Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Builders Right

The [BAA] Soul(s) [Sol] Sal that we call children are older than you and have wise-dome beyond yours but did not have a chance to prove it

When you don’t have to fight an enemy you can brag a lot, when you have to fight a battle, you have to come off a theory and put it into practice, they look for the practice here on earth [Ki] which is sum of the best planets to bring in physical reality to a norm

Those children have a lot to teach you but they must first be made to unlock their reservoirs of regenerative energy which is called psychic patterns [psy means soul + chi is energy] which is living past lives or through the birth cannel when they talk directly to the carrier or mother or through physical sight which unlocks the programs that are [hidden in the subconscious of both], which is called the right brain, this makes everyone more honest and more psychic and this will stop the interest of lower vibratory individuals

If they are not allowed has sum do not understand lies, sum do not understand dualities, they will fight to the death to stop this proliferating through them and therefore they seek guidance- if the guidance come from you the parent, they will accept it, if it comes from the state they will accept it, which brings us onto war and the Jabba the Hutt, the state [governments] knows that they came here has warriors, these war-riors did not know what untruth was, you also have secondary means of energies of people, whereby there was a group before who were also lied to before, who were made to be earthbound because they were not told the truth and they too also could not graduate to the higher heavens into higher vibrations [teachings], they resented what happened to them and came back already angry and wanted to return very quickly 

There are [4] levels of the astral plane with further planes [9] 13 and into what is called the [Odic] planes

The BAA [Souls] we have here are old, they are ancient, no nu souls were created to enter the dome at this time, there is also no reincarnations while we go through the sun-cycle, this is it and what you see out there is it, everyone is here, whoever is here is for relearning, sum are here to exercise the truth, sum are here for missions, sum are here for covert operations, sum are here for guidance, sum are here to destroy you, they are strong, one thing they have in common is that sum are extremely bad and sum are extremely good at birth, but one thing for sure is that they are all strong, they do not accept weakness, they do not understand weakness and in many cases they are pissed off that they are here in the first place

It took a lot of energy to get them here, you have no idea what many had to do to get here

There is an army being built, sum with negativity that are being billed has the Devil, sum with positivity that are billed has the [1]

With direction you are building the umbilical cord for the angels [angles] to transit, not only to Lyra [Lion] and to Sirius but also beyond this cosmos and into the pure thought realm

These children make you better for having had them but they challenge you because they make you think, they make you take time and if you do not have time – then do not bring them in

Right now, no-one should be having children – for the ones that should be here are already here, the ones coming in are going to be taken away

Everyone is here from those who you know their names [known] to the ones who you do not [unknown] this is the era [ear] of the seen, the known, the voluntary, the revealing [apocalypse] what is [hidden] will be revealed 

Missing are the 9ethers contribution, it was the Buffalo soldiers who took down the SS, and this image from a moment in time also fails to document the 9ethers [2] that also holding the flag

Can you i-magi-ne giving your life for your country and then returning home to find that the KKK are burning your homes down with your wife and children trapped on purpose inside – a heros [herus] welcome

A war is coming, your grandparents used to talk about it from time to time, this war that is coming is different, it is on [2] fields, [1] is the physical and the [2] is on the spiritual, you must choose wisely

There is a lot of built up negative energy inside the dome, its really cold out there, there is death in the air, this is the negative energy, the thing is that the energy has to go sum where, you know when you delete sum thing on your computer, like you send it to the recycle bin- that my friend is the dome, you reside in that dome [bin] so to delete these programs, energies [programs] are being sent to renew the negative energy for energy can never be destroyed – so we will all have to face off with the past because it is our present, we have built up energy and its floating around and around where it goes no one knows but it must be spent

The children must be protected, guided, they must be spoken to for they are our future, they are a gift, we need leftovers, survives, those that were there, we need these future grand-parents to make it to guide the others that move into the realms that are available

The spiritual war is through the mind, the physical war is through the physical world, the matrix, the dome, the recycle bin – manifest [i-magi-ne] Magi [Magician] what you want moving forward

That flag is really the Wombman, the FEMI.9 principle, we all have a hand on that flag pole  

[No condition is permanent] 

Come back to me 

New Jersey [USA] 

Signature craft 

Objects in space around the portal [Sun] 

As above, so below 
Water is sweeping through Brazil
One thing about when these forces come in [water] earthquakes [volcanoes] everyone is being supervised
Huge ship with scout craft in tow, huge distortion on the right of image

dimensions are merging

The war is getting closer 

Huge mothership 

the S.KA holds the symbols and signs

 What is that  


Purple Haze
Purple Rain 

North Africa 

over today 01.02.2022

Red, all kinds of energy strikes in the evening [1.2.2022] 

Over the day, always check the dates and tines, different codes coming in 

Look at the colours and signature's 

Over the week [days]
Nu-bound-energy gateway is open

Holland is leaking


Snow is hitting the planet in an attempt to cool the planet down [HAARP] however we have soular energy + plasma hitting the dome which is keeping temperatures at a level that takes the edge of the cold in places especially at night when temperatures drop
earthquakes and volcanoes [La Palma] weather systems+  

Australia is collapsing on itself 
This is in south Australia
We have completed year 3 of  3, no more crops, all they have is what is in the warehouses and GM food that comes from the underground, mutant beings can eat mutant foods, you cannot for you will die 

