Monday, 10 October 2022


Sphere [Circle] Cube [Square] Triangle [Tetrahedron] 

There is no dates for these images but sum thing was taking place last 72hrs

This is the sun where that white circle is- how does the sun get those horns, where are they coming from, around the multi-dimensional portal we see energy signatures of disc type crafts, they look like CDs, they are expanding [sone waves] the sun is the universal battery being fuelled by Sirius 

These CDs are soular [solar] panels being charged and in turn they are charging this soular system and charging the planet with NIBIRU right behind the SUN magnifying the codes 

Sone waves 

Cube [NI.BIRU] Magnetic [Neutron star] and Earth [Tiamat] [Ki] [Sphere of water] meaning the genetic compatibility between the two is assured

Space is made from ETHER and deep space is made from Crystal Moya [Water] Liquid Crystal 


The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]


The cube [square] and sphere [circle] equal the same = 360o [4 parts] and they have the same magnetic charge, when [2] like charges are put together they repel but because of the tremendous force and pressure of fusion, a force that made them act [react], this submits; contrary to their natural act of repelling

[2] distinct -incomplete squares formed, after further subjection in the intense commandment of [Kuluwm], they merged together to form [1] single complete square [cube]

The centre of each square and each circle became as [1]
If you look closely, you will see each quarter of the circle within the square
This vast energy, was trapped within the square and was not able to escape
[this house is now sealed and no energy can escape]  

The ancient ones did not turn the square inside out, but rather they used the circle, because to turn a square inside out would give you [4] separate squares, which would be [16] 90o degree angles, a total of 1,440 degrees, a science beyond comprehension for many

It does not total 360o yet, it does have [4] 90o outer angles and [4] 90o degree inner angles, which would be [8] x 90 = 720, which is 360 twice

The circle [sphere] is equal to the square [cube] because they are both 360o [unidentical twins] as in looking at the MIR [MER] MARE [Pyramid] from above and the [4] 90o degree angles meet at the capstone

[2] different shapes but both equalling 360o

In the realm in which you dwell, the highest of in-tell-igence is only of the physical realm
Things they tell each other: in-tell-agent, and in this realm, they are limited to persons, places and things

[3] distinct 90o degree angles, which is 270 in itself that equals [9]
They see no further than 360o degrees 3 + 6 = 9 and the chipper is as far as they go

The next realm is the unseen realm and can only be created in illusion to them, whereas the etherians exist as illusions to them   

Thus, we began from 720o degrees, in our realm, things are what they are, in their realm or this realm with illusions, short for [Illyuwn] [Ihm] aka the higher heavens, they make objects appear other than what they actually are, such is faith and belief – this is the same for the sphere and cube, the sphere and cube, as shapes appear to be different but upon exanimating their mathematical properties, you will find they are the same, the square that you know on this plane was not the same one which the ancient ones dealt with

The cube [container], square, sphere and triangle all hold energy differently, every shape passes through the triangle

The ancients dealt with its counterpart on the spiritual [hologram] plane and the plane of force, on this plane you start from Hydrogen [Hy-Dragon] [Serpentine] Kundalini [Uraeus] Oshunmare+ on out to Einsteinium, the 99th element 

NASA have all the data and we have the leftovers, where that arrow is, there is another planetary body in the mix 

BAAL is what is in the chemicals 






New Zealand 
UV SKA [Purple] 

Familiar craft

How comes on another camera this planet [Mercury] doesn't show up 



Huge volts 

Australia, normally we have seen these Chakra equalizing bars [jacks] shafts in Canada, Russia

UVC [Purple] SKA
USA [Florida] 
What is in there 

UV [Purple] Plasma 

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet Light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Ether [Black] light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666]

The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, that being;

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

 Ultraviolet, Gamma, X-ray kills anything that is artificial to this soular system - it is a mutating wavelength

This is an Alchemy process

Ultraviolet light empowers Eumelanin and tortures Pheomelanin 

 [Na-Ta-Ru] Nature [NTR] Ntchr [Ntchru] Neter [Neteru] NTR

This group are individual, in-divide-ual, but are still part of a group, part of the Ether, the personification of the deities-spirits-nature of the elite called the Neteru, the highest ranking amongst the [Gods], whole, they represent principles, and its level is 9D

Ether is what many call the Matrix; it is with form and is without form

Ntchr [Dark-Matter] Ether [Melanin] KAANU [Matter]
Antimatter [Matter] Antichrist - positive or negative Ether 

