Primordial Water
[W]ater [M]ater
M[W] Electron symbol [wavelength]
Dolphin [Whales]
Mermaid [Merman] MER-MAN [MAN means mind]
In order for Atum to be born into the physical world,
Ptah opened the way
Atum is the son of Nun, symbolically speaking, yes, as it
was taught previously, Atum is the son of the force of the chaotic waters, Nun,
whose semen [seaman] was placed in the womb of Nunet his consort, bred Atum,
and this germ as the sea-man, semen was extracted from Atum as sperm, and
placed in the womb of the dolphin, for transportation
This is called in-vitro fertilization, the word womb is
dolphin, from the Middle English, from Old French daulfin, blend of dauphin and
Old Provencal dalfin, both from Medieval Latin dalfinus, from Latin Delphinus,
from Greek delphis, delfin-, from delphus, meaning *womb* (from its shape) and
is also the name of a certain constellation [con-Stella-tion] Stella means Star
Scientists today have discovered that the HuMan [HuMin]
genes are closer to dolphins than any land animals
For years, marine biologists have told us that dolphins
share many traits with HuMins- HuMans, including intelligence and friendliness,
now a comparison of dolphins and HuMan- HuMins chromosomes shows that the
genetic make-up of dolphins is amazingly similar to HuMan- HuMins
In fact, researches at Texas A&M University have
found more in common with us genetically than cows, horses or pigs…
Researches at Texas A&M University applied dyes, or
fluorescently labelled HuMan- HuMin chromosomes, to dolphin chromosomes, as HuMin- HuMan chromosomes, of the remaining [9] dolphin chromosomes, many were
combinations or rearrangements of their HuMan- HuMin counterparts
Researchers also identified three dolphin genes that were
similar to HuMan- HuMin genes, until now, researchers have never been able to do
genetic studies of dolphins because they are a protected species, making it
difficult to get tissues from them- which is bs because they have slaughtered
10s of 1000s over the century, they know who the dolphins and whales really
The dolphin project is called the fish-man, and the genes
were transported to this planet in the dolphin by artificial insemination,
which led into cloning, and is to why there are [7] copies of each person on
Earth [Ki]
Chaotic waters
The lymphatic and circulatory system of the HuMin- HuMan being, where the chaos begins, is when the sperm is released from the male,
millions by the millions chaotically race for the egg in the ovum, and one or
two in the case of twins succeeds
These are chaotic waters, for this is all done in the
liquid system of the body of the female
This process was done by in-vitro fertilization,
transporting genes in the dolphin to this planet, which in time, with much care
became the fungi and algae of the seas, and then it was placed into the test
tubes of the Ghibbore (like Nimrod) or alchemists, who bred mortals
Nun is a laboratory project, Nun also known as Nu which
is the scared and symbolic names used in the laboratory for this great project
of seeding the planet Ki [Earth] with genes of Amun and his consort Amunet,
also known as Niu and Niut [Neit]
INKI [ENKI] ENQI(s) creation laboratories are sitting in
LAH.MU (Mars), man must never reach this planet
Womb [Dolphin]
The knowledge comes from the Sea and that you are plant-based-being, that is what the ZULU said,
a race of intelligent creatures of various kinds chaperoned the HuMin [HuMan]
race into this world in which we are in exile
Members of this race went into the Sea to become what we
called Dolphins, over time Dolphins and Whales sent knowledge via dreams
[visions] to HuMin beings
The Whales told the ZULU+ all about [God], the Dolphins
told them all about wise-dome [wisdom] along with other positive forms of
The 9ethers know these Dolphins are not fishes, they were
once people, they have a King-dome under the Sea, they came with their great
emperor from the Star called Sirius by man, these people are the Dogon [Nomos]
[Naga] people and more+
The Chitahuri [Chitauri], the Toka are a race of
creatures that look like reptiles who have ruled the world [not the planet] for
1000s of years
Those from Alkebulan [Africa] have been coexisting with
aliens from the stars for 10s of 1000s of years, this world is not the only
place where intelligent creatures are to be found, there are other worlds besides
Ki, Ki is different because of the complex life that she can support
The Alkebulan has knowledge of 14 other worlds
Out of the SKA there descended a fearsome object, a huge
spherical object that descended to Ki with a sone of a 1000 thunder storms, it
is said that a door opened in this metallic sphere and there was a line of
creatures that walked like HuMin beings, creatures that had webbed hands and
webbed feet, creatures that had faces of Aqua marine life but the bodies of
HuMin beings
The lead being held up his right hand with Staff and
addressed the people
And told them that they are the Nomos people and come from
the land of the star called KIRI DAWU aka the star of the red-dog, we have been
