Skull and Bones
HAITI is getting ready to unleash Oshun
Oshun is part of the Orisha [Chakra] Tree of Life [same
thing] and the HAITI people know how to use the energy, they did so before and
the Invaders hit them with M9s [HAARP] to pay them back and now the USA+ have
invaded HAITI- there is a rapper in jail who is supposed to be the one to go
and close the conjure war- we are watching
The Alkebulan spiritual systems, the mystery systems,
there are many, the one that we all know of is Voodoo which is a type of Magi
[Magic] Magu [Magus] also called Black Magic which is Ether
False teachings meant that we lost all of our ancestral
knowledge [energy] and wisdom, Voodoo is the birthstone for manmade religion
We are connected with the universal force of nature
The word Voodoo, when the children of the Moors [Muurs]
from Europe where enslaved their teachings where taken away from them including
Voodoo, Jùjú+ and so on, if they practiced this, they were burned alive, hung
or burned at the stake, the Salem witch trails comes to mind, that was all
slaves, Moor offspring, the children of Mu, they were practicing their
ancestors rituals and were put to death, the Roman [Latin] Catholic Church and
Christian Church destroyed many Moors, this was the Moors
[Mu-Muurs-Moors-Maurs] ancient spiritual science known has Voodoo
Mu can go into Le-mu-ria [Lah-mu] the children of Mu
These individuals were doing nothing accept using
holistic herbs and natural energies coming from natural plants from this planet
to heal themselves and to heal love ones, so instead of the Jesus alternative
they were using holistic remedies to remedy love ones and to heal and connect
with source
The French term Voodoo [Vudun] comes from the French
word, Vaudois, Vaudais and Vaudoux, the word Voodoo does not come from
West-Africa, the term Voodoo comes from the French, it is the French Moors that
created the French language, when they came to Haiti and the French Moors where
enslaved, they were transported to Haiti, they changed their spiritual science
to the word Voodoo
Now what does these terms mean Vaudois, Vaudais and
Vaudoux mean, all three words translates sorcerer and sorcerer is from the root
word source
All that sorcerer means is that you are going to the
direct source and the direct source is nature
Ki [earth] is the physical, Air is the mental, Fire is
the spiritual and Water the emotion on this planet, so when you do Voodoo, you
are the sorcerer who is going to the direct source, you are going directly to
nature, the four aspects of Humins on this planet
In this version of hiStory, there have only been
two-times that the European was defeated, one was in Southern Africa [ABZU] and
the other was in Haiti, the Haiti’s and the Zulu [AB.ZU] warriors are the only
two that won their revolution on a big scale and why is that, Voodoo they went
to the source
The true from of witchcraft [wicca-craft] is coming out
of the KJ Bible if you really check it, this homosexual was at the forefront in
enslaving the Moors, he was into the dark-side and translated their Bible, hence
why he was the King of England at the same time slavery started in the USA
Voodoo is spiritual science connected to nature connected
to your DNA system, you use this Alkebulan spiritual system for positive and
yes it can be for negative, if you choose negative you put weight onto your
Karmic-debt or spiritual debt that will come back to you because you put
negativity onto another soul using this form [Voodoo] of spirituality
Voodoo science, when you heal sum one or a loved one you
would heal them on a New-Moon cycle when the Moon’s light cannot be seen at
night and equally if you wanted to cast a spell out it would be the same way,
on the Full-Moon that is when your spell-energy will be harnessed and activated
manifested and put back on the planet for the recipient, hence why out here
many go crazy on the Full-Moon, spells have been actioned, crystals and
meditation is key and very important and residing by water, fire destroys
physical demons because fire is spiritual, water destroys spiritual demons,
water is the key in this dimension, anytime you have demons you need to go to
moving water, burn sum sage and go to a place that makes you HAPI, a memory
that makes you glow, the one that takes you there and gaze into the sun and
watch the demon exit your body
The sun’s electromagnetic cords, the electromagnetics in
the water, the heart chakra energy from remembering that positive memory will
fuse with your heart-chakra energy, they put this in the Harry Potter movie
when he remembered the most joyful memory, all this is from the word that told
you that this was evil [negative]
This science comes straight out of the Muurs and out of
KHMT and straight out of Babylon
Magic comes from the word Magi which are Magicians Black
Magic or Nubian-Magic
Vudun is a tool of the spiritual sciences applied and
used when sum one or a group of people have been unfairly treated and
aggrieved, they can call on source because they are connected to source
Which brings us to HAITI, sh9t is going to go off over
