Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Fuse Box

Journeys end

Everybody is on a journey so there are no generic journeys',  all outcomes are going to be different because everybody has an individual Ptah – what is guiding you is your passion [compassion] compass, your KAA [spirit] is also guiding you

The KAA is opposite in the physical world and works backwards aka the opposite of the physical – it goes like this, say you have an appointment and you want to go by public transport to that appointment, so say you have to catch the bus to get to that appointment, when you leave out for that appointment everything you do there seems there is an obstacle in the way, it started with you missing the alarm clock, so now you are running late, you wait on the bus and its late, there is nowhere for you to sit down, there is traffic, there are hold ups, you miss the appointment

Later on you get sum thing else, you realise that appointment wasn’t needed, in fact you missing that appointment leads to sum thing else, sum thing 'greater' you have a V8 moment and you check in and you get it has to why your KAA didn’t want you getting on that bus, you missing the alarm wasn’t you, it was the KAA – it is the completion, the fulfilment that you realise what was really going on, the KAA powers up when you actually make that connection and you getting it [conscious] has to why things happened that way, all the while the subconscious mind is watching you, so to the universe, she watches you- they say, oh s-he got it, nice, lets see what they do with this...

The KAA protects and guides you while you focus in on your conscious or purpose while KAA is watching what is coming around the corner, whereas you cannot and the KAA has a broader view

When you are in-tune with KAA, the KAA will be in-tune with you, the more you trust the KAA the more the KAA will unfold for you – the KAA does not want you to work it out or to name it, the KAA just needs you to trust in the KAA and listen, allow the KAA to flow, there is a time coming up where you won’t have the luxury of having your cell phone, the tv or radio and when KAA says ‘move’ you won’t have the luxury of second guessing, you will need to be instant and not thinking

Training is nearly over, warning signs, scenarios, stimulations [experiences] tests, examples, repeated cycles+ have all come up for many and at times have been relentless, there were times that you wanted out – there were times you cried your fu9king eyes out, the energy forced you to face off with many things, hurtful things, shameful things+ all done because KAA needs you to be at a certain level, you were made to lose all your worldly things, stripped of your personal things so that you are made bare, naked, out in the open, vulnerable, so that you didn’t have or form attachments, so that you became conscious- so that you became measured with your light, why- because sh9t is coming up and you are going to need your KAA more than ever – you had been in training young Jedi, what is in the cave- only what you take with you – all your experiences will be folded into a moment and in that moment you will step into your power – into your Ptah, and the very reason you are here is coming up and could only last for a few moments

By listening to the guidance of the KAA you have built a relationship with your KAA and this strengthens the connection, many have lost their KAA guide because you did not heed to the warnings, guidance or protection, so KAA left your dry ass [connect again] 

Keep the connection secure – always stay connected to source – its not easy, I slip and slide, sum days I do not give a fu9k, sum times I do not listen or see what KAA shows me, its easy to override the KAA – the subconscious mind is the one that betrays me at times 

The KAA will trade with you so that the KAA can relate to you, so that you can bond, so that you will become confident in using the KAA- the seen and unseen

The one thing about the KAA, it won’t let you down even though you will - this is the double you
stay in the relationship that you have formed with yourself [your cell] because your very life [Chi] is going to depend on it 

Energy cannot be destroyed- strike me down and I shall become more powerful 
You are being stripped of what you don't need to make room for what you do need 
You will feel lighter as a feather [SHU] MA.AT 


Look at the holographic computer code that is called space, you can see the grid, 4D[5D]+
NEIT translates to weave – and is a reference to the grid, the fabric of the universe [space] it is a computer code   

Electric universe 

Dark Triangle and its huge 

The SUN does have a city
Look at the surface of the SUN, the SUN is alive - study the black and white image

The conscious- dark-nrg-sun is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field [cube] and is fuelling the planets main SUN 
The pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis
The red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru]
Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
MAAT is also the holy Red and Blue Shakina [Kachina] Shekina

Huge field, oval field 

[White] holds all colours

The SKA is alive 

Khamsin [Chamsin] Hamsin and Khamaseen Khamsen means strong-wind and spirit of Typhon and the Typhonions are the Dragons who were here before the Sumerians 