The Ntchr is the [All], everything that the HuMins mind can conceive is part of the Ntchr, and everything that is incomprehensible, invisible, and even inconceivable is also part of the Ntchr
The Ntchr is in plants, the air, the mountains, the cosmos, the volcanos, the smallest microorganisms, the water, her heartbeat, the thought and even your dreams

The Ntchr is all time and space and yet not yet existing in time and space, this is also an aspect of the Divine Dichotomy

It is the infinite All or the infinite One, the Ntchr is nameless, hidden, formless, indefinableness, infinite Konsciousness, a self-existence, self-perpetuating force that created energy

Its self-intelligent

It is intangible and yet it breathes it life in all of us, again it is pure Konsciousness; it is intelligence underlying and supporting all matter and all existence

The Ntchr is the parents- Father and Mother of existence, the Ntchr is eternal; infinite and endures forever

The Ntchr cannot be understood in its totality for its very essence is unknowable to HuMins and HuMans in this physical form

The Ntchr is everything and everything is part of the Ntchr

The [Creation] of the Universe is mental, held in the mind of the All [Collective Consciousness], the greater intelligence, the Ntchr, the Ntchr is spirit

You can see the cube going around the planet [sphere] 

The CROWN holds, Red, WAJI, Blue, Yellow 

Italian Schuman machine is spiking - look at the pattern 

DNA [RNA] upgrades
NASA take the sone and convert the sone [frequency] into this graphic 
Check out the colours which are radiation aka energies, chakra energies
Spiking over 144hz  

The planet is automatically resetting herself [her Cells] - this means with or without you 
All internet connections are in the sea [cables] many will be disconnected 

Full Moon [Mono] 

The full Moon had multiple objects around the Moon including the WAJI orb that we see with the SUN and its near enough in the same position that we see the SUN and WAJI orb during the daytime, the Moon is emitting Purple and Red – this tells us that night and day is just an illusion
Top arrow is the WAJI orb or satellite, the arrow going down is another satellite, the others are lens flares

I heard the deprecation in tones in the right ear last night, huge shift

The shift is here and we have moved up notch – you are sum where between the Twilight Zone and the Outer Limits; the energy shifts are turning many into a Multiverse traveller
My dreams have been so vivid that it is hard to tell what is real or not
Many are unlocking sum thing big 
Days are no more [time] 

Athens gets a wake up call
M6+ [M7] 
Look how deep that is 10km
Other quakes happening 

12 kilometres in miles is 7 miles, that is how deep man has been able to dig into the planets crust – and nothing more 
All them bunkers down there are going to get it, this is why sum earthquakes are deep


That was deep- 20,000 turned up

German Danke is thank you 
Notice D-anke is T-ankh, which would be Thank you 

Gerry 'Monk' Hutch
Hmmm [God] not quite working with you, is he 

Jakarta as been sinking for the last 3 years at least 

When we see places around the 3D get flooded, we must take into consideration that [God] did this, so the question is not why, because [God] is higher than man
Whereas [Na-Ta-Ru] Nature [NTR] Ntchr [Ntchru] Neter [Neteru] NTR is using her forces to complete the reSet- so what [God] is doing what here, can [God] help you if it is [God] that is doing this, what [God]-  do we all have different [Gods] 

Jesus and Muhammad, your version 

These are your [Gods] speakers, not ours, not once have you seen them in times of wars, famine, plagues, women violations, children violations+ look at these obsolete HuMans [HuMins] - your going down with them 

Why does Therapist have the word rape and rapist in that word  

Interesting - the sun is hexagon shaped and its the rim that is shining the most

Look at the geometric shapes inside the portal [SUN] 
the atmosphere [SKA] is charged 

Schumann resonator and the floor of the Cathedral [Kathedral] in Chartres [France]  

The spirit world is real in this field - KJ2 was re-written because 6ethers do not reincarnate
There is no reincarnation for everyone during reSet 
Many were taken out before they said so and are pissed off 
When the Dome went up because of the virus, everything under the Dome got trapped here]
When the USA and South America and parts of Canada crash all these beasts in the woods are coming out- the European American is said to have wiped out 6,000+ Lares [Sasquatch] and there are over 10,000 still about, they are in India, China, Iran+ and they hate the Europeans because the Europeans mainly murdered their females [to stop them breeding] they hate you and will also becoming out of the forest, woods h3lll bent on payback - did you see that creature in Kentucky woods, snarling, the creature hates you for coming into their habitat- what about the creature after that footage walking on all fours - they said she had on a dress in one footage but not in the other, I thought at first they were two different footages and then it could be her hair, plus she has a shadow, she is in solid format

