Sunday, 16 April 2023

Hands On

Life is a bi9ch and then you die – that meaning is for those who are plugged into the 3D world and those that call themselves ‘generalist’ meaning they only know general things – they also say, that’s life – those dead people have no life force – they are not ready or are they open minded – they are not ready for truth and would rather play dead, head in the sand, we don’t have time for these type of energies – we are not here to sugar-coat them or to make them feel better or to give them dopamine in the brain feel good in the moment energy– they and you need to be separated – we don’t do temporary solutions [soul-tions] – you walk in your truth while others do not – you are on a mission speaking the truth – the energy is changing once again and we have to go up another level – so don’t feel no way about others because they are not going where you are going

No one can ever never learn by hearing what they want to hear, that is what most are doing and many have children breeding the same sh9t – people tell them what they want to hear and many people keep these people because they tell them what they want to hear – temporary solutions, false illusions – many balance with alcohol and prescribed medication and say they are good to go – stay away from these false lights – the energy has changed and you must rise up higher and leave these people where they stand

When I was younger, I was open to a lot of things and always asked why, what hurt me I was forced to embrace, I was forced to accept – things were said and if I felt it then it was sum thing that I needed to hear – these and many other things enabled me to make the changes according to my experiences over time and is to why its reflected in the way I am today, in the way that I express myself – it will only work if you are doing the work – if you are applying the work, showing up everyday for yourself then yes you are doing the work, showing up for yourself and align yourself

Feeling positive is your highest priority – this is key – its not always achievable – but you must aim for this level of priority, this level of vibration 

Powerful souls have powerhouse egos because they have a big mission on this planet – when I look back [reflection] I can see that my ego was in the way and I can see why I remained stuck for a long time and was edging my soul out of the equation and when people told me things that were of value I would reject it in favour of my ego who was my hero and would stay in my zone where I was right

Who really learns the first time round, how many lessons do sum of us require in order to listen, how many lessons did it take just to make a change – sum times its takes a couple times to learn a lesson and for others it takes lifetimes of lessons

What started out has my ego ended up being replaced by my soul – when I was younger I was really mouthy, always had an answer, sum thing to say, half of all that was because I was defensive – because I was always being attacked – I was pushing away good people, I was pushing away real people, I was pushing away genuine people

Why does powerful souls have big egos, because the soul is powerful – like way powerful – the ego does not want to die, it wants to survive and must do what it takes to keep you trapped, if you are trapped the ego lives on and it wants you to feed it so that it can grow and mature – all the while blocking off your soul from advancing, from receiving soul energies so that you can evolve 

The ego will always force you to look outside of yourself – the ego will always lead you to things that are outside of yourself – when I was younger, I would blame other people for all my sh9t that happened to me, I never received any clarity, I gave my energy away constantly and dwelled on other people thus creating all these thoughts that never existed, I never saw any lessons plans until I evolved, until I walked away, until I focused in on my lane, until I gave them no more power [energy]

Today we see that the ego is controlling many people out here, your ego is trying to distract you from completing your mission – the ego does not want you to connect [Nexus] with your soul – there are those who do things without no meaning or feeling to whatever it is – many people can do things without any meaning, pointless people exist out here, so you must be aware of those who were faking it while you were with them because they were actually being fake with themselves, many people can operate without feelings and many people have learnt how to be fake, they have learnt what to say that works for you, but now that you are aware you must delete them from your energy field

Resistance only comes when we make changes in our life, resistance only comes when we do meaningful things because this resonates with us – when you do meaningful that have meaning, you feel it in your core [soular plexus] 

You have to be coming from your heart for things to work, if nothing is working for you – then you know why, all the bullsh9t that comes out of your mouth is now stagnant and your connection is jammed – you have no meaning – when you do the same old, same old -  then your not doing anything different, so there will be no resistance – ego and resistance play together – resistance pushes you away from what you actually want – and many people are so low vibrating that they gravitate towards what is easier – we don’t care about these people because their 3D world is crashing around them, they can take all the substances, suppression, they want to supress what they already know is impending, the more they take the more they are not following what they lov9, you’re not doing what your heart desires are – so they have to attract the same dry energies that they feel comfortable with, do not enter their field, do not feel sorry for them, they are not your primary reason for being here or will they have any bearing on where you are going - energy can never be destroyed once created - energy is never wasted - they will have another chance 

