Monday, 24 April 2023

Natural Selection

Jump Program 
No one ever made the first jump 

Accountability – the willingness to take responsibility for your actions or non-actions or certain aspects that you do daily

One of the reasons that we are not accountable as we should be is because we have been stuck performing the same sh9tness that they do – we are under their Matrix [society] that includes education, religion and professional systems that have trained us to direct our authority outwards

So, we look towards our family, to elders, teachers as the authority, we look to our employers as authority, and we basically give away our authority, sum call this selling your BAA [soul] and that is correct because you are giving away your BAA energy – thus at the same time you give away your authority has to not take responsibility for ourselves

  In religion many do not take responsibility – many say, it was the devil that made me do it – when in actuality it was a series of actions that you took that has resulted in the outcome that is now unfolding or its simply human error – I have heard many say afterwards, that is life, oh well+

We are in the judgement fields, Karma [Kama] and many are being forced to look at their accountability for their own actions and they do not like it

Externalizing authority – think about sovereignty which is to do with your personal authority

When we take responsibility for our actions and for the outcomes of our actions, then we are going to take even more greater care about the actions – every single one of them – to speak or not to speak, to stand back or to stand forward, to stand against or to stand for, to support or not to support a situation = all of those things are actions and when we take responsibility for ourselves, we bear all of these things in mind

I had been fasting for the last [3] days and prior to that I had been eating sum things that I should not have been eating – but I have been making up for it by replacing my digestive system – I had been taking into account sum of the things that I had done or not done and had been making amends in sum ways

You took an action that now you realise that you didn’t need to take the accountability or you know you needed to make up for

In terms of interpersonal relationships, you can take accountability if you have done or said the wrong things – you can ‘man up’ or ‘woman up’ by taking the high road if you need to apologise then apologise, many need to admit that they were wrong or have made a mistake – there are those so far up their ass that they cannot do this, there are those who are so far in their ego that they cannot do this even though its blatant that they need to – listen, take accountability, MAAT is consuming this planet and you have to come from your heart and open your heart, you have to speak and be about truth or she will fu9k you, many people are going offline, many people need prescribed or substances to take away the pain, which is their own pain

Can you be the bigger person – can you admit when you are wrong when you are wrong – people make errors of judgement and that is the very reason why we are down here was to learn and part of that learning is to get things wrong, being wrong is part of the learning, don’t pretend you didn’t make an error – be respectful with the people that you interact with and admit that you have made an error – did you know that people respect you more when you admit and you meant it when you made amen-ds, people respect others when they see them take responsibilities, when they see them take accountability – this shows that this person as evolved – people want to evolve and not just keep developing all the fu9king time, what is up with that monkey sh9t – take into account for your behaviour, when you take into account for the position that you held that turns out to be not quite the position that they needed to be – step back and say, yes that was me – now you know what you know, admit that you were wrong – this will then allow you not to be defensive but objective, more reasonable, fair, balanced – have you ever thanked sum one for showing you an error – so many times I catch myself seeing examples in my life from those who showed me errors, even from people who play no role in my life today but yet their learning lives on, their energy still resonates, I am truly grateful for those people in my life and always show gratitude for showing me the error and the solution – I acknowledge those people who were around me at those times

We have seen the waves and waves in the last 4-5 years change and we now have many people who are less defensive, there are those who have found a place that they belong where there are no boundaries preventing them from growing, you can see inner peace in many, people are content with what they have or don’t have – people are more harmonious with each other, I regularly meet genuine people, people are reading eyes, they are reading energy signatures [auras] – I let go in 2014 and it was very hard for me and at times I wanted to take my last breath, its still hard now but its manageable, but the day I let go and made the right choices, things changed for me, I forgave others and removed people from my heart, I forgave myself for things that I did or didn’t do, by accepting that I was wrong or that I had done or said the wrong things and owning them was hard but oh so rewarding – I felt better within

Acknowledgement is registered, when you truly, whole heartedly get sum thing the charge is felt in the ETHERS 

Its hard to trust those who are up their own ass, those who hold phantom positions or think they are the dogs bollocks – it creates tension, it creates a false sense of security – it creates a situation that is volatile or toxic and there is no need for that – I go for days or weeks without speaking to anyone and that used to get to me because I am a people person but I understand the reason to the point that I inner-stand the reason – we want to promote harmony because this creates a collective situation for everyone

Accountability to your health and wellbeing, we see this is now becoming normal – its lacking

