[Blue] [Red] Kachina [Shakina] [Shekinah]
Red and Blue make Violet [Purple] Crown Chakra
Red and Blue make Violet [Purple] Crown Chakra
The Ptah [Path] to enlightenment – which one, the left,
the right or the middle Ptah, the choice is yours to make, all roads lead home,
its you that must make the interpretation with what you know, not what you
[believe], this is your destiny unfolding, your destiny [road map home] is in
your mind
The realm is called Satanic, either side is Angelic and
Demonic or Good or Bad [positive and negative] negative can still be Good, the
Satanic version we have out here is religion based and means nothing to us, the
Satanic is deeper, mystical, read all knowledge, process the philosophy of it
and move on
The [dark side] is where you must go if you want to go
deeper, it is chaotic in there but this realm balances you out
When the Magician [Magi] wants to channel a force
[Namaha] – this force is mainly used in rituals [Rites of Passage] and this
force is used to influence and control the material level
Lillith is the dark side of the Kachina [Shakina] –
Lillith corresponds to the Gnostic [Sophia] and the Tantric Shakti
Kachina [Shakti] and Sophia [Trinity] are the Wise-dome
force and are concealed in the material plane – when she awakens, this dark and
[hidden] Goddess can bring man [Mind] to the divine level aka the [God] level- she has awakened
The spirit of NYABINGHI is ancient
Nyabingi Is a Lioness [AKUR] EKUR [AKIR] KAMMU
The same spirit was OYA among the Yoruba
The spirit energy is PLASMA [FIRE]
Sekhmet is from the same complex
This [Goddess] is symbolised has a Serpent [Kundalini] and
corresponds to the primordial – chaotic force [currenSea] that existed in the
beginning of time [emit] before the [male] [God] created the light of the world
S-he is Leviathan [Eywa] Awa [Twa] Tawa [Tiamat] Ta
[Tiwawaat] [Nun] Nu + the primordial waters, she is the ancient chaos that
existed before the Cosmos was ever created- she was here first and will be here last
We need chaos in this world – this is the left-hand Ptah
There are different levels [degrees] of enlightenment,
anyone that says they are enlightened means they are not enlightened for when
you reach levels of enlightenment it is others that notice this about you, that
nothing fazes you, certain things go above you, when you get sum thing
[resonate] it really shows up in your AURA fields – during this stage it will only
be those on or around your level that will see your light [enlightenment]
Enlightenment is a state of consciousness and there are
different levels [degrees] to enlightenment, everyone has been exposed to sum
forms of enlightenment, sum don’t even know that they are enlightened, Buddha
[Bantu] translates enlightened [Illuminated one] for they house data, data is
light and light is information- enlightenment is a form of realisation
When you activate [wake up] and you notice that there is
sum thing wrong with this world -this is a certain level of realisation,
self-realisation [cell-realisation] it’s a charge that could only be you in
your entire family that got that charge [realisation]- sum of you were just
hard-wired that way because the higher ones knew they could count on you to get
it and is to why when you came into this world you were already enlightened to
a certain degree, your first words was not Mummy or Daddy, your first words was
Hence why you look at this world with the inner-eye, you
observe and you search and that search has linked you into other like-minded
minds [man] for your soul is navigating you towards this kind of light [data]
The next level is that you know sum thing is wrong with
the world + you know your purpose, these two stages are forms of enlightenment,
so you know your purpose and what you are here to do
Many get stuck in what is wrong with the world and only
stay with that aspect and they do not go to the next level and find out what
their purpose is, if you are still here while others are leaving then you still
have a purpose, you still have sum thing to do, good or bad we all still have a
So you know there is sum thing wrong with the world, you
figured it out, you know your purpose for you feel it in your heart + you know
your in an avatar state and that you are a higher being, you tend to know
things that you haven’t studied on, you get things but you don’t know how you
knew [know] that, you thought of things when you were younger that have come to
pass, you are fully connected to source [universe] and that you know you are
[1] with the All – and you also have full control over the Ego, they do not let
the Ego control them, they do not let the world control them
The Ego [Alter-Ego] who you think you are and who you are