Remmeber ANUNNAKI means these beings and is referring to different beings that come under the ANUNNAKI- If I said BMW that would be the ANUNNAKI and if I said BMW 3.5i that would an example of these beings, another being would be Z3 still a BMW if I said M-tech BMW that is a high ranking member of the ANUNNAKI [BMW] range 


Land slide, means land is moving below
There is water above and there is water below, we are sitting on water, floating
The MER [MIR] act like fasteners on the land and lock in the land 


IAN leaves multibillion dollar devastation, they are talking 60billion+
The energy was fuelled, weaponised and or ancestral
No one will live comfortably for the remainder of their lives on this is planet
Whether this is man and his machine or nature, things will never be the same again 

Many places around the planet are leaking and many people are on the move because of it 

Last 48hrs 

Coloured frequencies, coded frequencies - the energy signatures constantly change 

11.10.2022 [9]
Warrior energy [Tuesday] LAHMU [MARS] all wars have started on a Tuesday 12:01


Mental health is affecting many, this is the Crown Chakra, the UVC is blasting the Crown [Mind] flow, soular energy, take it easy out there 

Employment- there will start to be a crash meaning all these jobs have got to go 

The Moon is still near enough on full mode, energy always lingers either side for [3] days, I heard the frequency in my left hemisphere last night, adjustments are being made, different energy signatures in the Schuman resonating machine readout, these are nu codes with energy different energy signatures we see

Last 48hrs I have not been able to shut down and this is due to the downloads we are receiving, extreme code downloads, the UV is also affecting us all, people are edgy, watch your metabolism, your nerves, your chakra system, the light is powering the body and the body has to adjust, your mind also has to filter out what it is taking in, processing, visions [dreams] are key right now, connect when you can, even if you stay dormant for 10mins, 30mins, play sum music or find sum space and allow the soul [spirit], mind and body to align with one another to sync in, tri-system, eat the right fuel, when you think you increase the rate of your metabolism which connects into your nerves, chakra system, conserve these codes [energies] don’t spill any out 

People are bailing out of here and many are not the old or young, middle-ish, healthy - not sure if they have had the Jabba the Hutt but we are seeing an increase

2022 is an ending out period it is 360 days in a year with 5 days for a BBQ, however this is a cycle year, notice how they are saying its going to be a cold, cold winter, they are doing this on purpose, they are also using weather modifying machines [HAARP] and will have to go Pepsi Max because the UV cannot be tamed, and it is going to get really extreme out there 

Red sunSets and sunRAses

Nice and easy but that is temporary - look how the Red band is going around the planet

By convention, the three primary colours [energies] in additive mixing are red, green, and blue
In the absence of light of any colour, the result is black
If all three primary colours of light are mixed in equal proportions, the result is neutral -grey or white
When the red and green lights mix, the result is yellow [soular plexus] 

This is the Moon [Mono] 
Full [white] coloured sphere [shield] AURA
This is a 24hr operation
Reflection in the SKA


Lightening that goes up and looks like its coming from the top of these rock structures 


Inside that rectangular you can see a darker shape, huge craft 

While man plays his war games, keep in mind this planet is surrounded and all major cities are under watch, huge craft carrier, space craft structures, clusters, scout crafts, duty crafts, visitors crafts, remember this planet was scanned in 2012 and again, they have already mapped out the planet 
Galactic Federation and its members control the SKA 

End times are close, stay on your Ptah

Its will come down to your energy and what energy you hold, you see all this in this image, this Monkey sh9t is going, the 9ethers are not immune and nor is Africa - Nigeria is leaking along with many other places in Africa and around the world 

Automaton Trumpet Player

This is one of the androids that is still operational and is now stored in the collection of the German Museum in Munich

They had androids and A.I and clones back then Lincoln even had a clone of him, today their reset button is on their backs, whereas in Lincolns day the button was on his neck 
Would you have even known what a clone, robot+ was back then in 1810 
Ww1 and ww2 saw them deploy MK-Ultra and wipe peoples memories

Wi-Fi modem
Dongle [USB]  
Interesting the rock images, never seen them before
Your records are in stone 