Especially with respect to lifestyle diseases – we all know what causes hypertension – what causes distress on your [3] bodies – we know the root causes – yet we are not taking accountability for our health – you do not care about yourself – your health starts to slide and then we rely on external input like medication to quell the imbalance that you have now incurred by a lack of accountability with respect to your [3] bodies – we are seeing a lot of people who are on manmade medication which has gone up 10fold in the last 4-5 years – many are going through a mid-life crisis – yet we have foods here that can get you were you need – want – to be that will make you a wellbeing again, however many just do not want to take accountability or responsibility for their own actions and just proceed has they are – indulging in activities that do not serve them – that they know will have a specific outcome – which is another aspect of you not taking on your responsibilities

I used to work with people that drank Coffee all day long and you cannot tell a Coffee drinker anything and many say they cannot live without Coffee, yet we were born without Coffee and many people do not have access to Coffee and they still have to function 
– we know that certain foods are going to affect us

It matters the most in this timeline because we are at the closing out cycle and we are being called upon to answer the call – we all have had a private call asking us all if we wanted to step up for the cause, this has caused many to be confused as this call keeps on calling until they pick up, many are questioning their very purpose, reason for their existence – the consciousness is rising and so to the level of consciousness that you have, its increasing and you must match these waves of consciousness – do not leave your wellbeing in the hands of another – there are things that you can still control, there are things that are still within your grasp that you can take hold of – if you want to 

'You have to let it all go Neo [you]' 

You have to want to change 

Reintroduced to this soular system in 2012 [2021]
NASA spot NIBIRU in 1989
We are a binary [tri] system and we are not waiting for a Star-Station 
There are many beings on NIBIRU  
Magnetic SUN 

All signs and symbols are in the SKA [SKI] SKY 

This craft as been here since NIBIRU was reintroduced in 2012 [2021] 

What is going on - on the left image - same craft on the right image which is the same has the top images 

Huge structure near the SUN 

SKA friends 

Sitting pretty in the SKA

NASA release this image of the SUN releasing plasma - look at the image of this planet, this is total bullsh9t - the whole image is bullsh9t - there is no fire in space and that is not how the planet looks [CGI] but check out the grid - mesh 

We never had hurricanes or tornados until the invasion and slavery - check this tornado in the USA and the huge energy distortion [and check the colours] currents in the 'cloud' huge craft is in there, hurricanes follow the route of slavery into the USA and the tornados only hit were the invaders have set up home  

The SKA is distorted - huge currents - trees, ground all clear 

Who goes there 

What is going on with the SKA and those other clouds 

yeast rising 

No one ever looks anymore - because if they did they would see what you see 



AURORAS seen in GERMANY - auroras means North - Northern lights in Germany - think about that, they said that when we see the lights in all four corners of the world it will be show time 


SWEDEN - check the craft 

Read all data in CHAKRA colours 




Green [WAJI] and Red are coming out of the poles of this planet 

MAAT + HERU combined = FEMI9 
RED and PINK kills 

These are mutating wavelengths that are changing your molecular structure from the inside out - we are under the cosh - huge amounts of energy hit in the last 24hrs 


You can see the 90 degree angle [CUBE] surrounding this planet
EMF - where is it - last bottom right image - oval eye 


We are getting hit [CROWN]

DNA Upgrades - check out that energy signature 

Canada and Italy 
German shuts down for over 35hrs 

Last 48hrs we took a hit a big hit 


We have had earthquakes in the last 48hrs - many people will be offline - the atmosphere is highly charged, UV is ground level, children will be acting out, headaches, violence+
Black means charging, white means ready to unleash 

COVID was reclassified to the FLU and this means many will have 'CVFLU' the weather is hot and cold and this messes with the immune system - they are using HAARP and we can feel the cold air that they are using from HAARP in a vain attempt to keep the planet cool - boost your immune system and keep your body temperature regulated 

People will be offline - children will be offline 

Read all data in energies 

F-150 'Lightning' car catches fire - 3 went up causing a total recall of the electric cars 

Tesla car explodes 

Ethiopian plane catches fire on runway 

What is the deal with the batteries and plasma - the two do not mix 
UV is ground level and not just SKA level 

FU-KUSH-IMA has been leaking for over a decade 
What is tectonic lubricant - oil - the planets blood that lubricant the plates when they collide - if an earthquake does occur remember its your fault [fault lines] this particular leak is near Oregon [USA] - if that blew up so would many places in and around the epicentre - those nearby should be worried 

