Thursday, 13 April 2023

Country Lines

Shrine of Madonna 
We are waiting for Mama and her Daughter(s)

Madonna means young maiden
M-adon-na [Adon-is] Adonai
Mary Magdalene
Maga Mater
MA means Ma’other [Mother]
DONNA means Daughter 
[DON] DUN means ‘Black’

Shrine of Madonna - Detroit [USA]

This shrine is in Detroit and they have a bookstore that you were able to log on and research, there is no point in using the term ‘Black’ Madonna, yes, she is a ‘Black’ woman, that much is obvious

Who is in the shrine of Madonna – I’m not into the Nation of Islam however they will be playing a huge role when the sh9t hits the fan in the USA [Atlantis] – so we go to Farrakhan, who I watched a lecture and he was talking about the shrine and he said it’s a sacred place were sum one who transitioned would be laid to rest and that this place held sum one who was a Saint of sum sort from a spiritual background, which means it comes in a root cultural expression – when you get to a certain position in the community, you get to a certain position of grand matriarch as the Madonna, this is an identifier – so the identifier is the picture and the picture tells me she has to have a daughter named Donna [Dinah], but there are still things that you - she - needs to do to match up with the shrine of Madonna 

First of all, Madonna is not a singer or Mother Teresa, these are fake bearers, she is 9ether, they left all the records showing that she is of dark complexion aka ‘Black’ and this means she is from the original Isis [Aset] bloodline as a Madonna – she would pass her position on to sum one who would run the community until the community recognised who she really is  

The shrine of the Madonna started in the 1940s – I downloaded study materials – they talk about the blue lodge and across from this Detroit would be the red lodge – the blue lodge is Marcus Garvey teachings aka Afrocentric – the red lodge is the Nation of Islam which is temple number [1] – 

So with temple number [1] we are looking for a dark- skinned woman and in there we find a whole bunch of matriarchs – the grand matriarch is the highest ranked position of prestige and honour – which the research brings us to Claire [Clara] Muhammad – who is the real Mother Teresa 

The same Claire Muhammad and the identifier image of Madonna are the same and this is telling me a story of how the Chiefs are communicating across the land without saying a world to each other

Claire and Madonna are a prefect mirror – they are a reflection – but there will be an exact opposite

This is Wallace Fard, also known as Wallace Fard Muhammad or Master Fard Muhammad – this is the main image that the Nation of Islam use and if look at this image and the image of Claire – Fard is reading his book which lets us know to read and Claire is the Mitochondria

There are loads of Eves, Lilliths, and Madonna’s on this land, they heal many – the images of Madonna are all 9ethers [black] and it is the 6ethers who present these images to tell us all who we are looking for 

Fard is wearing a dark-coloured suit and Claire is wearing all white as the Mother – there is an organisation in the USA that have the most matriarchs on the land – whether they are nurses, siStars, lawyers, scientists+ so if she was to leave she would have to pass on her power to sum one who is traceable to the beginning of the contract 

Now check this out, the USA flag – who gets the credit for the flag – Betsy Ross – Claire Muhammad ties into Lake Sinclair [Sin-Claire], which is a Lake named after the holy lady Sinclair – Claire is also Clara May [Claire May] means Clairly [Clearly] May [Claire] means Clear and Muhammad means praiseworthy – so that gives her the Saint status – so she is a Saint but she is also one of the siStars that is going to hold it together – however one siStar is going to take a lost – but will automatically exalt another one to her place – originally it was going to be Betty Shabazz who was next behind Claire Muhammad – it was Betty Shabazz who took the lost through sum thing happening with Malcom X – but this means sum one else was going to be raised up – now this is where it gets real interesting, Farrakhan wife, her name is Khadijah Farrakhan but if you google her name, her slave name was Betsy Ross – BOOOOOMBAABY – Khadijah was named Betsy Ross at birth and Betsy Ross is the same lady who created the US flag – keep in mind that Claire the messenger named her Khadijah for a reason and Khadijah [KAA-DI-YAH] [KHA-DINAH] means Mother of the righteous 

We are tracking the Madonna into her next incarnation in order to raise the shrine of the ‘Black’ Madonna and she would need to have a daughter called Donna [Dinah] for sh9t to be right – so we go to Donna Farrakhan [Don] Dun means ‘Black’ who is Khadijah Farrakhan daughter – so already we have [3] conversions – ‘Black’ Madonna who is the original who was there at the beginning of the contract and is the carrier of the name – all this is to remind the 9ethers and 6ethers exactly were the seat is at on the land –

I researched and found myself in a forum and in there were a few people who had sum of this knowledge, they had pieces, fragments and I also had been researching – this data is in the public domain and many other uploaders are also talking about this connection [Nexus] for a reason

For the longest time now I have been searching for a female leader, I knew they were going to send sum one, we have seen many 9ether females and males murdered over the years and many were taken out because of who they were or going to be or birth, in the last 3 or 4 years we had a special energy come onto the planet which all the 9ether women used to get their ex-partners back with, to get other siStars back with and to participate in the 3D world with purchasing things that they didn’t need or didn’t need to invest in – the energy got wasted, there was so many siStars on the internet and there were so many that all had the potential, once the energy subsided, so did they, many of them had trauma and were given nu energy to which they wasted - this information [data] light - is going to go into the mainstream and this and more is going to activate the siStars, by the siStars realizing what is going on –