Global network
One source 

The Nephilian 
Cross-breeding of different species, genetic deficiencies, many deformities

Steroid abuse 

Steroid abuse 

Steroid abuse, Fury gets caught on this farmers land eating Boar, Fury paid him £20,000 to shut his mouth 

Man- this servant was upgraded by the creation of what is called steroids today, that would be the utilization of the Reptilians strength, which is defined as the poison of the Toad and the males own testosterone fluids
This would speed up his metabolism, increase muscle strength, hair growth, body structure, making him a suitable work machine, hunter and slave, in sum cases giving him the strength of two men+

There is natural and there is synthetic 

Women are physically stronger than man
Push her against the wall and you will find out


Protect the next generation they are y-our future
Be inspir-ed [in-spir-it]  

    Bees for their weight and size relative to their wings should not be able to fly and that is because the body is too big, Bees and Birds do not fly, they levitate 

Obsidian is made from volcano or is naturally made glass, gem, crystal

In KHMT [Egypt] sum mirrors were made from koppa, gold and silver
Glass [mirror] is made from sand aka silicone which is why it can be read
Mirrors should not be facing your bed  

Obsidian ‘Spirit Mirror’ Used by Elizabeth I’s Court Astrologer Has Aztec Origins
Tudor polymath John Dee used the artifact in his attempts to communicate with angels and apparitions

Tudors [Educators]

Obsidian [Spirit Mirror] used by Elizabeth I’s Court Astrologer – Hillary Clinton+ they all have an astrologer, all CEOs watch the stars, this is why so many CEOs stepped down last year into this year
So these ‘Spirit Mirrors’ are devices used to communicate with the other side – the netherworld and to the other side of the planet, back then they never spoke any of the Bastard languages we have today, they ready AURAs, eyes and used telepathy

See and be seen 
Aztec Origins
Aztlan + Mutec = Az-tec [Aztec]
The [God] for the underworld 

Sun disk
Soular disc
They all had one, this is also a compass, date and time, events marker+ what else and what was it connected to 


There are more than 120 burial mounds, only 44 of them have been excavated until now they say, sum of the images say 1980
Undoubtedly, the most important of them is the mound with a height of 53 meters, overlooking all the others
The original height should be around 70 meters, its diameter, which is 300 meters now, was originally around 250 meters and is the second largest mound in [Anatolia]

What is more important than the size of this particular mound is that it has come to the present day without being looted or damaged

King of Kings mound, first excavated in 1957 by the American archaeologist Rodney S. Young and his team

There is a wooden tomb chamber covered with a mound of stone rubble, thick mantle of clay and earth to form the mould

Most of the findings of [Iy] Hetu [temple] abode, isles, coast land, chamber are currently exhibited, this chamber did have a body and is also a tomb, not all are just tombs aka with a body or bodies

The excavators dug a horizontal trench into the side of the mound, then tunnelled through a double wall of tree logs and timbers to reach the inner chamber, the earliest known intact wooden structure in the world

The wooded chamber measured about 17 by 20 feet, with a nearly 11-foot-high ceiling; it had a cedar floor, walls of pine, and outer walls of Juniper [type of huge tree]

A skeleton was resting inside the chamber in a unique log casket
The skeleton of a king was lying on a thick pile of dyed textiles in what was left of his cedar casket
The casket was surrounded by the bronze bowls, serving vessels, wooden tables, and food remains from an extensive funeral banquet for more than 100 guests

Among those funerary goods were three giant cauldrons, decorated with small figurines and 167 bronze bowls, ladles, and pitchers
Also found were 182 bronze fibulae, or garment pins, several bronze belts; and 14 wooden serving and dining tables

Arcs, these are found worldwide
Travel anywhere on this Plane(t)
Even in ABZU [South Africa] you find vestiges of a superior ancient civilization

Barbar [BerBer]
Advanced civilisation

Oxford, Cambridge in London is has old as HERU [PERU] structures- who are the architecture

Horse and carriage but look at these structures  

Parliament [UK] with Big Ben built by Benjamin Banneker aka Ben Bey Emmanuel Mu Ali - who is a Prince in the Delaware Moors 

Buckingham Palace 

Can't make the same mistake this time

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