Sunday, 30 January 2022

Coloured Chambers


When you see the SKA [S.KA] like this, you should be worried
Red Chakra- energy signature
Warrior energy
Red-Iron-Oxide back drop and the Moon or Sun is white
The higher ones are using colours [energies] on the planet and all life

You and all life are upgrading, these fields are a mutating wavelength and is changing you from the inside out, your molecular structure, when you read comments when people see images like this and they write, beautiful, amazing or sum thing about God, move along, this is not sum fancy lightshow

Primary colours are Primordial colours [energies] the word Prime means first

These are Sirius [Serious] times for [1] and [All] these changes will not benefit all has this mutating wavelength is also deleting energy that should not be in this soul-ar light [solar system]

The planet cannot go where Sirius is with dead energy, so to move into that dimension the planet is going through a KAA wash

With the flick of a wrist, they can add Blue, Blue and Red equals Purple, they can add another colour just like that, many of what is artificial life cannot take other colours [energies] energies are frequencies, which is tone, sone [sound], vibration, acoustics, in the beginning was the word- word is sone, it is vibration, it is a calling [Om] [144hz]

Pink, Red and Purple are deleting energies [colours] the SKA is holding all the data and symbols

Your Chakra system is processing these energies, your eye is processing these energies, your soul is processing these energies for this is an alchemical [KAA.NU] process    

Do what you can with what you have because these frequencies are rising and many people will either being going offline [deactivated] or online [activated]

Protect your light at all times

These volcanoes are also turning the SKA different colours [energies] and they are trying to keep the planet cold [HAARP] energies are hitting the planet at the speed of millions of miles per hour

People are either wide awake or having sleepy spells, everyone is changing, you are changing yourself [your cells] Ironized particles are hitting your body and separating the electrons from around the Atom [Atum] as above, so below, so you are working out and your body needs to rest, it is the light that is protecting, navigating the body, not the other way around, hence why many of you are sleepy, it is a must that you get your diet under control, UV is penetrating the planet and you, so basically your body is absorbing these energies hence why you are either tired or wide-awake

Keep your body alkaline [water] eat all colours on the Chakra system, no more meat, dairy products, sweets, junk food, come on people when they flip the switch there is no going back, the higher ones are giving you time to catch up, changing your diet alone will aid you joining onto the higher frequencies, make the changes as and when  

Read all data in Chakra colours aka energies, eat energy including the sun or moon, frequencies are off the cuff right now

Russia and Ukraine, China and Taiwan, Israel and Iran- when they go for it, it has began for those in the 3D, Israel is only existing because the USA back them
I do keep an eye on the 3D but the planet is already in the 4D with parts already in the 5D, the planet was moved into the 9D sum years back already, none of us care about the war that is impending, none of us care about a pension, none of us care about this system, we want it crashed and disabled once and for all, there is no in-between

29.1.2022 [18] = [9] they have been hiding CME(s) hitting the planet- they are hiding data on the Schumann    

Night and Day are one in the same
No beginning of days, no ending of nights...

Over the day [ last couple hours] 

Over the day- different hours 

Over the week, it does not matter that the Schumann is not recording data because we can see that the energy is still coming in - look at the colours [energies] aka radiation

Look at this

 Incoming [31.1.2022] 
Look at the energy signatures- the frequency has changed 

From today [31.1.2022] sum hours later, look at this 

This is the MA.AT [HERU] field and many will start to lose things that mean sum thing to them, do not interfere with MAAT, we are in KARMA [KAMA] fields and judgement has already been passed, do not get involved 

 S-he is not messing about 

You are in our thoughts 

Before NASA remove this, the footage was taken on the 29.1.22 around 4pm and sum-thing blocked out the sun on the left, sum thing [object] went through the sun [portal] and went to the left 

Then sum thing left the sun- a dark sphere left the portal from the top left, it was not a CME
Who left the sun [portal] we know the sun charges crafts and planetary bodies  
LASCO is unavailable at the same time
There are multiple crafts, planetary bodies up there

There are two objects either side of the sun, that are not showing up on the right camera

 Lots going on up there 

cloaked craft 


Red eye 


Ethiopian Kings
This is a bust of King NABU

When we carefully examine these artefacts, we notice that the Akkadian Kings emulated the Annunaki [Annunagi] Annunaqi [ANU.NAGA] appearance and that's because these Kings, though mortality were directly descended from the Annunaki forefathers who helped set up Mesopotamia that Akadia was the last empire of