there in a big way, we will see the energy of Oshun+ deployed once and for all
The French are hanging on for dear life
HAITI getting ready
Erykah Badu is a high ranking priestess, she is from LAHMU
The Arc [Ark] D-ark Force
Evil [love] live comes from word Eve and Lil Eve’Li [Evil]
which Lil is from Lillith [Eve]
Mother Hubur
Hathor [Atheer]
The return of the true [Goddess] the return of Lillith,
the return of the Great Dragon Leviathan
All a form of Lillith [Lil-Leeth]
Lilith is 9ether and is the mother of Kadmon [Adama] with
Amun being the father
Lil-Leeth [Lillith]
Lillith translates [of the shadow hour period] shadow is
your inner-most-self [Cell] that is the dark-side of your soul [BAA]
This planet is sitting in the middle of that Black-hole
in this soul-ar system, the Kingdom of that Black hole in their Bible is called
Levitan [Leviathan] [Female] who is the Dragon of water and their Bible also
mentions Behemoth [Male] the Black hole is called Cosmic water and is also
called the primordial waters of Nu, Leviathan is this particular Black hole
that this planet is sitting in the middle of right now and is a form of Lillith
in Babylonian and the 6-ethers are doing what they can to hold back her poWRA
Technically your Ptah is the left-hand Ptah because
you’re the only ones who have a shadow, everyone else’s are in Slapped Ham [on
the earth plane] your essence is the left-hand Ptah and your essence is the
dark-side, that is who you are, the Osirian realm
This means do not go to the light for there you will come
undone, stay away from the light and accept the darkness [KAA.NU]
Homosexual energy has no ELECTRONS
TRIBU MONTH [NOVEMBER] 1.11.2022 = [9]
11:11 just means the closing out [closing of Age] and is the resetting code
1 Chronicles 12:8
8 Some Gadites defected to David at his stronghold in the
wilderness. They were brave warriors, ready for battle and able to handle the
shield and spear. Their faces were the faces of lions, and they were as swift
as gazelles in the mountains.
[Their faces were the faces of lions]
The is no doubt that there is a strong connection with
the ANNUNAKI and the Iroquois, Sioux, Hopi [Hapi],
Iroquois-Seneca-Mohawk-Cherokee (Iroquois DNA Cousins) much more+ Indus tribes,
DNA can be traced through the Gad tribe and the many Indus tribes of Atlantis
[America], bloodline revolves around the certain groups, only existing in 3
places on the earth, one is in the region of northern Israel and the opposite
is in the USA [Atlantis] the USA is West-Africa and is a double of KHMT [Egypt]
Gad is also referred to has an enclosure – GARDEN [ADEN]
EDEN [EDIN] DIN [DEN] DAN AKA a nursery, there are many nurseries – CAIN [CANE] KANE [QAAYIYN]
QAYIN according to your Bible or Torah, CAIN was driven out of GAN, the
enclosed Garden of Delight
This is where the term Lions Den [Dan] comes from
Where was GAN- the creation of Man called Adam as
recorded in the first chapter of Genesis gives you direction but you must read
chapter two
But first Genesis 1:28 says that a group of beings called
Elohyeem who had created Man in his image and in the image of the Elohyeem,
created he him, A single person
Then it says Male and Female, created he them, and then a
group of beings from that singles gene, ordered them to mate, be fruitful, have
children multiply and replenish, fill the planet earth and subdue it, spread
over the planet earth
GAD is 1 of 12 gardens, enclosures, GAD is not one person
but 12,000, you times 12 by 12 that equals 144,000 [144hz] to think that we
came from Adam and Eve is slavery minds, that is impossible like Noah and a
wooden boat holding 2 of each animals – that after the flood they too mated and
replenished the planet, the two Lions mated and she had three in her litter and
those three were three boys and they mated with WHHOOO – who did those cubs
mate with if Noah only took 2 of each animal, your parents would say God works
in mysteries ways, no she doesn’t
The offspring of these lands have higher beings preceding
over these lands, not Man, his paper contract means fu9k all, the 9ethers were
given dominion over the land and the land is being returned to them, they are
going to take it back
The 6ethers cradle of Mankind and the 9ethers cradle of
KADMON are NOT the same birth places or the same linages
There are many Eve(s) and ADAM is from ADAMA and is a
project, there were two projects, one is ADAMA and the other ADAMA
KADMON [Heavenly] and ADAM [Beast]
EVE is a different project and she was created many years
before he was, many years+
ANNUNAKI translates ‘these beings’ which these beings are
anyone from the original Aboriginals, to the MOORS [Etruscans] to the INCA to
the NAGA to the KAMMU to the LARE [LARES] beings, Samurai, Masai, Dalmeny [Amazigh] Amazon, Ulmec [Olmec], Dogon
to you today, the ANUNNAKI+ offspring
The 9ether blood runs though the AKUR [AKIR]
Lion of Judah and KHMT are the same AKUR
The Fiji [Feejee] mermaid was a sideshow that gained
popularity during the 19th century
The original Fiji Mermaid was displayed in 1842 by P.T.
