Friday, 7 October 2022

Missing Places

Did you know that NASA was testing for energy and frequencies at Chichen Itza(s) [El] Castillo pyramid a decade ago- which it is [2] pyramids [MER] MIR MAR 

Carthage crystal dice
DIE- singular
DICE- plural

Swastika-shaped pendants dug up from a grave in Serbia [Tartarian]
Collection of National Museum of Serbia in Belgrade

In princely grave in Novi Pazar was buried one person, most likely female, a member of importance She was buried along with rich grave offerings, consisting of numerous luxurious items locally produced and imported from distant areas, such as ancient Greece, southern Italy and eastern Mediterranean- that is where she was from

Princely graves are typical burials, buried under massive artificial mounds made of ground and stones, in those graves were buried members of local tribal aristocracy, who were accompanied to the afterlife with these Items laid in their graves, gathered by trade and cultural connections with ancient world along the Mediterranean and stolen by the 6ether when grave robbing

These are no Swasti-Ka [SS] symbols, this is from Ethiopia, from BANTU [Buddha] and from the Big Dipper [4] constellations 

16th century painting- so who is lying, they said millions of years ago, they said that the Dinosaurs were wiped out millions of years ago 

16th century is from 1501 into the 1600s 

Pompeii showing Pygmies and Dinosaur

 Optical Illusions

They made the pillars not quite parallel so the perspective effect makes them look perfect, the roof supports and those steps have a slight curve to them but they look straight
Entasis is the slight outward curvature of the columns so that from a distance they look perfectly straight, they are earthquake proof
The Etruscans are not from this planet, we know they settled Tuscany but before that there is no recordings of them 

The Etruscans had robots with them and the Etruscans are giants 

Italy sitting on stuff stolen from CHINA 
Many places around the world have other peoples history 

Flash flood
Many floods taking place around the planet 

YT only let her post 58seconds,
BBC shut down FB group with 250K members dealing with the after effects of taking the Jabba the Hutt 

The SUN was triggering for hours in the last 48hrs+
NASA holding back data
Look at this graphic- look at the SUN!!! - they have been adding a haze over the graphic and lookie here 
The planet is being hit with energies [radiation] 
UV is 8
UVC is 24 

Blue KACHINA is at the 7'o clock and the WAJI sphere at the top is in the 1'o clock position
NIBRIRU is right behind the SUN and behind them both is the spirit - holographic world


The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIBTU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

 MAAT is also the holy Shakina [Kachina] Shekinah

This is an alignment that is taking place is internal and external - you are lining up with this as well, the Moon is nearly full also, keep your head down, the SUN is separating us - the codes are coming from the SUN [electric] and NIBIRU [magnetic]  

The 3D is ghosting along and let those who are fuelling it stay there, they are in for one Sirius come-down - keep off of the radar

Heard the changes in the right hemisphere last 24hrs

Big boy craft 

Looks like the drone in the movie Oblivion 


Colorado [USA] 

Cloaked craft in Holland 

150,000 year old pipes found in MER in CHINA

[White] bright light holds all [7] colours [radiation] energies 

You can see the cube that is surrounding this planet 

We are receiving interplanetary shockwaves 


Red SKA at night, sailors delight, Red SKA come morning, sailors take warning
Old people on the internet calling this SKA beautiful, amazing+
The SKA is trying to kill you [??] 

There are mother ships at each pole
You can see sum thing here 


We had been on repeat and this is how they know what is incoming 

New Mexico 

Anti-gravity technology 

None of these crafts travel alone 

Virginia [USA]

Man does not control the SKA 

SKA watch 


This will be what America will look like
The army of death will come from the underworld, the netherworld 

You heard him say it, to protect their made up god and 3D system - you didn't protect nothing, just delayed the impending- it is the USA people who will cause the mass confusion  

Stay away from those reading the Tarot cards without no Melanin, she said she is protected, she is not

The Tree beings

All programs [people] are still here on the earth plane, there is nowhere for them to go 