not [identity of the soul]
Jesus’ ego would be Satan or Asaru and Set or ENKI and
ENLIL – once under control he went up and received his enlightened Kha [Body]
avatar [Mekaba] and became [1] with the universe, and became [1] with their
higher-cell [higher-self]
Enlightenment is only received by way of realisation, the
more you realise the more you expand your mind [ram space] sum times you just
need to meditate on what you know, sum times you have not fully understood what
data you have been given and she knows this, step back a bit and meditate
[process] on what you know
Its an illusion, its not real [reel] the mind makes it
real Neo, how many people [minds] are on that level, do you see a forest or trees
or wood or bark, which picture are you looking at, the bigger picture or the
smaller picture- does it matter, do you see all four [4D]
You reside in a simulated holographic game
What if you know this already, sh9t you’re on a higher
level of consciousness, that is [God] level
Nirvana – a state of consciousness, when you create your
own world, this is your right-hand Ptah – this is a high level of consciousness
bypassing what is wrong with the world, your purpose or what you are here to do
and you see the forest, trees, the bark and wood, when you create your world
with sol-utions
How do you know if you have been to Nirvana, these are
beautiful states, check yourself, you may have been without realising that you
have been to higher states of consciousness, higher worlds
Have you been to places that you didn’t want to return to
Ki [Earth] or you went sum where and at first you didn’t want to be there but
at the end you didn’t want to leave that very same place
Never tri and name energies, then you are now wishing to
own the energies, don’t do this because you have now become conscious while you
are floating between worlds, higher worlds of consciousness, just be one and what
you receive is for you only
When Neo went to see the Oracle for the first time, Neo
couldn’t wait to tell Morpheus what the Oracle had told him but before Neo
could utter a word, Morpheus shut him down and told Neo that what was said was
for him only- same principles, there are sum things taking place for you that
have no English translations for, and at times when you go to speak about sum
thing, you cannot find the words or it comes out scrambled, that is the
Universe shutting you down- don’t be in your Ego that is being removed, just
flow with energy, remember Luke, a Jedi [Djed] flows…
Right-handed Ptah is Nirvana the higher state of
consciousness, enlightenment does not have anything to do with Good and or Bad,
you don’t actually have to be smiling all the time and coming from the heart
all day long to reach enlightenment, this phase is about getting out of here by
any means necessary and there are different Ptahs that you can take
You have the tree of life which is the Chakra system aka
the [7] 9 [13] souls of Re and mentioned before was Lillith the dark [Goddess]
and she can aid you evolve on the left-hand Path
There are [3] Chakras that are [hidden] and are available
to sum of you on the left-hand Ptah, the Crown Chakra and inner-eye awakening
[activating] you can go beyond the Crown – this is through the [10th]
level [Chakra] into the [11th] level [Chakra]
[11] is the gateway between the tree of life [Chakra
system] – you use the 11 to get you inside the tree and there is another portal
on the dark side that gets you out of the tree
So you can leave the 10th and go into the 11th
Chakra [Tree of Life] and in this level you can create worlds beyond the 11th
level, on the other side of the black hole you will find infinite light that
has previously been experienced has darkness – what you experience has darkness
is what is true light
This is your SUNYA level
The 11th Chakra, called the Dot [DARTH] takes
you to the dark side of the tree , there is another 11th Chakra that
can take you outside of the tree- if you are on the left-hand Ptah, you can
access this system, the left-hand Ptah people reach enlightenment by doing it
themselves and keeping themselves separate from the hand of [God], they want to
create their own universe with the energy that they have- however that energy
that they have still came from [Gods] hand aka the source, so they tri and
separate themselves from source, which is impossible because what you have,
came from source – the choice is yours to make because left-hand Ptah people
are allowed to do this
Right hand Ptah are about pulling themselves into source
and becoming [1] with source [her] aka going back home, it’s a direct Ptah home
– whereas the left-hand teaches to be that prodigal child that stays away but