The US Betsy Ross flag had 13 stars in a circle [sphere] 360 and the 13 stars are all 5-pointed stars aka 13 seats of a system – this is the Dendera aka Zodiac – the 13 seat is the [Queen] Mothers seat – the hidden seat – the Mothership in the middle, but she is scattered among the ranks of the other siStars because its not safe to sit on the throne because sum one is trying to usurp it and keep them from ascending to the throne

In order for the Garvey message to get back for the blue lodge to react – the siStars who work behind the scenes now know what to do – they have existing knowledge that was written by the Moors on how to put themselves back into position and claim the land – its called Moorish womens consulate, those who are from the USA are going to take back their land from the invaders who are the 6ether European Americans and the Mongolian mixes that say they are HOPI, Cherokee+ or $5 Indians, the 9ethers are getting ready to take back their land from the 6ethers and this will be done at exactly at the right time

Haiti is going to let rip - they have already asked for permission and permission granted 

The organisations all spiderweb into every female organisation on the land called sororities and siStarhoods, they don’t always get along but they always want what their siStars are supposed to have, they always come together for their siStar – they have to cover the blue house with this Hebrew [Habiru] – which they did though the X – direct from Elijah

We have to innerstand about raising the [God] – if you innerstand the assignment you won’t need to be reminded on what to do – you assume the position to perform the function because no one understands it better than you – we are tearing down their Wendy House and reinstating Mammas house and these groups are Mammas personal security

The six-pointed-star takes us back to the original flag – the six-pointed-star is the Moorish system – Morocco is Moor-occo –

Part of being the grand matriarch is that you have to have ma-tri-archs [MA-TRI-ARC] around the world show you respect [energy] – they have just as many supporters has you do and they will step in for other siStars around the world for the cause, so we go to Winne Mandela

Wife of ABZU leader Nelson Mandela and is wife Winnie Mandela  – the Mandela effect is playing out in real time – Nelson was killed in prison in the 80s but they released the clone after 29 years – Winnie was the cause of that because while Nelson was in jail Winnie was busy still fighting the cause – although they both became non-compatible because life had dealt them a different fate – 

So if Winne Mandela gives the Winne key to Khadijah – she would have to get a key from Atlantis [America] from a matriarch named Winne who would have the lock, the key is the freedom key – the same key that they said set Mandela free and she has to give the freedom key to Winndye Jenkins who is Larry Hoovers partner, see the name Winndye = Winne - Hoover – if she got it from Winnie Mandela – these are all characters converging on the conclusion – last year they were telling them to release Larry Hoover [Disciples] and now you know why, all this is the closing out of conjures [Magi] spiritual rituals, the reason we have had delays is because there wasn’t enough conjures to close out the cycle or to break the cycles – but they have the freedom key because Mandela [clone] was freed - keep in mind that we have also been following protocol - 2012 into 2021 [2022] and now 2023 [7] completion 

Nelson Rolihlahla [Madiba] is Xhosa – which translates trouble maker – rebel Mandela
Farrakhan, Winnie and Khadijah 

Many were sent with the letter [M] [W] which is an electron wave symbol

Surkarno [Soekarno] – this is when the marching order for the soldiers of the Queen of heaven and KI [earth] to mobilize which was the Bandung conference – I don’t deal with Farrakhan because today me thinks that he has been cloned, he talks about Jesus a lot – but sum of his older lectures from the earlier years holds these truths that are coming through – Surkarno was the one who hosted the conference in 1955 in Indonesia – Indo-nesia [Nesia] Amnesia [Melanesia] which is the Untied African Asia – everyone of the soldiers assumes their position and does not need to be told what to do – the reason is because we are over in the Philippines with it and mother Khadijah – so, who is the King maker [not key maker] King maker - Imelda Marcos [Philippines] is the Kingmaker – she was the highest ranked matriarch in the land over Asia and her shoe collection is an old tribal ritual for honouring the Queen [of heaven and earth] aka the grand matriarch – Imelda will have to give the Kingmaker key to Khadijah

Nothing is going to happen until the trinity is reinstated, nothing is going to happen until the FEMI.9 principle is reinstated, this is LAW  

He has been on the CIA pay list since he was 16 – the Pedos were going to make your Mother Teresa a saint – that is how much they thought of her – she gave them their children to ‘play’ with – you need to be able to recognise a c99t when you see one – they don’t have to be in the spotlight
This video of the Dalai Lama kissing a young boy and then asking him to "suck his tongue" at a Buddhist event - how are people giggling in the background - this is sum real sick mtf right here

Putin kisses young boy on his stomach – watch Putins hands all over the boy 

Vile rhymes with Pedophile 
Between Oprah, Maxwell and your great Mother Teresa they are all big time dealers of children, there are many more dealers

Taliban, Isis [funded by the US]  and other so called Muslim groups, the Muslims around the world never condemn the Nation of Islam, or agree, but both have Islam in them, how can there be two different groups with same thing, it is like the Christians and Catholics, what is the fu9king difference, it is Catholic men [priest] that re-wrote the original Qur'an and called it the English version the Koran and gave it to their people aka the 6ethers – 6ether Muslims love to talk about Bilal who they say was the first person to call them to prayer, however what many fail to grasp is that Bilal is a king that was enslaved and was calling his people for prayer and this was the first time that the 6ether ever saw this practice – meaning that Islam comes from the 9ethers, its their knowledge -  

ALLAT [ALUZZA] MANAT - the holy trinity 

The 6ethers rewrote and left out ALLAT ALET [ALOT] ALAT and rewrote her counterpart who they call today ALLAH from ALALU who is ANU(s) twin brother 