Neck and sloping forehead -not HuMan [HuMin]  

A sarcophagus recovered from a burial in Pazyryk, Altai, Russia
It would be interesting to know the height of the skeleton placed in this sarcophagus
Look at the guy standing for scale 

Are they for humans or for punished giants 

A giant iron pan discovered in Central Java, Indonesia in 2016 

CHAKRA system
Tree of Life
All the same thing

Serpentine [Kundalini] Hy-drogen [Hy-Dragan]

The [Sefech BaRa] which are the [Seven Souls of Re], also known has Arat(s) or Chakra(s)
Its not [7] its [9] into [13] with the 13th [hidden energy]

Oshunmare - divine rainbow [Chakra] serpent associated with creation and procreation

The word Kundalini or Khudalini is a Naga root word that was originally from the Yoruba tribe aka Alkebulan [Africa] and is called Oshunmare [Osumare] Oshun [Femi9] and then taken to KHMT [Egypt] Khami [Kammu] and called the Uraeus and then transferred to the Andamanese Indus [Muurs] [Bey][Al][El]- the reason she has her head missing is because she is black, Naga [Nigg9] Nagalan, HINDU KUSH, the KUSH are from Ethiopia, NAGA [NAKI] PAKI was all black, they are in Yellapur and gave you, your first Olympic medal - India is being washed out now, has you are going to be deleted

Sphere [Circle] Cube [Square] Triangle [Tetrahedron]

Twin Tri-angles
Tetrahedron [Hadron]
Merkaba [Mekaba]
Mer [tri-angle] Ka [spirit] Ba [soul
Septet [Sirius] Set [Sut] Sothis

The flight of the Chariot

You are the Mekaba, yours is in-built and is you ship [vessel] to get you from one dimension to another, this is your spiritual vehicle, the higher beings use NI.BIRU which is a spiritual vessel

Spirit is energy, your energy that you hold 

This energy vessel [light body] is made up of [9] energy centres, you had been using [7] which is the centres of the alien implants that was graphed into you

The [Sefech BaRa] which are the [Seven Souls of Re], also known has Arat(s) or Chakra(s)
Arat translates she who rears up
Chakra translates wheel
They are discs that must rotate at 360o  
[MAAT] 9 to the 9th poWRA of 9
[9 ether hair][9ether skin][9 ether soul + spirit]

Ultimately this is knowledge on energy flow are tools for consciousness, expressions of individual existence

The KHMT Tree of life [Heru pa khard] Heru as the divine soular child, has seven aspects which are a reflection of Re(s) seven souls [Sefech of Ra]

Those seven souls are associated with the seven spheres of consciousness then are weighed in the judgement of Ma’at and the Sefech Ba-Ra is also featured on the Scales at the Duat [Amduat] Amenti

The seven spheres are levels on the shaft of the balance scales of Maat, Ammit demarcates between the spheres that represent the lower nature (3 lower spheres) and those that represent higher consciousness (4 upper spheres)

Those spheres are related to the concept of [Arat-Sekhem] or the Serpent PoWRA [Kundalini]
Sekhem translates Spark of life

When the spheres are superimposed on the nexus points of the Tree of Life the dynamic forces are graphically illustrated as references to every form, elements that awaken the varied levels of higher consciousness

Sekhem the Life Force energy that is needed for spiritual evolution, these forces must be opened and purified in order to allow the free flow of the [Life Force PoWRA] in order to be successful in the struggle to innerstand the philosophy of the Ptah and have the stamina to endure the trials of the path specifically, controlling the ID (ego) and forces of nature   

The Pineal Gland is referred to has the Eye, it is a gland, they were always glands, these glands are the houses for those energies in the body called Chakra

The Djed Pillar represents the Spinal Column, its where they made the Khudalini-Kundalini from
Djed translates Stability, all seven stars are on the Djed Pillar, which is Osiris(s) spinal column

The Merkaba balances and stimulates exchanges between the two hemispheres of our Organ [brain] and reactivates the pineal gland in the centre of our brain, the minds-eye  

The reactivation of this gland which had been dormant in many of you [hz] allows us to increase our telepathic capacities and our faculties of extra-sensory perception, and connects us to our higher Self [Sakhu]

ESP, there is nothing extra about them for you always had them

Merkaba represents the link between the Ska (Sea), the energy body (Ka) and the soul (Ba), the Ska is made from crystal water and is a currenSea for its charged, this is a holographic format

Your Mekaba [Merkaba] is the light-body and is activating, many of you are already online