sent by a higher one from a higher place so listen to our message, sum truths
must be made known to you
The creature told the ZULU that the race of humanity was
once great amongst the stars, HuMin beings was once the leading race amongst
the great cluster of stars [galaxy]
The creature said that because HuMun beings were so
aggressive towards all [3] King-Domes and towards other intelligent creatures –
a war broke out and [7] other worlds joined forces against the HuMan race and
pushed them away from the galactic centre
The Nommo [Nomo] Nomu told the people that if they could
get rid of hatred, war, selfishness+ then the great gathering of worlds would
once again receive us with open arms and we could take our rightful place among
the stars once again
The Nomo taught many tribus countless times to respect
the planet in which they reside, they were also told that this was a
stimulation and that this was an artificial construct in order to sustain life,
for breeding, in time this life would spread to other worlds among stars,
beyond number
The Nomos have asked you many times, do you really know
who you are earth dwellers, if you do not follow into the dark spaces above you,
it will not end well
The records are there, they talk of a challenge of one of
the high member [Umbaba] of the Chitauri in which the royal penis was cut off
by a non-ranking member, where have you heard that story before
History will only repeat itself to those who do not know
The Ptah of the Unseen
When whales were at their historic populations, before
their numbers were reduced, whales were responsible for removing tens of
millions of tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere every year
Whales change the climate
Many have been slaughtered because of what they do, they
also provide the harmonics [tuning] of the planet’s frequency, they also relay
Whales transmitting
Whales of today have lungs, evidence that this origin
stems from a mammal that once lived on land as well as its original home which
is water
In fact, the whales still have the bones of a
five-fingered hand covered by the skin and flesh of their paddle-like flippers
and sum have hip bones
Whales have flat tails which help to rise easily to the
top of the water for air, and when they swim, they use their flippers as oars
They have no scales or gills and the skeletal and
circulatory systems and brain are quite unlike those of a fish
The whale is always changing, adapting itself to a new
environment as do all living things that respond to the condition of [Survival
of the fittest]
Simply whales are much like HuMins [HuMans] and dolphins
belonging to the whale family
HuMans [HuMins] are mammals and reptilians, and
scientists today are now saying that dolphins are closer to HuMins than monkeys
Whales are mammals and reptilians
Present day scientists have no classification of this
without confessing their religious theories are wrong
Their scientific data is incomplete
Atumre [ATUM RE]
Ultraviolet Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], is being
blasted into the core of Ki, the heat is coming from the ground [core] and
above [plasma-Khaybet] from the purple backlight
[2] AtunRe
[3] AmunRe = the
#HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the 3black-lights called;
[1] U.V. RAYS [2]
Atum-re [HaRu or
Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light
Atum [A-toom] the
Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the
Unique One
Amun [A-Moon]
[Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery
Together they are
a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays]
9ethers can
absorb this radiation
[2] Atun Re =
Asaru [Osiris] and Gam-ma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re =
X-Ray the hidden one]
U.V. – Gamma
X-rays are 3 forms of Black [Kaanu]-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come
from outside of this soular-system
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]
Violence is going up [increasing] and there is a
Ultra-viole-t [Ultra-viole-nce] UV [Violet]
Purple Haze [Purple Rain]
The word SAR-S is from the word A-SAR-U the Pharaohs
curse was unleashed a while back
There is a huge amount of dead light out here plus those
with the Jabba the Hutt
Rage, anger, aggression+ violence is going up on all
formats, people are going offline
Last year they released 1000s of violent prison inmates,
they are releasing many more right now, why, because they are getting ready for
When you see negative energy coming your way, bi9ch- get
out the way, move along, do not engage with nobody, you don’t want nothing, you
don’t need nothing, you’re not asking for nothing, head down, wear sum type of
mask just so you can blend in, you can see peoples light better through their
eyes which when you see those with masks on, you automatically can see the soul
in their eyes because that was you are doing, making eye contact, light
recognises light, light can also recognise danger in those without light
Be aware of your environment, those around you, sum one