[3] siStars - AL-LAT can also be spelt ALLATU and [ALIAT] with ALI [Aa-Lee] meaning Most High Exalted and ALLAH [Al - laah] means The Source - it is AL-LAT that held the power and knowledge not ALLAH [MAN] Allah stands for Arm [Leg] Leg [Arm] Head 

Only another man [Catholic men] would tell you to do Allahs work and you will get 40 virgins and a place in heaven - really - have no god before me is said because there were gods before and many of them are women 

The planet is littered with Madonna – she is everywhere 

This is MADONNA(s) chair – look how big the chair is and look how small and insignificant the Popes chair is at the bottom, no man or paedophile or homosexual can sit in her chair- many have tried and died, the chair is in mid-air [suspended] because she is not on KI yet and the trinity as not been reinstated yet – the top arrow is pointing at NEB HERU which means Lord Heru aka NIBIRU and the SUN [Triad] any man sits in that seat the patriarchal system would fold on itself instantly

 Alexander in Greece conquered Egypt – Alexander is the son of Zeus and Zeus is ENLIL – ENLIL(s) children came to KI and undermined the KI born – they are trying to steal the birth right of the women – everywhere you look around the world there is a supressed great mother, all these artifacts show noses busted, they show women [and men] heads completely chopped off – they show women repainted to look 6ether which takes us to the Magna Mater and in Latin means great mother – this is the great mother seat and is also the ‘Black’ Madonna seat – but there is no Madonna sitting in it – unravel the codes and great mother sits back in her seat

The Magna Mater produced the Magna Carta under King John – see the seat [throne] is being held up by [4] men which is [4] elders aka the [4] winds – those [4] men are foundations of the [4] King-Domes that were established and why they are men, because its [4]Kings – to raise the great mother takes [4] Kings – the [4] Kingdoms come together to raise the 5th empire of the great mother which is called the Magna [Magnum] Opus ‘the work’ – out of the [4] there was [3] that got crucified and the [1] that is not up there because he got away – so the one that got away has to come back and redeem the others

All the secret societies know this however when you get into the occult, its all in there – in the end it will be [4] Chiefs or [4] Kings - the [4] Kings or [4] Kingdoms will come together to raise the great mother and in the lodges the [4] Kings represent the [4] corners of the earth [KI] and in the Dendera [Zodiac] they are the [4] winds – the water comes off of [7] seas and the [7] seas are moved by the [4] winds – 7 seas is 33 [33] 33 and a 3rd = [4] MaStars flipping off of [2] ball King – the pretender to the throne is the rightful heir – the rightful heir is redeem by finding the rightful Kings

Who are the fallen Kings, we had two blues and one red and one M.I.A – the [3] Kings have to be forwarded by the [4th] the 4th one has to be the red man – the [4] animals in the book of Revelations

[1] has the head of a cow – Taurus [2] the head of Eagle – Eagle Kings – Thunderbird -who the Chief is York [3] is the head of the AKUR [Lion] the one who speaks with powerful authority and has the strength to back it up – so he is the spokesman [4] is the red man who they call the long face – who is the Chief with the long face as oppose to the Chief with the round face

We have to unravel what the codes is because once we become elders we have to clean this monkey sh9t up for the next [7] generations – the lightning bolts is how we open this sh9t up, who threw lightning bolts, Zeus and Thor, Thor is the imposter – Thor is trying to usurp Loki and Loki is the son of the Ice princess and the Ice princes is Isis and Isis is Mamma because this seat in this image is the seat of Madonna – do you get this – one of Mammas boys has been usurped – where is he, he is represented by the lightning bolt – all this is doing is letting us know who the identifiers are on the land

The Magnum Mater is restored when you complete the Magnus Opus the ‘great work’

The [12] daughters of Isis called Sibils which are the matriarchal counsel and law givers of the land and they come from all nations – with all hair and different skin textures – however you can see that they are capped off with [4] 9ether siStars – that is the [4] corners or the [12] earth salts or the [12[ tribus or the [12] Zodiac signs – they are all receiving the key to eternal life from the source sun – the sun is not the source but the source communicates with us through the sun

You can see blonde haired women, you can see those with ‘pink’ skin or ‘red’ skin with straight hair, brown skin with straight hair – there is a bushwoman, all these are the nations of the earth – when ENLIL came, his job was to overthrow the divine feminine and the divine mother is worshipped without many knowing and is called the divine Shakti – the power of the feminine – 

Shakti is from INDIA [H-INDIA] and she is personified by divine feminine – she is also Oshun and in Europe she is DIANA and in Sumerian [Syria today] she is ISHTAR [INANNA] ANNA [ANA] – she is the daughter of Atlantis

Who are the Aryans – they are ENLIL children from his earthborn wife and they took the throne from ENKI(s) children who are the Dravidians – the Dravidians also went to war with the HINDU [KUSH] 

These are your Aryans – this is a picture of the Royal family of India – these are your Aryan race, they are the children of ENLIL that were put on top of the cast system and is to why they cannot be removed from power –

The untouchables of India are the the Dravidians – the Kush, the Siddi+  they are the ones who are supposed to be in the palaces of India – this tribu are the earth tribu of [INDIA] INDI [INDIA] HINDI [INKI] ENKI and are the original beings from INDIA – this is when INDIA was called Ethiopia of the East – known has thuggy [thugiee] or coolie and were drafted by Mamma KALI another incarnation of INANNA because they were stealing the gold and she was taking the gold from ENKI(s) caravans on the road – so they became the pariah of the society