Dodecahedron Star [Sirius] this is what Sirius looks like with her seven-siStar(s) around her


Formed by the nesting of 3 tetrahedra which creates a 12-pointed star
This creates amplification, the modulations it emits set in motion the energies of the electric grid [field] that surrounds us

These energies promote your spiritual evolution [revolution] solution and gives us the fullness that allows us to access inner peace [heart] earth, making it possible to create a direct link between the mind and the heart

This direct link between the mind and the heart makes it possible to concretize in matter all the experience necessary for Life

The Dodecahedral Star promotes awareness of the Primordial Source

Its main role is to put Life [CHI] in phase with the higher dimension which is where we are going, we are in the trappist system going up to the [Godhead] Sirius

This Star by its action on the electron grid, helps to become aware of the other dimensions to which we can access and represents a perfect mediation between the infinite and the finite, the sphere and the cube which are both 360o  

And the sphere fits through the cube

Our spiritual evol-ution is progressing and forms of Merkaba are different, I would urge you for those of you who are on your spiritual pathway to charge up your Merkaba that will take you into the 5[D] and the lower planes of the 6[D]

We are going beyond space and time, don’t be limitless, use what your celestial parents gave you

You are going up to Sirius in your spiritual vessel [Merkaba] the signal is stabilising, many people will be leaving the planet, let them travel, you will always have the connection, that much is assured, it is the attachment that we struggle with, we will all be traveling soon, however many will be staying here in the Devils playground

Alpha and Omega
Masculine and Femi9
Minus and Plus
Negative and Positive  
Yin and Yang

Nucleus is made up of Protons and Neutrons;
P= Positive and N=Negative
Which are simply souls [Ba] and spirits [Ka]
Scientists can never admit this
Sum of us are old souls with old eyes
-and have been here for a long time
You want to ascend this time around and they may require you to make that Choice 

Vatican - owner of the largest and longest telescope observatories, named L.U.C.I.F.E.R. (2015)
L.U.C.I.F.E.R - which means Large Infrared Binocular Telescope with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research - is a refrigerated instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona
And yes, it is named the ′Diablo′, whose name means Morning Star [and which] happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mount Graham, in Tucson [Cusco]

In 1984, the University of Arizona and the Vatican selected Mount Graham as a site for a complex of 18 telescopes, the fact that this is a sacred site to the Apache 9ether native indigenous tribus and that the 6ether European American couldn’t give a dam, the Vatican then in 1991 declared that the Mt. Graham was not holy, because he lacked religious sanctuaries

The observatory carries out these programs in collaboration with many astronomical research institutes in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Finland, Italy, Lithuania, South Africa, United States, members of the Astronomical Union International (IAU) and International Centre for Relative Astrophysics (ICRA)

In 1987 the Observatory in collaboration with the Berkeley Center for Theology and Natural Sciences, California, began a series of interdisciplinary study seminars that bring together science, philosophy and theology on the subject of action n divine from a scientific perspective

The Vatican works hand in hand with NASA and major universities, the central observation telescope was built to watch NIBIRU, other planetary bodies, crafts, the Vatican invited the worlds leading students in astronomical research to come and look at sum thing [NIBIRU] and to explain their findings, to which these students were bang-on the money, to celebrate the achievement the Vatican took all the students around 15 or 20 on a cable car ride in which the cable car rails snapped killing them all

How many lives have you had down here [9]

[Yini aba phansi]

Abaphansi are Descended Masters
These are those ancestors that failed to uphold MA.AT principles
Principles of Order, Honesty, Justice, Integrity, balance and Harmony during their 9 earth lives

They then descended to lower realms, realms lower than earth in standard of living, they descended to realms where there is no order, no integrity, no justice, no honesty+

Hence Abaphansi bahlezi bekwatile, bakwata kufanele, indawo embi kakhulu le abakuyona
Nike nizwe ngaba phezulu [????]