These Kings held the aspect of [Sexual Fertility] in high regards as seen in the clay bust on the left
The Crown of the King is designed in a way that it appears like the tip of a man's penis

In sum ways this is because during the Akkadian empire, part of the earthly agenda by these half-HuMin half- Annunaki Kings was to proliferate the seedling of humanity on earth [Ki]

There were concerns that the HuMin population, which at that time was around 4 million HuMins on the entire planet and the directives of these Kings from their Annunaki ancestors was to spread HuMin seeds on the surface of the planet
Seeding humanity was a high priority for the rulers of that era
These rulers were not ordinary rulers but half [Gods]
These Kings held the keeping of the Beard in high regard
Wearing a beard on planet Nyabiru [NIBIRU] Neb Heru was a high sign of respect among Nibirians
For these ancient Akkadian, Babylonian, Typhonian and even KHEMET Kings, to wear a long beard evoked the authority of arch ancestors, A.NU, ENKI and ENKI all have beards

Moslems [Muslims] in the middle east today borrowed this ancient tradition of keeping a beard from the Akkadian culture, this is also were the Scottish Jock gets his beard from
 Jock [John] meaning sweaty which is from the word swarthy meaning dark-complexion 

 There is no disconnection- you are [1] with the [All]
Teleportation device- you have one also 

Skara Brae [Bray] Bay [Bey]
Scota [Scotlan] Scotland [Pics] 

Ghouls [Nomos]

Skara Brae is a large and well-preserved settlement discovered off the Bay of Skaill on the west coast of Mainland, Orkney Islands, Scotland.
It consists of 8 houses united into blocks connected by [1] main house making [9], with a full underground settlement
It wasn’t until 1850 that the 6ether Scottish people found the settlement, which only came about after a strong storm revealed the site, up until that point the 6ether Scottish had not idea that the site was there
All these buildings had roofs, check out the size of this site meaning that the people that used the site were what is called Pygmy
In 1868 after going through four houses, they stopped and left the site until 1913 – when the site was robbed of unknown artifacts
In 1924, another storm swept away part of one of the houses, and it was decided that this place should be guarded and thoroughly investigated [think about this]
After another storm in 1926 Skara-Brey excavations were assigned to a professor Gordon Child at the University of Edinburgh

The houses used ground cover, being dug into the ground, the houses were made of sandstone and precision stones, which was subjected to natural erosion under the influence of the ocean
On average, each house has an area of 40 square meters (430 square feet) with a large square room with a stone fireplace used for heating and cooking
Given the number of houses, it seems likely that at any point of time no more than fifty people lived in Skara-Bray
The houses had objects of stone furniture, including a kind of cupboard for dishes, clothes, seats and chests, in addition, the village provided a complex sewer system, each of the homes had sum-thing like a toilet
Similar furniture was found in seven houses, with beds and various cabinets were located in the same places in each house
SKA.RA had been inhabited within the last 5,000 years before it was abandoned, this was not a full-time residential home(s) 
Several mysterious carved stone balls [spheres] were found in this place, sum of them are on display in the museum
Such objects have been found throughout northern Scotland
The spiral designs on sum of these sphere was stylistically linked to objects found in the Boinne Valley, Ireland
Such symbols were found carved on stone laces and bed columns
These symbols were subjected to controversial translations
The specifications of hematite with a well-polished surface were also discovered
Other artifacts, dug locally, made from animal bones, fish, birds and whale and seaweed buffalo, as well as orchard teeth, including stitches, needles, knives, beads, tusks, shovels, small bowls and most importantly, ivory pins up to 25 centimetres (9.8 inches) long
Excavations in 1972 reached layers that remained sick and preserved objects that otherwise would have been destroyed, these include a curved wheel of a heather, one of the very few well-known examples of rope
The [little] people were in Irelan [Iru-lan] and in Scota-lan and in what is called [Black country] they left their essence- nature [storm] kept the thieves at bay, especially when the site was robbed 

Street lights, Barcelona
Six lighthouse poles, dating back to 1909, when they were documented and were originally located on Plaça del Cinc d'Oros Square, from which they were removed in 1957
After several years of storage at municipal warehouses in 1985, they were relocated to their current location on Gaudi Avenue (Gaudí Avenue) in Barcelona

Hannibal Barca [BARKA]

KA [KAA] BA [BAA] TA [TAA] MA [MAA] RA [RAA] NA [NAA]+ words that begin or end in these letters [text] find their way back to KHMT [Egypt]

Rebeca [RABAKA]