If we go to IAPAN [JAPAN] and look at the AINU [ANU] people, these are the children of ANU(s) earthborn wife – the silver MaStars or golden MaStar – the original MaStars, they would sit in the Lotus position and be 4ft off the ground – these are the secrets that they hide from the masses

They made lighter ones to lighten and take out the melanin and is why we have 6ether Japanese aka modern day Japanese people, sum thing that happened around the world - cast systems  

 All of these cultures were matriarchal and under SHAKTI, they were displaced because of a war with the patriarchs and it’s the patriarchs that usurped the throne of Mamma, she was known has Sybil [Sibyl][Cybele] which takes us to Greece – who is the great mother for both Greece and the Roman empire – who had once given birth to other [Gods] – to other HuMins [HuMans] to other animals and nature – she is Universal Mother

The planet is littered with Madonna – she is everywhere 

The Sibyls [were they get the word Siblings from] are oracles, prophetesses, foreseers who foretold the coming of CHRIST [CHRISTOS] KARAST – they are the Oracles of Delphi and in all of Europe and Asia called [Eurasian] Pan means all -

Sibyls are like the bishops in the Catholic priesthood, they are priestess and got their ranking due to their levels of accuracy of messages from prime creator – once they get together, they form a circle [sphere] of [12]

Council of 12 – they are multicultural – they are the 12 signs of the Zodiac and originally there was only 10 – these 10 were called a Sephora [Zipporah] Sephira [Seraph] Serapheem [Cherubeem] KAA.RA.BEEM “those who are near” – they are FEMALE and it takes [10] ladies to make up the Seraph – they are the [10] spheres - orbs – on the tree of life [Kabbalah] aka your CHAKRA system, these [10] are [1] Seraph

Forget the names and colours on this graph - just look at the layout 

Kabbalah tree of life – you see the 3 on the left and the 3 on the right – the top two, one would say Shekinah Shakina [Kachina] and the other should say Bina – and in the middle would be the SUN which would be the heart Chakra – see the MIR [pyramid] and the SUN in the middle – he has to come through the [10] Seraph aka the [10] siStars – there was a change in the Zodiac because INANNA had two more daughters thus becoming [12] aka the [12] elements

This is the structured government for the matriarchy - under the modern-day Roman calendar it is [12] months and at one time Virgo [Masem] Mason and Scorpio were one house sign and there was no Libra – Libra comes in because the inequity was put on the FEMALE [VIRGO] in the Bible in Genesis they take about Eve her seed and his seed the serpent aka that was between Scorpio and Virgo [Masem] Ma’Sem [Ma + Son] Mother and Son – this was an imbalance in the two genders and the goal is to get everybody back into balance thus balancing out Virgo and Scorpio – in order for the scales of justice to remain balanced under the laws of MA.AT

The zodiac wheel represents the order of the round table [Arthur] and in the middle where that ‘black’ dot is – that is the 13th seat – 1 into 12 goes around the centre – that ‘black’ dot is NUN [NU] the abyss, the deep, she is the primordial waters – the 13th house is you [hidden]


Its says in pairs – that is 6 months – 2 a month – mirrors – we have [2] seasons [4] and each one of them represents a Decan – which is when the Zodiac only had [10] seats – we had Decans before we had the Zodiac

[Decade] December [Decan] Decimal [ 1.0] 10 - we had [10] Decans before we had the [12] Zodiac signs – Decan [Deca] means Chiefs of a group of [10] in Latin and is also the meaning of the word Faith

So, you need [10] matriarchs or [10] mothers – to see a Chief

The Gorgons [Greece] also called the Oracles of Delphi but their priesthood was called Gorgons and the head of the Gorgons her name is Medusa – in order to be the head [Decan] and the head of the group – its [10] 

Medusa had locks, braids, she was stunning

10 in KHEMET is this symbol ARCH [ANKH] and if you look at Madonna, she is standing under an ARC [ARCH] ANKH with a baby daughter

They have repainted their faces, arms, hands and feet, look closely 

Medusa her name in KHEMET is Medu Netu [Netcher] = MeduSa [Netu] - Mother Nature and Metu Netu means [10] – and Sa [Medu-Sa] are the name for the priestesses, they were also known has Doulas [Ma-doulas] they were also birthing priestess


This is the Sa symbol – Sa translates protection – this symbol is actually the YONI [YOMI] aka the pum-pum with her legs open – a portal and is used by Bes and Taweret – Taweret Big Mamma –

We go to Greece and the Sa priestesses [Medu SA] were sent to civilise Greece and they were sent to the island of Crete [Crete, Greece, Cyprus+ all part of Mesopotamia aka Sumerian] to set up the first European Universities – which is in a book called African Presence in Early Europe Ivan Van Sertima

Venus of Willendorf is Big Mamma – this is symbolism and they say is 20,000 – 30,000 years old and this means that this is way before they started telling us that God was a man – if he came in at 2,000 years ago – then who is this – who is this woman from 30,000 years ago, if all gods have a bellybutton then he came from another [God] – who is she – in the Bible it says that the earth was created 6,000 years ago –  sum one is lying and sum one is lying about her

So Helen was head of a cultural development in a place called Greece, the capital of Greece was moved to Alexander – when he took over, and named the capital of KHEMET after himself as Alexandria
 Alexandra moved the capital from KHEMET to Egypt when they torched the libraries and they removed many books and stored them in a place we call the Vatican