Why we never hear ngaba phezulu - because for the past 2000 years, no one has ascended, sum descended and sum are still busy re-incarnating in 3D planets before coming back to earth

There are few Ascended MaStars, the majority of our MaStars descend, it has become a norm

Even live ascended MaStars are hardly found, sum are the only living Ascended MaStar in their bloodline currently, sum of you are the only ones that will ascended and that's how scarce it is to find an ascended MaStar

When you transition and you see your immediate family do not go to them because they are trapped until they get sh9t right, you want intergalactic travel again, do you want to stay here in their realm and repeat the same cycle [stimulation] program again  

The spirits of those who died nameless and/or forgotten, such as those who may have been buried in an unnamed or even mass grave, or those whose corpses were never retrieved

Together, those who died nameless and forgotten represent a chain of necromantic power extending beyond recorded history and they are pissed off 

Millions massacred, millions+ we cannot forget the past until we deal with the present or there will be no future 

Koppa tones
Are different people, not all are from Alkebulan [Africa]
They are not a one continental people 
Africa was a nursery, a garden [arden] eden] edin [DAN] DEN
Lions Den 
You didn't live there, but in the last 512 years you started to live in Africa - these images are not quite accurate 

The begotten sun of Re 


Ki [earth] Ta [Tiamat] Geb is a realm, its not a plan-et [plans of the E.T], she is not an object, therefore she has no edge- Ki would be easier to define as a system environment
Ki is a machine, she is a coil, the sun and moon are poWRAed wirelessly with the electromagnetic field [the Aether] Ether [Melanin], the field suspends the celestial spheres with electro-magnetic levitation
Electro-magnetic levitation disproves their word gravity because the only force you need to counter is electromagnetic force, not gravity, the stars are attached to the firmament aka the translucent Dome [EMF] Ozone-layer [Van Allan-Belt] - all the same thing 

The Stars and Earth centres are a direct link to the very source of our spiritual [star] and material [earth] sustenance
Their duality image [manifest] and ensures our HuMin experience, their union forms our bio-field providing us with a map of possibilities for our life and making us uniquely who we are
Each centre sits inside a flower like funnel of energy [Star = Blue Lotus = Earth] which acts has a two-way valve or gateway to the centre of the universe to the centre of Ki, they are connected by the central energy channel 

Geb = Earth [Kosmic Father] Green life force [healing energy]
In-between is the HuMin [you] Bio-field
Nut = Sky [Kosmic Mother] Blue life force [portal]
[KHMT] Egypt [Egipt] Khami [Kammu] N.TU [Neteru] are not of an extinct forgotten tradition but are archive elements that live in all of us today 
Nut [Mut] the energy of Nu [universe]
Nu = vibration

Nut and Geb form an opening, gateway or birth canal through which all physical matter is born into existence, this is seen symbolically has the Kosmic Egg

Seth is YEN [YIN] 

Seth is not equivalent to LUCIFER nor does he represent EVIL or DEVIL
Seth is a dissection of IMN OM [OWM] AUM [Amen] in the action of universal balance
When the Suns and stars and moons cease to light up the visible universe, guess what happens, SETH remains

The darkness of the night is Seth
The shadow of your body is Seth

Every night of your life [CHI] when you go to rest and sleep, you are experiencing SETH's time
Before anything existed visibly, the mind was within SETH
The chaos that gave birth to order was with Seth

Every morning when you wake up to go to work and be lively, you experience Ra the opposite of Seth as Heru [Horus] or the SUN

If it happened that the Sun did not show up in the AM, all of us would experience SETH for good and due to lack of sunlight, life would cease

The same applies to; if Night refused to come and it remained bright forever
Life would cease to exist

There is no life without Seth because a balance has to exist between Seth and Ra or darkness and light

Seth works with Heru to maintain the Equilibrium

There is no life without SETH and out of SETH (which is darkness) came LIGHT

There was no devil but the spirit of jealousy and deception among devolved men

Ask questions about why SETH fought his brother HERU and killed him spreading his parts across Alkebulan

Seth is ENLIL and Heru [Osiris] is ENKI 

The Chief of KHMT [Egypt] 

ENKI is responsible for genetically introducing the 9Ethers on planet KI in his father [ANU] Image
He is a higher-dimensional being
And has more avatars as [God] or son of [God] or special angel
He has special powers with control of waters and seas

In all his deeds, he represented positive balance while his brother represented unbalanced


The Shang dynasty are the forefathers of what is called CHINA
Shang [Shango] Chango
The Orishas where in China [India]

Shang Chariots



Now they are saying these are fortified high-rise watchtowers in Chinese villages- ok then
There was once around 3,000 of them, today there are 1800 left and are found in other areas
These are Castles [personal homes]
You can see many are still under the ground, they were turned into watchtowers later on but you can see that they were homes

Flooded in the 1700s but the city stood for over 900 years
The last 2 images, the guy in the middle is important and he or she looks huge and what is he or she resting on 

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Living A Lie

The BODY [BODI] KHAT never lies - where the MIND [KHU] goes the BODY follow - it doesn't matter what you are eating [diet], how you are ...