is watching you right now, make sure when you are home, everywhere is locked
up, when you watch the movie World War Z, you see the dead have to be battered,
but they still get up, when sum one is filled with such rage they will not stop
until they are satisfied
If you are a guy, you have a duty of care for the older
ones, for the females, for the mothers, for the children, make it your business
to check on others, we have incoming and it is on all fronts
The word crime covers everything and it is everything
that you should consider, if you are a female get yourself a knife, you can get
ankle knifes, pocket knifes, a newspaper can be rolled [width] and used has a
weapon if you don’t want to get a knife, get sum pepper spray, it is a jungle
out there and its going to get Deontay Wilder – protect yourself at all times,
if you are a woman, you must be ready for him
Baggy clothes, put your boobs and ass away, tie hair
back, look frumpy, cover up, wear pants that have a string waist, wear a belt, pants
that have buttons, that are hard to pull off, tie that string in a knot, many
men are not interested in the end of the world, wear a couple tracksuit
bottoms, do this so that you buy enough time to find a rock and crack this MF
over the head when he tries to take from you what it not his to take
If you are a man, you must protect the FEMI.9 principle,
this is why many men are here, you are here to defend her in the physical – do
not fail her, when you see sh9t know that the spirit realm is with you and will
back you has your go forth, you must protect the children and women by any
means necessary, do not turn your back on her, where are you running to, there
is nowhere else to go, it all ends [begins] here young Jedi- we have others on
the other side that will be with us when we have to protect others, so turn
back around and go deal with the MF for her
Where you reside will become your battlefield, check your
news from the 3rd eye, what do you really see going on out there,
watch your surroundings
Keep one eye on this fragmented world because you are
still floating between worlds, nothing will be your reality unless that is what
you want, think about different things so that you are prepared to a certain
extent, this allows the sub-mind to keep an eye on things, at the same time
find space and walk with Grace, fill your AURA field and ye shall walk through
walls, meaning you will walk through all this chaos because you have a shield-
the shield of protection
Reporters and photographers observe an atomic bomb blast
at the Nevada test site
E L E M E N T A R Y [S C H O O L]
Atom [Atum] Bomb
Alchemy = Cosmic Electromagnetism, this is an Alchemical process
In the beginning was the Logo, and the Logo was
>>> and the Logo was with <<< who is >>
The Big Bang
NIBIRU causes one of the many bangs of light, no sone
which the western words Big Bang implies
Neberdjer saith, I am the creator of what hath come into
being, and I myself came into being under the form [Khepera] and I came into
being in the primeval time
I had union with my hand, and I embraced my shadow in a
love embrace; I poured seed into my own mouth, and I sent forth myself issue in
the form of [Shu] and [Tefnut]
I came into being in the form of [Khepera] and I was the
creator of what came into being, I formed myself out of the primeval matter,
and I formed mysCellf in the primeval matter
I was alone, for the gods and goddesses were not yet
born, and I had emitted from myself neither Shu nor Tefnut, I brought into my
own mouth, [Hekau] Heka utterance OM (the divine words of poWRA), and I
forthwith came into being under the form of things which were created under the
form of [Khepera] Pert M Heru [Coming Forth by Day]
NUT = NUTRIENT [Nuts] (Seeds)
GEB + AL GEBRA [Geo] (Earth)
Aten [Aethien] - Aether [Aether] Ether
Atumti [Atum] Etim [Etym] Itatem
Atum [Atom] Adam [Ædom] Ety [Ite]
Aethiopian [Ethiopian] Ethereal - Opic [Ethiopia] Etyopya
[Ethereal] – Utopia [9th gate]
Amun [Amon] Omen [A Man]
[Amn] Amin [Amino] a Mineral
In order to properly be enlighten about proper nutrition,
we must first comprehend the words and science of being Bio Cosmic
ElecrtoMagnetic Beings, Ædom, the Dark Clay; Melanin sits in Carbon [C],
Hydrogen [H], Oxygen [O], *Nitrogen [N]
Then we learn the difference between amines and amino,
and the nature of [Mineral - Amines – Amin-o = A-Min-eral] Vitamins =
Vita+Amine, Amino and Peptides, and other topics like Free Radicals
AntiOxidants, Electrolytes, Ionization, Enzymes, Protein and Carbs
We are Crystal Lattice Star Dust, inhabited by mysterious
animate intelligent spirit- energy
The first language was the Cosmic Language, live by it
The Garden is the 1st Classroom
Heart and Mind determines Health and Wealth
Atom Bomb
ATUM is Spirit = KA [CHI]
NUT = NUTRIENT [Nuts (Seeds)
GEB + AL GEBRA [Geo] (Earth)
tri system
Aten [Aethien] -
Aether [Aether] Ether
Atumti [Atum] Etim
[Etym] Itatem
Atum [Atom] Adam
[Ædom] Ety [Ite]
[Ethiopian / Ethereal - Opic
Ethiopia / Etyopya
/ Ethereal - Utopia
Amun / Amon / Omen