AKIR [AKUR] know who you are 

See Nasca Peru [Heru] lines- why does the pope wear it

Tartary [Russia] 

Sensory overload
Electric [magnetic] universe (Matrix AI) meaning of scared knowledge (symbol)

Gold earring with Nike pendant
6 ETHER Greek culture 

You can see where Nike and other retailors got their ideas from  

Found at Mt SINAI which is Mt ZION

40million year old whale found in Alkebulan [Africa]
They said it is an unknown 4 legged whale- is it a whale of Dragon 

CAT of the mountains [PUMA-ZUMA] [COUGAR] 


Orish-a lands [Irish-a]
There are 16 chambers [caves] leading to middle earth 

Supernatural race Tuatha de Danaan [Danann] who ruled in the underworld of Kesh
DANU [DANA] [Mother of the Gods] and these Gods where female [witches-wicca]
ENLIL [Elul] gave them to worship A.NU called Millah Abram, later became Bereth Millah to the Habiru [Hebrew] and Millah Ibrahiym to the Muslims, as opposed to the worship of BAAL and DINA, which became DIN in Moses’ Torah and DIYN in Muhammads Qu’ran
DANA from where they get DIN and DIYN is also DONO [DON] DUN+ the Celtic wife of BELI, which is wife of BAAL or from DUN, meaning ‘brown’ 

Gaelic [Celtic]
Gael-ic [Gaul] Ghoul [Goul] Nomos 

Surname and given name, from Gaelic >> Donn >> brown, dark- from [Dun] dun + ceann >> head
or else from Old Irish, Old Gaelic Donnchad >> brown warrior << brown-head or black head 
Celtic [Kelt] [Keltic] comes back to the Ghouls 

Built by the Etruscan [Carthage] the 6ether Romans and Muslims like to claim 9ether architecture
France [Moors]   

[Eywa] Awa [Twa] Tawa [Tiamat] Ta [Tiwawaat] Leviathan – the primordial waters 
Two-horned Snake [Serpent] Kundalini
Leviathan and her [7] siStars but there are [9] in total 
Symbol of the Cosmos and the river of the underworld
Babylonia [Typhoon] Sumerian 

Huge smoking pipes found in what is called Moscow [Russia] 
today - same design is featured in Sumerian [Annunaqi] artifacts [last two images] 

Mandinka [Mandingo] 
The Nusta bath [beth] is one of the stone elements that shows the incredible aesthetic sensitivity that the Incas had

Celestial boat [SKA Chamber] 
We can see HERU and ASET, MA.AT and NEPHTHYS 

Spanish Galleon Neptune in the old port of Genova
Geneva- do people know that there is a Geneva in SS-witzerland- why the one letter difference

This is a Moors built ship, look at the design
Where his elbow is and sum other places you can see this was painted [white] ENLIL is 9ether, he is darker than midnight 

Atlantis [Aztlan] 

Then the 6ethers would have to leave 

The giant Muurs that ruled the Americas. - America is the Old World

History of the California [Kalifornia] 9ether Nation Califians [Khalifians]
 The first Americans [black] native Americans, indigenous American

Washitaw [Washington] Wassa 

ERITREA is next door to Ethiopia 

1828 Noah’s Webster’s Dictionary term AMER'ICAN noun A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of American Europeans born in America- 

You have been here for a long time, many previous lives
You need a soul to reincarnate 

El Rey 
Mutec [Mexico]

Moorish Science, the Hero takes a journey and end up into the court of the Divine [Goddess] once there, he and his land and his whole universe is sovereign under the Divine [Goddess]

El Cristo Negro is the crucified Christ and they had to shut this down, El Cristo Rey is the lord of the worlds, San Antonio in Texas [USA] has a huge statue of El Cristo Rey and El Cristo Rey is Amun Rey [Amon] Amen Ra [Re]

El Cristo Negro [Amun Rey]
Los Espiritus Intranquilos
Santissima Muerte
San SimonEl Cristo Rey [Amun Rey]
Madre De Agua
La Santissima Iman
Francisco Rayos
Mama Chola
Madre Luna

