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Lights out in Ukraine and an 80% eclipse due over Ukraine [25.10.2022]
Ukraine does have a portal underneath
The SUN will be on Pepsi Max
Red seal
One day the Crown will be all red
The Crown is holding Chakra [radiation]
Read all data in energies
WAJI is coming from the poles
Humming [Omming]
Mt Fuji
As above, so below
doesn't that look like to MIR(s) coming from the SUN- like one above the other- you can see the X [tetrahedral]
WAJI satellite at the top and Blue KACHINA is at the 7'o' clock position
Check the shape of the SUN
Who goes there
Salmon boiling to death in KANADA - Salmon is not the original Sol'mon, Scottish Salmon is also man made
Images of the damage in
Bihucourt, a town of 300 inhabitants affected by tornadoes
Fulani girl and Jaden Smith
Jaden was actually born the girl - and is to why he is fu9ked in his head
Willow was born the boy- I wonder who they cloned to make Willow
KE.ANU REEVES is near enough on YT clips, shorts every time I log in, what is he up to
Just like Bieber
Two men and sum gadgets and a camera are NOT paranormal investigators
Atlantic Ocean
Large structure rising out
of the ocean – reminds me of Stonehenge
Atlantis rising, huge ships
are right above the structure
Star family sitting over CHINA
Crafts on duty around the portal
With beam on
Arrow is cloaked craft and those two either side there are two planet sized crafts or planet sitting there
The Mapimà Silent Zone [La Zona del Silencio] is the
popular name for a desert patch near the Bolsón de Mapimà in Durango, Mexico,
overlapping the Mapimà Biosphere Reserve
An area where radio
signals and any type of communications cannot be received- where meteorites [shuttle
pods] come down – there is also a Reserve – meaning private property
There will be a war in Alkebulan, but the greatest war will be in Atlantis
Caerphilly Castle
Duvre [Dover] Castle
Located in Dovre, County Kent, on the banks of the Pa de
Calais Strait between the United Kingdom and France and has long been
considered the "Key to England" because of its strategically
important position on the island
Moors homebase, fortified by the invaders, in the 18th
century, during the Napoleon Wars, a serious reconstruction of the castle began
Under the leadership of William Twiss, a system of
external fortifications of Duvre Castle was created, they also write that at a
depth of 15 meters, inside the rocky breed, special tunnels were cut down, in
which barracks were located
At the peak of the Napoleon Wars, more than 2000 soldiers
lived in the tunnels
French prisoners of war were also held there
In 1939, during World War II the tunnels were converted
first into a bomb shelter, then a command centre and an underground hospital.
In 1940, Admiral Bertram Ramsey led the evacuation of British and French troops
from under Dunkirk (Operation Dynamo) from the underground tunnels of the
castle at Dover
Many soldiers were taken out there and are still present
Speaker box
Carthage [Carthaginian]
Carthaginian [Carth-Aginian] Aegean [Aginian]
Karthage [Kharthaginian]
Khart Haddan [Hadden’s Army] Adrian’s Army
Rome [Roma] Rama
Italy [Ital]
Greece comes under Mesopotamia
Recognise the symbols
Zeus has been blocked out [right] you can still see his dreads hanging down
Are these horses - what kind
Lead piping in BAATH [BATH] UK made by the [ETRUSCAN]
LATIN word LEAD is Plumbum and is where the 6ether
Europeans get their word Plumbing from
Rome [Roma] Rama
Colosseum basement
Many lost their lives down there, the Christians were the
Nazareth [Rastas] and they set the Barbary AKUR on them
Portugal means New Port
While they get Trump and Boris [who are both related and Julian] these lot will be getting their feathers [MAAT] back, war is coming
These people are not from Africa
Nigrita is Nigeria both words means Nigg9
Carthage [Carthaginian] Carthaginian [Carth-Aginian]
Aegean [Aginian]
Karthage [Kharthaginian] Khart Haddan [Hadden’s Army]
Adrian’s Army
Rome [Roma] Rama
Italy [Ital]
They say this Baal Hamun the goddess of Carthage
Etruscan goddess of underworld Vatika
Etruscan roof terracotta antefix with the depiction of
the goddess Juno Sospita- that is not her name and what is with the horns
Here she is with horns and feeding the snake
MUUR [MOOR] MORENOS [MAUROS] meaning scorched
Not sure what it is but check out the symbols
The British stole these two offspring and wiped out the entire village and brought them to the UK from Aztlan
Caved into rock boulders with faces and whales along with
other designs
Last image is the true size of Greenland
Mount Tepe-Kermen
There are about 250 cave-rooms in the cave city, on an
insignificant area of 1.4 hectares
Sum of them are hollowed out in limestone one above the
other, sum times forming up to 6-7 tiers
The name Tepe-Kermen is of Turkic [TURKISH] KUSH origin: in translation
from the Crimean [Tatar] means hill-fortress
This place is more ancient, the site was first turned into
a defensive fortress and only later became a settlement
What else is down inside this mountain – is there sum
thing missing at the top - most of these beings could walk through walls, matter+
The Underworld of Naples
The underground city of
Naples is little explored
No one knows the true size
Speleologists who have
studied the gigantic web of dungeons over the past thirty years have estimated
that at least 60% of the city's population could live and work below the city's
historic level
Only in the Stella [Star]
area there are about 63 artificial caves that have been restored for
use, with a total volume of about 160 thousand cubic meters
Another 86 caves are under
San Carlo all'Arena, 85 in the Avvocata area, 34 in San Fernando and Chiaiaia
area, 32 near San Lorenzo and 28 under Cape Posillipo+ and this is only a part
of the huge list, in total, from the end of World War II until today,
researchers have discovered around 700 cavities near Naples, consisting of
tunnels, galleries, caves, secret passages
In total, they occupy an
area of about a million square meters
Recent studies by
enthusiasts and speleologists suggest that many more cavities have not yet been
If not to mention famous
catacombs and caves of archaeological significance, it will turn out that
hundreds of other underground areas studied are virtually inaccessible and are
in a terrible condition
Water pipes, aqueducts and
cisterns; now they are inaccessible and filled with garbage dumped into old
wells, but this ancient system supplied the whole city with drinking water
until the end of the last century or when the 6ether Romans came in
You can see the marks left
behind from the cutting machines or animals they used to cut out the base below
the city – same cutting technique used in other parts of the world
Etruscan Gold Bulla
A "bulla" is a
hollow pendant that could hold perfume or a charm or sum thing else
Lower KHMT [Egypt]
Burma [1800s]
The British ruled Burma during 1824 - 1948 and renamed in 1989 to Burma
Burma is part of Myanmar
The military changed the English translations
In total there are 1000s
of images called the Tanum petroglyphs, on about 600 panels
These are concentrated in
distinct areas along a 25 km stretch, and cover an area of 45 square kilometres,
while the region was on the coastline when the drawings were made, it is now at
an elevation of 25m
Over 10,000 of the images
carved by ‘these beings’ [ANUNNAKI] ancestors about 3,000 years ago have been
carved into the rocks polished by glaciers of the Ice Age
Each rock appears to tell
a series of stories
Each site has a cluster of
petrogylphs that show the beings before
At sum point of time sum
carvings were painted red to make them more visible for tourists; a practice
which has drawn criticism for removing the authenticity and original state of
the drawings
KENYA [YEMEN] [Orisha]
Built of mud, the palace
consists of eight floors arranged in an area of 800 square meters
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