See the keys, gold and sliver and on top a [3] tier crown – and the overview of the Vatican – can you see the keyhole, those keys have to fit a lock  – for a skeleton key – in St Peters square they have a Obelisk [BENNU] BENBEN -right in the centre – the BENNU [Obelisk] is a phallus symbol and this is telling you were the key goes – into her pum-pum and is the top of the ANKH - look at the Sa symbol 

 When Jesus was talking to Peter – what did he tell him, he said, on my rock I shall build my kingdom – this is what they are trying to usurp, so this was built on St Peter – but if you look, his phallus is too small, the Sa priestesses represented Bes and Tarewet and the male deity they have represented here in St Peter is the deity Min and this changed the earth [KI] frequency from the Shu + Tefnut resonance to the Schumann resonance – under the key hole you can see it says St Peters Basilica which is like a silhouette, there are two horns and they represent the lower self [lower nature] and is beneath the keyhole – the music is played in the Sistine Chapel – and under all this is the governmental palace, which is under the shadow government and are both under the square aka under Big Mammas seat [throne] pulpit – which you have seen the seat [chair] in the above images with the [4] Kings – 

The ‘black’ Madonna came through the shrine and there is a huge amount of mothers that are bringing her to her seat, pulpit, throne 

The original USA flag had 13 stars which is the Queen Mother seal and now its 50 – created by Betsy Ross
Patriotic means patriarchal - Betsy Ross had [7] [G] 3-1-3 children – we know that Khadijah Muhammad(s) name is Betsy Ross

Keep in mind the Melania was purchased by Trump from Jeffery and Melania has all the codes, both were letting people know certain things and Melania was letting people know about the human – child sex - trafficking, she is from Slovenia – she is Jackie [Jacqueline] Onassis – Kennedys – the opposite – Melania may also be a Pleiades Commander – look at Jackie(s) hair in the image below – brown- black, she has Melanin – they had been re-inacting what is to come, but this time no one is going to get taken out – DT is agent Orange – which they used in the Vietnam war to burn the force to make way through the forest – they labelled him agent orange because of his business tactics, always finding the best deal when making a deal – orange energy – DT is the re-enactment of JFK – who JFK had his own assignment had he not been taken out – his was to turn the worlds military into peace keepers, preventing wars instead of facilitating them – slaughtering animals and we waste most of the meat, huge amounts of blood from slaughter house networks aka Blood Magic [Babylonia], in which all of these slaughter houses are being shut down right now and he was going to do that back then

 Going back to the divine Mother – Melania [Melanin] knows what she is doing, has the first lady, she was mirroring Jackie Onassis and if the mirror is accurate then Khadijah is the Madonna in real time – there must be a daughter to claim the ‘Black’ Madonna – so Khadijah Farrakhan has to have a daughter called Donna – Donna(s) colour is WAJI [Green] – you see the seats in the Vatican have been moved and they must be restored
Blue and Red and WAJI [Green] houses 

So if Mother Khadijah(s) is Donna(s) mother or if Donna is Mother Khadijah(s) daughter and we find out who the [4] Kings or [4] winds are and we know who is the opener of the way and the pum-pum [portal] aka the CAT [KAT] Pussy Cat [pumpum] which is the ‘black’ Kat and the ‘black’ Kat is, the ‘black’ panther and the ‘black’ panther is the symbol for when the priests are at war when they go into stealth mode – the symbols represent the ‘blackbird’ Thunderbird which is the African Crow [African house] returning from the crossroads

Eric in Acadian is Europe and means fire – D is the 4th letter but in KHEMET means Loaf [Bread] and then Raven represents the bird and the bird coming in on the 4th wave – which is the [4] winds and the [4] winds are setting the world on fire right now – the Mother is the name for [God] on the lips and hearts of all children – look what it says, morphine is bad for you, your daughter is out there on the streets for you – quote the Raven

Eryka Badu who is from LAHMU [MARS] and is a high ranking priestess named her daughter Puma
The word around town is what you learn from here, you take with you next lifetime - Erykah Badu
3 dollars and 6 dimes = 3.60 = that means in the womb, with dollars, and six dimes, three hundred and sixty degrees that is a complete circle [sphere], I was born complete – I was born in the womb - Erykah BAADU

So even the one that comes back for the Sibyls from the African side [Crow], these siStars came out of a different house aka the Mamma Bear [Stella] – there is the Mamma Pumas who would be Afeni Shakur which would be a ‘black 'panther chief in stealth and all these Mothers come together to restore the matriarchal and protect the children for the next [7] generations, these [7] is the seventh son – these are the seventh seed [777]

It will make sense for sum and not for others, this ‘cycle’ that we are going through is not just the way it is, this ‘cycle’ is very different and this outcome is very different from the last time, I write so you know how we got to where we was, for those who seek the unknown, but are we to stupid to come together - 1 million strong and free the 9 billion on the planet, that's why the ANUNNAKI [ANUNNAQI] ANU.NAGA gods are freeing us with these super cell storms, because they know we need help, the planet is being blasted over consecutive days - brainwaves are being charged, light is being given - but are we to stupid to come together - what if we had to, what if they forced us to come together - you know that is incoming  