El Cristo Negro and El Cristo Rey are different composites of the same figure

These are sum poWRA-ful energies right there, the other stuff has been used so much that the energy is worn right out of it  

Mama Chola, Madre De Agua, Santissima Muerte are composites of the one [Goddess] and the one [Goddess] is one and is called the triple [Goddess] and is still the most poWRA-ful material left still on the planet

Zarabanda is a form of ANU.BU [Anubu] and Tehuti [Thoth] 

When Carlos Santana sang Maria Maria all the rappers started talking about Mama Chola, who is the [Goddess] of fertility, Ester or Easter or Astarte is the [Goddess] of fertility and all comes back to Ishtar [INANNA] which is 24 forms of Oshun
24 forms of Oshun, 24 forms of Erzulie 

The Khmer temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia protects the world's most unique treasure: nearly 2000 detailed portrait carvings of women

BANTU [Buddha] and its parent NAGA and HINDU-KUSH pride themselves in the recognition of divine order as inner-stood via MAAT

Thieves in the temple tonight


Dragon [Reptile] 
You can see the wings going around the structure
They told you its a Lion, this was done to induce amnesia 

GOA- you can see the building is leaning and half of it [now a Church] is in the ground 

Chateau [Manor House] 

This is also in GOA but none of these are 6ether Portuguese architecture - converted into Churches  
The real GOAN(s) and NAGALAN had a spiritual system- but they were domesticated by the 6ether Europeans - you can see half the building is still under the ground - all this was built by the Moors- before we get the Moors we get the Ulmec [Olmec] aka the HINDU KUSH 

Head missing is a tell tale sign of a 9ether and being Female 

The word Kundalini or Khudalini is a Naga root word that was originally from the Yoruba tribe aka Alkebulan [Africa] and is called Oshunmare [Osumare] Oshun [Femi9] and then taken to KHMT [Egypt] Khami [Kammu] and called the Uraeus and then transferred to the Andamanese Indus [Muurs] [Bey][Al][El]

Oshunmare - divine rainbow [Chakra] serpent associated with creation and procreation
The word Kundalini or Khudalini is a Naga root word that was originally from the Yoruba tribe aka Alkebulan [Africa] and is called Oshunmare [Osumare] Oshun [Femi9] and then taken to KHMT [Egypt] Khami [Kammu] and called the Uraeus and then transferred to the Andamanese Indus [Muurs] [Bey][Al][El]

Italy [Carthage]
Kothon [Motya] [Motia]  

The Phoenician [Etruscan] island-city of Motya, off the west coast of Sicilya sits a pool, a large rectangular basin interpreted by analogy with Carthage, as a Kothon or artificial inner harbour

Rather than a harbour, the so-called Kothon is revealed as a sacred freshwater pool at the centre of a monumental circular sanctuary hosting [3] large Hetu [Iy] temples, the sacred pool of Ba'al

BAAL is a title, like HERU, there are many BAAL(s) and means Master Lord aka Boss of Bosses

The pool, watched over by a statue of Ba'al, also served as a surface for observing and mapping the movement of stars, as emphasised by the alignment of structures and features positioned around the sacred enclosure- his hands are missing sum thing and when we only see the torso we know why

This place would have aligned with SAHU [SAH] [Orion]  

 A rectangular pool cut out in a rock and connected to the sea by a narrow channel
The word Kothon has previously been used only to describe the harbour in Carthage and in Tunisia and it has a completely different form- however it is not a harbour
A light-oriented pool, measuring 35.7 x 52.5 meters
The pools water was carried along the perimeter by a rectangular wall of carved limestone blocks with a drain to the sea
The pool, a little bigger than an Olympic pool, was [cut] in a rock with a maximum depth of 2.5 meters, although at one time it was considered a harbour, but, as they write, in ancient times, the sea level was 1m lower than today, which also caused the flooding of the entrance road to the island), and it was impossible for ships to enter the pool