The African [Alkebu-lan] civilised the world, without t-heir intervention we would be nothing without them, nothing- the heir(s) to the throne [mind] are stepping up in frequency


In the book- The Journal of an expedition across Venezuela and Colombia, 1906-1907; here is an interesting photo from the city of San Carlos [Karlos] in Venezuela

Here's what the author wrote about these gates and square in his diary;
I have never seen such picturesque ruins in America [Aztlan]- the gate with Latin [MUUR] inscription on the panel over the ligament brought me to the thought of Rome; while the Blanceria House with its painted mural, skilled relieves, carved ceilings and tiled floors reminded me of Pompeii

The Square is a sad sight - no trees, no shrubs, just ruins of concrete paths, indicating that it was once a beautiful square
Once she was surrounded by three-story houses, of which now only two are standing

The gate is now destroyed
This is Aztlan [Ulmec] Olmec [Aztec] Inca+ architecture 

Wagon with wheels- we also have data from the Sumerians and KHMT with wheels
Bronze work dating back to the 6th century before your Jesus
Found in Austria [Australia] [constellation] 

This is Tut(s) chariot and is how the 6ether European were able to create a vehicle(s) chassis, this is where they get the template from, you left it for them- because the frequency was going to fall and this meant a wipe-out of data until the frequency was restored, anything that was ever found was meant to be found – huge records were left for the advancement of the HuMins [HuMans] when the time was right, most data is copied from KHMT and SUMER and modified for modern day

The Sumerians Invented the [KAA] Car long before the 6ethers emerged
The Benz sign just like the Nazi Swastika [Swasti-KA] which was plagiarized from the ancient Sumerian
The Benz sign was a logo for time machines among the Sumerians
The Germans adopted it
IN.ANNA uses the same symbol
Early Sumerians took any machine that could move like a vehicle to be a time machine, they also had flying machines known as Vimana that you can compare to an aeroplane of today
All this was before the great flood
They invented Nuclear
6ethers just copied and modified what was already done before
There is nothing new today

They already had vehicles, hence the word Car is from the world KAA
Look in the Vatican vaults [6 miles long], everything is stored in there from the Mackintosh [Mac] Mec [Ulmec] computers, to hover-boards, electric machines, no one used the planets blood [Oil] 

towers [trees] 

Hawaii island called Maui [Maur] Muur [Moor] 
This man looks real small among the leaves of a very poWRA-full plant 

Rwanda opens her border to Uganda [Baganda]- times are returning after foreign policy, Europe is in big trouble in little China

Smoking pipes which is your Bong, your Shisha+

There were different kinds of smoking pipes depending on the role, occasion, and the action at play during the smoking ritual

Pipes were named after different Gods and Goddesses

This particular design was named after a Cwezi Goddess known as Nyiragahima, known as Nakayima among Baganda people

Smoking Herbs and Tobacco would open the 3rd eye, would open dimensions, was used to summon ancestors, this was a sacred ritual and is an ancient practice from Rwanda and is a gift to the world

What is Shandy
BARR drinks brand [BEER] BAAR [BARR] 

Ethiopians were the first to Purify and distil BEER [BAAR]
Here we see an ancient method that was used and still in use today in rural areas
Ethiopians were also the first to bring the world Coffee [Koffee] Kaffa 

Long process of brewing the BEER [BAAR] which the final product is kept in a traditional Clay pot known as INTANGO covered with a fresh Banana leaf and a wooden straw (UMUHEHA) added and ready to be tasted

The BAAR is called INZOGA
When it is still fresh and warm it is called INTURIRE
Bee honey (UBUKI) is often added to the BAAR preserved for the King
The custom design of the clay pot around the Nile source is the glyph symbol for [MUNA] in ancient Egyptian [KHMT] writing, only TWA people designed and moulded pots and pottery products

Attention to detail, look at the lens for the eye on work that is over 10,000 years old

[El] Ghor
[Saudi Arabia] 
Kamel [Camel] are from what is called the USA 

THE USA [Atlantis] is West-KHMT [Egypt] 

Real 9ether Choctaw – Agriculturists of the Southern Indians
An important tribe of the Muscogean family, the Choctaw formerly occupied the middle and south Mississippi River territory extending as far east as Florida
When they the Europeans came to the USA, they came in through Florida
Miss-Isis-ppi River and the Nile River are one in the same 


As above, so below, there is no disconnection

This is why we are ending the 3D world once and for all 

 In the beginning was the word, word is sound [sone], s-he will have the final say... 



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