The powerful souls must watch your ego because your ego will get inflated – be mindful of your ego – starve your ego and feed the soul – remember this is a soular system and you need a soul to be here and there are many here who do not have a soul and will not have a fuk9king clue has to wtf you are talking about – everything has spirit but not all have soul and many confuse the spirit and soul when they are two completely different things  - its okay if you want a general [normal] life in the 3D, for those who have no meaning, but for those who were sent for the ascension program, you are to keep breaking away from their mundane system – for those who know there is sum thing much higher than this monkey sh9t – keep on pushing on – watch the ego and watch whatever that mtf is doing, watch how the ego is blocking out certain things from your life – the ego can block things that are coming to you that are true, that you need to hear – study that ego and see wtf it is doing in your life

Ask yourself this – is your ego a narcissist

People can be so smart that they are dumb – be aware of the smallest things that are happening in your life because that is where your missing out – human errors or human thinking or thinking error is not a flaw, those that think repeated cycles or mistakes are a flaw, no that is you glitching and nothing to do with a flaw  - those who are smart can struggle with regular life, there are those who can only function through instructions and nothing more – they over analyse everything, stuck in their left brain and they overthink everything [thinking error] and are always in their head, they are so stuck that they end up not being able to make the decision – this pattern continues to festa, it grows until that is who they are – anytime they go to make a change the ego will be ready and willing and able [Abel], this is when the ‘what if’ starts to kick in, why don’t you tri and do sum thing different – this is the only way that you can offset your ego – when you do sum thing that the ego is not aware of it cannot function – any small change matters – tri sum thing different that you have been putting off for the longest and watch the ego shut the fu9k up – don’t get me wrong the ego will kick in and tri and stop you, however when you have made up your mind then there is nothing that can stop a mind that is made up

You can see this, sum people are receptive and they will talk and then the next minute they play dumb and that is because their ego has talked them out of whatever it is, we don’t have the time to play games with sum ones ego – remember no one was sent down here to save another soul or are you responsible for their outcome - you are responsible for your outcome - its your soul 

You have to be really aware of who you are connected to or who is guiding you, there are many out here thinking that whoever they are connected to is positive – many are connected to their ego and are living through their ego – your soul is not going to talk you out of sum thing that is beneficial to you, this is why you must know if that person even has a soul, no, they have spirit only – your soul will not talk you out of sum thing that you can learn from, that you can receive soular energy from, that you can evolve from – that is your ego which wants you to be limited

The bigger picture is that you are needed here in this soular system for this very moment – we are here for the ascension program and you will have to shed all that the ego is and be your true self  

No condition is permanent 

Then you have to place your hand on these books and tell the truth - what if you do not deal with these books - how does the judicial system work based on a man- made book(s) 
Solemnly is Soul-emnly - Judicial and Judge comes from Judas 

When you walk in your PTAH [POWRA] you speak truth in your AURA - your BAA [Soul] will not betray you, the BAA does not lie - the BAA speaks for you

We are in the KARMA [KAAMA] fields right now and people are going through sh9t for a reason in this season - get out of their way - protect you light at all costs 

Why does the spiral only appear when they launch - its man made 


[White] core - white is bright and holds all [7] colours which are lights, rays, rays have tones, frequencies, vibration, they have sone [sound] - its a speaker box 





Read all data in CHAKRA [TREE OF LIFE] colours [radiations] energies

Craft with beam 

Main craft [supervision] 

Whatever it was left an energy signature in the next frame - this was a plasma beam - weapon - they are using these weapons up there - they are shooting up there - particle beams - NASA - space army are shooting