/ Oman / a Man
Amn / Amin / Amino
/ a Mineral
Woser [Oser] Asaru [Osiris] Orisha
Osiris is a Greek rendering of Asaru, the Alpha and
Omega, no beginning of days, no ending of nights
Oser is written with the glyph of the throne and eye,
elite symbol for Ra [Re] symbolising Ki-Ng ship and divinity, Aset is throne
[mind] and Oser is eye [Ayin]
Oser symbolises the divine in mortal form, he is the
personification of physical creation and the cycles of becoming and return,
death and renewal
These are aspects of the general HuMin experience
regardless of life experiences
Osiris [ENQI] along with Aset [INANNA] are pure mortal
form, Osiris [Shiva] a creator of creation cycles
Seven, fourteen and twenty-eight, metaphysical
Maat-physical conceptions of Cosmic process associated with Oser
[1111] Aset and Asaru twin turbo
Vortex Of Life
We still have trouble over-standing beyond the level of
consciousness and the importance of parents to pass on their skills to their
And to the extent that parents are known, overstood,
embraced, nurtured and used, then what is also the extent to which societies
abilities continue to manifest through its children
Parents are parents who are both parents, parents and
children who are not at the head of our parental lineage is the creator
principle of anything
Thus, by virtue of the genes of this creator principle of
All things, passing through the parents, that we also have the original
capabilities of the creator's genes in us and it is in this that his genius is
great [Imhotep]
Nub [Zawab] translates [Gold] Nubian
Emerite Septentrion
North ***** America
America < Amer Ricas < Amor Ricos < Riki <
Amerigo < Amer < Amor < Amir < Emir <
Emirates map
Sigil < Seal < Sign < Symbol < of Magical
Powers seal
You are the prehistoric Thesaurus
Seal of the North American Treasury
Thesaurus < Treasure < Storehouse
Thesaurus < The Saurus < the Reptilian
Amerigo < Amer < Amor < Amir < Emir <
America < Amer Ricas < Amor Ricos < Riki <
Septentrion < North - Big Dipper7 Stars [siStar] and
Sigil < Seal < Sign < a Symbol < of Magical
This rabbit hole is deep because in it, you are the
prehistoric Thesaurus, the Saurus is a fish, a muscle, shape shifter, lizard, reptilian
The population (we) are the Storehouse, we are the
Amer - Amor - Amir - Emir – Emirates
An Emirate from Amirate is the rank, lands, or reign of
an Emir
And Emir is a Chief or Ruler, then let's look at Rico
from Rig meaning or Riki meaning powerful, Wealthy, King or Kingdom
This is the most accurate translation of the origin of
the name for the Americas, commonly called Americae Septentrio, meaning North
[Big Dipper symbol] four constellations
Remember>> follow the drinking
gourd>><< it was this exact knowledge that guided us north, a
drinking gourd is just another name for the Big Dipper asterism
We all knew because we all owned Gnomons but were even
closer to the stars
Astrologically, Septentrion is the word for the 7-star
constellation, the Big Dipper, all natives knew Polaris, meaning
intercontinental societies knew exactly where they were positioned on the globe
and is called 6 degrees of separation
There is more reason to innerstand how distant traders
diffused cultures and amalgamated 1492 and even much more so after, especially
in the especially in the north and south east U.S. Territory
Charged atmosphere
Sum is HAARP
Today, Green, Red and Black are coming out of the poles and there are huge amounts of energy [radiation] streaming into the planet- the Dome goes down at different times allowing all energy, UV to penetrate the planet and you
Energy hitting the planet
When your see the SKA like this, know that you are being changed from the inside out
Mutating wavelength
You molecular structure is being changed from the inside out
Russia [Chakra energy columns]
Pennsylvania [USA]
Montana [USA]
Many colours in the sun, here we also see [WAJI] Green
Snow is hitting the planet, from Argentina to Turkey to
Water coming in
You will no longer use gas or kerosene for cooking stove
as history is made by the brilliance of a 67-year-old African man who came up
with a process that uses water to produce fire for cooking
[Black death] is coming
Spain lost 25million during the black-death
If this image is real, how comes the sun is spherical and
the reflection is cubed
Colorado [USA]
We know what is in Colorado
This is one huge craft complex in the SKA
The US military can see them on radar and there is
nothing they can do about it
You are where you are supposed to be – so stop asking
To let go is not to deny but to accept, to let go is to
fear less and love more
Breathing without fear
Take three long, slow, deep breaths, with each
exhalation, imagine that your consciousness gets larger and larger until it fills
the room
Take three more long, slow, deep breaths, with each
exhalation, imagine that your body gets larger and larger until it fills the
Take three more long, slow, deep breaths, and with each
exhalation, imagine that you can see the spaces in-between the particles of
matter of your expanded body
