Putin has never left Russia [Bear], they have been
setting him up for a long time now, the king of the North will go to war with
rest of them
Putin is a reptilian commander
Europe [Dog]
Europe and Russia are one continent, there is no such
thing has Asia minor and Asia major
Russian submarine is sitting off of the coast of the USA
[Eagle] right now
UN armoured vehicles are already in the USA which means
the UN and Russia they were or are there to disable the USA people – you cannot
use USA military to disable the USA people, it won’t work
This is all 3D things and I’m not dealing with these
things no more; sum thing isn’t right and yes things are backfiring, but to were
Neuromelanin [melanin] is found in various parts of your
nervous-system which is the organ [muscle] brain and spinal column [Djed] [33]
Kundalini energy is two-snakes which is both sides of
your brain with the pineal gland in the middle
This is about your Neuromelanin – it all starts with your
neck upwards, diabetes type 1 and 2 is the biggest killer of Neuromelanin-
This is an Alchemical process
How far is Romania from Ukraine- forget all these names, it is not about Ukraine, it is Russia that is the main target
Energies [radiation] is hitting the planet
around the sun and moon and planets- permanently
[7] frequencies
We had a soular flare hit the planet with instant Purple
[UV] lighting up both poles [19.1.2021] last night and we also have a fat-full
moon out there
Data is missing
This is proton [FEMI9] energy hitting the planet that
separates the electrons from around the Atom
Anything above 3 is cancer
The UV index went from 6 to 7 up
UVA and UVB has increased exponentially and now UVC
radiation is ground level which is a detoxifier, a germ killer and a mutating
The Sun is changing everyone’s DNA and RNA
Adjustments in left hemisphere [brain]
Adverse weather
Dimensional shifts are taking place
From Turkey to Ohio [USA] snowed out, power down for 100s of 1000s of people
Plasma based beings are sitting in the Ska in their
crafts and many of these crafts are being manned by wombmen [FEMI9]
Huge craft
All kinds of things are going on up there
All concrete jungles must come down
The Dole family aka the USA killed [Queen] Lili'uokalani
The original word was INDA
Out of this word the European created two words
[1] EDEN [2] INDIA
INDA means pregnancy or the DOME
Africa was known as INDA during Genesis
Indians are literally the Twa
This Is the most primordial sign of Amen [Amon]
It is basically an anthropomorphic symbol of the Vesica
Piscis [womb] or the divine Yoni or the divine primordial portal
Rapa Nui
Easter Island is found hallway between Australia and
South America [Aztlan]
One land mass back then
Raymiro is mainly made from the Toromiro tree, that was
only found only on Easter Island
Not sure what it is
Slowly becoming a barren land- they had to move the
capital once already- all todays Australians will be wiped out for what you and your forefathers did to the original people
55,000 years ago, messages on the ceiling
Gabarnmung lies at a remote location on the traditional
lands of the Jawoyn people
The rock structure was constructed by cutting into a
naturally eroded cliff face that created a sub-horizontal ceiling above floor
The roof is supported by 36 [9] pillars created by the
natural erosion into the bedrock
Investigation has shown that sum pre-existing pillars
were removed, sum were reshaped and sum moved to new positions
In sum areas ceiling slabs were removed and repainted by
the people who used the structure
The floor is covered with soil, a mix of ash from fires,
fine sand, silt, and locally fragmented rock to a depth, which lies in [7]
distinct horizontal stratigraphic layers
Completely open to the north and south, construction has
left the structure [museum] entirely protected from rainfall
The structure features prehistoric paintings of fish,
wallabies, crocodiles, people and spiritual figures, the elders
Most of the messages are located on the structures
ceiling, but many are found on the walls and pillars of the site
The significance of the Gabarnmung messages are
important, these messages give life to the original people of Australia before
their identity was taken from them, 300,000 wiped out, the Tasmania Tiger wiped