This is not Jupiter - its a craft 

One of the entry points into hollow KI 

This planet is surrounded - crafts are in the SKA scanning 

This symbol has been seen in the last 48hrs 

What if you are right - what are you doing about that 

Binary system 

Shields up - protect your energy at all times 

Double bubble 

See the oval disc, while FRANCE is talking pension they are having a plasma event, plasma is hitting the planet and is in the atmosphere - 
The 9ethers have KHAYBET in them  
PLASMA [PLASSEIN] means 'to mould' where energies and gases are moulded into images called etherians - this is the spirit [KAA] world merging 
The 4th stage of GAS

Upward lighting - purple backdrop 

Many 6ethers eat their Placenta - that is called Cannibalism 

Nu energies - check out the codes 

We have nu codes 

U.V.C radiation is a detoxifier, a gem killer, a mutating wavelength and is changing all life form DNA on this planet 

Photo-dermatitis is a allergic reaction to the SUN - the SUN is at the sustainer to all life and this means the SUN does not like you 

It does not matter if they use HAARP - the plasma is coming from the core of this planet upwards, the plasma is coming from the ceiling and we are sandwiched in-between 

You have plasma within you - these soular flares are soular energy for soular beings 

Black means charging and white means ready when you are
Earthquakes, weather systems hitting 

The American people do not know what is coming for them, your Muslims are going to 'make America great' and the Chinese will enforce the 'great' - the UK and Europe need to take heeds - the Muslims are coming to a place near you 

Its a movie - this is a distraction

This is a movie - remember he is homosexual and his wife does have a penis and his children are I.V.F
This is a national headline from a national newspaper- plug out while you can - if anyone talks to you about this subject matter - know that you are still plugged in and still in the 3D program 
What redundant things are they talking about to distract you - from what 

Nature tells RUSSA to shut the fu9k up - nature can disable you when she wants, this applies to everyone, look at this image from a volcano, how many volcanos are sitting on the land masses around the world, what about under water, what about underground
There are fleets in the SKA, crafts over cities and without one weapon being deployed she can shut you down, while man is shooting at everything she whistles while she works 

Always just watch the footage and take with a pinch of salt what he says it is - if sum one filmed or have a picture then you know they saw sum thing 
The spirit world is merging with the physical world and all that was hidden must be revealed
Spirits need a host - they seek the weak and vulnerable - we are real times - protect yourself at all times
Those without a BAA [soul] stay here on the EARTHS negative field and is to why reincarnation was taken out of their KJ2 Bible   

The MESSAGE sound [sone] system

YAHWEH is a title 

Yahweh is a real [god], but your soul the Yahweh has nothing to do with that, the Yahweh created your physical form, this Bible is based on another book [Bila] that the Elohim created but not the Bible we have out here because it contains a mixture of the real Yahweh(s) workings - there are different YAHWEH(s)

A book called the Second Book of Revelations and the author is Tuella and she is a 6ether who channelled, and in her book, she also deals with the subordinate deity [God] but she will be dealing with this particular [God] under the name Jehovah [Adolabroth] Yahweh- all the same thing, or you can read Bentley Layton Gnostic Scriptures

[Jehovah] Jahovah [Yah-Hovah [Hovah] [Hawwah] Eva [Eve], a 3rd of that word [Jehovah] is FEMI.9

Yahweh is a title, Yah is positive and Weh is negative, there are 72 positive and agreeable beings and there are 72 negative and disagreeable being making 144 [Yahweh], there are many Yahweh(s)  

Lead by 24 [NTR]
[Nedjer] Sedjet means [9] and the 6ether word Ennead also means [9]
144 governors of the 18th and 19th galaxies [72] positive of the disagreeable galaxies and [72] negative of the positive galaxies 24 + 24 + 24 = 72 [7+2 = 9] Sedjet [9] Ennead, each 24 is 12 [12 + 12 = 24] Yah [positive] 12 and the other 12 is Weh [negative]

The Most - High is a frequency, the Most - Highest frequency, we are not waiting on him, we are waiting on Mother  

The gate is already open - JAH [YAH] is not coming to save you, you have to come to the frequency, the call is already sounding - its 144hz - its not a number or group like how you think - its a collective - you have to chose the frequency - thus making you the chosen one - to chose the frequency is to be the correct vibration - no one is coming to save you, all the gods are down here with you, you all have to chose your way out of here 

