Wednesday, 26 October 2022


The time that we are in started in the Age of Aquarius which was in the year 2000 [Sigi 2001], the first of those children who were born in 2000, last year [2021] [2012] they were legal adults – they were 21 years old

We have seen their actions around the world has they tried to change it- these are [Gods] army without leadership

This is also a KARMIC even that also heralds a 900-year Epoch which started in the 19th century

There is no number higher than 9, we go 1 to 9 and then we start over again 0 is the bridge between 1 and 9 – 0 is not actually part of the counting system but rather the symbol of the divine FEMI.9 [Feminine] energy [N.R.G] creating energy – the 19th century is 1+9 = 10 which is 1

We can see that from the 19th century everything took a new direction – with 1920s the roaring 20s

Now in the 20th century which is the second 100 in this 900-year Epoch – 2 represents partnership, agreement, inventions, innovations, discoveries happened, people got together and things happened

In 2000 we moved into the 21st century which is the 3rd 100 year in the 900-year Epoch 2+1 = 3 and is the first shape in geometry which is the tri-angle

This is a foundation that we never had coming up to 2000 – I have written about the events that have happened to take away from this grand rising that was taking place like 9/11

There is a Bible prophecy that goes sum thing like, unless these days are cut short, no man shall be left standing on earth – meaning this first shape in geometry that we are in - there in 2023 or 2024 is going to be another great American eclipse- that is [7] years from now and will cover the USA like an [X]

Raphael [Tehuti] colour is Emerald Green [WAJI] – be true, stay true in all that you do

Gravity is not feeding these worlds no more; we have stepped up – there is a world where [God] is talking to us and there is a world that is reacting to what [God] is saying – gravity is not working with MAAT – you can see the world events that are taking place, yet if it wasn’t for the higher beings, we would be fu9ked

2017 we have seen grand people taken down with their lies – Raphael said, be true and stay true in all that you do – in 2019 Bitcoin funded a blockchain algorithm – which was invented in 2019, A consensus algorithm is a process through which all the nodes of the blockchain network achieve a common agreement about the actual state of the distributed ledger aka is a true [conscious] algorithm – the world is getting ready to use and it cannot be infiltrated – which is binary system that is in that symbol [SHEM] [I] and [O]  -  there is numbers, letters, even the word God, Zion, the number 7 – the letter N is also Z and G when you rotate this symbol -  the only thing that is constant is the O in red which is that of the divine FEMI9 energy – last Christmas was that of the divine Masculine and that reign is over – she has decided that this game is over Casanova -she is being reinstated and is coming back has queen Bee [BeyoncĂ©] we are not prepared for this Judgment is coming and she is going to give what everyone what they deserve, those who hurt her will be lost in one generation has she has that power – archangel Raphael – to your own self [cell] you must be true- that is what he said 

The Mississippi River is drying up as we speak and they found 8 separate skeletons in the last 2 weeks in and by the river, this is in the Bible that the rivers shall give up the dead, how many are in the Mississippi and what about Niagara Falls which is Nigg9 Falls, how many are down there – all these lakes must give up the people and there are millions+

When you are yourself you emit an energy that is radiant and is read all across the galaxy, there are crafts above you that also read your data, they scan you [life force energies] and you cannot hide these colours at all – you were given a chance at life [Chi] and you was given a talent to support you through that life, you were also able to gain new abilities and what have you done with it, this will be between you and Raphael [Rapha’el] Ra-faa-El translates ‘raise to El’ Emerald WAJI [Green] 

There are two worlds here now and in the middle of the SHEN would be God and MA.AT – the universe is Omega [FEMI.9] and is the most abundant energy here and is 528hz [7] the frequency of LOV9 and is [black] that [white] bar is balance and MAAT is giving us all a chance and is saying, let us see who is fair, the thing is this judgement is not coming, because its over – it’s a 7 year judgement and 5 of those years have passed plus- we are in closing arguments and right now MAAT+ is listening to us, the Universe is listening to us and are filtering out the ones who have achieved – on Christmas day is HERU the KARAST energy and MAAT combined and this took place on Christmas day and they have already judged the last 5 years – there will be 2 more years – 2023 will be the year of conviction for your judgment and 2024 will be sentencing of that conviction – this is Bon Jovi [it's the final countdown] many people who caused problems for the planet will not make it to 2024 when the Omega comes, her Majesty [April] Sophia