Now, see the vapours of fear as they approach you, calmly
observe them as they move past you and through the spaces between your expanded
Do not attach to the fear, simply allow it to flow through
When fear is no longer your enemy, you can more easily,
accept the love that constantly emanates from the place in-between fear and
In this manner, you can begin to remember that all
separation is an illusion
The eyes indicate the antiquity of the soul
We are [1] with the [Al] All
2billion beings, people, hybrids, are going to be wiped from this planet in the first round
Gravity doesn’t exist, levitation does, everything that
has magnetism and sone [sound] vibrations cause things to lock into a subatomic
There were two basic forces, levity [levitation], the
tendency of light objects to rise, and gravity, the tendency of heavy objects
to fall
Gravitation, the universal attracting of all massive
particles towards one another is the weakest of the four forces but gravity has
infinite range and it always attracts, never repels [the electromagnetic force]
The single-minded dedication, that makes gravity the
force that holds the planets, the stars and galaxies together [the sym-Ptah-etic
nervous system]
Why, AM EYE here to do
Galactic and Cosmic events in history is currently taking
place on earth at this time
The Universe is responding, uni = to-gether, [to-gather [verse = against]
New Age
The all-seeing eye of Re [Ra]
A long time ago in this universe for the purpose of
greater self-exploration, self-gratification, self-expression, prime creator
brought energies and essences of life, extension of itself into this universe
and endowed those extensions with the gifts that it had
When there existed just one transcended, completely
unknown and unknowable divine being, who was exclusively spirit, nothing
material about him
Four of common radius for the eye of Re, atoms arranged
in definite pattern, learn about the Atom, attraction
In eternally past, this divine being generated other
divine beings out of himself, has personification beings out of his own
He was eternal, and so eternalness itself came into
existence has its own divine entity
He thought about himself and so his thought came into
existence has a distinct being
He was alive, so life came into being
He was all light, and so light came into existence
He was wise and so wisdom became a divine being
Sum of the divine beings themselves, in pairs, generated
yet other divine beings
Eventually the heavily realm9 was filled with such divine
Prime creator said to these extensions of itself Sekhem,
go out and create and bring all things (experience) back to me (source)
Right eye of Heru [Horus]
Double Tetrahedron (know what it looks like)
All this took place before there was any universe, there
was only a divine realm, but a cosmic disaster occurred, one fell from the
divine realm
One of the Elyon(s), fell from the divine realm, leading
to the generation of a different kind of divine being, one that was not
generated from the divine realm but from outside of it
Elyon translates, these beings
This was shaping an imperfect being, called by different
Ultimately, he is the creator (god) of the negative race,
this Yahweh did not know that there were others, he had never been to where
they had been before, the divine realm, he ignorantly proclaimed he was god, he
simply did not know that there were far superior, supreme gods than him in
power and knowledge, these superior beings had dwelled where he had never, the
divine realm9
This Yahweh began to generate other imperfect divinities and
together they became creators of the material world, which sort of became a
prison for the Elyon that fell
There are 144 Yahweh(s) 72 [Yah] positive and 72 [Weh] negative making [144] which equals [9] Sedjet that ANU is head o
HuMin [HuMan] bodies [Kha] were created to house sparks
of the divine being, they do not create the soul [Baa]
Yahweh translates from Neb, Yahweh, Elohyeem are titles,
ranking system, there were many and the word Anunnaqi translates theses beings
Sekhem translates Spark of life, you
This brings us to Ki, this is not the ultimate creation
of the divine one, but a lower Neteru
Ra [Re] is a rank, the highest rank, Re translates creative
will, to make (with the suns Rays), Ki is a creative zone, so any-being within
the group, could come and create and they did
Sum of these gods are master geneticists and designed
various species, sum animals, and sum created humans without light
Conflict arose
That is why light is information, these entities beam out
light, and earth became their territory, earth is a trap for light and so earth
became a territory
Earth [Ki] became a certain frequency band; they rearranged
the DNA and kept the humans [humins] broadcasting at a limited frequency band
This frequency feeds them, and keeps them in power, they
keep earth at a certain vibrational frequency, while they create e.motion-al
turmoil to submerse themselves in it
There are beings who honour life before everything else