And the beat goes on - Reggae music was created and founded in Jamaica, created by those taken from places like Ghana, Rwanda, Nigeria, Senegal+ and taken to JA - these offspring created Reggae 
The first phone was the drum - the primordial heartbeat of her children - the warriors have been getting the warrior charge ready   

Stay 'woke' 

She came prepared - she is wearing trainers - if that was my daughter I would be proud - she can get a party started doing things like that - big up mamma bear 

siStarhood - this was deep 

Each living creature has its own purpose - you must find yours or be deleted for wasting air 

These hexagon shaped eggs belong to a Butterfly [Farasha] 

Plugins for the natural circuit board 

Check height 

GREECE is part of SUMER 



The Khmer [Cambodia]
KAMPA [Champa] Cham [Kham]
Cambodia [Kambodia] 
Khmer [Khemer] Khemet [Kham] 
Angor Wat [Ankh-gor] gor- hor [horus] Heru


INDIA + CHINA are one place 

Naga [Buddha] rooted in of the Ubuntu
Alkebulan [African] philosophy of Ubuntu

[Ubuntu stands for the principle of selflessness, Immeasurable kindness, and the quality of humaneness]
With the Bantu migration out of Alkebulan millennia's ago, the term BUDHA transliterated through time from the term BUTHU meaning Humaneness

Based on how old the Abantu group are on earth [Abantu basically refers to 9ether HuMin beings], the philosophy of UBUNTHU then is one of the oldest spiritual disciplines on earth than any eastern Philosophies would tell you

The description of MA’AT is also perceived as Ubuntu
Ubuntu is rooted in peace, justice, and reciprocity for the benefit of the divine order
Ubuntu, therefore, derived from the KHMT principle of Maat

Maat is Meta-philosophy in a way that it applied to stars when Mind [Thoth] cast everything that exists in motion and does not just apply to HU.MIN spirituality aka HuMin energy

Years later the UBUTHU surfaced after Abantu [9ether HuMins] came into the equation
Buddha [BUTHU] and its parent NAGA and HINDU-KUSH pride themselves in the recognition of divine order as inner-stood via MAAT

Due to linguistic evolution, the term Buthu changed to BUTHA, and later BUDHA- this is an Alkebulan [African] concept



Why is Hanuman in South America 

Why does two cultures have the same deity – how does the HINDU KUSH [NAAGA] have a connection with Aztlan [South Africa] 

Not the 6ether Jews- they were not created yet 

[MAYA] MAYAN the hall of illusions
Asura Maya Danava
Look at the right image - 9ether in Atlantis and KUSH from INDIA 
Brahma is ANU 

Why does two cultures have the same deity – how does the HINDU KUSH [NAAGA] have a connection with Aztlan [South Africa] 

Global Network 

There are the ASURA - that is spelt like ASARU 

Check the vortex machine on the ceiling used for teleportation
We are in the NTH GATE [Abyssinia] Ethiopia] KHEMET  

They are the same [9] Sedjet [Ennead] in KHMT - in HINDU KUSH [BUNTA] they are same [9] in all the other cultures, these are the last recorded [9]
The [7] arch angels are GABRIY'EL [who is FEMALE [MENET] and has 10,000 on her right which is a personal army - then URI'EL [UZZI'EL] RAPHA'EL] IZRAA'EL [ZAMAR'EL] MIYKA'EL and originally there was [9] but two fell AZAZ'EL and his son SAMA'EL of your Bible and Koran

The [9] principles of adverse forces are SATAN, ANZU, SHAYTAAN, DRAGON, DEVIL, LUCIFER, IBLIYS, JAAN and AZAZEL - these are APOPHIS children 

TURKEY [TURKISH] KISH [KUSH] aka Ethiopian base 

There is only one image of KLEOPATRA and its on the side of a HETU [temple] and you cannot make out nothing - but here Netflix are  

4,000 wagon made from oak
Armenia [Amen] Amon [Ottoman]
3,400 [4,000] or older - the 6ethers recorded history only begins 3,400 years ago 

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