Read the Nag Hammadi to learn about the fall of Sophia [Lilith]
Red and Blue KACHINA [HOPI] HAPI – the republicans are red and the democrats are blue – this is your red and blue KACHINA [MAAT] 

There are 9 realms and you will have angles [angels] and higher beings that take you through, the NTH realm is [Gods] realm

The eyes, ears, the nose and the limbs are the nine gates in the human body

Marcus Garvey said, world leaders will rule in the street when the 3 x 7s clash [777] this prophecy was also fulfilled - the Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 broke apart in July 1993 and collided with Jupiter

Levy 9 broke into 21 pieces aka 3 x 7s [777] where are the heads of state who should be ruling – things like Saddam Hussein had his statue pulled down and his head was rolling in the streets, so much took place – these are symbolic and we must keep in mind that [God] does not work like humans

The 900-year Epoch [21st century] the first shape [triangle] 22nd century is 4 the second shape in geometry – the thing is we are being given a chance in advance to do sum thing now or [Gods] kingdom will get torn apart – symbols have been sent like the one in this image – like the movie The Blueprint to Mankind Aka the Terminator written by Sophia Stewart [Matrix] with sum thing being sent back to change the future

The Ethiopian Calendar is 7 years behind the Georgian Calendar and have had their Nu Year – the Olmec [Ulmec] Mayan also share the same Ethiopia Calendar – in Ethiopia it is 2015 and it is us who are ahead – they haven’t reached their 21 on their Epoch yet, its subtle the changes

The judgement is done, what you can do is make peace, make amendments, make amen-ds, make sum ones’ life [Chi] better, if you have nothing, then you have nothing to lose 

There will be more reasoning, things will be revealed, everything will come down to your own interpretation, no one is coming to read a book about you, this book is within you [Reading Room] you emit this book in your field [AURA] that gives off a colour frequency – that colour frequency can be seen from ZION [LION]

The last 5 years many people have started to ask wtf is going on here, when lockdown started many took time to really think about what is going on, many have simply plugged straight back into the matrix, however more frequencies are coming and the 3D world must reveal their secrets

It is your 3rd eye that sees these frequencies and even though sum have a less active eye than others it is fair to say that [God] wants us all to have a chance and knowing wtf is going on and has been going on, you’ve had instances were sum one asked you sum thing or they were talking about things you know about – your spirit [KAA] eye is open also which means you see more  

There are 3 parts to man- 1 is the physical – 2 is the spirit and – 3 is the eternal, the one that sent us here that knew we would find another one and that one would find another one+ in perfect timing – the confidence can only come from the eternal realm, the eternal you - the spirit eye is also open which means that all of the eternal eyes are all open

Most of the children that were born it’s the first time here, they are redeemed – many of you under this timeline have had many lives aka many journeys- so sum of you are not being judged by this life time alone, sum of you it will be just this life time alone – we are the ones who have been carrying this energy throughout lifetimes – all over the ancestries- from the past and from the future all happening right back here- now 

You must be true, this is Raphael(s) convent – stay true and be true in all that you do, you know what is at stake here

To bring things down from the astral realm takes a lot of energy so number one is you must eat the right fuel, your body burns the fuel while you are traveling, eat electric foods and make sure you drink plenty of water over the day

Sum people have a trigger that gives them a window [portal] to go into these realms sum have a life-threatening situation that they see the other side which in turns opens portals from then onwards, sum take gateway [drugs] which allows them access [DMT] – sum enter the wrong way and we see them on Slapped Ham

Childhood trauma also triggers astral realm access

Morality – learn it, the FEMI9 energy has always present- women are getting ready

ZION is getting closer to earth [poles], ZION is perpetual light – the Souls in ZION are photon light and move with the consistency of water [Samvartaka fire] which is on its way to earth right now – which will come down, through the earth, and out the earth, we will all get blasted and when Samvartaka leaves only the few shall remain in this radiance –