YAWN out loud - nothing 

PO RIVER runs low 

Watch the clips and bypass what the presenter says and what dumb people do with their spare time  

Rome became a perverts paradise, Paedophilia [Nonce] the name [words] exists and so therefore their practice exists, so there is no such thing has the 'worst' or the most 'dangerous' because there are tons, millions of these nonces out there 

They sexually violated pubescent 16 year old boys - and they can cut a certain amount off of the boys willy making them sone young way pass their pubescent age [Michael Jackson] 
Not only was there gladiator fighting but you also had private boxes with children 

They are everywhere with titles after or before their name, wearing uniforms, trusted people that many look up to 

Zeus made inverted beings, today they are everywhere, sum people were systematically abused and that is all they know, many are hardwired to do what they do, just like you like women or your a woman and like men, there are men who like children with a small number of women liking children as well 

Paedophilia [Necrophilia] Zoophile - the names exist and this means the practices exist 

My thing is how are they still here, how does Homosexual and Paedophiles still breed, how are Heterosexual women having inverts, the island of GREECE - Lesbos was a breeding ground, they only kept women for breeding, they would shave their heads [Number 1] and make them wear a robe and bend them over to mimic a young man - today they marry women while doing what they do 

Platonic means to have casual sex between two men - not to be friends because that is called friendship, to which we already have a word for   

We cannot all be on the same planet 

They are still here - their offspring just swapped uniforms 

The frogs get protection from the large spider, living in its burrow and even hiding under it in exchange for eating bugs, parasites 

Smaller fish clean the teeth of the Sharks for a free meal 

Birds eat 100s of ticks a day  

HARMONY - working together 


This is a symbol of NIBIRU before any religion was formed on this planet and this symbol does not have anything to do with man made religions, the Sumerian Kings list is 241,000 years and their Jesus is 2,000 years - do the maths - last bottom left is St George [Moor] check the shields and their symbol 
You can see Saint George on his horse – The Moorish Guardian Saint of England - same symbol we find in KHMT and with NIBIRU and SUMER 

Why is the symbol in TURKEY [TURKISH] KISH [KUSH] 

Too black, too strong 

'Little Foot' [Big Foot] the Lares [Simians] were already on the planet - Homo Erectus - there were two sizes 

Metal works, alloys -

The main street of Busan, 1904 [Korea]
Check the Wi-Fi towers and it says that they are in their costumes, ok then – look how dark they are before they white washed the originals - the Europeans discussing how they are going to dismantled another culture - they are giving respect to the 9ethers that were there before these mixes 


ANĪS-AL-DAWLA, the wife of Nāṣer-al-dīn Shah Qāǰār
Named Fāṭema-solṭān at birth [1842] she was the daughter of a peasant from a village in Tehran, after her father’s death and her mother remarriage, she was adopted by her paternal aunt and uncle
S-he began her career in the royal harem as a maid to Jeyrān Forūḡ-al-salṭana, the favorite wife of Nāṣer-al-dīn; he married her as a ṣīḡa (temporary wife) in 1859, and she became his favorite after Jeyrān’s death a few months later
He soon conferred on her the title of Anīs-al-dawla (Companion of the Sovereign) and on several occasions offered to change her status from that of ṣīḡa to ʿaqdī (permanent wife)

– is this even a woman – these people are today classed has Persian – the Persians are a delegation from Ethiopia - is this a women or man - is tis a woman or man - IS THIS A WOMAN OR MAN 

Qajair princess who had 145 suitors and 13 of them took their own lives - I would have done the same 


National School of Fine Arts, Paris, France, showing students with a life model >>> National School of Fine Arts for men - all in suits, maybe she is 13 years old, all of the images in the background have men fully dressed painted and no women or anything else - the 6ether Romans and 6ether Greeks only made statues of homosexuals - they hated women and only kept them for breeding purposes only 

These are not trees that they teach in their Mughal [Mongol] history - the arrows hit the sides of the pillars, there is a 7 hooded Cobra and two beings - not sure what is going on 

The Diamond - stolen - now sits in a Lebanon museum 

Look carefully at the what is making up the design 


Playing musical instruments - sum one didn't like a woman playing the guitar 



GOA [SRI LANKA] TAMIL NADU have the records 

Stolen from the NTH gate 

These places are turned into forts afterwards but who built these places and islands are the Moors which just means 9ethers - they built this whole planet - out of the Ulmec [Olmec] Almac - we get the Muur

Utah [USA] 

Tree stump 

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