in time will return home, the middle Ptah deals more with those who want to
learn both Ptahs has they return back home [to source], this is a direct Ptah
home but along the way you learned about your br’others and siStars on both
sides on your way up here
There is no real way home, whether you choose the left or
the right or middle Ptah, sh9t- sum of you will be coming in at a full 90o
– the interpretation of knowledge is down to your level of consciousness
– there are many Ptah-ways in and out of here
Gain wise-dome and truth, a realisation deals with your
truth, not John Paul down the road or Margret down by the river,
self-realisation deals with your truth, you gain in wise-dome and truth and
MAAT said, the truth will set you free aka free your mind and your ass will
There is no such thing has truth- until you decide what truth is, when you decide what truth is, know that you just created your
Ptah back to [God] aka source
There is no wrong way to evolve, your role was to create
that Ptah, you were to become Opener of the Ways, only you know where this
begins and where it ends
There are different Ptah(s) back to source, the question that
is melting on all the higher beings lips is which Ptah are you going to take
With everything that you know and have experienced, meditate
on that, step back, plug out for a couple days, the sub-mind [sub-consciousness]
knows what you are doing and will put out a search file on data, be one with what
you know and not what you believe, with this comes wise-dome and truth and a
better inner-standing so you can evolve higher
You have those that have information, there are those who
have a lot of knowledge, there are those with wise-dome, those with wise-dome
have had the information, the knowledge and they stepped above and went to
experience, whatever that experience was and they can explain what that
experience was like – the left hand and right hand Ptah, is another illusion
but in this fragmented world we have people on sides like that – who just found
different ways to do different things, they figured 90% of this thing out, my
advice is don’t get into the left or right hand game, study it all, stay in the
middle and learn from the rest on your way up outer of here, find the middle
ground [lane]
Study it all, you will find balance
Sanskrit is old Tamil writing and was written by
MA.AT translates Justice, Order, that which is Straight, Balance
Lillith [Lil-Leeth] translates Of the shadow hour period
Aset translates, Throne, seat, pulpit [Mind]
They are from the same FEMI.9 complex [trinity]
The Matrix is really called the 3rd Eye, this is what we are dealing with in this phase [plane]
I can still see you
There is a difference between knowing the Ptah and walking the Ptah
Asgard [Ashtar] Command release new logo
SAHU [Orion] is made up of [9] stars, but you can only
see [7], these stars are all siStars
Isis [Greek version]
Throne [seat] (Mind)
IN.ANNA [Beloved]
ASet [Iris] IN.ANNA is the counterpart to Asaru [Osiris]
EN.KI [IN.KI and IN.ANNA are twins]
Aset was the under-law and governor of the planet
Heliopolis One and also called Abydos, the residents of Aset [Isis] was the
[Iy] temple of Aset on the planet Abydos
Asaru also had an identical [Iy] built on Ki
temples are not tombs or burial grounds, these are Isles, abode or coast, house]
H.T.M [H] Helioplois (Annu) [T] Thebes (Nu-Amun) [M]
Memphis (Tattu) in Tama-Re [Land of the Sun] aka Alkebulan (Africa) of the West
ASet is a poWRA-ful Ghoul who administrated the Naquadah
125 rich planet of Abydos on behalf of the supreme system under Ra [Re]
Unlike many other Ghouls [Nomos] Aset had a nurturing approach
to her subjects and often restored them with gifts that restored, improved
their health therefore increasing their ability of productivity to produce the
minerals that served as the lifeblood of the Ghouls domination across the
galaxy despite Aset holding a lesser position but she is outspoken in her views
and holds her own
This caused waves with the almighty Ra who has a short
tempered however Aset is a scientist and engineer and she received favouritism
from Ra who then gave her ultimate poWRA over Abydos
Aset nurturing attracted the notice from her personal
guards, Aset did poison her grandfather Re into telling her his scared name,
one day she wanted to take over, Ra eventually trapped Aset and Asaru in
Stratos jars for undermining him and for having a child with Asaru who they had
Heru [Haru] Horus [Greek] which was a Ghoul child from two host Ghouls which is
forbidden because the genetic memory system is handed down to the child making
the child a threat, the Ghouls spawn their offspring from a Queen
They mate like a snake, the female can become the male