Bruce Lee was only a Master because he mastered the Divine Feminine [BE LIKE WATER]

ZION is the SUN which is being fuelled by Sirius

NIBIRU and the ANUNNAKI are also going to be dealt with, many other beings are also here has they also are going to be dealt with – there are crafts here that cannot leave and are under quarantine – they cannot leave the atmosphere

There are a great amount of MaStars on their way back in here to aid with this transition
We already coming into telepathic powers - reading minds - opening energy portals - dimension jumping+ hair is antenna, the body is an antenna, the pineal gland is a spiritual antenna

That which has already been judged is within you and you have a limited amount of time to make amends – a small window in which to redeem yourself  

A female Sumerian statue
Abu Temple [Iy] 
[Eridu] Mesopotamia [Iraq] 
Her colours have been removed and her nose busted for her troubles

The 9ether Female today has lost her way, she is exhibiting Masculine energy all the way, she is dominant – she is like the Male- he made her like that

She should be leading herself and not following lower other women or men out here 

Body parts rather than energy, she masquerades behind another image- who did this to her, did she do this to herself, who leads the Females in the 3D- why are you watching lower energies – everyone is being judged – that ancient ancestral energy is cruel to be kind and its with that in mind that we all must find the right vibe [vibration] frequency [tone] sone [acoustic] she is giving us a choice, you have time to redeem yourself [your cells]

Women around the world are spiking, they are wanting more, wherever she goes we follow, we protect her, imagine if you will a world without her, you would be lost, we must back them when they lash out, there are still men here who do not like her, especially homosexuals

Live your true life [Chi] so that you can walk in your poWRA, so that you can walk in your Ptah
Its Sirius times out there, Sirius times lay ahead for us all

She cares and is the very reason she has been consistent, I have had girlfriends who were resilient with me, when I look back [reflection] and think at the examples they left me and the good and the bad, the emotions, I realise a lot about myself [my cells]

The Universe [Omega] likes when we get sum thing, she dislikes when we repeat the same stimulation [experience] it is a test, a test of your energies, you still have a chance to correct, if that is what you want, break bread with those that you should, we are using telepathy now, many of you are using this medium to send messages, you can go to dimensions, we are using levitation not gravity, out of sight out of mind, in sight, in mind, your thoughts are very powerful right now

The waves have ancestral energies from the past and the future – mixed emotions, mixed energies, all yours, you are to condense them into one supreme energy stream and stay there, that is you now, embrace you so that you can get on up out of here – you have to be light has a feather [MAAT]

Your heart must be light, not heavy – your conscious must be clear

Your heart, many have 1 [Ion] but while they were down here, they grew a heart, they don’t have a full 9ether pack, but their heart Chakra has made them worthy, there are billions+ all vying for a chance, she is seeking the good [positive] in you, this is sum thing that you cannot fake, for the hearth emits the light that displays what you have in your heart

You do realise that you have made it to reSet, that you are actually here to witness, participle in the closing out of this Age – you do realise that you worked this Monkey sh9t out

In a world where common sense is a super power, you have nukes, your fully loaded, your spiritual armour is what is protecting you, wear yours with pride, many can see you above, from a distance because you shine so brightly – don’t let no one dim that light in you, do what you need to get by but do not compromise your light – protect your light at all times- that is what she wants to know, how strong your light [BAA] [KAA] is

You’ve come thus far, you shouldn’t be looking back, only forwards and upwards has this spaceship [Ki] earth is rising higher in frequency [dimension], we have to follow her because without her we are nothing, no-thing, we need her, she is a mess but if you look deeply you see beauty, inner beauty, look deep within yourselves, she is asking what do you want, make the right choice, you have spiritually, now you must physically – jam the two answers together and charged that to the SUN [fuelled by Sirius]

Make up your mind [KHU] or she will do it for you
Alchemy process that with or without you, its better its with you [u] us 

We have been seeing images with what looks like a speaker, maybe it’s a reflection of the camera, check out the waves, ripples, currents, discharges