Barnum, an American showman and businessman, in the Barnum’s American Museum,
New York
This curiosity attracted many visitors to the museum, and
its popularity is attested in the fact that more Fiji mermaids would later be
displayed in the United States
Dagan [Dogons]
Nagas are seamen
Marco Polo
It is stated that Marco travelled to CHINA to see KHAN
and that Marco stayed for 17 years
But at the same time, neither hieroglyphs, nor book
printings, nor tea, nor porcelain, nor the Wall of China is even mentioned in
the Polo book
Who was Marco, did he even go to CHINA, what about Tartarea,
what is his connection to Tartary
Tartan [Titan] Army is displayed in their Tartan colours
on their attire [suit]
Barbarian is Tartarean
Barbary [Tartary]
Tar tar sauce
Tartarian patterns [textiles] text-tiles
Masai warriors and the Scottish [Scotia][Scottie] Tartan
Masai are the Spartans [sp-Tar-tans] Titans and they wore RED
Barbary AKUR
One source
What is going on up there
On the right and left there are also two cloaked planetary bodies
PERU [HERU] has had several earthquakes
Check out this Mickey Mouse sh9t, Missouri- a bridge collapses
and a rail derailment on the same day, derailment and bridge collapses- is this
land moving, what about that both Kansas City and Branson are located on ancient
tribu lands which empty into the rapidly dropping Mississippi River
Kansas City is on the Missouri River and Branson is on
the White River- Atlantis [USA] is West-Africa
Missouri and Mississippi [Isis] River and Nile River are
one in the same
Millions of 9ethers were murdered and thrown into the Mississippi
Bi9ch time coming for many
[What happened in Korea, no- what really happened over there- those people were deleted]
Biden, Harris, Obama are not cutting it, sum thing coming
Bridges collapsing, what happened to the land beneath - movement
Egypt [Cairo] gets hit
You can see those plasma rings
And here they look like sum thing came out of the SUN, NIBIRU is in there and so to KACHINA and the WAJI satellite
Zoomed in
Two satellites on the left and the SUN on the left looks cube [NIBIRU is right behind] but could well be sum thing had left the portal, all these images all came at the same time the SUN on the graphic on the top went crazy- that right arrow looks cube to be, an angle
All these images where over the same day
These three crafts have been assembled since 2012 and came in with NIBIRU
The middle craft stays by the portal
There are also two crafts at each of the poles
NIBIRU controls the poles of this planet
Deep space should be treated like a deep ocean and what we find in the deep ocean we find in space
Space is liquid crystal [water] Moya
This is a life force, we see them in red, orange, purple, green, blue when the holographic world gets close
What a joke, clones glitching out
NTR TIYI translates She is great
How many reconstructions do the 6ether Arab Muslims need to construct when you have her bust and mummified body that you dug up and you still have all these versions out here of her- even a 6ether Arab Muslim version, under Cleo and Caesar and army, they raped 100s of lineages in a vain attempt to be one with the soular lines, no one knows what Cleo looks like because there are no images of her accept one on the side of a HETU which you cannot see [faded]
TUT does not look like how they show you, it is impossible for him to look look like a 6ethr Arab
TUT was taken out on or coming from LAHMU- his shuttle [chariot] was attacked- but that seed is in most of the 9ethers in the Northern hemisphere
The Emperor of Tartaria
Called the Grand Khan of Tartaria, Khan [K-han] Han [Hun]
Hon S-han-go – who is the terracotta army leader, show us, is it Genghis Khan
[Chan] Chango [Shango] Singh [Sango] Shango [Hun] Han Oshun [Os-hun]
CHINA [SHIVA] KIVA the name is from 1949
INDIA the name is from 1976
Mughal [Mongol] history is only 5,000, what about before that
There is no such thing as Asia minor or Asia major the
Tartar [Scythians] nation are the Titan nation – there was never no CHINA or
INDIA until the 1900s
Their kingdom is the largest of all on Ki [earth],
occupying almost a third of [Asia] and a large number of places in what is called
Europe, that includes Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan,
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan [1991] and Azerbaijan, Hungary, Bulgaria – all these nmaes came about in the last 50-100 years- all these places are just east or
Who is the emperor of Tartar- is he a Xuan-Di [black]
emperor – is it Genghis Khan and is that even his real name
Sumerian [Babylon] Typhonian
Dragons [Iy]
Dragons depicted either side, and throughout, they even have sum in museums, tunnels, 3 cave system, rectangular
design, the site faces MECCA [MERKKA]
Tuwana [Tuḫanaan] Tuwanuwa [Tyana] Tarhunza [Tar-hun-za]
Phoenicians [Minions] Etruscans - same 9ethers
There are 9 ether Romans and 9 ether Greeks
Sumerian [Babylon] Typhonian
Study this image
That clip with the Spider, the cells rays are doing that, what is coming out of the cell - the Spider uses a Green and Ultraviolet spectrum