Located at the centre of the Marsala Lagoon on the western coast of Sicilya, the 40ha island of Motya (modern San Pantaleo) was the site of a flourishing settlement during the Carthage period
The island offered natural resources, including salt, fish and fresh water, and a well-protected island at a strategic location between North Africa, Iberia and Sardinia

Phoenician settlers arrived on Motya [Moya], integrating with the local population later known as the Etruscans and giving rise to a distinctive “West Phoenician cultural identity” - Nigro & Spagnoli Reference Nigro and Spagnoli2017: 113- Nigro is Negro
The settlement had developed into an important port-city, with a wide exchange network across the Central and Western Mediterranean, as a result, Motya soon came into conflict with Carthage, the rising power on the opposite side of the Strait of Sicilya, on the North African coast

The Carthaginian forces led by General Malco destroyed Motya, but the city swiftly recovered, with the building of an impressive city wall at the beginning of Motya VIA amongst the earliest such structures in the Central Mediterranean (Nigro Reference Nigro2019d, Reference Nigro2020)

Other monumental constructions within the city at this time included two major abode [HETU][Iy] areas, one to the north and one to the south
The city wall and the two abode compounds represent key redevelopments that suggest the city had strengthened its status as a Central Mediterranean counterpart to Carthage

Between 2002 and 2020, they have focused on the large (52.5 × 37m) rectangular, stone-lined water basin, known in the archaeological literature as the ‘Kothon’, located in the southern part of Motya Previous investigations of this feature concluded that it was an artificial inner harbour connected with the city's role in Mediterranean trade

Here, the results of the latest fieldwork are used to present a complete re-interpretation of the architecture and function of the ‘Kothon’, arguing that it was, instead, a sacred pool at the centre of a monumental sanctuary with astronomical functions

The renewed exploration of the Motya basin followed the excavation, between 2002 and 2010, of a large cultic building—the Temple of Ba'al (Figure 2)—that was in use

Phoenician [Goddess] Astarte [A star] Ishtar [INANAA] is listed in one of the abodes and a third building on the western side of the complex, labelled the ‘Sanctuary of the Holy Waters’ on account of the cultic and hydraulic installations found within the HETU

The earliest phases of the temples of Ba'al (Shrine C14, then Temple C5) and Astarte (Shrine C12) date to the arrival of Phoenician settlers on the island

At this stage, the site of the later ‘Kothon’ was a natural spring-fed pond, with a block-lined side

Both temples underwent major reconstructions when the entire city was rebuilt in a monumental fashion, at this time, the natural pool was transformed into the more formal, stone-lined basin that became known as the ‘Kothon’, a rectangular structure orientated north-northeast to south-southwest at the centre of the temenos enclosure wall

This place was the place of the [Gods], to the sacred waters, the SKA and the associated gods—all key elements of Phoenician foundation
The Temple of Ba'al is orientated approximately east-southeast (110°), where the constellation of SAH [Orion] rises at the winter solstice (Nigro Reference Nigro and Antonello2010)
The temple's main entrance is orientated to the south-southwest (200°). During excavation of this temple, the bronze pointer of a navigation tool, or astrolabe, was recovered (Nigro Reference Nigro2009c: 40), supporting the suggestion of an astral orientation
Meanwhile, the HETU of Astarte is orientated south-southwest (200°), where the planet Venus aka the [Goddess Astarte] Aphrodite rises in summer, conversely the niche, which would have housed the likeness of the goddess, is on the northern side of the temple, orientated towards the nearby Mount Eryx- which is an ancient city 

Mount Eryx

On the western side of the ‘Kothon’, the Sanctuary of the Holy Waters was associated with the sunset and the netherworld and a portal to the underworld
The pit was covered by two large stone anchors set side by side into the floor at the terminus of the temenos wall, in an arrangement that finds parallel at the contemporaneous city of Kition in Cyprus (Nigro Reference Nigro2015b: 234–35, Reference Nigro and Guirguis2018: 271–73)