86% of this was over Ukraine

Look to the right

Check out the colours in all the images, background and the Moon

#Sicilia #Italy
 Pay attention to the mirages, which are formed low above the surface of the water surface
The Moon moves through Dendera [Zodiac] every 2hrs and the SUN every hour 

NASA have added the haze

Energy incoming 

Watch this movie if your hard enough 

Both KACHINA is up there also

Is this LAHAMU [Venus] or Mercury, looks like afterburners on a craft, its not traveling alone, LAHAMU is not a planet – it’s a satellite 

There is a cloaked craft or planetary body just sitting there 


Plates coming apart
Philippines gets an M7 [M8] 


Lisbon earthquake occurred on November 1, 1755 at 9:20 am
It turned Lisbon, Portugal's capital, into ruins, and became one of the most devastating and deadliest earthquakes in history, claiming around 90,000 people in 6 minutes
The underground tremors were followed by a fire and a tsunami, which caused particularly many troubles because of Lisbon's coastal location

The earthquake occurred on the morning of November 1 on a Catholic holiday - All Saints' Day According to the preserved descriptions, the earthquake lasted from three and a half to six minutes, causing huge cracks in the ground as wide as five meters, separating the city centre from the rest of the land

The survivors rushed to the seemingly safe docks and saw that the water receded, exposing the sea floor with ship debris

Minutes after the earthquake, a huge tsunami covered the harbour and the city centre, rushing up the Teju River, two more waves followed, another 10,000 died on the Mediterranean coast of Morocco

Although earthquakes are commonly referred to as Lisbon, it was in Spain and Portugal where the tremors reached the greatest, and its effects spread across much of Europe, Africa and America

It was felt in Greenland, the West Indies, Madeira, Norway, Sweden, Great Britain and Ireland, and even Finland

10,000+ already in the UK and were rolled out at the same time the Jabba the Hutt came out 

Clones are glitching
Shape-shifters worried about their form devices 

We need to get rid of all this dead energy 

Former Congo [Zaire] leader Mobutu Seseseko’s mansion is now abandoned

The structure constructed on a large expanse of land, equivalent to a minimal game park, and was built in his home village called Gbadolite at the cost of £100m- an African PM constructed his private residence at the tune of £100m

It was considered the "epitome of decor and elegance" in Zaire and beyond

The super structure was decorated with Italian marble, Katangese high-karate gold plated doors and windows, Spanish floor tiles, automatic American air conditioning, Israeli state-of-the-art communication systems, king-size swimming pool, a private airport control tower, 3–4-inch bullet-proof glassware, 5 presidential suites, 6 Jacuzzis and surrounded by a mini game park full of all kinds of wildlife, including Indian tigers

The structure, which at the time of Mobutu's death was ranked one of the most magnificent private castles ever owned by a sitting Head of State, is now home to wild rats, tropical snakes, gecko lizards, mega snails, scorpions, birds and thousands of wild insects

Lesson to greedy rulers- it does not end here, £100m and you know what your people are going through, you will be punished 

Air Age Map of the World

inward lines = concave small image
Concave earth reality
Even though the projection is flat, the flight routes are not straight, they are accurately projected from a concave sphere, the one you can see in the corners
Concave the lines go inwards, continents are drawn inward
One plane [aeroplane] 

All the lines are straight
The green lines are straight
The grey-white paths in the pebble looking background are not
It distorts the image because we see both

Austria [Syria]
[2] cave Castles
Austria in Syria and Austria in Europe [??] 

Stone block located in Baalbek [Lebanon] near ancient space-port [1 of 3]
Not sure why this stone block was rejected, however this stone was cut by advanced beings, not quite HuMin [HuMan] aka Mankind


One of the oldest groups on the planet, in the last 100 years you have never heard of them at all
Wiped out from at least 300,000 to under 20,000 today along with nearly their culture, Aboriginals [AB -Blood type and Origin backwards is Nigir aka Nigg9 and O is for Blood type or O'sh9t when their parents touch down 

The very top image is drawn by one of their own- they know sum thing profound 

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