clean from the planet- the Tigers would protect the wombmen when they went to
New Mexico
Atlantis [United States]
[????] what is it
China MIR [MARE] MER [Pyramid]
This is also in China [CHI.NA] not sure what it is
Croatia aka Tartarian
KMHT [Sumerian] and Tartarian architecture
Sumerians and Annunaqi are the same beings
Sum cuneiform on the tablets were inscribed from top to
bottom and or left to right therefore the right audibility of the letters
confused those who translated them as to the correct positioning of the
For a Rwandan however who looks at these inscriptions,
the arrangement of the consonants renders the name that was deciphered as
The real name of MARDUK is MUTARA since Marduk was born
from a time when Babylon were still occupied by a system that used a language
that was Iru which many Bantu languages stemmed from
MUTARA in the Kinyarwanda language stands for [He who is
the Sun] aka the light-bringer aka the light bearer- aka the illuminated one
Marduk was originally depicted as a 9ether man
He was the son of ENKI
Marduk was in many ways Horus [HERU] and later MITHRA
The name Mithra was corrupted by the Romans from name
Mithra and Marduk were the same concepts
Marduk appeared as a [god] in HuMin flesh and also
conceptually stood as a planet of his ancestral origin Nyabiru [NIBIRU] which on
the tablets was referred to as MUTARA but western scholars again showed it as
planet Marduk- which is kinda of right because NIBIRU is also known has NEB
The initial enslavement of the Iru (General Negro) began
when the Nordic bloodline (Caucasoid) took over ASSYRIA
That's when the Negro began to face mistreatment in near East and North Africa
This is a relief of the Assyrian invasion of KHMT and
capturing Irus [Ire] Ireland or the Hebrew [Habiru] Nibiru and taking them as slaves
ENKI moves them out and sets up KHMT- the [black-headed ones]
ENKI [INKI] EN.QI aka Enock aka [Kha-Nowk] Noach [Enoch] aka
Metatron, aka Ahura Mazda aka Ziusdra aka Thoth [Tehuti] aka Quartzquatl aka Nimrud
[Sargon] aka Shiva aka Bes+
ENKI had over 20 avatars
He is responsible for genetically introducing the 9ether [man
means mind] on planet earth in his father Anu(s) Image
He is a higher-dimensional being
Has more avatars as God or son of God or special angel
He can control the waters and seas
His brother was interested with wars, sky and destruction
In all his deeds, he represented Good while his brother
represented Bad
In the Metu Neter the name for the Nile River was ITERW [ITERU]
You see this image- its fake- that is not Columbus on the left and that is not the Incas or Olmec or Aztec on the right
Ancient monumental complex in the Peruvian coastal desert
The structure includes the hilltop Chankillo fort, the
nearby [13] towers soular observatory, and residential and gathering areas
The Thirteen towers are interpreted as an astronomical
observatory, the [13th] house is hidden
None of these people built HERU [PERU]
They all came after, like 900 years later and are called Mayans- the original people who built Aztlan are called Ulmec [Olmec] and built 9 cities, not villages, the oldest is called La Venta
Between the Spanish and Portuguese they murdered raped and pillaged their way across Aztlan
Over 14million wiped out and replaced with the Spanish and Portuguese- Mongolian mixes
You must not steal other peoples cultures that was given to them, all debts are being collected
Stay away from those with Yoga mats- they are just doing glorified circus acts
Hatha [Rero] Riro [Yoga] - you need Melanin
Sum one wrote that this is a star-seed and light-worker- h3ll no, take this monkey sh9t when you are asked to leave- we do not want this monkey sh9t on this planet - all hybrids are being deleted as we speak [UV] - is this even a man or woman or both
6ft reptilian that can sing- great track
[9] spiral
Petrified forest in Namibia
There are around 5,000,000 trees now called lumber making this raft of logs [trees]
this picture is from 1914, we need the trees, the planet needs the trees- animals need the trees, the Lares need the trees- one of us has got to go
You should get on your knees and apologise to the children because you left them nothing - nothing
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