Now we know that centre of the Zodiac is the mother seat [ship] and that the [12] siStars are are Sibyls – what we don’t know about the Sibyls is why they call them that – the term Schizophrenia comes from the Sybil's – the Sybil's were synced telepathically, one with another – all with the divine mother, and once synced they are all on the psychic network to past information [light] instantly from any region of the world – this was also called Isis Magic [Magi] – these are the birth right of the birth priestesses – the rituals of the Y.OM.I[W.OM.B]D.OM.E[YONI] priestesses to maintain the vaginal [pumpum] health of the planet which is also FEMALE – North is actually South – never knowing that the Ice princess [Ice Maiden] comes from the underworld and the underworld is the land of ice and the ices [Isis] is called the Northland [North star] and the Northland is the land of the Ice princess, which is the Isis [Ices] of the pole – the North Pole – there are [8] points that make up the house of Isis aka the [8] points of study – which was used to raise people up – by using their matriarchal tools, rules, that was usurped – you have to be able to read the Stella clock and KI clock that then guides you to find the people that you are looking for – there are always clues because in your book of life there are clues aka the Hansel and Gretel with the bread crumbs, this is how they found their way back home from the pedo(s) house – many of you know you left bread crumbs for yourself but you don’t remember where you left them until you get to them and for another reason you have to pay attention – like right now I am getting [9] everyday, 12:33 [14:04] 16:20 [21:06] and its so frequent, I have so much on that I don’t know what it is or maybe I do but wtf is it, with [9] that is a straight call from Universe, she wants me to look at sum thing NOW

So the great work, the Magna Carta is the orders of the Magna Mater which is the home house of the great mother

Iroquois Longhouse – big Mamma(s) house was called the Longhouse and would be the biggest house on the property – the transitional tribus forming up the Iroquois named them Longhouse – Iroquois is not a native name, its French – 9ether INDIANS in the USA [Atlantis] are not French, that was until the Blackmore [Blackamore] brought French over as a language

You can see inside, these are for family gatherings, there was men and womes quarters and private suites for couples, these particular images are of a war barrack ones because of the layout – sum where for travellers – the red house was for the daughters and the blue house for the sons – those too young stayed in the red house thus becoming the sons of the red house, these were traditions used around the world that were usurped by the secret societies – the land is very important in the closing out cycle, the land will be given back to the rightful heirs, once you understand the history then you inner-stand wtf is really going on, there is sum real work going on behind the scenes that will be brought to the forefront of every being that is here under the DOME

In the book, the 9ethers where already under the Bible contract from 1492 when Columbus arrives – this is the 400 years contract and Eli-yah said that they got an extension making it 2012 that the curse was lifted, we had to wait until the loop 2012 - 2021 looped out and give or take, here we all are –  the blood slaughters is what is keeping us sedated, adrenaline is known as angel repellent – your fear chokes the angel spirit out of the individual – the more s-he fears the more s-he chokes themselves down - but these slaughter houses are coming down 

 We are here to restore the FEMI9 principle, the reinstatement of the matriarchy – the supreme matriarchy is being restored and is actively in motion – the Pope cannot sit in Big Mamma(s) chair, throne, seat, pulpit – all he can do is block you from sitting there – before we and Mother gets there we will clean the house first – a lot of men and homosexuals do not want her return, they think it’s a bad idea, but the next [7] generations, the children and women need protection and there is too many of us that lov9 our children and women and will do what it takes to restore order, balance, that which is straight – this interaction will change his mind because this interaction will change his interaction with women – the value in women and men vary according to your personal development – you cannot be high value doing low value sh9t – you cannot be a dildo and get a high value mate – you will be paid according to your deeds, many men have denigrated her, abused her mentally, physically and spiritually and they are going to be punished, if you have to come back down here and you disrespected her – know that you will not receive high value – you have to do her right or best you leave her alone – men and women do not function mentally but on the psychologically we are the same – a woman cannot be your homeboy, she is not your homeboy, a man is not a woman, she is not a player and does what players do – she is your counterpart – she is your counterbalance – balance her and you balance yourself – you balance your life [Chi] force – don’t dwell on yesterday because that is what is holding us back which is you stuck in the past – not everyone will make the shift but it only takes a small amount to set us all free – those still developing have work to do to match those evolving – you must evolve – you can read from her energy if she is untainted – she can deal with certain negative energies that come towards you – its doesn’t matter who she ‘prays’ to – it always works for her – she talks to herself because Mamma is the [God] to the child – she is your creator – there had to be a Mother image in order for the [God] concept of - unconditional love – which again is naturally found in nature

The unspoken but well known truth in the scientific community, that God produces gods, so when God was creating God and said “I create in my own image and after my own likeness” this creating God would have to have the power of God to create other Gods; thus, the perpetuation of God eternal was in the original creation of God

This is how it was, and this is how it will be

Are you saying that God was a W.OM.BMAN, no I am saying that God is a WOMBMAN – all Gods have a bellybutton and that means he came from her, you were not made from clay or whatever else, that was a long time ago, we have evolved since then, you came straight from your mother – we see her everywhere, we see her in nature where she is naturally found – this is why they came out with the Oedipus complex and the electric complex – were your marrying your opposing parents – no your marrying an archetype – the heart connects [Nexus] to all those who lov9 the same

Heart - the awareness of the Chakra turns into a level of anxiety when not cleared, blocks the intuition and that is what many are dealing with - because that where it is attached - in your heart

To win the people is to win the hearts and minds of the people with undiluted truth – you talk and teach, they learn and awaken – the great mother is going back on her feet with or without you – if she doesn’t the 9ethers will burn this Wendy House down

Be prepared for what you are going to see because we are at the gates and many of us are fu9king tired of the bullsh9t already and want to go H.OM.E

Hellen [Helen]
Medusa [Medu Netu] Mother Nature
Check locks [hair] braids and busted nose 

