Saturday, 29 October 2022


Dark Night of the Soul

Oct-ober [Nova-mber] means we connect with the spirit world
Halloween is Hallow-Eve

This is when the spirit world crosses over during this period and is closer to us than at any other timeframe in the year [360]- the spirit world [all saints] is the closet during this period 

 Inverted Souls

Hallowed [Hollow] beings, these beings’ soul has been inverted because they have done so much negativity because they didn’t follow the Laws [MAAT]

Sum are serpent seeds and theirs where always inverted but a lot of the real ones ended up inverted

The Hispanic [Hi-Spain-ic] have a celebration whereby they come out with the skulls called the Day of the Dead, every county in the ancient world has a Day of the Dead that they celebrate with the ancestors

Halloween [hallowed Eve] is celebrated because that is when the two-dimensions cross and is the moment you can visit your lost ones, this is a gateway which over the last years has become more visible and accessible and was more so when you knew [know] (believed) [Baal’Eve] in the ancient systems

Ancestors like sweets and this is why the modern version in Halloween send out their children for trick or treat, you are actually giving the ancients sweets and Ka-ndy [Candy]

KAA [KA] double you

When you give the children [innocent roaming] they get blessed, the children in terms of prosperity for the rest of the year

The Kandy [sweets] given to the child is a representation of giving sweets to Baron Samedi who is Papa [Baba] Legba – his counterpart is Mama Bridget [wear Purple]

You can access data over and over again but sooner or later your life has to be part of that data that you access, you have to upload the data into your reality

HAITI is going to to wicked and wild soon 
The USA, Canada and UK know what they are doing- they owe you for that M9 
They have the 2 priestesses, the bookman and the others, we are watching HAITI because they will be doing the Oshun ritual and that will change everything 
Barbecue - gang means tribu [tribe] 
HAITI is the epicentre 

Mama and Papa are Lords of the netherworld, they are Asaru and Aset

500 years

1492 until 1992 + 30 = 530 years
I thought it was 400 + 100 + 12 = 512 years 

The dates are not important, but it is because one day they are going to really unleash 

Me: I’m lost
Higher self: No- you’re evolving, so your surroundings are going to seem unfamiliar 


KHMT [Egypt]

The crown is made of a network of interlaced gold wires that entangle nearly 200 small flowers, each with a carnelian eye and five turquoise-inlaid petals

The wires are tied to three pins on each side of five ‘crosses’, which are actually five clusters of lotus blossoms, and terminate at a pair of rings on the back of a sixth ‘cross’

You can see the Moor [NIBIRU] symbol- the ANKH [NKH] symbol

Vlad the Impaler
Count Dracula [Vlad Dracul] Vladracula
Voivode of Wallachia

Bran Castle

Bran Castle inspired Bram Stoker for his book Dracula, but Vlad Tepes (the inspiration for Dracula) never actually lived or visited Bran Castle
He was however imprisoned at Corvin Castle until his death which is located in Hun-edoara, Roman-ia Tran-sylvania
He ate HuMan flesh, cannibal – what else, look at these images, he looks what we would call today 6ether Arab, the portraits vary


Pink- red water caused by Algae [harmless] 

GMO food is being deleted, you need electric food for your CHAKRA [TREE OF LIFE] system -





No planned space-launches, so who is this, it is not man 

The 3 arrows are showing 3 crafts [planets] in the mix 

North Way [Norway] 


After hail storm  

MA.AT [HERU] are in the energies 

Check out this exceptionally well-preserved section of Etruscan water supply system uncovered in Stabiae [Italy]

It consists of a large lead tank with conduits leading in and out, used to regulate the flow of water through the rooms of the villa, with welding, you can still see the stop keys in place

LATIN word LEAD is Plumbum and is where the 6ether Europeans get their word Plumbing [Plumber] from

I was watching this documentary and the AKUR(s) eye lit up like this, is it was the SUN rays hitting his eyes, it doesn’t happen again or before- throughout the documentary

Just before his eyes glow, flash amber, his eyes look dark, even black and BOOMBABY, I watched over and at a reduced speed

I took screen shots without turning down the tones, adding or subtracting light, these are straight screen shots, look at this, this upload was posted in April 2022

The movie Predator when his eyes flash over, Ghouls [Nomos] their eyes flash over whereas the Reptilians eyes slit over – the KAT and Reptilians are cousins


Ulama [Football]

The SAN [Khoisan] and the TWA mixed to give us the BANTU who we get the Olmec [Ulmec] Almec [Almac]- there are four-five different races within the Ul-Mec- the BANTU also mixed with the ANNUNAKI giving us Nuwbun [Nubian]

Dogon translates rubber people and they were the first to be able to manipulate the sap from the rubber tree, the Dogon were also the first to wear rubber soles on their feet

Christopher Columbus also wrote about them in his journal and brings the rubber balls to Spain and today Spain(s) national game is Football


We can see where they get the English word Oil from, Oilcuahuitl
Top image, hoop or portal


8ft Ireland 

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