SKA – no doubt crafts are sitting pretty 

Sum thing fast and furious came in and took a side swipe at the sun, these are images from the footage, you might be able to see the energy signature but its there, I watched it 

Left, this craft shows up in one frame and that is it - same with the right image, three crafts in one frame and that is it 

This is what the SUN looks like - there also seems to be a huge triangle sitting pretty 

Crafts sitting pretty in the SKA around the four corners of this planet - whoever controls the SKA controls the planet  

Cloaked clouds are cloaked crafts 


Images from THAILAND - wave clouds - and the other image - look at the shape of the Sun, and look at the structures - there looks like tow crafts one above the other, more around and many at the bottom, the THAILAND military can see them on radar - last set of images - can you see me now 

There are space - craft - platforms - like this one - launch pads, see the craft - see it cloaked, they wanted to be seen 

Armed group takes control of a laboratory in Sudan with samples of deadly diseases, the facility was turned into a sort of military base – watch the rhetoric out here – fear and worry – this is the next stage show - World War Z – the planet was blasted for 48hrs and the EMF shield collapsed – that means radiation seeped in – radiation – gamma – x-ray - 

HAITI set alight [13] gang members - tick tock 


HiStory will only repeat itself to those who do not know it, that is why they are doomed - the higher beings are looking for those writing MyStory  

Who is doing what out here 

As always view the footages and you see what you see 
War World Z [Zombie] they are letting you know what they are going to do [culling] 
Vampires are reptilians - shape shifters 
Another dildo with the Ouija Board - when he says - and then you can hear sum strange banging sounds, that sound was when sum one or thing entered the room aka the dimension, that guy we did not see him close the portal and this means he has condemned his whole family and all those close to him 
What a waste of space - because he is bored and fascinated, its a joke to him and look at his smile 

Got to do what you got to do 

Look at the architecture - the majority of this building is underground, the windows are too low and that huge arch is now a doorway, the USA is West-Africa 

These are people who take from natures creations and charge other people for what she created, not him, this is a Farmers Bank – think about that, people who make money [money is made from trees – paper and is now plastic] while we have famine, hunger – this bank is from 1908 – this building was already there and was converted – all these people and their families who have stripped the planet and wasted food will now lose food, resources are being taken back, still you have money in the bank and so you have security – ok then – tick tock the body is going to rock


One day you are going to wake up and the world around you would have changed over night, you saw a black KAT and then another black KAT - was it the same KAT - eye don't know - what does that mean - it means when they change sum thing  

That is SHIVA bowing down to a KUSH FEMALE - see her AFRO and a GURU [HERU] RASTA in the background - the symbol is the infinity symbol [8] 

Connecting two realms

Yellow steps, spiral architecture – sum one was found there – this site spans more than two acres, there are sections of long semi-circular [dome] wall
This is a MIR [MER] pyramid, abode
At its top, the spiral coils itself  into a shallow depression, in that hole ash was found, beneath the ash, a thick layer of stones was laid to protect a tomb deep in the centre of the mound
The face of the mound’s resident was turned toward the east, as if awaiting the rising sun
His body was adorned with sum 180 [9] snail shells, whose shapes echo that of the spiral structure
The person found may have been a priest, caretaker of the structure, this structure could have been used by ‘Gods’ leaving this dimension – its design is older but not uncommon – this place would have had a powerful energy signature, landing site, there is room for crafts – the shape – shell – number 9 – spiral – spirit

Spiral-shaped architecture represent the PTAH [PATH] of the soul's journey to the other side, there are countless spiral structures around the planet 

They say this is a volcano reflecting, casting its shadow which can be seen from EL TEIDE 
Looks very straight like the view of a MER [MIR] 

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