The d-evil wears heels and she is here with her siStars - all praises to the FEMI9 principle 
We are waiting on her to be revealed and all the siStars around the world from all backgrounds are going to step up and the men are going to protect her right of way [wave] 

Be selective in who you give to, use discernment, conserve before you serve

Shark gills and side grills for a car - everything that we see has already been seen before 

Last week and this week we have been watching 'Jupiter' according to NASA [NOAA] however 'Jupiter' is heading towards the SUN to dock or to leave through given that the SUN is a multidimensional portal - this is not Jupiter - we do not know what the SOULAR system looks like in 2023 because they have shut down all the cameras - we have been watching the brake lights from a huge craft that was being escorted 

'Jupiter' goes in front of the SUN and BOOM and then we can see 'Jupiter' emerging, I didn't think this was 'Jupiter' maybe it was [??] the planet is not traveling alone - it went towards the SUN and now is moving away from the SUN 

NASA block out huge craft by the SUN 

'Objects' around the SUN - you can see where NASA have added the haze 

Can you see that structure in the SKA 

Australia - what cane you see

The first clip we see all day long - this is a channel that is trying to warn the masses - only Greys abduct and they are mostly 6 ethers - all the crops circles are facing upwards and are for the many beings who are here and have been here before the 6ethers were created on the planet  

The NU KINGDOME around the SUN 

Check the hue - white core 



Check the hue, the colours emitting around the SUN 

The SUN is clearly not the same look in the [4] corners of the planet 

Is that the SUN or what - check the power conductors 

Just a coincidence

Hmmm - nothing to do with the fires - no HAARP deployed then - just rare at the same time fires were happening - there is also [3] days of tornado activities also in the USA 

Moya [Water] is being extracted and water is being deposited
We have water above us and we have water below us - Africa is the only landmass that is rooted and the rest of us are floating - IAPAN [JAPAN] have their head in the sand with Fukushima - its been over a decade with poisoning the oceans, who do you think is really cleaning up this Wendy House 
Last time it was the flood, this time it will be the fire [plasma] that is not disturbing  

Texas dairy farm explosion – they say upwards of 20,000 cows deleted – why – looks like a missile took it out 

And the beat goes on 

Interesting - looks like the outline of an 'object'

From Italy to Canada to Germany - read all data in CHAKRA energies - we are well over 144hz and 432hz - check the colours 

We are hitting well over the 'normal'

These are the old [3] tones and now match them against the nu tones 
7.89hz is well and truly over and this means you are either online or offline 
Offline means system crash - many are going crazy out there 

Reboot - timelines merging - glitching 


Mongolia - check the SKA - colour code 

Ash from a volcano [RUSSIA] 

They said that Putin had lost a lot of men and that he was losing the war and today they say that if they don't reinforce Ukraine's air defence it will collapse, if they are leaking this type of news then sh9t is about to get really interesting - remember Putin is Draco Commander - 

Between 16,000 and 20,000 people died last year just by going to the beach - this year when summer hits there will be more in store - the war is just to distract - yes sh9t is going on and there are reasons - but the bigger picture is coming, Putin has not lost a lot of men - sum one is lying, the Ukraine's have lost or had their soldiers wiped out - Russia continues to take over key places in Ukraine, which is Russias anyway, NATO are getting into position and China and the USA, we have to keep an eye on the 3D world because the spiritual world is merging, and the spiritual war has already been won, it is the physical war that is coming and one must keep an eye on with what is going on because of ones destiny aka destination - you don't want a physical death, you want to be in the middle - not on any side - 

Its the race against the SUN, for months the UK have been saying snow is on the way and low temperatures but nothing and this was put out because everyone knows the SUN is going to let rip, many will not be able to even be under the SUN, do not wear sunscreen no matter what skin you have Its 2023 and means completion - your life is going to change, you are also going to sh9t yourselves at things that you have never seen before - but only in movies - you are going to see beings that will make you SHOOK - the SUN is making them reveal themselves, Universal Law means the truth [MAAT] must come out with the lie  

The new normal 

Check the SKA backdrop - the outer rims of the SUN - then the yellow rim and the core - you can see through the portal - behind the SUN and NIBIRU is the [K.AA] spirit worlds - NIBIRU is bending the light = time and space 

Double bubble 

Tranny with no fanny- what if they figure out a way to delete women and all we have left are these mtf
They cannot contribute to the HuMin [HuMan] mantle frame - these are homosexual men dressing up has women, trying to impersonate a woman - how are they still here - who is birthing defects, how does a heterosexual woman and man [??] give birth to a homosexual - be homo but don't try and be a woman
UV will be deleting anything that is artificial 


Same two symbols from HERU [PERU] and SUMER 

'These beings' were found also by the Nazca site in HERU [PERU]
Notice how these beings have survived for how long and yet the images are distorted - blue skin tone

Bypass what the presenter says and just watch each footages and like the X-Files says, the truth is out there 


Warrior Clan 
Etruscan [Ethiopian] Egyptian 
With locks [braids] 

Mongolians brought over to breed out the remaining 9ethers - Mongrel means mixed breed 
They want their land back from the 6ether European Americans 

Arm bracelet 

Made of gold, gesso, carnelian, jasper, glass
18th Dynasty, reign of Thutmose
Each rosette hand fashioned, not stamped out by a machine, imagine the work and patience that went into making this beautiful headdress – and who wore these wigs, they have hair and locks 

‘Black’ Irish

How did ‘Black’ people come to be in Ireland – Orisha [O’risha] I-rish] Irish – the O’ stands for Orisha which these places are the Orisha lands 