and the male the female and in the Ghoul culture they rarely change their
gender once spawned, Heru possessed all the gifts of a Ghoul who is fathered by
two Ghouls has the poWRA to tell them they are not [god] and are only playing
[god] and to also know that their technology was higher all because he has
genetic memory, so Re trapped Aset and Asaru but could not find the child
Aset is to have supposedly died in 1938 after the Statos
jar cracked and the element Naquadah 125 leaked out
Aset had many children with different beings before Heru
was born, Aset and Asaru have an elder son called Imsety [Im-Set-y] and he has
a twin and Imsety is one of the four sons of Heru the first, he was last seen
on the planet Tygra has his brother 300 years ago
Sutukh [Sut] he who shines,
majestic one of the south [Sudan] KHMT also known has Set [Seth] and is EN.LIL
and is the brother of IN.KI and IN.ANNA and is the brother of Asaru and Aset,
Sut was married to his twin sister Nephthys [NIN.LIL] the daughter of Geb and
ENKI is part Reptilian and part Ghoul
Sut never returned from his mission so she thought he was
dead and was with Neb Heru the elder, who a lot of the other beings had a bone
to pick with him, in Ghoul culture when you beat sumone you also gain his
wombmen and so Nephthy had a child with Neb Heru called Hapi who was one of the
four sons of Horus, Hapi(s) partner is from the Humanoid race from the
Vega-system, Hapi is a Ghoul that loves nature
[Vega is Vegan which is where
the bulk of this planets vegetation comes from for that planet]
The Ghouls came to Ki to take avatars, Hapi was happy all
the time, he did return to his father’s planet Tigress [Tygra] and began
planting gardens all over Tigress who had more cities than plant life a bit
like this planet, it was Hapi who recommended that the fallen should be buried
6ft under to produce trees, plants
On LAH.MU [Mars] in a meeting with the Ghouls, Sutukh
took out Geb in a MA.RE [Mir] on Lahmu, Sut did not agree with his brother
Asaru that Ki[earth] should be civilised has he thought it could lead to danger
later, which then Sut decided to take his brothers empire
He convinced Aset and him and Asaru to dethrone sun-god
Re and at the last moment Sut told Ra what they were going to do, he betrayed
Aset and Asaru, there was a rebellion on Ki and the subjects buried the
stargate before Sut could escape so he was forced to hide and hide from the
Ghoul council who wanted to talk with about what happened to Geb, in Ghoul
culture you have to challenge them to a battle, Sut just murdered him without a
So Sut hid and lived with the HuMins [HuMans], sum Ghouls
have a thirst for power and worship [NRG] he took a host every 200 years over
4500 years, he was 22 different people or he had 22 different hosts, in 1999 a
group of Humanoid beings from another planet called Kin-Tokra who are Nubian
extra-terrestrial beings met with your secret governments who ere collecting
records of every Ghouls systems [keep in mind the Kin-Tokra are Ghouls who went
against Ra] and had records on Sut when the gate was buried in 2025, they were
missing the records of Aset and Asaru and Anubus who they knew Ra had punished
Sut had developed cults that were suicidal, there was one
group in England near Stonehenge during the 18th century where his
worshipers died after cutting their own throats but Sut body was never found,
the men in black found another operation in Santa Barbara California and his
latest host was called Michael 999999 who was a military intelligence officer
and the church was called the temple of Set
He worked on many missions without the government knowing
it was Sut, despite Sut being stuck on Ki he had an impressive amount of Ghoul
technology and a 99999 device, a hand-held device, looks like a glove and it
has five functions
The Egyptians [KHMT] KAMMU are all extra-terrestrials aka Ghouls
aka Nomos and are at least 3000 years ahead of Ki where technology is concerned
and is to why the HuMans do not know how this and that was built or how this
was created and electricity and so on, so the men in black with the help of the
Bureau for alcohol, tobacco and firearms [ATF] were able to gain one of the
guns [zap] and shoot it at him, shoot once and it shuns them, twice and it
kills them and three times they disintegrate
He escaped and was last seen in 1999, he could be here on
Ki or he could be dead, no one knows as such, Suk is an intergalactic criminal
Anubu is the most poWRA-ful Ghoul in Ghoul history
beside Ra, he was thought to be the son of Asaru and Aset, Anubu first arose
has a warlord for Apep and Anubu gained respect from Apep and the envy of his
under lords [Neb], Ra took notice that Anubu was gaining poWRA, Ra was the new