and there are also beings who do not and do not understand their connection to
The goal is to allow the divine spirit sparks that are
scattered around to escape this material world and to become reunited and to
return to the realm in whence they come
Ascension will bring about when you burn the truth, who
we are, where you came from, how you got here and how we can return
Saving knowledge in other words is self- knowledge, this
knowledge cannot come to us through natural means for example by looking around
at the world and thinking hard about it, you must remember this material world
is the creation of an inferior deity, and nothing in it can tell us what we
need to know to escape it
You need to know this, for the comic energy is at its
capacity levels, the living reality is re-entering and merging with your
Awakening to your history, you will begin to open your
ancient eyes, these are the eyes of Heru, which see not through the eyes of a
HuMin being, but from the point of view of a Supreme Being, they see the
collectiveness and the purpose of all things, for the ancient eyes are able to
see into many realties and connect the whole picture, the whole history
You hold the history of the universe within your physical
body, what is occurring upon the planet is literally the mutation of your
physical body, for you are allowing it to be evolved to a point or it will be a
computer that can house this information
The firing of the kodings (cosmic energy from the
universe) and the realisation of your identity will become overwhelming
intense, reason being, the evolving DNA [RNA] DEA which holds the kodes
When you have 12 helixes of the DNA in place those
helixes will begin to plug into the 12 Chakra system, vortex centres, loaded
with information that you must be able to translate, you will need to step up
into whatever realties that you enter, because you are a member of the light
family, sum of you are entitled light worker, healer, this is your purpose
Cosmic rays sent by the prime creator and the original
planners penetrated the planets frequency shield, they bombard earth, however
these must have receivers to receive them
We have Protonic energy upon the planet earth, washed by
Protonic energy
Proton energy is the highest form of light, highest form
of light that can manifest physically is Protonic light, this is atomic level
The whole soular system would be going through this high
radiant belt of light
Meditation is key connect
The process has begun, all living things will emit light,
it’s in your hands, body, trees rock, all particles are emitting light
For those that understand the principles of Metaphysis of
light, this matters greatly, light is not something that helps you see, and not
just a sensual thing, light is connected spiritually, to spiritual development,
en-lighten development, purity, sanctuary, will move, upgrade, DNA, biology,
conscious upgrade, all change, upgrade, the light body changes
If your partner practices Yoga, Reiki and you don't, she
is already at advancement level, she knows about the light body
These creative cosmic rays, reciprocal rays will create
chaos and confusion for sum
The ultimate tertiary in a society is not control by
martial law, it is control of the manipulation of conciseness through which
reality is defined, so that those who exist within it, do not even realise that
they are in prison, they do not even realise that there is something outside of
where they exist
MER-KA-BA [Mekaba], chariot of light, chariot of spirit, which is
the preferred transportation vehicle of the Supreme Beings, the higher order,
they can spin vortexes of light, the human body, the frequency of the body can
be accelerated, it can be spun into a vortex of energy so that it ultimately
manifests its 7 coloured rainbow light, the perfected HuMin is the HuMin that
has transformed themselves into pure light, pure love, and manifests has the
rainbow body
Merkaba is another name for your soular body, light body,
the Merkaba allows oneself to travel anywhere, instantly
The vibratory nature of this solar system is rapidly
changing during this completion Kode9 and we now have the power to MerKaBa
travel and return to our source
We are Spiritual Beings, or a Ba soul currently having a
human experience
In the beginning, you were a fragment of the creators’
infinite consciousness that was broken off moments ago, as a soul- as an
in-divide-ual, unit of consciousness
You were given a simple mission, to go away and
experience all the different types of realities and existences known to the
universe, and what is one of a kind-love, learn and advance your knowledge and
wisdom and eventually you can return home to re-join at the divine realm, the
source, after having completed your passage, your Ptah [path]
Welcome home, we’ve been expecting you…
Ghoul [Druid] Nomos
Carved footprint near water-pool
Water pools all over the planet
Water is consuming the planet, the knowledge came from the Sea and it is to the Sea that we shall return
The Age of the knowing...
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