That the wild tribes of Ireland were black men is hinted by the fact that "a wild Irishman" is in Gaelic "a black Irishman” “the wild Irishmen, or Black Irishmen, presumably of the same race, were the same” – source comes from David MacRitchie, “Ancient and Modern Britons”; 1884

So called black Irish people in Jamaica or Irish Jamaicans, are Jamaican citizens whose ancestors originated from Ireland
So called black Irish forced transportees were first brought to Jamaica in large numbers under the English republic of Oliver Cromwell
So called black Irish people are the second-largest reported ethnic group in Jamaica, after Jamaicans of African ancestry
So called whites equate to only 0.4% of the overall Jamaican population—so it most certainly wasn’t them who got deported to Jamaica, or Barbados or Montserrat

IRU [IRE] TWA [BANTU] BUNTU were already in IRELAND before St Patrick murdered them – over 250,000 of their forefathers and mothers  


“And although the “black heathen” they were expelled from these islands many centuries ago, and although, as a distinct race, they have almost vanished from Europe” source (David MacRitchie, "Ancient & Modern Britons Vol. 1"; 1884)
“The first record of transportation in this rebellion was of 47 rebels shipped at Liverpool on 26th April 1746 for the plantations. These were transported to Montserrat in June”
“There was an Edinburgh writer, George Hume, age 30, marked as a ‘Black man’ whose colour would, no doubt, suit the West Indies” source (J. Macbeth Forbes, “Jacobite Gleanings from State Manuscripts: Short Sketches of Jacobites; The Transportations in 1745; 1928)

Irish Caribbeans are people who live in the Caribbean, but are descended from people who were born in Ireland

Irish immigration to the Caribbean dates back to the 17th century
Following Cromwell's victory in Ireland in 1653, it is estimated that as many as 30,000 9ether Catholics were transported to the West Indies, sum settling on Montserrat
So called Black Irish people accounted for almost 70% of Montserrat's population by the late seventeenth century, thus "registering the highest concentration of persons of Irish ethnicity of any colony in the history of both the first and second English empires"

Let that sink in

So called whites account for only 2.7% of Montserrat’s population

Penal transportation or transportation was the relocation of convicted criminals, or other persons regarded as undesirable, to a distant place, often a colony for a specified term; later, specifically established penal colonies became their destination

England transported its convicts and political prisoners, as well as prisoners of war from Scotland and Ireland, to its overseas colonies in the Americas from the 1610s until early in the American Revolution in 1776, when transportation to America was temporarily suspended by the Criminal Law Act 1776

While the prisoners may have been released once the sentences were served, they generally did not have the resources to return home

Many offenders thus stayed in the American Colonies as free persons or “free negros”
“There was an Edinburgh writer, George Hume, age 30, marked as a ‘Black man’ whose colour would, no doubt, suit the West Indies” source (J. Macbeth Forbes, “Jacobite Gleanings from State Manuscripts: Short Sketches of Jacobites; The Transportations in 1745; 1928)

“Half of all white servants in the Chesapeake colonies of Virginia and Maryland died within five years of their arrival” source (

Clearly, so called whites could not withstand working under the burning Caribbean sun...
This debunks the lie that indentured servants from Europe in the Caribbean and American Colonies were so called white

If half of them died in Maryland, imagine how short a time they would last in the Caribbean if they worked the fields as is claimed

If so called whites could not survive working the fields during the one crop growing season in the Chesapeake Bay Colonies—where the Highest UV radiation is the SAME as the LOWEST UV radiation in the Caribbean—then they stood NO chance of surviving in Barbados, Jamaica or Monserrat which has YEAR-ROUND crop growing seasons

Do not dip below the horizon [soular plexus], the mind is taking in everything in your environment, your subconscious must be kept quiet, the energy from these soular flares [CME] soular wind is heavy, huge amounts of codes are hitting the planet with receivers to receive, dwelling is killing me slowly, it is a master class in itself to keep sane - intermittent sensations are present, energy-motion, I had a vision [dream] last night and I saw the atmosphere, space, and it was distorted - at one point 'space' had been stretched out - I saw blue in the vision, I saw souls, I saw crafts, things had slowed down but they hadn't - the distortion is coming from the computer program - we know the correct frequency is being applied and this is going to affect the overall Matrix - the Matrix is glitching and means more and more people are coming online, it means as well that those who are going offline are too coming online in so many ways, because they 'know' sum thing isn't right - stay in your higher self - do not drop below your belly button [soular plexus] you cannot be a HAPI bunny all day and everyday, so conserve and persevere your vibration, then you will be able to serve yourself first and then stream out if you want to, these energies affect the wave patterns in your brain - watch yourself and check yourself at all times, protect your light at all times - stay in the middle - work through 24hrs rather than a week has a target, many of you are doing this without knowing, small achievements encourage you to stay on your PTAH, your at your threshold - moonlighting at times just to stay on top, its better for you to be on your toes than to be laying back with your hands behind your head thinking its all good, that is a false horizon and you 'know' better now so you have to do better because you know, all your private thoughts are recorded - so how you really feel about things is actually being recorded even if you don't say, this is why you can only lie to yourself [your cells] the Universe 'knows' everything about you, so when she doesn't show up - its for a reason, when you come from your heart, she will come from her heart, she can only respond to you, she can only give you what you want - its alright to think, but don't think in 'thinking errors' human error - repeated errors - control your thoughts to allow them to flow, remember Luke,  a Jedi flows, use the force..

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