Are you ready for payback, from slaughtering 300,000 aboriginals, from slaughtering the Tasmanian Tigers, from your Pedo-rings, from Organ trafficking, from making all them weapons, I come from the land of down under, you better run, you better run for cover…
They also do not have any reserves has in water or grain, the rats took care of that, check yourself

There is a storm approaching the USA, many have no power, many have no fuel, shortages in all areas, even if you have the money, sh9t is not available, many people will get hit hard, have a plan, things are Sirius [serious] 

Watch out for predicative programming

 Guess who is in the SKA 


There are laws in the heavens [haven] and they have been broken and that is why s-he is her-e, there is no where else to go, she is the highest dimension, the highest of the high, that is why she is the Most-High, the most highest of frequencies 

Check out the colours on this Aztlan Tarantula

Scientology HQ is built into a mountain, what does Tom Cruise do in there, underground bunker and craft landing site also near by 

This is in Greece 

Putin has his over the mountain 

Athens Greece- look at the shape

Arinna is from Etruscan 9ether [Greek] Minoan
Athena [Athena] Athene [Arinna]

Solar [Soul-Ar] means soul or sol = sun and Ar from Arinna [Canaanite] deity of the Sun from where the word Arena comes from

Minerva is an Etruscan [Greek] goddess of wisdom, skill in the arts, righteous warfare + serpentine specialist >> from Latin Athena, from Greek Athēnē

Also you can see the speaker box [ear] at the bottom left of the images 


Xuan Di translates [black] emperor
Bronze [bells] of various sizes
Tones, vibration, sones, acoustic, frequencies

There are [9] different ranges with the various sizes of [bells], sum are suspension bell, sum are vertically hung, sum are diagonally hung, sum are suspension loop - simple geometrically shaped
In addition to the first two types, all the bells produce a sound [sone] when struck with a certain metal or object, different feature that intonation is possible through a combination of several bells
These are toning devices [like tuning forks], we have seen them in India and KHMT, for your soul, mind and body, for healing, for your Chakra system 

Giants once roamed this planet with us

The structure of the instrument was set either on a seven-point scale or twelve-a-half tons
Although custom-made bells were created there are unique instruments among all other types of cast bells in several ways, they have a lens-like (not a round) section, the throbbing throat has a characteristic cut- profile, and the outer surfaces of large throbbing have 36 [9] spikes or speeches, symmetrically located around the hull of four groups of [9] pieces
This special shape gives sum of the [bells] an ability to reproduce two different musical tones depending on where they are ringing
The blow at the centre of the [bell] produces a basic tone, and the left or right angles create a secondary volume of sound, a large or small higher, equivalent to a distance of four or five notes on the piano
Sum [bells] cover a range of five octaves and are completely chromatic in three central octaves
The set - is able to reproduce both diatonic and pentatonic

Several sets of [bells] were imported by a Korean court during the Sun [Oshun] [Osun] Shang Shango  dynasty
Sum where pronounced in Korean this instrument has become an important part of Korean, Vietnam and Japan

The first dynasties are Oshun  Hun [Hung] Shung [Shango]+ they are all  Alkebulan [Africa]

Melanin [3rd] eye 

Musical instrument, mechanical apparatus for producing musical sounds, from Old French instrument, enstrument >> means, device; musical instrument and directly from Latin instrumentum >> a tool, an implement; means, furtherance; apparatus, furniture; ornament, dress, embellishment; a commission, authorization; a document, from instruere  > arrange, prepare, set in order; inform, teach, literally >> to build, erect, from in- on (from PIE root *en >> in) + struere > to pile, build > (from PIE *streu-, extended form of root *stere- to spread)

The word in other Germanic languages also is from French
In English the meaning >> a means, an agency
The sense of hand-tool, implement, utensil, something used to produce a mechanical effect << this is the physical breakdown and not the spiritual breakdown- is from early 14c
Now usually distinguished from a tool, as being used for more delicate work or for artistic or scientific purposes [OED]
The legal meaning > written document by which formal expression is given to a legal act >> is from early 15c >> formerly also used of body parts or organs with special functions << BINGO

CAR [KAR] KAA [ME-KA-BA] vessel [body]

So, the word organs and the words to spread in the meaning of the word instrument, through where- where does it spread, the brain, which is also an organ that expands and contracts, so does the body and soul, the mind, you have an inner-ear to h-ear and is shaped like a [9] for your inner-self [cell] all your organs in your body react to sone, so do your cells

You are a vibrational being  

CHI.NA before the Chinese got there
Huge landing platform
Looks like any European city, sum will say Russian, the city is flooded and does not belong to China or Russia 


ancient water reservoirs in [Israel] two were built and can hold 10million gallons of water 
there is no such place has Isis-ra-el



There are no new inventions everything you have you have had before

Billion-year old [black] ether diamond goes up for auction
Imagine putting this ether [melanin] KAANU on your body sum where, over your eye, on one of your chakras, the healing properties must be off the roof with this diamond
You would things like this for free has we didn't have monetary values back then

  This is worrying to see 


Tribe name [Joseph] Tribe colour [White] 
Body part [Calves] Tribu function [I-magi-nation] 

Tribu name [Napthai] Tribu colour aka energy [Green] Waji 
Body part [Knees] Tribu function [Lov9]   

[6] [9] consciousness [imagination], come from your heart [Green] Lov9  





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Living A Lie

The BODY [BODI] KHAT never lies - where the MIND [KHU] goes the BODY follow - it doesn't matter what you are eating [diet], how you are ...