ruler of the Ghoul empire and wanted Anubu out of here, ASAP
The ancients did not want Anubu to ascend and join them
on the plane of existence and forced him into a state between mortal existence
and ascension, Anubu still retains the ancient knowledge and poWRA of the
ancient technology, so he is advanced, he is still on this plane but he is not,
he can be here using part of his poWRA taking a HuMan [HuMin] host, just before
his defeat at the battle at Antarctica he had created an advanced HuMin [HuMan]
which is all pre-ascended DNA called Kalique, a new form of soldier and Anubu
sort to ascend Kailque through evolution and the ancients wouldn’t get involved
with and the result would be an army of ascended beings to destroy the ancients
Anubu also knows about the ancients weapons, the eye of
the Ghoul, the six jewel used to power a planet destroying weapon which he
offered in exchange for leadership of the Ghouls, Ra buried Anubu in a MA.RE
and in 1874 he was found by Freemasons explorers, Anubu killed them all, he
then looked for the device that was trapping him in the Mir for thousands of
years, he had killed those men who if he had kept one he could have used the
avatar to escape, in 2003 a father and daughter team found the MA.RE again,
many of the team were killed but it was when a Muslim soldier came to aid them
that he took them all out and left one for a host
Once he escaped back to his planet, he wanted to come
back and destroy the facility in Colorado but the craft that he was going to
use was destroyed by one of the leaders of the Ghouls, Anubu was last seen on
the planet Toula in 2005, he has been seen since then on Ki
[6] protons [6] neutrons [6] electrons
The Christ to come
The reSet is in earnest, one is the natural [organic] way
[reSet] KARAST which is you rising up becoming the [God] man [Mind] that you
were meant to be – there is another reSet which is the reSet of the Antichrist
Christ is from KARAST [KRST] which can be positive [KARAST]
or is can be negative [ANTI-KARAST]
You are the KARAST[Christ] which is Jupiter(s) light, the
heart Chakra – [1] IONS – the KARAST [Christ] to come
A reSet is also taking place within their bodies just
like how your body is being reSet but yours is the natural [organic] way with
light, rising in frequency whereas theirs is degrading in frequency which is
resulting in them becoming sum thing else [black] fungus, what was [black] is
now light [black] is devoid of light not darkness radiation
Sum thing that you see has [black] is not [black] its darkness
radiation, antichrist and Christ is just melanin [ether] KAANU and it can be positive
or negative hence antichrist and Christ –
All these beautiful colours all come from [black] darkness,
what is in this nu creation is [black] goo aka the Devil [D-evil] in 3D form, mutation
is occurring for the mutation is wiping the DNA [RNA] clean – the immune system
is under pressure for many, those who think they have a healthy immune system
actually don’t and what they are releasing from their bodies is actually making
the rest of us sick, if you have those who have had the Jabba the Hutt, you need to
get away from them because they are making you sick
Many are going to perish, they are going to fall- a
mutation is going to take place and a merging will form between natural and
organic [organic does not mean natural] the natural will dissolve the organic,
this [black] fungus
Everyone is going through the reSet, eat the sun and
light, sum of you eat the moon- so be it, each eye is governed by the light,
sun -eye and moon-eye which are your [God] eye, you will know which eye sees
the strongest, gaze at the sun, top up your eye, if you cannot look directly
into the sun how are you going to feed the lights within, you have [3] times a
day that you can feed, choose [1] and feed
Go within yourself to discern truth – your ION is
elemental based, proton ION like Silver, Non-sickle is Gold, you have to be able
to take Gold to what your ION is, take Koppa, Zinc every other day
Everything that has a beginning as an end, I see the end
coming Neo
Russia [Reptilians] are cousins with the KAMMU [Kat
beings] the nuclear war is impending, its coming, the rise in frequency is
preparing you for this very war, to get it started they need a volt for Jupiter
[Lucifer] light- the heart Chakra
So we are about to get a volt from nuclear radiation-
with everyone rising in frequency, [1]ion [non sickle] you must become neutral
and is where the Gold comes in, Koppa repels the EMF waves, wear the armoury of
Sliver and Koppa which protects you and builds a MEKABA around you- this is the
Ion through the metal, this means your cells get a shield, you have to arm your