At no point during the life of the Phoenician city, was the pool ever connected to the Marsala Lagoon and hence to the open sea

Following the destruction of Motya, the city wall between the South Gate and the south-western corner tower was dismantled to create a dry dock and a small channel dug to connect the pool to the lagoon

Subsequently, in the Roman period the ‘Kothon’ was repurposed for fish farming and activities, such as the production of lime (Nigro Reference Nigro, Tusa and Buccellato2015c: 18–19); later, the pool was used as a salt pan (Vecchio Reference Vecchio and Nigro2004: 35–36)

Harbour, or “Carthaginian Cothon” the channel as a dry dock, inlet to a hypothetical navigable basin, this was none of these things

The 2013 excavation revealed that the rectangular pool (52.5 × 37m) was delimited by a continuous wall of ashlar blocks, arranged over five to six stepped courses
This is particularly clear on the south side
Along the north side, a platform, over the pool's edge
The bottom of the pool was cut into the clayey marl bedrock and sloped gently down from north to south
At the north end, the water depth would have been 0.8m, increasing to a maximum of 1.5m at the south end
The pool was therefore not navigable, except by small service boats
The latter would have been necessary to reach the rectangular stone podium situated at the centre of the pool
In later years, nearly all the blocks forming the podium were removed and reused at the pool's south-western corner, where they were used to contain the rubble resulting from the collapse of the city wall's south-west corner tower

Comparison with the Amrit sanctuary in Syria —a Phoenician temple with a sacred pool—suggests that the podium, situated on the central axis of the pool served as the base of a shrine hosting a statue
Blocks were offset on the pool's northern side, as a means for entry
This is supported by the discovery, on the perimeter of the Motya basin, of a stone block featuring an Egyptian [KHMT] Gola (a decorative moulding) on a pedestal and a large, sculpted foot
The latter is compatible with a statue of a male deity (Figure 7) recovered from the lagoon in 1933 (Mingazzini Reference Mingazzini1938; Falsone Reference Falsone1970) and now on display at the Museo Archeologico Regionale A 

The identity of the statue is suggested by the discovery of an inscription with a 9ether Greek dedication to ‘Belios’ (Ba'al), found in a votive pit beside the south-eastern corner of the pool
BAAL just means Master Lord- yeah which one

This statue stood on the podium at the centre of the ‘Kothon’, its large dimensions—approximately 2.4m high—personifying the mighty Ba'al (Figure 8), and the arrangement constituting the spatial and ideological fulcrum of the entire sanctuary
In 2019, a replica of the statue was placed at the centre of the pool to recreate the visual impression that might have been experienced by an inhabitant of ancient Motya

This pool house looks like the one in Ireland, Inis Mor [Moor]Island

Sacred lakes or pools are also known in Egypt, where they were dedicated to the NTR [Gods] as well as in Mesopotamia [Eridu] by the [Gods]

Moya [Motya] means water

These sacred sites were used for purification rituals for both humans and [Gods] these water houses have currents running through them
The Egyptians sum where Ghouls [Nomos] and sum where Reptiles in Mesopotamia, amphibians, the Cat and Reptile are cousins  
The circular enclosure was conceived to represent the celestial vault, so many constellations, stars could be mapped from here and many could leave from here and many could return from here
Many energy cycles could be observed from here – the SAH [Orion] system was called BAAL

Odgoad [Nomos] Ghoul [Gaul] Dagan [Naga] Malayket Bahri

The Ghouls [Nomos] Lyra [Lion] AKUR [EKUR] [KAMMU] and the Draco are cousins 

The Ghouls [Nomos] eyes flash over whereas the Reptilians have slits or blackened out whites of their eyes, there is good and bad in all, don’t ask them if they are good, know if they are good 

Very interesting 
Mecca is n there and a few more places of interest- soon you will get it that sh9t only changed in the last 512 years, that sum thing is very wrong with the history they gave you 

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Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...