[white] cells and [red] cells – Koppa coats the [red] cells – Zinc coats the
You were a giant at one stage, we were a lot bigger in
size – radiation [energies] is used to heal the body – remember what are called
planets are just the Chakra-system, its [1] body and we are cells to the body –
overdose on Kelp [Seaweed] for Iodine Potassium- you grew for [9] months in
distilled water, there is water all around you, the planet is 70% water, water is
in the air – Gold is for the [1] ion man and for their blood only – but you
need the Zinc and Koppa [twin metals]
During this nuclear war the sun and moon will go and it
will be you who are the sun and moon and stars from that day onwards
Get your Krishna [Avatar] MEKABA [Kha] bodies prepared
for this nuclear hit – you will need to be the sun, moon and star-systems up in
here – protect the children who haven’t been tainted, if you want a future - those children have to be saved, get their blood right, lose the sugar in their
diets, more water, these children are under attack
Build the frequency, drop those who are not Sirius
In the Jabba the Hutt- reacts to heat for the false Lucifer's light, microwave is the same has 5G, its a different form of radiation - they are the false volt [Lucifer] and will bring a change [DNA] in them - the DNA is changing for us all and once changed you will no longer be part of the body in which you reside, the body heats up when faced with an intruder
Hotter summers, colder winters, what is h3ll for one is heaven for another
Radiation [energies] is coming in
There is different lights that we are to rise to, everyone is on different times of evolution
Your lungs are your wings, you cannot spread your wings without Zinc
5star is the symbol for FEMI.9 Electron NRG
Sun is the sustainer of all life
All these symbols are taking place right now
Rebirth- she will not let us down, we must not let her down
Tehuti also known has Thoth [THT] Toth
This was a name given to the principle of IMN that is the
The principle of THT is responsible for calculating the
size [216] and the accuracy of the universe and all the heavenly bodies
including our galaxy and this soular system
THT worked in balance with MAAT who in anthropomorphism
is his counterpart
MAAT is the principle of Law that governs the heavens [haven]
The word MATH comes from joining Maat-last letters of
Thoth and adding Maat thus the word MATHEMATICS [MA’AT-E-MA’AT-ICS]
Europeans knew they were dealing with the language of Tehuti
and Maat when trying to understand Calculus
All the Knowledge in the universe came from Toth [THT]
It was obvious that to THINK which is a product of
THOUGHT and are words derived from the attribute of Tht
Tehuti(s) wisdom however later helped forge a biblical
character named TWT (DWD) or DAVID Letters T sum times became D
In Africa they would call THOTH Gitekereezo and MAAT gave the term MAAT-GEKO or MAAT-KA meaning Law or History
Red energy signatures
Energies over the days [weeks]
last 24hrs
Over yesterday and today, check out the energy [radiation] signatures
Read all data in energies
This is what the sun really looks like at this moment
Bat out of h3ll [helios]
Bat type craft leaves the sun [portal] docking station and is huge
Look at the grid that goes over the sun
[Object] is still up there
Are NASA just playing repeated footage
Taken over in Argentina
The MEKABA is in the SKA shadowing RA [RE]
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU]
[Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed,
the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is
NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra]
or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Who that
Pennsylvania [USA]
How RE really looks on the right
Whoever controls the SKA controls the planet
Who is doing what out here, Mammoths found with food still in their stomachs, are we not watching history repeat itself
Snow is hitting the planet, is this the ice-age or HAARP or both, the planet is very hot right now and when she is hot she produces a fever, more red cells to delete the white cells, both are needed, but too much of one thing is not good for you - sum one is trying to keep her cool
HAITI gets back to back strikes, HAITI is the lungs of this planet- all hands on deck, Tonga was hit by a missile before Tonga went ape-sh9t, we watch, we observe
shaped after a Turtle
Its the MUUR that made the Organ and is to why none of the Organs can be repaired because the 6ether doesn't know how to repair them
How old is this piece from India
a century, a couple of centuries- maybe its over a thousand years old
-how comes he has a gun-rifle
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